Development of Flexible Track Models for Railway Dynamics Applications Tiago Miguel Candeias de Almeida Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering Examination Committee Chairperson: Prof. Luís Manuel Varejão de Oliveira Faria Supervisor: Prof. Jorge Alberto Cadete Ambrósio Co-Supervisor: Prof. João Carlos Elói de Jesus Pombo External Supervisor: Prof. Manuel Frederico Oom de Seabra Pereira October 2013 Acknowledgements I want to thank Professor Manuel Seabra Pereira for introducing me to the field of dynamic simulations that spiked my interest in the field, and to presenting me with the chance to study what became my favourite subject. To my advisor, Professor Jorge Ambrósio, I thank him for his fair advice and help with the problems along the way in a fast and effective manner. My deepest thanks to my co-advisor, Professor João Pombo, who took so much time to help me develop my work and advising me on how to improve it and this thesis. To Professor José Varandas, I want to thank for his explanation on the integration methods and help with the correct modelling of the railway track. Thanks to Professor Virgínia Infante I was able to progress with the development of the post-processor and had the chance to apply it to real cases. For my friends and colleagues, Pedro Antunes and Hugo Magalhães, I thank them for their support and opinions on my work and how their own work helped in the development of this thesis. My final thanks go to all those who intervened in my life, from family to friends and teachers, for pushing me and supporting me in my decisions which lead me to be able to produce this thesis. The work reported here has been developed in the course of several national projects funded by FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology): SMARTRACK (contract no. PTDC/EME-PME/101419/2008), WEARWHEEL (contract no. PTDC/EMEPME/115491/2009) and the industrial project VOUGA. i ii Resumo A análise dinâmica de veículos ferroviários envolve três modelos independentes: o modelo do veículo, o modelo da via e o modelo de contacto roda-carril. Neste trabalho, uma formulação de multicorpo é utilizada para descrever a estrutura cinemática de corpos rígidos e juntas que constituem o modelo do veículo. Também é proposta uma metodologia que cria modelos de vias tridimensionais, que incluem a flexibilidade dos carris e da subestrutura. A metodologia proposta modela os carris como vigas suportadas discretamente por elementos molaamortecedor que representam a flexibilidade das palmilhas, das travessas, do balastro e da subestrutura. A inclusão de modelos flexíveis de via é muito importante para o estudo realista do comportamento dinâmico de veículos ferroviários, especialmente para analisar as consequências das operações ferroviárias na infraestrutura e os danos nos veículos provocados pelas condições da via. Este tópico tem um impacto económico significativo na manutenção de veículos e de vias ferroviárias. A formulação do contato roda-carril aqui introduzida permite obter, durante a análise dinâmica, a localização dos pontos de contacto, para qualquer movimento tridimensional. A metodologia proposta para a construção de modelos de via flexíveis é validado através da comparação dos resultados obtidos com os obtidos em ANSYS, mostrando que a metodologia proposta é adequada para aplicações ferroviárias. Neste trabalho é ainda desenvolvido uma ferramenta de pós-processamento para avaliar se um dado veículo está em conformidade com as normas e regulamentos ferroviários e permite analisar quantitativamente o desempenho de veículos em diferentes vias tendo em vista a sua aprovação para serviço. Palavras-Chave Dinâmica Ferroviária; Modelos de Via Férreas Flexíveis; Operações Ferroviárias Realísticas; Interação Veículo-Via; Homologação de Veículos. iii Abstract The dynamic analysis of railway vehicles involves the construction of three independent models: the vehicle model; the track model; and the wheel-rail contact model. In this work, a multibody formulation is used to describe the kinematic structure of the rigid bodies and joints that constitute the vehicle model. A methodology is also proposed in order to create detailed three-dimensional track models, which include the flexibility of the rails and of the substructure. This approach uses a finite element methodology to represent the rails as beams supported in a discrete manner by spring-damper elements that represent the flexibility of the pads, sleepers, ballast and substructure. The inclusion of flexible track models is very important to study realistically the dynamic behaviour of railway vehicles, especially the impact of train operations on the infrastructure and the damages on vehicles provoked by the track conditions. This topic has a significant economic impact on the vehicles maintenance and life cycle costs of tracks. The wheel-rail contact formulation proposed here allows obtaining, online during the dynamic analysis, the contact points location, for any threedimensional motion. The methodology proposed to build flexible track models is validated by comparing the results with the ones from ANSYS, showing that the proposed methodology is appropriate to railway applications. In this work a post-processing tool is also developed to assess if a given vehicle is conform to the norms and regulations in practice and allows assessing quantitatively the dynamic behaviour of the vehicle in different operation conditions, being used for vehicle approval. Keywords Railway Dynamics; Flexible Railway Track Models; Realistic Railway Operations; Vehicle-Track Interaction; Vehicle Approval. iv Contents Acknowledgements ..............................................................................................................................i Resumo ............................................................................................................................................ iii Palavras-Chave ................................................................................................................................. iii Abstract ............................................................................................................................................. iv Keywords .......................................................................................................................................... iv Contents ............................................................................................................................................. v List of Figures .................................................................................................................................. vii List of Tables ...................................................................................................................................... x 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Motivation ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Literature Review ................................................................................................................. 5 2 Railway Vehicle Models .............................................................................................................. 11 2.1 Railway Vehicles ................................................................................................................ 11 2.2 Description of the Vehicle Multibody Model ....................................................................... 14 3 Development of Advanced Track Models ..................................................................................... 16 3.1 Track Description ............................................................................................................... 16 3.2 The Finite Element Method on the Track System ................................................................ 17 3.2.1 Dynamic Analysis of Railway Tracks Using Linear FEM .................................... 19 3.2.2 Time Integration .................................................................................................. 21 3.3 Automatic Finite Element Method Mesh Generation ........................................................... 26 3.4 Vehicle-Track Interaction ................................................................................................... 28 3.5 Case Studies of the Flexible Track ...................................................................................... 31 3.5.1 Simple Flexible Track and Static Validation ........................................................ 31 3.5.2 Realistic Flexible Track with Moving Loads and Vehicle Forces ......................... 34 4 Definition of the Post-Processing Tool ......................................................................................... 39 4.1 Data to be Measured and Simulated .................................................................................... 40 4.2 Limit Values ....................................................................................................................... 42 4.2.1 Limit Values of Running Safely .......................................................................... 42 4.2.2 Track Loading Limit Values ................................................................................ 46 4.3 Experimental Tests ............................................................................................................. 48 4.3.1 Recording the Measuring Signals ........................................................................ 49 4.3.2 Processing the Measuring Signals ........................................................................ 49 5 Post-Processor Application .......................................................................................................... 57 5.1 Case Study 1 ....................................................................................................................... 57 5.1.1 Measured Raw Data ............................................................................................ 57 5.1.2 Filtered Data ....................................................................................................... 58 v 5.1.3 Classification Method.......................................................................................... 61 5.1.4 Characteristic Values for Track Sections.............................................................. 61 5.1.5 Characteristic Values for Test Zones ................................................................... 66 5.1.6 Discussion ........................................................................................................... 67 5.2 Case Study 2 ....................................................................................................................... 69 5.2.1 Measured Raw Data ............................................................................................ 69 5.2.2 Characteristic Values for Test Zones ................................................................... 69 5.2.3 Discussion ........................................................................................................... 72 5.3 Discussion of the Case Studies ............................................................................................ 74 6 Conclusions and Future Development .......................................................................................... 75 References ........................................................................................................................................ 77 Annex A: Flexible Track Properties .................................................................................................. 83 Annex B: Communication between Multibody and FE Codes ........................................................... 87 Annex C: Case Study Properties........................................................................................................ 88 vi List of Figures Figure 1.1: Schematic representation of the methodology used for the dynamic analysis and postprocessing of railway systems ......................................................................................... 3 Figure 2.1: Generic multibody system ............................................................................................... 11 Figure 2.2: Rigid frame vehicle with carbody suspended on two wheelsets ........................................ 12 Figure 2.3: Bogie vehicle with two-axle bogies ................................................................................. 13 Figure 2.4: Relative rigid body motions of a carbody ........................................................................ 14 Figure 2.5: Schematic representation of the Alfa Pendular trainset..................................................... 14 Figure 2.6: Alfa Pendular multibody model ....................................................................................... 15 Figure 2.7: Subsystems of multibody model: (a) Track and Infrastructure; (b) Carbody; .................... 15 Figure 3.1: Main components of the railway track (Longitudinal view) ............................................. 17 Figure 3.2: Main components of the railway track (Cross-section view) ............................................ 17 Figure 3.3: Main components of the track model (Cross-section view) .............................................. 18 Figure 3.4: Main components of the track model (Longitudinal view) ............................................... 18 Figure 3.5: Schematic representation of the Pre-Processing Tool ....................................................... 19 Figure 3.6: Stability of Newmark’s parameters γ and ζ ...................................................................... 22 Figure 3.7: Newmark’s (a) Explicit and (b) Implicit Time Integration Methods ................................. 25 Figure 3.8: Representation of (a) the curvature of a straight track and (b) the finite element mesh of a straight track using the Pre-Processing Tool .................................................................. 27 Figure 3.9: Representation of (a) the curvature of a realistic curved track and (b) the finite element mesh of a realistic track using the Pre-Processing Tool .................................................. 28 Figure 3.10: Representation of (a) the transversal view of a rail element and contact forces and (b) the location of a contact point relative to the rail finite element ........................................... 29 Figure 3.11: Representation of the three cases for the different values of id where (a) 0 id ij (b) id 0 and (c) id ij ................................................................................................ 30 Figure 3.12: Representation of the potential point of contact on the rail element ................................ 31 Figure 3.13: Simple flexible track model: (a) Finite element mesh; (b) External loads applied ........... 32 Figure 3.14: Perspective view of the track deformation (deformation scaled 100): (a) Computational tool; (b) ANSYS ........................................................................................................... 32 Figure 3.15: Lateral view of the track deformation (deformation scaled 100): (a) Computational tool; (b) ANSYS ................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 3.16: Relative error for the track vertical deformation. ............................................................ 33 Figure 3.17: Relative error on the nodes in the vicinity of the applied loads: (a) Nodes on the rail; (b) Nodes on the sleeper ..................................................................................................... 33 vii Figure 3.18: Realistic Flexible track model ....................................................................................... 34 Figure 3.19: Comparison of (a) the moving load method and (b) realistic vehicle forces .................... 34 Figure 3.20: Comparison of the moving load method (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) for the front wheels of the vehicle for (a) the vertical loads and (b) the transversal loads ..... 35 Figure 3.21: Results of the Dynamic Analysis before the first transition curve: (a) vertical deformation of the rails with moving loads (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) and (b) their comparison in percentage .............................................................................................. 35 Figure 3.22: Results of the Dynamic Analysis on the first transition curve: (a) vertical deformation of the rails with moving loads (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) and (b) their comparison in percentage .............................................................................................. 35 Figure 3.23: Results of the Dynamic Analysis on the curve: (a) vertical deformation of the rails with moving loads (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) and (b) their comparison in percentage ..................................................................................................................... 36 Figure 3.24: Results of the Dynamic Analysis on the second transition curve: (a) vertical deformation of the rails with moving loads (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) and (b) their comparison in percentage .............................................................................................. 36 Figure 3.25: Results of the Dynamic Analysis before the first transition curve: (a) transversal deformation of the rails with moving loads (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) and (b) their comparison in percentage .......................................................................... 36 Figure 3.26: Results of the Dynamic Analysis on the first transition curve: (a) transversal deformation of the rails with moving loads (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) and (b) their comparison in percentage .............................................................................................. 37 Figure 3.27: Results of the Dynamic Analysis on the curve: (a) vertical deformation of the rails with moving loads (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) and (b) their comparison in percentage ..................................................................................................................... 37 Figure 3.28: Results of the Dynamic Analysis on the second transition curve: (a) transversal deformation of the rails with moving loads (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) and (b) their comparison in percentage .......................................................................... 37 Figure 4.1: Schematic representation of the Post-Processing Tool...................................................... 39 Figure 4.2: Representation of the Wheel’s Guiding Force (Y) and Wheel Force (Q) ........................... 40 Figure 4.3: Representation of the Sum of Guiding Forces (ΣY) and Vertical Wheel Forces (Q), in (a) straight line and (b) curved track ................................................................................... 41 Figure 4.4: Representation of a Wheelset .......................................................................................... 41 Figure 4.5: Relative rigid body accelerations ..................................................................................... 41 Figure 4.6: Bode Plot of low-pass Butterworth filters with a cut-off frequency of 1 Hz and variable order (from 1 to 5) ......................................................................................................... 52 viii Figure 4.7: Filtered data and some of the windows used in the calculation of the Sliding Mean (window length: 4 m and step length: 1 m) vs. displacement graph ................................ 53 Figure 4.8: Filtered data and its Sliding Mean (window length: 4 m and step length: 1 m) vs. displacement graph ....................................................................................................... 53 Figure 4.9: Filtered data and some of the windows used in the calculation of the Sliding RMS (window length: 4 m and step length: 1 m) vs. displacement graph ............................................... 54 Figure 4.10: Filtered data and its Sliding RMS (window length: 4 m and step length: 1 m) vs. displacement graph ....................................................................................................... 54 Figure 4.11: Filtered data vs. displacement graph .............................................................................. 55 Figure 4.12: Reordered absolute data vs. position graph .................................................................... 55 Figure 4.13: Cumulative percentile curve graph ................................................................................ 55 Figure 5.1: Raw ÿ+ vs. time graph ..................................................................................................... 58 Figure 5.2: Raw ÿ* vs. time graph...................................................................................................... 58 Figure 5.3: Raw * vs. time graph ..................................................................................................... 58 Figure 5.4: Filtered ÿ+S vs. time graph ............................................................................................... 59 Figure 5.5: Filtered ÿ*S vs. time graph................................................................................................ 59 Figure 5.6: Filtered * S vs. time graph ............................................................................................... 60 Figure 5.7: Instability Criterion ÿ+S vs. time graph ............................................................................. 60 Figure 5.8: Filtered ÿ*qst vs. time graph .............................................................................................. 60 Figure 5.9: Filtered ÿ*q vs. time graph................................................................................................ 61 * Figure 5.10: Filtered q vs. time graph ............................................................................................. 61 Figure 5.11: Reordered absolute ÿ+S data vs. position graph for the first section ................................. 62 Figure 5.12: Cumulative curve of ÿ+S vs. position graph for the first section ...................................... 62 Figure 5.13: Characteristic values of ÿ+S for each section of a zone .................................................... 63 Figure 5.14: Characteristic values of ÿ*S for each section of a zone .................................................... 63 Figure 5.15: Characteristic values of Figure 5.16: RMS ÿ+S * S for each section of a zone .................................................... 63 vs. time graph ................................................................................................. 64 Figure 5.17: Characteristic values of ÿ*qst for each section of a zone................................................... 64 Figure 5.18: Characteristic values of ÿ*q for each section of a zone .................................................... 65 Figure 5.19: Characteristic values of * q for each section of a zone .................................................... 