SPI Supplies - MSDS Safety - Carbon and Graphite Rods SPI Supplies Division Structure Probe, Inc. P.O. Box 656 West Chester, PA 19381-0656 USA Phone: 1-(610)-436-5400 Fax: 1-(610)-436-5755 E-mail:spi3spi@2spi.com WWW: http://www.2spi.com Manufacturer's CAGE: 1P573 Material Safety Data Sheet SPI # 01679-BA; 01679-FA; 01680-BA; 01680-FA; 01681-BA; 01681-FA; 01682-BA; 01682FA; 01685-BA; 01685-FA; 1685T-BA; 1685T-FA; 1686T-BA; 1686T-FA; 01686-BA; 01686-FA; 01688-BA; 01688-FA; 1688T-BA; 1688T-FA graphite rods. Section 1: Identification Date Effective........... January 8, 2009 (most recent revision) Chemical family.......... Graphite/Carbon CAS #.................... 7782-42-5 Emergencies Contacting CHEMTREC: 24 Hour Emergency Use Only #'s...... Worldwide phone: 1-(703)-527-3887 Worldwide FAX: 1-(703)-741-6090 Toll-free phone: 1-(800)-424-9300 USA only Product or Trade Name.... Graphite (Sometimes incorrectly called "carbon") Emergency Overview: Contains no ingredients now known to be hazardous by OSHA. The normal sharpening of the rod, whether being done in a carbon rod sharpener or honeing with a razor blade, is suspected of generating small amounts of possibly respirable fibers. We believe that such sharpening should be done in a ventilated hood facility. http://www.2spi.com/catalog/msds/msds01685.html (1 of 10) [2/28/2012 7:20:43 AM] SPI Supplies - MSDS Safety - Carbon and Graphite Rods Section 2 Composition Name CAS # Graphite 7782-42-5 Approximate Weight % >99.99% No hazardous components as defined by OSHA. 313 Listed Chemicals If none are listed here, there are no 313 chemicals present above threshold values. NFPA (Scale 0-4): Not known Section 3: Hazard Identification Potential Health Effects: Eye: Dust may cause eye irritation Skin Contact: Skin Dust may cause skin irritation. Absorption: Not expected to be a major route of entry. Ingestion: Not known Inhalation: Small graphite fibers or dust are suspected as being possible inhalation hazards. However, in this product, fibers have never been detected, only dust particles. Chronic effects: Carcinogenicty: A review of the literature does not show obvious long term hazard. No component known to be present in this product and is http://www.2spi.com/catalog/msds/msds01685.html (2 of 10) [2/28/2012 7:20:43 AM] SPI Supplies - MSDS Safety - Carbon and Graphite Rods at > 0.1% is presently listed as a carcinogen by IARC or OSHA unless other wise noted. Routes of exposure: Inhalation Permissible exposure: 3 15 MCCPF OSHA TWA, 10 mg/m ACGIH TWA (Total Dust) CIRCLA Hazard Ratings: Toxicity: 1 Ingnitgability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Persistence: 3 Toxicological Information: Graphite causes benign pneumoconiosis (graphitosis). Symptoms of pneumoconiosis from graphite exposure are dypsnea, coughing, black sputum, bronchitis, ventricular hypertropy and impairment of pulmonary function. X-rays will show progressive nodulation of the lungs. The theshold limit value was set in conformity with the limit for free crystalline silica, which may be present in graphite. Incompatibilies: Strong oxidizers,fluorine, peroxides Route of entry: Inhalation, Skin or eye contact. Target organs: Lungs, Cardiovascular system. Symptoms: Coughing, forceful expiration. Dyspnea, difficulty in breathing. Black sputum, black colored expectorate. Bronchitis, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes, pulmonary fibrosis, fibrous tissue involving lungs. Pneumoconiosis, degenerative respiratory disease. Section 4: First Aid Measures Eyes: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with copious amounts of flowing water for at least 15 minutes, retracting eye lids often. Get medical attention immediately. Contact lenses should not be worn when working with this product. Skin: Wash skin thoroughly with mild soap and water. water for 15 minutes. Inhalation: Flush with luke warm If large amounts of the dust are inhaled, move the exposed person to fresh air at once. If symptoms persist contact http://www.2spi.com/catalog/msds/msds01685.html (3 of 10) [2/28/2012 7:20:43 AM] SPI Supplies - MSDS Safety - Carbon and Graphite Rods physician. Ingestion: Not known Section 5: Fire Fighting Measures Flammability classification: Flash Point/Method: Not classified. Not known, but very high! Auto-Ignition Temperature: Flammable Limits: Lower: Upper: Extinguishing Media: