Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century DOCTORAL PROGRAM DEMOCRACY STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH, SWITZERLAND NCCR DEMOCRACY The National Center of Competence in Research Challenges to Democracy in the 21st Century is an interdisciplinary research program. GLOBA LIZATIO N It examines globalization and mediatization as key challenges to democracy. Both affect the ways that established democracies have operated and provide new opportunities for (transition) democracies to adapt to changing conditions. DEM OCR ON I T A TIZ A I D E The NCCR Democracy represents an unprecedented disciplinary alliance in Europe between political science and media and communication sciences. M ACY INTERDISCIPLINARY DOCTORAL PROGRAM The NCCR Democracy provides a multi-disciplinary Ph.D. program in Democracy Studies to enable its participants to obtain Ph.D. degrees of such a quality that they can place themselves at the forefront of their discipline(s). POLITICAL SCIENCE MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION SCIENCES PHILOSOPHY PROGRAM MODULES Block Course on Challenges to Democracy Swiss Summer School Democracy Studies Workshops with International Experts Scientific Writing & Project Management Didactic Training & Teaching Acquisition of Research Funding Media Coaching THEMATIC KNOWLEDGE Research Colloquia Summer / Winter Schools in Methods Method Courses International Conference Participation RESEARCH METHODS TRANSFER SKILLS CURRICULUM YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 Research Colloquium 3 ECTS Research Colloquium 3 ECTS Research Colloquium 1 ECTS YEAR 4 Research Colloquium with International Experts 3 ECTS 30 ECTS Block Course on Challenges to Democracy 2 ECTS Swiss Summer School Democracy Studies 3 ECTS Swiss Summer School Democracy Studies 3 ECTS Swiss Summer School Democracy Studies 3 ECTS Scientific Writing or Project Management 1 ECTS Thematic / Method / Transfer Courses 4 ECTS Thematic / Method / Transfer Courses 5 ECTS Thematic / Method / Transfer Courses 5 ECTS ADMISSION STATISTICS (01/14) Program 1 2005 – 2009 Program 2 2009 – 2013 Number of Ph.D.s 26 24 Completion 24 12 Not yet 2 12 NCCR Collaborators DEFENSE CONTACT Students with own funding Dr. Doreen Spörer-Wagner Coordinator Doctoral Program University of Zurich NCCR Democracy Affolternstr. 56 8050 Zurich / Switzerland Phone: +41 (0)44 634 52 12 Fax: +41 (0)44 634 52 00 Call for applications once a year (31 May)