D Drug and d Al Alcohol h l Testing T ti Program: P Employee’s Training 1 Notice The following presentation outlines some important University policies and protocols pertaining to the University Drug and Alcohol Testing Program policy b t is but i nott meantt to t be b inclusive i l i off all ll elements l t off that th t policy. The content in this presentation can serve as a guide for the Drug and Alcohol Testing Program, but is neither intended to be binding nor to replace the University’s written policy and procedures on this topic If you have any questions on the materials in this topic. presentation, please refer to the Drug and Alcohol Testing Program policy itself or contact the University’s D i Designated t d Employer E l Representative R t ti Linda Li d MaxwellM ll Evans. 2 Auburn University Drug and Alcohol Testing Program What we will cover: o A brief introduction to the training o An explanation of the program’s processes, procedures, and application o The testing process and procedures o The requirement to submit to testing and the consequences of testing 3 A Brief Introduction o A short background to the training o Today Today’ss presenters: Linda Maxwell-Evans, Director, Employee Relations AU Relations, Anoop Mishra, Chief Operating Officer, EDPM 4 Section 1 Th Drug The D & Al Alcohol h l T ti Program Testing P Polic Processes Policy, Processes, Procedures and Procedures, Application 5 Topics for Section 1 oPolicy Details oAU s Responsible Office: The oAU’s Designated Employer Representative (DER) oTypes of Employees Covered oTypes of Testing 6 Auburn University Policy Auburn University seeks to provide a safe work environment for all our employees. The University also seeks to fully comply with state and federal requirements concerning substance abuse abuse. All employees must report to work without being under the i fl influence off alcohol, l h l and d without ith t ill illegall or mind-altering i d lt i substances in their systems. ---No employee shall report for work or remain on duty requiring the operation of a motor vehicle, other hazardous equipment or performing job duties in a hazardous environment when the employee is using any controlled substance, even one legally prescribed. 7 Auburn University Policy (continued) --An An employee employee, however however, may report to work when the use has been prescribed by a physician who has advised the employee that the substance does not adversely d l affect ff t the th employee’s l ’ ability bilit tto perform f iin a safe f manner. --No employee shall use alcohol or illegal drugs while on duty. Employees must inform their supervisor when they are taking legally prescribed and/or over the counter medication that may affect their ability to safely carry out th i job their j b responsibilities. ibiliti 8 Auburn University Policy (completed) The University Th U i it also l prohibits hibit employees l ffrom using, possessing, manufacturing, distributing or making arrangements to distribute illegal drugs while at work or on University property. http://www.auburn.edu/administration/human_res ources/emprelations/drugtest.pdf 9 Responsible p Office It is the University’s y responsibility p y to p provide testing g that is in compliance with all Federal and State laws and regulations, and within the provisions of this Program. The University will retain all records related to testing and the testing process in a secure and confidential manner. The University’s alcohol and drug testing program administrator (Designated Employer Representative) who is designated to monitor facilitate monitor, facilitate, and answer questions pertaining to these procedures is: Linda Maxwell-Evans - Director of Employee Relations Human Resources – 332 Foy Hall 334-844-4145 10 Types of Employees Covered by the Policy Regulated Employees Employees that fall under the rules of (i (i.e., regulated l db by)) the h M Motor C Carrier i Safety Administration and carry a CDL o Non Non-- Regulated Employees All other University Employees o 11 Types of Testing o o o o o Pre-Employment Testing (regulated Preemployees) Random R d T Testing ti ((regulated l t d employees) l ) Post Accident Testing (all employees) Reasonable Suspicion Testing (all employees) Return to Duty/FollowDuty/Follow-Up Testing (all employees) 12 Section 2 The Testing Process and Procedures 13 Topics for Section 2 o Substance Abuse in the Workplace: Why it is a problem o The Th Testing T ti Processes P and d Procedures: What goes on behind the scenes th 14 Substance Abuse in the Workplace p One substance abuser costs an employer, on average, more than $7000 per