HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION Tender Document CHAPT ERER2 2 CHAPT Adv. No: - HARTRON/MSG/2014-15/04 DATE OF CLOSING: 12.01.2015 by 2.30PM S. No.: 01 DATE OF OPENING of Technical bids: 12.01.2015 at 3.00PM REVISED TENDER DOCUMENT FOR CATEGORY: Rate Contract(R/C) of Computers for a period of 1 year. The technically qualified vendors will be empanelled for purchase of Computers for a period of 1 year or till the new empanelment of vendors will be finalized. The approximate quantity of Computers likely to be procured during the R/C period is 8000 nos. This category covers empanelment of vendors for Servers & Storage also. SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana Home of Electronics SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION- The TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 1 Tender Document for Empanelment of vendors for supply of Computers, Servers & Storage HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE Particulars of the Tender Sr. No. 1 CHAPTER 1 S# Cost of Tender Document : 1. Sale of Tender Document : 2. Last Date For Submission of Bid Date Of Tender Opening Instructions to Tenderer Eligibility Criteria for Vendors CONDITION OF CONTRACT/Empanelment Certificate for Acceptance Authorization for Signature Manufacturer Authorization Undertaking of rates After Sales Services Terms & Conditions Format of price Bid Declaration Regarding Clean Track Record General Information of the Bidder Checklist : 12.01.2015 by 2.30 PM : : : 12.01.2015 at 3.00 PM Annexure-I Annexure-II : Annexure-III : : : : : : : : Annexure-IV Annexure-V Annexure-VI Annexure-VII Annexure-VIII Annexure- IX Annexure- X Annexure-XVI : Annexure-XVII : Annexure-XVIII 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ₹5000/- (if downloaded from website, attach Demand draft of ₹5000/- along with Bid) 9.00 AM to 5.00PM on all working days till 12.01.2015 by 2.30 PM (Roshan Lal) Assistant General Manager (MSG) Ph: 0172 - 2713218, 2705570 E-Mail ID: roshanlal@hartron.org 2 Phone: 2713218, SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana - The Home of Electronics S ECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 2701864, 2705570 Fax : 0172-2705529 e-mail : md@hartron.org, Website : www.hartron.org CHAPTER 1 Adv. No: - HARTRON/MSG/2014-15/04 AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE Annexure-I CHAPT ERER2 2 CHAPT INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 1. Preparation of Bids a. Cost of Bidding - The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid, and HARTRON hereinafter referred to as "the Purchaser" will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process b. Bidding Documents – The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and specifications in the Bidding Documents. Failure to furnish complete information required or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the Bidding Documents in every respect will be at the Bidder's risk and may result in rejection of its bid. c. Clarification of Bidding Document – A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Documents may notify the Purchaser in writing at the Purchaser's mailing address indicated in the Tender Document. The purchaser will respond in writing to any request for clarification of the Bidding Documents if received minimum 10 days prior to the deadline for submission of bids prescribed by the Purchaser 2. Technical and Commercial Bid i. The bid for each part must be submitted in full i.e. all items specified in the requirement must be included. Incomplete bids will be summarily rejected. The bids are to be submitted in two parts: a) Technical Bid b) Commercial Bid and Each bid must be sealed in separate envelope with all relevant details with proper indexing & page numbering. 3. The Technical bid prepared by bidder shall comprise the following components:a) A Tender Form as per respective completed in all accordance. b) Documentary evidence established in accordance with Annexure-II that the Bidder is eligible to bid and is qualified to perform the contract if its bid is accepted. c) The documentary evidence of the goods and services conformity to the Tender Documents may be in the form of literature, drawings and data, and shall furnish a detailed description of the goods essential technical and performance characteristics: 4. Commercial Bid i. The commercial bid shall indicate the unit prices inclusive of all taxes & duties (wherever applicable) with FOR destination. All prices must be quoted in Indian rupees only and as per Format placed at Annexure-X. ii. Prices for Subassemblies, Accessories should also be suitably quoted wherever necessary. SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana Home of Electronics SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION- The TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 3 Tender Document for Empanelment of vendors for supply of Computers, Servers & Storage HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 1 iii. Price indicated on the Price Schedule shall be inclusive of all taxes, and charges. iv. Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder's performance of the contract and not subject to variation on any account. A bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and will be rejected. v. All prices and other information like discounts (on volumes or otherwise) etc. having a bearing on the price shall be written both in figures and words in the prescribed offer form. If there is discrepancy between the price / information quoted in words and figures, the price/information quoted in words will be treated as final. 5. Quotation must be enclosed in a properly sealed envelope addressed to the Managing Director, HARTRON with kind attention to Assistant General Manager (MSG), HARTRON by designation and not by name. The quotations must be super scribed “Rate Contract/Empanelment of vendors for supply of Computers, Servers & SAN Storage for a period of 1-year and Rate Contract for supply of Computers for a period of 1 year as called for in Tender Notice No HARTRON/MSG/2014-15/04.” The offers must reach the Assistant General Manager (MSG), HARTRON on or before 12.01.2015 up to 2.30 PM. 6. In the event of offers being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately by each member thereof, or in the event of the absence of any partner, it must be signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorizing him to do so, or in the case of a Company, the quotations should be executed in the manner laid down in the said Company’s Articles of Association. The signatures on the offers shall be deemed to be authorized signatures. 7. All the columns of the offers form shall be duly, properly and exhaustively filled in. The rates and units shall not be overwritten. Offers shall always be both in the figures and words. The words “No offers” should be written across any or all of the items in the schedule for which a tenderer does not wish to tender. 8. Any omission in filling the columns of “units” and “rate” shall altogether debar a offers for being considered. 9. All corrections must be signed by the tenderers. 10. EMD of ₹2,50,000.00 in the form of a Banker’s Cheque or a composite demand draft has to be deposited in the favour of HARTRON “Haryana State Electronics Development Corporation Limited”, Chandigarh payable at Chandigarh. 11. Non-refundable amount: The vendor will submit a non-refundable amount of ₹12,500/- plus service tax towards issuing of enquiry/tender document during the Rate Contract/empanelment period. The service tax if applicable on the nonrefundable amount will be paid by the bidder. In case, empanelled supplier/vendor wish to withdraw from the empanelment, vendor shall be allowed to do so and EMD amount will be refunded to him after forfeiting the non-refundable amount provided that EMD are free from any Purchase. 12. The supplier who will not be qualified for empanelment, the EMD will be refunded back and non-refundable amount will not be refunded in any case. 13. The Managing Director, HARTRON will have the right of rejecting all or any of the offers without assigning reason. 4 Phone: 2713218, SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana - The Home of Electronics S ECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 2701864, 2705570 Fax : 0172-2705529 e-mail : md@hartron.org, Website : www.hartron.org HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION CHAPT ERER2 2 CHAPT 14. No tender will be considered unless and until all the documents are properly signed. 15. The offers will be regarded as constituting an offer or offers open to acceptance in whole or in part or parts at the discretion of Managing Director, HARTRON. 