CAA 20-Year Term Monthly Rates Premiums per $50,000 increment of coverage. Choose coverage from $50,000 up to $500,000, in increments of $50,000. Find your corresponding rate below, and multiply it by the number of $50,000 units desired to determine your premiums. For example, a 40 year-old male non-smoker who wants $150,000 in coverage will have a monthly premium of $31.53 ($10.51 x 3 units). NON-SMOKERS1 Age 2 18 to 30 1 2 SMOKERS Female Male Female Male $ 5.57 $ 7.13 $ 9.84 $ 12.76 31 5.68 7.25 10.44 13.48 32 5.76 7.34 11.06 14.19 33 5.87 7.59 11.77 15.18 34 5.99 7.84 12.52 16.25 35 6.10 8.10 13.32 17.40 36 6.23 8.37 14.18 18.62 37 6.35 8.65 15.09 19.93 38 6.67 9.23 16.08 21.75 39 7.00 9.85 17.14 23.74 40 7.34 10.51 18.27 25.92 41 7.71 11.21 19.47 28.29 42 8.09 11.96 20.76 30.88 43 8.73 13.00 22.17 33.75 44 9.41 14.13 23.67 36.90 45 10.15 15.35 25.27 40.34 46 10.95 16.68 26.99 44.09 47 11.81 18.13 28.82 48.20 48 12.69 19.50 31.20 52.60 49 13.64 20.97 33.78 57.39 50 14.66 22.55 36.57 62.63 51 19.69 25.52 39.60 68.33 52 21.16 27.45 42.87 74.56 53 22.75 29.38 45.92 80.61 54 24.46 31.45 49.18 87.14 55 26.30 33.67 52.68 94.21 Non-Smokers are those who have not used any form of tobacco, tobacco cessation products or marijuana in the past 12 months. Age means the age attained by the applicant (Member or Spouse) as of the first Premium Due Date and each Renewal Date. Rates are subject to change without notice but will not increase for the first 20 years once your policy is issued.