2. MOS: Transfer Function, Bias, and Small Signal Model Reading: Sedra & Smith: Secs. 5.4 & 5.5 (Also see Sec. 4.3.7) ECE 102, Winter 2011, F. Najmabadi NMOS Characteristic Equations PMOS For PMOS: vGS→ vSG, vDS→ vSD, vtn→ |vtp|, k’n→ k’p, and iD flowing OUT of the drain NMOS Transfer Function For vGS < Vtn , NMOS is in cutoff: NMOS Transfer Function o For vGS > Vtn as vGS ↑ → iD ↑ → vDS ↓ o (NMOS in saturation as we started with vDS = VDD > vGS – Vtn ) o iD and vDS can be found from NMOS Transfer Function o As vGS increases vDS becomes smaller until at point B where vDS = vGS – Vtn . o For larger vGS NMOS is in triode Exercise: Find VGS|B and VDS|B NMOS Transfer Function A combination of constant VGS and a signal (vgs) Bias Bias A combination of constant VGS and a signal (vgs) Bias and signal Bias Bias and signal Response to the signal appears to be linear! Bias and signal A linear transfer function for the Signal! vds Signal and response vGS = VGS + vgs vDS = VDS + vds iD = IDS + id Bias vgs An Analogy Response hb Added Weight (signal) Boat Hb = HB Pool Bias HB Hb Bias + signal Total Height, Hb = Bias (HB) + response to signal (hb) Complicated correlation between total height, Hb , and weight of the boat. Simple correlation between hb and added weight hb Added Weight (signal) HB Hb Bias + signal Bias: HB Bias + Signal: Hb Signal & response to signal: hb Bias: VGS , VDS , ID , VRD Bias + Signal: vGS , vDS , iD , vRD Signal & response to signal: vgs , vds , id , vrd Non-linear correlations among Bias + Signal: vGS , vDS , iD , vRD Simple (and linear) correlation between signal and response to the signal: vgs , vds , id , vrd Important Points! Signal: We want the response of the circuit to this input. Bias: State of the system when there is no signal (current and voltages in all elements). o Bias is constant in time (may vary extremely slowly compared to signal) o Purpose of the bias is to ensure that MOS is in saturation at all times. Response of the circuit and elements within to the signal is different that the response of the circuit and its elements to Bias (or to Bias + signal): o Different transfer function for the circuit o Different iv characteristics for the elements, i.e. relationships among vgs , vds , id is different than relationships among vGS , vDS , iD . Limitations and Constraints Floating Boat analogy Boat should float at all times! o Sufficient water in the pool Transistor MOS should be in saturation at all times! o Bias point in Saturation* VGS > Vtn VDS > VGS - Vtn o Cannot put too much weight (depends on the depth of the water!) o Signal amplitude cannot become too large (depends on Bias point!)* vGS = VGS + vgs > Vtn vDS = VDS + vds > VGS + vgs- Vtn * Equations are for NMOS! Procedure: 1. How to establish a Bias point (bias is the state of the system when there is no signal). o Stable and robust bias point should be resilient to variations in k’, Vt , … due to temperature and/or manufacturing variability. 2. Find the iv characteristics of the elements for the signal (which can be different than their characteristics equation for bias). o This will lead to different circuit configurations for bias versus signal 3. Compute circuit response to the signal o Focus on fundamental MOS amplifier configurations BIAS (Ensure that MOS is in saturation at all times, Important parameters are ID and VDS ) Bias with Gate Voltage ID = 0.5 k’n (W/L) (VGS – Vtn)2 VDS = VDD – RD ID This method is NOT desirable as k’, Vt , … are not “well-defined” as bias point (i.e., ID and VDS) can change due to temperature and/or manufacturing variability. o See Exercise 5.33 Bias with Source Degeneration Basic Arrangement VGS = VG – RS ID Bias with one power supply Bias with two power supplies VGS = VG – RS ID VGS = VSS – RS ID (KVL: 0+ VGS + RS ID – VSS = 0) Resistor Rs provides negative feedback Resistor Rs provides negative feedback VGS = VG – RS ID ID = IS = 0.5 k’n (W/L) (VGS – Vtn)2 Negative Feedback: o If ID ↑ (because k’n ↑ or Vtn ↓ ) o If ID ↓ (because k’n ↓ or Vtn ↑ ) Basic Arrangement VGS Eq. VGS Eq. VGS ↓ VGS ↑ ID Eq. ID Eq. ID ↓ ID ↑ Feedback is most effective if RS ID >> VGS as 0 = – VGS + VG – RS ID ≈ VG – RS ID or ID ≈ VG /RS Example: Find Bias point for