Design of a planar inductor for DC-DC converter on flexible

Design of a planar inductor for DC-DC converter
on flexible foil applications
Jurica Kundrata
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Abstract—This paper presents the design of a planar inductor for a DC-DC converter for flexible foil applications.
The design challenges related to the flexible foil structure and
the DC-DC converter requirements are analysed. The main
design challenges are due to the constraints on the inductor
physical size, the proximity of a conductive plane to the
inductor and very high operating frequency of the DC-DC
converter. The methodology of the inductor design is based
primarily on EM simulations of the inductor structure and
on the evaluation of the simulation results in the context of
the resulting lumped-element electrical model. The simulations
are verified by measurements of the inductors processed on
the FR4 substrate which presently emulates the flexible foil
Index Terms—thick film inductor, electromagnetic modelling
A. State of the art
The electronics on flexible foils is getting popular as it
offers new innovative applications in the areas of wearable
electronics, lightning devices and displays [1]–[4]. Such
applications require power supplies embedded in the flexible
foil. Switching-mode power supplies are a de-facto standard
in the present DC-DC power conversion applications [5].
Switching-mode power supplies require an energy storage
element to work properly and inductors are often used to
fulfil the required function. In the case of the flexible foil
applications this inductor has to be embedded on the foil
as well. Usually, a planar inductor design based on spiral
geometry is used. Spiral planar inductors are modelled and
characterized quite well [6]–[9].
Many conclusions based on the research of planar inductors processed on the Si substrate in the integrated circuits
can be applied on the inductors implemented in the flexible
foil technology, but some specific power applications in the
flexible foil can pose a set of unique design challenges.
B. Design challenges
The inductor is designed for a buck-type DC-DC converter that drives an OLED tile realized on the flexible
foil. Numerous design challenges are related to designing
an inductor for a flexible foil application.
The constraints placed on the physical size of the inductor
are one of the design challenges. The most obvious physical
constraint is the thickness of the metal layer the inductor is
This work was supported by the European Commision under the
Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) through project IMOLA Intelligent
light management for OLED on foil applications (Grant Agreement No.
patterned in. Flexible foil application of the inductor implies
a planar layout of the inductor as the multi-layered layouts
are unrealisable because of the limited total thickness of the
foil. The physical constraint specific to this implementation
is the limited available area for the placement of the planar
inductor. The OLED tile size ranges from 30 x 30 to 125
x 35 mm2 and an inductor must be placed on the area of
a single OLED tile. The area enveloped by an inductor is
closely related to the maximally realizable inductance of
the inductor thus the available area for the placement of the
inductor is an important design challenge.
The structure of the OLED tile and its application in
a flexible foil presents the next specific design challenge.
In the context of the inductor design the cathode of the
OLED tile represents a uniform metal plane acting as a
ground plane. This ground plane is only separated from the
inductor by a thin foil. A ground plane in close proximity
to the inductor presents a design challenge as the inductor
currents are mirrored over the ground plane. The mirrored
currents, i.e. eddy currents reduce the total magnetic flux
induced by the inductor and consequentially the total selfinductance of the inductor.
The requirements of the DC-DC converter in the context
of the electrical characteristics of the inductor are the next
important design challenge. The value of the inductance
of the inductor is vital to the operation of the DC-DC
converter. The resistance and the parasitic capacitance of the
inductor directly affect the efficiency of power conversion.
The inductor has to preserve its inductive properties in
the frequency range that covers the switching frequency
of the converter as well as the first few higher harmonics
of the driving PWM signal. It sets a requirement on the
dynamic behaviour of the inductor, namely that the resonant
frequency of the inductor needs to be beyond that frequency
range. The planned DC-DC converter places the inductor
requirements that are shown in Table I. It should be noted
that the maximum resistance requirement will be treated
as a requirement placed on the DC value of the inductor
resistance because the OLED tile behaves primarily as a
capacitive load thus stabilizing the current that runs through
the inductor and minimizing its ripple component.
A. Electromagnetic simulations
The described flexible foil substrate requires a planar
inductor structure because of its thin geometry. The thin inductor structure is simulated in the COMSOL Multiphysics.
Its RF module is used as the 3D EM solver for this problem.
Design parameter
Electrical characteristics
Required value
Series inductance, Ls
Series resistance, Rs
Parasitic capacitance, Cp
Resonant frequency, fr
3 to 5 µH
< 50 pF
> 50 MHz
Track width, w
Track spacing, s
Number of turns, N
Outer diameter, d
Track metal
Track thickness
Top/bottom dielectric thickness
Range value
0.25 to 2 mm
0.25 to 1 mm
1 to max.