year, and… o Is 3 times more likely to be late for work o Is 10 times more likely to miss work o Is 5 times more likely to sue for compensation o Is 4 times more likely to hurt others or themselves at work productive in the workplace p o Is 33% less p o Uses 4 times more health/medical benefits Drug abuse at work costs U.S. businesses an estimated $74 billion annually 15 Why is Substance Abuse a Workplace Issue? Estimated Number Reporting Current Illicit Drug Use, by Employment Status (in 1000s) Full-time Unemployed Part-time 1,495 1,159 5,968 16 70% of adult illicit drug users are EMPLOYED. Hangovers g Hangovers are the most common way that workers work “under under the influence” influence of alcohol at work. According to a study by the Annals of Internal Medicine Medicine, hangovers cost society $148 billion every year in absenteeism absenteeism, lost productivity and health benefits. Office of National Drug Control Policy 17 Alcohol and Driving Impairment 18 Alcohol Impairment - Males 19 Prescription p Drug g Use Prescription drugs must be: o For the employee o Used according to prescribed dosage Employees must notify their supervisor and/or the company’s company s Medical Review Officer (MRO) if use may create safety issues on the job 20 Pre employment Pre-employment Once an offer of employment p y has been extended, p pre-employment p y testing is required as a prerequisite to starting work ... fitness-for-duty. 21 Random Testing g - FMCSA o Random with replacement Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) mandates the following random testing rates: o Drugs at a minimum of 50% rate o Alcohol at a minimum of 10% rate o Employer provides list of employees in testing pool(s) o Names and ID number entered into a computer database at EDPM p based on testing g o Names selected byy the computer rate 22 Random Testing: Key Questions o Why have I been selected twice already this year and some employees haven’t haven t been selected at all? o How are these selections made anyway? How do we know they are random? o Can a supervisor request an employee be added to the random d t ti list? testing li t? 23 How “Random” is Random Testing? סRandom with replacement סIn any given testing period, some employees may be selected multiple times for random testing while other employees are not selected at all סAs long as each employee has an “equal chance” of being selected each testing period סPossibility of multiple tests serves as effective (particularly y for those employees p y who deterrent (p have already been tested) 24 Multiple Safeguards in Testing Process Testing Checks Collections Key Safeguards • Established protocols (49 CFR Part 40 for urine testing) • Certifications required for all collectors • Strict Chain‐of‐Custody procedures throughout process Lab Analysis • • • • DHHS‐certified laboratory (specialized labs only) Strict QC procedures (including standards for rejecting testing) Dual‐level testing, including GC/MS confirmation All lab reports reviewed and certified by lab scientist MRO Review • • • • Enables identification of “legitimate” prescription use Donor always has initial opportunity to speak with MRO Split specimen appeal available Split specimen appeal available All non‐negatives are reviewed and certified 25 Drug Collection Procedure Employee/applicant (“donor”) arrives at the collection site o Collector verifies picture I.D. o Collector begins Custody and Control form o Donor sets aside accessories, removes outer clothing, and empties pockets o Donor D washes h and dd dries i h hands d and d provides id specimen i 26 Drug Collection Procedure Restroom o No running g water o Blueing agent in toilet water o Donor allowed 4 minutes to provide specimen (if donor cannot provide adequate amount of urine, i d donor iis allowed ll d to drink no more than 40 ounces in a 33-hour period and must remain at the collection site) 27 Drug g Collection Procedure Completion of Collection o Collector follows split specimen procedures 28 Copy 1 off 55-partt Custody y and Control Form 29 29 Drug g Collection Procedure o Finish Custody and Control form o Donor witness sealing of specimen and forms for transport o Donor washes and dries hands 30 Direct Observation Procedure Direct Observation may be required if: o First specimen is out of temperature range o Collector observes suspicious materials brought to the collection site o Specimen appears to be tampered with o Suspicious conduct or paraphernalia o Cancelled or invalid test o Requested by DER The collector or the employer must explain to the employee the reason for the direct observation observation. 