16. OEM should have been supporting the products under its own name and brand since last 3 years and should have a product roadmap for next one year. The quoted products should be latest version. OEM Support for the products should be available for next 3 years after end of life. Level -1 support at site is to be provided by the bidder. Level - 2 supports should be provided by the OEM directly at site in case their authorized bidder / agent fails to rectify the problem within allotted time. Certificate of OEM for the same should be submitted along with technical bid. 17. HARTRON will accept only new equipment, used and/or re-manufactured equipment will not be accepted. In the event of tender being accepted, the offers will be converted into contract, which will be governed by the conditions. Read and accepted. Signature of the Tenderer SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana Home of Electronics SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION- The TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 5 Tender Document for Empanelment of vendors for supply of Computers, Servers & Storage HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE Annexure-II 1. CHAPTER 1 The vendor should fulfill the following pre-qualification criteria:- CHAPTER 1 Eligibility Criteria for Vendors Bidder must be a manufacturer. In case the manufacturer is not bidding directly, then the sole distributor/dealer can participate for the empanelment only with manufacturer’s authority letter. The authorized distributor/dealer should be in the business of selling Computers for the last minimum three years. 2. The offered brand should be available in the market from the last three years minimum through the Principal Company’s presence in India. However, in case Principal Company’s presence is not in India from last three years and the quoted Computers are imported, in such case there should be clear technical/Financial collaboration between the OEM and the bidder. The visible presence of the offered Brand in the State including Chandigarh is also desirable. 3. The offered Computers should be manufactured in ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001 plant and should have Microsoft Windows, Linux certification & DMI compliance. The offered items should have FCC & UL, RoHS Certification and should be Energy Star 6.0 and CE compliant. 4. The manufacturer of Servers & Computers should have Greenpeace rating greater than 2.5. 5. The manufacturer should have service facilities at Haryana, Chandigarh and Delhi. The After Sales Services can be provided by the bidder or directly by the Principal manufacturer or through their Authorized Service Centre. The offer will be accepted on the confirmation of the same from the Principal Company alongwith an undertaking to provide after sale service as per the terms & condition of this tender. However, in case SAN storage, bidder should offer suitable OEM warranty in the name of purchaser for entire duration of warranty period from the date of installation and acceptance. In case of computers and Servers standard warranty from the OEM during the warranty period would be preferred. 6. In case, the bidder is a manufacturer, annual turnover should be more than ₹2000/Crores in each of the last three years in India. In case, the bidder is an authorized distributor/dealer, the distributor/dealer must have cumulative turnover of more than ₹20.00 Crores during the last three years. In case the Bidder is a distributor/dealer both the conditions of manufacturer & distributor/dealer must be fulfilled. 6 Phone: 2713218, SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana - The Home of Electronics S ECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 2701864, 2705570 Fax : 0172-2705529 e-mail : md@hartron.org, Website : www.hartron.org 7. HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION Manufacturer directly or through any dealer should have supplied minimum two orders of 1000 nos. Computers each of the offered brand or two orders of the same CHAPT ERER2 2 CHAPT computers of worth minimum ₹1.50 Crores each of the offered brand to any Govt. Department/other reputed Organization in India during last 3 years from the date of submission of bid. Note - Documentary Proof should be attached with the offer wherever required. The vendor should be in a position to produce the original document(s) for verification, if needed. SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana Home of Electronics SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION- The TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 7 Tender Document for Empanelment of vendors for supply of Computers, Servers & Storage HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE Annexure-III CHAPTER 1 1. This contract is to last for execution of this project on turnkey basis but in the event of any breach of the agreement at any time on the part of the contractor; the contract may be terminated summarily by the Managing Director, HARTRON without compensation to the contractor. Any change in the constitution of the firm shall be notified forthwith by the contractor in writing to the authority sanctioning the contract and such change shall not relieve any former member of the firm from any liability under the contract. No new partner/partners shall be accepted into the firm by the contractor in respect of this contract unless he/they agree to abide by all its terms, conditions and deposit with the officer sanctioning the contract a written agreement to this effect. The contractor’s receipt or acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequently accepted as above shall bind all of them and will be a sufficient discharge for any of the purposes of the contract. 2. The articles to be supplied under this contract will be of the quality equal and answerable in every respect to the specifications given in the list accompanying with the tender approved by the Managing Director, HARTRON. The contractor shall be responsible for all complaints as regards the quality. In case of dispute regarding quality of articles, the decision of Managing Director, HARTRON will be final and binding on the contractor. It will be open to the Managing Director, HARTRON to send samples submitted by the tenderer/contractor to any laboratory/Committee of technical expert for tests and the cost thereof will be borne by the tenderer/contractor. 3. The Managing Director, HARTRON may by notice in writing call upon the contractor to supply additional articles to serve as sample and upon such notice in writing, contractor shall at his own cost be bound to supply additional samples, such additional samples being in all respect of the same quality as the sample first supplied. 4. The contractor will be responsible for damage or loss in transit and replace goods broken or lost within 10 days from the date of notice thereof. Unless otherwise specified all goods must be delivered & installed at destination within time line mentioned in Tender Document from the date of issue of purchase order. 5. Condition as to time for performance whether laid down herein or in any indent shall be always regarded as the essence of the contract. a) The Managing Director, HARTRON or any of the experts or the Indenting Officers or any other officer or person duly authorized in writing by Managing Director, HARTRON shall have the power to inspect the stores, before, during or after manufacturers, collection dispatch, transit or arrival and to reject the same or any part or portion after the written approval of the Managing Director, HARTRON, if he or they be not satisfied that the same is equal or according to the specifications submitted by the contractor. The contractor shall not be paid for supplies rejected as above and such supplies shall be removed by the contractor at once and at his expense. He shall neither claim nor be entitled to payment for any damage that rejected supplies may suffer from any harm whatsoever incidental to a full and proper examination and test of such supplies. 8 Phone: 2713218, SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana - The Home of Electronics S ECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 2701864, 2705570 Fax : 0172-2705529 e-mail : md@hartron.org, Website : www.hartron.org CHAPTER 1 CONDITION OF CONTRACT / EMPANELMENT HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION CHAPT ERER2 2 CHAPT HARTRON shall be under no liability whatsoever for rejected and the same will be at the contractor’s risk. Rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor within 10 days after notice has been issued to him of such rejection, and failing such removal of rejected goods be will at contractor’s risk and Hartron may charge the contractor rent for the space occupied by such rejected goods. b) Final inspection of stores, already inspected may be carried out at the discretion of the Managing Director, HARTRON, by such officer as may be authorized by him. The provisions of conditions will apply to the final Inspection also. 6. The contractor shall provide without any extra charge all materials, tools, labour and assistance of every kind which the aforesaid officer may consider necessary for any test or examination which he may require to be made on the contractor’s premises and shall pay all cost attendants thereon. In the case of stores inspected at maker’s premises, the maker shall provide all facilities including testing appliances for making necessary tests other than special tests, or in dependent tests. Failing these facilities at the own premises for making the tests the contractor shall bear the cost of carrying out test elsewhere. The contractor shall also provide and deliver free of charge at such place as the aforesaid officer may direct such materials as he may require for tests. If for the purpose of determining the quality of stores the aforesaid Officer find it necessary to have the stores tested at the test house or laboratory, all expenses incidental to the test shall be borne by the contractor. On the failure of the contractor to pay the expenses within 10 days of the receipt of intimation in this behalf from the Inspecting Officer, the Managing Director, HARTRON shall have the right to deduct the amount from the security deposited by the contractor, and if the amount so deducted is not deposited within 10 days, the Managing Director, HARTRON may treat the default as a breach of agreement and proceed as per agreement without further notice. Further the aforesaid officer shall have the right to put all articles or materials to such tests as he may think proper for the purpose of ascertaining whether the same are in accordance with the specifications or sealed sample mentioned in the tender and to cut out or off and/or destroy a portion not exceeding 2% from each delivery for such purpose and the quantity so cut out or off and/or destroyed as aforesaid shall be replaced by contractor free of charge. 