28 mm (const.)
35 µm
200 µm
Fig. 2. The π-model of the inductor that accounts for the port and interport
capacitances and the skin effect.
B. Electrical model
Fig. 1. The geometry of the inductor model used in the electromagnetic
The geometry of the model used in EM simulations is
based on the smallest OLED tile dimensions as it represents
the worst case scenario in the context of the inductor total
area and thus its inductance. The inductor model is based
on a spiral rectangular geometry and it is shown in Fig. 1.
The geometry is determined by the outer diameter of the
rectangular spiral d, the track width w, the track spacing
s and the number of turns of the spiral N . The positions
of the ports P1 and P2 are also marked in the figure. The
simulated substrate has two dielectric layers and three metal
layers. The inductor is wound in M1 (top metal) and the exit
towards the port P2 is performed in M2 layer. The bottom
metal M3 serves as the ground plane if it is used.
The operating frequency of the DC-DC converter determines the frequency range of interest that is analysed in
EM simulations. The inductor is driven by a PWM signal
from the DC-DC converter which is essentially a rectangular waveform. The analysed frequency range includes
the switching frequency of the converter and its higher
harmonics and it is determined by the frequency from 1
to 200 MHz. The upper frequency limit is set to include
the resonant behaviour of the inductor in the analysis.
The electromagnetic simulations are primarily used to
investigate the influence of the different design parameters
on the electrical characteristics of the inductor. The design
parameters are swept in different ranges. The values of the
design parameters are shown in the Table II.
A lumped-element electrical model is developed to evaluate the electrical characteristics of the inductor in the
context of the requirements and to accurately describe the
behaviour of the inductor in the frequency range relevant to
the operation of the DC-DC converter.
In the analysis of the simulation and measurement results
a π-model was used and its topology is shown in Fig. 2.
The π-model consists of the port capacitances C1 and C2 ,
the interport capacitance C3 , the interport inductance L1
and the ladder network R1 -R2 -L2 . The capacitances C1 ,
C2 and C3 account for different resonances of the inductor
while the ladder network R1 -R2 -L2 describes the frequency
dependant resistance of the inductor, i.e. the skin effect
present at the operating frequency of the DC-DC converter
Physically, the capacitances C1 and C2 represent the capacitances of the inductor tracks towards the ground plane.
As the geometry of the inductor tracks is asymmetrical in
the context of its ports, it is expected that the capacitances
C1 and C2 are not equal. The capacitance C3 represents the
interwinding capacitance of the inductor.
The parameters of the electrical model are extracted
using a developed algorithm implemented in MATLAB. The
algorithm is described by the flowchart shown in Fig. 3.
The algorithm is based on three steps. In the first step the
inductance L1 is calculated from the interport impedance.
In the following step the capacitances C1 , C2 and C3 are
calculated from the resonant and antiresonant frequencies.
The third step is based on fitting the ladder network R1 R2 -L2 .
Fig. 3. The algorithm used in the extraction of the electrical model
Fig. 4. The layout of the inductor matrix used for verification of the
electromagnetic simulations.
C. Physical verification
The results of the electromagnetic simulations are verified by measurements of the inductors. The inductors are
processed on the FR4 substrate. The FR4 substrate has two
200 µm thick dielectric layers and can be considered a good
emulation of a flexible foil substrate.
Multiple inductors with varied track width and spacing
are processed in the form of a matrix. The track widths are
0.5 mm, 1 mm and 2 mm and the track spacing 0.25 mm,
0.5 mm and 1 mm. Both variations are made simultaneously
thus accounting for 9 unique inductor designs, as shown in
Fig. 4. The same layout is processed in two versions. The
first version is realized as a PCB with a single FR4 layer and
two layers of metallization, while the second version was
realized with an additional FR4 layer with a metal sheet.
This metal sheet acted as the ground plane.
The measurements are made using a vector network
analyser. The ports used in the layout are designed to
allow their de-embedding at the reference plane ∆-∆0
shown for the top-left inductor in Fig. 4. A separate layout
was developed and used for the Short-Open-Load-Through
(SOLT) calibration of the vector network analyser.
Fig. 5. The amplitude frequency characteristics of the Z11 and Z12
parameters for the simulated data.
Fig. 6. The amplitude frequency characteristics of the Z11 and Z22
parameters for the simulated data with marked resonant frequencies.
A. Frequency characteristics
The frequency characteristics of the inductor are analysed
on the inductor example determined by the following set of
design parameters w = 1 mm, s = 1 mm, N = 7. The results
of the electromagnetic simulations in the context of its Zparameters are presented in Figs. 5 and 6.