31 Laboratories SAMHSA Certification There are a limited number of testing laboratories across the country that are certified by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) as part of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). EDPM contracts only with labs that are SAMHSA S S certified. f 32 Laboratories Initial testing of urine specimens is performed by enzyme immunoassay o However, immunoassay procedures cannot positively identify a drug or drug metabolite because of the possibility of crosscross-reactivity o For example, the initial test for opiates will identify as presumptive positive specimens containing morphine morphine, codeine codeine, hydromorphone or hydrocodone Confirmation testing by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry t t (GC/MS) is i required i d o GC/MS is accurate to one in ten million o Positive initial screens are subjected to confirmation testing by GC/MS 33 Laboratories Initial and confirmation ng/ml cutoff levels for: Amphetamines Cocaine Cannabinoids Opiates Phencyclidine 500--250 ng/ml 150--100 ng/ml 50--15 50 15 ng/ml 2000---2000 ng/ml 25 25 ng/ml 25--25 34 Medical Review Officer (MRO) Process Review of laboratory results o Checks Custody and Control form o Checks result: positive, substituted, adulterated, or negative Positive, adulterated, or substituted result o Contacts employee/applicant o Requests information to determine if there is a medical explanation o Informs the employee/applicant p y pp of the right g to have the split p specimen tested 35 MRO Process Reports result to the Designated Employer Representative (DER) o Negative for a negative result o Positive, Positive adulterated adulterated, or substituted result o Negative if a medical explanation o Positive P iti if no medical di l explanation l ti 36 MRO Terms Adulterated Specimen: contains a substance not expected p to be p present in human urine Cancelled Test: problem identified that cannot be corrected - neither positive nor negative Substituted Specimen: lab values are not consistent with human urine 37 Request for Re-test Employee E l / applicant li t requestt ffor test t t of the split specimen o Made to MRO within 72 hours o Specimen sent to second certified lab 38 Flowchart of Testing Process Employee Provides Specimen Both specimens & sent to Lab ab A&B Lab analyzes tests and reports to MRO Lab results negative Test est reported epo ted to DER as negative Specimen B sent to second Lab MRO review Lab results Explanation E l i Satisfactory Split test Requested Lab result positive MRO contacts employee E l Explanation i unsatisfactory Test reported to DER as positive No further action 39 Employee referred to SAP True or False? Eating poppy seeds can make my drug screen show up as positive to Auburn University. 40 40 FALSE o Consuming poppy seeds can trigger a positive test for opiates. i t . o Based on the q quantitative levels on the confirmation testing at the laboratory, however, an MRO can determine whether poppy seeds could have contributed to the test result coming back positive for opiates or not not. 41 41 Prohibited Alcohol Conduct o Refusal/Failure to submit to a required test o 0.02 - 0.039 BrAC, taken off duty for a minimum of 24 hours o 0.04 BrAC or greater, considered a positive test result 42 Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT) ( ) A Breath Alcohol Technician must be certified and proficient in: oPerforming breath tests oKnowledge o edge o of the e spec specific c Evidential Breath Testing Device ((EBT)) being g used for the test oManufacturer’s instruction manual and quality assurance program 43 Breath Alcohol Testing Device (EBT) 44 Alcohol Testing Procedure o o o o o BAT confirms employee’s identification BAT shows employee to private testing area BAT begins Custody and Control Form BAT explains testing procedure to employee Employee witnesses BAT open a sealed mouthpiece and attach it to the EBT o BAT instructs employee how to breathe into the EBT 45 If the result is less than 0.02 1 The BAT completes step 3 by filling in the testing 1. company information if not pre-printed and signing and dating the form. When the test result is less th .02, than 02 th the d donor d does nott h have tto sign i step t 4 4. 2 The employee is provided with the employee copy of 2. the ATF. The employee may now leave the site. 3. The BAT transmits copy 1 of the form to the DER. 46 If the result is 0 0.02 02 or more 1. The BAT informs the employee p y that a confirmation test will be performed. The employee does not sign step 4. 2. The BAT informs the employee that a 15-minute waiting time must be observed in order to allow any mouth alcohol to dissipate. 