INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS PUBLISHING PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 15 (2006) 501–506 doi:10.1088/0963-0252/15/3/028 A plasma needle generates nitric oxide∗ E Stoffels1 , Y Aranda Gonzalvo2 , T D Whitmore2 , D L Seymour2 and J A Rees2 1 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, PO Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands 2 Plasma&Surface Analysis Division, Hiden Analytical Ltd., 420 Europa Boulevard, Warrington, WA5 7UN, UK E-mail: Received 10 November 2005, in final form 11 November 2005 Published 5 June 2006 Online at Abstract Generation of nitric oxide (NO) by a plasma needle is studied by means of mass spectrometry. The plasma needle is an atmospheric glow generated by a radio-frequency excitation in a mixture of helium and air. This source is used for the treatment of living tissues, and nitric oxide may be one of the most important active agents in plasma therapy. Efficient NO generation is of particular importance in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Mass spectrometric measurements have been performed under various plasma conditions; gas composition in the plasma and conversion of feed gases (nitrogen and oxygen) into other species has been studied. Up to 30% of the N2 and O2 input is consumed in the discharge, and NO has been identified as the main conversion product. (Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version) 1. Introduction This work is focused on the plasma chemistry of a cold atmospheric gas discharge for biomedical applications. Interactions of cold plasmas with living mammalian cells, tissues and bacteria are thoroughly investigated by the biomedical plasma group at the Eindhoven University. A suitable plasma source (plasma needle) has been developed [1], characterized [2] and tested on various biological materials [3–6]. The plasma is an atmospheric radio-frequency glow, generated at 13.56 MHz at the tip of a sharp metal needle. Plasma needle operates at room temperature and low voltages, so it can be applied directly to the tissue without thermal and electrical damage. The intended medical application of the plasma needle is minimum-destructive, precise removal or modification of tissues as well as non-contact disinfection of wounds and cleaning of dental cavities. In vitro studies on cells and artery sections have shown that plasma can remove cells without necrosis (accidental cell death) [3, 4], which means that no inflammation and excessive tissue injury will occur. This also implies that post-operative healing will be optimal and no scars ∗ This paper was submitted as part of the special section featuring papers from the 27th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. To view the special section go to 0963-0252/06/030501+06$30.00 © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd will be formed. Furthermore, pilot studies have demonstrated the applicability of the plasma in dentistry: bacteria can be efficiently eliminated at very low power settings, under which dental tissue remains unharmed [5, 6]. Plasma treatment will provide a painless and tissue-saving method for treatment of caries and for improving oral hygiene. Plasma acts as a well-controllable source of chemical energy that can be deposited on the surface. There are numerous indications that active plasma radicals play an important role in inducing specific reactions of living cells and bacteria. The same radicals are also produced in the organism during certain activities, such as fighting infections and repairing damaged tissues; the concentrations of natural (physiological) and plasma-generated species are comparable. Thus, the hypothesis is that the plasma can operate in a closeto-natural way, by locally reinforcing the chemical activity of the body. Generation of reactive oxygen species (O, OH, etc) by the plasma needle has been demonstrated previously [2]; these particles are mainly responsible for bacterial deactivation and for inducing programmed cell death (apoptosis). In this work attention is given to nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide plays a very important role in the organism. It participates in many physiological processes, such as signal transmission between nerves (neurotransmitter), suppression of infections Printed in the UK 501 E Stoffels et al Figure 1. (a) A picture of the plasma needle positioned against the sampling orifice of the HIDEN QMS system; the plasma is ignited and visible at the tip of the needle. (b) The plasma needle in a catheter (flexible plastic tube) immersed in a liquid medium. and inflammations, tissue renewal and many others. It also regulates the functioning of blood vessels, causing vasodilation (relaxing the vessel and improving circulation) and protecting the artery wall against cholesterol intake. In a healthy cardiovascular system, NO is produced by endothelial cells; impaired endothelial function and NO deficiency lead to formation of atherosclerotic lesions [7]. Treatment of cardiovascular diseases is often based on the administration of systemic NO-releasing drugs (e.g. nitroglycerin). However, the common problem with systemic drugs is that they do not address only the target area, but the whole organism, and they are usually not free from side effects. If plasma needle proves to be an efficient NO releaser, it can be applied topically to cure an atherosclerotic lesion. There are