The Structure of Water and Electrolyte Solutions By RICHARD J. PODOLSKY, PH.D. Intermolecular forces tend to organize water molecules into a tetrahedral lattice, conferring "crystalline" properties on the liquid. The simple ions, such as Na+, K+, and Cl-, have dinmensions which are of the same order as the water nmolecule. Therefore, in aqueous solution, ions can substitute for water molecules in the water lattice. However, because the force between ion and water molecule differs from the force between 2 water molecules, the properties of the lattice are perturbed by an ion. Transport processes in electrolyte solutions are analyze,d in terms of the sp,ecific lattice perturbation produced by each ion. This approach is contrasted with the classical hydrodynamic model in which ions in solution are treated as spheres in a continuous fluid. The relevance of ionic transport in aqueous solution to the transport across biologic membranes is brieflv discussed. Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 Theory of Dissociation ABOUT 70 years ago Arrhenius invented the theory of dissociation to account for the conduction of ani electric current through an electrolyte solution. In his day the textbooks taught that electrolytes were neutral molecules which decomposed into charged particles as a result of the applied voltage. However, while thinking about the measurements of conductance which he was making for his doctor's thesis, it ocecLrred to Arrheniiis that the charged particles that make a solution conduct might exist before current passed through the solution. This wouLld mean that an electrolyte dissociated into ions the moment it dissolved, and that these ions would carry an electric current wirhen driven by an applied voltage. The theory of dissociation worked well in explaining several important chemical problems of the day. For example, van't HToff was studying the osmotic pressure and the lowering of the freezing point of solutions. He discovered that a nonelectrolyte produced an osmotic pressure, or lowered the freezing point, according to the number of molecules in the solution. But electrolytes were anomalous; they had a much greater effect than expected on the basis of the number of mnolecules. By taking dissociation into account and calculating the effect according to the nui-nber of particles in the solution, the difference between electrolytes and nonelectrolytes disappeared. The question of why electrolytes dissociated was sidestepped by Arrhenius. A few years later, though, Thomson, and then Nernst, correlated dissociation with the dielectric constant of the solvent. They pointed out that the forces between charged particles would be considerably reduced in a medium of high dielectric constant. Specifically, according to Coulomb's law, the force between 2 charges is inversely proportional to the dielectric constant of the intervening medium. Thus in water, with a dielectric constant of 80, the force between ions will be 80 times less than in the crystal, and there will be a strong tendency to dissociate. This argument made the phenomenon of dissociation seem more sensible, and the Arrhenius theory was generally accepted at the close of the nineteenth eentury. Biologists were quick to see its implications, and this symposium shows how fruitful a good idea can be. Hydrodynamic Model for Ionic Transport Having worked out the general mechanism of electrolytic conductance, it was natural for biologists to try to account for the properties of specific ions. Thinking centered on aqueous solutions since water is the most common solvent. At first a hydrodynamic model was used. In analogy with macroscopic spheres in liquids, an ion was thought of as a charged particle embedded in a continuous fluid. When a macroscopic sphere passes through a liquid, a frictional force develops which is propor- From the Naval Medical Research Institute, Beth- esda, Md. 818 Circulation, Volume XXI, MaV 1960 STRUCTURE OF WATER AND ELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS 819 a F?igure 1 The closest packing of spheres. (Republished by permission of Interscience Publishers.2a) Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 tional to its size: the larger the sphere, the greater the drag. It did not seem unreasonable to suppose that the different mobilities of the ions could be explained in terms of the sizes of the particles in solution. However, this approach soon led to difficulties, largely because the size of simple ions is of the same order as the size of the water molecule. From the ionic point of view, water is by no means a continuous fluid. Studies of fluidity provide the clearest evidence that the ions in a solution cannot be regarded simply as a collection of small spheres in a liquid. According to classical hydrodynamic theory, adding particles to a liquid can only increase the viscosity, that is, make it less fluid. The change in fluidity should be proportional to the volume fraction of the added particles.' Although this effect is used to measure macromolecules, for