7. Packing cases, containers, gunny packages etc. which may be used for purposes of packing and which are delivered with stores will not be returned or paid for unless specifically stipulated, and that to contractor’s expense. 8. Unless otherwise specified in a requisition, bills for the whole goods referred to in each indent, in triplicate, will be prepared and submitted by contractor to the Managing Director, HARTRON. The full amount will be paid on receipt of stores in good condition after their verification as regards specifications, etc. 9. With every dispatch of goods or materials under the contract, invoices in triplicate will be prepared by the contractor. Invoices in duplicate are to be sent by the contractor to the Indenting Officer, the duplicate to be returned by the Indenting Officer, with the quantities or number received duly noted thereon and the third copy to be sent by the contractor to Managing Director, HARTRON for record in his office. The contractor shall dispatch the material freight paid and duly insured at destination. SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana Home of Electronics SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION- The TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 9 Tender Document for Empanelment of vendors for supply of Computers, Servers & Storage HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE Subject to these conditions, the contractor will not be entitled to charge or be paid for supplies broken, lost or damaged in transit. The Managing Director, HARTRON will be the authority to determine whether or not the breakage, loss or damage was caused through the contractor’s negligence and the decision of the Managing Director, HARTRON or some other officer action on his behalf shall be final and conclusive against the contractor. Such rejected supplies shall be removed by the contractor at his own expense. If during the currency of the contract, the specifications of any article or articles to be supplied thereunder be changed the contractor shall continue to comply with demands for the supply of the said article or articles in accordance with the new specifications at rate to be mutually agreed to in writing at the time of such change, and in default of such agreement the contractor in so far as it relates to the said article or articles in respect of which no agreement has been arrived at, shall terminate but no such change shall affect the supply of any other articles under the contract or entitle the contractor to any compensation. 10. In the event of withdrawal or discontinuance of any article or articles and consequent ceasing of or reduction in demand the contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation. Purchaser will however, make all reasonable endeavors to give warning of any impending complete withdrawal or of any reduction seriously affecting quantities likely to be required under contract. 11. The date of delivery stipulated in a supply order shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract and should the contractor fail to deliver any consignment within the period prescribed for such delivery stipulated in the supply order, the delayed consignment will be subject to penalty clause as mentioned at Part – B of Terms & Condition on the value of the stores supplied. In case of nonpayment by the contractor, recovery will be made from his bills or amount of Earnest Money with the Managing Director, HARTRON provided that: a) No recovery of penalty will be made if the Managing Director, HARTRON accepts the delayed supplies by extending the delivery period upto 1 week by recording in writing that the exceptional circumstances were beyond the control of the supplier and there was no loss to Purchaser. b) Where the delay on the part of supplies is more than 2 weeks, the matter of extension of delivery period will be referred by the Indenting Officer to the Managing Director, HARTRON with a certificate that there are genuine reasons for delay on the part of suppliers and that no loss will result to Govt. in case extension delivery period is allowed. The case will be decided on merits by the office of Managing Director, HARTRON. The extension will be allowed to the extent of purchasing power delegated to him and in cases above his competence, the extension will be allowed by Managing Director, HARTRON and Indenting Officer. In case the delivery period is extended, no penalty for supplies, made during the extended period be recovered from the supplier. 10 Phone: 2713218, SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana - The Home of Electronics S ECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 2701864, 2705570 Fax : 0172-2705529 e-mail : md@hartron.org, Website : www.hartron.org CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 1 This is subject to the condition that the materials are securely packed by the suppliers in sound containers and the consignment is accepted by the carriers without any adverse remarks as to the packing or the condition of the containers. In case of any adverse remarks, the responsibility for the losses in transit will rest with the suppliers. HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE c) AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION CHAPT ERER2 2 CHAPT On the failure of the supplier to make supply within the extended period or otherwise and the receipt of such information in the office of Managing Director, HARTRON, risk purchase at the cost of suppliers will be made by the Managing Director, HARTRON within 6 months of the expiry of the stipulated delivery period by inviting short term quotations from the registered and other known suppliers. The excess cost thus incurred will be recovered from the suppliers from his pending bills/ Earnest Money or through court of law. This procedure will be adopted after serving registered notice to supply stores within 15 days. 12. The contractor acknowledges that he has made himself fully acquainted with all the conditions and circumstances under which the supplies required under the contract will have to be made or furnished and with all the terms, clauses, conditions, specifications and other details of the contract and the contractor shall not plead ignorance of any of those as excuse in case of complaint against or on rejection of supplies tendered by him or with a view either to asking for encashment of any rates agreed to in the contract or to evading any of his obligations under the contract. 13. No payment will be made in advance for any supplies under this contract. 14. i) The contractor shall not: a) Assign or sublet contract without written approval of the officer sanctioning the contract. b) Disposal details of the conditions governing this contract to unauthorized persons (intending against this contract is permissible only for the bonafide use of Government Departments and Quasi Public and not for private parties or for the private use of the Government Officers). ii) In the event of the contractor failing duly and properly to fulfill or committing breach of any of the terms and conditions of this contract or repeatedly supplying goods liable to rejection hereunder or failing, declining, neglecting or delay to comply with any demand or requisition or otherwise not executing the same in accordance with terms of this contract or if the terms of this contract or if the contractor or his agent or servants being guilty of fraud in respect of this contract or any other contract entered into by the contractor or any of his partners or representatives thereof with Government directing, giving, promising or offering any bribes, gratuity, gift loan, perquisite, reward or advantage pecuniary or otherwise to any person in the employment of Government in any way relating to such officers or person or persons, officer or employment or if the contractor or any of his partners become insolvent or apply for relief as insolvent debtor or commence any insolvency proceedings or make any composition with his/their creditors or attempts to do so, then without prejudice to Government's rights and remedies otherwise, Government shall be entitled to terminate this contract forth with and to blacklist the contractor and purchase or procure or arrange from Government's stocks or otherwise at the contractor's risk and at the absolute discretion of the Managing Director, HARTRON as regards the manner, place or time of such purchases, such supplies have not been supplied or have been rejected under this arrangement or are required subsequently by Government there under and in cases where issues in replacement are made from Governments stock or supplies, the cost or value or such stocks or supplies together with all incidental charges or expenses, shall be recoverable from the contractor SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana Home of Electronics SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION- The TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 11 Tender Document for Empanelment of vendors for supply of Computers, Servers & Storage HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE on demand and the contractor shall not be entitled to benefit from any profit which may thus accrue to Government. 