5/27/2015 SMART ENERGY SYSTEMS FOR LARGESCALE RENEWABLE ENERGY INTEGRATION – - H O W C AN E L E C T R I C I T Y G R I D S AN D D I S T R I C T H E AT I N G S Y S T E M S B E O P T I M I S E D I N AN I N T E G R AT E D WAY ? BRIAN VAD MATHIESEN, bvm@plan.aau.dk European Commission conference: Technology Challenges and Regional Approaches for Integrating Renewables and Energy Security, THON Hotel BRUSSELS, MAY/27 2015 SUSTAINABLE ENERGY PLANNING RESEARCH GROUP, AALBORG UNIVERSITY KEY CHALLENCES 1. Key enabling technologies towards 2030? 2. Potential disruptive technology developments looking towards 2030? 3. Main barriers to further integration of variable renewable electricity in a 2020 and 2030 perspective? 2 1 5/27/2015 RECOMMENDATIONS I • Make CHP (and PP) unit regulation depend on wind power input (10-20% wind without loss of efficiency) • Add large scale heat pumps (and heat storage capacity) to the CHP units (approx. 40 per cent Wind Power) • Use electricity for transport as much as possible • Other kinds of flexible demands are of less importance Surplus Electricity Production Including grid-stbilisation 50 Per cent 40 Ref DKVreg 30 +HPreg Trans 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 Wind power per cent 80 100 RECOMMENDATIONS II System operational savings (excess electricity price of 13 EUR/MWh) (All technologies have annual costs of 14 Million EUR/year) 40 30 20 10 P5 P6 EB 2 EL C 1 EL C2 EL C3 E LC 4 E B3 H 21 C AE S1 EL C 5 H 2 C -2 AE S 2 EB 4 H H P3 P2 P4 H B1 H H P1 0 E million EUR/year 50 H • Not much gained (integration of wind nor profit) from investing in electricity storage options including batteries • However the inclusion of CHP, heat pumps and transportation units in securing grid stability is essential. 2 5/27/2015 RECOMMENDATIONS III • The kind of flexibility one need from a technical point of view (CHP, HP and transport) is the same kind of flexibility which is needed to raise profits of exchange in international electricity or gas markets. • Interconnections will not help the integration of more wind but rather help share capacity and/or force a market opening through. Marginal trade income Miolion DKK 300 Reference 250 350 MW HP CHPregB CHPregBnet 200 Costs 150 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Wind Input (TWh) RECOMMENDATIONS IV • In the medium long term perspective RES electricity has to be transformed into RES gases and liquid fuels (in combination with biomass) to supplement the limited biomass resource. Such conversion opens for the use of gas storage and liquid fuel storage. • Hydrogen should not be used directly and not be used in micro-CHP. 3 5/27/2015 COMBINED HEAT & POWER (CHP) - REGULATION Low Wind Scenario High Wind Scenario Wind Power Wind Power Electricity Demand Electricity Demand CHP Plant CHP Plant Hot Water Demand Thermal Storage Hot Water Demand Thermal Storage TRANSITION FROM A CENTRALISED ENERGY SYSTEM TO A PARTLY DE-CENTRALISED SYSTEM BASED ON RENEWABLE ENERGY STATUS 2014: • >39% WIND POWER • MORE THAN 100.000 WIND TURBINE OWNERS • HIGH SHARE OF OFFSHORE • 30% DISTRIBUTED OPERATION AND APP. 50% FROM CHP • MORE THAN 60% HAS DISTRICT HEATING • LARGE SHARE OF HEAT SAVINGS 8 4 5/27/2015 RENEWABLE ENERGY STRATEGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN EUROPE Savings in Energy Denmand Efficiency improvements in energy production FLEXIBLE TECHNOLOGIES INTEGRATED ENERGY SYSTEMS Renewable energy sources (RES) STUDY FOR THE STUDY EU27 FOR THE EU27 by H E AT R O A D M AP