Physics48 (Fall20l1) Anr-4:l --_:_==:_ Chapter 29: Magnetic Fields Due to Carrents _,\v. "Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. " - Ralph lValdo Emerson "Thefoolish man seekshappinessin the distance,the wise man grows it under hisfeet. " JamesOppenheim "Happinessis not a stcrtion),ou arrive at, but a mannerof traveling." - MargaretB. Runbeck Reading: sections764- 781 Outline: = Biot-SavartLaw magneticfie1dfrom a long straightwire magneticfield from a infinite straightwire magneticfield at the centerofa circulararc + forcebetweentwo parallel cunents = Ampere'sLaw usingAqtp"t"'. tu* = solenoids andtoroids + currentcarryingcoil asa magneticdipole (readon your own) ProblemSolvingTechniques A few of the eariyproblemsdealwith the fieid of a long shaightwire. You shouldbe ableto find the magnitudeanddirection of the field at anypoint in space,given the currentin the wire. Use B : /hi/21v to find the magnitudeandthe right-handrule to find the direction.You may be askedfor the total fie1dof two or more long straightwires. You will then needto carry out vector addition. Onceyou havefoundthemagneticfield you maybe askedfor the forceit exertson a moving charge.Use qi x E . Don't forgetto includethe sineof theanglebetweeni and .D whenyou calculatethemagnitude.Know how to usethe right-handrule to find thedirectionofthe force.Be sureto takeinto accountthe signofthe charge. Someproblemsaskyou to usetheBiot-savartlaw to computethe magneticfield of a current.Divide thecurrentinto infinitesimaleiements, write the expression for the field ofan element,thenintegrate eachcomponent overthe current.You will needto writetheintegrandin termsof a singlevariable. If the wire is straightplaceit alongthex-axis,say,andusethe coordinate x ofpoints alongthewire asthe variableofintegration.If thewire is a circularloopusethe anglemadeby a radialline with a coordinateaxisasfhe variableofintepration. ln many casesyou may think of an electricalcircuit as composedof finite straight-1ineand circulararc segments,eachof which producesa magneticfield. You can then calculatethe field producedby and vectorially sum the individual fields to find the total field. Use the result given in eachs"egment Probleri 11 if you need to frnd the field on the perpendicularbisector of a finite straightwire. To frnd the field at someother point you sill needto integlatethe BiofSavart 1aw.Use the procedure given in Section 1 for an infinite wire but replacethe limits of integrationwith finite values.lJse B : t4id l4nR for the field of a circular arc at its centerof curvature' Someproblemsask you to usewhat you leamedin the last chapterto calculatethe force that one wire exefison another. you to Arnpere'slaw problems take three forms. The most straightforwardgive the currentsand ask find the value of {f . ai arounda given path. You must pay attentionto the directionsof the observewhich currents are encircledby currentsasthey pierce the plane of the path and carefu11y the path and w-hichare not. Other problemsask you to