Not determined Not applicable Not applicable Non-burning Special Conditions to Avoid: None known Hazardous products of Combustion: Unusual Fire Hazards: None known None known Firefighting procedures/instructions: Treat the surrounding fire; this product is non-burning. Properties that could increase fire or explosion hazard: None known. Section 6: Accidental Release Measures This product is not subject to "accidental release" in the form of normal use. http://www.2spi.com/catalog/msds/msds01685.html (4 of 10) [2/28/2012 7:20:43 AM] SPI Supplies - MSDS Safety - Carbon and Graphite Rods Section 7: Handling and Storage Storage and handling: Store in the containers in which the product is shipped, tightly sealed. Section 8: Exposure Controls and Personal Protection Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Eye/Face Protection: ANSI 87.1 approved safety glasses with side shield when sharpening these rods, either with razor blade or carbon rod sharpener or plain wood file. Welder's goggles must be used when these rods are used for vacuum evaporation. Skin Protection: No particular protection needed when handling this material on an occasional basis. Respiratory Protection: For the occasional breaking of a rod, which might require "scoring" the surface to get a clean break, protection is not needed. But if some large number of rods was going to be broken in this way then such an operation should be done in a chemical fume hood with exhaust. Other: None known Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance: Black rods, with possibly "greasy" feel Color: Black pH: Not applicable Odor: None Vapor Pressure: Not applicable Vapor Density (Air=1): Not available Boiling Point/Range: >3000° C Melting Point/Range: Not available Specific Gravity: 2 to 2.5 g/cc Solubility in water: None http://www.2spi.com/catalog/msds/msds01685.html (5 of 10) [2/28/2012 7:20:43 AM] SPI Supplies - MSDS Safety - Carbon and Graphite Rods Softening Point: Not determined Molecular Formula: Not known Molecular Weight: 12.01 %Volatile by Volume: Not determined Evaporation Rate (n-butyl acetate = 1): Viscosity: Not available Bulk Density: Not determined Not available Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Chemical Stability: Reactivity: The product is stable under normal use conditions. This material is not reactive. Conditions to Avoid: Heat, sparks, flames, and other ignition sources; avoid heating above 290° C (554° F) Incompatibility (materials to avoid): Strong oxidizers, fluorine, peroxides Hazardous Products of Decomposition: None known Reactions with Air and Water: None known Section 11: Toxicological Information Eye Effects: Dust from this material may cause eye irritation. Skin Effects, Contact: Concentrate may cause skin irritation Skin Effects, Absorption: No absorption or acute effects expected. mild irritation of the skin. Acute Oral Effects (Ingestion): However the dust might cause some None known http://www.2spi.com/catalog/msds/msds01685.html (6 of 10) [2/28/2012 7:20:43 AM] SPI Supplies - MSDS Safety - Carbon and Graphite Rods Acute Inhalation Effects: None known. Chronic Effects: A review of the literature does not show obvious long term hazard. Carcinogenicity: No component known to be present in this product at > 0.1% is presently listed as a carcinogen by IARC, NTP, or OSHA unless otherwise noted in Section 16. Section 12: Ecological Information Exotoxicity: No ecological information is available for this product. Section 13: Disposal Considerations US EPA Hazardous Waste Numbers: This product as purchased does not fall under current US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) RCRA definitions of hazardous waste. Under RCRA it is the generator's responsibility to determine the status of the waste at the time of its disposal. General Disposal Considerations: All recovered material should be packaged, transported and disposed of (or reclaimed) using good engineering practices. Disposal method must be in compliance with local, state, and federal regulations regarding health, air and water pollution. CERCLA Reportable Quantity: This product does not contain any CERCLA regulated materials. Section 14: Transport Information http://www.2spi.com/catalog/msds/msds01685.html (7 of 10) [2/28/2012 7:20:43 AM] SPI Supplies - MSDS Safety - Carbon and Graphite Rods Proper Shipping Name: DOT