Sample Syllabus Summary: Assignments and readings subject to change at instructor’s discretion – use as an example ONLY. TRANSFORMING HEALTH INFORMATION INTO INDIVIDUAL AND POPULATION BEHAVIOR CHANGE HSERV 590 2011 Instructor: Neal Sofian, MPH Phone: 206-601-2812 E-mail: Description Many public health programs provide information focused on accuracy rather than generating behavior change. This course explores new technological tools and strategies that can be used in community, corporate, and healthcare settings to drive behavior change at personal and population levels. The core questions are, how do people learn, how do people make decisions and act on them? How can we use technology to generate highly personalized mass communication? We overview interactive technologies that are emerging in personalization and behavior change. We outline theory and comprehensive approaches to planning, building and integrating tailored messaging, multiple modalities of communication (web, telephonic, tailored print, text messaging, etc), social networking, data mining, disease/health management interventions in community, corporate, and consumer settings. We will explore new concepts in tying these models of intervention to existing delivery and intervention systems. Expectations There will be multiple group phone calls for introductions, identifying desired outcomes, Who are you? What are looking to learn from the course? How can this be applied to the work you do? Complete reading and participate in leading conversations regarding content Individual/group calls with instructor Participate in a message board Complete a project equivalent of a strategic/business plan Reading ON THE COURSE PAGE FOR REGISTERED STUDENTS LEARNER OBJECTIVES 1. Participants will be able to define the Micro-cultures of Meaning (MoM) behavioral change model to support health behavior change and how the model impacts online communities 2. Participants will be introduced to the concepts of Behavioral Economics and their impact on healthcare. 3. Participants will be able to define the functional elements of integrated health management program that can incorporate interactive media tools 4. Participants will be able to identify at least 3 ways tools can be integrated into other modalities of (telephonic, tailored print, onsite, primary care) a population health intervention 5. Participants will be able to overview how a set of tools (Care Gap and Engagement Engines) based on claims, risk, lab, benefit, pharmacy, and intervention participation data could become part of a health intervention and/or promotion evaluation strategy that will also provide learning for improving future interventions. 6. Participants will be able to define the functional elements of an online community 7. Participants will be able to overview how online tools, micro-tailoring, and web communities could specifically become part of a comprehensive health intervention 8. Participants will be able to design and plan the execution of a multi-modality health management intervention. The course is broken into four basic segments. 1. What is the role of information in community health and population change? Time Frame Week 1-2 Initial call scheduled for end of week 1. 2. What drives behavior change? Assignment Time Frame Week 3-5 Call following Week 3 3. What is an online Community? Assignment Time Frame Weeks 6-7 4. Integrating multi modalities of technology for population change Assignment Time Frame Week 8 Final Project Time Frame Week 5-10 Submission at conclusion of last week of course COURSE EXPECTATIONS, ASSIGNMENTS, AND GRADING There will be a group phone call for introductions and desired outcomes Who are you? What are looking to learn from the course? How can this be applied to the work you do? ID opportunities for at least one additional group call Individual calls with instructor If located in Seattle, arrange meeting with Instructor Read required materials in a timely fashion Actively engage in telephone, onsite and on-line discussion Turn in assignments on time Participate in a message board Will complete a project (equivalent of a business/strategic plan)