useAmpere'slaw to calculatethe magnetic fieli. Carefully choosethe Amperian path you will use andpay attentionto the evaluationof the Ampere'slaw integral in terms of the unknown field. Still other problems give you the magnetrc heli as a function ofposition and ask for the currentthrough a given region. Carry out the line integralofthe tangentialcomponentofthe field aroundthe boundary of the region and equatethe result to /41, then solve for l. (in You shouldknow how to computethe magneticfields of somespecialcurrent configurations ideal of a.n field The additionto a long straightwire): a solenoid,a toroid, and a magnetic dipole. = solenoidis given by B : ltnni inside the solenoid andby B 0 outside.The fieid inside is aiong the : cylinder axis. The field of a toroid is given by B pnNl2tn at a point inside, a distancer fiom the center.The field inside the hole and outsidethe toroid is zero.The field lines inside are circlesthat at B = po F lZtz3 at a point on the concentricwith the toroid. The field of a magneticdipole is given by axis definedby the direction ofthe dipole moment,a distancez from the dipole. You shouldreca11 from the last ciapter how to find the dipole moment of a curent loop (both magnitudeand direction) and how to computethe torque of a uniform magneticfield on a dipole' QuestionsandExampleProblemsfrom Chapter29 QuestionI in whichlongparallelwirescarryequalcurrentsdirectly Tie figurebelowshowsfour arrangements to the accolding Rankthearrangements intooiout ollhe pageat thecomersofidenticalsquares. magnitudeof the net magnetic field at the centerof the square,greatestfirst. larar?l\ q-----o o-----o tqlq-l !, K . - ' - / 2' tr l\',D : xal i O *"6\'l --*"O q t,tJ 3 I ; z/tx ; 0-*---a 4th\3 9- _---6 i.,Yi d**---o Ll (,) 3 +-----9 i\i3,,X | 1 .,/,/, \ t,'/'\| :. t | o"-*--o 4 (,!j Question2 The Figurebeiow showsthree cirouits, eachconsistingof two radial lengths and two concentricarcs, one ofradius r and the other ofradius R > r. The circuits have the samecurrent through them and the sameanglebetweenthe two radial lengths.Rank the circuits accordingto the magnitudeofthe net magneticfield at the center,greatestfirst. ,-- (? B= R (' ) [.]l I itua I *8 -+ ,c'"R &"4^; "" d' "6 Y1 (0) (e) q.--n A,\&, E 4wJTI ;2!AI a)''v\'.r'J )JL)t\4iJ n p'aih A,n""ta "7 B-rr *;tl 4 ar\c (c, C-+ cr* "d Ps, A- A--1 ),,t6 <9^'b, o'L a^.aLLl'o'\ ot"\'r -.I- ( - r ntagaAa tik Vry A --r ,u^.t,p-go c, o, b Problem1 d: 16.0cm carry current\:3.67 mA and Ia the{igurebelow,two longstraightwiresat separation iz 3.00hout of thepage.(a) At whatpoint on thex axisshownis thenet magreticfield dueto the currentsequalto zero?(b) If thetwo currentsaredoubled,is thepointofzeto magneticfield shift towardwire 1, shiftedtowardwire 2, or unchanged? d-x .1, c B.*r -r, ^%yny',o ;e" l[ro Ml,il4j -et*uea B, pr"di, v1\u)'Atdn) F-"i-J K=l-( l" JJo L r ?..rr(-r A, L, 4..-Tra _ t- a. L\o La C^ = ad3';J ----+ I= 8,ri.