www.osram.com Technical application guide Double capped fluorescent lamps: T8, T5 HE and T5 HO, T5 short and Single capped fluorescent lamps: T5 FC Part 2: Attachments Edition: 08.2013 Subject to change without notice Despite careful review, the possibility of mistakes can’t be excluded – no guaranty will be taken August 2013. Copyright© OSRAM GmbH. All rights reserved, reproduction in whole or parts is prohibited without prior permission. Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 1......................................................................................................................................... 5 Overview starter and single and double capped fluorescent lamps combinations .......................... 5 Attachment 2......................................................................................................................................... 6 Spectral distribution for LUMILUX® INTERNA 827 ............................................................................. 6 Spectral distribution for LUMILUX® Warm White 830....................................................................... 7 Spectral distribution for LUMILUX® White 835 ................................................................................. 8 Spectral distribution for LUMILUX® Cool White 840 ......................................................................... 9 Spectral distribution for LUMILUX® Cool Daylight 865 .................................................................... 10 Spectral distribution for LUMILUX® SKYWHITE® 880 ....................................................................... 11 Attachment 3....................................................................................................................................... 12 Spectral distribution for LUMILUX® DE LUXE Warm White 930 ...................................................... 12 Spectral distribution for LUMILUX® DE LUXE Cool White 940 ......................................................... 13 Spectral distribution for LUMILUX® DE LUXE Daylight 954.............................................................. 14 Spectral distribution for LUMILUX® DE LUXE Cool Daylight 965 ..................................................... 15 Attachment 4....................................................................................................................................... 16 Spectral distribution for special colours BIOLUX® 965 .................................................................... 16 Spectral distribution for special colours CHIP® Control 62 .............................................................. 17 Spectral distribution for special colours FLUORA® 77 ..................................................................... 18 Spectral distribution for special colours NATURA® 76..................................................................... 19 Spectral distribution for special colours COLOR Control 940.......................................................... 20 Spectral distribution for special colours COLOR Control 954.......................................................... 21 Spectral distribution for special colours colour Blue 67 ................................................................. 22 Spectral distribution for special colours colour Green 66............................................................... 23 Spectral distribution for special colours colour Red 60 .................................................................. 24 Spectral distribution for special colours colour Yellow 62 .............................................................. 25 Attachment 5: Reflector information sheet ........................................................................................ 26 Attachment 6: Fluorescent lighting ..................................................................................................... 28 What can go wrong and how to correct it?..................................................................................... 28 What can go wrong and how to correct it (other factors)? ............................................................ 29 Attachment 7: Fluorescent lighting ..................................................................................................... 30 Other issues to consider .................................................................................................................. 30 Attachment 8....................................................................................................................................... 32 Technical Information: Starter St 111 HT Longlife .......................................................................... 33 Technical Information: Starter St 111 Longlife ............................................................................... 34 Technical Information: Starter St 151 Longlife ............................................................................... 36 Technical Information: Starter DEOS St 171 SAFETY ....................................................................... 38 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Technical Information: Starter DEOS St 172 SAFETY ....................................................................... 40 Technical Information: Starter DEOS St 173 SAFETY ....................................................................... 42 Attachment 9....................................................................................................................................... 44 Optical safety declaration fluorescent lamps.................................................................................. 44 Attachment 10..................................................................................................................................... 