65 Figure 5.20: Characteristic values of the sÿ*q for each section of a zone ............................................. 65 Figure 5.21: Characteristic values of the s * q for each section of a zone ............................................. 66 Figure 5.22: Raw ÿ+ vs. time graph ................................................................................................... 70 Figure 5.23: Raw ÿ* vs. time graph .................................................................................................... 70 Figure 5.24: Raw * vs. time graph.................................................................................................... 70 Figure A.1: Sleeper general geometry ............................................................................................... 85 ix List of Tables Table 2.1: Definitions of relative motions.......................................................................................... 13 Table 3.1: Number of elements and their element type used to model each component of the railway track model ................................................................................................................... 27 Table 4.1: Limit values for Maximum Accelerations in the Vehicle Body ......................................... 45 Table 4.2: Limit values for Track Loading ........................................................................................ 47 Table 4.3: Limit values for Ride Characteristics ................................................................................ 48 Table 4.4: Conditions for the processing of the measuring signals from EN 14363 [11] ..................... 50 Table 4.5: Conditions for the processing of the measuring signals from UIC 518 [12] ....................... 51 Table 5.1: Conditions for the processing of the measuring signals for the Simplified Method from UIC 518 [12] ........................................................................................................................ 57 Table 5.2: Case Study 1 safety approval table.................................................................................... 68 Table 5.3: Case Study 1 ride characteristics approval table ................................................................ 69 Table 5.4: case Study 2 safety approval table .................................................................................... 73 Table 5.5: Case Study 2 ride characteristics approval table ................................................................ 73 Table 5.6: Characteristic Values for the analysed case studies ........................................................... 74 Table A.1: Rail geometry data........................................................................................................... 83 Table A.2: Track segments data ........................................................................................................ 83 Table A.3: Track segment components data ...................................................................................... 83 Table A.4: Rail geometry data........................................................................................................... 84 Table A.5: Sleeper properties data ..................................................................................................... 84 Table A.6: Foundation properties data ............................................................................................... 85 Table A.7: Sleeper geometry data...................................................................................................... 86 Table A.8: Track model constants and output parameters .................................................................. 86 Table C.1: Track segments data for the case study ............................................................................. 88 Table C.2: Rail data for the case study .............................................................................................. 88 Table C.3: Foundation properties for the case study .......................................................................... 88 Table C.4: Sleeper data for the case study ......................................................................................... 89 Table C.5: Sleeper geometry for the case study ................................................................................. 89 x 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation The railway system is increasingly becoming a key-player in worldwide transport policies. This results from the rising oil prices and from the urgency for reduction of CO2 emissions. For short and medium distances, modern high speed trains are able to compete with air transportation, having the advantage of presenting better energy efficiency and causing less pollution. For longer distances the railway system is still the most economical mean for transportation of goods and starts to have a competitive edge in the transport of passengers. One of the main disadvantages of railway transport is the high costs of construction and maintenance, when compared to other means of transportation. Furthermore, the increase of speed, axle loads and traffic has led to higher-rates of degradation of the ballasted railway tracks [1,2]. Hence, a considerable effort is necessary for maintenance of the tracks, with a corresponding increase in costs for the infrastructure managers. The main cause for the degradation of the track is the deformation and densification of the ballast layer, representing 75% of the total track position maintenance [3-5]. The use of profiled-flanged steel wheels running on steel tracks in order to provide simultaneously support, guidance and traction was a brilliant concept in the early days of this industry. Nevertheless, the simplicity of the concept masked the complexity of the contact phenomenon. In fact, the complex contact forces that develop in the wheel-rail interface strongly influence the dynamic behaviour of a rail guided vehicle. Also the characteristics of the vehicle suspensions, the masses and inertias of the structural elements, and the geometry and irregularities of the tracks play a dominant role in this regard. Despite the complexity of the physical phenomena involved, the demands of increasing speeds, better comfort and greater load capacity do not stop increasing in order to improve the competitiveness and attractiveness of railway networks. Therefore, the increasing demands for network capacity, either by increasing the traffic speed or the axle loads, put pressure on the existing infrastructures and the effects of these changes have to be carefully considered. Such requirements bring new problems to control the wheel-rail wear and to maintain the vehicle stability and reliability in the different operation conditions. Future developments are directed towards studies involving the influence of the track settlement conditions on vehicles performance and analyses associated to railway infrastructure degradation resulting from trainsets operation. The European Strategic Rail 1 Research Agenda [6] and the European Commission White Paper for Transports [7] have identified key scientific and technological priorities for rail transport over the next 20 years. One of the points emphasized is the need to reduce the cost of approval for new vehicles and infrastructure products with the introduction of virtual certification. The development of computer resources led simulations to be an essential part of the design process of railway systems. Furthermore, the use of advanced computational tools during the design phase of new trains allows carrying out several simulations, under various scenarios, in order to improve its dynamic performance and reach an optimized design. In this way, studies to evaluate the impact of design changes or failure mode risks can be performed in a much faster and less costly way than the physical implementation and test of those changes in real prototypes. Usually the track imperfections are measured by the infrastructure managers, and these can be included in the track model when performing the computing simulations. Such feature allows assessing the consequences of the track conditions on the vehicles performance, namely noise and vibration. It can then help scheduling the track maintenance procedures by identifying the levels of track irregularities that promote the increase of wear and/or vehicle-track interaction forces. Due to their multidisciplinary, all issues involving railway systems are complex. Therefore, the use of computational tools that represent the state of the art and that are able to characterise the modern designs and predict the vehicles’ performance by using validated mathematical models is essential. The use of a valid model of the railway track is necessary to correctly determine the dynamic behaviour of the railway vehicle, which implies using flexible track models in order to account for the deformation, wear, sags and maintenance state of the track. While a complete model for the entire track layer would be desired, it would greatly increase the computational cost of the simulations. Thus a simplified and computationally friendly spring-damper model that simulates the track conditions is preferable. In this work, the dynamic behaviour of the railway vehicle is studied using a multibody formulation [8-10] where the main structural elements are treated as rigid bodies connected with flexible links that represent the suspension elements. The relative motions between the bodies of the system are restrained by using appropriate kinematic constraints. Recent computer codes for railway applications use specific methodologies that, in general, only allow studying each particular phenomenon at a time. By analysing such phenomena independently, it is not possible to capture all the dynamics of the complete railway system and relevant coupling effects. Developing innovative and more complex methodologies, each requiring different mathematical formulations and numerical procedures, in a co-simulation environment allows, not only to integrate all physical phenomena, but also to assess the cross influence between them. 2 Track Model Vehicle Model Wheel-Rail Contact Model Railway Dynamic Analysis Post-Processing Tool Raw Data Filtering and Data Processing Characteristic Values Check Acceptance Criteria Assess Dynamic Performance Figure 1.1: Schematic representation of the methodology used for the dynamic analysis and post-processing of railway systems The main innovation of this work lies in the development of computational tools that are able to model with detail the vehicle, the track and the subgrade. Instead of using the traditional approach, in which these systems are handled independently, here they are integrated in a common and reliable tool, where the interaction among them is considered. Then, the results from the dynamic analysis are post-processed in order to determine if a given vehicle would be accepted to operate on the track according to the international norms and regulations [11,12]. The methodology used in this work is represented schematically on Figure 1.1. The track flexibility is included in the formulation by using finite element models [13,14] to represent the rails, which are supported by discrete elastic elements, representing the flexibility of the sleepers, pads, ballast (or slab) and subgrade. Another advantage of this methodology is that it allows building realistic track models by considering the track irregularities in the formulation [15]. The finite element formulation proposed here to build flexible track models is based on an analogous formulation used by Ambrósio et al. [16,17] to study the pantograph-catenary interaction. 3 The pre-processor tool that was developed in this work to build the flexible track model allows dynamic analysis for much longer distances than the traditional approach, since it has a much lower computational cost due to not using solid 3D finite elements to model the foundation, instead opting to use discrete spring-dampers. The track model pre-processor and the numerical implementation of the finite element methodology are validated in this work by comparing the results with the ones obtained from ANSYS in a static analysis where the track is loaded with wheelset loads. Also a comparative analysis between the use of moving loads and realistic vehicle forces is performed in order to analyse the validity of the State of the Art, where moving loads that represent the vehicle is more often considered. A generic wheel-rail contact detection formulation [18,19] is introduced here to determine, online during the dynamic analysis, the contact points location, without need to use pre-computed lookup tables. This computational efficient methodology uses an elastic force model that allows computing the normal contact forces in the wheel-rail interface, accounting for the energy loss during contact [20,21]. The tangential wheel-rail contact forces can be calculated using one of the creep force models, namely the Kalker linear theory [22], Heuristic nonlinear method [23] and the Polach formulation [24]. It is important to assess the accuracy and suitability of the proposed methodologies through the comparison of the dynamic analysis results against those obtained by experimental testing. For this purpose, a partnership between this research group and the Portuguese railroad company has been established in order to validate the developed methodologies using real data. When studying the dynamic performance of railway vehicles, it is also necessary to assess of the vehicle fulfils the requirements defined by international regulations such as EN 14636 [11] and UIC 518 [12] and to compare the performance of different vehicles in several railway tracks at different speeds. A computational post-processing tool that handles all filtering and data analysis as required by regulations was developed in this work, handling the acceptance criteria that a vehicle must pass in order to operate on a given track at a given velocity. The methodologies described in this work are meant to be applied in the study of the dynamic behaviour of the Alfa Pendular railway vehicle, which is operated by the Portuguese Railway company in the intercity service for passenger transportation in Portugal. It is a trainset with an active tilting system which allows it to curve at speeds higher than the balanced speed [25] and keeping the non-compensated acceleration within admissible values for passenger comfort [26]. But the work presented here is flexible and generic enough, allowing its use to model any vehicle/track combination, study its dynamic behaviour and assessing its performance according to the international standards. 4 1.2 Literature Review The computational simulation of a railway vehicle requires the implementation of a mathematical model that describes it. From this perspective, the use of multibody dynamics methodologies is the most flexible approach to create such models [8,10,27-32]. Due to its simplicity and computational implementation easiness, Cartesian coordinates [8,27,28] are used. Considering the high level of complexity of these equations, analytical solutions are impractical to obtain and, therefore, numerical algorithms must be applied. The numerical solution of the Differential Algebraic Equations (DAE), and their consequent integration in time, introduces several problems, namely the existence and uniqueness of solution and the numerical instabilities of the solutions [28]. An alternative approach for the solution of the equations of motion transforms the set of DAE in a set of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE). With such approach, the solution is obtained by integrating in time the ODE using direct integration algorithms [8,33-40]. In a constrained multibody system, the equations of motion are solved by appending the constrained acceleration equations to the formulation [8]. The approach used by Gonçalves and Ambrósio [39,41] involves the successful use of a sparse matrix solver in rigid and flexible multibody systems. A sparse matrix solver is also used in this work for the solution of the equations of motion. Modelling and simulation in the field of railway dynamics is a complex interdisciplinary topic [25,42-47]. The theoretical basis of the methodologies implemented is now mature and the programs, originally written by research institutes [9,48-50], have evolved into powerful, reliable and user friendly packages [51-75]. Shabana et al. [76] use an analytical track description defined by a three-step procedure. In this approach, a few nodal points that define the space curves of the left and right rails are obtained and stored in a preprocessor, which is subsequently used by the dynamic simulation code. During the dynamic analysis, the rail space curves are obtained by means of the absolute nodal coordinate formulation [10], leading to an isoparametric beam element that can be conveniently used to describe curved rigid and flexible rails. The method considers each rail as a separate body in order to account for their relative motion. Pombo and Ambrósio [77-80] suggest an appropriate methodology for the accurate description of the track centerline, in the general case of a fully three-dimensional track geometry, and demonstrate the approach with roller coaster applications. For railway applications, the geometry of the left and right rails has to be described, which leads Pombo and Ambrósio to extend the methodology used in roller coaster applications [81,82]. 5 The complete characterization of a railway requires not only the description of its design geometry, but also the description of the track irregularities that arise from its construction, usage and change on the foundations [25,43,83,84]. In ADAMS/Rail 9.1.1 [54], the analytical description of the track centerline is completely de-coupled from the description of the track irregularities. Using this formulation, the track irregularities are given as a correction of the wheelset position, and the geometrical contact parameters on the left and right wheels are obtained according to the corrected location. In the track model proposed by Pombo and Ambrósio [81,82], the left and right rails are considered as separate entities in order to account for their relative misalignment due to the track irregularities. According to this approach, the irregularity parameters are expressed with respect to each rail and not with respect to the track centerline. The wheel-rail interaction plays a dominant role in the study of the dynamic behaviour of railway vehicles. The first step for the solution of the wheel-rail contact problem is the determination of the contact geometry. The second step is related with the contact kinematics and consists in the calculation of the creepages, or normalized relative velocities, at the point of contact. The third and last step for the solution of the contact problem is the accurate characterization of the contact mechanics that consists in the calculation of the wheel-rail contact forces. Since the wheel and rail have profiled surfaces, the prediction of the contact point location online during dynamic analysis is not a trivial problem. A common method used in many existing computer algorithms consists in finding the location of the contact point, and the values of some related parameters, by interpolating a set of pre-calculated table entries. Despite the fact that this interpolating method does not represent a rigorous procedure for predicting the location of the contact points, it is a fast and robust technique that is commonly used in railway applications [51,54,65]. Many researchers use this approach in their studies [74,75,85,86]. In addition to the approximations due to the interpolation process, the pre-computed contact table method fails to capture all possible three-dimensional configurations of the wheelset with respect to the track, and does not account for possible simulation scenarios, such as the lead and lag contact. Two alternative and conceptually different methods can be found in the literature for solving the wheel-rail contact problem. The first is the constraint approach that involves the definition of nonlinear kinematic contact constraints, leading to a model in which the wheel has five degrees of freedom (DOF) with respect to the rail. The second method is the elastic approach in which the wheel is assumed to have six DOF with respect to the rail. One of the initial works using the constraint approach was presented by De Pater [87], describing of the motion of a rigid wheelset on a pair of straight rigid rails, using four DOF. 6 The method was later implemented in a more general nonlinear way by Fisette and Samin [71,72], who derived a new multibody wheel-rail contact model assuming a rigid independent wheel on a rigid straight rail. More recently, Shabana et al. [88-91] implemented the constraint method using an augmented Lagrangian formulation. Using this methodology, no simplifications are required in the description of the surfaces geometry or in the kinematics of the wheels and rails. Moreover, the most general motion of the wheelset can be considered and the rotation and/or translation of the rails can be easily accounted for. The method based on the elastic approach is also often used to solve the wheel-rail contact problem. In this method, the wheel is assumed to have six DOF with respect to the rail and the normal contact forces are defined in terms of the indentation between the surfaces and using the Hertz contact theory. One of the initial works in this area was presented by Kik and Steinborn [92]. In general, the main problem encountered when using the elastic approach is the accurate determination of the contact points. Difficulties in predicting the location of the contact points rise when dynamic analyses on curved tracks are considered. The accurate prediction of the rail arc length travelled by each wheel over the track is, therefore, crucial. Shabana et al. [90,91] address this problem and propose a methodology for the accurate prediction of the contact points coordinates when the elastic approach is used. In their formulation, four surface parameters are used to describe the geometry of the wheel and rail surfaces. In order to be able to accurately determine the location of the contact points, a first order differential equation is introduced. The solution gives the system generalized coordinates and velocities as well as the rail arc length travelled by each wheel. This last parameter defines the rail cross section in which the point of contact lies. Since the algorithm allows for an arbitrary number of contact points, the methodology can be used to study multiple contacts between wheel and rail surfaces. Kik and Piotrowski [93] suggest an approach to calculate the normal contact force between wheel and rail. They propose a fast approximate method that allows estimating the area of contact and the normal load for a prescribed penetration between the surfaces. Kik and Piotrowski [93] show that the methodology predicts the normal load well when compared with exact theories and with measured data. Railway manufacturers fit their vehicles with conical wheels whose flanges are fundamental to avoid derailment. Whenever the wheel moves laterally with respect to the rail, a second point of contact between the wheel flange and the rail edge may occur. The contact forces that result from the second point of contact influence the forces at the first contact point and have a significant effect on the dynamic behaviour of the vehicle. The simulation of the two points of contact scenario is one of the most difficult problems in the dynamic analysis of 7 railway systems. One of the initial works about the multi-contact problem was presented in 1982 by Piotrowski [94]. The basic assumption proposed is that the distance between the contact patches is sufficient for the cross-influence of the normal and tangential stresses to be neglected. Under this assumption, two distinct contact areas are considered for the wheel tread and wheel flange and the rolling contact formulation can be stated independently. Several other researchers also use this approach in their two-point wheel-rail contact studies [71,72,90,91,95]. Shabana and Sanborn [96] proposed a method allowing for general modelling of rail and track flexibility and can be used to systematically couple finite element computer programs with flexible multibody system codes, allowing for the development of detailed track models that include rail, tie, and fastener flexibility as well as soil characteristics. In the work reported by Dahlberg [97] the possibility to smooth out track stiffness variations is discussed. It is demonstrated that by modifying the stiffness variations along the track, for example by use of grouting or under-sleeper pads, the variations of the wheel/rail contact force may be considerably reduced. Zhai et al. [4], established a five-parameter model for analysis of the ballast vibration based upon the hypothesis that the load-transmission from a sleeper to the ballast approximately coincides with the cone distribution. The concepts of shear stiffness and shear damping of the ballast are introduced in the model in order to consider the continuity of the interlocking ballast granules. A full-scale field experiment is carried out to measure the ballast acceleration excited by moving trains and the theoretical simulation results agreed well with the measured data. The work developed by Ferreira [98] takes part of the development of a global train/track dynamic model and carried out its validation with real experimental measurements with the purpose to evaluate the influence of very high speeds in the induced track vibrations. A quantification of the consequences of using different track design solutions was also performed. The model was also developed to predict track differential settlements evolution through the simulation of millions of train passages at high speeds. Pombo et al. [15] propose a methodology that includes the track imperfections in the definition of the track model. The methodology described in this work is applied to study the influence of the track irregularities on the dynamic behaviour of the railway vehicle ML95. For this purpose, a multibody formulation is used to build the vehicle model and a generic wheel-rail contact formulation was applied in order to determine the contact points’ location and the respective normal and tangential forces. The accuracy and suitability of the methodology presented were demonstrated through the comparison of the dynamic analysis results against those obtained by experimental testing. 