particles as small as ions it is apparently swamped by another factor. Solutions of cesium iodide, for example, are more fluid than pure water, which is embarrassing for the hydrodynamic model.2 Structure of Water We now know that many of the puzzling properties of ions in water are due to the unusual nature of water. Water is a very unusual liquid; indeed, as we shall see, water is more like a crystal than like a fluid.What distinguishes an "unusual" from a "usual" liquid? One difference is the way Circulation, Volume XXI, May 1960 b Figure 2 The face-centered cubic lattice. (Republished by permission of Nature.2b) the molecules are packed together. In a 'usual" liquid the molecules can be treated as hard spheres which interact with each other only on contact. The most stable packing is that which maximizes the number of contacts. The spheres will form layers, 2 of which are diagrammed in figure 1. In the first layer the spheres are in staggered rows. Those in the next layer (thinner lines) fall into vallevs shaped by the first layer. Each sphere has 12 nearest neighbors: 6 in its own layer, 3 in the layer above, and 3 in the layer below. This is the closest packing for a collection of similar spheres. This array might be more familiar as the face-centered cubic lattice (figure 2a), the arrangement of the chloride ions in the sodium chloride crystal. (The sodium ions are small enough to fit into the spaces between chloride ions.) The layers in figure 1 are revealed by sectioning the lattice at 450, as shown in figure 2b. The distance between molecules in the liquid state can be measured by x-ray scattering. Knowing this, and the molecular weight, we can easily calculate what the density would 820 PODOLSKY Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 Figure 4 Figure 3 Schematic representation of an isolate(l uwate) molecule. (Republished by permissione of Researeh.4) be if the molecules were closely packed.@ Conversely, if the density, calculated oln this basis, turns out to be correct, the molecules are inideed closely packed. Such is the case for typical, or "usual?" liquids like argon and methane. But for water (2.9 A betweeni centers) the calculated density is 1.7 Gm. 1/rl., nearly twice the actual densitv, which mneans that the molecules are far from closely packed. And, indeed, x-ray data show that the average number of nearest neighbors is not 12, but between 4 anid 5.3 For the liquid to have this open structure, there mlust be relatively strong directional forces between lneighboring water imolecules. These forces arise from the electroniie distribuition of the isolated water molecule, schematized in figure 3.4 The 4 pairs of valence-shell electronis in water occupy 4 orbits (the hatched ellipses) which extend out tetrahedrally froml the oxygein niucleus, 0. The 2 pairs of electrons which forin the A and B orbits, the valeniceshell electronis, are associated with the OH bonds; the other 2 pairs, C and D, are, for obvious reasons, called "lone pairs. " Largely because the orbits of the "lone pair" electrons *A cube with an edge of 1 can hold 1/%32 r spheres in closest packing, where r is the sphere l adiuls. The ideal water lattice. (Republished by permis- sio$n of Acta Polqte (hnica [Sweden1 .4a) are directed away from the electrically positive regions of the muolecule, the celnters of negative and positive charge do not coincide. This electrical asvmmlietry is the source of the dipole maomenit of the molecule, which, in turn, is responsible for the electrostatic interaction between water imolecules and ions. AVater molecules have a tendency to stick together by formingio hy drogen bonds. The bond is dcue to the initeraetion of the "'lone pair" eleetrons of onie water mnolecule with the proton of a second water molecule. Since the 4 electroniie orbits are tetrahedral, anid since each cali be involved in a hydrogen bond, it is clear that a population of water molecules w-ill ten-d to form a tetrahedral lattice (fig. 4). This is the arrangement of the molecules in ice, and, as we kniow from the low density, imiuch of the structure remains in the liquid state also. We see, theni, that the structLtured natuLre of liquid water-called "iee-like-iess " by some authors2° -7-can be traced back to the fact that each water molecule tends to form hydrogen bonds with 4 other water molecules. Thermual motionis lead to rupture of some of the hydrogen bonds, so the degree of structure will depend oni the temperatuLre. To the extent that water is ice-like, the molecules can be thought of as distributed amionig the sites of a tetrahedral lattice. Circulation, Volume XXI, May 1960 821 STRUCTURE OF WATER AND ELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS o ' 2 3q 0 9i # 0 F &* 0Al Ol J 0C+* N4" o 0 0 0 5 i" pA 56. C/ oo o 5- ri 4# 0 'a Cal Qr Cd', A/3 Y,W 0 Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 sa3 Lci' 7e~~~I Ce4' 5 15 i6# ,45s 0 01 J 0 & B7 0. 