TAPS teacher summary March15

Approaches to
Science Assessment in
English Primary Schools
Teachers’ Summary
Sarah Earle, Dan Davies, Christopher Collier, Alan Howe and Kendra McMahon
Centre for Research in Early Scientific Learning (CRESL), Bath Spa University
March 2015
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The Problem
For too long we have been pretending that we can measure pupils’
science attainment and progress in increasingly fine detail (one APS
‘point’ being one sixth of an original National Curriculum level). The
removal of levels in the 2014 National Curriculum in England has left
schools and teachers feeling vulnerable and reluctant to discard the
‘comfort blanket’ of numerical tracking systems. Yet we should see the
loss of levels as an opportunity rather than a threat; to bring formative
and summative assessment closer together and ultimately to find more
valid ways of assessing what it means to be a scientist.
n There is a wide variety of practice in primary science teacher
assessment. This diversity has been encouraged by the UK
government, firstly by the removal of science SATS at Key
Stages 1 and 2 and more recently by the lack of prescription on
assessment in the 2014 National Curriculum. Schools have been
encouraged to design their own systems for monitoring and
measuring pupil performance.
n This encouragement of diversity appears to be promoting
a range of creative approaches to formative assessment of
children’s scientific skills and knowledge, from ‘learning walls’ to
effective teacher feedback and peer assessment (Figure 1). It is
unclear, however, how this rich array of formative assessment
strategies is feeding back into teacher planning, and there is very
little evidence of formative assessment being used to inform
summative judgements.
The Project
The Teacher Assessment in Primary Science (TAPS) project (201316), based at Bath Spa University and funded by the Primary Science
Teaching Trust (PSTT), aims to develop a recommended mode for
assessing science which will support teachers to use the full range of
pupil information available in the primary classroom to assess and move
pupils’ learning forward. In our first year we have focused on gaining an
overview of what primary schools across England are currently doing,
which is summarised here.
n The lack of centralised guidance appears to be having a
detrimental effect on summative assessment and the tracking
of pupil progress as schools try to run a number of different
systems simultaneously, raising questions about manageability
(Figure 2). Many schools also remain wedded to the use of tests
or bureaucratic numerical tracking systems.
Evidence Base
The findings and recommendations in this report are based on
evidence from:
The Nuffield Foundation (2012) recommend that the rich formative
assessment data collected by teachers in the course of ongoing
classroom work in science should also be made to serve summative
purposes (reporting to parents, teachers of the following age group,
government) through synopsis at the end of academic years or key
stages. They developed a pyramid model for the flow of assessment
information through a school, using the analogy of energy flow through
a pyramid of numbers in an ecosystem. Our project has operationalised
these recommendations by developing this pyramid model into a
whole-school self-evaluation tool (see next page) to support schools in
identifying strengths and weaknesses in their assessment systems and
provide an exemplified model of good practice. The ‘Pupil layer’ and the
‘Teacher layer’ at the base of the pyramid encapsulate the principles of
Assessment for Learning; schools should begin by focusing on these
layers since this is not only the foundation of the whole system, it is also
where changes will have the most impact on pupil progress in Primary
n 91 submissions to the Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM)
Database, from schools across England (Earle, 2014).
n Four visits each to 12 TAPS project schools: observing practice,
collecting examples, interviewing staff
n Visits to four additional schools where science is being led by
PSTT College Fellows (Stockport, Lancashire, Lincolnshire, East
n Responses to presentations of our findings at the PSTT, ASE and
Primary Science Teacher College annual conferences; teacher
conferences in Oxford and Newbury, and the annual conference
of the Association of Tutors in Science Education (ATSE) and
National Advisers and Inspectors Group for Science (NAIGS).
Figure 1: Formative assessment strategies reported in PSQM database (n = 91)
Figure 2: Summative assessment strategies reported in PSQM datbase (n = 91)
Talk partner/pair-share
Drama/role play
Group challenge
Investigation/practical task
Tests to back up T judgement
Combined tests + other
Observation of task
End of unit investigation/focused AT1
Sticky note, photo, video
Levelling work (at end of unit)
Self assessment at beginning
Combined APP/tracking grids + tests
Concept cartoon/'active asst'
Combined APP/tracking grid + other
APP tracking grid
Own questions
KWL grids
Other tracking grid
Mind/concept map
Levels on planning
No mention of summative
Tests/assessment sheets
Other elicitation
Earle, S. (2014) Formative and summative assessment of science in English primary schools: evidence from the Primary Science Quality Mark, Research in Science and Technological
Education, 32(2): 216-228 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02635143.2014.913129#.VPgkTfmsX_E
Science assessment processes
provide a valid and reliable
summary of pupil achievement at
the end of Key Stages
Parents/carers receive oral and
written reports that identify the
next steps for their children
There is a shared understanding of
progression in science
Teachers summarise
achievements in terms of what
pupils can do, not only in terms of
levels, grades or %
Teachers take part in moderation/
discussion with each other of pupils’
work in order to align judgements
E.g. at parents’ evening, comments
on homework.
Teachers base their summative
judgements of pupils’ learning on a
range of types of activity
E.g. staff map progression of skills, TAs
are involved in assessments.
