hrb==.-trn't Pltysics48 (Fail 201I) Chupter30: Induction and fnductunce -7-- "For everyminuteyou are angry, you lose 60 secondsofhappiness." - Ralph Waldo Emerson "Considerhow much more oftenyou sufferf'om your anger and grieJ than.from lhose very things .for which you are angry and grieved." Marcus Aurelius "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hol coal with the intent of throwing it at someoneelse;you are the one who gets burned. " - Buddha 791- 813 Reading:pages O utline: = introduction Lawof induction Faraday's Lenz'sLaw \-/ = emf inducedin a moving conductor = inducedelectric frelds Faraday'sLaw = inductorsand inductance inductanceof a soienoid self-induction = RL circuits + energystoredin a magnetic field energydensity of a magneticfield + mutual induction (read on your own) Problem Solving Techniques You should know how to computethe flux through a given area.In some cases,the magneticfield is uniform and you simpiy multiply the perpendicularcomponentby the area.In other cases,the fteld is not uniform and you must cany out an integrationofthe perpendicularcomponentover the area. In someproblems,the magneticfield is given while in othersthe currentthat producesthe field is given and you must use what you learnedin the last chapterto write an expressionfor it as a function ofposition. For example,the field may be producedby current in a long straightwire. Once an expressionfor the magneticflux is found, you differentiate it with respectto time to find the emf aroundthe boundary of tlre region. Look carefully at the expressionfor the flux and decidewhat is changingwith time. It might be the magnitudeof the magnetic field, the magnitudeof the areaof the region, or the orientation of the areawith respectto the fie1d. '- In someproblems,the boundary ofthe region is a conductorand you are askedto find the currentin it. First, note al1the emfs aroundthe boundary.One of them is the emf associatedwith the changing magneticflux but there may be others,producedby batteriesor generators,for example.Add them with their correctsigns and divide the total by tJreresistancein the loop. Obviously, you must be very careful aboutthe signs ofthe various emfs here. Someproblemsask for the electric field associatedwith a chilnging magnetic field. Use Faraday's a law in theforrn P E 'a i = -Aolat.all of theproblemshavecylindricalsymmetry,with the electricfield linesformingcirclesaroundthe cylinderaxis.For them,you integratethetangential oneof rhefieldlines.withresultI f '6i :2rrE.where r of theelectriclieldaround component is theradiusofthe circle.Find therateofchangeofthe magneticflux throughthe circleandsolve 1awequationfor E. the Faraday's (L : N@/i)to computeoneof the Someproblemsaskyou to usethedefinitionof self-inductance quantitiesthatappearin it. To cany out this task,you mayneedto computethe magneticflux (Dof problemsdealwith theemf the magneticfield, perhapsby carying out an integration.-Other -L di/dt. Use B: generated by an inductorwhenthe currentchanges. Someproblemsdealwith RZ seriescircuits.If a sourceof emf, suchasa battery,is in the circuitand for example,a switchis closedthen),the cunentis givenby the cunentis 0 at time I : 0 (because, t() = (E/x) (t - n-'f : : ") ,wheretheinductivetime constantis 11 L/R.If the currentis lo au 0 and no sourceof emf is in the circuit, calculate . -llT, t\e '' You may be askedto computethe potential differenceacrossthe resistor(iR) or acrossthe inductor (L dildt). Be sureyou can tell which end is at the higher potential. You may also be askedfor the rate with which the sourceof emf is supplying energy(l'€ ), the rate at which the resistoris dissipating energy(;2R),or the rate at which the inductor is storingenergy (Li dildt).lf you are askedfor the I energydensitiesuse ur : i so* andua : El2po. Someproblemsdeal with the calculationof mutual