Vt =1 V, k’ W/L = 1 mA/V2 VG = (7)/(7+8) X 15 = 7 V GS-KVL: VG = VGS + RS ID VG = 7 V VD = 10 V ID = 0.5 k’n (W/L) (VGS – Vtn)2 VS = 5 V VGS = 2 V , VS = VG – VGS = 5 V 7 = VGS + 5 (VGS – 1)2 DS-KVL: 15 = VDS + (RS + RS )ID VDS = 5 V , VD = VS + VDS = 10 V Impact of RS: if Vt = 1.5 V (50% change), ID = 0.455mA (9% change) Bias in ICs Resistors take too much space on the chip A “robust” bias has ID and VDS that do not change. One can force ID to be constant using a current source. ID = I VG = 0 VD = VDD – RD ID VGS is set by I = ID = 0.5 k’n (W/L) (VGS – Vtn)2 VS = VG – VGS = – VGS VDS = VD – VS Current Mirrors (or Current Steering Circuits) Identical MOS: Same k’n and Vt Since VGS1 = VGS2 = VGS : Circuit works as long as Q2 is in saturation VDS2 > VGS - Vt Q1 is always in saturation VDS1 = VGS > VGS - Vt An implementation of a Current Mirror Identical MOS: Same k’n and Vt Bias point of Q1 is uniquely set by: Since VGS1 = VGS2 = VGS : Circuit works as long as Q2 is in saturation VDS2 > VGS - Vt Examples of Current Steering circuits Current steering circuit can bias several transistors A PMOS current mirror An implementation of current steering circuit to bias several transistors in an IC SMALL SIGNAL MODEL 2. Find the iv characteristics of the elements for the signal (which can be different than their characteristics equation for bias). This will lead to different circuit configurations for bias versus signal “Signal-only” circuit is different! Bias VDD: VDD R D: VRD IRD = ID Signal only MOS: VGS, ID, VDS Bias and signal No signal here! VDD: VDD RD: vRD = VRD + vrd iRD = iD = ID + id MOS: vGS = VGS + vgs vDS = VDS + vds iD = ID + id RD: vrd ird = id MOS: vgs, id, vds Signal Model for linear circuit elements Independent voltage source (e.g., VDD) o No signal: effectively grounded Independent current source o No signal: effectively open circuit (Careful about current mirrors as they are NOT “ideal” current sources, channel width modulation was ignored!) Resistors, capacitors, inductor o Remain the same: Dependent sources iR = vR = vR = vR = vr = IR + ir VR + vr = RIR + vr R iR = R (IR + ir ) = RIR + R ir RIR + vr = RIR + R ir R ir o Remain the same with the control parameter related to the signal! Non-linear Elements: o Different! Diodes: signal response is non linear but can be linearized when signal is small vD iD vd VD ID id ? vd id R = nVT/ID Formal derivation of small signal model XA x A = X A + xa YA = f ( X A ) y A = f ( xA ) xA f(∙) YA f(∙) y A = YA + y a g(∙) yA ( 2) f (X A) 2 (1) = f ( X A ) + f ( X A ) ⋅ (x A − X A ) + ⋅ ( x A − X A ) + ... 2! ( 2) f (X A) 2 (1) = f ( X A ) + f ( X A ) ⋅ xa + ⋅ xa + ... 2! ≈ f ( X A ) + f (1) ( X A ) ⋅ xa Small signal means: ( 2) f (X A) 2 (1) (1) f ( X A ) ⋅ xa >> ⋅ xa y a = g ( xa ) = f ( X A ) ⋅ xa 2! f (1) ( X A ) xa << 2 ⋅ ( 2 ) f (X A) Derivation of diode small signal model nVvD T iD = I S ⋅ e − 1 VD nV I D = f (VD ) = I S ⋅ e T − 1 x nV IS ⋅ e T (1) id = f (VD ) ⋅ vd = nVT nVx f ( x) = I S ⋅ e T − 1 VD nV IS ⋅ e T ⋅ vd = nVT x =VD ID + IS ⋅ vd = nV ⋅ vd T ID ID + IS id = ⋅ vd ⋅ vd ≈ nVT nVT vd id = rD nVT rD ≈ ID vd id R = nVT/ID Derivation of MOS small signal model x A = X A + xa xA yA y A = YA + y a z A = f ( xA , y A ) XA Z A = f ( X A , YA ) YA f(∙, ∙) zA f(∙, ∙) ZA za = z A − Z A z A = f ( xA , y A ) = f ( X A , YA ) + ∂f ( x, y ) ∂x ∂f ( x, y ) ≈ ZA + ∂x ⋅ ( xA − X A ) + X A ,YA ∂f ( x, y ) ⋅ xa + ∂y X A ,YA ∂f za = ∂x ∂f ⋅ xa + ∂y X A ,YA ∂f ( x, y ) ∂y ⋅ ya X A ,YA ⋅ ya X A ,YA ⋅ ( y A − YA ) + ... X A ,YA Derivation of MOS small signal model iG = 0 iD = 0.5 k’n (W/L) (vGS – Vtn)2 (1 + λ vDS) = f (vGS , vDS) iD = f (x, y) with x ↔vGS and y ↔ vDS ∂f ∂f ⋅ vds id = ⋅ v gs + ∂x VGS ,VDS ∂y VGS ,VDS id = g m ⋅ v gs + ig = 0 vds ro gm = ro = 2⋅ ID VGS − Vtn 1 λ ⋅ ID For λ vDS << 1 MOS “circuit” small signal model id = g m ⋅ v gs + 2⋅ ID gm = VGS − Vtn vds ro 1 ro = λ ⋅ ID and ig = 0 id 2 >> 1 g m ro = λ (VGS − Vtn ) PMOS circuit model for small signals is identical to NMOS in gm formula replace VGS – Vtn with VSG - |Vtp| PMOS “circuit” small signal model is identical to NMOS vsd id = g m ⋅ vsg + ro vsg 2⋅ ID gm = VSG − Vtp and ig = 0 id gmvsg id = 1 ro = λ ⋅ ID For PMOS small signal model, id flows into the drain