EDINBORO UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Middle Level Education – Social Studies (0274) Student: Term: ID# @ I. GENERAL EDUCATION (42 SH) SH Grade Date A. Skills (12 SH) II. PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (43 SH) SH Grade Date SPED 210 Intro to Except. And Spec. Ed 3 ENGL101 College Writing Skills 3 MLED 306 Lit. and the Young Adolescent 4 ENGL102 Writ/Research 3 *MLED 350 Characteristics ML learners 3 MATH110 Math Reasoning I 3 *MLED 360 Dev. Appropriate ML Fea/Prac 3 SEDU183 Tech for Teach/Learn 3 B. Core 1. (21 SH) Artistic Expression (3 SH) 3. 4. 5. 6. World Civilizations HIST 101 Human Behavior PSYC 101 Intro to Psychology 3 Cultural Diversity & Social Pluralism ►SEDU 271 Multicul Am Schools ♦MLED475 Middle Level Field 3 •MLED491 ML Classroom Community 3 (3 SH) •MLED495 Student Teaching 12 (3 SH) III. SPECIALIZATION IN SOCIAL STUDIES (33 or 34 SH) SH Grade Date A. Required Courses (18 SH) ECON 100 Elements of Economics 3 (3 SH) 3 Ethics (3 SH) 3 7. Natural Science (3 SH) 3 C. Distribution 1. 2. 3. Humanities & Fine Arts ENGL Lit 300 level or above Social & Behavioral Sciences HIST 380 Pennsylvania History Science & Math Science 3 3 (3 SH) 3 ♦MLED 381 Assess Learning Young Adoles ♦MLED467 Integrated Math/Science ML 3 American Civilizations HIST 261 3 ♦MLED466 Integrated Lang. Arts/SocSt ML 3 3 2. ♦SPED 370 Adapt/ Accom Inclusive Clssrm (9 SH) (3 SH) 3 (3 SH) 3 (3 SH) GEOG101 World Geography 3 HIST102 World Civilizations II 3 HIST262 History of U.S. II 3 POLI101 American Government 3 POLI102 Intro. to Comparative Gov. 3 B. Supporting Courses (15 or 16 SH) MATH105 College Algebra 3 MATH210 Mathematical Reasoning II 3 MATH250 Informal Geometry 3 Science (Lab) 3 or 4 Science 3 IV. FREE ELECTIVES (1 or 2 SH) SH Grade Date 3 Free Elective (dependent on science lab) 1 or 2 ►Fulfills Core 5 for Education majors only TOTAL# (120 SH) #Note: At least 42 semester hours must consist of advanced coursework THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT OF RECORD (Revised: September 2012; Approved: March 2013) (Effective: Summer 2013) Courses in BOLD/Italics can be taken Pre-Candidacy *Taken together ♦Taken together •Taken together