inductance.Here you assumea curent ln one circuit and computethe magnetic flux it producesin anothercircuit. Questions and Exahple Problems from Chapter 30 QuestionI In thefigurebelow,a long straightwire with currenti passes(withouttouching)threerectangular wire loopswith edgelengthsL, 1.5L,and2L. The loopsarewidely spaced(so asto not affectone another).Loops1 and3 aresymmetricaboutthe longwire.Rankthe loopsaccordingto thesizeof greatestfirst. the currentinducedin themif currenti is (a) constantand(b) increasing, (qJ (b) W Question 2 If the circulat conductorin the figure below undergoesthermal expansionwhile it is in a uniform magneticfield, a currentwiil be induced clockwise aroundit. Is the magnetic field directedinto the pageor out of it? t o,^tA'AA A;""* ) Question3 R in the left-handcircuitofthe figurebelowis increasedat a steadyrate,is If thevariableresistance the cunentinducedin the right-handloop clockwiseor counterclockwise? a j-A d.{.D.4e,,s",'-g.-}o -) I dJ^r^".d &^^r^S $'rr^ ,c-a-o-c-&.'l*.,r" "t c^r-t"'r"g ",*r.'$r'r* B.-* Problem1 accordingto the reiation ln the figurebelow,the magneticflux throughthe loop increases (De:6.0f + 7.01,where@eis in milliwebersandt is in seconds. (a) What is the magnitudeof the emf lnducedin the loop when t = 2.0 s? (b) Is the directionof the currentthrough R to the right or left? do = 6.o L\+?.ot ^lr"r*1" ,Jt l/r yJ- ^ 6r= (6'0ry) f- ( r'o *$e ) t x) = - laZ-?.D = -JAt (6.or*+?.0 lF-] = l),t,"1.o--z l€(*'a-ou)tt -I t------- llat= t) l}'(e.o)r?.o =31 | 3l.V=3t"to-3V I 42,,*.*,Bo*,^^r*a.6Y*f^?" ""A ;*-.""'V Qrr**r"- $^^,*;" fro'NrJt-t+a a""t't /r,.,'$ fv*'*" " 3 {.,.,}J ;h itr gr'4r. ) y; Problem 2 A squarewire loop with 2.00 m sidesis perpendicularto a uniform magneticfield, with half the area of the loop in the field as shown in the figure below. The loop containsan ideal battery with emf e.= 20.0 V. If the magnitudeof the field varies with time accordingto B : 0.0420 - 0.8701,with B in teslasand t in seconds,what are (a) the net emf in the circuit and (b) the direction of the current throush the batterv? =) -Ar;".r a"*L Et;,r..., ,.,-,-^a}-{A r-r} 14 n^qx sa rcx^'''^Ita".)^zl"-rrv;g t. ea"t "l st .,,t-ax,nr.*+l^.t; d,^" of-ro..r^-nrg B''u N=1 €=- %t(vns t=-rta6"/at t/a't^ k = € = -(dBAr) P B = tl. o'lloT-(O.t ?oTlr)r lU/lf = - 6,x1or/s 1. - t- t rrr, l. ,t! g n^)l ^n ,r,^c'.Octv* /1 t---------------Problem 3 |/1( ].o o. a ; -- - (- o"r?or/,) € cl*tL-uFatt oa .!-taffi"a1 t = at.rV I I rr'.d- 4.0 O. In the figurebelow,a wire formsa closedcircularloop,with radiusR:2.0 m andresistance wire is on a long straightwire; at time t:0, the currentin the long^straight Thecircleis centered : (2.0 (The Ns")f . straight according to i 5.0 A 5.0A rightward.Thereafter,the currentchanges wire is insulated,sothereis no electricalcontactbetweenit andthe wire of the loop.)What arethe masnitudeanddirectionof the currentinducedin the loop at timest > 0? ) -a;^r* fr\, dElr-t/En1 la.,ta',tt /o\ )&\p ,P-*"5 tfi,*"g'*. ,"n"rq**}Ie p-"fo ^t ,6 e Vn ,roriffo !*^1 M$" |fu^K ^/olt9\, ,,u-f.{.,*r Ml SAta s6ul!-8* t*' eu,^e"'J a -iin JJ14fu^r:f** tt'"*\a Q"=o -r,tr, !-, ttu \ ,D- ))4.o8/-u!e .t> o*"Jd r" ,ea.*r*A i9* q-€r n'"*.*& 4'$9*j )Vu t = (Lt,soA/r') t'- (ro'oA/s)t - Probfemn Zn For thesituationshownin tl6 figurebelow,a: 12.0cm andb : 16.0cm. The currentin the long (a) Find the emf straightwire is givenby i = 4.50t'- 10.01,wherei is in amperesandt is in seconds. in thesquareloop at t: 3.00s. (b) What is thedirectionofthe inducedcurrentin theloop? -> J,,rr,* j- (-C a ,{-f -\ B..JA = ( \, Fl ^ dir- b-o. / d't a o\-q BdAc-ao" = ("(n"')(Ul.) .arfc// ' -- 4'j) xtt L-o q 't ,U". b 9^. / 2\rT t_" !?