15. If any question, difference or objection whatsoever shall arise, in any way connected with or arising out of this instrument or the meaning or operation of any part thereof or the rights, duties or liabilities or either party than save in so for as the decision of any such matter is here in before provided for and has been so decided every such matter including whether its decision has been otherwise provided for and/or whether it has been finally decided accordingly in whether the contract should be terminated or has been rightly terminated in whole or part and as regards the rights and obligations of the parties as the result of such termination, shall be referred for arbitration to any Officer appointed by Commissioner IT and decision shall be final and binding and where the matter involves a claim of the amount if any awarded in such arbitration shall be recoverable in respect of the matters so referred. 16. The Arbitrator and his subordinate staff shall be paid a fee of ₹500/- per hearing subject to a maximum of ₹1500/- in each case provided that out of this amount 20% will be payable to his staff. The arbitration fee will be borne equally by the Govt. and by the party concerned. The parties, other than the Govt. shall deposit their share in shape of Demand Draft in favour of HARTRON, Chandigarh before announcement of award by the Arbitrator. In case the arbitration proceedings are conducted exparte and the award is announced against the tenderer than entire amount shall be payable by the Managing Director, HARTRON but where the exparte award is announced in favour of the Govt. the share of the opposite party shall be recoverable from the said party." 17. i) The desired quantity, technical specifications of items and scope of work should be as per 12 Phone: 2713218, SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana - The Home of Electronics S ECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 2701864, 2705570 Fax : 0172-2705529 e-mail : md@hartron.org, Website : www.hartron.org CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 1 The termination of this contract in whole or part under these conditions shall not be affected by the acceptance, meanwhile or subsequently, of supplies accepted or made at any station whether in ignorance of the termination otherwise. HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION CHAPT ERER2 2 CHAPT Annexure-IV Certificate of Acceptance I/We hereby offer to supply of Computer in the manner in which and within the time specified as set forth in the Notice Inviting Tender during the empanelment period. I/We herewith enclose deposit receipt for sum of `………………..as Earnest money & `………………. as non-refundable amount and should I/We fail to execute an agreement embodying the said conditions. I/We hereby agree that the above sum of Earnest money shall be forfeited by Managing Director, HARTRON. Read and accepted. Signature of the Tenderer SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana Home of Electronics SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION- The TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 13 Tender Document for Empanelment of vendors for supply of Computers, Servers & Storage HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE Annexure-V (In the case of a Firm) Sign. by the above-named firm of ______________________ ___________________________________________ partner of the firm. Date __________________ through Signature 2. (In the case of a Company) The seal of the ____________________ Company Limited, was affixed by virtue of the resolution of the Board No.___________________________________ dated __________________ the ___________________ day of ________________2014. Seal Dated Director’s Signature (In either case) Secretary’s. Signature In the presence of (i) (i) Signature Address Description (ii) Signature Address Description Signed by_______________ Signature of _______________ Dated ______________ 14 Phone: 2713218, on behalf of the Managing Director of HARTRON SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana - The Home of Electronics S ECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 2701864, 2705570 Fax : 0172-2705529 e-mail : md@hartron.org, Website : www.hartron.org CHAPTER 1 1. CHAPTER 1 IN WITNESS THEREOF the parties have here up to set their hands on the cases indicated below: AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE CHAPT ERER2 2 CHAPT ANNEXURE-VI MANUFACTURER's AUTHORISATION CERTIFICATE (To be submitted by OEMs on their respective letterheads, signed by persons having the appropriate Power of Attorney – Notarized copy to be submitted) From ----------------------------------------------------------------------------To Managing Director, HARTRON, SCO-111-113, Sector 17-B, Chandigarh Ref.: Adv. No: - HARTRON/MSG/2014-15/04 WHEREAS we ___________________________(OEM’s Name) are official manufacturer of _____________________(Item Name) and have manufacturing facilities at ____________________________ (OEM’s Manufacturing Site Address), we hereby authorize ________________________(Bidder’s Name) located at ___________________________ (Bidder’s Address) to submit the bid for supply & installation of the following items manufactured by us, to meet the requirements associated with your above tender. List of Items: 1. _______________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________ We, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare: (i) That this is to certify that M/s ____________________ is our authorized dealer/distributor/agent and he is authorized to submit tender/quote the rates in the State of Haryana, against tender enquiry No. _______________ due on ______________ and to supply the material in original manufactured by us. (ii) That we shall have full responsibility of satisfactory supplies against the supply order/rate contract if dealer/distributor/agent against the above mentioned tender inquiry. (iii) That I am fully authorized to give this affidavit on behalf of _____________ and the power of attorney have been executed in my favour (Attested copy enclosed). (iv) That if at any stage a dispute arises between dealer/distributor/agent and our manufacturing firm, we will be responsible to arrange supply on the terms and conditions of supply order/rate contract. (v) That in case the dealer/distributor/agent fails to supply the goods as per supply order of the contract we, the manufacturer takes the responsibility of the supply and will abide by the terms and conditions of contract, signed by the dealer/distributor/agent. SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana Home of Electronics SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION- The TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 15 Tender Document for Empanelment of vendors for supply of Computers, Servers & Storage HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE (vii) That the support of delivered products against the supply order shall be available for next 3 years after end of life / sale. (viii) Level - 2 support shall be provided by us directly at site incase our authorized agent fails to rectify the problem within allotted time framer. (ix) We (OEM) shall be responsible to rectify the problem or replace the faulty system or part thereof if it is not fully rectified by our authorized partner. (x) We (OEM) assure HARTRON that in the event of ______________________ (Bidder’s Name) not being able to fulfill its obligation as our sales & service provider in respect of this tender, we would continue to meet the obligations stated in the above mentioned tender through alternate arrangements. (xi) We (OEM) also confirm that __________________ is our authorized service provider / agent and can hence provide maintenance and upgrade support for our products during and after the warranty period, the latter being subject to yours awarding an AMC to the Bidder, up to _________ (no. of years of post-warranty support) years from the date of expiry of the warranty. DEPONENT Verification: Verified that the contents of the above affidavit of mine are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing has been concealed therein. DEPONENT 16 Phone: 2713218, SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana - The Home of Electronics S ECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 2701864, 2705570 Fax : 0172-2705529 e-mail : md@hartron.org, Website : www.hartron.org CHAPTER 1 That the delivered products against the supply order shall be latest version. CHAPTER 1 (vi) AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE ANNEXURE-VII CHAPT ERER2 2 CHAPT UNDERTAKING