Topic, Tone, Theme TOPIC So before we can discuss a piece of art

3T- Topic, Tone, Theme
So before we can discuss a piece of art (I use the word art to refer to any artistic
endeavor including writing) we need to understand its specifics. When we talk
about topic we are talking about basic comprehension: vocabulary, setting,
situation, choices of details, characters, color, line, stroke, subject etc… if a
student doesn’t understand a word or an allusion they will miss out on the
ultimate intention and any corresponding theme.
Tone is the sulking Satan sitting on a ledge fuming over his Pandemonium. I
require all students to have just ONE definition of tone. Tone is the author’s
attitude towards the subject and the audience. Tone is crucial to understanding
any piece of art. Tone starts with the title of a piece and works its way down and
out. Tone can be tongue-in-cheek, playful, ironic, despondent and more. Tone
colors every specific covered in the TOPIC section and leaves us with a
palpable emotion. Students also need to understand the difference between
tone, atmosphere and mood.
There is a thesis made, a push back by the audience and society and then a
synthesis of understanding. This is theme. I tell students that topic is what the
story is about, but theme is what the story is REALLY about.