8 In the work developed by Rauter [99], a general computational tool was developed for the dynamic analysis of the pantograph-catenary interaction in nominal, operational and perturbed conditions for high speed railway operation. The tool was characterised by a modular structure with two independent codes running in a co-simulation environment. The pantograph dynamic behaviour is analysed using a flexible multibody formulation and the catenary is modelled using finite element method models. The contact force is modelled as a normal force using elastic contact models with energy dissipation. In this work the multibody module, the contact module which works as a co-simulation procedure and the pantograph module were developed. In order to investigate the dynamic derailment of a railway vehicle Xiao et al. [100] developed a coupled vehicle/track dynamics model, in which the vehicle is modelled as a multibody system and the track is modelled as a 3-layer discrete elastic support model. Rails were assumed to be Timoshenko beams supported by discrete sleepers, and the effects of vertical and lateral motions and rolling of the rail on the wheel/rail creepages were taken into account. The sleepers were treated as Euler beams on elastic foundation for the vertical vibration, while as lumped masses in the lateral direction. A moving sleeper support model was developed to simulate the effect of the periodical discrete sleepers on the vehicle/track interaction. The vehicle and the track are coupled by wheel/rail contacts whereas the normal forces and the creep forces are calculated using the Hertzian contact theory and the nonlinear creep theory by Shen et al. [23], respectively. The equations of motion of the coupled vehicle/track system are solved by means of an explicit integration method. The numerical results obtained indicate that track misalignment and vehicle speed have a great influence on the whole vehicle running safely. Feng [101] studied the influence of design parameters on dynamic response of the railway track structure by implementing Finite Element Method (FEM). The rails and sleepers have been modelled by Euler-Bernoulli beam elements, while springs and dashpots have been used for the simulation of rail pads and the connection between the sleeper and ballast ground. Dynamic explicit analysis has been used for the simulation of a moving load, and the train speed effect has been studied. The displacement of the track bed has been evaluated and compared to the measurement taken in Sweden in the static analysis [101]. The work presented by Antunes [102] refers to a computational tool and a modelling methodology that handles the dynamics of pantograph-catenary interaction using a threedimensional methodology. To exploit the advantages of using a multibody formulation to model the pantograph, a high-speed co-simulation procedure was setup in order to allow the communication between the multibody code and the finite element catenary module. A contact model, based on a penalty formulation, was selected to represent the interaction between the 9 two modelling procedures. Pombo and Ambrósio [103] present a fully three-dimensional methodology for the computational analysis of the interaction between catenary and pantographs. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is used to support the model of the catenary, while a multibody (MB) dynamics methodology is applied to support the pantograph model. The contact between the two subsystems is described using a penalty contact formulation. A high-speed co-simulation procedure is proposed to ensure the communication between the two methodologies. The numerical results were compared against experimental data and the results show that the passage of the front pantograph excites the catenary, leading to the deterioration of the contact conditions on the rear one. Montalbán et al. [104] use the Finite Element Method to analyse the mechanical behaviour of different track types by considering the different conditions to which they may be subjected. The values of the stress and deformation as a function of depth are obtained at each point of the cross-section of the considered track. These values allow quantification of the basic design parameters for railway structures. The work developed by Varandas [105] describes the research undertaken to model the dynamic response of the railway tracks, taking into account the behaviour of ballast at railway transition zones, where the long-term settlements are amplified by dynamical loading on the ballast due to the discontinuities. The numerical simulations showed that the use of soft rail pads on the stiff side of the transition is beneficial, provided the problem is mostly caused by stiffness variation of the track support. The slab track solution was also tested and showed advantages over the ballasted track by displaying much smaller differential rail displacements, for identical change of the track support stiffness. In the work by Pombo et al. [106] a finite element methodology is used to create detailed three-dimensional track models, which include the flexibility of the rails and of the substructure. In the approach, the rails are modelled as beams supported in a discrete manner by springdamper systems that represent the flexibility of the pads, sleepers, ballast and subgrade. A multibody formulation is used to describe the kinematic structure of the rigid bodies and joints that constitute the vehicle model. The inclusion of flexible track models is very important to study the dynamic behaviour of railway vehicles in realistic operation scenarios, especially when studying the impact of train operations on the infrastructure and, conversely, the damages on vehicles provoked by the track conditions. The wheel-rail contact formulation used here allows obtaining, online during the dynamic analysis, the contact points location, even for the most general three-dimensional motion of the wheelsets with respect to the track. The methodology proposed to build flexible track models is validated here by comparing the results obtained with this new approach with the ones obtained with ANSYS. 10 2 Railway Vehicle Models The dynamic analysis of a multibody system involves the study of its motion and forces transmitted during a given time period, as a function of the initial conditions, external applied forces and/or prescribed motions. A multibody system can be defined as a collection of rigid and/or flexible bodies interconnected by kinematic joints and/or force elements. The kinematic joints control the relative motion between the bodies, while the force elements represent the internal forces that develop among bodies due to their relative motion. The external forces may be applied to the system components as a consequence of their interaction with the surrounding environment. A generic multibody system is represented in Figure 2.1. Flexible Body Spring Rigid Body Rigid Body Da mper Revolute Joint Spherica l Joint Rigid Body Spherical Joint Force Moment Spring Revolute Joint Rigid Body Revolute Joint Ground Figure 2.1: Generic multibody system The dynamic analysis of a multibody system [8-10,27,30,107] involves the solution of a system of second order differential equations, possibly mixed with algebraic equations [39,108]. Depending on the type of system modelled and/or on the type of coordinates used, the number of coordinates may be larger than the number of DOF of the multibody system. Different sets of coordinates may be chosen to describe the configuration of the bodies at any instant of time [109]. In the following, a multibody methodology is overviewed to present the formulation adopted in the development of this work. In the formulation presented throughout this work only rigid bodies are considered for the multibody formulation. 2.1 Railway Vehicles Rail guided vehicles can be divided into different classes, depending on the field of application [109]. The most common vehicles for different types of rail traffic systems are: 11 a) Railways: Often with different types of traffic like passenger, freight, suburban, mainline traffic, etc. b) Subways or metros: Suburban rail systems fully or partly underground, separated from other rail traffic and from road traffic. c) Tramways: Suburban rail systems with light-weight vehicles fully or partly operating in combination with the road traffic. d) Roller-Coaster: Rail systems for roller-coaster applications. Rail vehicles are also divided into two categories, depending if they are powered or not: a) Tractive stock: The vehicles in this class are powered. Locomotives take no passengers whereas motor coaches do. The vehicles can be powered electrically or by diesel fuel. b) Rolling stock: The vehicles are not powered and can be divided into coaches, if they take passengers, or wagons, if they don’t. Rail guided vehicles consist of two main parts: a) Running gear: It consists of wheels, axles, and suspension, which include the components connecting these parts. A wheelset normally consists of two wheels and a connecting axle. The running gear should support the carbody and guide, brake and, for a tractive unit, drive the vehicle. b) Carbody: This part of the vehicle carries the payload, i.e. passengers or goods, and/or the traction equipment. Depending on the running gear characteristics, there are two vehicle types: a) Rigid frame vehicles: The running gear only consists of wheelsets and suspension components, as the vehicle schematically shown in Figure 2.2. b) Bogie vehicles: The running gear is a so called bogie. It consists of wheelsets, a framework and suspension elements, as shown in Figure 2.3. Wheelset Carbody Figure 2.2: Rigid frame vehicle with carbody suspended on two wheelsets Rigid frame vehicles are the simplest, most inexpensive and lighter ones. However these vehicles have limited payload capacity and its length is also restricted by the need to have an acceptable curving performance. From the dynamic point of view, the rigid frame vehicles give 12 a rather shaky and uncomfortable ride since they have only one suspension level. A horizontally stiffer wheelset-carbody connection increases the so-called critical speed, but gives a worse curving performance [43]. In summary, rigid frame vehicles are most appropriate for rather unqualified transports, for instance, light weight freight traffic with speeds up to 100–120 Km/h. Bogie frame Carbody Wheelset Figure 2.3: Bogie vehicle with two-axle bogies The bogie vehicles have two levels of suspension, the primary suspension, between the wheelsets and the bogie frame, and the secondary suspension, between the bogie frame and the carbody. Though the bogies increase the vehicle weight and costs, they provide isolation for the high frequency contents of the motion due to the inertia of bogie frames. This assemblage has also a geometric advantage since disturbances acting on one wheelset are, in principle, halved at the bogie frame longitudinal midpoint, decreasing their transmission to the carbody. The vehicles assembled with bogies have better curving performance and the derailment risk is lower than for rigid frame vehicles. The carbody vibrations and the wheelrail contact forces are also reduced as a result of the two levels of suspension [43]. In rail-guided vehicle dynamics, the motion of the vehicle as a whole and the motion of the particular vehicle parts are very important to quantify. In Table 2.1 the motions corresponding to the six relative degrees of freedom of the rigid bodies that compose a rail vehicle are defined and are represented in Figure 2.4. An example would be a vehicle composed by a carbody that is supported by two bogies through a set of mechanical elements that constitute the secondary suspension. The bogies are the subsystems that, through the wheelsets, are in contact with the track and include another group of mechanical elements that constitute the primary suspension. Further detail on this topic is outside the scope of this thesis; the interested reader is referred to see the work developed by Pombo [109]. Relative motions Translation in direction of travel Translation in transverse direction, parallel to the track plane Translation perpendicular to the track plane Rotation about longitudinal axis Rotation about a transverse axis, parallel to the track plane Rotation about an axis perpendicular to the track plane Symbol Table 2.1: Definitions of relative motions 13 x y z Notation Longitudinal Lateral Vertical Roll, Sway Pitch Yaw z y x Figure 2.4: Relative rigid body motions of a carbody 2.2 Description of the Vehicle Multibody Model In this section, the Alfa Pendular trainset, a railway vehicle used for passenger transportation in Portugal, is described. It is a trainset with an active tilting system which allows it to negotiate curves at higher speeds, maintaining the passengers comfort within admissible values [110]. This trainset is composed of six vehicles, being four motor units and two trailers, as shown in Figure 2.5. In the following, all mechanical elements that are relevant to build the multibody model, namely the structural and the suspension elements, are described. Motor Motor Trailer Trailer Motor Motor Figure 2.5: Schematic representation of the Alfa Pendular trainset Due to the trainset configuration, it is assumed that the dynamic behaviour of each vehicle has a non-significant influence on the others and, therefore, each vehicle of the trainset can be studied independently. In this way, the vehicle model introduced here is composed only by one trailer unit of the trainset. It should be noted that the methodology described is generic and can be applied to any railway vehicle. The Alfa Pendular trailer vehicle is composed by one carbody, where the passengers travel. It is supported by two bogies through a set of mechanical elements that constitute the secondary suspension. The main function of these elements is to minimize the vibrations, resulting from the vehicle-track interaction, transmitted to the passenger compartment, improving the comfort and reducing the problems associated to the structural fatigue. Each bogie includes the wheelsets, which are in contact with the rails, and another group of mechanical elements that constitute the primary suspension. These elements are responsible mainly for the steering capabilities and stability behaviour of the whole group and, ultimately, being responsible for the critical speed of the vehicle. 14 Figure 2.6: Alfa Pendular multibody model The first step for modelling a railway vehicle using a multibody formulation is the division of the group in several subsystems, which are simpler to handle. This strategy allows building each subsystem independently, being the whole vehicle model built by assembling the subsystems. The subsystems considered here to model the Alfa Pendular vehicle are shown in Figure 2.6. The subsystem 0 is used to represent the track and the infrastructure, as shown in Figure 2.7 (a). The subsystem 1, depicted in Figure 2.7 (b), represents the carbody of the vehicle. The subsystems 2 and 3, shown in Figure 2.7 (c), represent the front and the rear bogies. As these last two are equal, it is only necessary to build one subsystem representing the bogie. Then, when assembling the railway vehicle, this subsystem is used twice to represent both the front and the rear bogies. The subsystem 1 is connected to subsystems 2 and 3 by attaching elements, which represent the secondary suspension and the bogie-carbody connection elements. The interaction between the rails (from subsystem 0) and the wheels (from subsystems 2 and 3) is performed by using an appropriate wheel-rail contact model [18,19]. (a) (b) (c) Figure 2.7: Subsystems of multibody model: (a) Track and Infrastructure; (b) Carbody; (c) Front and Rear Bogies For each subsystem it is necessary to provide the information about the rigid bodies, kinematic joints and linear and/or nonlinear force elements. The relative motion between the bodies is limited by kinematic joints [8], which restrain relative degrees-of-freedom between the bodies connected by them. The suspension components, such as springs and dampers that connect the rigid bodies, are modelled as force elements. These are responsible for transmitting the internal forces that are developed in the system as function of the relative motion between the bodies. Further detail on this topic is outside the scope of this thesis; the interested reader is referred to see the work developed by Pombo et al. [106]. 15 3 Development of Advanced Track Models 3.1 Track Description The performance of railway vehicles is dependent on the track conditions. The loads induced on the vehicle by the track and the corresponding forces transmitted to the track by the vehicle also depend on the track geometry. Therefore, the accurate description of the track is essential for the dynamic analysis of railway systems. The description of a railway requires not only the characterization of its design geometry, but also the description of the irregularities that are associated with the track. The track irregularities represent the deviations of the track from its design geometry and result from construction imperfections, usage operations and change on the foundations. The realistic definition of a railway involves a combination between its design geometry and the parameters that define the track irregularities. In the dynamic analysis of railway systems the track irregularities must be considered, especially when studying the wheel-rail interaction forces and the passenger ride comfort. Further detail on this topic is outside the scope of this thesis; the interested reader is referred to see the work developed by Pombo [109]. A railway track is generally composed by an assembly of elements of distinct elasticity responsible for gradually transmitting to the subsoil the dynamic loadings coming from the trains’ passage, besides the important function of guiding the vehicles. These elements are the rails, which are supported by the sleepers through the pads. The sleepers rest on an elastic bed made up of supporting layers as ballast, sub-ballast, form layer and subsoil, as represented in Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2. The most common railway track consists of steel rails supported on timber or prestressed concrete sleepers, which are laid on crushed stone ballast. A plastic or rubber pad is usually placed between the rail and the concrete sleepers with the rail held down to the sleeper with resilient fastenings. The railway tracks are generally laid on a bed of stone ballast or track bed, which in turn is supported by prepared earthworks known as the substructure. The substructure comprises the subgrade, a layer of sand or stone dust (often sandwiched in impervious plastic), known as the form layer, which restricts the upward migration of wet clay or silt and the sub-ballast, which consists of smaller crushed stone than the ballast. This may also contain layers of waterproof fabric to prevent water penetrating to the subgrade. The term foundation may be used to refer to the ballast and substructure, i.e. all man-made structures below the tracks. 16 Rail Sleeper Rail Pad Superstructure Ballast Track Supporting Layers Substructure Subsoil or Subgrade Soil Sub-ballast Form Layer Figure 3.1: Main components of the railway track (Longitudinal view) Rail Sleeper Rail Pad Ballast Subsoil or Subgrade Soil Sub-ballast Form Layer Figure 3.2: Main components of the railway track (Cross-section view) The track and ballast form the superstructure. The track ballast is customarily crushed stone, and the purpose of this is to support the sleepers and allow some adjustment of their position, while allowing free drainage. 