45 Conformity declaration for T8 fluorescent lamps ........................................................................... 45 Conformity declaration for T5 fluorescent lamps ........................................................................... 50 Attachment 11..................................................................................................................................... 55 Energy balance for linear fluorescent lamps 26 mm (T8) CCG operation ....................................... 55 Energy balance for linear fluorescent lamps 26 mm (T8) ECG operation ....................................... 56 Energy balance for linear fluorescent lamps 16 mm (T5) ECG operation ....................................... 57 4 Attachment 1 Overview starter and single and double capped fluorescent lamps combinations 5 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 2 ® Spectral distribution for LUMILUX INTERNA 827 6 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 2 ® Spectral distribution for LUMILUX Warm White 830 7 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 2 ® Spectral distribution for LUMILUX White 835 8 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 2 ® Spectral distribution for LUMILUX Cool White 840 9 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 2 ® Spectral distribution for LUMILUX Cool Daylight 865 10 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 2 ® ® Spectral distribution for LUMILUX SKYWHITE 880 11 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 3 ® Spectral distribution for LUMILUX DE LUXE Warm White 930 12 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 3 ® Spectral distribution for LUMILUX DE LUXE Cool White 940 13 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 3 ® Spectral distribution for LUMILUX DE LUXE Daylight 954 14 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 3 ® Spectral distribution for LUMILUX DE LUXE Cool Daylight 965 15 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 4 ® Spectral distribution for special colours BIOLUX 965 16 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 4 ® Spectral distribution for special colours CHIP Control 62 17 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 4 ® Spectral distribution for special colours FLUORA 77 18 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 4 ® Spectral distribution for special colours NATURA 76 19 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 4 Spectral distribution for special colours COLOR Control 940 20 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 4 Spectral distribution for special colours COLOR Control 954 21 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 4 Spectral distribution for special colours colour Blue 67 22 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 4 Spectral distribution for special colours colour Green 66 23 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 4 Spectral distribution for special colours colour Red 60 24 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 4 Spectral distribution for special colours colour Yellow 62 25 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 5: Reflector information sheet By courtesy of Jordan Reflektoren GmbH 26 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 5: Reflector information sheet By courtesy of Jordan Reflektoren GmbH 27 28 X Slow run-up X X X X Short lamp life X X X X X X New lamps fail within a few days X X Lamps that fail to light X X X X X ECG improperly operates lamp Dim center X Snaking/Flickering lamps ECG at end of life X X Dark ends Failed ECG Reduced output of luminous flux Wrong ECG Issue/Cause ECG By courtesy of OSRAM Sylvania Attachment 6: Fluorescent lighting What can go wrong and how to correct it? X Normal drop of luminous flux Lamp Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC X X X X Normal end of life X Normal attrition of cathode coating X X Normal failure/short operation cycle X X X X X X X Impurities in lamp X X X X X X Noble gas leak X X X X X X Poor lamp/socket contact X X X X X X X Wrong lamps for EVG X X Snaking/Flickering lamps Reduced luminous flux X X X X X X Short lamp life time X X New lamps fail within few days X X Dark ends X Slow starting X Improper wiring/ circuit X X Lamps don’t switch -on Blown fuse Dim center Dark spots on lamp Line voltage too high or too low Issue/cause Voltage/Circuit/wiring By courtesy of OSRAM Sylvania Attachment 6: Fluorescent lighting What can go wrong and how to correct it (other factors)? X X No ground plane X X X Air currents X X X X X X Extreme temperatures External condition X X Dirty lighting fixture X X High Humidity X X X Starter at end of life Starter X X X X X X X X 29 Wrong or failed starter Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 7: Fluorescent lighting Other issues to consider By courtesy of OSRAM Sylvania More about dark spots and streaks Dark sports are droplets of condensed mercury. They sometimes appear in new lamps and will evaporate and disappear after the lamps are operated for a few hours. Dark spots or streaks of condensed mercury may also appear if a heat-conducting object, such a light fitting louver or reflector, is too close to the glass wall of the lamp. The object is conducting heat away from the glass wall of the lamp and creating an acceptable cold spot. The distance between the object and the glass wall of the lamp must be increased in order to eliminate the issue. Minimum recommended distance between the object and the glass wall is 6 mm and 10 mm for T5 HE and HO Seamless. Rotating the lamp 180° may eliminate the spots/streaks temporarily but they will return as long as the section of the lamp glass wall is too cool. Don’t use metal springs or clips to maintain fluorescent lamps in position. An artificial cold spot is