Attachment 2 CUSA Research Transfer Data 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 3 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2 6 No Nomination Pending Denied Total Approved Total Number HL 3 19 1 15 1 3 31 35 HR 10 3 2 2 12 12 HT NB NE NM NP NW SC SF 7 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 15 7 7 6 18 11 8 3 1 4 1 9 39 8 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 10 1 3 1 24 8 7 0 7 43 16 11 27 9 8 6 7 53 17 11 SI 3 8 1 10 10 1 | P a g e Attachment 2 Goal 2 HL Goal 1 1.1 HL 1.1 3H HL 1.1 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 Course P.C. COMS 235 Intro Rhetoric & Social Influence* GE11 HWC 206 Contemporary Western Civ GE11/GE3H SPAN 177 Spanish—First Year Seminar* GE11 FMS 314 Hstry Afrc-Amer Images in Film AE41 HL DANC 330 Approaches to World Dance* AE42 HL ECIV 104/304 Eastern Civilizations AE42 HL FREN 152 France and the French AE42/GE3H HL FREN 326 Intro French Lit* AE42/GE3H HL FREN 405 French Lit in Translation AE42/GE3H HL GERM 124 German Cinema in Context AE42 HL GERM 324 Magic, Monsters & the Occult AE42 HL GERM 328 Arts in German-Spkng Europe AE42 HL GERM 332 Berlin in German Culture AE42 HL ITAL 335 Italy and the Italians I AE42/GE3H HL SLAV 144 Survey Russian Lit in Transltn AE42/GE3H SLAV 148 Intro to Slavic Folklore AE42/GE3H HL HL SLAV 316 Ppl & Cltr Sthestrn Erp Thru Flm AE42/GE3H CLSX 148 Greek and Roman Mythology GE3H HL CLSX 240 Roman Lit & Civilization GE3H HL FMS 200 Film and Media Aesthetics* GE3H HL HWC 110 Intro to Humanities GE3H HL HWC 150 Civilizations and the Individual GE3H HL HWC 308 Masterpieces in World Lit II GE3H HL SPAN 340 Text Analysis & Crit Reading* GE3H HL HL THR 100 Intro to the Theatre GE3H HL THR 106 Acting I GE3H HL THR 215 Approaching Design GE3H HL THR 380 American Musical Theater GE3H HL DANC 460 Dance Hist: Rsrch&Reconstructn HL ENGL 325 Recent Pop Lit* HL FMS 100 Intro to the Film Medium HL FMS 380 The 1940s HL JWSH 311 Narratives of Jewish Life HL PORT 340 Textual Analysis & Critical Rdng* HL THR 404 Children and Drama HL REL 107 Living Religions of the West AE41 HR REL 171 Religion in American Society AE41 HR REL 104 Intro to Religion AE42/GE3H HR PHIL 160 Intro to Ethics AE51/GE3H HR PHIL 180 Intro to Social & Political Phil HR Goal 3 3H 3H 3H 3H 3H 4.2 4.2 3H 3H 3H 3H 3H 3H 3H 3H 3H 3H 3H 3H 3H 4.2 ? Nominated (4.1) Not nominated 4.2 Not nominated Nominated for 5.2 4.1 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.1 3H 3H 3H 2 | P a g e Attachment 2 AE51/GE3H COMS 332 The Rhetorical Tradition* GE3H HR PHIL 140 Intro to Philosophy GE3H HR PHIL 384 Ancient Philosophy GE3H HR PHIL 386 Mod Philosophy Descartes-Kant GE3H HR REL 124 Understanding the Bible GE3H HR AMS 290/REL 171 Religion in American Society HR EALC 105/REL 106 Living Rel of the East HR CLSX 151 Intro to Classical Archaeology GE11/GE3H HIST 101 Introduction to History GE11 HT HIST 108 Medieval History GE11 HT HIST 114 Reaissnc Rev: Europe 1500-1789 GE11 HIST 177 History – First Year Seminar* GE11 HT HT HT PCS 120 Intro to Peace and Conflict Studies GE11/GE3H WGSS 320 Goddesses to Witches GE11/GE3H HT AAAS 106 The Black Experience Americas AE41 HT AMS 100 Intro to American Studies AE41/GE3H HT GERM 136 German Transatlantic Experience AE41 MUSC 298 Intro to Jazz AE41 HT GERM 320 Border Crossings German Culture AE42 HA 100/300 Intro to Western Art History AE42/GE3H HA 150 Wstrn Art Hist I: Ancnt Med Art AE42/GE3H HA 261 Intro to Modern Art AE42/GE3H