3.2 The Finite Element Method on the Track System Despite being considered as rigid by many authors and computational tools, the railway track exhibits some flexibility that is characterised by small deformations and rotations, which, besides other phenomena, originate track irregularities. Due to its nature and magnitude, these deformations can be characterised as linear. In this work the railway track system is modelled with linear finite elements, being the wheel-rail contact forces included in the force vector of the finite element formulation. The rails and sleepers are modelled by using Euler-Bernoulli beam elements [110], while the foundations and rail pads are represented by spring-damper elements acting in the six degrees of freedom, as shown in Figure 3.3 and Figure 3.4. 17 Rail Element Flexibility of Rail Pad Sleeper Elements Flexibility of Ballast and Substructure Rigid Foundation Figure 3.3: Main components of the track model (Cross-section view) Flexibility of the Sleeper Interaction Rail Elements Flexibility of Rail Pad Sleeper Element Flexibility of Ballast and Substructure Rigid Foundation Figure 3.4: Main components of the track model (Longitudinal view) A realistic track model requires a lot of variable information for it to approximate real cases. It requires a detailed 3D geometry that includes irregularities, the different track zones detailing the properties inherent to the elements within them and the transitions between the different zones and sections where there are discontinuity of properties. The required data to build this flexible track model is detailed in Annex A. In this work, a pre-processor tool was developed in order to build detailed flexible track models using a finite element formulation. The pre-processing tool builds a given track using its 3D geometry as a pathway reference and places along that pathway the different track segments on the intended order, each of them with their own elements, i.e., with specified rail, pad, sleeper and foundation elements. The track geometry comes from the designed track layout with the irregularities present, while the rails, pads, sleepers and foundations have their own material and geometric properties that need to be defined. A schematic representation of the pre-processor tool is presented on Figure 3.5. The methodology used here to build the track model takes into account the influence of all elements, namely the different properties of the foundation and its variation along the track, allowing the presence of transitions. While other approaches also allow these features, few allow a practical evaluation of a long track due to the computational cost of studying the soil properties, as it requires many layers of 3D solid elements to be correctly modelled. Since the focus of this study is on the influence of the track on the vehicle and of the vehicle on the track, this model uses a discrete foundation that allows for dynamic analyses on longer tracks than the traditional approach. 18 Pad Properties Track Layout Sleeper Properties Foundation Properties Track Track Segment 1 Track Segment 2 Track Segment ... Segment n Track Irregularities Track Geometry Track Properties Pre-Processing Tool Rail Properties Track Model Figure 3.5: Schematic representation of the Pre-Processing Tool To capture the dynamic behaviour of the track, an integration algorithm was implemented based on the implicit Newmark’s trapezoidal rule [111], taking into account the modelling needs of the dynamics of the track model, due to the integration algorithm’s accuracy, stability and other crucial aspects, especially considering the computational costs. These aspects are discussed in the following. 3.2.1 Dynamic Analysis of Railway Tracks Using Linear FEM The equilibrium equations of the finite element method for the railway track structural system are assembled as [112]: Ma Cv K d f (3.1) where M, C and K are the finite element global mass, damping and stiffness matrices of the finite element model of the railway track [110,112]. The accelerations, velocities and displacements vectors are represented respectively as a, v and d while the sum of all external applied forces is depicted by vector f. The 3D linear Euler-Bernoulli beam element Ke and the local mass matrix Me are [110]: 19 EA l 0 0 0 0 0 Ke EA l 0 0 0 0 0 12 EI z l3 12 EI y 0 0 GJ l 0 0 Symmetric l3 6 EI y 4 EI y 0 l2 l 6 EI z l2 0 0 0 4 EI z l 0 0 0 0 0 EA l 12 EI z l3 0 0 0 6 EI z l2 0 12 EI z l3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 EI 2z l 0 12 EI y 0 6 EI y 6 EI z l2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 e M lA 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 EI y 0 l3 l2 GJ l 0 2 EI y 0 l2 0 l 0 2 EI z l 0 12 EI y l3 0 GJ l 6 EI y 0 l2 0 4 EI y l 0 0 13 35 0 13 35 0 0 Symmetric Jx 3A 11l 210 0 l2 105 11l 210 0 0 0 l2 105 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 9 70 0 0 0 13l 420 0 13 35 0 9 70 0 13l 420 0 0 0 13 35 0 0 Jx 6A 0 0 0 0 0 Jx 3A 0 13l 420 0 3l 2 420 0 0 0 11l 210 0 13 35 0 0 0 0 13l 420 0 0 0 3l 2 420 11l 0 210 (3.2) 4 EI z l 13 35 (3.3) in which E is the Young modulus, G is the transversal modulus of rigidity, l is the element length, A is the cross section area, ρ is the material density, and Iy, Iz and Jx are the second area moments of inertia about the respective y, z, and x axis. The global stiffness and mass matrixes, K and M, are built by assemblage of the matrices of the elements according to the railway track mesh. 20 In order to model the damping behaviour of the system, proportional damping, also known as Rayleigh damping [112], is used. The global damping matrix C is obtained by assembling the element damping matrices, Ce, for each element as: Ce = eΚ e + eΜ e (3.4) where αe and βe are proportionality factors associated with each type of railway track element e, such as sleeper, rail and others. The force vector, f, containing the sum of all external applied loads, is evaluated at each time step of the time integration. For a time t+Δt the force vector is calculated as: f t t f g ftc t (3.5) where the vector f g contains the gravitational forces of all element which remains constant. The force vector f c represents the wheel contact forces being evaluated as: ftct B c fc i (3.6) i where fc represents the equivalent forces and moments applied at appropriate nodes of the rail element where a contact force, at time t+Δt, is to be applied. The matrix Bc means the Boolean operation of assembling each contact force fc i in the global force vector. The contact force value to be applied and its point of application are evaluated, at each integration time step, by geometric interference and a proper contact modelling method, to be discussed on section 3.4. 3.2.2 Time Integration To solve the time integration problem, Newmark [111] proposed that for a given time t and a fixed time step Δt the solution of the equilibrium equation for a forthcoming time t+Δt is represented as: M at t C v t t K dt t ft t (3.7) Which would require the knowledge of how the d, v and a evolve over time and their relation to each other. Admitting that the solution of the dynamic equilibrium equation is known at time t, the direct use of Taylor’s series provides an approach to obtain these relations: d t t d t v t t a t t 2 da t t 3 ... 2 dt 6 21 (3.8) da t t 2 ... dt 2 v t t v t a t t (3.9) Newmark truncated these equations in his methods assuming that the acceleration would be linear within the time step: dat at t at dt t (3.10) Which leads to Newmark’s equations in the standard form, where the displacements and velocities on time t+Δt can be obtained by: 1 d t t d t v t t 2 2 at at t t (3.11) v t t v t 1 at at t t (3.12) The parameters γ and ζ are determined in order to obtain integration accuracy and stability [111]. The ζ controls the numerical dampening, where if ζ < 1/2 there is negative dampening and introduce a self-excited vibration; similarly if ζ > 1/2 there is positive dampening and will decrease the magnitude of the response even without real dampening. On the other hand γ controls the convergence rate, where if γ < (1/2 + ζ)2/4 means that the results will not converge, and if γ > (1/2 + ζ)2/4 they will converge, but will periodically introduce errors the smaller it is [111]. However when ζ = 1/2 and γ = 1/4, parameters known for the “trapezoidal rule”, and the above stated assumptions are used implicitly to solve the equilibrium equation, results in a particulate application of the Newmark method that is unconditionally stable. The stability of ζ= ½ both γ and ζ on Newmark methods is shown on Figure 3.6. γ Unconditionally Stable 3/2 1/2 Unstable 1 γ = (1/2 + ζ)2/4 Conditionally Stable 1/4 1/2 1 3/2 2 ζ Figure 3.6: Stability of Newmark’s parameters γ and ζ 22 The selection of a proper time integration numerical procedure to solve the governing dynamic equilibrium equations of a system is usually decided by engineering judgement. Such decision must take into account not only the stability and accuracy of the selected algorithm, but also its computer processing effort. Choice of Time Integration Method An explicit method does not involve the solution of a set of linear equations at each time step. Basically, these methods use the differential equation at a given time t to predict a solution for time t+Δt. For most real structures a very small time step is required in order to obtain a stable solution, since all explicit methods are conditionally stable with respect to the size of the time step. For example, using Newmark’s Explicit Constant Average Acceleration Method [113], the next time step’s displacement and velocity would be approximated by: 2 t d t t dt t vt at 4 v tt v t t at 2 (3.13) (3.14) With those values, the next time step’s acceleration can now be calculated by solving: t t 2 K at t ft t Cv t t Kd t t M C 2 4 (3.15) And the approximated displacement and velocity would be connected by doing: 2 t dt t d t t at t 4 v tt v t t t a 2 t t (3.16) (3.17) Then, the next time step’s acceleration is corrected by solving equation (3.15) with the new values obtained from equations (3.16) and (3.17). This process is repeated until a given stability value is reached, before proceeding to the next time step. The explicit methods are corrective methods and as such only approximate the solution of the problem at each time step, thus requiring a small Δt to prevent instability, which increases the computational time. 23 Implicit methods attempt to satisfy the differential equation at time t+Δt after the solution at time t is found. These methods require the solution of a set of linear equations at each time step; however, larger time steps may be used in comparison with an explicit method. Implicit methods can be conditionally or unconditionally stable [111]. For example, in the Newmark’s Implicit Constant Average Acceleration Method [113], the equations (3.11) and (3.12) are rearranged respectively for at t and v t t in terms of d t t : 1 1 1 d dt v t 1 at 2 t t t t 2 (3.18) t dt t dt 1 v t 2 a t t t 2 (3.19) at t v t t Which applied to (3.7) and assuming ζ = 1/2 and γ = 1/4, result in the following equation to be solved at each time step: 4 2 4 4 2 K 2 M C dt t ft t M 2 d t v t at C dt vt (3.20) t t t t t And with the displacements at the next time step, it is possible to calculate the remaining variables: at t 4 4 d dt vt 2 t t t t v t t v t t t a t a t t 2 2 (3.21) (3.22) Newmark’s Methods were chosen as examples because both assure the dynamic equilibrium, which isn’t the case with other Explicit Methods such as the Central Differences Method. With some alterations done to Newmark’s Methods, these allow different “numerical dampening” and “period elongation”, for faster resolution for some specific problems [111]. A schematic comparison of these two methods is shown Figure 3.7, which shows the required variables necessary to obtain a given value. Implementation of the Time Integration Method The time integration method embraced for this specific implementation is an implicit Newmark family integration algorithm [112,114]. This particular method was chosen due to its unconditional stability nature when used implicitly and its proven robustness in FEM applications. 24 While this method requires more computational power, it enforces the equilibrium between the internal structure forces and the external applied loads at each time step, which an explicit integration algorithm would not, allowing the time step to increase and solving the problem faster. Newmark’s Explicit Method vt t 1 Newmark’s Implicit Method at dt dt d t t v t t 3 v t+Δt t+Δt v t+Δt vt dt+Δt a t+Δt 2 at a t+Δt dt+Δt a t+Δt v t+Δt dt+Δt dt+Δt a t+Δt v t+Δt t (a) (b) Figure 3.7: Newmark’s (a) Explicit and (b) Implicit Time Integration Methods To solve the implicit problem, the relations (3.18) and (3.19) are substituted into the equilibrium equation (3.7) which than can then be solved for the displacements d t t as: ˆ ˆ Kd t+Δt = f t+Δt LUd t+Δt = fˆt+Δt (3.23) ˆ K a MaC K 0 1 (3.24) fˆt + Δt f t + Δt M a0 d t a 2 v t a3a t C a1d t a 4 v t a5 a t (3.25) a0 1 ; t 2 a4 1; a1 ; t a2 t a5 2 ; 2 1 ; t a3 a6 t 1 ; 1 1; 2 (3.26) a7 t The notation LU is used in equation (3.23) to mean a factorization of the stiffness matrix in the solution of the implied system of equations [115]. Afterwards the accelerations and velocities can be calculated by using equations (3.21) and (3.22). 25 For the time integration of a linear system the matrix K̂ is constant unless the time step size changes. An important computational advantage can be taken out of this predicament in integration algorithms, because the largest computation cost that occurs at each integration time step is the solution of the system of linear equations (3.23). More particularly when numerically solving this system, a relevant part of the processing effort is strongly influenced by the numerical solver used and its implicit matrix factorization algorithm [112,116]. In this case a LU decomposition is selected. Taking the advantage on the fact that the effective stiffness matrix K̂ remains constant, means that the factorization is done only once and the same products are used on the procedure at every time step, resulting in a methodology that saves computational cost for the dynamic analysis. Another aspect of the integration algorithm involves the calculation of the effective loads vector fˆ . As the external loads vector f, expressed in (3.5), is not constant in time the effective t + Δt loads vector must be calculated at every integration time step. Moreover the calculation of the wheel contact forces, as expressed in equation (3.6), depends on a close prediction of the node displacements, d t t , and velocities, v t t ,that would belong to the solution of the dynamic equilibrium equations at time t+Δt. In order to be accurately close to this prediction, the approximation of the displacements and velocities is evaluated iteratively within each time step of the integration algorithm. On the first iteration the last time step displacements d t and v t are considered a close enough prediction and used to form the effective loads vector and to evaluate the dynamic equilibrium equations. The solution obtained is considered as the new displacements and velocities prediction for the next iteration. This correction procedure is done iteratively until a good enough convergence is reached where, d d and v v , being εd t t t t d t t t t d and εv user defined tolerances. This iterative process is similar to the one used by Antunes [102], but applied to the track instead of to the catenary. 3.3 Automatic Finite Element Method Mesh Generation One of the key features of the Pre-Processing Tool is its ability to automatically generate a FEM mesh using the information stored in a database, containing the rails geometry, and its use as a guide for all the elements underneath, such as the rail pads, the sleepers and the foundation. The rail geometry database includes all the characteristics of the rails, such as its position, length, curvature and cant angle, as well as the irregularities. The method of construction of this database was developed by Pombo [109] and is outside the scope of this thesis. 26 In addition to the definition of the rail position, the Pre-Processor also adds the remaining elements that compose the track model using the data provided by the user. These elements are equidistantly positioned at a selected distance in order to represent the flexibility of the track components, namely the sleepers, pads and foundation. Further detail on the data required to correctly represent this flexibility is presented in Annex A. In this work, the construction of finite element models of railway track involves modelling, all rail and sleeper elements with 3D beam elements based on Euler-Bernoulli beam theory [117]. This 3D beam element, which formulation is developed in [110], is assumed to be a straight beam of uniform cross section capable of resisting axial forces, bending moments about the two principal axes of its cross section and twisting moments about its centroid axis. The other element type used here is the spring-damper element to represent the pad and foundation components, which are better modelled as a spring-damper in all degrees of freedom due to their intrinsic properties. The approach proposed here uses symmetric sleepers composed of six collinear elements in order to account for the common transitions of section and thus a spring-damper element must be placed below each node in order to accurately represent the sleeper support system. There is no special requirement on the number of elements needed to model each rail between sleepers as shown in Table 3.1. Component Foundation Sleeper Pad Rail Element Type Spring-Damper Element Euler-Bernoulli Beam Spring-Damper Element Euler-Bernoulli Beam Number of Elements 7 below each sleeper 6 each 1 each 1 between pads (minimum) Table 3.1: Number of elements and their element type used to model each component of the railway track model Two examples of generated meshes produced by the Pre-Processing Tool are shown in Figure 3.8 and Figure 3.9. On the first case a straight track is shown, while the second case a similar example was produced, but for a realistic curved track. 1 Curvature (1/R) [m-1] 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 -0,2 -0,4 -0,6 -0,8 -1 0 100 200 300 400 500 Length [m] (a) (b) Figure 3.8: Representation of (a) the curvature of a straight track and (b) the finite element mesh of a straight track using the Pre-Processing Tool 27 Curvature (1/R) [m-1] 0,0025 0,002 0,0015 0,001 0,0005 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Length [m] (a) (b) Figure 3.9: Representation of (a) the curvature of a realistic curved track and (b) the finite element mesh of a realistic track using the Pre-Processing Tool 3.4 Vehicle-Track Interaction The contact in the vehicle-track interaction involves the surface of the wheels and the top surface of the rails, and other phenomena, the wear of the wheels and of the rails is deeply influenced by the quality of this contact. This implies that the correct modelling of the contact mechanics involved is crucial for accurate and efficient railway dynamic studies. The contact problem can be treated either by a kinematic constraint between the wheel and the rail or by a penalty formulation of the contact force. In the first procedure, the contact force is simply the joint reaction force of the kinematic constraint [118,119]. With the second procedure, the contact force is defined in function of the relative penetration between the wheel and the rail [120,121]. The use of the kinematic constraint between the rail and the wheel forces these elements to be in permanent contact, which is only valid if no contact loss exists; while the use of the penalty formulation allows for the loss of contact and it is the method chosen in this work. Since the vehicle is modelled by multibody formulation [8-10] and the track is modelled by finite element formulation [13,14], there is a communication problem between the two methods. This problem is solved by running the two simulations simultaneously and performing a communication between them, where both exchange data with each other. This communication procedure is detailed in Annex B. In order to model the contact force using a penalty formulation it is necessary to geometrically assess if there is contact and identify the contact point location on the wheel and on the rail, in addition to the relative penetration of the contact. For this purpose a three step procedure is implemented at every time step of the track integration algorithm and for each wheel present on the dynamic analysis. In the first step a rail finite element is evaluated to be a candidate for the contact solution. The first element that starts to be evaluated is the one used for the contact on the last time step. If the element is not eligible for contact the procedure restarts for the next 28 element on the rail. On the second stage, it is assumed that there is contact and by geometric interference and by using shape functions of the rail finite element, the potential points of contact on the rail and the wheel are located. At the third step the relative penetration of the contact is calculated and it is assessed if there is indeed contact or there is a contact loss. To find the rail element candidate for contact, consider the representation of the transversal view of a rail element and the contact forces present in it on Figure 3.10. c F1 j c1 F2 c2 d z ûij i y (a) λid (b) Figure 3.10: Representation of (a) the transversal view of a rail element and contact forces and (b) the location of a contact point relative to the rail finite element The nodes i and j represent the rail element extremities and each node c represents a contact point at the actual time. The node c represents the position on the rail element where the contact force is located. The node d is located where a line, containing the point c and perpendicular to the rail element, intersects the rail element. Since these are perpendicular: rij rdc 0 (3.27) where rij and rdc define the vectors from nodes i to j and from nodes d to c, respectively. The vector rdc can also be defined by: rdc rc rd (3.28) where rc and rd define the positions of nodes c and d respectively. But the position of node d can also be obtained by: rd ri id uˆ ij (3.29) where ri defines the position of node i, id is the norm from node i to d and uˆ ij is a versor of a generic vector that goes from node i to node j. Then combining the equations (3.27) to (3.29), it is possible to obtain: rij rc ri id uˆ ij 0 29 (3.30) this equation can be further simplified, since: (3.31) ric rc ri where ric defines the vector from node i to c. Substituting equation (3.31) into equation (3.30) and solving in order to id , results in: id rij ric (3.32) rij uˆ ij Now, assuming that there is contact and the rail element is a rigid body, its potential point d, can be calculated as presented in equation (3.29). Now three possible solutions exists depending of ij . Which is the norm from node i to j, as represented in Figure 3.11. d j j j ûij d ûij i i d ûij λid λid λid i (a) (b) (c) Figure 3.11: Representation of the three cases for the different values of id where (a) 0 id ij (b) id 0 and (c) id ij If 0 id ij , it means that the candidate for the contact is correct and the program can advance to the second stage. If id 0 , it means that the contact is occurring in a previous rail element and the program repeats the first step for the previous rail element. If id ij , it means that the contact is occurring ahead of the candidate rail element and the program repeats the first step for the next element. The correct position of node d on the rail element can be calculated as: rd rd0 N( )di , j (3.33) where, as presented on Figure 3.12, rd0 corresponds to the rail node d position without the deformation accounted for; the vector di, j contains the displacements of the node i and j; and the matrix N( ) contains the element shape functions [122] in order of , which is the local element relative position of the contact point in its longitudinal direction defined as: id i0 d0 ij i0 j0 (3.34) where i0 d0 and i0 j0 correspond to id and ij without the deformation, respectively. 