of course technical difficulties in administering plasma internally—the device must be adapted for catheterization. However, the proof of principle has been recently demonstrated—a functioning plasma catheter has been constructed and gas–fluid separation has been made feasible. Besides cardiovascular operations, NO produced by the plasma needle can be used for other therapies, where local improvement of blood circulation is necessary. Gas-phase NO formation has been extensively studied in relation to atmospheric pollution [8–10]. Direct formation from N2 and O2 has activation energy of about 300 kJ mol−1 (3 eV) and requires gas heating to 2000–3000 K [10]. However, such an energetic barrier can be easily overcome at a much lower gas temperature, owing to special properties of a non-equilibrium gas discharge. Non-equilibrium atmospheric plasmas contain electrons with temperatures on the order of 1 eV [11], which provide the necessary energy to initiate gas conversion at close-to-room temperature. This gives confidence that the cold plasma needle will generate substantial amounts of nitric oxide. In this work we present mass spectrometric studies on gas conversion in the plasma generated by the needle. Neutral chemistry, nitric oxide production and gas temperature effects are discussed. 2. Experiment 2.1. Plasma needle Measurements have been performed in a configuration similar to the prototype plasma needle [1]. Atmospheric plasma is generated by applying radio-frequency voltage to a tungsten 502 wire (50 mm long, 1 mm diameter) inserted in a quartz tube. Frequency generator (fixed 13.56 MHz frequency), matching network and power meter are home-built. The plasma is ignited in a gas mixture, directed through the tube at a flow rate of about 1 litre min−1 . Gas composition is determined from mass spectra; the feed gas contains 15% He, 12% O2 and 73% N2 . The thickness of the wire electrode is important for the plasma properties: thin needles produce sub-millimetre glows with 0.1–0.5 W power input, while thicker electrodes result in larger discharges with a power consumption of several watts. However, in all the cases the voltage, power density and optical properties of the plasma are about the same. The plasma source used in the current experiment can be described as a ‘robust’ version of the plasma needle: it generates an elongated jet of 4 mm length, and the power consumption is from 1 to 10 W. A picture of the plasma is shown in figure 1(a). Naturally, this type of plasma needle is only suitable for mass spectrometric diagnostics and not for medical treatment. For the latter application, a specially adapted catheter has been constructed. This device is supplied with a 0.3 mm thick flexible electrode inserted in a flexible (plastic) catheter. Gas is supplied through the catheter and removed through an additional tube placed parallel to the wire electrode. In this configuration the gas flow can be maintained so low that no bubbles are produced when the catheter head is placed under liquid. It makes gas-liquid separation possible, which consequently enables internal treatment. A picture of such an adapted device is shown in figure 1(b). 2.2. Mass spectrometry The tip of the wire electrode is positioned against the orifice of a HIDEN EQP mass/energy analyser system (figure 2), at the (variable) distance of several millimetres. Species created in the discharge are sampled using a triple stage differentially pumped molecular beam inlet system. With this arrangement it is possible to sample particles from an atmospheric discharge and analyse them with a sensitivity of 0.1 mPa partial pressure. The mass spectrometer can be operated in the SIMS mode to extract positive ions and record their energy spectra or in the RGA mode to detect neutrals. The mass spectrometer is equipped with an internal electron source with variable electron energy, which allows ionization of species (positive RGA) as well as electron attachment (negative RGA or EAMS, electron attachment mass spectrometry). In this work mainly Plasma needle generates nitric oxide Electrical and Water Services Atm. RF Plasma Source or Ozone Generator Mass Spectrometer Ion Source P1,P2 and P3 = 1st, 2nd and 3rd stage pressure reduction Mass and Energy Analysis Scale 25mm 1 inch P3 P1 P2 Figure 2. A scheme of the molecular beam mass spectrometer analyser. DENSITY FRACTION 0.2 1.5 mm 2.5 mm 3.5 mm 0.15 He 0.1 0.05 0 Figure 3. An example of the mass spectrum of the plasma, at 5 W, 1.5 mm from the needle. time series are performed: several mass channels (4 amu—He, 28 amu—N2 , 32 amu—O2 and 30 amu—NO) are monitored at 70 eV electron energy, and signal responses to varying plasma parameters are determined. Ambient gas composition is determined from mass spectra at 70 eV. An example of the mass spectrum taken in the plasma is shown in figure 3. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Gas temperature The RGA mode allows sampling neutral gas from the plasma and its surroundings. The initial composition of the gas flow from the needle tube (without plasma) has been determined to be 15% He, 12% O2 and 73% N2 . The first observation is 2 4 6 POWER (W) 8 10 Figure 4. Helium density in the plasma as a function of input power at various distances between the needle and the QMS. The unit is the fraction of the ambient atmospheric density (1 = 2.69 × 1025 m−3 ). that the signals of these species decrease when the plasma is ignited. Typical behaviour of He is shown in figure 4. The effect is larger at high plasma powers, and becomes smaller when the distance between the needle and the QMS increases (i.e. in the downstream region of the plasma). Such behaviour can be easily explained by gas heating. Assuming constant pressure p, the relation p = nkB T , where n is the density, T the temperature and kB the Boltzmann constant, directly provides the gas temperature in the plasma. The relative decrease in the helium signal has been used to scale down the density; this is because helium does not undergo any significant chemical loss in the plasma and thus it reflects the total gas density. Temperature has been determined in dependence of plasma 503 E Stoffels et al 0.2 DENSITY FRACTION o TEMPERATURE ( C) 150 120 90 60 1.5 mm 2.5 mm 3.5 mm 30 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 POWER (W) Figure 5. Gas temperature as a function of input power at various positions. 1.5 mm 2.5 mm 3.5 mm 0.15 O2 0.1 0.05 0 2 4 6 POWER (W) 0 Figure 7. Oxygen density in the plasma as a function of input power at various distances between the needle and the QMS. The unit is the fraction of the ambient atmospheric density. MODE CHANGE DENSITY FRACTION 0.8 N2 0.6 1.5 mm 2.5 mm 3.5 mm 0.4 0.2 0 2 4 6 POWER (W) 8 10 Figure 6. Nitrogen density in the plasma as a function of input power at various distances between the needle and the QMS. The unit is the fraction of the ambient atmospheric density. Arrows indicate the threshold powers for mode transition. power and needle to QMS position, as shown in figure 5. The temperature in the plasma can rise up to 150 ◦ C. These results are in very good agreement with previous measurements involving optical emission spectroscopy [1]. For medical applications, such a temperature is generally too high, unless tissue de-vitalization is desired. However, this problem can be solved by operating downstream, increasing gas flow rate (only in external operations), reducing plasma power (using thinner electrodes) and shortening treatment times (e.g. pulsing the plasma). 3.2. Gas conversion The signals of nitrogen and oxygen, at the same settings as helium signals (figure 4), are displayed in figures 6 and 7. The depletion of N2 and O2 is much more drastic than the total density decrease due to thermal effects. This implies that molecular gases undergo significant chemical conversion in the plasma. Typical ‘threshold behaviour’ can be seen in nitrogen and oxygen signals: depletion begins above a certain power level, which is dependent on the distance from needle to orifice. This correlates with a mode change of the plasma. 504 Below the threshold the plasma is sustained at the tip of the needle (unipolar mode) and does not make contact with the surface. Above the threshold, the surface starts to act as a grounded electrode. This transition can be easily observed visually: the glow extends towards the grounded object and a thin sheath at the object’s surface is formed. While oxygen and nitrogen signals decrease, other molecular species emerge. Note that N2 and O2 depletion is not stoichiometric for any specific conversion product. The fractions of removed nitrogen and oxygen are about the same, which means that absolute density reduction for N2 is higher than for O2 . However, in an open system the total amount of molecules is not conserved—diffusion from the surrounding ambient air would smooth the density gradients if the depletion of one species was too drastic. NO signal is the most prominent feature of the mass spectrum. Other possible conversion product is N2 O (mass 44), but its signal coincides with the persistent CO2 peak, which makes quantitative analysis difficult. Furthermore, in the downstream zone, at a distance of 3.5 mm from the needle, some NO2 is present. However, this is visible only at high power levels (9–10 W) and the signal is 20 times smaller than the NO signal. Surprisingly, no ozone has been found. From the medical point of view, this is good news—ozone and (especially) NO2 are toxic and their concentrations should be minimized. In contrast, nitrous oxide (N2 O) is harmless and nitric oxide is the desired species that determines the effectiveness of plasma therapy. These are the most probable stable products of gas conversion. Besides, quite significant quantities of shorter living species are present, resulting from the dissociation of N2 and O2 . Threshold ionization data indicate that densities of atomic nitrogen and oxygen are in the range of sub-per cent of the total gas density (about 1022 m−3 ). The parametric dependence of the NO signal is shown in figure 8. It can be seen that NO reaches its maximum density not in the closest vicinity of the needle, but at a distance of 2.5 mm. Only at very high power levels the peak NO density shifts back towards the needle. This behaviour is determined by the reaction kinetics. The exact reaction mechanism in the plasma is unknown; however, it is expected that it will take a few milliseconds to synthesize a NO molecule. For example, if NO is formed by dissociation of N2 and O2 and Plasma needle generates nitric oxide 0.25 NO 1.2 4 COUNTS (10 ) DENSITY FRACTION 1.5 1.5 mm 2.5 mm 3.5 mm 0.9 0.6 0.3 0 0 2 4 6 POWER (W) 0 Figure 8. Nitric oxide signals (NO+ counts in positive RGA at 70 eV) as a function of input power at various distances between the needle and the QMS. DENSITY FRACTION 0.3 product 0.2 1.5 mm 2.5 