Forget layout! Make really profitable business for Your commercial farm unit. Heavy land-leveler scraper Rome for truck-tractors 160-300 h.p. If You are tired of incredibly expensive and long layout of large check. If You have enough of constantly paying for topography and spending your time on topographical reading. If You spend too much fuel on layout. Heavy land-leveler scraper Rome is the decision of your problems. Primary processing of newly reclaimed land includes a range of activities, the technology of which depends on natural conditions. The destruction of the sod, the creation of the plow layer, having adverse physical, mechanical and biological properties for the growth of agricultural plants is dependent on the tillage. At the same time, one of the main problems in agriculture are outdated planning fields methods and inefficient methods of irrigation. In most cases the fields are irrigated with obsolete methods such as checks and furrows. The effectiveness of such irrigating techniques depends on the fact how the field was planned and the soil was prepared. Using the land-leveler commercial farm units can save up to 50-70% of water. Let's imagine a field that suffers from drought, you can of course set the irrigation system in this field, but what if you can not afford a good system? To do this, we make a topographical survey and on its basis we analyse and design the surface. Then align this field with scraper, or the scheduler so that the minimum amount of precipitation evenly distributed all over the field. It must be admitted that this field still gets minor moisture after the rains, and in the autumnwinter period. Our goal is to use the minimum amount of deposits to maximize the field of moisture. So, we need to understand how to water the field, and how the water is distributed across the field after a rain or snow. 1. Make a topographic survey of the field. The existing topographic survey. The height difference shows the colors where red is the highest point and the lowest point is purple. Water in this field flows from south to north. The southern part is suffering from a drought more than the northern one, where the main flow is directed. The surface of the field has a lot of bumps and hollows, the slope is irregular from 3%, which leads to high surface flow and the washout of topsoil and erosion. The surface analysis also shows us a lot of holes in which, after the melting of snow or rain water saucers are formed. The negative consequences of this: 1. The water that is on the field and is not absorbed, does not evaporate within 24 hours is fatal to plants. Plants like humans breathe oxygen and when it is not enough, they die. 2. Plants are affected by the cold water. 3. This field has an area of 93 hectares, the area of water saucers is 13%. This suggests that 13% of the profits can be permanently deleted with this field. 4. This complicates the work of water engineering. In spring you have to wait when these wells dry up the water, before the field work and when harvesting it can also affect the cleaning equipment, its early run-out and obstruction in the field. 5. In spring before planting when 80% of the field have dried and are ready for sowing, farmers have to wait to dry the remaining 20%. But when the remaining 20% of the field dry up and are ready for planting, the previous 80% of the field dry up. The way-out of this situation is the following: The offered topography. 1. Useing the scraper or soil scheduler we gently fall swamp these saucers and smooth the surface of the field, reduce the slope. 2. The water does not stagnate on the field and is distributed over the surface, irrigating plants. 3. The agronomic sowing and harvesting terms change. The soil dries and warms up faster which promotes earlier sowing. 4. Since the soil is dry, and there is no water in the saucers, it is less susceptible to compaction, which has beneficial effects on the crop. 5. In this case, the field loses up to 13% of yield only by water saucers, the loss of air, the seal. Now you can add the 13% of profit from this field. 6. The run-out of equipment and trailed implements is less. 7. Reduce the slope from the south to north, and distribute the water evenly across the field. The following example of waterlogged field. The problem of this field: The field is flat enough to surface drainage. Water is in the field for the long time. Poor conditions for soil treatment. The drowning of technique. 70% of the crop perishes from waterlogging. On the eastern side there is huntsman channel that can not cope with excess water. The proposed design: Create artificial ridges on the field and spread the water. Slopes (0.5) - 0.5. The field will produce good harvest. Circular irrigation. The problem: The uneven slope, numerous pits on the field with standing water. Offered topography. Smooth the edges and fill the wells. We get: Even water distribution. Reducing the irrigation rate through the effective distribution of water. Increased yields obtained by eliminating water saucers. Even germination. Now we see that the huge financial costs may be reduced. And we offer to work with the modern equipment, with strong design made of stainless steel. Thus, you can increase the yield by 15%, and it is only due to the even distribution of water in the soil. We assure you that with the technique of Rome your earnings will grow along with the growth of the crop! In order to ensure and improve the efficiency of agricultural businesses in the world practice an innovative method is very successfully used – it is the laser leveling of the soil. This technology was used in Russia mainly for scientific purposes, and early use of technology did not reach widespread use. Unfortunately, today the commercial farm units increasingly use rough layout of fields. Although some farms are interested in modern technology and try to keep up with the times! Not everyone heard about the high-precision planning, very few people practice it because of ignorance and poor planners opportunities and the knowledge of the advantages of this technology. We also suggest that you to save on the consumption of fertilizers by 20% and spend a lot less than when planting seeds, due to more favorable growing conditions. You will be able to reduce the field working time by 7-8%, laser equipment is able to work even in windy spring time. Laser ground plan is one of the key points in the system of resource-saving technologies, it is designed to prepare the ground for further fruitful work. Rome planner and laser sensor is put on any tractor, loader, excavator, suitable for greenhouses, and for vast fields, thus every business executive can use this technique. Laser-planners technology is to achieve the highest precision of topographic uniformity of lands. The unique laser scheduling system can accurately plan up to a few millimeters. Rome cuts an extra layer of soil, where there is elevation and level the soil in places where there are deepenings by filling with the cut ground elevations that improves soil properties and increases its fertility. THE FEATURES OF USING RALSE SCRAPER PLANNER. Due to its weight the scheduler works on rice check in straight lines and in a single pass removes the amount of soil that must be removed. This in turn increases the productivity and reduces the fuel consumption, as opposed to other schedulers manufacturers. Due to the bunker and in case of filling, the scheduler can transport soil to fill the place. The design with solid welded box sections can withstand harsh environments and provide high level of alignment accuracy. The balancing axle ensures the stability of the scheduler when working at high speeds. Due to the large space of the working equalizer area the works of loosening heavy soils, removing the earth lumps, the movement of loose material or screened soil become greatly simplified. Rome Scraper planner is a modernized hybrid that combines both functions of scheduler – the leveling and scraper – moving soil to the specified points. GPS Trimble system will allow you to forget what is normal topography of the check. In few minutes the system will do the satellite check images and build reports for the following work on the check. It is designed to work on small rice fields (3 ha 150 x 200), which, after laser leveling process and with the use of Rome, is characterized by a flat, uniform surface. This ensures competent distribution of water, uniformly moistened soil, evenly planted cultures, reaching maximum result from the soil fertilizer. Using this technology, the work with RALSE scheduler is spreading among agricultural companies. New modern Rome equipment will increase the productivity of land and the yield of crops.