30 j0 dj d0 j dd i0 d di i λid λ ij potential point of contact on the ra il Figure 3.12: Representation of the potential point of contact on the rail element 3.5 Case Studies of the Flexible Track In the following three case studies are presented, including a static validation of a simple flexible track and the dynamic analysis of realistic tracks with moving loads and realistic vehicle forces. These results demonstrate the differences between using moving vertical loads and realistic vehicle-track interaction forces. 3.5.1 Simple Flexible Track and Static Validation The typical data required to build a finite element model representing a railway track is presented in Annex C, using the data provided by the SMARTRACK partners. Using that data and the curvature graph presented in Figure 3.8 (a), a finite element model of a generic railway track is obtained, as shown in Figure 3.13. In order to validate the methodology proposed here to define finite element flexible track models, a static analysis was performed and compared to a similar case study on a commercial program. A realistic flexible track model was built and subjected to wheelset loads of a railway vehicle, as depicted in Figure 3.13 (b). The results obtained were compared against the ones provided by ANSYS 12. The data used to build the flexible track model is given in Annex C. These forces represent the maximum wheelset load of 22.5 ton that a railway vehicle can have to be allowed to operate in the Portuguese railway network. In ANSYS, the BEAM4 [123] element was used as an Euler-Bernoulli beam element and the MATRIX27 [123] element was used as substitution for spring-damper elements, as it allows to create user defined elements. All other parameters required to build the track model in ANSYS match the ones used by the computational tool proposed here. 31 P P (a) (b) Figure 3.13: Simple flexible track model: (a) Finite element mesh; (b) External loads applied A pair of static downward vertical forces P of 112.5 kN are applied, as depicted in The deformations obtained with the two numerical tools are shown in Figure 3.14 and Figure 3.15. As the deformations are very small when compared with the other dimensions of the track, they are multiplied by a factor of 100 in these figures. The results obtained show that the maximum vertical deformation of the track is 2.9 mm on the nodes where the loads are applied. On the other hand, the maximum displacement in the lateral direction is 44.910-6 m, also on those nodes. The displacement in the longitudinal direction is negligible. (b) (a) Figure 3.14: Perspective view of the track deformation (deformation scaled 100): (a) Computational tool; (b) ANSYS (a) (b) Figure 3.15: Lateral view of the track deformation (deformation scaled 100): (a) Computational tool; (b) ANSYS 32 When comparing the results obtained with the methodology proposed here and with ANSYS, it is observed that the maximum relative error for the track vertical deformation is less than 0.04%, as shown in Figure 3.16, corresponding to a maximum absolute error of 57.410-9 m. Notice that the 0% error corresponds to the constrained nodes on the foundation. 0,045 0,04 Z Relative Error [%] 0,035 0,03 0,025 0,02 0,015 0,01 0,005 0 9600 9700 9800 9900 10000 10100 Node Number 10200 10300 10400 Figure 3.16: Relative error for the track vertical deformation. Figure 3.17 (a) presents the relative errors on the rail nodes that are in the vicinity of those where vertical wheelset forces were applied. The relative error of the vertical deformation on the nodes of the sleeper subjected to the external loads is shown in Figure 3.17 (b). 0,0035 0,0021 0,0021 0,0030 Lef t Rail Right Rail 0,0020 Z Relative Error [%] Z Relative Error [%] 0,0021 0,0025 0,0021 0,0021 0,0021 0,0015 0,0021 0,0010 -10 -5 0 5 Node Distance to Load Location on Rail 0,0021 9992 10 9993 9994 9995 Node Number 9996 9997 9998 (a) (b) Figure 3.17: Relative error on the nodes in the vicinity of the applied loads: (a) Nodes on the rail; (b) Nodes on the sleeper Similar analyses were performed considering four and eight loads on the rail, representing the bogies of an Alfa-Pendular vehicle. The results obtained are similar to the ones presented above. These results demonstrate that the proposed finite element methodology represents the track flexibility in an appropriate manner and it is quantitatively validated for static loads. 33 3.5.2 Realistic Flexible Track with Moving Loads and Vehicle Forces As in the case study presented before, the typical data required to build a finite element model representing a realistic curved railway track is also presented in Annex C. Using that data and the curvature graph presented in Figure 3.9 (a), a finite element model of a realistic railway track is automatically generated by the Pre-Processor, as shown in Figure 3.18. Figure 3.18: Realistic Flexible track model Since there was no opportunity to fully develop the communication procedure between the finite element and the multibody modules, this case study was analysed using two different approaches. In Case 1 constant moving loads are considered representative of the total weight of the vehicle divided by the vehicle wheels, as depicted in Figure 3.19 (a). In Case 2 realistic wheel-rail contact forces obtained from the vehicle-track interactions forces on a realistic dynamic simulation are considered, as represented in Figure 3.19 (b). These loads are 3D, including the normal contact forces and creep forces. P P P P P P P v P v (a) (b) Figure 3.19: Comparison of (a) the moving load method and (b) realistic vehicle forces Both cases are analysed considering that the vehicle is moving at v = 20 m/s (72 km/h) on the realistic track represented in Figure 3.18. The vertical and transversal loads applied on the track in both cases are depicted in Figure 3.20. 34 100000 Vertical Load on Rails [N] 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 Case 1 Left Rail Case 1 Right Rail Case 2 Left Rail Case 2 Raight Rail 20000 10000 0 0 200 400 600 800 Transversal Load on Rails [N] 40000 90000 Case 1 Left Rail Case 1 Right Rail Case 2 Left Rail Case 2 Raight Rail 30000 20000 10000 0 -10000 -20000 0 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 Track Length [m] Track Length [m] (a) (b) Figure 3.20: Comparison of the moving load method (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) for the front wheels of the vehicle for (a) the vertical loads and (b) the transversal loads The vertical displacement of the rails at four selected locations is shown in Figure 3.21 to Figure 3.24, which are located before the first transition curve, on the first transition curve, on the curve and on the second transition curve; together with their corresponding comparison in percentage. Here the maximum vertical deformation is 6.19 mm and is found on the left rail at the second transition curve. 0,6 Z Cases Comparison [%] 0 Z Displacement [m] -0,001 -0,002 -0,003 Case 1 Left Rail Case 1 Right Rail Case 2 Left Rail Case 2 Raight Rail -0,004 -0,005 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 Left Rail Right Rail 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 1 0 0,2 0,4 Time [s] 0,6 0,8 1 Time [s] (a) (b) Figure 3.21: Results of the Dynamic Analysis before the first transition curve: (a) vertical deformation of the rails with moving loads (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) and (b) their comparison in percentage 2,5 Z Cases Comparison [%] 0 Z Displacement [m] -0,001 -0,002 -0,003 Case 1 Left Rail Case 1 Right Rail Case 2 Left Rail Case 2 Raight Rail -0,004 -0,005 7 7,5 8 8,5 Left Rail Right Rail 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 9 7 Time [s] 7,5 8 8,5 9 Time [s] (a) (b) Figure 3.22: Results of the Dynamic Analysis on the first transition curve: (a) vertical deformation of the rails with moving loads (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) and (b) their comparison in percentage 35 140 0 120 Z Cases Comparison [%] Z Displacement [m] 0,001 -0,001 -0,002 -0,003 -0,004 Case 1 Case 1 Case 2 Case 2 -0,005 -0,006 26 26,5 27 Left Rail Right Rail Left Rail Raight Rail 27,5 Left Rail Right Rail 100 80 60 40 20 0 28 26 26,5 27 Time [s] 27,5 28 Time [s] (a) (b) Figure 3.23: Results of the Dynamic Analysis on the curve: (a) vertical deformation of the rails with moving loads (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) and (b) their comparison in percentage 1200 0,002 Z Cases Comparison [%] Z Displacement [m] 0,001 0 -0,001 -0,002 -0,003 -0,004 Case 1 Case 1 Case 2 Case 2 -0,005 -0,006 -0,007 45 45,5 46 Left Rail Right Rail Left Rail Raight Rail 46,5 Left Rail Right Rail 1000 800 600 400 200 0 45 47 45,5 46 46,5 47 Time [s] Time [s] (a) (b) Figure 3.24: Results of the Dynamic Analysis on the second transition curve: (a) vertical deformation of the rails with moving loads (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) and (b) their comparison in percentage The transversal displacement of the rails for the previous four selected locations is shown in Figure 3.25 to Figure 3.28. Here the maximum transversal deformation is 0.29 mm and is found on the left rail at the curve. Comparably, the deformations on the longitudinal direction are almost negligible, with a maximum inferior to 310-9 m. 0,00007 0,00005 Y Cases Comparison [%] Y Displacement [m] 35 Case 1 Left Rail Case 1 Right Rail Case 2 Left Rail Case 2 Raight Rail 0,00006 0,00004 0,00003 0,00002 0,00001 0 -0,00001 Left Rail Right Rail 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 0 Time [s] 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 Time [s] (a) (b) Figure 3.25: Results of the Dynamic Analysis before the first transition curve: (a) transversal deformation of the rails with moving loads (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) and (b) their comparison in percentage 36 14 Case 1 Left Rail Case 1 Right Rail Case 2 Left Rail Case 2 Raight Rail 0,00008 0,00006 0,00004 Y Cases Comparison [%] Y Displacement [m] 0,00012 0,0001 0,00002 0 -0,00002 -0,00004 -0,00006 -0,00008 -0,0001 Left Rail Right Rail 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 7 7,5 8 8,5 9 7 7,5 Time [s] 8 8,5 9 Time [s] (a) (b) Figure 3.26: Results of the Dynamic Analysis on the first transition curve: (a) transversal deformation of the rails with moving loads (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) and (b) their comparison in percentage Case 1 Left Rail Case 1 Right Rail Case 2 Left Rail Case 2 Raight Rail Y Displacement [m] 0,0002 0,0001 0 -0,0001 -0,0002 -0,0003 40 Y Cases Comparison [%] 0,0003 -0,0004 Left Rail Right Rail 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 26 26,5 27 27,5 28 26 26,5 Time [s] 27 27,5 28 Time [s] (a) (b) Figure 3.27: Results of the Dynamic Analysis on the curve: (a) vertical deformation of the rails with moving loads (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) and (b) their comparison in percentage Case 1 Left Rail Case 1 Right Rail Case 2 Left Rail Case 2 Raight Rail Y Displacement [m] 0,00006 0,00004 0,00002 0 -0,00002 -0,00004 -0,00006 -0,00008 100 Left Rail Right Rail 90 Y Cases Comparison [%] 0,0001 0,00008 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 -0,0001 0 45 45,5 46 46,5 47 45 Time [s] 45,5 46 46,5 47 Time [s] (a) (b) Figure 3.28: Results of the Dynamic Analysis on the second transition curve: (a) transversal deformation of the rails with moving loads (Case 1) and realistic vehicle forces (Case 2) and (b) their comparison in percentage Similar results were obtained for the sleeper below the rail, where the maximum vertical deformation is 5.56 mm also on the left side of the sleeper positioned at the second transition curve. On the sleeper, the longitudinal deformation is even inferior to the one presented on the rail, with a peak at 810-9 m, and the transversal deformation that peaks at 0.29 mm at the curve. Although there are differences between the use of moving loads and realistic vehicle forces, these are small, allowing the correct study of the track using either of them when the contact forces are considered independent from the deformation of the rail. A future development of this work 37 consists on the development of a Co-Simulation Procedure, allowing for the correct calculation of the track deformation and contact forces, since these quantities are dependent on each other. In the future, with the completion of the Co-Simulation Procedure, the coupling between the track deformation and the contact forces will be considered for future studies, as it is fundamental for the understanding of realistic dynamic track deformation and how it affects the vehicle performance. 38 4 Definition of the Post-Processing Tool The results obtained from a railway dynamic analysis are kinematic data, such as positions, velocities and accelerations from all vehicle components and kinetic data, such as the wheel-rail interaction forces. When the flexibility of the track is considered, it is also possible to obtain the realistic loading of the track and its deformation. Unfortunately, these results vary greatly, becoming impossible to compare similar analysis, namely using other vehicles or tracks, and obtain significant conclusions. In order to become comparable to other analyses, the results need to be filtered and processed, to become possible to analyse the safety and comfort parameters of the case study. This chapter describes the post-processing tool that was developed in this work to perform all filtering and data processing that are required to assess the dynamic performance of the railway vehicle according to the international regulations EN 14636 [11] and/or UIC 518 [12]. To comply with the requirements defined in these norms a set of values must be determined. These characterise the behaviour of the vehicle on the different zones of the track, being derived from measured or simulated data, namely accelerations and forces exerted on the vehicle, which are filtered and processed. This process is represented in Figure 4.1. Post-Processing Tool Raw Data Filtering and Data Processing Characteristic Values Check Acceptance Criteria Assess Dynamic Performance Figure 4.1: Schematic representation of the Post-Processing Tool Two different methods can be used to approve vehicles: the Normal Method that uses all assessment values, with the exception of the sum of the lateral axle box forces; while the Simplified Method only uses accelerations and has the option to use the sum of the lateral axle box forces as assessment values. The use of axle box forces and applicability is outside the scope of this thesis; the interested reader is referred to see EN 14636 [11] and/or UIC 518 [12]. 39 The industry specifies a series of limit values on the forces that the vehicle can apply on the rails, the forces that the vehicle bogies or wheelsets can be subjected to and the accelerations on the bogies or wheelsets and on the carbody. These limit values are then divided into three categories: the safety limit values that ensure that the vehicle will not be in any risk of derailment, the track loading limit values that ensure that the track will not be damaged by the passage of the vehicle and the comfort limit values that ensure that the vehicle is comfortable enough to be used for passengers transportation. To certificate the validity of a given vehicle to travel on a given track, the vehicle must respect all these limit values. 4.1 Data to be Measured and Simulated This section contains the information collected from EN 14636 [11] and UIC 518 [12] related to the necessary data to assess the correct functioning of the vehicle. Since both norms are similar in this matter, their contents will be condensed in a single section being the differences between the two identified. Assessment values for running behaviour are either measured directly or derived from other measured parameters. They are used in assessing the interaction between vehicle and track and mainly describe the wheel/rail system or are closely related to it. The following assessment values are generally used for the testing of running characteristics: a) Forces between wheel and rail: 1) Guiding Force Y, lateral measuring direction, for each axle on bogies or wheelset on non-bogie vehicles (Figure 4.2) 2) Wheel Force Q, vertical measuring direction, for each axle on bogies or wheelset on non-bogie vehicles (Figure 4.2) 3) Sum of Guiding Forces ΣY of a wheelset, per axle on bogies or wheelset on non-bogie vehicles (Figure 4.3) 4) Quotient Y/Q of Guiding Force/Wheel Force, for each axle on bogies or wheelset on non-bogie vehicles (Figure 4.2) Q Y Figure 4.2: Representation of the Wheel’s Guiding Force (Y) and Wheel Force (Q) 40 ΣY ΣY QR QL QL QR (a) (b) Figure 4.3: Representation of the Sum of Guiding Forces (ΣY) and Vertical Wheel Forces (Q), in (a) straight line and (b) curved track b) Forces at the bogie: 1) Sum of the lateral Axle Box Forces H, for each axle on instrumented bogies or wheelset on non-bogie vehicles (Figure 4.4) c) Accelerations: 1) Accelerations at axles, lateral measuring direction ÿ, on each wheelset for non-bogie vehicles (Figure 4.5) 2) Accelerations at bogie, lateral measuring direction ÿ+, on bogie frame or on each wheelset for non-bogie vehicles (Figure 4.5) 3) Accelerations in the vehicle body, lateral ÿ* and vertical ̈ ∗ measuring directions, above the bogies or the wheelsets on non-bogie vehicles (Figure 4.5) Axlebox Axlebox Axle Wheel flange Wheel tread Figure 4.4: Representation of a Wheelset ̈ ÿ ̈ Figure 4.5: Relative rigid body accelerations 41 4.2 Limit Values This section contains the information collected from EN 14636 [11] and UIC 518 [12] related to the limit values that a vehicle may possess and still be able to operate in a given track. 4.2.1 Limit Values of Running Safely The running safely limit values must be used restrictively. These limit values can only be changed nationally and/or multi-nationally if the track and operating conditions differ from the basis conditions used by UIC for the definition of limit values. Accelerations or H forces shall not be considered for safety assessment of vehicles or vehicle parts on which Y and Q are measured. Sum of Guiding Forces ΣYmax The safety-critical limit for track shifting is: 2Q 0 ΣYmax,lim k 1 10 3 [k N ] (4.1) where ΣYmax,lim and 2Q0 (static axle-load) are expressed in kN and the factor k1: k1 = 1.0 for locomotives, power cars, multiple units, passenger coaches and track maintenance vehicles k1 = 0.85 for freight wagons and special transport vehicles The factor k1 takes into account the minimum Guiding Force values of a wheelset that a track is still able to withstand without permanent lateral displacements. The limit ΣYmax,lim refers to ballasted track; with timber sleepers, with a distance between sleepers inferior to 65 cm; and rails with a weight greater than 46 kg/m; where the track bed has been recently tamped (see DT 66 and RP1 from ORE Committee C138 [124]). To take into account variations in geometrical dimensions and the state of maintenance, a smaller factor k1 is assumed for freight wagons, but exceptions are permissible for well-founded cases. For vehicles with short axle spacing the influence of the adjacent axles increase the limit value ΣY a track can endure. It is allowed to use extended calculation methods which take this fact into consideration. Quotient of Guiding Force and Wheel Force (Y/Q)max The safety-critical limit for the quotient of a leading wheel is: Y / Q max,lim 0.8 (4.2) on curved tracks with radius of R ≥ 250 m. This recommended limit value, applicable for dynamic on-line tests according to UIC 518 [12], was given by ORE C138 in RP9 [125]. To 42 assess safety against derailment at low speed on twisted track, the conditions quoted in ORE B55/RP8 [126] have to be met. According to previous investigations, it was verified the limit (Y/Q)max,lim for constant track curves (without transition curves and ramps) with radii R ≥ 300 m (see ERRI C138 [124]), in some loading conditions. Evidence of suitability for curves R < 300 m has not been provided. Until reliable results are available, it is recommended that the limit value referred in equation (4.2) is also used for curves 250 m ≤ R < 300 m. In transition curves it is recognized that higher values than 0.8 may be encountered. The maximum limit value of 1.2 (for flange angle of 70º) applied for quasistatic testing according to EN 14363 [11] section 4.1 shall be respected. Actually in transition curves no specific limit can be specified, however it shall not exceed 1.2 and in the case where 0.8 is exceeded each case shall be investigated and justified. These values are currently being revisited, on the basis of test results from various vehicle types. Pending conclusions of these studies, when this limit is exceeded it is allowed to recalculate the Y/Q estimated maximum value according to the following process, considered by C138 [124] when setting at 0.8 the limit value: 1) Create an alternative test zone made up of all track sections with 300 m ≤ R ≤ 500 m. 2) For the statistical processing per section (see page 36 of UIC 518 [12]), use xi(97.5 %) instead of xi(99.85%). 3) For the statistical processing per zone (see page 37 of UIC 518 [12]), use Student coefficient t(N – 2; 95%) – (see table in page 78 of UIC 518 [12]) to replace k = 3 (when using one-dimensional method) or Student coefficient t(N – 2; 99%) – (when using two-dimensional method). 