3. The BAT should note in the remarks section of the ATF that these instructions were given. Remarks should be made if the employee does not adhere to instructions. 4 4. At the end of the waiting aiting period, period and in the emplo employee’s ee’s presence presence, the BAT will conduct an air blank on the instrument. When the reading is 0.00, the BAT will continue with the test. If not, a second test will occur. If it does not p produce 0.00, the instrument will be taken out of service. 47 Section 3 Th Requirement The R i t to t S b it Submit to Testing and the Consequences of Testing 48 Topics for Section 3 oTypes of testing and covered employees oImplications of testing oTesting locations 49 Types of Testing o o o o o Pre-Employment Testing (regulated Preemployees) Random R d T Testing ti ((regulated l t d employees) l ) Post Accident Testing (all employees) Reasonable Suspicion Testing (all employees) Return to Duty/FollowDuty/Follow-Up Testing (all employees) 50 Pre-employment Pre– Regulated Employees Once an offer of employment has been extended extended, pre pre-employment testing is required as a prerequisite to starting g work for all Regulated Employee Positions. 51 Random Testing - Regulated Employees o Testing T i will ill b be conducted d db by EDPM o All employees holding regulated positions will be randomly tested o Testing will be conducted quarterly and will be unannounced o Auburn University will provide a list of employees in testing pool(s) o Names and ID number are entered into a computer database o Each employee will have an equal chance of being tested each time selections are made 52 Reporting for Random Testing o When an employee is selected for random testing, o The employee must report immediately to the collection ll ti site it o The employee employee’s s immediate supervisor will be responsible for providing transportation to the collection site 53 Post--Accident Testing Post - All Employees o When there is a loss of human life o When an employee is involved in an accident that involves one or both of the following: o Bodily injury with immediate medical treatment away from the scene o Disabling damage to any motor vehicle requiring tow away *Federal Motor Carrier Safetyy Administration The employee involved in an accident may not consume alcohol for an eight g hour p period following g the accident. The employee p y must remain readily available for testing. If the employee is not readily available, he/she may be deemed as refusing to submit to testing. 54 Reasonable Suspicion Testing – All Employees o Iff an employee is believed to be under the influence f off alcohol or drugs, the employee will be required to undergo a drug g and/or alcohol test o The employee will be removed immediately from his/her position and arrangements will be made for the employee to be taken to a testing facility o An employee awaiting results of a reasonable suspicion test will be placed on administrative leave with pay pending the results of the test 55 Prescription p Drug g Use Employees that are taking prescription drugs that might create safety issues on the job must notify their supervisor Prescription drugs must be: be: o For F the th employee l o Used according to prescribed dosage 56 Return-To ReturnTo--Duty / FollowFollow-Up Drug and Alcohol Testing – All Employees Return-toReturnto-duty testing is administered to an employee after he or she: o violates a DOT or company substance abuse policy o completes the required treatment programs as recommended by the Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) o returns to work after an accident, particularly in a safetysafety f t -sensitive iti jjob b function f ti after ft testing t ti positive iti 57 57 Return-To ReturnTo--Duty / Follow Follow--Up Testing – Regulated and NonNon-Regulated Employees o Just before or after an employee p y p performs a safetysafety ysensitive function(regulated employees). o When an employee is in an Employee Assistance Program (American Behavioral). Test as directed by the Substance Abuse Professional (SAP). (All employees) o Federal guidelines call for at least six tests which must be conducted in the first twelve months after an employee returns to duty. Follow Follow--up testing may be extended for up to 60 months following returnreturn-totod t . (All employees) duty. duty l ) 58 Return-to Returnto--Duty/Followup Duty/Followup Testing – All Employees o The University is not obligated to reinstate reinstate, retain and/or rehire any employee who violates any University policy or requirement q concerning g drugs g or alcohol. o