OF RATES From ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To Managing Director, HARTRON, SCO-111-113, Sector 17-B, Chandigarh We do hereby confirm that: 1. The rates quoted during the Rate Contract/empanelment period will be lowest possible against the NIT floated, and we shall not quote less rates to any other customer than the rates quoted to HARTRON. In case, we quote less rates than HARTRON to any other customer within 1 month of the NIT, then double of the difference in amount will be refunded to HARTRON. We also confirm that in case our Company/principal officially reduce the price before the delivery or within 15 days from the date of delivery, then the benefit for the same will be passed to HARTRON. For submission of bid, negotiations and for contract we authorize Mr. (Name & Designation of the representative) of our firm. (Signature) Name : Designation : (Head or Senior Executive of Firm) Address : Phone No : Fax No : Pager No : Mobile No : SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana Home of Electronics SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION- The TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 17 Tender Document for Empanelment of vendors for supply of Computers, Servers & Storage HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE ANNEXURE-VIII --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To Managing Director, HARTRON, SCO-111-113, Sector 17-B, Chandigarh Whereas, we M/s (Bidder Name) are established & reputable manufacturers/authorized dealer for sales & services of (Make of items) of [items name] having service offices at Delhi, Chandigarh and in the state of Haryana. Details are as under: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sr.No. Address of Service Phone No. Number of Centre Engineers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We do hereby confirm that: Services including repair/replacement of defective parts will be done by us and fully backed by (name of the principal). Replacement of defective Systems/parts will be done by equivalent or better systems/parts of the same make. We will attend all the complaints/service calls within 24 hours. Down time will not exceed beyond 48 hours. In case, down time exceeds 48 hours then we will extend the warranty period of that item(s) double of the down time. (Signature) Name : Designation : (Head or Senior Executive of Firm) 18 Phone: 2713218, Address : Phone No : Fax No : Pager No : Mobile No : SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana - The Home of Electronics S ECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 2701864, 2705570 Fax : 0172-2705529 e-mail : md@hartron.org, Website : www.hartron.org CHAPTER 1 From: CHAPTER 1 AFTER SALE SERVICE CERTIFICATE HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION CHAPT ERER2 2 CHAPT Annexure-IX Terms & Conditions for Empanelment / Rate Contract 1. Offer Acceptance 2. Format 3. Contract 4. Subcontracts 5. Specification Conformity 6. Opening Date 7. Jurisdiction 8. Offer Discretion 9. Writing 10. Certification 11. Documents 12. 13. Sister concerns Authentic Signatory 14. Quantity 15. Inspection Offers are to be submitted along with required mentioned details of material. Offers received without these, tender form may be ignored. Any required details, which is not on the proper form and received late, may not be considered. The conditions of contract attached to the form be returned duly signed along with the schedule and in case of non compliance the tender may be ignored. The Supplier shall notify the Purchaser in writing of all subcontracts awarded under this Contract if any already specified in the bid. Such notification, in the original bid or later, shall not relieve the Supplier from any liability or obligation under the Contract. Sub-Contract shall be only for bought-out items and sub-assemblies Tenders which are not strictly according to the specifications laid down in the schedule will not be considered. Unless a deviation from the specification / delivery period given in schedule is pointed out by the tenderers specifically, it will be presumed that offer conforms to the specifications, delivery period as laid down in the schedule In case the date of opening falls on Holiday, gazetted or subsequently declared, the tender will be opened on the next working day following the closed day. All disputes will be settled within the jurisdiction of Chandigarh. The quotations will be regarded as constituting an offer or offers open to acceptance in whole or in part or parts till the date as indicated in the schedule. The offers should be typed or written in ink. Offers in pencil may be ignored. The Bidder must have ISO certification and any other certification should furnish the certificates. Photocopies of all the required documents should be attached with the offer. The vendor should be in a position to produce the original document(s) for verification, if required. The tenderer will give complete addresses of its sister concerns/authorized dealers along with name of partners with their complete address (es) and extent of share. It should also be ensured that tender/quotation has been signed by an authorized person. His name, designation and address should be given in capital letters. Please also indicate the name, designation of the person who signs the schedule and who shall have further correspondence in this case. This office reserves the rights to increase or decrease the quantity at any stage. After arranging Rate Contract by HPPC, 1 Computer in each category of R/C makes be evaluated by the joint Technical Committee of HARTRON and NIC Haryana. The Computer available on Rate Contract upto the single order of 25 nos. Computers Department wise may be exempted for inspection. Beyond the single quantity of 25 nos. SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana Home of Electronics SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION- The TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 19 Tender Document for Empanelment of vendors for supply of Computers, Servers & Storage HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE 18. Authorization 19. Past Performance 20. Price 21. Bid Validity 22. Corrections 23. Price Variation Negotiation 24. Rights 25. Bindings 26. Signature 27. Rates 20 Phone: 2713218, CHAPTER 1 17. Agreement CHAPTER 1 16. Partnership Computers, the inspection of the stores will be carried out at destination or otherwise specified. The tenderers must attach with their offers the partnership deed or constitution of the firm indicating the name of the proprietor. The successful tenderers are required to send the agreement in duplicate as the condition of the contract, tenders for accepted applicable in this case to the firm of issue of acceptance/adhoc/detailed orders by the Department, Haryana, failing which no acceptance / supply order will be issued and a copy of the same shall be returned to the tenderers duly executed on behalf of Department, Haryana by this office and second copy will be retained in this office for record. Only manufacturers or their distributors/agents/stockiest/authorized dealers are entitled to submit their tenders. The manufacturers should supply documentary proof i.e. Registration with the Director of Industries, National Small Scale Industries Corporation or with penal of HARTRON this Directorate, Offers other then the manufacturers should be supported with an authority letter from the manufacturers, authorizing them to quote rates standing guarantee for the satisfactory execution of supply orders failing which offers are liable to be ignored. Tenderers who are dealing first time with Hartron are required to furnish particulars of supplies of similar stores made by them during the past three years to various State Govt./ Directorate General, Supplies & Disposals, New Delhi (NCR) / or any other organisation in the Country, failing which the offers/tenderers are liable to be ignored. The total landed prices in the Cost Proposal should be inclusive of current excise duty, freights, insurance, sales tax etc., failing which the offer may be ignored. However octroi shall be extra if applicable. Further if there is any change in the excise duty by Govt. of India then the same shall be applicable on presentation of the proof. The change in any other duties including sales tax, custom duties effect due to devaluation of Rupee shall not be entertained. The validity of the quotation / prices should be valid for 90 days from the date of opening of bids unless otherwise specified. If any firm withdraws their offer within the validity period or modifies conditions without approval of Hartron, the EMD of the firm may be forfeited and the firm may be debarred from doing any business with HARTRON and others State Govt. Organizations. The tenderer must sign each Correction. Offer with price variation clause will not be accepted. HARTRON reserves the right to call all or selected parties for negotiations. Hartron does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and reserve to himself the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons. An authorized person should sign the tender/quotation. His name, designation and address should be given in capital letters. The prices offered in the tender for the stores should be lower than the price at which the tenderer supply the stores of identical description to various State Government Institutions/Undertakings/ or any other organization during the validity period. If at any time SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana - The Home of Electronics S ECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 2701864, 2705570 Fax : 0172-2705529 e-mail : md@hartron.org, Website : www.hartron.org HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION CHAPT ERER2 2 CHAPT during the validity period the successful tenderer reduces the sale price of quoted stores to any other organization at a price lower than the price chargeable under this supply order/contract, the tenderer should be forthwith notify such reduction to this office, then the prices payable under the supply order/contract for the stores supplied after the date of prices reduction will be reduced to that level. Otherwise double of the difference will have to be refunded to Hartron. 