4) Both results (before and after recalculation) shall be reported. A recent UIC study, i.e. page 118 of UIC 518 [12], based on tests with empty freight wagons equipped with Y25 bogies, showed that values up to 0.83 were evaluated as above on lines comprising many sections with track quality above QN2. If the recalculation is made for vehicles with axle load > 15 t there may be a track loading problem due to an unfavourable angle of the force leading to failure of fastening on sharp curves. In this case operation may not be accepted on some networks. Overturning Criterion (Train Category IV) η UIC 518 considers an additional criteria for category IV vehicles [12], where this limit value is: η,lim 1 (4.3) 43 The definition of category IV vehicles and of the overturning criterion are outside the scope of this thesis; the interested reader is referred to see UIC 518 [12]. Sum of Lateral Axle Box Forces Hmax This limit value is only used in the simplified measuring method when measurement of lateral axle box forces is carried out. The safety-critical limit is: 2Q 0 H max,lim k 2 10 3 (4.4) [kN] where Hmax,lim and 2Q0 (static axle load) are expressed in kN and the factor k2: k2 = 0.90 for locomotives, power cars, multiple units and passenger coaches, track-maintenance vehicles (and special vehicles in EN 14363 [11]) k2 = 0.75 for empty freight wagons (and special vehicles in UIC 518 [12]) k2 = 0.80 for loaded freight wagons (and special vehicles in UIC 518 [12]) The factor k2 takes into account the dynamic behaviour of the wheelset in the lateral direction. To take account of greater variations in geometrical dimensions and of the state of maintenance, smaller factor k2 is assumed for freight wagons. Exceptions are permissible in well-founded individual cases. Maximum Acceleration at the Bogie ÿ+max The application of this assessment value is only used in the simplified measuring method when measurement of lateral axle box forces is not carried out. Depending on the mass m+ of the complete bogie (including wheelsets) the following limit values ÿ+max,lim are to be applied: ÿ +max,lim 12 – m+ 5 [m / s 2 ] (4.5) where m+ is the mass in tonnes. EN 14363 [11] allows for partial on-track tests with the simplified measuring method a reduced limit value of ÿ+max,lim,simp shall be calculated at a third of the remaining margin between the highest estimated maximum value of this assessment value and its limit value: ÿ with + max,lim,simp ( max Y PA max,normal ) , ÿ + max,lim max Y PA max,normal 3 [m / s 2 ] (4.6) as the highest estimated maximum value of all test conditions during the initial complete on-track test. 44 Maximum Accelerations in the Vehicle Body ÿ*Smax and ̈ *Smax The limit value ÿ*Smax,lim is only used in the simplified measuring method when measuring of lateral axle box forces is not carried out. The Table 4.1 shows the necessary limit values. This table assumes that the static axle force 2Q0 is in kN and that ̈ *Smax,lim for empty freight wagons is known to be a problem in test zone 1 and 2, it is currently being reviewed by UIC so deviations from this limit value may be allowed. EN 14363 [11] allows for partial on-track tests with the simplified measuring method a reduced limit value of ÿ*Smax shall be calculated at a third of the remaining margin between the highest estimated maximum value of this assessment value and its limit value: ÿ with * S,max,lim,simp ( max Y PA max,normal ) ÿ* S,max,lim max Y PA max,normal 3 [m / s 2 ] (4.7) as the highest estimated maximum value of all test conditions , during the initial complete on-track test. Limit values for (m/s²) Vehicle, test conditions ÿ*Smax,lim Locomotives Power Cars Multiple Units Passenger Coaches ̈ *Smax,lim Single Suspension level or deflated air spring condition 5 Double Suspension level 3 Test Zone 1 and 2 3 Test Zone 3 2.8 Test Zone 4 2.6 Freight Wagons (loaded) and Special Vehicles 5 Freight Wagons (empty) 5 Freight Wagons, Special Vehicles with Bogies Freight Wagons Special Vehicles Bogies without 3 2Q0 < 60 kN 4 60 kN ≤ 2Q0 ≤ 200 kN 4.43 – 2Q0/140 2Q0 > 200 kN 3 Table 4.1: Limit values for Maximum Accelerations in the Vehicle Body Instability Criterion Depending on the applied measuring method and the vehicle type the following limit values shall be used: a) Normal measuring method: Sum of Guiding Forces, 45 ΣYrms,lim ΣYmax,lim / 2 (4.8) b) Simplified measuring method and measurement of lateral axle box forces: Sum of lateral Axle Box Forces, H rms,lim H max,lim / 2 (4.9) c) Simplified measuring method without measurement of lateral axle box forces on non-bogie vehicles: Accelerations on Axle, ÿrms,lim 5 [m / s 2 ] (4.10) d) Simplified measuring method without measurement of lateral axle box forces on bogie vehicles: Accelerations at bogie frame, ÿ+rms,lim ÿ+max,lim / 2 (4.11) 4.2.2 Track Loading Limit Values These values only apply for the Normal Measuring Method and are applicable to vehicles up to maximum static wheel force of 112.5 kN. For operation of heavier vehicles on selected tracks the limit values may be increased. Quasi-static Guiding Force Yqst EN 14363 [11] uses a constant limit value that is: Yqst,lim 60 (4.12) [kN] for curved test zones with large, small and very small radius, excluding transition sections. This limit value is known to be a problem for vehicles in curved test zones with very small radius. It is currently being reviewed by UIC. Deviations from this value may be allowed. On the other hand UIC 518 uses the following limit value is: 10500 Yqst ,lim 30 Rm [kN] (4.13) being Rm the mean radius of the track sections retained for the evaluation. When this limit value is exceeded due to severe friction conditions, it is allowed to recalculate the estimated value of Yqst on the zone after replacing the individual (Yqst)i values on the track sections “i” where (Y/Q)ir (mean value of Y/Q ratio on the inner rail over the section) exceeds 0.40 by: (Yqst)i – 50[(Y/Q)ir – 0.4]. Both results (before and after the recalculation) shall be reported. 46 Quasi-static Wheel Force Qqst This limit value is: Qqst,lim 145 (4.14) [kN] for curved test zones with large, small and very small radius, excluding transition sections. UIC 518 [12] makes an exception for freight trains with Q0 > 112.5 kN and Vadm ≤ 100 km/h where it is: Qqst ,lim 155 (4.15) [kN] Maximum Wheel Force Qmax This limit value is: Qmax,lim 90 Q0 [kN] (4.16) where Qmax,lim and Q0 are expressed in kN, Q0 being the static loading on each wheel and are limited to the values present on Table 4.2 depending on the permissible maximum speed of the vehicle Vadm. Vadm* ≤ 100 km/h: Vadm ≤ 160 km/h: 160 km/h < Vadm ≤ 200 km/h: 200 km/h < Vadm ≤ 250 km/h: 250 km/h < Vadm ≤ 300 km/h: Vadm > 300 km/h: *For freight trains with Q0 > 112.5 kN only according to UIC 518 [12] Qmax,lim* ≤ 210 kN Qmax,lim ≤ 200 kN Qmax,lim ≤ 190 kN Qmax,lim ≤ 180 kN Qmax,lim ≤ 170 kN Qmax,lim ≤ 160 kN Table 4.2: Limit values for Track Loading Where Vadm is the vehicle’s operating speed limit. The limiting value to be selected is the smaller of the values obtained by applying the law of variation and the limitation due to speed. The track loading limit values take into account rails with a weight ≥ 46 kg/m and the minimum values of rail strength of 700 N/mm2. Quasi-static Track Loading Forces Bqst UIC 518 [12] considers an additional criteria on curved test zones with large, small and very small radius, excluding transition sections. The limit value is: B qst lim 185 [kN] where: 47 (4.17) 10500 Bqst Yqst 0.83Qqst a – 30 Rm (4.18) with a = 53.3 for small radius curves or a = 67.5 for very small curves. In case of severe friction conditions it is allowed to use the recalculated estimated value of Yqst on the test zone using (Yqst)i - 50[(Y/Q)ir – 0.4] for each test section “i” where (Y/Q)ir > 0.4. This limit value is based on the fatigue strength of the rail type 49 E1 (S 49) [127]. In cases where (Bqst)lim is exceeded, a reduction of operating speed in curves may be considered. Limit Values of the Ride Characteristics For the assessment of the vehicle’s ride characteristics the following accelerations are used: a) Quasistatic Accelerations in the Vehicle Body ÿ*qst b) Maximum Accelerations in the Vehicle Body ÿ*max, ̈ *max c) Root mean square of Accelerations in the Vehicle Body ÿ*rms, ̈ *rms Assessment, Vehicle, Test Conditions Limit Values for Accelerations in Vehicle Body (m/s²) ÿ*qst,lim ÿ*max,lim z̈ *max,lim ÿ*rms,lim z̈ *rms,lim Locomotives, Power Cars 1.5 2.5 2.5 0.5 1.0 Multiple Units, Passenger Coaches 1.5 2.5 2.5 0.5 0.75 Freight Wagon, Special Vehicles with Bogies 1.3 3.0 5.0 1.3 2.0 Freight Wagon, Special Vehicles without Bogies 1.3 4.0 5.0 1.5 2.0 Ride Characteristics Table 4.3: Limit values for Ride Characteristics Table 4.3 shows the values for good ride characteristics. If higher values occur, the influence on passengers or loading safety and the strength of the vehicle and its mounted parts shall be regarded. Number and duration of the incidents as well as the service concept shall be considered. ÿ*qst,lim only is applicable in curved test zones. For degraded suspension conditions (see section of EN 14363 [11]) running safely will be respected according to the limits in 4.2. 4.3 Experimental Tests This section contains the information collected from EN 14636 [11] and UIC 518 [12] related to the procedures required to analyse the data collected from experimental tests. 48 4.3.1 Recording the Measuring Signals In principle, the measuring signals of all measured parameters and influencing parameters intended for subsequent evaluation shall be recorded using machine-readable data carriers. For the recording of the measuring signals, a low-pass filter shall be used. The cut-off value of the frequency depends on the type of recording and of the type of parameter: a) ≥ 40 Hz for data carriers b) Graphical representation: – Lateral parameters: ≥ 10 Hz – Vertical parameters: ≥ 20 Hz 4.3.2 Processing the Measuring Signals The filtering for recording and evaluation, method of classification and numerical values of the accumulative curve are effective during the processing of measuring signals and affect the characteristics values of frequency distribution and consequently all the dependent results. Therefore, conditions once defined shall not be altered without good reason in order to prevent systematic deviations and for comparability reasons. The method of classification is taken to mean a specific method for the acquisition of random vibrations. Applied methods of classification include the following: 1) Sampling Method: At specified intervals, the instantaneous value of the variable is determined and counted according to classes. 2) Sliding Mean Method: First, the arithmetic mean is determined from a specific number of instantaneous values over the window length. This mean shall be classified. A new mean, displaced by the sampling step, shall be created and also classified. 3) Sliding RMS Method: The rms-value is calculated from a specific number of instantaneous values (window length), a new rms-value shall be calculated displaced by the sampling step length. Table 4.4 and Table 4.5 give the conditions that apply to the processing of measuring signals according to EN 14363 [11] and UIC 518 [12], respectively. The test zones are: 1) strait track and curved tracks with very large radius, 2) curved track with a large radius, 3) curved track with a small radius and 4) curved track with a very small radius. 49 Assessment Symbol Value Running Safely Sum of Guiding ΣYmax Forces Wheelset 1, 2 Sum of Lateral Axle Hmax Box Forces Wheelset 1, 2 Quotient Leading Wheelset Acceleration at Bogie Wheelset 1, 2 Acceleration in Vehicle Body End I, II Instability Criterion Filtering for Evaluation Low-pass filter: 20 Hz Method of Classification Low-pass filter: 10 Hz ÿ*smax Low-pass filter: 6 Hz ÿrms 3 3 3 3 Per end group: xj(h2) and xj(h1)*(-1) Random Sampling Method Band-pass filter: 0.4-4 Hz Band-pass filter: f0 ± 2 Hz k Per wheelset group: xj(h2) for left hand curves xj(h1)*(-1) for right hand curves For leading wheelset group: x11(h2) for left hand curves x12(h1)*(-1) for right hand curves h1 = 0.15% h2 = 99.85% ÿ+max ΣYrms Hrms ÿ+rms Grouping and Conversion Test Zone 1 Test Zone 2, 3, 4 Per wheelset group: xj(h2) and xj(h1)*(-1) Sliding Mean Method: Window length: 2.0 m Step length: 0.5 m (Y/Q)max ̈ *smax Characteristic Values 3 Per end group: xj(h2) and xj(h1)*(-1) Sliding RMS Method: – Window length: 100 m – Step length: 10 m Max-Values Per wheelset Per wheelset 3 - Track Loading Guiding Force Wheelset 1, 2 Wheel Force Wheels 11, 12, 21, 22 Yqst Qqst Low-pass filter: 20 Hz Random Sampling Method h0 = 50.0% h2 = 99.85% Qmax xjk(h2) Per wheelset group: xj1(h0) for left hand curves xj2(h0)*(-1) for right hand curves Per bogie group: xj1(h0) for left hand curves xj2(h0) for right hand curves Per bogie group: xj1(h2) for left hand curves xj2(h2) for right hand curves 0 0 2.2 Ride Characteristics Acceleration in Vehicle Body End I, II ÿ*qst ÿ*max ̈ *max ÿ*rms ̈ *rms Influencing Parameters Speed V Cant cd Defiency Low-pass filter: 20 Hz Band-pass filter: 0.4-10 Hz Low-pass filter: 4 Hz h0 = 50.0% Random Sampling Method h1 = 0.15% h2 = 99.85% Per end group: xj1(h0) for left hand curves xj2(h0) for right hand curves Per end group: xj(h2) and xj (h1)*(-1) rms-values Random Sampling Method h0 = 50.0% Table 4.4: Conditions for the processing of the measuring signals from EN 14363 [11] 50 2.2 2.2 2.2 0 0 Assessment Value Symbol Running Safely Sum of Guiding Forces (ΣY)2m All instrumented wheelsets Sum of Lateral Axle (H)2m Box Forces Wheelset 1, 2 Quotient Leading (Y/Q)2m Wheelset Filtering for Evaluation Method of Classification Low-pass filter: 20 Hz Sliding Mean Method Window length: 2.0 m Step length: 0.5 m Overturning Criterion η Low-pass filter: 1.5 Hz Acceleration at Bogie Outer wheelsets ÿ +s Low-pass filter: 10 Hz Acceleration in Vehicle Body End I, II ÿ* s Low-pass filter: 6 Hz Instability Criterion All instrumented wheelsets ΣY H ÿ +s ÿ* s ÿs Track Loading Guiding Force All wheels on instrumented wheelsets Wheel Force All wheels on instrumented wheelsets ̈ *s Characteristic Values Grouping and Conversion Test Zone 1 Per wheelset group: xj(h2) and |xj (h1)| h1 = 0.15% h2 = 99.85% Random Sampling Method Band-pass filter: f0 ± 2 Hz Per bogie group: xj(h2) and |xj (h1)| Per wheelset group: xj(h2) and |xj (h1)| Per end group: xj(h2) and |xj (h1)| For leading wheelset group: x11(h2) for right hand curves |x12(h1)| for left hand curves 3 Per bogie group: xj (h2) for right hand curves |xj(h1)| for left hand curves 3 Per wheelset group: xj(h2) for right hand curves |xj(h1)| for left hand curves 3 Per end group: xj(h2) for right hand curves |xj(h1)| for left hand curves 3 Per end group: xj(h2) and |xj (h1)| 3 Per wheelset group: xj1(h0) for right hand curves |xj2(h0)| for left hand curves Yqst Qqst 3 Per wheelset group: xj(h2) for right hand curves |xj(h1)| for left hand curves Sliding RMS Method: – Window length: 100 m – Step length: 10 m Random Sampling Method h0 = 50.0% h2 = 99.85% Q k 3 Band-pass filter: 0.4-4 Hz Low-pass filter: 20 Hz Test Zone 2, 3, 4 xjk(h2) Per bogie group: xj1(h0) for right hand curves xj2(h0) for left hand curves Per bogie group: xj1(h2) for right hand curves xj2(h2) for left hand curves - 0 0 2.2 Ride Characteristics Acceleration in Vehicle Body End I, II ÿ*qst ÿ* q ̈ *q sÿ*q s ̈ *q Low-pass filter: 20 Hz Band-pass filter: 0.4-10 Hz h0 = 50.0% Random Sampling Method Per end group: xj1(h0) for right hand curves xj2(h0) for left hand curves 0 h1 = 0.15% h2 = 99.85% Per end group: xj(h2) and |xj (h1)| 2.2 rms-values Per end group: rms-values 2.2 Table 4.5: Conditions for the processing of the measuring signals from UIC 518 [12] The sampling frequency of the Random Sampling Method should be at least 200 Hz. The f0 is the instability frequency, defined as the dominant frequency in the case of unstable behaviour and must be determined before evaluation of test results. Filter with cut-off frequency at -3 dB, gradient ≥ 24 dB/octave, tolerance ± 0.5 dB up to the cut-off frequency, ± 1 dB beyond that value. 51 Filtering Raw Data An ideal filter completely eliminates all frequencies outside of the passable frequency band while passing those inside unchanged. The transition region present in practical filters does not exist in an ideal filter. However, the ideal filter is impossible to realize without a signal of infinite extent in time, and so generally needs to be approximated for real ongoing signals. There are many different types of filter circuits, with different responses to changing frequency. The frequency response of a filter is generally represented using a Bode plot, and the filter is characterised by its cut-off frequency and rate of frequency roll-off. In all cases, at the cut-off frequency, the filter attenuates the input power by half or 3 dB. In the case of the Butterworth filter, at the cut-off frequency the filter always attenuates the input power by 3 dB, regardless of its order, unlike other filters. The order of the filter then determines the amount of additional attenuation for frequencies outside the passable frequency window. In general, the final rate of power roll-off for an order-n all-pole filter is 6n dB/octave (i.e., 20n dB/decade). Here the poles define the order of the filter. In Figure 4.6, a series of low-pass Butterworth filters with various orders and their influence in the attenuation of the signal is presented. As shown, the signal suffers almost no attenuation before the cut-off frequency and is much reduced after it, with the greater the number of poles influencing that attenuation. 40 Attenuation [dB] 0 -40 -80 Order-1 Order-2 Order-3 Order-4 Order-5 -120 -160 -200 0,01 0,1 1 10 100 Frequency [Hz] Figure 4.6: Bode Plot of low-pass Butterworth filters with a cut-off frequency of 1 Hz and variable order (from 1 to 5) The Sliding Mean Method To use the Sliding Mean Method there are two required parameters, the Window Length and the Step Length. With them, a series of windows are calculated, each with the length given by the Window Length and displaced by the Step Length in relation to each other, so that the mean 52 value for those windows is possible to calculate. This results in the cut of the initial and end data. Figure 4.7 presents some of the windows that will have their content averaged to a single point, as an example of the process needed to determine the data set that to be averaged. 6 4 Data Value (y) 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Displacement [m] Figure 4.7: Filtered data and some of the windows used in the calculation of the Sliding Mean (window length: 4 m and step length: 1 m) vs. displacement graph Figure 4.8 shows an example of a Sliding Mean with a window length of 4 m and a step length of 1 m when applied to a set of data. As shown, the resulting signal has fewer peaks and is much smoother. 4 2 Data Value (y) 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 Filtered Data Sliding Mean Data -10 -12 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Displacement [m] Figure 4.8: Filtered data and its Sliding Mean (window length: 4 m and step length: 1 m) vs. displacement graph The Sliding RMS Method To use the Sliding Root Mean Square Method there are also two required parameters, the Window Length and the Step Length. With them, a series of windows are calculated, each with the length given by the Window Length and displaced by the Step Length in relation to each other, so that the square root of the mean value of the squares of the data for those 53 windows is possible to calculate. This is also results in the cut of the initial and end data like the Sliding Mean Method, but ignores the sign of the signal, seeing it as its absolute value. Figure 4.9 presents some of the windows here the RMS method will be applied and converted to a single point, as an example of the process needed to determine the data set where the RMS method will be applied. 6 4 Data Value (y) 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Displacement [m] Figure 4.9: Filtered data and some of the windows used in the calculation of the Sliding RMS (window length: 4 m and step length: 1 m) vs. displacement graph Figure 4.10 shows an example of a Sliding RMS with a window length of 4 m and a step length of 1 m when applied to a set of data. The resulting signal has much less peaks and is much smoother, using the absolute value of the raw data. 15 Data Value (y) 10 5 0 -5 -10 Filtered Data Sliding RMS Data -15 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Displacement [m] Figure 4.10: Filtered data and its Sliding RMS (window length: 4 m and step length: 1 m) vs. displacement graph Calculation of Characteristic Values for Track Sections From the measuring signals, which were processed in accordance with the tables present in 4.3.2 the cumulative curve shall be determined by the sum of the absolute values y ordered from smallest to greatest, for any parameter being processed. So the absolute values from the filtered 54 data, shown in Figure 4.11, are ordered from smallest to greatest, as represented by Figure 4.12. Now the accumulative values are determined and then divided by the maximum accumulated value as to obtain the percentile accumulative curve, as represented in Figure 4.13. 4 2 Data Value (y) 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Displacement [m] Figure 4.11: Filtered data vs. displacement graph 12,00 Data Value (y) 10,00 8,00 6,00 4,00 2,00 0,00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Position x(h) Figure 4.12: Reordered absolute data vs. position graph 100 90 Frequency (h) [%] 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Position x(h) Figure 4.13: Cumulative percentile curve graph 55 60 From the cumulative curve (Figure 4.13), the frequency values x(hj) can be obtained, so that it is possible to determine the value of y correspondent to the desired value of hj from Figure 4.12: – x(h1), frequency of cumulative curve h1 = 0.15% – x(h0), frequency of cumulative curve h0 = 50.00% – x(h2), frequency of cumulative curve h2 = 99.85% Calculation of Characteristic Values for Test Zones The values y, gathered for each section of a zone as described in, are then used to determine the value for the zone. To do that, it is calculated the arithmetic mean and the standard deviation s for the quantities grouped as seen in the tables present in 4.3.2. These statistical values serve to determine the estimated maximum value, using the equation ymax = + k ∙ s, where k is a factor that depends, among other things, on the level of confidence selected (and is present in the tables in 4.3.2). 56 5 Post-Processor Application The post-processor tool is applied here to two case studies using the Simplified Method and only considers the accelerations measurements. Both cases were taken from the experimental data gathered on the Vouga track, in Portugal, and studied under the Vouga Project. While the first case is fully described, the second case only present the raw data, its derived characteristic values and the conclusions; following the same procedures as the ones presented for the first case. Table 5.1 shows the required data for a Simplified Method analysis. Assessment Symbol Value Running Safely Acceleration at Bogie ÿ +s Outer wheelsets Acceleration in Vehicle Body End I, II ÿ * s ̈ *s Instability Criterion All ÿ +s instrumented wheelsets Ride Characteristics Acceleration in Vehicle Body End I, II ÿ*qst ÿ* q ̈ *q sÿ*q s ̈ *q Filtering for Evaluation Method of Classification Characteristic Values Low-pass filter: 10 Hz Low-pass filter: 6 Hz Random Sampling Method h1 = 0.15% h2 = 99.85% Band-pass filter: 0.4-4 Hz Band-pass filter: f0 ± 2 Hz Low-pass filter: 20 Hz Band-pass filter: 0.4-10 Hz Grouping and Conversion Test Zone 1 Test Zone 2, 3, 4 Per wheelset group: xj(h2) and |xj(h1)| Per end group: xj(h2) and |xj(h1)| Per wheelset group: xj(h2) for right hand curves |xj(h1)| for left hand curves 3 Per end group: xj(h2) for right hand curves |xj(h1)| for left hand curves 3 Per end group: xj(h2) and |xj(h1)| 3 Sliding RMS Method: – Window length: 100 m – Step length: 10 m h0 = 50.0% Random Sampling Method h1 = 0.15% h2 = 99.85% rms-values k Per end group: xj1(h0) for right hand curves xj2(h0) for left hand curves - 0 Per end group: xj(h2) and |xj(h1)| 2.2 Per end group: rms-values 2.2 Table 5.1: Conditions for the processing of the measuring signals for the Simplified Method from UIC 518 [12] 5.1 Case Study 1 As it will be shown, this case study fails to respect all limit values, namely fails two safety limit values and, therefore, this vehicle would not be allowed to operate on the analysed track at the considered speed. 