Environmental Transport and Fate Chapter 8 – Smokestack plumes Benoit Cushman-Roisin Thayer School of Engineering Dartmouth College A bit of history… We tend to entertain romantic ideas of pre-industrial life as somehow healthier and more environmentally conscious than our own today. In those days, nothing was more valuable to the survival of the human race than the use of fire for warmth, protection and early industry. But the same fire could do serious damage to human health and the environment. Until the invention of the chimney in Medieval Europe in the 12th century, people had to breathe the emissions from their own hearths. The smoke from their indoor fires, although vented through a roof opening, blackened the inside of their homes with soot and presumably the inside of their lungs, too. For those people living in the plains and arid regions who lacked wood, animal dung was the only y source of fuel, adding g disease vectors and odor p problems to already y harsh living conditions. Living by the open flame was hardly idyllic. Once the chimney was invented, its use became gradually universal, and by the 18th century, once the industrial revolution got underway, chimneys were common features at factories, mills and forges. 1 Basic plume types A morning coning plume another coning plume 2 A coning plume in Hanover, New Hampshire A looping plume (Scorer, 1997, page 390) 3 A looping plume Plume from tannery in medina quarter of Fez, Morocco Photographs taken on the evening of 4 April 2008 (Photographs courtesy of Betsy Dain-Owens, ENGS-43 student in Winter 2008) Looping plume in Hanover, New Hampshire (Photo by Benoit Cushman-Roisin) 4 A fanning plume 5 Examples of fumigation Juarez Power Plant http://windowoutdoors.com/FateXport/FateXport.html Over Antarctica photo by J. Dana Hrubes dhrubes.home.att.net/march-05.html Unknown location http://www.cmar.csiro.au/airquality/index.html The Gaussian model for smokestack plumes It is assumed that the structure of the plume is Gaussian (bell curve) in both cross-wind and vertical directions. IIn the h d downwind i d di direction, i a highly advective situation is assumed. Note that the plume is considered as originating at a height H that may be greater than the physical stack height h, because of a possible buoyancy rise. (Masters, 1997, page 408) 6 Question: How Gaussian is the plume structure, really? Snapshots reveal comple shapes complex shapes. But time averages over turbulent fluctuations show much simpler structures, with evident single maximum and smooth tapering away from it. Question: Is this tapering looking Gaussian? Let’s plot to check… 7 In the vertical In the horizontal cross-wind direction Looks pretty Gaussian to me. Don’t you agree? With Gaussian distributions as the outcome, we view the problem as one of diffusion, in three dimensions: c c 2c 2c 2c u Dx 2 D y 2 Dz 2 K c t x x y z steady state highly advective no decay Note that, although the problem is 3D, diffusion is only acting in 2D. With x turned into travel time t = x/u, the solution is c(t , y, z ) M y2 z 2 exp 4D t 4D t 4 D y t 4 Dz t y z 8 (Masters, 1997, p page 407) z=H z=0 Then, we mind the impermeable ground surface by adding an image below ground. With z = 0 at ground level, the actual source is at z = +H and the image is at z = –H: c(t , y, z ) ( z H ) 2 M y 2 ( z H ) 2 exp exp exp 4D t 4 Dz t 4 D y t 4 Dz t y 4 Dz t We are interested only in the ground-level concentration and set therefore z to zero: cground (t , y ) c(t , y,0) 2M y2 H 2 exp 4D t 4D t 4 D y t 4 Dz t y z It is customary in this analysis to use values instead of Dy and Dz values, because it turns out that the latter ones are not constant (they tend to grow with the size of the plume and to be affected by buoyancy and atmospheric conditions). So, we define y 2Dy t 4 D y t 2 y2 z 2 Dz t 4 Dz t 2 z2 Both are functions of t and hence of x. The solution is now expressed as cground ( x, y ) y2 H2 exp 2 2 2 y z 2 y 2 z 2M It remains to determine the value of M. 9 M amount mass mass / time emission rate S missing dimension x length x length / time wind speed u Sketch shows how the wind acts as a diluting mechanism. It makes sense therefore that the wind speed u should be in the denominator. The solution now takes