= 92 +t*, +^,w"1 P'oth;\ Ptr-I-.F = - Jd",, l-a / A )*-P aL-p ,v')^i4',a g'"ib^ S'^ #* d' ( r- b-q -) d= - a,6 €=- d6/dt = 2,-r '^t @ / f.,\ ,at t= 3""t d%tro u B v,""t-^.g 6 )^^-'^;^g Problem 5 condu&ifrlT66fr-,61ViiltfildsistanceR, andmassm, is In thefigurebelow,a longrectangular magnetic field thatis directedinto thepageandthatexistsonly above hungin a horizontal,uniform until it reachesa certainterminal line aa.Theloop is thendropped;duringits fall, it accelerates find that terminal speed. v1. Ignoring air drag, speed Fe t_ F"-^Z= o ---) 4-m3 tl- J |ni t LI3 -^^- 9o" = Ifrg , L=':'l-- foq Lt3 ,"=t'/n =k l'6111- * lTtu^tI : BLv = :,---A nnq Lt3 ---> + a(r%t)=*a(t fno, A --J4-- Btl' dv/w) = VY /2 ,\ .-- Problem6 of a close-packed coil of 400tumsis 8.0mH. Calculatethe magneticflux though Theinductancq the coil whenthe currentis 5.0 mA. N--foo L= g "o"to-afr l'= 5"o' td?A d=tt./^ /=N6/t--@ = (f E . o , t 1 - t l i ) ' ( S . o " r o - : n ) 0"-? Problem7 A batteryis connectedto a seriesRL oircuit at time t: 0. At what multiple of t1 will the cuuent be 0.100%lessthanits equilibriumvalue? - t.1 = ''/ ^ / ) , 7A Ar.o4rte --;. L -,- 72" ) ,'- - ?,/| l / A \ t L v "-q,t^I^-0r,.-t* o.gcq?/,1" e/n(l_"r".) __- o.ggq= 1- f"/'' - t/2, -- -'o'1(o"oor) ---. n o/a= o"ool t = e"9t.z. ---J Problem8 Considerthe RL circuit of the figure below. In termsof the batteryemf e, (a) what is the selfinducedemf er when the switch hasjust beenclosedon a, and (b) what is es whent:2.0ey? (c) ln termsof €s,when will es bejust one-halfthe batteryemf e? 'T'=Lh ;= €7o(l-.t/'') €"= -tdAt = -t %rLt/n(l-e-"'/r)7 €,= - g qt/z, --) ) t,) = t e*t/" t= 6, t:a a* a-o ce. =) la = 2 c^, = (b) I e,) = € e--^'o'"/"' cc) lt,) = t;t/'gr, ('lr) - -t/-r,- t tr,l'-r Jta €r= €, w&("'a;*'?"n& (n&'" ,")t e") "&.,1 r' u" tJ5 a --n 9/a= €[*/'" f = -(n"'a)1. ! t =;"b'lt:: -, € 17^'=6t/z' -- $L"t)2. Problem9 In the figurebelow,thebatteryis ideal,e : 10V, Rr = 5.0 O, Rz: 10C2,andL = 5.0H. SwitchS is what are(a) ;1,@) lz, (c) the currentisthroughthe switch,(d) the closedat time t = 0. Justafterwards, potentialdifferenceVz acrossresistorR2,(e) thepotentialdifferenceVs acrossthe inductorL, and (f) the rateof changedi2/dfl A long time later, what are(g) 11,(h) t , (D r., (i) Vz, ft) V1, and (I) dir/dt? kr^- t"dr-*4 (o.-r--.1rU""6 ) : c- EA Q- d'/'") I = - Z d'/2. () t.= - t;t/z' (r) lZ= ,-ol (,4tv t- v ) t= pt " - F'/ .-74 ---1 t.= -L J f=oe , \€..\-@ ( i, .\4"4 -''-,ry') = ( h) i^= €/A,(t-;ttz'S ,o*t-u > t^= €1A^ # :l@ ( i) t, =t,, i^ =.Fo{f : (i) V^-- = 1r,o*)(to.or) IT-r;4 "8, ()<) tt = - 2 6t/2" --E;;l ,,+t= "' ( l) d,/r* = /0, Lc/q(t-;'/'')] -- t: t-i. o'?'lt= -g/F -, * .'/.?1".) o[.^*e="- = Td*o' Problem10 to an idealbattery of 10O is suddenlyconnected of 2.0 H anda resistance A coil with aninductance with e: i00 V. 41 t = 0.10s afterthe connectionis made,whatis therateat which (a) energyis beingstoredin the magneticfield, (b) thermal.energyis appearingin the resistance,and (c) energyis beingdeliveredby the battery? (a) P=;€,:tLd4" L=\.oH 4 = tolt e = loDv ( I = L; t,Zt ) \ Av"/at=d7417trat;') \) "t ?= p =L letott-;'h,)f(F-/,d"') = e74 0-;+t., (d'ft) , .+h, ; =Z(t-;'e) -th" , .' . t"z o6t= ,=9 7" 6w' ----->o) {: b.LoS ( b) +ol q'\aa).lfq, P=itR = LtlnTtit/ttl'R -.: P = E7n( l-.oz*'ra a* t'o'ios L.) &*a 2,tu)At P =f t = L€/u(\'d''4r7Z = E7A(l:*/2") -- a* t= o,ro5JP = :.q,"to"lv P f)f) /@'" Yum2 = Y"y^x^*?,;-r^",a Problem11 Provethat, after switch S in the figure to the right hasbeenthrown from a to b, all the energystoredin the inductor will ultimately appearasthermalenergyin theresistor. *tL)"rAt',ht- = ; (d"/at) -JE/at L; J|AL ----) 2- = r/^ti\ ?=;gL l\^ ----. -b^.L^Jyl .M+.1,f4) ^h\ tl.l- ^J{.r^rJWL ) ^u,u.,"r- nllMr"rt )"1\*'Y\ 6xl"* t/at;,') 4r-^riilA ,'.4 oJ a (E= I t= o)a\]'fr,'ffi; .a a /:= (Flt z-))J =(t^AJt-( * -i^!''l f tr L:A l'='/^ o r. E t/-;^27 t ' L - - l / ^ i " ^ A /^uo,/) ^[ ta i"'hh!fu L. w!^t\ i=Lo;z/z' ,.= /a & ( -= A i.: r,;t'-l^A J, - \x/zL o o [%1 = I/1L"'"^ - -gr\t\q4 ---a:,. /fi."A en@ wr anr'ol"u;tl7r