5.1.1 Measured Raw Data Based on the information provided by Table 5.1, the raw data required would be ÿ+, ÿ* and ̈ *, as presented in Figure 5.1, Figure 5.2 and Figure 5.3. This data was measured directly from the vehicle and is unprocessed. 57 25 20 Accelaration [g] 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 0 5 10 Time [s] + 15 20 10 Time [s] 15 20 15 20 Figure 5.1: Raw ÿ vs. time graph 1,5 Accelaration [g] 1 0,5 0 -0,5 -1 -1,5 -2 0 5 Figure 5.2: Raw ÿ* vs. time graph 4 3 Accelaration [g] 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 0 5 10 Time [s] Figure 5.3: Raw ̈ * vs. time graph 5.1.2 Filtered Data A filter that fulfils all the criteria defined by EN 14636 [11] and UIC 518 [12] is a 4th-order Butterworth filter. It will be the one used in this case study. Several filtering procedures need to be applied to the data presented in Figure 5.1, Figure 5.2 and Figure 5.3. This will be explained in the following, step by step. 58 Safety Parameters Acceleration at Bogie ÿ+S: The lateral acceleration at the bogies ÿ+S is filtered with a lowpass filter at 10 Hz (see 4.3.2 after Table 4.5 for the remaining filter characteristics). The results are shown in Figure 5.4. 2,5 2 Accelaration [g] 1,5 1 0,5 0 -0,5 -1 -1,5 -2 -2,5 -3 0 5 Figure 5.4: 10 Time [s] Filtered ÿ+S vs. 15 20 time graph Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*S and ̈ *S: The lateral acceleration in the vehicle body ÿ*S is filtered with a low-pass filter at 6 Hz and the vertical acceleration in the vehicle body ̈ *S is filtered with a band-pass filter at 0.4-4 Hz (see 4.3.2 after Table 4.5 for the remaining filter characteristics). The results are shown in Figure 5.5 and Figure 5.6, respectively. 0 -0,02 Accelaration [g] -0,04 -0,06 -0,08 -0,1 -0,12 -0,14 -0,16 0 5 Figure 5.5: 10 Time [s] Filtered ÿ*S vs. 15 20 time graph Instability Criterion ÿ+S: The Instability Criterion defined by ÿ+S is filtered with a band-pass filter at f0 ± 2 Hz (see 4.3.2 after Table 4.5 for the remaining filter characteristics). In this instance the instability frequency f0 was determined to be at 89.57 Hz. The results are shown in Figure 5.7. 59 0,3 Accelaration [g] 0,2 0,1 0 -0,1 -0,2 -0,3 0 5 Figure 5.6: 10 Time [s] Filtered ̈ *S vs. 15 20 time graph 4 3 Accelaration [g] 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 0 5 10 Time [s] 15 20 Figure 5.7: Instability Criterion ÿ+S vs. time graph Ride Characteristics Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*qst: The lateral acceleration in the vehicle body ÿ*qst is filtered with a low-pass filter at 20 Hz (see 4.3.2 after Table 4.5 for the remaining filter characteristics). The results are shown in Figure 5.8. 3 Accelaration [g] 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 0 5 Figure 5.8: 10 Time [s] Filtered ÿ*qst vs. 60 15 time graph 20 Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*q, ̈ *q, sÿ*q and s ̈ *q: The lateral and vertical accelerations in the vehicle body ÿ*q, ̈ *q, sÿ*q, s ̈ *q are filtered with a band-pass filter at 0.4-4 Hz (see 4.3.2 after Table 4.5 for the remaining filter characteristics). The results are shown in Figure 5.9 and Figure 5.10, respectively. 0,15 Accelaration [g] 0,1 0,05 0 -0,05 -0,1 0 5 Figure 5.9: 10 Time [s] Filtered ÿ*q vs. 15 20 time graph 0,4 0,3 Accelaration [g] 0,2 0,1 0 -0,1 -0,2 -0,3 -0,4 -0,5 0 5 Figure 5.10: 10 Time [s] Filtered ̈ *q vs. 15 20 time graph 5.1.3 Classification Method The direct use of the accelerations at the bogie and vehicle body is possible if they include more than 200 measurements per second. As such, no action is required in this step for this Simplified Method. 5.1.4 Characteristic Values for Track Sections Each section of a given zone is characterised by values that define it. In this case study, it is considered that each zone has 50 sections equally spaced, in order to accommodate the 61 smallest track sections. A step by step example will be given for the first section of the first assessment value, with the remaining sections following similar methodologies. Safety Parameters Acceleration at Bogie ÿ+S: The lateral acceleration at the bogies ÿ+S is characterised by the values at h1 = 0.15% and at h2 = 99.85% using the accumulative curve. The filtered data presented in Figure 5.4 is divided in 50 equal sections and reordered using the method presented in and then used to build the cumulative curve. The reordered absolute data from the first section is shown in Figure 5.11, while the cumulative curve for the first section is shown in Figure 5.12. 0,40 Acceleration (y) [g] 0,35 0,30 0,25 0,20 0,15 0,10 0,05 0,00 0 50 100 150 200 Position x(h) Figure 5.11: Reordered absolute ÿ+S data vs. position graph for the first section 100 90 Frequency (h) [%] 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 Position x(h) Figure 5.12: Cumulative curve of ÿ+S vs. position graph for the first section From the cumulative curve it is possible to acquire the position for a given h value and from that its corresponding acceleration. Resulting in the first section having an y(h1) = 0.006985 g and an y(h2) = 0.373682 g. The Figure 5.13 shows the y(hi) values for each section along the zone. 62 2,5 y(h1) y(h2) Acceleration (y) [g] 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 Section Figure 5.13: Characteristic values of ÿ+S for each section of a zone Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*S and ̈ *S: The lateral acceleration in the vehicle body ÿ*S is characterised by values h1 = 0.15% and h2 = 99.85% using the accumulative curve. The filtered data presented in Figure 5.5 is divided in 50 equal sections and reordered using the method presented in and then used to build the cumulative curve. Following a similar procedure, Figure 5.14 shows the y(hi) values for each section along the zone. The same method is applied to the vertical acceleration in the vehicle body ̈ *S, as shown in Figure 5.15. 0,18 y(h1) 0,16 y(h2) Acceleration (y) [g] 0,14 0,12 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 Section Figure 5.14: Characteristic values of ÿ*S for each section of a zone 0,3 y(h1) y(h2) Acceleration (y) [g] 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 Section Figure 5.15: Characteristic values of ̈ *S for each section of a zone 63 Instability Criterion ÿ+S: The Instability Criterion defined by ÿ+S uses the RMS Method (with the characteristics presented in Table 5.1). The resulting graph is represented by Figure 5.16. 0,7 0,6 Accelaration [g] 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0 5 Figure 5.16: 10 Time [s] RMS ÿ+S vs. 15 20 time graph Ride Characteristics Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*qst: The lateral acceleration in the vehicle body ÿ*qst is characterised by the values at h0 = 50% using the accumulative curve. The filtered data presented in Figure 5.8 is divided in 50 equal sections and reordered using the method presented in and then used to build the cumulative curve. Figure 5.17 shows the y(h0) values for each section along the zone. 2,5 Acceleration (y) [g] 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 Section Figure 5.17: Characteristic values of ÿ*qst for each section of a zone Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*q, ̈ *q, sÿ*q and s ̈ *q: The lateral acceleration in the vehicle body ÿ*q is characterised by the values at h1 = 0.15% and at h2 = 99.85% using the accumulative curve. The filtered data presented in Figure 5.9 is divided in 50 equal sections and reordered using the method presented in and then used to build the cumulative curve. Following a similar procedure, Figure 5.18 shows the y(hi) values for each section 64 along the zone. The same method is applied to the vertical acceleration in the vehicle body ̈ *q. The results are represented in Figure 5.19. The lateral and vertical accelerations in the vehicle body sÿ*q and s ̈ *q use the rms value for each section. The results are represented in Figure 5.20 and Figure 5.21, respectively. 0,12 y(h1) y(h2) Acceleration (y) [g] 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 Section Figure 5.18: Characteristic values of ÿ*q for each section of a zone 0,4 y(h1) y(h2) Acceleration (y) [g] 0,35 0,3 0,25 0,2 0,15 0,1 0,05 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 Section Figure 5.19: Characteristic values of ̈ *q for each section of a zone 0,05 0,045 Acceleration (y) [g] 0,04 0,035 0,03 0,025 0,02 0,015 0,01 0,005 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 Section Figure 5.20: Characteristic values of the sÿ*q for each section of a zone 65 0,2 0,18 Acceleration (y) [g] 0,16 0,14 0,12 0,1 0,08 0,06 0,04 0,02 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 Section Figure 5.21: Characteristic values of the s ̈ *q for each section of a zone 5.1.5 Characteristic Values for Test Zones After the analysis for each track section the characteristic value can be calculated for the whole zone using the values of the track section. Safety Parameters Acceleration at Bogie ÿ+S: For straight track zones, the lateral acceleration at the bogies ÿ+S is determined by the method explained in, using all the values gathered by all the sections contained within the zone, i.e., the sum of the average plus three times the standard deviation of the sections’ characteristic values for ÿ+S. For the analysed zone, ÿ+S = 2.1962 g. For curved track zones, the lateral acceleration at the bogies ÿ+S is determined by the same method, but using only some of the values required, as shown in Table 5.1. For the analysed zone it was obtained ÿ+S = 2.5313 g. Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*S and ̈ *S: For straight track zones, the lateral acceleration in the vehicle body ÿ*S is determined by the method explained in using all the values gathered by all the sections contained within the zone. For the analysed zone, ÿ*S = 0.1664 g. For curved track zones, the lateral acceleration in the vehicle body ÿ*S is determined by the same method, but using only some of the values required as shown by Table 5.1 and for the analysed zone the computed value is ÿ*S = 0.1511 g. For the vertical acceleration in the vehicle body ̈ *S is determined by the same method, but only applied to the curved test zones and for the analysed zone it was obtained ̈ *S = 0.1883 g. 66 Instability Criterion ÿ+S: The Instability Criterion defined by ÿ+S is only valid for strait and large radius curve test zone using the method explained in for the maximum value in the zone. For the present case, ÿ+S = 0.6475 g. Ride Characteristics Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*qst: The lateral acceleration in the vehicle body ÿ*qst is only relevant for curve test zones and is determined by the method explained in using all the values gathered by all the sections contained within the zone. For the analysed zone, ÿ*qst = 0.7312 g. Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*q, ̈ *q, sÿ*q and s ̈ *q: For straight and curved track zones, the lateral acceleration in the vehicle body ÿ*q is determined by the method explained in using all the values gathered by all the sections contained within the zone. For the analysed zone, ÿ*q = 0.0849 g. For the vertical acceleration in the vehicle body ̈ *q is determined by the same method and for the analysed zone ̈ *q = 0.2182 g. For the lateral acceleration in the vehicle body sÿ*q is determined by the same method and for the analysed zone sÿ*q = 0.0408 g. For the vertical acceleration in the vehicle body s ̈ *q is determined by the same method and for the analysed zone s ̈ *q = 0.1254 g. 5.1.6 Discussion After determining the characteristic values for each track zone it is then possible to compare them to the limit values imposed by EN 14636 [11] and UIC 518 [12] and previously presented in section 4.2. Safety Parameters Acceleration at Bogie ÿ+S: In the present case the bogie with all its constituent parts and wheelsets weights 4 tonnes, and the limit value is defined by equation (4.5), so we have that the limit for the lateral acceleration at the bogie is: (ÿ+S )lim 12 mb 4 12 11.2 5 5 [m / s 2 ] (5.1) or about 1.1417 g. This limit value is lower than the maximum encountered for the analysed zone (2.5313 g) and so the operation is outside of the safety limits. 67 Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*S and ̈ *S: The limit value for the lateral acceleration in the vehicle body ÿ*S in straight tracks and curved tracks with large radius is 3 m/s2 or 0.3058 g. This limit is much higher than the maximum encountered of 0.1664 g. The limit value becomes 2.8 m/s2 or 0.2854 g in curved tracks with small radius and 2.6 m/s2 or 0.2650 g in curved tracks with very small radius, both of which are respected. For the vertical acceleration in the vehicle body ̈ *S the limit value depends on the type of suspension that the vehicle has, with single suspension level or deflated air spring condition as 5 m/s2 (0.5097 g) and double suspension level 3 m/s2 (0.3058 g), both of which are much higher than the maximum found of 0.1883 g. Instability Criterion ÿ+S: The limit value for the Instability Criterion defined by ÿ+S is half of the safety limit value of the lateral acceleration at the bogie, defined in equation (5.1). In this case it becomes 5.6 m/s2 or 0.5708 g. In this instance, the maximum value encountered (0.6475 g) also surpasses this limit and as such the vehicle instability surpasses the safety limits. Safety Assessment: In the present case the lateral accelerations at the bogie ÿ+S exceed both the safety limits values for such acceleration and the stability limits. As such the vehicle cannot circulate at the analysed speed, but it is likely that at a lower speed these concerns cease to exist and so further research is required. Table 5.2 presents the condensed results concerning the safety of Case Study 1. Parameter ÿ+S ÿ* S ̈ *S Instability ÿ+S Obtained Characteristic Value 2.5313 g 0.1664 g 0.1883 g 0.6475 g Limit Value 1.1417 g 0.2650 g 0.3058 g 0.5708 g Conclusion Not Approved Approved Approved Not Approved Table 5.2: Case Study 1 safety approval table Ride Characteristics The limit values for the ride characteristics are greatly influenced by the type of vehicle it is. In this case we will consider this vehicle as a Power Car and its correspondent limit values can be found in Table 4.3. Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*qst: The limit for the lateral acceleration at the bogies ÿ*qst for a Power Car is 1.5 m/s2 or 0.1529 g, which is much lower than the maximum encountered of 0.7312 g. As such the vehicle’s comfort is outside of the established comfort limit. Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*q, ̈ *q, sÿ*q and s ̈ *q: The limit for the lateral acceleration in the vehicle body ÿ*q on a Power Car is 2.5 m/s2 or 0.2548 g, which is higher than the maximum 68 encountered of 0.0849 g. For the vertical acceleration in the vehicle body ̈ *q the limit on a Power Car is 2.5 m/s2 or 0.2548 g, which is higher than the maximum encountered of 0.2182 g. For the lateral acceleration in the vehicle body sÿ*q the limit on a Power Car is 0.5 m/s2 or 0.0510 g, which is higher than the maximum encountered of 0.0405 g. For the vertical acceleration in the vehicle body s ̈ *q the limit on a Power Car is 1.0 m/s2 or 0.1019 g, which is lower than the maximum encountered of 0.1254 g. As such the vehicle’s comfort is outside of the established limit. Ride Characteristics Assessment: In the present case the both lateral and vertical accelerations in the vehicle body exceed the quality limits imposed for a comfortable ride. The vehicle can still circulate at the analysed speed (if it didn’t exceed the safety limits, as shown in 0), but it is likely that at a lower speed this problem is reduced or completely eliminated. Table 5.3 presents the condensed results concerning the ride characteristics of Case Study 1. Parameter ÿ*qst ÿ* q ̈ *q sÿ*q s ̈ *q Obtained Characteristic Value 0.7312 g 0.0849 g 0.2182 g 0.0405 g 0.1254 g Limit Value 0.1529 g 0.2548 g 0.2548 g 0.0510 g 0.1019 g Conclusion Not Approved Approved Approved Approved Not Approved Table 5.3: Case Study 1 ride characteristics approval table 5.2 Case Study 2 This case study respects all limit values and, therefore, this vehicle would is able to operate on the analysed track. The measured data is processed exactly the same way as shown for Case Study 1. Hence, only the raw data and the results are shown. 5.2.1 Measured Raw Data Based on the information provided by Table 5.1, the raw data required would be ÿ+, ÿ* and ̈ *, as presented in Figure 5.22, Figure 5.23 and Figure 5.24 for Case Study 2. 5.2.2 Characteristic Values for Test Zones After the analysis for each track section, the characteristic value can be calculated for the whole zone using the values of the track section. As the steps required to go from the Raw Data presented in 5.2.1 to the Characteristic Values for the Test Zone are the same as for Case 1, they are omitted here. 69 25,00 20,00 Accelaration [g] 15,00 10,00 5,00 0,00 -5,00 -10,00 -15,00 -20,00 0 10 20 30 Time [s] + 40 30 Time [s] * 40 30 Time [s] * 40 50 60 50 60 50 60 Figure 5.22: Raw ÿ vs. time graph 1,00 0,80 Accelaration [g] 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,00 -0,20 -0,40 -0,60 -0,80 -1,00 0 10 20 Figure 5.23: Raw ÿ vs. time graph 6,00 Accelaration [g] 4,00 2,00 0,00 -2,00 -4,00 -6,00 -8,00 0 10 20 Figure 5.24: Raw ̈ vs. time graph Safety Parameters Acceleration at Bogie ÿ+S: For straight track zones, the lateral acceleration at the bogies ÿ+S is determined by the method explained in using all the values gathered by all the sections contained within the zone. For the analysed zone, ÿ+S = 0.9728 g. For curved track zones, the 70 lateral acceleration at the bogies ÿ+S is determined by the same method, but using only some of the values required, as shown by Table 5.1 and for the analysed zone ÿ+S = 1.0437 g. Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*S and ̈ *S: For straight track zones, the lateral acceleration in the vehicle body ÿ*S is determined by the method explained in using all the values gathered by all the sections contained within the zone. For the analysed zone, ÿ*S = 0.1494 g. For curved track zones, the lateral acceleration in the vehicle body ÿ*S is determined by the same method, but using only some of the values required as shown by Table 5.1 and for the analysed zone, ÿ*S = 0.1301 g. For the vertical acceleration in the vehicle body ̈ *S is determined by the same method, but only applied to the curved test zones. For the analysed zone, ̈ *S = 0.0751 g. Instability Criterion ÿ+S: The Instability Criterion defined by ÿ+S is filtered with a band-pass filter at f0 ± 2 Hz (and other characteristics see 4.3.2). The f0 frequency was determined to be approximately 0 Hz, which results in an empty signal after filtering, meaning that there is no instability. Ride Characteristics Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*qst: The lateral acceleration in the vehicle body ÿ*qst is only relevant for curve test zones and is determined by the method explained in using all the values gathered by all the sections contained within the zone. For the analysed zone, ÿ*qst = 0.0137 g. Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*q, ̈ *q, sÿ*q and s ̈ *q: For straight and curved track zones, the lateral acceleration in the vehicle body ÿ*q is determined by the method explained in using all the values gathered by all the sections contained within the zone. For the analysed zone, ÿ*q = 0.0620 g. For the vertical acceleration in the vehicle body ̈ *q is determined by the same method and for the analysed zone ̈ *q = 0.1341 g. For the lateral acceleration in the vehicle body sÿ*q is determined by the same method and for the analysed zone, sÿ*q = 0.0220 g. For the vertical acceleration in the vehicle body s ̈ *q is determined by the same method and for the analysed zone s ̈ *q = 0.0396 g. 71 5.2.3 Discussion After determining the characteristic values for each track zone it is then possible to compare them to the limit values imposed by EN 14636 [11] and UIC 518 [12] and previously presented in section 4.2. Safety Parameters Acceleration at Bogie ÿ+S: In the present case the bogie with all its constituent parts and wheelsets weights 4.3 tonnes, and the limit value is defined by equation (4.5), so we have that the limit for the lateral acceleration at the bogie is: (ÿ+S )lim 12 mb 4 12 11.2 5 5 [m / s 2 ] (5.2) or about 1.1417 g. This limit value is higher than the maximum encountered for the analysed zone (1.0437 g) and so the operation is within the safety limits. Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*S and ̈ *S: The limit value for the lateral acceleration in the vehicle body ÿ*S in straight tracks and large radius curve tracks is 3 m/s2 or 0.3058 g. This limit is much higher than the maximum encountered of 0.1494 g. The limit value becomes 2.8 m/s2 or 0.2854 g in small radius curve tracks and 2.6 m/s2 or 0.2650 g in very small radius curve tracks, both of which are respected. For the vertical acceleration in the vehicle body ̈ *S the limit value depends on the type of suspension that the vehicle has, with single suspension level or deflated air spring condition as 5 m/s2 (0.5097 g) and double suspension level 3 m/s2 (0.3058 g), both of which are much higher than the maximum found of 0.0751 g. Instability Criterion ÿ+S; The limit value for the Instability Criterion defined by ÿ+S is half of the safety limit value of the lateral acceleration at the bogie, in this case it becomes 5.6 m/s2 or 0.5708 g. In this instance, since there is no instability, the vehicle is within the safety limits. Safety Assessment: In the present case all safety limit values are respected and as such the vehicle can operate on the analysed track at the analysed speed. Further analyses are required to determine the vehicle maximum operating speed within the analysed track. Table 5.4 presents the condensed results concerning the safety of Case Study 2. 72 Parameter ÿ+S ÿ* S ̈ *S Instability ÿ+S Obtained Characteristic Value 1.0437 g 0.1494 g 0.0751 g 0g Limit Value 1.1417 g 0.2650 g 0.3058 g 0.5708 g Conclusion Approved Approved Approved Approved Table 5.4: case Study 2 safety approval table Ride Characteristics The limit values for the ride characteristics are greatly influenced by the type of vehicle it is. In this case we will consider this vehicle as a Power Car and its correspondent limit values can be found in Table 4.3 for the EN 14636 [11] for UIC 518 [12]. Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*qst: The limit for the lateral acceleration at the bogies ÿ*qst for a Power Car is 1.5 m/s2 or 0.1529 g, which is much higher than the maximum encountered of 0.0137 g. Acceleration in Vehicle Body ÿ*q, ̈ *q, sÿ*q and s ̈ *q: The limit for the lateral acceleration in the vehicle body ÿ*q on a Power Car is 2.5 m/s2 or 0.2548 g, which is higher than the maximum encountered of 0.0620 g. For the vertical acceleration in the vehicle body ̈ *q the limit on a Power Car is 2.5 m/s2 or 0.2548 g, which is higher than the maximum encountered of 0.1341 g. For the lateral acceleration in the vehicle body sÿ*q the limit on a Power Car is 0.5 m/s2 or 0.0510 g, which is higher than the maximum encountered of 0.0220 g. For the vertical acceleration in the vehicle body s ̈ *q the limit on a Power Car is 1.0 m/s2 or 0.1019 g, which is higher than the maximum encountered of 0.0396 g. Ride Characteristics Assessment: In the present case all ride characteristics limit values are respected and as such the vehicle is validated for passenger transport on the analysed track at the analysed speed. Further analyses are required to determine the vehicle maximum operating speed within the analysed track. Table 5.5 presents the condensed results concerning the ride characteristics of Case Study 2. Parameter ÿ*qst ÿ* q ̈ *q sÿ*q s ̈ *q Obtained Characteristic Value 0.0137 g 0.0620 g 0.1341 g 0.0220 g 0.0396 g Limit Value 0.1529 g 0.2548 g 0.2548 g 0.0510 g 0.1019 g Conclusion Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Table 5.5: Case Study 2 ride characteristics approval table 73 5.3 Discussion of the Case Studies Now that the data has been processed, these cases can be analysed and compared to the data used by the Industry in order to assess the safety and comfort and compared with each other. In the first case the lateral accelerations at the bogie exceed both the safety limits for such acceleration and the stability limits and the both lateral and vertical accelerations in the vehicle body exceed the quality limits imposed for a comfortable ride. As a result, the vehicle cannot circulate at the analysed speed, but it is likely that at a lower speed these concerns cease to exist and so further research is required. In the second case all safety and ride characteristics limit values are respected and, therefore, the vehicle can operate on the analysed track at the analysed speed. Further analyses are required to determine the vehicle maximum operating speed on the track considered here. This case also has overall lower characteristic values than the first analysed case, but still retains a high lateral acceleration at the bogie. This high value can be caused by many factors, such as a damaged or unbalanced bogie, bad track conditions, irregularities... In Table 5.1 is presented a resume of the characteristic values for both case studies and their comparison with each other and their limit values. Here, red indicates that the limit value was exceeded, orange indicates that the values exceeds 75% of the limit value, yellow indicates that the values exceed 50% of the limit value, green indicates that the values exceed 25% of the limit value and white indicate that the values are inferior to 25% of the limit value. Assessment Values Running Safely Accelerations at Bogie Accelerations in Vehicle Body Instability Criteria Ride Characteristics Values Accelerations in Vehicle Body Symbol Case 1 [g] Case 2 [g] Limit Values [g] ÿ+S ÿ* S ̈ *S + ÿ S 2.5313 0.1664 0.1883 0.6475 1.0437 0.1494 0.0751 0 1.1417 0.2650 0.3058 0.5708 ÿ*qst ÿ* q ̈ *q sÿ*q s ̈ *q 0.7312 0.0849 0.2182 0.0405 0.1254 0.0137 0.0620 0.1341 0.0220 0.0396 0.1529 0.2548 0.2548 0.0510 0.1019 Table 5.6: Characteristic Values for the analysed case studies 74 6 Conclusions and Future Development The correct evaluation of the loads imposed to the railway infrastructure by trainsets and, conversely, the damages on vehicles provoked by the track conditions has been attracting the attention of railway industry in recent years. The raising interest on this subject has occurred mainly due to the development of new high-speed railway lines and to the common drive to upgrade the capacity of existing infrastructures. The increasing demands on railway transportation require improvements of the network capacity, which can be achieved either by increasing the speed of the traffic or by increasing the axle loads. However, both of these options place pressures on the existing infrastructures and the effects of these changes have to be carefully considered. The main goal of this work is to develop advanced computational tools for railway dynamics, with innovative methodologies that are handled in a co-simulation environment, where all physical phenomena can be integrated, as shown in Figure 1.1. This includes not only the detailed representation of the vehicle, track and subgrade, but also the interaction among them. Such tools can indicate solutions with technological relevance and give answer to the industry’s most recent needs, contributing to improve the competitiveness of the railway transportation system. The two main tools developed in this work are: a) the pre-processor that builds the flexible track model from provided geometric and material properties for the track and its elements, and b) the post-processor that computes the results of the dynamic analysis in order to determine if a given vehicle is acceptable to operate on a given track at the proposed speed. The mathematical models of the railway vehicles are created using a multibody formulation. The kinematic constraints between the different system components are formulated in terms of the set of generalized coordinates. On the other hand, the flexible track model uses the finite element methodology. While the rails and the sleepers are modelled as beams, the pads and foundations are modelled as spring-dampers to account for their intrinsic flexibility. Between the multibody and the finite element codes lies the contact model, connecting the vehicle’s wheels and the track’s rails using a co-simulation procedure. Although other procedures exist, the use of a contact penalty formulation demonstrates to be enough to obtain all main contact features. From the results obtained in the present work, it can be concluded that the proposed numerical tools are appropriate for railway applications and that finite element methodology, proposed here to represent the track flexibility, is suitable for railway studies and it is quantitatively validated for static loads. The developed post-processing tool intends to verify if the a given vehicle-track combination is within the safety and comfort parameters defined by EN 14636 [11] and UIC 518 [12], which are 75 commonly used by the railway industry. This tool was developed and demonstrated in two case studies. One failed to meet all required criteria and the other that complies requirements. Although the co-simulation procedure required to perform the dynamic analysis of the modelled railway vehicle running on the modelled flexible track isn’t complete, the results taken from both the pre-processing and post-processing tools developed in this work are valid and useful when integrated on a complete dynamic analysis. The first future development to be realised is the conclusion of this co-simulation procedure and the integration of the track, vehicle and contact models in a common tool, so that it can perform complete dynamic analysis and evaluate the results according to the current industry requirements. Other future development of this work is to perform comparative studies in order to investigate the influence of track flexibility and of track conditions on vehicles performance. Also studies involving the consequences of trainset operation on railway infrastructure degradation are possible to develop. The establishment of partnerships with Portuguese railway operators and infrastructure manager gives good perspectives for the industrial application of these studies. Other aspect which needs further investigation is the identification of the railway track damping parameters. However, it is recognized that the estimation of the structural damping of structures is still a technological challenge. Rayleigh damping, also known as proportional damping, was used to model the developed track model. Still, these damping parameters need to be identified with further detail, either on tracks under current operation or in the design phase. So it is important to find methodologies able to identify the track damping on existent tracks with experimental testing and validation. Moreover, it is important to relate these findings to tracks that are still in the design phase. 76 References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] Schmitt, L., "Recent sncf research on ballasted high speed track. fatigue behaviour.", Track for High-Speed Railways, Porto, Portugal2006. López-Pita, A., Teixeira, P.F., Casas, C., Ubalde, L. and Robusté, F., "Evolution of track geometric quality in high-speed lines: Ten years experience of the Madrid-Seville line.", Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 147 – 155, 2007. Selig, E. T. and Waters, John M., "Track geotechnology and substructure management", T. Telford ;American Society of Civil Engineers, Publications Sales Dept. distributor, LondonNew York, 1994. Zhai, W.M., Wang, K.Y. and Lin, J.H., "Modelling and experiment of railway ballast vibrations", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 270, pp. 673-683, 2004. 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In addition, it is necessary to provide the Cartesian components of the tangential t, normal n and binormal b vectors that define the rail referential associated to each nodal point. These quantities are tabulated as function of the rail arc length, as represented in Table A.1. Rail arc Length <Num> Xi … <Num> Yi Zi Txi Tyi Tzi Nxi Nyi Nzi Bxi Byi Bzi <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> … … … … … … … … … … … … <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> <Num> Table A.1: Rail geometry data After defining the 3D geometry of each rail, it is necessary to provide information about the number of track segments to be considered in the finite element mesh. For each segment, it is necessary to define its name, length and the refinement level of the mesh, as represented in Table A.2. Number of Track Types: Track Type i Track Type 1 Track Type 2 … Track Type n <Number> Track Type Name <Track Type 1 Name> <Track Type 2 Name> … <Track Type n Name> Length of Track Type i <Number> <Number> … <Number> Refinement Level of Track Type i <Number> <Number> … <Number> Table A.2: Track segments data For each track segment defined in Table A.2, it is necessary to provide information about the types of rails, sleepers and foundations that compose each one, as represented in Table A.3. Track Type 1 Rail Data Type Sleepers Data Type Foundations Data Type <Track Type 1 Name> <Rail Data Type Name> <Sleepers Data Type Name> <Foundations Data Type Name> Table A.3: Track segment components data 83 Then, for each rail, it is necessary to define the properties required for the EulerBernoulli beam elements formulation, as represented in Table A.4. Rail Data Type <Rail Data Type n Name> UIC Rail Code: <Code> Young Modulus - E [Pa]: <Number> Poisson Coefficient: <Number> Cross Section Area [m²]: <Number> Effective Shear Section Area in yy Direction [m²]: <Number> Effective Shear Section Area in zz Direction [m²]: <Number> Second Moment of Area in xz Plane - Iyy [m⁴]: <Number> Second Moment of Area in xy Plane- Izz [m⁴]: <Number> Second Moment of Area in yz Plane - Ixx [m⁴]: <Number> Density [kg/m³]: <Number> Torsion Modulus - G [Pa]: <Number> Rayleigh Damping Parameter α: <Number> Rayleigh Damping Parameter β: <Number> Table A.4: Rail geometry data After introducing the information about the rails, it is necessary to provide all properties required to define the sleepers for each track segment, as represented in Table A.5. Sleepers Data Type: <Sleepers Data Type n Name> Sleepers Distance [m]: <Number> Number of Nodes Between Sleepers: <Number> Sleeper Geometry: <Sleeper Geometry Name> Pad Longitudinal Stiffness Kx [N/m]: <Number> Pad Transversal Stiffness Ky [N/m]: <Number> Pad Vertical Stiffness Kz [N/m]: <Number> Pad Torsional Stiffness Kt [N/m]: <Number> Pad Vertical Rotation Stiffness Kry [N/m]: <Number> Pad Transversal Rotation Stiffness Krz [N/m]: <Number> Pad Longitudinal Damping Cx [N.s/m]: <Number> Pad Transversal Damping Cy [N.s/m]: <Number> Pad Vertical Damping Cz [N.s/m]: <Number> Pad Torsional Damping Ct [N.s/m]: <Number> Pad Vertical Rotation Damping Cry [N.s/m]: <Number> Pad Transversal Rotation Damping Crz [N.s/m]: <Number> Table A.5: Sleeper properties data Besides the information about the rails and sleepers, the properties for the definition of the foundations for each track segment are required, as represented in Table A.6. 84 Foundations Data Type: <Foundations Data Type n Name> Foundation Longitudinal Stiffness Kx [N/m]: <Number> Foundation Transversal Stiffness Ky [N/m]: <Number> Foundation Vertical Stiffness Kz [N/m]: <Number> Foundation Torsional Stiffness Kt [N/m]: <Number> Foundation Vertical Rotation Stiffness Kry [N/m]: <Number> Foundation Transversal Rotation Stiffness Krz [N/m]: <Number> Foundation Longitudinal Damping Cx [N.s/m]: <Number> Foundation Transversal Damping Cy [N.s/m]: <Number> Foundation Vertical Damping Cz [N.s/m]: <Number> Foundation Torsional Damping Ct [N.s/m]: <Number> Foundation Vertical Rotation Damping Cry [N.s/m]: <Number> Foundation Transversal Rotation Damping Crz [N.s/m]: <Number> Sleeper Interaction Longitudinal Stiffness Kx [N/m]: <Number> Sleeper Interaction Transversal Stiffness Ky [N/m]: <Number> Sleeper Interaction Vertical Stiffness Kz [N/m]: <Number> Sleeper Interaction Torsional Stiffness Kt [N/m]: <Number> Sleeper Interaction Vertical Rotation Stiffness Kry [N/m]: <Number> Sleeper Interaction Transversal Rotation Stiffness Krz [N/m]: <Number> Sleeper Interaction Longitudinal Damping Cx [N.s/m]: <Number> Sleeper Interaction Transversal Damping Cy [N.s/m]: <Number> Sleeper Interaction Vertical Damping Cz [N.s/m]: <Number> Sleeper Interaction Torsional Damping Ct [N.s/m]: <Number> Sleeper Interaction Vertical Rotation Damping Cry [N.s/m]: <Number> Sleeper Interaction Transversal Rotation Damping Crz [N.s/m]: <Number> Table A.6: Foundation properties data As previously referred, the rails and sleepers are modelled by using Euler-Bernoulli beam elements. The rail geometry data is provided in Table A.4. For the sleepers, with a general geometry shown in Figure A.1, the data required to define their geometry is represented in Table A.7. C B A Figure A.1: Sleeper general geometry 85 Sleeper Geometry: <Sleeper Geometry n Name> Sleeper Length (Parameter A) [m]: <Number> Rail-to-End Position (Parameter C) [m]: <Number> Rail-to-Start Position (Parameter B) [m]: <Number> Number of Additional Nodes on Half Sleeper: <Number> End Young Modulus - E [Pa]: <Number> End Poisson Coefficient: <Number> End Cross Section Area [m²]: <Number> End Effective Shear Section Area in yy Direction [m²]: <Number> End Effective Shear Section Area in zz Direction [m²]: <Number> End Second Moment of Area in xz Plane - Iyy [m⁴]: <Number> End Second Moment of Area in xy Plane - Izz [m⁴]: <Number> End Second Moment of Area in yz Plane - Ixx [m⁴]: <Number> End Density [kg/m³]: <Number> End Torsion Modulus - G [Pa]: <Number> End Rayleigh Damping Parameter α: <Number> End Rayleigh Damping Parameter β: <Number> Start Young Modulus - E [Pa]: <Number> Start Poisson Coefficient: <Number> Start Cross Section Area [m²]: <Number> Start Effective Shear Section Area in yy Direction [m²]: <Number> Start Effective Shear Section Area in zz Direction [m²]: <Number> Start Second Moment of Area in xz Plane - Iyy [m⁴]: <Number> Start Second Moment of Area in xy Plane - Izz [m⁴]: <Number> Start Second Moment of Area in yz Plane - Ixx [m⁴]: <Number> Start Density [kg/m³]: <Number> Start Torsion Modulus - G [Pa]: <Number> Start Rayleigh Damping Parameter α: <Number> Start Rayleigh Damping Parameter β: <Number> Middle Young Modulus - E [Pa]: <Number> Middle Poisson Coefficient: <Number> Middle Cross Section Area [m²]: <Number> Middle Effective Shear Section Area in yy Direction [m²]: <Number> Middle Effective Shear Section Area in zz Direction [m²]: <Number> Middle Second Moment of Area in xz Plane - Iyy [m⁴]: <Number> Middle Second Moment of Area in xy Plane - Izz [m⁴]: <Number> Middle Second Moment of Area in yz Plane - Ixx [m⁴]: <Number> Middle Density [kg/m³]: <Number> Middle Torsion Modulus - G [Pa]: <Number> Middle Rayleigh Damping Parameter α: <Number> Middle Rayleigh Damping Parameter β: <Number> Table A.7: Sleeper geometry data Finally it is necessary to define the constants and output parameters for the track model. These quantities are represented in Table A.8. Track Constants Output Parameters Gravity Acceleration [m/s2]: <Number> Deformation Scalar Factor: <Number> Table A.8: Track model constants and output parameters 86 Annex B: Communication between Multibody and FE Codes In this work, a 3D methodology to study the interaction of a railway vehicle, described by a multibody formulation, with a flexible track, represented by a finite element methodology, is proposed. Instead of using the conventional approach where the vehicle and track dynamics are handled independently, here an integrated strategy is used to handle the vehicle-track coupled dynamics. For this purpose, a high-speed co-simulation procedure is established in order to communicate between the multibody and the finite element codes. The vehicle-track interaction forces are computed by using an appropriate wheel-rail contact formulation [18,19]. For the dynamic analysis of the finite elements model, a Newmark family numerical integrator [111,114] using a fixed time step is employed, while for the multibody vehicle model the integration procedure is based on a predictor-corrector algorithm with variable time step [128]. Each code handles independently their equations of motion of their referred subsystem and applies the contact forces on the contact points both shared between them. The compatibility between the two integration algorithms imposes readily available state variables of the two sub-systems during the integration procedure and that a prediction of the contact forces is available at any given time step. There are occasions in which one of the algorithms has to wait for the other and vice-versa. The developed communication interface is composed of two stages. In the first stage, the codes exchange input data necessary to their own initialization procedures. No contact at the track is implied or allowed at the initial time step. In the second stage, data is shared between codes to perform dynamic analysis, exchanging data as previously described. One critical issue of using co-simulation procedures is the added computational cost due to the data exchange between codes. The time spent on data exchange between applications must be negligible compared to the computation time costs of the two analyses. In order to reduce this computational cost, the data exchange methodology adopted will use virtual memory sharing via memory mapped files [129]. Further details on this topic are outside the scope of this thesis, the interested reader is referred to the work developed by Antunes [102], where is it applied to the catenary instead of the track and to the pantograph instead of the vehicle. 87 Annex C: Case Study Properties The following track data was provided by the SMARTRACK partners from New University of Lisbon. Number of Track Types 1 Track Type i Track Type Name Length of Track Type i Refinement Level of Track Type i Track Type 1 Track1 500 1 Table C.1: Track segments data for the case study Rail Data Type UIC Rail Code Young Modulus - E [Pa] Poisson Coefficient Cross Section Area [m2] Second Moment of Area in xz Plane - Iyy [m4] Second Moment of Area in xy Plane - Izz [m4] Second Moment of Area in yz Plane - Ixx [m4] Density [kg/m3] Torsion Modulus - G [Pa] Rayleigh Damping Parameter α Rayleigh Damping Parameter β UIC60 UIC60 210×109 0.3 7.6700×10-3 30.383×10-6 5.123×10-6 35.506×10-6 7.860×103 80.770×109 0 0 Table C.2: Rail data for the case study Foundations Data Type Foundation1 Foundation Longitudinal Stiffness Kx [N/m]: 3×106 Foundation Transversal Stiffness Ky [N/m]: 55×106 Foundation Vertical Stiffness Kz [N/m]: 55×106 Foundation Torsional Stiffness Kt [N/m]: 1×10-20 Foundation Vertical Rotation Stiffness Kry [N/m]: 1×10-20 Foundation Transversal Rotation Stiffness Krz [N/m]: 1×10-20 Foundation Longitudinal Damping Cx [N.s/m]: 31×103 Foundation Transversal Damping Cy [N.s/m]: 31×103 Foundation Vertical Damping Cz [N.s/m]: 31×103 Foundation Torsional Damping Ct [N.s/m]: 1×10-20 Foundation Vertical Rotation Damping Cry [N.s/m]: 1×10-20 Foundation Transversal Rotation Damping Crz [N.s/m]: 1×10-20 Sleeper Interaction Longitudinal Stiffness Kx [N/m]: 55×106 Sleeper Interaction Transversal Stiffness Ky [N/m]: 55×106 Sleeper Interaction Vertical Stiffness Kz [N/m]: 3×106 Sleeper Interaction Torsional Stiffness Kt [N/m]: 1×10-20 Sleeper Interaction Vertical Rotation Stiffness Kry [N/m]: 1×10-20 Sleeper Interaction Transversal Rotation Stiffness Krz [N/m]: 1×10-20 Sleeper Interaction Longitudinal Damping Cx [N.s/m]: 31×103 Sleeper Interaction Transversal Damping Cy [N.s/m]: 31×103 Sleeper Interaction Vertical Damping Cz [N.s/m]: 31×103 Sleeper Interaction Torsional Damping Ct [N.s/m]: 1×10-20 Sleeper Interaction Vertical Rotation Damping Cry [N.s/m]: 1×10-20 Sleeper Interaction Transversal Rotation Damping Crz [N.s/m]: 1×10-20 Table C.3: Foundation properties for the case study 88 Sleepers Data Type Sleeper1 Sleepers Distance [m]: 0,6 Number of Nodes Between Sleepers: 5 Sleeper Geometry: SleeperGeo1 Pad Longitudinal Stiffness Kx [N/m]: 260×106 Pad Longitudinal Stiffness Kx [N/m]: 260×106 Pad Transversal Stiffness Ky [N/m]: 65×106 Pad Vertical Stiffness Kz [N/m]: 68×106 Pad Torsional Stiffness Kt [N/m]: 1×10-20 Pad Vertical Rotation Stiffness Kry [N/m]: 1×10-20 Pad Transversal Rotation Stiffness Krz [N/m]: 1×10-20 Pad Longitudinal Damping Cx [N.s/m]: 75×103 Pad Transversal Damping Cy [N.s/m]: 19×103 Pad Vertical Damping Cz [N.s/m]: 19×103 Pad Torsional Damping Ct [N.s/m]: 1×10-20 Pad Vertical Rotation Damping Cry [N.s/m]: 1×10-20 Pad Transversal Rotation Damping Crz [N.s/m]: 1×10-20 Table C.4: Sleeper data for the case study Sleeper Geometry Sleeper Length (Parameter A) [m]: Rail-to-End Position (Parameter C) [m]: Rail-to-Start Position (Parameter B) [m]: Number of Additional Nodes on Half Sleeper: End Young Modulus - E [Pa]: End Poisson Coefficient: End Cross Section Area [m²]: End Second Moment of Area in xz Plane - Iyy [m⁴]: End Second Moment of Area in xy Plane - Izz [m⁴]: End Second Moment of Area in yz Plane - Ixx [m⁴]: End Density [kg/m³]: End Torsion Modulus - G [Pa]: End Rayleigh Damping Parameter a: End Rayleigh Damping Parameter b: Start Young Modulus - E [Pa]: Start Poisson Coefficient: Start Cross Section Area [m²]: Start Second Moment of Area in xz Plane - Iyy [m⁴]: Start Second Moment of Area in xy Plane - Izz [m⁴]: Start Second Moment of Area in yz Plane - Ixx [m⁴]: Start Density [kg/m³]: Start Torsion Modulus - G [Pa]: Start Rayleigh Damping Parameter a: Start Rayleigh Damping Parameter b: Middle Young Modulus - E [Pa]: Middle Poisson Coefficient: Middle Cross Section Area [m²]: Middle Second Moment of Area in xz Plane - Iyy [m⁴]: Middle Second Moment of Area in xy Plane - Izz [m⁴]: Middle Second Moment of Area in yz Plane - Ixx [m⁴]: Middle Density [kg/m³]: Middle Torsion Modulus - G [Pa]: Middle Rayleigh Damping Parameter a: Middle Rayleigh Damping Parameter b: A 2.6 450×10-3 425×10-3 0 37×109 0.2 50×10-3 260.42×10-6 166.70×10-6 427.12×10-6 2.5×103 15×109 0.04 0.96 37×109 0.2 50×10-3 260.42×10-6 166.70×10-6 427.12×10-6 2.5×103 15×109 0.04 0.96 37×109 0.2 50×10-3 260.42×10-6 166.70×10-6 427.12×10-6 2.5×103 15×109 0.04 0.96 Table C.5: Sleeper geometry for the case study 89