0mu14' MO cbo Cb gf. 5 0 ,57h r 5+ 4oe41 zr,4- BZn S1 06-Zr- 017.1 1 Cs Au Figure 5 The crystal radii of the atomic ions. (Republished by permission of Cornell University Press.9) The obvious difference between water and ice-the fluidity-reflects the relative ease with which molecules can jump between lattice sites in the 2 states. In ice, the molecular coordination is so rigid, and the thermal vibrations are so feeble, that jumps between lattice sites are extremely rare. At liquid temperatures, however, enough of the coordination is broken so that the more vigorous thermal motions lead to molecular jumps, or Brownian motion, between lattice sites. In a sense, each molecule is locked in a "c age " formed by interaction with its neighbors. The energy required for the jump, the activation energy, is really a measure of the tightness of the "cage " which binds the molecule.8 The activation energy can be influenced by physical factors, such as temperature and pressure, and, as we shall discuss subsequently, by introdueing ionls into the lattice. The lattice structure accounts for many of Circulation, Volume XXI, May 1960 the curious properties of water. For example, the anomalous increase in density between 0 and 4 C. is due to the better packing of the molecules after some of the structure is melted. Beyond 4 C. this effect is masked by the usual expansion resulting from the greater amplitude of molecular vibration. Sizes of Ions Before considerinig electrolyte solutions, I should like to say a few words about the iolns themselves. By assigning a 'radius" to eaeh ion, it is possible to predict a great many properties of ionic crystals. For example. the interionic distances in crystals and the crystal energy can be reckoned very accurately by treating the ions as hard balls of the appropriate radius.9 For atomic ions the ionic radius can be correlated with the position of the element in the periodic table, as shown in figure 5. The radius 822 PODOLSKY Ei~~~~®O3 0 0 0i Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 1* a Ca. P04 50;~ClO,, MnOQCrO to o0 I 0 E* Pb I I I 1 e 3 4 I I 5A Figure 6 Crystal dimensions of some simple ions. (Republished by permission of Cornell University Press.9a) of the circle is proportional to the (univalent) crystal radius of the ion. In a given row, the ions decrease in size, from left to right, because the increasing nuclear charge for the same number of orbital electrons tends to pull the electrons closer to the nucleus. Down the columns, there is an increase in both the number of orbital electrons and the nuclear charge, but since there is no change in the net charge, the radii are somewhat more uniform than across a row. A water molecule is very nearly the same size as the oxygen ion. Since the fundamental assumption of the hydrodynam-ie model is that the diseontinuities in the solvent are small compared with the size of the suspended particle, and since atomic ions are either smaller than or very nearly the same size as the water molecule, it is not at all surprising that the hydrodynamic model is less than adequate. Even the simpler molecular ions, shown in figure 6 together with some of the biologically iunportant atomic ions, would encounter considerable granularity in nioving through water. The forest is lost for the trees. Lattice Model for Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions Suppose an electrolyte is dissolved in water. To a first approximation, the ions will occupy the same lattice sites as the water, that is, they will fit into the lattice substitutionally (fig. 7). On the left, a water molecule is tetrahedrally coordinated with 4 neighbors. The black patches locate the hydrogen nuclei. Since the structure is held together by hydrogen bonds, the black patches are opposite the "lone pair ' orbits. On the right, an ion is substituted for the central water inolecule. This substitution wixill lead to ehanges in the water lattice. Sincee Circulation, Volume XXI, May 1960 STRUCTURE OF WATER AND ELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS ,a 823 a SUBSTITUTIONAL IONIC SOLUTION Figure 7 Water structure and a substitutional ionic solution. WATER STRUCTURE Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 the ion is a monopole rather than a dipole, its electrostatic field will interact with the dipole moment of the water molecules and tend to rotate 2 of the 4 adjacent water molecules. An anion, for example, will attract the positive ends of the adjacent water dipoles toward the center of the tetrahedron, and this rotation will disturb the coordination of the next shell of water molecules. Of course, the influence of the ion on the lattice structure will fall off with distance, and, far from the ion, the lattice will be unperturbed. Before leaving this figure, I should like to point out that the electrostatic interaction of an ion with water dipoles (in the first shell and beyond) can, in a sense, be compared with its interaction with counter ions in a solid crystal. Carrying this thought further, anl aqueous electrolyte solution can be taken as liquid crystal of variable composition. Then dissociation in water