mm 3.5 mm 0.1 0 0 2 4 6 POWER (W) 8 10 Figure 9. Density of conversion products of the feed gases (product gas density) as a function of input power at various distances between the needle and the QMS. The unit is the fraction of the ambient atmospheric density. subsequent three-body recombination N + O + X → NO + X, the latter step is quite time-consuming. The recombination rate (k) at close to ambient temperature is about 10−45 m6 s−1 (, so the production term becomes P = kn0 [N] [O] ≈ 2.7 × 10−20 m3 s−1 [N] [O] for the ambient density n0 of 1 atm (2.69×1025 m−3 ). Another possibility is the reaction N + O2 → NO + O, which has a rate of 1.4 × 10−21 m3 s−1 at 400 K [10]. Taking an estimated atomic density of 1022 m−3 , the time constant of the threebody recombination is about 4 ms. Since the gas speed at 1 litre min−1 in the needle configuration is about 0.5 m s−1 [2], the peak NO density should be reached few millimetres away from the place in which electron-impact dissociation is most efficient (rf-sheath or the direct vicinity of the needle tip). Alternatively, one can argue that efficient NO production requires extra influx of oxygen from the surroundings. This would also result in peak NO density shifted away from the gas-supplying needle tube. This is in fact a likely explanation because the initial concentration of oxygen in the feed gas is too low to account for such high NO densities. Subtraction of remaining N2 and O2 densities (figures 6 and 7) from the total gas density yields a good estimate of product [NO] scaled 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 2 4 6 POWER (W) 8 10 Figure 10. Scaled NO density and product gas density in fractions of ambient atmospheric density, at 1.5 mm from the needle tip, as a function of plasma power. the total amount of reaction products. This ‘product gas density’ is shown in figure 9. One can immediately note that its behaviour is very similar to this of NO density (figure 8). To make a comparison easier, two scaled signals are plotted in figure 10. The similarity between these curves gives a very strong indication that NO is the major reaction product of plasma reactions at distances of up to 2.5 mm from the needle tip. The density of NO may thus reach up to 20% of the ambient density. This result is supported by the comparison of NO+ count rates with the count rates of N+ from N2 . The respective cross-sections for the ionization of NO and for the dissociative ionization of N2 are known (see and the data provided by Cook and Peterson [12]). By comparing the count rates one can conclude that the density ratio of NO to N2 is about 0.3. This implies that the NO contribution to the total density is in the range 10–20%. In the downstream zone (at 3.5 mm position) the NO density is clearly lower (see figure 8). However, the product gas density is higher than at 1.5 and 2.5 mm. Besides nitric oxide, other reaction products must be present in this region. The product gases may contain N2 O and also some NO2 due to NO oxidation. It is not completely clear what causes such efficient gas conversion in the downstream region. However, one can expect that long-living energetic plasma species (e.g. helium metastable atoms) are present there, so they can dissociate the ambient gases. These ‘downstream’ conditions (long distances from the needle) and high powers are not very interesting for medical plasma treatment. As determined in tests on cultured cells, the optimal performance is achieved at distances shorter than 2 mm [3–6]. Besides, the power should be kept as low as possible to avoid gas heating. Since NO density increases with increasing power, in a practical situation, compromises will have to be made. On the positive note, large amounts of nitric oxide are not necessary—the physiological concentration is less than 1 µM [13], and in a therapy, this value may be increased at most 10 times. Such a concentration of active species in a 0.4 ml liquid sample can be induced by 0.5–1 min of plasma treatment, when the gas-phase radical density is only 1019 m−3 [14]. Production of NO by the ‘robust’ plasma needle is in fact too efficient—in practice, there will be always enough 505 E Stoffels et al NO to achieve the desired treatment results. This leaves much freedom to adjust other plasma parameters, to end up with a safe, fast and efficient medical procedure. 4. Conclusion Atmospheric plasma can be an efficient source of nitric oxide. The studied case is a small-size radio-frequency driven glow (plasma needle), which may be used for local medical treatment. Mass spectrometric measurements show significant conversion of feed gases (nitrogen and oxygen), and NO is found to be the dominant reaction product. Its density can reach up to 20% of the total density. Furthermore, thermal effects of the plasma have been studied and, dependent on conditions, gas heating up to 150 ◦ C has been observed. This is in agreement with previous results obtained using a spectroscopic method. References [1] Stoffels E, Flikweert A J, Stoffels W W and Kroesen G M W 2002 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 11 383 506 [2] Kieft I E, van der Laan E P and Stoffels E 2004 New J. Phys. 6 149 [3] Kieft I E, Broers J L V, Caubet-Hilloutou V, Slaaf D W, Ramaekers F C S and Stoffels E 2004 Bioelectromagnetics 25 362 [4] Kieft I E, Darios D, Roks A J M and Stoffels E 2005 IEEE Trans. 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