Teachers gather evidence of
their pupils’ learning through
study of the products of activities
and tasks
Summaries of pupil progress
across the cohort draw on a range
of information
A manageable system for recordkeeping is in operation to track and
report on pupils’ learning in science
E.g. learning across a range of
contexts is used to decide support
or extension needs
Pupils are aware of the criteria by
which their work over a period of time
is judged
E.g. expectations on planning which
annotate, end of topic grids, I cans.
E.g. identify which part of the success
criteria is missing, consider how
to make the measurement more
Pupils collaboratively (with peers/
teachers) identify next steps in
E.g. read and respond time.
Teachers use assessment to
advance pupils’ learning by
providing time for students
to reflect on and assess their
own work
E.g. examples of what good science
looks like are displayed.
Teachers use assessment to
advance pupils’ learning by giving
feedback to students about how
to improve
E.g. marking, oral feedback, next
steps, extension Qs.
E.g. respond to mini plenary advice
in second half of lesson, make
improvements in next investigation.
Pupils use assessment to advance
their learning by acting on
Teachers use assessment to
advance pupils’ learning by
adapting the pace, challenge
and content of activities
Pupils assess peers’ ideas and work
against known criteria
E.g. support or challenge in
response to pupils.
Pupils assess their own ideas and
work against known criteria
E.g. comment on another group’s
presentation, give 2 stars and a wish
for piece of work.
E.g. any recording, models, sorting.
E.g. traffic lighting or highlighting
objective, commenting on whether
predictions are supported.
E.g. Open Qs, class mindmap/
concept cartoon, TA postit quotes,
floorbook, annotated photos.
Teachers gather evidence of
their pupils’ learning through
questioning/ discussion and
E.g. staff meeting discussions of science
Teachers plan opportunities to
elicit pupils’ science knowledge
and skills
E.g. be clear about science focus
rather than presentation etc.
Pupils focus on science knowledge,
understanding, skills and attitudes in
learning objectives and success
E.g. discuss what good observation
or conclusions look like.
Teachers involve pupils in
discussing learning objectives
and criteria for success
E.g. not reliant on one snapshot to make
overall judgement.
E.g. progress in skills is passed onto
the next teacher.
Science assessment: school self-evaluation tool
E.g. plans show range of elicitation
strategies at variety of times E.g.
beg/mid/end lesson.
Pupils identify their existing ideas,
learning needs and interests, and
consider those of peers.
E.g. mindmaps, annotated drawings,
KWL grids, mini whiteboards, post its,
talk partners.
Produced by the Teacher Assessment in Primary Science Project, Bath Spa University, developed from the Nuffield Foundation (2012) and Harlen (2013)
Examples of good practice
Teachers gather evidence of their pupils’ learning
through observation by planning to work with
groups to assess progress or making use of teaching
assistants to make observations on specific
children as they monitor the remainder
of the class. The teacher might say ‘I’m
going to eavesdrop on your group’ as
Pupils are involved in discussing learning goals through the collaborative process of
she listens in, and make a post-it note
constructing a ’Learning Wall’ as a whole class. A ‘Learning Wall’ is a display board
of a key utterance to be used later to
in the classroom that is used to document the development of a topic for the whole
assess an individual’s learning.
class, using children’s drawing, writing and photographs, annotated by the teachers
for younger children. Individuals or groups develop KWL grids (What do I know?
What do I want to know? What have I learned?) or Mind maps that identify relevant
prior knowledge the pupils have and what questions they have about the topic.
The teacher’s role in this is to bear in mind the expected standards as set out in the
curriculum and focus attention on these elements if needed.
From the range of information gathered,
scientific knowledge and enquiry skills
are assessed against statements on a
tracker grid that is included in the pupils’ exercise books.
The statements are expressed in the first person and in a
language that makes sense to primary-aged children.
There are 10-minute science moderation slots within staff meetings
across the year. Each slot consists of one class teacher bringing along
some samples of work, which could be children’s writing, drawings or
speech, and the staff agreeing a level for each piece. This has led to the
creation of a portfolio of evidence, examples of which can be found in a
Pupils are asked to review and comment on formative
PSTT exemplar at: http://www.pstt.org.uk/science-teaching/primaryfeedback comments made by their teacher and
the comments made by the pupil can be taken into
account in making
Teacher judgements
During our visits into TAPS project schools, we have come across a number
of examples of good practice in science assessment:
are moderated between groups of three colleagues, three times per year.
These ‘triangulation’ groups look at planning, science books and assessment
judgements together, using a sub-sample of children’s work drawn from three
points in the attainment range. Teachers also have the opportunity to moderate
with colleagues in other primary schools, all of which the Assessment Co-ordinator
believes has improved the reliability of teacher assessment.
Next Steps
To support schools in making the links between formative and
summative assessment, and to move from numerical systems to
more valid and reliable strategies for tracking pupil progress, we
plan to:
n Develop and update the range of Focused Assessments
(previous ones available on PSTT website) and include
examples of pupil work to support judgements and
n Provide examples for every cell in our school self-evaluation
tool, to be made available online or as an ‘app’ to support
schools in auditing their own assessment practice and
identifying gaps or areas where reliability or validity could be
Primary Science Teaching Trust
c/o School of Chemistry, University of Bristol
Cantock’s Close, Bristol BS8 1TS
© 2015 Primary Science Teaching Trust
For further information please see http://www.bathspa.
or email primary.science@bathspa.ac.uk