would simply be the mixing of 2 compatible crystals, a point of view that might have dissolved sonie coneeptual difficulties of Arrhenius' day. Transport Processes It is convenient to think of an ion as a modified water molecule, considerably different in charge, and different in size. These differences will change the activation energy necessary for lattice jumps among sites in the neighborhood of the ion. The magnitude Circulation, Volume XXI, May 1960 of the change, which depends on the ionic species, will be reflected in a corresponding change in various transport processes. For example, consider an ion that interacts with the adjacent water moleeules so that they move about the lattice more easily. Then the self-diffusion of water in the presence of the ion will be greater than in pure water. Also, since the ion itself is locked in a "cage " made up of the water molecules around it, the ion will also move more freely in this case. Conversely, if the ion-solvent interaction is such that water molecules near the ion move with greater difficulty, the ion within the "cage" will also move less freely. According to this picture, then, both ions and water molecules are distributed among the sites defined by the water lattice. But each ionic species modifies the structure of the lattice around it in a specific way. The activation energy for lattice jumps of both the ion and the water molecules around it, the perturbed water, will be different from that of the unperturbed water, the difference depending on the ionic species. The change in activation energy will be reflected in both the ionic and the water mobility. The simplest way of measuring the influence of an ion on the water lattice is to measure the fluidity of the solution. All the particles occupying the lattice sites will contribute to the fluidity: the ions themselves, the water PODOLSKY 824 log MOBILITY Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 RELATIVE FLUIDITY Figure 8 Dependence of the limiting mobility of the alk;ali ions and Dole p)aram/eter B. perturbed by the ions, and the water uninlfluenced by the ions. If anl ion breaks up the structure of the waters aroun-d it, the solutiol1 will be nmore fluid than pure water. Coniversely, if an ion interacts with the neighboring particles in such a way as to make it mnore difficult for themii to move arounrd, the solution will be less fluid. This arguimenit canl be turnied arouind to use the fluidity of the solution as a basis for calculatinog the activationi energy of both an ion and the water molecules with which it interacts.'0 This activation energy cani then be used to calculate the mobility of the ions (the electrical conductivity of the solutionl) and the mobility of water (the rate of diffusioni of labeled water through the solutioni). Analysis reveals that the ioniie mobility should be exponentially related to the fluiditv of the solution.'0 To test the result of this analysis. data for the alkali ions have been on the relative fluidity, the Jo-nes plotted in figure 8. The abscissa is a measure' of the influence of the ion on the fluidity of water: with an anion that has no effect on the water structure, solutions with cations on the right of zero, e.g., potassium, rubidiun, and especially cesium, are more fluid than pure water; sodium, and to a greater extent, lithium, decrease the fluidity of the solution. The ordinate is the logarithm of the corresponding mobility. The data fit the expected linear relationi quite satisfactorily. It should also be nioted that the smaller erystal radius is correlated with the lower mobility, a point which will be discussed subsequently. This relation is not restricted to the alkali ions. Figure 9 displays data for 38 different species for which both fluidity and mobility data are available. All the ions have crystal radii less than 4 A. Three points, in paren*The datum used is the Jones aiid Dole parameter B.10 Circulation. Volume XXI) May 1960 825 STRUCTURE OF WATER AND ELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 +0.1 Bi Figure 9 Dependenc(e of the limiting ionic mobility on the relative fluidity, the Jones and Do le parameter B. (Republished by permission of the Journtal of the American Chemict Society.10) theses, triinethylammonium, tetraethylammoniium, and lanthanum, are clearly out of line. But the scatter about the expected linear relation does Ilot seem unreasonable, especially sin-ce the fluidity data are fronm many sources, some quite old. The structure-breakinlg-or structure-forming-effects of the ionis are also reflected in their influence on the self-diffusion of water. In these experiinents, the diffusion of labeled water across an electrolyte solutionl is compared with the diffusion through pure water. Whether the tracer moves througb the solution more or less rapidly thanl in pure water should depend on whether the ionis break, or strengthen, the lattice arounid them, which, as has been discussed previously, can be decided from the fluidity of the solution (fig. 10). The ordinate is the chanige in