(a-.) f= f,/,t = q* (b) I (- ? l {-c Jr*= d -(. -- z/.oer, arQz',g ^a Lx= 3->at,, )gv -?arfi,';' "B D^l .o Aoeuii rf*y^ Problem2 In thefigurebe1ow,a currenti: 10A is setup in a long hairpinconductorformedby bendinga wire into a semicircleof radiusR = 5.0mm. Pointb is midwaybetweenthe straightsectionsandso asbeinganinfinitewire. Whatare distantfrom the semicirclethateachsectioncanbe approximated the (a)magnitudeand(b) direction(into or out ofthe page)ofB at point a ard the (c) magnitudeand (d) directionofB at point b. 1- ,*$ll,.,& t' ;ggt* afi"a,'4t,i; gtnni,lwi 6,n1 zu"kd p,= n,;r1 "3 7;F, i,o^rtTdil = Xt *) E-.. Ir N\Q- "' etifi \ I = dlf r1 A - (.ln"r;.'I',/n)(134: i t.o'.w) atery"4ni -rr ( >.; 5oo^ 16 Problem3 In thefigurebelow,a wire formsa semicircleof radiusR: 9.26cm andtwo (radial)straight .-_/ = are the i mA. What cm. wire carries current 34.8 13.1 The eachof lengthL: segments (a)magriitudeand(b) direction(into or out of thepage)ofthe netmagneticfield at the semicircle's centerof curvatureC? -0eNt"J^a"{r,f^rfl'c,n ; I ?r t_l t-'l I A,4tl* rt-'Artf ,Ory'r',,atr} os --lEria o c :::--(- 4r dt t-t F\ B=o t- dB=& qf JB = ,^t:- {jiiad=o i Jr a,,"*tta' --o ----) B =o 6?. F o) -) "1 lfi, u,^bt 4 fl= 4::j_-_A,; tcl tanA q r;^tvc^-t'a-t o'vL "A = @ 4R b= & | d = n a",*,"'vt --l"tt*tdnl4(o.oqa.6m) Ilr B'= l'lrr16-zTr"hJtuo'.+I Problem 4 In the figure below, point P2is at perpendiculardistanceR:25.1 cm from one end of straightwire of lengthL = 13.6 cm canytng current l= 0.693 A. (Note that the wire is not long.) What is the magnitudeof the magretic freld atPz? rd=* t# ?','4t i I dg t"-" 'ie/ln",@fu4* l! a^r*"tr JB= j*- +:: ---)B-+? ( Jsi"g \ )nt x A"t ( anL a---.) p.= 4';A ( P .r (Fril'u 4t ) "t;- ) ds--. Jx 4i^e, = -B-.v" CA\x") rl".n A + l#-,-=;fiju" g: a"; i?6n'^/ fx= l**x* V'A B= dx 6;t* -L -l' l-]a* lO-T ru* a6 Problem.5 form a squareof edgelengtha : 8.50cm.Eachwire carries15.0A, andall thecurrentsareout of thepage.In unit-vectornotation,what is the net magneticfield forceper meterof wire lengthon wire 1? rr $a'*' .b&a"een )' 6a-""'-0{at ouuvrz,da'-topu.r-*,.1 t .1. L rl Fl\ t, XJ'U a--*S ^ tt rr \ 3 r xF,= +#"*ffi,t )Ar,lL p*fM cu^",f4 "fr-,} t\?41& = 4' Lt i r"'r*; q l\ a I . X L = F^r,E ,*"e tFr= -trr-tr"-^e !l- flf- ," O.45" I @-.. n-.*@ .' LtL^ atrd a. .l ! J4n, ^l l !! r{ = I '- d e l'-t : 1t],,.L aj rq : z(Ltn r l Ido tl Yt1 I (l 5.oAl .a L w .]. J P-L q 7-q J-T , = ( o.ots.,) ' " Ni,,)1 t - ('t,z.l''to (1,.t\,1c li/,",) Problem 6 The figure beiow showstwo very long straightwires (in crosssection)that eachcarry a currentof 4.00 A tlirectly out of the page.Distanced1: 6.00 m and distanced2:4.00 m. What is the magnitudeofthe net magnetic field at point P, which lies on a perpendicularbisectorofthe wires? I 34 : 1e* ---r o= 3t".1" l,oo r'\ d a. i= S'ootl tr-- i ", / -- qO-g = 9o-3r".1' -- S3.1. d U./ -;::".{( l Z=:- = 4ui? P -AD\'x".t I'tT I- PJ 3, 1\t/u' - A PF4I do = 8,4^d* B.d^,d -- a B.o"nfl . -- 4 I a\L B^"* )A^t 1 f af l - o m 6/ = J 't ' : -Tf 9-z:-nNn$ I f = (4'i. ro'to/n) (q.oa*) _o,v\53-1. - r 1 .