Pupil Supervision Policy Session 0700 – 0830 Supervision during the College Day, before the timetable starts 0730 – 0810 Breakfast 0830 – 0845 Assembly/Chapel Monday and Friday 1050 – 1110 Break Time Boarders Day Pupils The houseparent or designated resident tutor is responsible for the supervision of boarders in the house/at breakfast Day pupils: the Tutor or Head Of Year takes responsibility for the pupil once he/she has arrived in School – normally from 8.15am onwards 6th Formers All pupils are supervised by the Boarding Staff. This is supervised and all are expected to attend. 0830 – 0845 Assembly/Chapel Monday and Friday All pupils are supervised by a member of one of the duty teams, or in houses by house 1050 – 1110 tutors. As appropriate duty staff Break Time will patrol the campus. This is supervised and all are expected to attend. All pupils are supervised by a member of one of the duty teams, or in houses by house tutors. As appropriate duty staff will patrol the campus. Lesson Time For 6th-Formers undertaking private study sessions the responsible staff are: Library – Supervision rota and Librarian Hollington Centre: Various staff on Duty Teachers are responsible for the supervision of their class and registers should be taken. No class should be left unsupervised for any reason. In case of emergency teachers might: Summon a teacher from an adjacent classroom to supervise both classes whilst the incident is dealt with; Call the Lodge, or the Deputy Headmaster Send the pupil with another accompanying pupil to the Medical Centre, having informed them first, or to the Staff Room. 1255 – 1400 Lunch Time All pupils are supervised by a member of one of the duty teams, who undertake lunch duties and campus checks on a rota basis. At least two duty members of staff will be in the Dining Hall Hall, and lunchtime duty runs from 1230 until 1400. Other members of the Duty Team are located in various important areas during the lunch break. All pupils on lunchtime activities will be supervised by the member of staff running that activity, who will ensure that adequate supervision and care is in place. If activities are run by 6th-formers, a designated member of staff must be easily accessible. All Directors of Activities will ensure that the correct risk assessments for their activity will be in Afternoon/evening/weekend place. As well as considering this assessment, teachers/instructors/student directors should consider: activities (sporting/outdoor/creative - barring access to equipment without direct teacher supervision – weights room etc. education) - the suitability of the pupils’ clothing for the activity (this includes removing jewellery and watches, and wearing appropriate protective equipment e.g. mouth guards - teaching methods being used On Wednesday afternoons, Yr 9-12 are supervised by CCF/activity staff from 1400 until the end of the activity. On Thursday afternoons all pupils take part in the Games Programme operated by the Director Of Sport. All pupils are accounted for – registers are provided for each activity/sport. All teachers involved in such activities must be aware of the H&S policies and procedures in place in the relevant department. All teachers or directors of activities should exercise adequate care and ensure that appropriate supervision is provided at all times during the activity. Pupils who are off games, or not engaged in activities After Activities Pupils who are off games will be either: - In the Library supervised. - At the pitch side, supervised by the teacher running the activity Once activities have finished the responsibility for supervising pupils returns to the duty members of staff who will supervise key areas on the Campus. Resident House Staff will be responsible for supervising the Boarding Houses. All pupils then return to organized School Activities/School Prep Sessions between 4.30 – 5.30pm At 5.30pm all Day Pupils Depart for Home. Boarders are now supervised by the House Parents/Tutor/Residential Staff 1800 – 1900 End of day school Supper Time Houseparents/Resident Tutors/Director Of Boarding are responsible for the supervision of pupils who must not be left alone in the house for any more than half an hour. Pupils remaining on site for activities should be directly supervised by the member of staff i/c that activity e.g. drama, late night sport practice. They only cease to be in that member of staff’s care once they have been collected by their parent/guardian or another parent by prior written arrangement with the relevant Head Of Year Supper runs from 1800-1900 – following that the pupils return to the care of the house parenting teams/duty tutors Prep and immediately postA signing out/in protocol exists in each boarding house post prep. When leaving the House a pupil prep must sign out and indicate where they are going. The signing out/in sheets are closely monitored by the appropriate House staff. Evening supervision 1845-2300 – a member of the house team will be on duty supervising the house – registering pupils, keeping the house log book, keeping bed times et al The Deputy Headmaster/Director Of Boarding are resident on site 2300 - 0700 Overnight Boarders will be in the care, in loco parentis, of the house staff on site. Will be in the houses, if boarders. Please note: Boarders may only go the designated areas below post Prep [8.30pm] The Walled Garden – for recreational activities The Music School – when supervised The Sports Hall – when supervised The Weights Room – when supervised Swimming Pool – when supervised. Other organised/supervised activities – drama rehearsals/permitted off – site trips etc.All pupils must sign out from their respective Boarding Houses. Areas not listed above are to viewed as Out Of Bounds.