created on the lamp glass wall by the contact between the metal clip, the light fitting housing and lamp. Under those conditions Hg will condensate and create black ring around the fixation. Optimum luminous flux will not be achieved under this condition. Those clips have to be made in a synthetic and insulating material that is UV resistent and are resistant to variations in temperature so that extreme dillatation is avoided. Those kinds of clips are proposed by leading lampholder manufacturers. Lower luminous flux than expected Check the ballast factor of the ECG. You may need to refer to the ECG manufacturer’s catalogue for this information. The ballast factor is the percentage of the published luminous flux (measured on an IEC reference ballast) that the actual ECG delivers. Check for other equipment in the facility that may be reducing the line voltage at the traditional ballast (CCG). For ECG contact the ECG manufacturer for information about line voltage stability. Don’t forget that fluorescent lamps are temperature sensitive. Ambient temperatures that are too high or too low will drop the luminous flux of the lamp. Air stream directed on the lamp will cooling the lamps and causing a drop in luminous flux. Consider adding plastic tube guards or using enclosed light fittings in low temperatures or draffy applications. Use only plastic tube guards that are UV resistant and heat resistant. Slow run-up of the fluorescent lamps 30 T5 HO CONSTANT 49 W fluorescent lamps (AMALGAM) may have a longer run-up time than cold spot lamps T5 HO 49 W. Colour temperature of the lamp Check colour temperature of the lamps first after 100 h aging. Check for multiple production barches. There can be slight variations and all lamps still be within the standard. Lamp colour temperature, as well as luminous flux output, may also be affected if a heatconducting object is too close to the glass wall of the lamp. Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC New fluorescent lamps will not start. Dimming fluorescent lamps If this is a newer T5 HE, T5 HO or T8 installation, the ballast may have an end of life detection. Try switching-off the power, then switching it on to reset the detection circuit. Before dimming of a fluorescent lamp (all types) it is necessary to operate the lamps at full power and age them under those operating conditions for 100 h. It will avoid that blackening of the electrodes appear with as consequence that life time of the lamp will be reduced. Cold temperature applications Is the ECG appropriated for the application? Check the ECG label for the minimum ambient temperature at which it will start the lamp. T8 fluorescent lamps operated with a CCG and a traditional starter, check temperature range of the starter. Replace starter and lamp together, it will avoid that new lamps operate with starters that already were a long time in operation. Use closed light fittings for outdoor applications. For outdoor applications in case that the T5 Lamps HO CONSTANT are installed in vertical operation position, it is recommended to mount the HO CONSTANT lamp with it etch (Stamp) upwards. 31 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 8 Starters ST111 LONGLIFE compared to ST151 LONGLIFE - Construction 32 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Technical Information: Starter St 111 HT Longlife 33 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Technical Information: Starter St 111 Longlife 34 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC 35 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Technical Information: Starter St 151 Longlife 36 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC 37 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Technical Information: Starter DEOS St 171 SAFETY 38 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC 39 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Technical Information: Starter DEOS St 172 SAFETY 40 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC 41 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Technical Information: Starter DEOS St 173 SAFETY 42 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC 43 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 9 Optical safety declaration fluorescent lamps 44 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 10 Conformity declaration for T8 fluorescent lamps 45 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC 46 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC 47 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC 48 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC 49 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Conformity declaration for T5 fluorescent lamps 50 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC 51 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC 52 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC 53 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC 54 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Attachment 11 Energy balance for linear fluorescent lamps 26 mm (T8) CCG operation 55 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Energy balance for linear fluorescent lamps 26 mm (T8) ECG operation 56 Technical guide „double and single capped fluorescent lamps” T8, T5 and T5 FC Energy balance for linear fluorescent lamps 16 mm (T5) ECG operation 57 www.osram.com NEW! OSRAM Lamp Finder Professional – the free app As the name suggests, the new “OSRAM Lamp Finder Professional” app for Apple and Android smartphones and tablets will help you to find the right lamp for your particular requirements. OSRAM GmbH Hauptverwaltung Marcel-Breuer-Straße 6 80807 München Fon +49 (0)89-6213-0 Fax +49 (0)89-6213-20 20 www.osram.com 08/13 Subject to change without notice. Errors and omissions excepted. www.osram.com/lampfinder-app