Register today - The Manufacturing Co

The Manufacturing Co-operative
Application for full membership (Please complete using block capitals)
1: Applicant details
Business Name:
____________________________________________________ Postcode: _____________________________________________
_____________________________________ Fax:
If a limited company, registered address:
Limited Company Registration no:
____________________ Not Vat registered:
The above named applicant hereby applies for membership of The Manufacturing Co-operative Limited (The Company) in order to
obtain he benefits of “Trading Services” as provided in its membership regulations prescribed from time to time by the directors and
notified to members, the provisions of which are binding on the company and on every member.
Main contact name:
Main contact mobile number(s):
Main contact email address:
2: Company details
Goods and services provided (Please attach any promotional literature)
Sectors active in:
How did you hear of The Manufacturing Co-operative?
3: Trading format
Sole Trader: Yes
Partnership: Yes
___ Are you a member of any other Co-operative? ______
Limited Company: Yes
4: Cost of Membership
 Joining Fee of £25 +VAT plus £25 for the issue of 25 £1 shares
Signed by the proposer (being a member of The Manufacturing Co-operative Limited)
Proposer Name:
The Manufacturing Co-operative Membership Number:
The information which you provide The Manufacturing Co-operative Limited on this form will be used for internal use and
to inform you of other matters likely to be of interest to you. It may be stored in paper and electronic format in
accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act (1998). Data will be kept for the duration of your membership
and will only be shared with third party suppliers who have signed a confidentiality agreement for commercial purposes
to enable delivery of goods and services purchased through The Manufacturing Co-operative Limited.
Return your completed application form to: The Manufacturing Co-operative Limited, Building 30, Cranfield University,
Cranfield, Bedford MK43 0AL.
For office use only
Application accepted/rejected on:
________________ Date:
__________________________________________ Number:
The Manufacturing Co-operative Limited
FCA registration number 4016, Registered in England and Wales
Registered Office: Cranfield University, Building 30, Cranfield, Bedford MK43 0AL