Any employee that violates any University policy concerning drugs or alcohol and remains employed will be required to sign a final written warning that will remain indefinitely in the employee employee’s s file file. 59 Return-To ReturnTo--Duty After A Positive Test Should Sh ld th the U University i it elect l t tto reinstate i t t or rehire hi an employee l determined by American Behavioral to be in need of assistance in resolving gp problems associated with alcohol misuse and/or use of controlled substances, the employee omust remain in full compliance with the program established by the assigned substance-abuse professional, omustt meett all ll other th requirements i t off the th job/position, j b/ iti and d j to a minimum of 6 unannounced follow-up p owill be subject tests over the 12 months or more after returning to duty. 60 Substance Abuse Professional Services American Behavioral functions as a consultant to the company and employee 1. Evaluation 2. Recommendations American Behavioral American Behavioral should not be the primary counselor for employees needing treatment 3. Follow Follow--up Monitoring 4. Drug Testing & Monitoring 61 Impact of Refusal to Test or Testing T ti Positive P iti If an employee tests 0.02 or greater, but less than 0.04, for alcohol the employee will be removed from his or her job functions for at least twenty twenty-four four (24) hours. If an employee has a breath alcohol concentration of 0 04 or greater 0.04 greater, or other controlled substance substance, this will be considered an indication that the employee was under the influence while on the job. The employee will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Employee Conduct and Job Rules contained in the AU Personnel Policies and Procedures. 62 Impact of Refusal to Test or Testing Positive An Employee y who refuses to Follow-up Testing g or fails to successfully continue or complete any rehabilitation program prescribed by American B h i l or who Behavioral h ttests t positive iti owill be considered unqualified to perform their job duties/function, owill be immediately suspended without pay, and owill be subject to University discipline, up to and including discharge. 63 Impact of Refusal to Test or Testing Positive Positi e o An employee may not refuse to submit to a postaccident, id t random, d reasonable bl suspicion i i or return-to-duty, t t d t alcohol or controlled substances test required by Federal and State law and this Policy. y o An employee who refuses to submit to such tests may not perform his job duties and must be evaluated by a Substance Abuse Professional as if the employee tested positive for drugs or failed an alcohol test. o Refusal to submit includes failing to provide adequate breath or urine sample p for alcohol or drug g testing g and any conduct that obstructs the testing process. This includes adulteration or substitution of a urine sample. 64 Impact of Refusal to Test or Testing Positive When an Employee’s test has Positive, Adulterated, Substituted, or Invalid Results: o The employee will be given the option of requesting a test of the split sample within 72 hours. o Th The employee l will ill be b placed l d on administrative d i i t ti leave l without pay until the results of a split sample test are obtained. o If the split sample testing disputed the initial test results or if the initial test results are designated invalid invalid, the employee will be reinstated. 65 Impact of Refusal to Test or Testing Positive If the th split lit sample l ttesting ti did nott dispute di t the th initial i iti l test t t results : o The employee will be subject to discipline up to and including termination in accordance with the Employee Conduct and Job Rules contained in the AU Personnel Policies and Procedures. o A An employee’s l ’ refusal f l to t test t t for f alcohol l h l or controlled t ll d substances will be considered a positive test result p y will be subject j to discipline p up p to and and the employee including termination. 66 Testing Locations Testing Locations Auburn University will be using East Alabama Medical Center and Auburn Urgent Care on South College Street to conduct testing. Employees that are located off site, where traveling to Auburn for testing would be difficult, will be given other locations for testing. 67 Auburn University Drug and Alcohol Testing Program What we covered: o A brief introduction to the training o An explanation of the program’s processes, procedures, and application o The testing process and procedures o The requirement to submit to testing and the consequences of testing Questions???? 68