GE Water & Process Technologies Analytical Instruments Technical Bulletin Quality Control of TOC Measurements As a manufacturer of analytical instruments, our customers often look to us for guidance on topics that pertain to quality control and validation of their TOC analyzers. This article provides some insights into several areas of interest related to calibration, verification, system suitability and the use of laboratory control samples. The content is derived from our experience in low-level TOC measurements as well as industry-standard references such as Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th Ed. by Greenberg et al. (American Public health Association, Washington D.C,1992), and Quality Assurance of Chemical Measurements by Taylor (Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI, 1987). Calibration Basics The Sievers* 900 Series TOC Analyzers offer a wide range of calibration and verification options, so choosing the right approach for your application may seem confusing for some customers. Here are a few easy tips to follow: 1. For single point calibration, always select a calibration standard above the range of TOC in your water samples. Always be sure that your highest calibration standard is above the TOC level in your water samples. This way you can be sure that your samples will lie within the demonstrated linear range of the instrument. For customers with a wide range of unknowns, the Sievers 900 can also be calibrated with a five-point calibration set between 1 mg C/L and 50 mg C/L. 2. Verify the calibration on a regular basis with one or more standards within the linear range. Good laboratory practice (GLP) recommends verification at the range of interest. More detail on this topic follows in this application note. 3. Use calibration standards that are prepared independently from the standards used for laboratory control. This concept of independent verification is an important cross-check to expose any significant bias in your instrument. For example, many customers calibrate with KHP standards, and imagination at work verify performance with a separate sucrose standard. GE Analytical Instruments offers a wide variety of standard solutions for calibration, verification and laboratory control to meet this need. Calibration Accuracy vs. Calibration Drift Calibration is a fundamental step for all measurement systems. Its purpose is to minimize bias in the measurement process. Good laboratory practice (GLP) requires a verification step to confirm that no bias was introduced during the calibration process. There are two distinct functions for calibration verification: 1) to measure the accuracy of a calibration procedure, or 2) to indicate calibration drift. Accuracy verification is performed immediately following a valid calibration to provide a simple measure of accuracy of the calibration curve. The standard used to verify accuracy should be prepared separately from the standards used for calibration, or with a different compound. In this manner, the verification standard functions as a control standard that is fully independent of the calibration. In contrast, if verification is performed at some later point in time (e.g. six months after calibration), its primary purpose is to provide an indicator of calibration drift. The standard used to evaluate calibration drift should be at the same concentration as the standard used during calibration. Customers using the Sievers 900 Series have the option to pursue a verification protocol that matches either or both of the cases described above. Sievers 900 Series TOC calibration standards are prepared with NIST-traceable KHP in the range of 1 to 50 mg C/L. The corresponding verification standards are prepared with NIST sucrose in the range of 0.5 mg C/L to 50 mg C/L. Many of our customers that analyze purified water (PW) or water for injection (WFI) choose to calibrate at 1 mg C/L and verify accuracy at 0.5 mg C/L. This protocol allows the customer to calibrate above the range of interest and verify accuracy at the point of interest. If an indicator of calibration drift is of interest, in this example we would recommend verification at 1 mg C/L. How Often Should I Test System Suitability? Generating valid analytical data requires more than a high quality instrument. In fact, it requires a well-controlled measurement system that consists of each of the following four factors: • • • • Competent and well-trained personnel Adherence to a standard operating procedure (SOP) Validated and well-maintained instruments Traceable reference materials The current USP Chapter <643> and EP Method <2.2.44> TOC regulations require that each TOC analyzer be calibrated according to manufacturers’ recommendations and that the suitability of each analyzer is demonstrated periodically. Unfortunately, the USP and EP specifications do not explain how often the system suitability test (SST) should be performed. The answer involves two basic and opposing considerations: • The risk associated with the system being out of tolerance • The cost to demonstrate that the system is within tolerance Several factors underpin these two considerations, and they should be evaluated as they pertain to your own facility. 1. What are the risks associated with failing SST? How does a failure affect the facility? 2. What is the level of experience of the personnel performing the measurement? Are the operators sufficiently skilled and trained to extend the period between SST? 3. Does the measurement system pass the test on a consistent basis? Is the measurement system stable and reliable for an extended period of time? 4. Is there an industry trend or corporate guidance to follow? Will auditors accept a schedule that is different from the norm? 5. How much does is cost to perform SST? How Do I Test System Suitability? The suitability of the TOC analyzer is determined by testing three solutions: a blank (Rw), a 0.5 mg C/L sucrose (Rs), and a 0.5 mg C/L of 1,4-benzoquinone. The response efficiency (RE) is calculated as follows: RE = 100[(Rss-Rw)/(Rs-Rw)] The analyzer is determined to be suitable if 85%<RE<115%. When a TOC analyzer is first installed, we recommend performing SST on a frequent basis to document the performance of the whole measurement system (i.e. people, process, instrument, and standards). Many customers choose to run SST daily or weekly for a period of half a year or more. Control charts are often used to establish mean performance, warning limits and control limits based on real-world data. At some point after the initial evaluation period, management can evaluate the data that has been collected and then select the appropriate frequency for on-going SST. This approach creates confidence that the decision is well-balanced between the costs of performing frequent SST and the risk of being out of tolerance. The Importance of Laboratory Control Standards Laboratory control standards (LCS) are a common means to demonstrate that a measurement system is in control, especially in highly regulated industries such as pharmaceuticals and municipal drinking water. LCS are commonly analyzed with every batch of samples. The control standard should lie in the same concentration range as the actual samples or at a specific concentration of interest (e.g. 0.5 mg C/L for WFI testing). Certified, NIST-traceable standards from an outside supplier are preferred as they will provide the most rigorous means to challenge the measurement system. If internally prepared standards are used for routine quality control, we recommend periodic use of an externally supplied certified reference material verification. For example, some customers choose to prepare their own solutions for daily check standards, but they rely on Sievers to provide certified reference materials for weekly system suitability testing. A two-tiered approach like this is a good balance when budgets are limited. * Trademark of General Electric Company; may be registered in one or more countries. For more information, visit Find a sales partner near you through the “Contact Us” Section. USA GE Analytical Instruments 6060 Spine Road Boulder, CO 80301-3687 USA T +1 800 255 6964 T +1 303 444 2009 F +1 303 444 9543 Europe Unit 3 Mercury Way Mercury Park Estate Trafford Park Manchester, UK M41 7LY T +44 (0) 161 866 9337 F +44 (0) 161 866 9630 ©2005, General Electric Company. All rights reserved. 300 00110 Rev A MC05-195