the selfdiffusion of labeled water, and the abscissa, as in figures 8 anid 9, is a measure of the fluidity of time solutioni. For example, a molar Circulation, Volume XXI, May 1960 solution of potassiuim iodide, at 10 C., is about 12 per cen-t more fluid than pure water at that temperature; labeled water diffuses through it about 13 per cent faster than in pure water. The straight line was calculated from the model ;10 the points are the experimental findings for the 3 salts, KI, KCl, and NaCl, at the indicated temperatures." That the model also works in this case is especially significant siniee the slope anid initercept of the straight lilne were derived without benefit of adjustable paramneters. Ionic Hydration Until now, I have purposely avoided the problem of ionic hydration, that is, the question of whether ani ion miigrates alone or with a number of attached water mllolecules. The concept of hydration was invelnted to explain why the ions with smaller crystal radii are generally less mobile than those with larger erystal radii. It was argued that the water dipole would be attracted and locked to the 826 PODOLSKY (D- Do) Do 0.15 - I~~~~~~K 100 0.10 Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 KI250 0.05 KCI0100 - 0 NoCI100 * / O0 c0o05 NaCI250 -01 0.1 0 (B) RELATIVE FLUIDITY Figure 10 Dependence of D, the self-diffusion coefficient of water in electrolyte solutions, on B, the Jones and Dole parameter. (Republished by permission of the Journal of the American Chemical Society.'0) smaller ions since the electric field at the surface of an ion increases with decreasing radius. Then the hydrodynamic unit-the cluster of particles that stick together in Brownian motion-would actually be larger for the ions having the smaller crystal radii. This has always beeii a murky point in the theory of electrolytes. Direct studies, with tracers, show that the water around small. highly charged ions-e.g., aluminum, with a charge of 3, and thallium, with a charge of 4exchanges, within a few minutes,12 with moleCirculation, Volume XXI, May 1960 STRUCTURE OF WATER AND ELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS Downloaded from by guest on September 30, 2016 cules far from the ion. Whether water sticks to these ions for the shorter times involved in diffusion is not known. If the hydrodynamic model for ionic transport is put aside, the evidence for a rigidly bound shell of water on the smaller ions becomes quite tenuous. An energetic rather than a geometric factor probably lies behind the lower mobilities of the smaller ions. The interaction of the ionie field with the dipole moment of the adjacent water raises the activation energy which is necessary for motion of these waters. This effect can be large, compared with structure breaking from disruption of the water lattiee, in the high fields of the surface of the smaller ions. If the net result were a tighter "cage" around the ion, the ion would have a correspondingly lower mobility. Conclusion I think the lesson to be drawn from the success of the lattice model in understanding transport processes in electrolyte solutions is that the analysis starts with the change in the solvent due to the ion. This is a turnabout from the earlier hydrodynamic model in which the solvent properties were supposed to be Uninfluenced by the ion and the differences among ionic solutions were attributed to the sizes" of the ions in solution, an elusive property which could never be pinned dowln. In the lattice model, on the other hand, the water structure is changed in a specific way by each ionic species. This change depends on the way the lattice adjusts to the differences between the force field of an ion and that of a water molecule, or, more simply, on how the ion "fits" into the water lattice. With regard to membrane transport, the relative mobility of ions in the membrane and in water will be the same to the extent that ions move through "wide" channels containing water with lattice properties like pure water. However, if the water lattice is modified by the membrane, as would happen in the case of "narrow " pores, there is no direct way of relating transport in the membrane to transport in water. As in the case of water, the dominant factor is probably the reciprocal Circulation, Volume XXI, May 1960 827 interaction of ion anid solvent. This interaction might be the reason for some of the difficulties encountered in explaining membrane specificity in terms of either crystal radius or ionic mobility in water. 1. References EINSTEIN, A.: Eine neue Bestimmuung kuldimensioneai. Ann. Phys. Lpz. der Mole19: 289, 1906. la. -: Berielitigung zu meiiner Arbeit: Eine neue Bestimmung der Molekuldimensionen. Ann. Phys. Lpz. 34: 591, 1911. 2. GURNEY, R. W.: Ionic Processes in Solution. New York, MeGravw-Hill, 1953. 2a. RUTGERS, A. J.: Physical Chemistry. New York, Interscience Publishers, 1954, p. 140. 2b. BARLOW, W.: Probable nature of the internal symmetry of crystals. Nature 29: 186, 1883. 3. 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