C H I N A Aalborg University David Connolly Brian Vad Mathiesen Poul Alberg Østergaard Bernd Möller Steffen Nielsen Henrik Lund Ecofys Germany GmbH Jan Grözinger Thosmas Boersmans Michelle Bosquet PlanEnergi Daniel Trier Halmstad University Urban Persson Daniel Nilsson Sven Werner – N E W H E AT S T R AT E G Y T O R E D U C E E N E R G Y C O N S U M P T I O N T O WA R D S 2030 Tsinghua University Weiming Xiong Yu Wang Xiliang Zhang Aalborg University Brian Vad Mathiesen Henrik Lund David Connolly - DISSEMINATION OF RESEARCH -EU RESEARCH STRATEGY INFLUENCE AND PROJECTS - KNOWLEDGE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 5 5/27/2015 11 OPTIONS FOR SYSTEM INTEGRATION Flexible consumption Transmission abroad Open energy system 35 Electricity storage Excess production (TWh) V2G 30 25 20 15 10 Ref. CHP reg. 5 Ref. no CHP reg. 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Wind power production (TWh) Production of hydrogen CAES systems Closed energy system Regulation of CHP plants 285 Ref. CHP reg. 280 PES excl. wind (TWh) Stopping of wind turbines Ref. no CHP reg. 275 270 265 260 255 250 245 240 235 0 10 20 30 40 50 Wind power production (TWh) Electric cars Heat pumps Electric heating 6 5/27/2015 OPTIONS FOR SYSTEM INTEGRATION Flexible consumption Transmission abroad Open energy system 35 Electricity storage Excess production (TWh) V2G 30 25 20 15 10 Ref. CHP reg. 5 Ref. no CHP reg. 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Wind power production (TWh) Production of hydrogen CAES systems Closed energy system Regulation of CHP plants 285 Ref. CHP reg. 280 PES excl. wind (TWh) Stopping of wind turbines Ref. no CHP reg. 275 270 265 260 255 250 245 240 235 0 10 20 30 40 50 Wind power production (TWh) Electric cars Heat pumps Electric heating ENERGY STORAGE THERMAL STORAGE 1-4 €/KW H PUMP HYDRO STORAGE 175 €/KW H NATURAL GAS UNDERGROUND STORAGE 0.05 €/KWH OIL TANK 0.02 €/KWH 7 5/27/2015 SMART ENERGY SYSTEMS - T H E K E Y TO C O S T- E F F IC IE N T 1 0 0 % R E N E WA B L E E N E R G Y • A sole focus on renewable electricity (smart grid) production leads to electricity storage and flexible demand solutions! LEADS TO: - ELECTRICIY STORAGE, - FLEXIBLE DEMANDS • Looking at renewable electricity as a part smart e n e r g y s y s t e m s i n c l u d i n g h e a t i n g , i n d u s t r y, g a s and transportation opens for cheaper and better solutions… POW ER-TO-HEAT POW ER-TO-GAS POW ER-TO-TRANSPORT SMART ENERGY SYSTEMS - A R E C R U C I A L I N 1 0 0 % R E N E WA B L E SOLUTION ENERGY SYSTEMS A cross‐sectoral and coherent energy system solution – Smart Electricity Grids to connect flexible electricity demands such as heat pumps and electric vehicles to the intermittent renewable resources such as wind and solar power. – Smart Thermal Grids (District Heating and Cooling) to connect the electricity and heating sectors. This enables thermal storage to be utilised for creating additional flexibility and heat losses in the energy system to be recycled. – Smart Gas Grids to connect the electricity, heating, and transport sectors. This enables gas storage to be utilised for creating additional flexibility. If the gas is refined to a liquid fuel, then liquid fuel storages can also be utilised. 