the form: cground ( x , y ) y2 H2 exp 2 2 u y z 2 z2 y S in which cground = ground concentration distribution (in mg/m3) S = emission rate from the smokestack (in mg/s) u = wind speed at height H (in m/s) y = horizontal transverse dispersion coefficient (in m) z = vertical dispersion coefficient (in m) [Both y and z are functions of downwind distance x.] y = cross-wind distance (in m) [Take y = 0 for downwind direction] H = h + h = effective stack height (in m) h = physical stack height (in m) with h = height adjustment (in m) 10 Some of the values depend on the state of the atmosphere. Traditional classification of common atmospheric conditions (Turner, 1970) Surface wind speed ( m/s) Day solar strong moderate Night cloudiness radiation slight overcast cloudy clear D D E F D D E F C D D D E C–D D D D D D D D D D D D <2 A A–B B 2–3 A–B B C 3–5 B B–C 5–6 C >6 C A = very unstable B = moderately unstable C = slightly unstable D = neutral E = slightly stable F = stable overcast Notes: - Surface wind is measured 10 m above ground. - A “cloudy night” is one with more than half cloud cover. - A “clear night” is one with less than half cloud cover. Wind velocity profile and rotation u( z H ) H u ( z 10 m) 10 m Stability class A B C D E F p Exponent p 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.40 0.60 11 Pasquill curves to obtain the pair of dispersion coefficients (Source: Masters, 1997, page 412) If you don’t want to use the graphs (ex. in creating a Matlab code), you may rely on: y a x 0.894 z c xd f with x in kilometers and values obtained in meters 12 Or, if you are lazy and want a value from a table… We have yet to determine the effective smokestack height H, the height at which the plume appears to be originating. H h h h buoyancy y y rise ppossible downwash hb hd Downwash occurs in strong wind (u) and with weak gas ejection velocity (ws) and is caused by low pressure in the wake of the smokestack. Rule: w hd 4 r 1.5 s u ( H) if ws < 1.5 u(H) and in which r = inner stack radius 13 A way to avoid downwash Helix on outside of the stack forces wind to rise upon approaching stack To determine the buoyancy rise hd (more common than downwash), we first need to calculate the buoyancy flux F: T F g r 2 ws 1 air T ffumes in which F = buoyancy flux (in m4/s3) g = 9.81 m/s2, the earth’s gravitational acceleration r = inner stack radius at tip (in m) ws = fumes vertical ejection velocity (in m/s) Tair = absolute ambient temperature (in K), at stack height Tfumes = absolute temperature of gas fumes (in K) (Recall: Absolute temperature in degree Kelvin = temperature in oC + 273.15) 14 Then, we need to distinguish whether the plume is “bent-over” or “vertical”. 1) Bent-over plume: for stability classes A, B, C and D (unstable and neutral states) If F 55 m 4 / s 3 then x f 49 F 5 / 8 If F 55 m 4 / s 3 then x f 119 F 2 / 5 hb 1.6 F 1/ 3 x 2f / 3 u xf Distance over which plume rises 2) Vertical plume: for stability classes E and F only (stable states) N2 g dTair , Tair dz with g Cp 1/ 4 If u 0.275 ( FN )1/ 4 F then hb 4.0 3 N If u 0.275 ( FN )1/ 4 F then hb 2.6 2 N u 1/ 3 15 Vertical plume in Hanover on a cold winter morning For y = 0 (downwind direction) (Source: Masters, 1997, page 416) 16 Graph to determine maximum ground concentration and its distance from the stack 3 (Source: Masters, 1997, page 417) 9 x 10-6 Capping by inversion First determine the distance xL over which the capping inversion is reached: XL then is such that z 0.47 ( L H ) at c( x, y 0) S 2 u y L for x XL x 2 XL 17 Watch out for the sea breeze! Danger of fumigation in a sea-breeze 18 Downdraft in wake of building Kuwait oil fires of 1st Gulf War (1991) About 600 naturally pressurized oil wells were set on fire in Kuwait by Saddam Hussein’s retreating army in late February 1991, injecting massive quantities of smoke, unburned hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere. 19 Note how single plumes merge to make super-plumes. These profiles give an idea of how high the pollution reached in the atmosphere. http://materialstechnology.tms.org/edu/article.aspx?articleID=2535 THE END http://www.legendsofnasca ar.com/HudsonSmokeStack.jpg http://buckfifty.org/2009/05/12/sunday-february-26-1950/ http://www.panoramio.com/photo/25258369 20