In Fig. 5 the frequency characteristics of the Z11 and Z12
parameters are presented. Several resonant frequencies can
be identified in these characteristics. The frequency characteristics of the interport impedance Z12 has a single local
maximum that can be identified as antiresonant behaviour.
This implies a parallel LC network between the ports of
the inductor which is presented in the electrical model
with the interport capacitance C3 (Fig. 2). The frequency
characteristic of the port impedance Z11 has two local
extremes. One extreme is a local maximum and matches
the previously identified antiresonant behaviour of Z12 and
the second extreme is a local minimum. This local minimum
can be identified as resonant behaviour and implies the
existence of the port capacitances. These port capacitances
are presented in the inductor model by the capacitances C1
Fig. 7. The dependence of the port capacitances C1 and C2 on the track
width with total turn spacing s + w = 1.25 mm and N = 11.
Fig. 8. The dependence of the port capacitances C1 in the context of the
track width and the number of turns of the inductor with total turn spacing
s + w = 1.25 mm.
and C2 .
The frequency characteristics of the Z11 and Z22 port
impedances are compared in Fig. 6. The identified resonant and antiresonant behaviour is emphasized by separate
markers. It is to be noted that the antiresonant frequency fa
is identical for both ports, but the resonant frequencies fr1
and fr2 are slightly different. This was expected as the port
capacitances C1 and C2 are also slightly different because
of the asymmetrical inductor structure.
In the context of the DC-DC converter requirements the
resonant behaviour of this inductor design example is well
above the required frequency limit of 50 MHz.
B. Design parameter sweeps
The design parameter sweeps are the primary method of
exploring different inductor designs. The parameter sweeps
described in the methodology of this work yield a large
database of simulation results. The analysis of this database
is presented in a series of figures that represent only a
selection of simulation results and are later used for defining
a set of design guidelines for the planar inductors.
Figs. 7, 8 and 9 show the dependences of the electrical
model capacitances C1 , C2 and C3 w.r.t. different design
parameters, while Fig. 10 shows such a dependence of the
series inductance Ls .
The port capacitance dependence on the track width and
the interrelationship of the port capacitances C1 and C2
is shown in Fig. 7. Two observations of the results are
made. The first observation is that the port capacitances
are not equal. This asymmetry of the port capacitances is
in accordance to the asymmetric inductor structure. The
second observation is that the value of the port capacitances
is proportional to the track width. As the total spacing of
the turns (s + w) and the number of turns are kept constant,
the track width in this figure can be directly correlated with
the total track area. This observation is expected because
the capacitance of a capacitor is directly proportional to the
area of its plates.
The port capacitance C1 dependence on the track width
and the number of turns is shown in Fig. 8. In this figure the
observation concerning the port capacitance dependence on
the track width from Fig. 7 is confirmed. This observation
Fig. 9. The dependence of the interport capacitances C3 in the context
of the track spacing and the number of turns of the inductor with total
turn spacing s + w = 1.25 mm.
is expanded with the dependence on the number of turns.
The dependence of the port capacitance on the number
of turns is expected because increasing the number of
turns increases the total track area as well. This effectively
increases the plate area of the capacitor that represents the
port capacitance in conjunction with the ground plane.
The interport capacitance C3 dependence on the track
spacing and the number of turns is shown in Fig. 9.
Two observations are made based on this figure. The first
observation is that the interport capacitance is inversely
proportional to the track spacing. The interport capacitance
is based primarily on the capacitance between neighbouring
inductor turns. It is expected that, if the space between the
tracks is increased while maintaining the same track length,
the capacitance is decreased. The second observation is similar to the observation of the port capacitance dependence on
the number of turns. The interport capacitance is increased
as the number of turns is increased and thus the length of the
tracks is increased. It should be noted that the dependence of
the interport capacitance on the number of turns is nonlinear
because the dependence of the track length on the number of
Fig. 10. The dependence of the series inductance Ls in the context of the
track width and the track spacing while maintaining the series resistance
constant Rs = 1 Ω.
turns is nonlinear as well, i.e. the inner turns of the inductor
spiral contribute the least to the track length.
The dependence of the series inductance Ls on the track
width and the track spacing is shown in Fig. 10. These
simulation results are made in the context of the DCDC converter requirements for the series resistance of the
inductor. The required number of turns to achieve the upper
resistance limit for each combination of the track width and
track spacing was calculated and used in the simulations. An
observation is made based on these results. The inductance
achievable in the context of the resistance requirement is at
the maximum for the combination of minimal track width
and minimal track spacing. When the track width and/or
the track spacing increase, the inductance of the inductor
decreases. This observation is interpreted by understanding
that a narrower turn with minimal spacing can envelope a
greater area and thus produce greater inductivity. Another
effect should be considered; while the wider turns can
support a greater number of turns in the context of limited
inductor resistance, the number of turns in the case of
a planar inductor suffers from the effect of diminishing
returns. The inner turns are contributing the least to the
total inductance of the planar inductor.