( 5 . o o q ) r = 5. ll,* ld tT ,pr""""\ Problem 7 Showthat a ruriformmagneticfield cannotdrop abruptiyto zero(asis suggestedby the lack of fie1d to E , sayalongthe linesto theright ofpoint a in the figurebelow)asonemovesperpendicular pathshownby the horizontalarrowin thefigure.(Hint: Apply Ampere'slaw to therectangular dashedlines.)In actualmagnets"fringing" of themagneticfield linesalwaysoccurs,whichmeans zeroin a gradualmanner.Modify the held iinesin the figureto indicatea more that .E approaches realisticsituation. r't' I r--l-- I r, I |: t ' ( f \, t \ B,'d s, + \ '^ s a ' d| --'s e* O ( nr"o) Dq'd>" r\l f-! ( t>\ .-{ 3 A- - ) .+1. r ,i I r*!i r o ( B ,r l u , ; -=( (r n' J.--f-' Jr'9 t q b'.i5 I B"ls' J-, t_, , L,- ,/' ( L :\,. -- Bu(,At,. VL ,/ -A r -) \B"ds"+\Bu"dr, o ( B * - !d s " ) ..-.r j i> r Problem8 A solenoid1.30m long and2. insidethesolenoidis 23.0mT , esa currentof 18.0A. Themagneticfie1d wire formingthe solenoid. l --1"3a^ \, -I"3ocr) C = d./d ^\ | -I,jo ^lo-tm ? L -- r< ^ $'ot "'"t1Ata! e t-\ h= E'3'o*lo"r -= 8,.- = 6'3'o"lo-37 (+r^lotTr/n) ( tr'ai+; 4; tl ., i:= : B =A"; n n | o'<z 1-1 a*o" i)' t\l D= t:!l9s-=!Y=t t_. ge,d ,We -t-nfr h= l"o)..x|o3fu,n/n + F,,ru U%"P4)x )sv\etrP4/a'" (ne)x(?'rrr) : ^)Yrtl (r.oa^o.w,.7^) ( l"ao';( A-r) ( l'3oxrotr) =l-loe;l Problem9 A long solenoidhas 100tums/cmandcarriescunentL An electronmoveswithin the solenoidin a to thesolenoidaxis.The speedof the electronis 0.0460c circleofradius2.30cm perpendicular (c: speedoflight). Find the currenti in thesolenoid. ----t F =-DV*,/'\ eA.r? t %B k"B tri - =Ioi I I t tt ) I J ?.lt* lo*?'t(S o O.D'l6f (:.oa16r*/s) |-3t^ foern/s q= l -i"o'a*lo t*c = 4 r^ to " rnr/n ri \-1 l- - (* = \v 3 ('u'; n) I lootP^]#=1oq;Eonu/., O . oa,3or.,, r\V qr"n {(' td'' K+)t l'3t- lD?r'i/, (r,oor*td'*e)(lri-r5?r"6)1 Qrlfr) ll:;il] t" b. ollon) Problem10 The figurebelow showsan arrangementknown asa Helmholtz coi1.It consistsof two circular by a distances : R. Thetwo coiis coaxialcoils,eachof 200 tumsandradiusR = 25.0cm,separated carryequalcurrentsi: 12.2mA in the samedirection.Find the magnitudeof thenet magneticfield at P, midwaybetweenthe coils. J]* l"'ae.,&'/ ) )#G u^#n'r -f,VsJr,. )4 '. g*94 t At-r*,an* z aLxg +*n o rcc"L 4, tt l*r* 3Gi _ i" Nl ,r,1.( .r, 2-l4"*z)"/'' \ =) ai poa^,*P o d,ut*t'*n z= Alr. 4"E"' a^4 O& t fu nog..-fui yA; $*n Qle\ /od^l'P*ift 'nr #v + x-t ^ f N l^"t8", lJ^.d= l[;;;l]!12. - 4 +L'vr/ LK J I 1 = , na N,UoLll r- ^2t\7/^ l.n /4) >n ( o.r s.) \ ( re.?..1o ( ryn- |o " -rr,r (r.oo) = /* ) ) B I s ('/q7Y" .t ( B.rr"td'r)i I JJ -\) Problem11 In the figwe below, cunent t : 56.2mA is setup in a loop having two radial le,ngthsandtwo of radii a : 5.72cm andb:9.36 cm with a commoncenterP. What arethe (a) semicircles magritudeand(b) direction (into or out of the page)of the magrreticfield at P andthe (c) magnitude and(d) directionof the loop's maeneticdipole moment? (a) d= o .{.-'L fi,ar4ntat4.*A a* V B- D^*= 4iL qlfb +U=' tlta U-L 4nR d,t'c/^'trt o5r't^cuu+ o^+ 1 d'h-* b,*a"'t@ "l^n q".3- (t.*) +d I B^ur=@ Ll E^* = 4 ,1r7*lo-?t: '1 I{L*-,r..n5Ja-*v;'.J