28. Payment Terms Delivery & 29. Installation Period 30. 31. Additional EMD of ₹2.50 lac in the form of DD as performance security may be deposited by empanelled vendor for all orders less than 100 nos. Computers. The delivery of material is within 6 weeks from the date of issue of purchase order and installation of supplied material is within 2 weeks from the date of delivery / supply. Installation/site not ready certificate within one month from the date of delivery, failing which 0.25% penalty per week will be applicable Acceptance Certificate On successful completion of acceptability test, receipt of deliverables etc., and after the purchaser is satisfied with the working of the entire set up, the acceptance certificate signed by the representative of the purchaser will be issued. The date on which such certificate is signed shall be deemed to be the date of Final acceptance of the SAN Storage & Server. Performance Security A single EMD of Rs. 2.5 lacs in the form of DD as performance security may be deposited by empanelled vendor for all orders less than 100 nos. Computers. For all order having quantity more than 100 and more computers, the supplier submit 2% BG of total order value of each order valid for 1 month more than warranty period On Site 32. Warranty 33. 95% after submission against delivery and balance 5% after Installation and submission of B.G of 2 % of total order value which will be valid for 1 month more than the warranty period in case single ordered quantity is 100 or more than 100 computers. Prices Systems Manuals and Licensed 34. Software 36 months from the date of installation or 37 months from the date of delivery. Price payable to the Supplier as stated in the Contract shall be firm and not subject to adjustment during performance of the Contract The Supplier shall provide complete and legal documentation of hardware, all subsystems, operating systems, system software and the other software. The Supplier shall also provide licensed software for all software products, whether developed by it or acquired from others. The supplier shall also indemnify the purchaser against any levies/penalties on account of any default in this regard. The Technical Documentation involving detailed instruction for operation and maintenance is to be delivered with every unit of the equipment supplied. SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana Home of Electronics SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION- The TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 21 Tender Document for Empanelment of vendors for supply of Computers, Servers & Storage HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE 35. Billing 37. Augmentation Repair/ 39. Maintenance Service 40. Information Cards Integration and 41. installation commitment 43. Price Fall Clause 44. Compliance Phone: 2713218, The bidder should be able to undertake repair/maintenance of the equipment for the period of minimum 8 years as & when required by the user department. Service Information Cards with details (Address of Service Center with nearest place to installation, phone no., engineer name etc.) be provided along with equipments for proper working. Bidder will provide Integration and installation commitment of all device with new system to be installed in Haryana State Data Center & NIC Data Center. The purchase/rate contract would be decided on the basis of the best valid rates quoted. If it is considered that the best valid rates quoted by L1 (best valid bid) are not reasonable, the negotiations shall be held only with the L1 and a counter offer will be made to the L1. In case the L1 bidder does not accept the counter offer, the tender would be dropped and recourse would be taken to invite fresh tenders. Further, in case the L1 does not have the capability/capacity to execute the complete order, the supply order in excess of the quantity quoted by L1 could be placed with L2 (second best valid bid) on the rates quoted by L1. Similarly, if the L2 is also found to be reluctant to supply the stores at such counter offers or the combined capacity of L1 and L2 does not meet the supply of complete order, the balance supply order could be placed on L3 (third best valid bid) at the rates offered by L1. Purchase Process 22 Supplier shall have to guarantee for a minimum period of 3 years from the date of acceptance that the equipment shall be upgraded to the latest version or some additional equipment at their negotiated prices (if any). HARTRON reserves the right to increase or decrease quantity of goods, subject to the final requirement at the time of placement of order or as per site requirement without any change in unit price or others terms & conditions. 38. Changes 42. CHAPTER 1 Arbitration Clause CHAPTER 1 36. The bill shall be raised in the name of the user Department, which will be mentioned in the order, and the payment shall be released by HARTRON after the verification of the materials. In the eventuality of any dispute, the sole Arbitrator shall be Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Information Technology Department, Haryana and his decision shall be binding on all the parties. MD, HARTRON can accept lower rates from the vendor at any stage during the contract under price fall clause. Further, if the firm reduces the price of the items of the offered models/replaced models with same or better specifications during the contract/supplies, then the rates will also be reduced accordingly. The bidder must have to submit compliance of all the parameters with technical bid. If there is no compliance that it should be mentioned as “no compliance” SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana - The Home of Electronics S ECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 2701864, 2705570 Fax : 0172-2705529 e-mail : md@hartron.org, Website : www.hartron.org HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE CHAPT ERER2 2 CHAPT OEM Service 45. Support 46. Bid Price Penalty of delay 47. in delivery and configuration 48. Tender Document 49. Right to Reject 50. Patent Rights Supplier 51. Integrity 52. Preventative Maintenance Procurement of 53. Hardware / Software AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION The bidders have to submit OEM support certificate for the next 3 years with technical bid. List of OEM support centers in India along with address should also be submitted. The bidders would have to quote the prices in Indian Rupees only for the total scope of work. Prices quoted must be firm is final price and shall remain constant throughout the period of the contract and shall not be subject to any upward modifications, whatsoever After expiry of ‘Delivery’ / ‘Installation & Configuration’ period a penalty @ 0.5% per week for the delay of first two weeks and 1% penalty for the delay of next 3 weeks upto a maximum cap of 4% penalty for 5 weeks delay” may be considered. Thereafter, HARTRON might cancel the order with the consultation of Indenting Department/Organization and suitable action might be taken against the defaulter firm. However, in case Purchasing Departments/Organizations opts for accepting the items beyond 5 weeks delay, than 1% penalty per week or part thereof would be continued for delay till the date of supply. The bidder must submit the seal & signed copy of tender document along with technical bid. The Managing Director, HARTRON will have the right of rejecting all or any of the offers without assigning reason. The Supplier shall indemnify the Purchaser against all third-party claims of infringement of patent, trademark or industrial design rights arising from use of the Goods or any part thereof in the Purchaser’s country. If the Supplier fails to comply and the Purchaser is required to pay compensation to a third party resulting from such infringement, the Supplier shall be responsible for the compensation including all expenses, court costs and lawyer fees. The Purchaser will give notice to the supplier of such claim, if it is made, without delay. The Supplier is responsible for and obliged to conduct all contracted activities in accordance with the Contract using state-of-the-art methods and economic principles and exercising all means available to achieve the performance specified in the Contract Visit of engineer is mandatory for preventative maintenance at least twice in a year during the warranty & AMC period even if no complaint is lodged by the purchaser. The payment against performance BG submitted by the supplier will be released after verifying all preventative call reports for satisfactory working of the supplied servers & storage during the warranty period. In case rates of any item are observed to be on higher side then the same item(s) can be procured separately by the HARTRON and its installation & configuration should be done by successful bidder. SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana Home of Electronics SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION- The TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 23 Tender Document for Empanelment of vendors for supply of Computers, Servers & Storage 55. 