HT 3H 3H 3H 3H 3H 3H 3H 1.1 4.1 4.2 3H 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 3H 3H 3H HT 4.1 4.2 HT 4.2 3H HT 4.2 3H HT 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 3H 3H HT HA 265 Intro to Asian Art AE42/GE3H HT HWC 302 Eurpn Cul&Soc 1945-Pres AE42 HT SLAV 140 Intro to Russian Culture AE42/GE3H HT SLAV 340 Intro Lang&Peopl Russ&EC Euro AE42/GE3H ANTH 110/310 Intro to Archaeology GE3H HT HIST 128 History of US through Civil War GE3H HT HIST 129 History of US after Civil War GE3H HT HA 300 Intro to Western Art History HT HT HIST 117 Intro to Russian History HT HIST 320 Goddesses to Witches HT MUSC 136/336 Masterworks of Music HT MUSC 337 Music in East Asia HT BIOL 177 Biology—First Yr Seminar* GE11 NB ANTH 104/304 Fund Physical Anthropology GE3N BIOL 100 Principles of Biology (102) GE3N NB BIOL 150 Principles Molec&Cell Bio* (L) GE3N NB NB BIOL 200 Basic Microbiology* GE3N NB BIOL 400 Fund of Microbiology* (402) GE3N NB 3H 3H 3H 3H Not nominated 1.1 Not approved for 3/4.2 Not nominated 1.1 3N 3H 3H 4.2 3H 3N 3N 3N 3N 3 | P a g e EVRN 148/GEOG 148 Sci Prin Evrn Stds GE3N NB GEOL 121 Prehistoric Life: DNA to Dinos GE3N NB BIOL 612 Fund of Microbiology* NB ATMO 220 Unusual Weather GE11/GE3N NE ATMO 105 Introductory Meteorology (L) GE3N NE GEOG 104 Principles of Phys Geog (105) GE3N NE GEOL 101 Introduction to Geology (103) GE3N NE GEOL 105 History of the Earth (103) GE3N NE GEOL 302 Oceanography* GE3N NE GEOL 351 Environmental Geology GE3N NE GEOL 171 Earthquakes and Natural Disasters NE EECS 128 Fndtns of IT: Elements* NM EECS 138 Intro Computing: Various* NM IPS 101 Elem to Theory of Computation* NM 3N 3N Not nominated 1.1 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N Not nominated Not nominated Not nominated Not nominated Nominated (3) Nominated (3) Nominated 1.1/3 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 3N 3N MATH 116 Calculus II* NM MATH 122 Calculus II* NM MATH 526 Applied Math Stats* NM ASTR 394 Quest for Extraterrestrial Life* GE11 NP CHEM 130 General Chemistry I* (L) GE12/GE3N NP PHSX 114 College Physics I* (L) GE12/GE3N NP PHSX 211 General Physics I*(L) GE12/GE3N NP ASTR 191 Contemporary Astronomy* (196) GE3N PHSX 111 Introductory Physics* (116) GE3N NP CHEM 170 Chemistry for Chem Sci I (L) NP ANTH 376 North American Indians AE41 NW AAAS 102 Intro to Arabic & Islamic Studies AE42/GE3H/GE3S AAAS 160/HIST 160 Intr W. African History AE42/GE3H AAAS 320/520 Afr Studies In: Topics* AE42 NW 3N 1.2 4.1 4.2 NW 4.2 3H NW AAAS 520 African Studies in: AE42 NW ANTH 160/360 Var Human Experiences AE42/GE3H/GE3S ANTH 293/EALC 130/REL 130 Myth E Asia AE42 NW 4.2 4.2 4.2 3H DANC 440 Int to Clscl East Indian Dance AE42 NW EALC 121 Intro Contemporary China AE42 NW ECIV 104/304 Eastern Civilizations AE42 NW ENGL 305 World Indigenous Literatures* AE42/GE3H FMS 315 Survey of Japanese Film AE42 NW 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 3H NP NW NW HA 265 Intro to Asian Art AE42/GE3H NW HA 269 Art and Culture of Korea AE42/GE3H NW HIST 300 Modern African History AE42 NW HIST 328 The Modern Middle East AE42 NW HIST 399 The Samurai AE42/GE11 NW LING 543 Lang&Cul of Arabic Spk Comm. AE42/GE3H NW 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 Attachment 2 3N 3N 3N 3N 3H 3S 3S 3H 3H 1.1 3H 4 | P a g e MUSC 560 Music in World Cultures AE42 NW POLS 660 Politics&Probl of Dev Countries* AE42 POLS 661 Politics of the Middle East* AE42 NW REES 220 Societies & Cultures of Eurasia AE42 