8 5/27/2015 SMART ENERGY SYSTEMS - A R E C R U C I A L I N 1 0 0 % R E N E WA B L E SOLUTION ENERGY SYSTEMS A cross‐sectoral and coherent energy system solution – Smart Electricity Grids to connect flexible electricity demands such as heat pumps and electric vehicles to the intermittent renewable resources such as wind and solar power. SMART ENERGY SYSTEM IS DEFINED AS AN APPROACH IN WHICH SMART ELECTRICITY, – T H E R MSmart Thermal Grids (District Heating and Cooling) to AL AND GAS GRIDS ARE COMBINED AND COORDINATED TO IDENTIFY SYNERGIES BETWE EN THEM IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL connect the electricity and heating sectors. This enables SECTOR AS WELL AS FOR THE OVERALL ENERGY SYSTEM. thermal storage to be utilised for creating additional flexibility and heat losses in the energy system to be recycled. – Smart Gas Grids to connect the electricity, heating, and transport sectors. This enables gas storage to be utilised for creating additional flexibility. If the gas is refined to a liquid fuel, then liquid fuel storages can also be utilised. Electricity Consumption Capacity • Twice as high capacity as the reference in 2050 • Incr. share of flexible consumption capacity Electricity Consumption Capacity [MW] 25000 20000 Electric heating 15000 Electrolyzers Electric vehicles 10000 Flexible demand Heat pump Electricity demand 5000 0 2010 2020 2030 2050 2010 Reference CEESA Recommendable 2020 2030 2050 18 9 5/27/2015 Electricity Consumption • Reduction in traditional electricity demand • Increase of new flexible demands • Ensures flexibility for wind integration 90 Electricity consumption [TWh] 80 70 Export 60 Electric heating 50 Electrolyzers 40 Electric vehicles 30 Flexible demand Heat pump 20 Electricity demand 10 ‐ 2010 2020 2030 2050 2010 2020 2030 2050 Reference CEESA Recommendable 19 1 0 0 % R E N E WA B LE EN E R G Y SC E N A R I OS IN T H E C E E S A PR O J E C T 2 0 11 TRANSPORT: ELECTRICITY AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, BUT GAS AND LIQUID FUELS ARE NEEDED TO MAKE A TRANSITION. WE CAN REACH 100% RENEWABLE COST AND FUEL EFFICIENTLY IN 2050 BIOMASS: .. IS A LIMITED RESOURCE… AND CANNOT COVER THE TRANSPORT SECTOR.… CONSEQUENCE… … ELECTRICITY FROM WIND AND OTHER RE SHOULD BE CONVERTED INTO RE-GASSES AND LIQUID FUELS IN THE LONG RUN.. 10 5/27/2015 ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED IN THE ENERGY UNION….. • • • • • • • CO2‐kvota markets only solve a very small part of the problem and only addresses certain sectors New cables does not provide more renewable energy! The existing actors may not be able to lift the task (goes against existing business model) Energy savings good for society cost but hard to implement Existing marginal electricity price markets cannot survive as they are Feed‐in‐tariff model under pressure from ignorant civil servants and industry Public support and ownership needs a big boost 21 • SM ART ENERGY DENM ARK IN 2050? • SM ART ENERGY EUROPE IN 2060? WWW.SMARTENERGYSYSTEMS.EU WWW.ENERGYPLAN.EU WWW.4DH.DK WWW.HEATROADM AP.EU 11 5/27/2015 ekstra 23 Electricity Production Capacity • Increase of RE capacity • Constant PP/CHP capacity • Need for high flexibility in PP/CHP production Electricity production capacity [MW] 30.000 25.000 20.000 PV+Wave Wind 15.000 Condensing PP CHP, Central 10.000 CHP, Decentral Waste CHP 5.000 ‐ 2010 2020 2030 2050 2010 Reference CEESA Recommendable 2020 2030 2050 24 12 5/27/2015 Electricity Production • Decreased production from PP/CHP • Increase of total production • 80% from wind, PV and wave power 90 Electricity production [TWh] 80 70 60 PV+Wave 50 Wind 40 Condensing PP CHP, Central 30 CHP, Decentral 20 Waste CHP 10 ‐ 2010 2020 2030 2050 2010 Reference CEESA Recommendable 2020 2030 2050 25 13