56. CHAPTER 1 If the Purchaser considers necessary, it may ask for revised commercial bids from the technically qualified bidders. The revised bids in sealed envelopes shall be submitted within a specified time of intimation to this effect. The revised bids shall not be for amounts more than the one quoted earlier for an item by the respective bidder, unless the specifications are for higher configuration. Any bidder quoting higher rates in their revised commercial bid for the same item quoted earlier shall be disqualified for further consideration and the bid security may be forfeited. Technical and Purchase Committee have right to change the specifications before opening of the commercial offers for the betterment for purchase of Computers. In case the specifications are changed then the bidders will have the right to submit the revised offer. CHAPTER 1 Revised 54. Commercial Bids HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE Price Preference Procedure Arranging Contract Category 57. The vendors who will raise the bills/invoices from Haryana will be given price preference of 50% applicable VAT while deciding L1 bidder. The Rate Contract will be finalized by High Powered Purchase of Rate Committee (HPPC) as per the policy dated 18.06.2013 and 16.06.2014 circulated by Department of Industries & Commerce, Haryana and available on the Website of Directorate of Supplies & Disposal, Haryana i.e. dsndharyana.gov.in or by following past practice for arranging R/C of different makes of Computers at different rates on the basis of prevailing market rate as per the discretion of HPPC This case is for Rate Contract of Computers for a period of 1 year. The technically qualified vendors will also be empanelled for purchase of Computers for a period of 1 year or till the new empanelment of vendors is finalized. Accordingly, there will be no separate press tender in case HARTRON invites offer for Rate Contract of Computer with same specifications or different specifications not covered under the prevailing Rate Contract, the same will be arranged by inviting offers from the empanelled vendors (from this case). The one time purchases of Computers irrespective of any quantity/amount will also be finalized by inviting offers from the empanelled vendors. The technical qualified vendors will also empanelled for purchase of Server & Storage for a period of 1 year or till the new empanelment of vendors is finalized 24 Phone: 2713218, SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana - The Home of Electronics S ECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 2701864, 2705570 Fax : 0172-2705529 e-mail : md@hartron.org, Website : www.hartron.org HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION Annexure-X CHAPT ERER2 2 CHAPT Price Bid Format / Statement of Unit prices S# 1. Item Description Unit Price (INR) inclusive of all taxes Desktop Computer Intel Core i3 based processor and with Windows 8.1 SL operating system (The detailed specifications is placed at Annexure-XI) 2. Desktop Computer Intel Core i3 based processor and with Windows 8.1 professional operating system (The detailed specifications is placed at Annexure-XII) 3. Desktop Computer Intel Core i5 based processor and with Windows 8.1 professional operating system (The detailed specifications is placed at Annexure-XIII) 4. Desktop Computer Intel Core i5 based processor with v-Pro Technology, SFF Cabinet and with Windows 8.1 professional operating system (The detailed specifications is placed at Annexure-XIV) 5. 6. All-in-One Desktop Computers based on Intel Core i5 processor (The detailed specifications is placed at Annexure-XV) Optional Items i. External 16x DVD R/W or higher with USB Interface ii. 4 GB DDR-III (1600 MHz) OEM certified RAM iii. Wireless keyboard & Mouse in lieu of wired keyboard & mouse for item at sr. no. 5 iv. 23” LED touch screen display inlieu of 23”LED display for item at sr. no. 5 SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana Home of Electronics SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION- The TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 25 Tender Document for Empanelment of vendors for supply of Computers, Servers & Storage HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE Annexure-XI Computer based on Intel Core i3 processor and with Windows SL Description 1. Processor 4th Gen Intel Core i3-4150 or higher 2. Speed 3.5 GHz or Higher 3. Cache 3 MB Intel smart Cache or higher 4. System Bus/QPI 5 GT/sec 5. Chipset Intel 8 series Chipset or better 6. Mother Board Original Intel or OEM manfct. 7. Memory 4 GB DDR-III (1600MHz) or higher RAM 8. Hard disk drive 500 GB SATA (7200 RPM) or higher capacity 9. Keyboard 104 keys standard keyboard with USB interface 10. Expansion Slots 1 PCIe x 1 and 1 PCI Express x 16 (total minimum 3 PCI slots) 11. Housing Micro ATX / Small Form Factor (SFF ) cabinet 12. Video Graphics Integrated Graphics with a provision of Graphics card on above mentioned PCIe slot 13. I/O Interface Dual Channel serial ATA–600 controller 14. Ports Minimum 6 USB port (atleast 2 nos. 3.0 USB port ) out of which minimum 2 USB port should at front side 15. Power Supply Suitable power supply to meet the requirement of additional devices (Power Efficiency >=85%) 16. Sound Card Integrated 17. OS Supported Windows 8/ Linux 18. Storage Bays One external 5.25” and two internal 3.5” storage bays 19. Mouse Optical mouse with USB interface 20. Monitor 18.5" TFT or higher(Widescreen) LED backlit TCO 06 certified or higher 21. Ethernet Card 10/100/1000 MBPS. 22. Preloaded Software Windows 8.1 SL with Media 23. Certification ISO 9001, Energy Star 6.0 or higher complaint, FCC, UL, CE, RoHS, Microsoft & Linux 26 Phone: 2713218, SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana - The Home of Electronics S ECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 2701864, 2705570 Fax : 0172-2705529 e-mail : md@hartron.org, Website : www.hartron.org CHAPTER 1 Items CHAPTER 1 S# HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION Annexure-XII Computer based on Intel Core i3 processor and with Windows 8 Professional CHAPT ERER2 2 CHAPT S# Item Description 1. Processor 4th Gen Intel Core i3-4150 or higher 2. Speed 3.5 GHz or Higher 3. Cache 3 MB Intel smart Cache or higher 4. System Bus/QPI 5 GT/sec 5. Chipset Intel 8 series Chipset or better 6. Mother Board Original Intel or OEM manufct. 7. Memory 4GB DDR-III (1600MHz) or higher RAM 8. Hard disk drive 500 GB SATA (7200 RPM) or higher 9. Keyboard 104 keys standard keyboard with USB interface 10. Expansion Slots 1 PCIe x 1 and 1 PCI Express x 16 (total minimum 3 PCI slots) 11. Housing Micro ATX / Small Form Factor (SFF ) cabinet 12. Video Graphics Integrated Graphics with a provision of Graphics card on above mentioned PCIe slot 13. I/O Interface Dual Channel serial ATA–600 controller 14. Ports Minimum 6 USB port (atleast 2 nos. 3.0 USB port ) out of which minimum 2 USB port should at front side 15. Power Supply Suitable power supply to meet the requirement of additional devices (Power Efficiency >=85%) 16. Sound Card Integrated 17. OS Supported Windows 8/ Linux 18. Storage Bays One external 5.25” and two internal 3.5” storage bays 19. Mouse Optical mouse with USB interface 20. Monitor 18.5" TFT or higher(Widescreen) LED backlit TCO 06 certified or higher 21. Ethernet Card 10/100/1000 MBPS. 22. Preloaded Software Windows 8.1 Prof. with Media 23. Certification ISO 9001, Energy Star 6.0 or higher complaint, FCC, UL, CE, RoHS, Microsoft & Linux SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana Home of Electronics SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION- The TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 27 Tender Document for Empanelment of vendors for supply of Computers, Servers & Storage HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE CHAPTER 1 S# Item Description 1. Processor 4th Gen Intel Core i5-45xx or higher 2. Speed 3.2 GHz or Higher 3. Cache 6 MB Intel smart Cache 4. System Bus/QPI 5 GT/sec 5. Chipset Intel 8 series Chipset or better 6. Mother Board Original Intel or OEM manufactured 7. Memory 4GB DDR-III (1600MHz) or higher RAM 8. Hard disk drive 500 GB SATA (7200 RPM) or higher capacity 9. Keyboard 104 keys standard keyboard with USB interface 10. Expansion Slots 1 PCIe x 1 and 1 PCI Express x 16 (total minimum 3 PCI slots) 11. Housing Micro ATX / Small Form Factor (SFF ) cabinet 12. Video Graphics Integrated Graphics with a provision of Graphics card on above mentioned PCIe slot 13. I/O Interface Dual Channel serial ATA–600 controller 14. Ports Minimum 6 USB port (atleast 2 nos. 3.0 USB port ) out of which minimum 2 USB port should at front side 15. Power Supply Suitable power supply to meet the requirement of additional