NW REL 106 Liv Rel of East AE42/GE3H NW REL 509 Religion in Japan AE42/GE3H NW SOC 130 Comparative Societies AE42 NW SOC 532 Sociology of the Middle East AE42/AE61 WGSS 330 Women Contemp Afr Lit AE42/GE3H NW CHIN 562 Modern Chinese Lit I* AE61 NW AAAS 103 Introduction to Africa GE3H/GE3S NW HIST 105 Intro Ancient Nr East & Grk Hist GE3H NW NW NW AAAS 300 African Traditionl Relgn & Thght NW AAAS 301 Portrait 3rd World Nation: Haiti NW AAAS 305/HIST 300 Modern African History NW AAAS 349/REL 350 Islam NW AAAS 429/THR 429 Postcol Thr & Drama NW AAAS 432/FREN 432 Francophone Afr Lit* NW AAAS 470/LING 470 Lang & Soc in Africa* NW AAAS 542/REL 535 Hist of Islam in Africa* NW AAAS/ANTH 372 Rlgn, Pwr& SxltyArab Soc NW ANTH 379/LAA 334 Indig Trad of Latin Am NW ANTH 506 Ancnt Amr Civ: Mesoamerica NW ANTH 564 The Peoples of Africa NW EALC 105/REL 106 Living Religion of East NW EALC 315/FMS 315 Survey of Japanese Film NW EALC 415/615 Ancient China NW EALC 508 Religion in China NW EALC 585 Reform in Contemporary China NW EALC 588 Japan, 1843-1945 NW 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 3H 3H 6.1 4.2 6.1 3H 3H Not nominated Not nominated 4.2 3S 3S 3S 3S Not nominated Not nominated 4.2 Not nominated Not nominated 3H 4.2 Not nominated 3H 4.2 Not nominated 4.2 Not nominated Not nominated 4.2 4.2 1.1 4.1 3H 3S 3S 3S 3S 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 EALC 656 Gov’t & Politics East Asia* NW HIST 398 Intro Hist Jpn: Anime-Zen NW ISP 530 Indigenous Food and Health NW LAA 334/634 Indigenous Traditions Latin Am NW REES 513 Siberia:Russia’s Eastrn Frontr NW JOUR 177 First Yr Semnr: Livng Visl Wrld* GE11 SC AAAS 104 Intro to African American Studies AE41 AMS/SOC 110 American Identities AE41/GE3S SC SOC 220 Sociology of Families AE41/GE3S SC WGSS 201 Womn Std: Interdisciplinary Intro AE41/GE3S AAAS 102 Arabic and Islamic Studies AE42/GE3H/GE3S ANTH 106 Intro to Linguistics AE42/GE11/GE3S SC 4.1 4.1 4.1 SC 4.2 3H 3S SC 4.2 1.1 3S SC Attachment 2 5 | P a g e ANTH 108/308 Intro Cult Anthropology AE42/GE3S GEOG 100 World Regional Geog AE42 SC 4.2 3S SC GEOG 102 Principles of Human Geog AE42/GE3S LAA 100 Latin Am Cul & Soc AE42 SC 4.2 4.2 3S SC LING 106 Intro to Linguistics AE42/GE11/GE3S SC REES 110 Undrstnding Russia & East Europe AE42 AAAS 103 Introduction to Africa GE3H/GE3S SC COMS 310 Intro Organization Comm* GE3S SC SOC 104/304 Elements of Sociology GE3S SC HIST 124 Latin Am Cul & Soc SC ABSC 150 Community Leadership GE11/GE3S SF PUAD 177 Pub Admin—First Yr Seminar* GE11 SF SOC 160 Soc Problems & American Values AE41/AE51/GE11 POLS 150 Intro Comparative Politics AE42/GE3S SF POLS 170 Intro International Politics AE42/GE3S ABSC 310 Building Healthy Communities AE51 SF ECON 104 Intro Economics* GE3S SF ECON 142 Principles of Microeconomics* GE3S SF SC SF SF ECON 144 Principles of Macroeconomics* GE3S SF POLS 110 Intro U.S. Politics GE3S SF SW 220 Soc Work, Welfare & US GE3S SF ABSC 100 Intro Applied Behave Sci GE11/GE3S SI PSYC 177 First Year Seminar* GE11 SI SOC 150 Self and Society AE51/GE11 SI ABSC 160 Intro Child Behvr & Dev AE3S SI COMS 244 Intr Intrprsnl Com Theory* GE3S SI LING 110 Language & Mind GE3S SI PSYC 104 General Psychology GE3S SI PSYC 120 Personality GE3S SI SPLH 261 Survey of Comm Disorders GE3S SI SPLH 566 Language Development GE3S SI 4.2 4.2 4.2 1.1 3S 3S 3S Not nominated 1.1 1.1 4.1 3H 4.2 4.2 3S 3S 5.1 3S 3S 3S 3S 3S 1.1 1.1 5.1 3S 3S 3S 3S 3S 3S 3S Attachment 2 3S 3S 5.1 1.1 3S 1.1 6 | P a g e