Hazard Class: UN/NA ID: Non-Regulated Not Regulated Packing Group: Labels: Not Regulated Not Applicable Not Regulated Marine Pollutant: DOT Status: No information Not Regulated Section 15: Regulatory Information All components of this product are listed on the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Section 8(b) Chemical Inventory. This product is not a HAZMAT as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communications Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). This product is not a "controlled product" as defined by the Canadian Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS). SARA Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances: SARA 311/312 Acute: No Chronic: No Fire: No Reactivity: No Sudden release of pressure: Not listed anywhere. No SARA Section 313 Toxic Chemicals: product. No "313 chemicals" contained in this California Prop. 65: Proposition 65 requires manufacturers or distributors of consumer products into the State of California to provide a warning statement if the product contains ingredients for which the State has found to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. If this product contains an ingredient listed by the State of California to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity, it will be listed below: http://www.2spi.com/catalog/msds/msds01685.html (8 of 10) [2/28/2012 7:20:43 AM] SPI Supplies - MSDS Safety - Carbon and Graphite Rods No ingredients, present at concentrations > 0.1%, have been found that are presently listed as a carcinogen by IARC, NTP, or OSHA. All components of this product are listed on the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) provisional domestic substances list (DSL). Section 16: Other Information Disclaimer of Liability: Caution! Do not use SPI Supplies products or materials in applications involving implantation within the body; direct or indirect contact with the blood pathway; contact with bone, tissue, tissue fluid, or blood; or prolonged contact with mucous membranes. Products offered by SPI Supplies are not designed or manufactured for use in implantation in the human body or in contact with internal body fluids or tissues. SPI Supplies will not provide to customers making devices for such applications any notice, certification, or information necessary for such medical device use required by US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) regulation or any other statute. SPI Supplies and Structure Probe, Inc. make no representation, promise, express warranty or implied warranty concerning the suitability of these materials for use in implantation in the human body or in contact with internal body tissues of fluids. ************************************************************************ The information and recommendations set forth above are taken from sources believed to be accurate as of the date hereof, however SPI Supplies and Structure Probe, Inc. make no warranty with respect to the accuracy of the information or the suitability of the recommendations, and assume no liability to any user thereof. The information contained in this sheet does not constitute a hazard assessment and should not be used in place of the user's own assessment of work place risks as required by other health and safety legislation. Be aware of the Structure Probe, Inc. Copyright Policy. Structure Probe, Inc. grants a nonexclusive license to make unlimited copies of this safety sheet for internal use only. Quite obviously, this information would pertain only to this material when purchased from SPI Supplies as product from other sources, with other ingredients and impurity levels could have substantially different properties. To Ask a Question or Make a Comment http://www.2spi.com/catalog/msds/msds01685.html (9 of 10) [2/28/2012 7:20:43 AM] SPI Supplies - MSDS Safety - Carbon and Graphite Rods To Place an Order or Request a Quote Return to: ● ● ● SPI Supplies MSDS Safety Sheets Table of Contents SPI Supplies Catalog Table of Contents SPI Supplies Home Page Tuesday February 28, 2012 © Copyright 2001 - 2012. By Structure Probe, Inc. Contacting SPI Supplies and Structure Probe, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners. Privacy Policy Worldwide Distributors, Representatives, and Agents http://www.2spi.com/catalog/msds/msds01685.html (10 of 10) [2/28/2012 7:20:43 AM]