In the context of the DC-DC converter requirements the
capacitances of the inductor are significantly lower than
the required maximum capacitance, while the inductance
is below the required range of values.
C. Physical verification
The results of the electromagnetic simulations are verified
by measuring a set of inductors with different design parameters. The results of the physical verification are presented
in Figs. 11 and 12. These figures show the correlations
between the measured and simulated data.
The correlation of the extracted inductance L of the
inductor is given in Fig. 11. The simulated inductance
correlates with the measured inductance well.
The effect of the metal plane on the inductance and the
resonant frequency can be observed in these results. As
expected introducing the metal plane in the substrate of the
designed inductors decreases its inductance approximately
Fig. 11. The correlation between the measured and simulated data in the
context of the extracted inductance of the inductor.
Fig. 12. The correlation between the measured and the simulated data in
the context of the resonant frequency of the inductor.
by a factor of 5 because of the mirroring of the inductor
currents and reduction of the magnetic flux.
The correlation of the resonant frequency fa is shown in
Fig. 12. The simulated resonant frequency correlates with
the measured resonant frequency rather well with a slight
offset. The probable cause to the offset is the uncertainty of
the processed substrate thickness compared to the one used
in the simulations.
In the context of the DC-DC converter requirements the
inductance of a few inductor designs without the metal
plane falls within the required range of values. With the
introduction of the metal plane in the substrate design, none
of the design cases conform to the requirements, i.e. the
inductor is too small.
A. Design guidelines
Based on the observations made on the results of the simulations several guidelines for designing a planar inductor
can be set. Each guideline corresponds to a single design
parameter of the inductor.
The first design guideline corresponds to the track width.
Based on the observations of the results the track width
should be minimized. This guideline minimizes the value
of the port capacitances and maximizes the value of the
inductance in the context of the required inductor resistance.
The second guideline is related to the track spacing. The
observations of the results imply that the track spacing
should be optimized between the requirements on the resonant frequency and the requirements on the inductance. The
resonant frequency of the inductor is closely related to the
value of the interport capacitance. If the requirements on
the resonant frequency are more relaxed, then the general
guideline is to minimize the track spacing in order to
maximize the inductance of the inductor.
The third guideline is based on the number of turns.
The results have shown that the increased number of turns
increases the parasitic capacitances of the inductor thus a
smaller number of turns of the inductor is more desirable.
In the context of the resistance requirement, narrower tracks
with smaller spacing have a smaller number of turns than the
wider tracks with greater spacing. Coincidently the narrower
turns with smaller spacing are more desirable in the context
of the inductance.
To sum up, the number of turns should be minimized
which can be indirectly achieved by minimizing the track
spacing and the track width while respecting the resistance
B. Further development
The results have shown that the metal plane in close
proximity to the inductor severely degrades its inductance.
This ground plane effect is due to the inductor currents
mirrored in the metal plane. There are several possible ways
to shield the inductor from the metal plane and its degrading
One possible solution is the application of patterned
ground shields (PGS) [11]–[13]. These shields are an additional conductive layer between the inductor and the metal
plane which is patterned in such a way that the path of the
induced eddy currents is effectively broken.
Another possible solution to the ground plane effect
problem is the application of the ferrite polymer composite
(FPC) layer between the inductor and the metal plane [14]–
[16]. This FPC layer, because of its significant permeability,
literally shields the inductor from the metal plane.
The described solutions have the potential to restore
the inductance of the inductor to the values present in
the substrate cases without the metal ground plane below
inductor. Further inductance enhancement can be achieved
by applying an additional FPC layer above the inductor
structure thereby creating a well-defined magnetic path for
the magnetic flux induced by the inductor.
The design of the planar inductor for DC-DC converter
applications is presented. The design is primarily based
on investigating the design parameters by electromagnetic
simulations. An electrical model is used to analyse the
results of the simulations. An algorithm used to extract
the electrical model parameters is presented. The electromagnetic simulations are physically verified by measuring
the inductor designs processed on the FR4 substrate. Based
on the analysis of the results a set of design guidelines is
presented. The design guidelines recommend minimizing
the track width and the track spacing while adapting the
number of turns to the resistance requirement to achieve
the maximal inductance. The degrading effect of the ground
plane on the inductance of the inductor is analysed. The solutions using the patterned ground shields or ferrite polymer
composite are proposed.
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