ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 1 2009 Transistors 1947: W.H.Brattain and J.Bardeen (Bell Labs, USA)… J.P.Pierce (Bell Labs): tran(sfer)+(re)sistor = transistor. 1949: W.Schockley theoretically described bipolar junction transistor. 1956: Nobel Prize. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 2 2009 Transistors VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 3 2009 Transistors The first transistor was invented at Bell Laboratories on December 16, 1947 by William Shockley (seated at Brattain's laboratory bench), John Bardeen (left) and Walter Brattain (right). This was perhaps the most important electronics event of the 20th century, as it later made possible the integrated circuit and microprocessor that are the basis of modern electronics. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 4 2009 Transistors VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 5 2009 Transistors VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 6 2009 The first junction transistor http://library.thinkquest.org/C006224/history.html VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 7 2009 History After years of research and experimentation involving literally hundreds of scientist from around the world, the final breakthrough in the development of the transistor was left to three men. Dr Walter Brattain, Dr John Bardeen and Dr William Shockley all three scientists working at Bell laboratories, are the men credited with this significant achievement. In December 1947 they made the historic discovery of the transistor effect and in so doing developed the very first transistor device. In 1956 their achievement was acknowledged when they were awarded the Nobel Prize for physics. http://library.thinkquest.org/C006224/history.html VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 8 2009 Transistors Structures and symbols of (a) pnp and (b) npn transistors Tran(sfer) + (re)sistor = Transistor VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 9 2009 Transistors 2.1. The structure and operation of a BJT 2.2. Basic configurations and modes of operation 2.3. Static volt-ampere characteristics of BJT 2.3.1. The Ebers-Moll representation of the BJT 2.3.2. Static volt-ampere characteristics 2.3.3. The real U-I characteristics 2.4. Two port representation of the transistor 2.5. Transistor models 2.5.1. T-type model 2.5.2. Π-type model 2.6. Transistor high frequency characteristics 2.7. Types of BJTs VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 10 2009 T R A N S I S T O R S VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 11 2009 Bipolar junction transistor I E = I Ep + I En I Ep = I Cp + I Epr I C = I Cp + I C0 I B = I En + I Epr − I C0 ... There are four important components of the currents in a BJT... IE = IC + IB IC ≅ IE ... The emitter current can control the output collector current... VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 12 2009 Bipolar junction transistor DC current gain: Α= Α= I Cp IE = I Cp IE I Ep I Cp I E I Ep = γδ The emitter injection efficiency, is the ratio of the hole current injected into the base from the emitter to the total emitter-base junction current. The base transport factor, is the ratio of the hole current across the collector junction to that across the emitter junction. The DC current gain can be increased increasing the main current and decreasing other currents. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 13 2009 Bipolar junction transistor Regions of operation UCB Configurations: Reverseactive • Common base (CB) Saturation • Common emitter (CE) UEB • Common collector (CC) Cut-off VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt Forwardactive ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 14 2009 T R A N S I S T O R S VGTU EF ESK CB, CE and CC circuits stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 15 2009 Bipolar junction transistor The ac current gain: KI = α = KI = α = Α + IE KU = d IC d IE I C = I Cp + I C0 dΑ ≅ Α <1 d IE d U CB R dI R = L C == α L d U EB rEB d I E rEB K P = KU K I ≅ RL rEB ... Voltage and power amplification is possible when a BJT is in the CB configuration. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt K P >> 1. ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 16 2009 Bipolar junction transistor AC current gain: KI = β = d IC d IC = = d I B d (I E − I C ) dI C / dI E α = ... = 1 − dI C / dI E 1−α β= α 1−α KU = dU CE R dI R = L C = L β dU BE rBE dI B rBE K P >> 1. VGTU EF ESK Amplification of AC current, voltage and power. stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 17 2009 Bipolar junction transistor Gain CB CE KI α<1 β>>1 >>1 KU >>1 >>1 <1 KP >>1 >>1 >>1 Gain properties of BJT VGTU EF ESK CC stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt ELEKTRONIKOS ĮTAISAI 18 2009 Bipolar junction transistors 1. The _________ region of a BJT is thinnest, the _____________ region is the largest, and the ____________ region is the most heavily doped. I 2. (Electrons, Holes) are the majority carriers in the base region of a pnp BJT. C 3. Which of the transistor currents is always the largest? Which is the smallest? Which two currents are relatively close in magnitude? 4. A BJT is in its common-base configuration. Its A is 0.98 and its I C0 is 25 nA. Compute its exact value of I C when its I E is 1 mA. 5. The collector current of an npn BJT is 2 mA, the base current is I I 40 µA. Compute and approximate values of α and β. C C 6. If a BJT has an α of 0.98, what is its β? Find also β if α = 0.99. Comment on the results. VGTU EF ESK stanislovas.staras@el.vgtu.lt After years of research and experimentation involving literally hundreds of scientist from around the world, the final breakthrough in the development of the transistor was left to three men. Dr Walter Brattain, Dr John Bardeen and Dr William Shockley all three scientists working at Bell laboratories, are the men credited with this significant achievement. In December 1947 they made the historic discovery of the transistor effect and in so doing developed the very first transistor device. In 1956 their achievement was acknowledged when they were awarded the Nobel Prize for physics. ___trailing the Transistor History.mht