devices (Power Efficiency >=85%) 16. Sound Card Integrated 17. OS Supported Windows 8/ Linux 18. Storage Bays One external 5.25” and two internal 3.5” storage bays 19. Mouse Optical mouse with USB interface 20. Monitor 18.5" TFT or higher(Widescreen) LED backlit TCO 06 certified or higher 21. Ethernet Card 10/100/1000 MBPS. 22. Preloaded Software Windows 8.1 Prof. with Media 23. Certification ISO 9001, Energy Star 6.0 or higher complaint, FCC, UL, CE, RoHS, Microsoft & Linux 28 Phone: 2713218, SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana - The Home of Electronics S ECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 2701864, 2705570 Fax : 0172-2705529 e-mail : md@hartron.org, Website : www.hartron.org CHAPTER 1 Annexure-XIII Computer based on Intel Core i5 processor without v-Pro technology HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION Annexure-XIV CHAPT ERER2 2 CHAPT Computer based on Intel Core i5 processor with v-Pro technology & SFF cabinet S# Item Description 1. Processor 4th Gen Intel Core i5-4570 or higher with v-Pro Technology 2. Speed 3.2 GHz or Higher 3. Cache 6 MB Intel smart Cache 4. System Bus/QPI 5 GT/sec 5. Chipset Intel Q87 series or better 6. Mother Board Original Intel or OEM manufactured 7. Memory 4GB DDR-III (1600MHz) or higher RAM 8. Hard disk drive 500 GB SATA (7200 RPM) or higher 9. Keyboard 104 keys standard keyboard with USB interface 10. Expansion Slots Minimum 1 PCIe x 1 and 1 PCI Express x 16 slot 11. Housing Small Form Factor (SFF ) cabinet with volume <=16 liters 12. Video Graphics Integrated Graphics with a provision of Graphics card on above mentioned PCIe slot 13. I/O Interface Dual Channel serial ATA–600 controller 14. Ports Minimum 6 USB port (atleast 2 nos. 3.0 USB port ) out of which minimum 2 USB port should at front side 15. Power Supply Suitable power supply to meet the requirement of additional devices (Power Efficiency >=85%) 16. Sound Card Integrated with internal speaker on Motherboard/TFT/Head Phone (Creative/Logitech) 17. OS Supported Windows 8/ Linux 18. Storage Bays Internal: One 3.5", External: One 5.25” 19. Mouse Optical mouse with USB interface 20. Monitor 18.5" TFT or higher(Widescreen) LED backlit TCO 06 certified or higher 21. Ethernet Card 10/100/1000 MBPS. 22. Preloaded Software Windows 8.1 Prof. with Media 23. Certification ISO 9001, Energy Star 6.0 or higher complaint, FCC, UL, CE, RoHS, Microsoft & Linux SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana Home of Electronics SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION- The TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 29 Tender Document for Empanelment of vendors for supply of Computers, Servers & Storage HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE Annexure-XV All-in One Desktop Computer based on Intel Core i5 1. Processor Intel Core i5-4590S or higher 2. Speed 3.0 GHz or higher 3. Cache 6 MB Cache or higher 4. Chipset Intel Q87 or better 5. Memory 4 GB 1600 MHz upgradable upto 16 GB 6. Hard disk drive 500 GB 7200 rpm SATA or higher 7. Keyboard & Mouse 104 keys Wired USB keyboard and optical mouse with USB interface 8. Video Graphics Intel HD Graphics 9. Audio Integrated Stereo Sound with two internal speakers and Digital Array Mike 10. Ports 3 USB Ports, 1 Mic., 1 headphone in side, 1 RJ-45, 1 Display Port/ HDMI/VGA port 11. Power Supply Internal 200W, (Power Efficiency >=85%) or better 12. Wireless connectivity Bluetooth 3.0, IEE 802.11 b/g/n 13. Monitor 23” LED backlit Antiglare LCD display (1920x1080) or better 14. Optical Drive 8X or better DVD Writer 15. Ethernet Card Integrated Gigabit Ethernet LAN 10/100/1000. 16. Webcam Integrated HD Webcam 17. Preloaded Software Windows 8.1 Professional (64 bit) with media 18. Display Stand Tilt and adjustable 19. Certification ISO 9001, Energy Star 6.0 or higher complaint, FCC, UL, CE, RoHS, Microsoft & Linux 30 Phone: 2713218, SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana - The Home of Electronics S ECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 2701864, 2705570 Fax : 0172-2705529 e-mail : md@hartron.org, Website : www.hartron.org CHAPTER 1 Description CHAPTER 1 S# Item HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION ANNEXURE – XVI CHAPT ERER2 2 CHAPT Declaration Regarding Clean Track Record To, Managing Director, Haryana State Electronics Development Corporation Limited, SCO 111-113, Sector 17-B, Chandigarh. Ref: Bid document No. Hartron/MSG/2014/…………… dated ………….. Sir, I have carefully gone through the terms & conditions contained in the RFP Document [No._________________]. I hereby declare that my company has not been debarred / black listed by any Government / Semi Government organizations in India. I further certify that I am competent officer in my company to make this declaration. Yours faithfully, (Signature of the Bidder) Printed Name Designation Seal Date: Business Address: SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana Home of Electronics SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION- The TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 31 Tender Document for Empanelment of vendors for supply of Computers, Servers & Storage HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE Annexure-XVII (Registration Number and Registration authority) Public Ltd. Co. / Private Co. / Partnership firm etc. Location Street Pin Code Telephone / Facsimile Email Other (URL etc.) Name of the Contact Contact’s designation Contact addresses if different from above Business Structure Quality Certifications CHAPTER 1 Address of Registered office Year of Incorporation Legal Status Technological Collaborations Business address for correspondence in India CHAPTER 1 General Information of the Bidder: Form – I The Bidder shall furnish details on the following lines: The Registered name of the company City (Enclose Certificates copy) Details of EMD furnished Amount Date Issuing Bank & Branch Account No. - Details of Tender document fee Amount Date Issuing Bank & Branch Account No. - Local address PAN No. Income Tax Assessment Jurisdiction TIN Central Excise Registration Name of the Bidder: Particulars of Turnover – Form II Name of OEM: Particulars of Turnover in the preceding three years as per audited accounts (in `Crores) in India. Financial Year Turnover of Bidder Turnover of OEM 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Note: - Please attach audited Balance Sheets of last 3 years and highlight the opening & closing balance (Provide sufficient evidence to support information provided in the above table). 32 Phone: 2713218, SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana - The Home of Electronics S ECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 2701864, 2705570 Fax : 0172-2705529 e-mail : md@hartron.org, Website : www.hartron.org HARDWARE GUIDE HARDWARE GUIDE AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ORGANISATION Annexure-XVIII CHAPT ERER2 2 CHAPT CHECKLIST FOR BID SUBMISSION The following check-list must be filled in and submitted with the bid document and also arrange your bid document for each part as given below: Have you attached the following document Technical Bid : 1 General Information of bidder : Form – 1 2 Particulars of Turnover : Form II Attached proof of the sales turnover of your company for the years 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14. 3 Tender document fee for the required amount 4 Bid Security for the required amount (EMD) 5 Non-refundable amount with required service tax 6 Details & Copies of Firm Registration 7 Details & Copies of Last ITR 8 Details & Copies of PAN/TIN, VAT and Annual Information Return (AIR) wherever applicable. 9 Proof of the Manufacturer’s Authorization 10 Certificate of Undertaking of rates 11 Certificate of After sales service support 12 Details of your maintenance infrastructure facilities including addresses of the service centers 13 OEM support Certificate, List and address of OEM support centers in India 14 Declaration Regarding Clean Track Record 15 Certificate of Acceptance 16 Technical details of the goods and services offered as a part of this bid document (Datasheet & other relevant details of each offered components & Services to be offered) 17 Delivery Schedule Commercial Bid: 1 Statement of unit prices and price schedule Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Note – Please arrange your bid document for each part along with proper indexing, tagging & page numbering. Bid without Tender Fee, EMD, Non-Refundable Amount, Proper Indexing, Tagging & Page Numbering should not be considered. Highlight all the specification mentioned in tender document in your offered datasheet against compliance. Amendment of Bid Document - At any time upto the last date for receipt of bids, HARTRON, may for any reason, whether at his own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, modify the Bid Document by an amendment. The amendment will be notified only on the website of HARTRON i.e. www.hartron.org.in and will be binding to all. In order to afford prospective bidders reasonable time or otherwise for any other reason, in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids, the Client may, at his discretion, extend the last date for the receipt of Bids. SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HARYANA Haryana Home of Electronics SECRETARIAT FOR INFORMAT ION- The TECHNOLOGY , HARYANA 33