Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Department of Forest Ecology Individually directed course, 5 credits in Biology 2004 After use of cutaway peatlands – an overview of options and management planning Stefanie Leupold Supervisor: John Jeglum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Faculty of Forestry Sciences Department of Forest Ecology SE-901 83 UMEÅ Stencilserie No. 108 ISSN 1104-1870 ISRN SLU-SEKOL-STL-108-SE Preface ‘After use of cutaway peatlands – an overview of options and management planning’ is a compendium of literature reviewed on the topic of after use of cutaway peatlands in Sweden. It combines two literature reviews, one which was written during the individually directed course ‘Management planning for after use of cutaway peatlands’, a biology course by Prof. J. Jeglum at the Department of Forest Ecology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). This work comprises all suitable restoration and reclamation options for cutaway peatlands in Sweden. Furthermore, it deals with legislative and regulatory aspects and reviews peat cutting policies of some of the main peat producing countries − USA, Canada, Finland, and Sweden. The second literature review, ‘Afforestation and other after use options on cutaway peatlands in Sweden’ was written as a thesis project for a Bachelor of Science Degree from the Faculty of Forestry at the University of Applied Science in Eberswalde, Germany. This thesis was written under examination of Prof. Dr. D. Murach Professor of Silviculture at the University of Eberswalde (also at the Research Station of Brandenburg, Germany) and under supervision of Prof. J. Jeglum at SLU. It reviews briefly the various after use options and goes into detailed description and evaluation of afforestation as an after use option for cutaway peatlands in Sweden. My sincere thanks are directed to both supervisors. I would like to confer special thanks to John Jeglum for helping me whenever possible, providing me with literature and helping me develop my interests in wetlands and related issues. I. Rocks at the bottom II. Afforestation III. Grassland agriculture IV. Education at the pond V. Rewetting VI. Spreading Sphagnum VII. Peat cracking VIII. Artificial lake IX. Blocking a drain 2 “What is a cutaway bog? Is it all the same [?]…, understanding the complexity of what is left behind is the key to understanding what can be done.” Gerry McNally, Development Manager with Bord na Móna 1. Abstract Wetlands cover about 5 to 8% of the world’s land surface, and over 50% of the world's wetlands are peatlands. These percentages extrapolate to between 386 to 409 million ha of peatlands. Peatlands have traditionally long been utilized by humans through conversion into agricultural or forested land. Peat has also been excavated to supply fuel for the last centuries. During the 20th Century, peat extraction has become increasingly industrialized and mechanized and is practiced today on a larger scale than ever before. During the year 2000, about 10, 000 ha was under peat extraction in Sweden. Peat production on this larger scale started during the 1980s. Usually, depending on the thickness of the peat layer, production ceases after 20-25 years, leaving an area with a peat layer of varying thickness and with great heterogeneity in site conditions. Bare peat in itself forms harsh and hostile conditions for natural re-colonization of any kind. Without human intervention, it cannot be expected that the site will return to some more valuable land use within a reasonable time frame. There are several alternatives for after use of cutaway peatlands from which to choose. The most often applied and economically desired after use option is to convert the former peat cutting area into production forest. Other production activities that can be applied as after uses are agriculture, biomass cultivation, and berry production. More oriented towards nature conservation are wetland restoration and restoration of wildlife habitat functions. Whichever alternative is decided upon, the process of management planning should start as early as the peat extraction planning. This is because the peat production can then be adjusted to the future after use so that the most suitable after use option for the site in particular can be found. 3 Table of Contents 1. Abstract ........................................................................................................................................3 2. Introduction...................................................................................................................................5 2.1 How much peat in the world? ................................................................................................6 2.2 Objectives...............................................................................................................................7 3. Definitions and varieties of peatlands ..........................................................................................8 4. After use options ........................................................................................................................10 4.1 Reclamation options.............................................................................................................10 4.1.1 Forestry .........................................................................................................................10 Drainage – water level ...........................................................................................12 Soil preparation and recommended peat depth ....................................................14 Fertilization .............................................................................................................14 Estimation of fertilization requirements..................................................................16 Re-fertilization ........................................................................................................17 Mixing peat with underlying subsoil .......................................................................18 Tree species selection ...........................................................................................18 Establishment of forest plantations........................................................................19 Potential problems .................................................................................................19 Forest management.............................................................................................21 4.1.2 Agriculture .....................................................................................................................21 4.1.3 Biomass cultivation .......................................................................................................24 Reed canary grass cultivation................................................................................25 Energy forests ........................................................................................................27 Other plant species for biomass production ..........................................................28 4.1.4 Other reclamations........................................................................................................29 Berry plantations ....................................................................................................29 Vegetable and herbs..............................................................................................31 4.2 Restoration options ..............................................................................................................31 4.2.1 Restoration of wetlands ................................................................................................32 Restoration of peat-accumulating function ............................................................32 Restoration of wildlife habitat function (artificial lakes) .........................................36 4.3 Complementary uses ...........................................................................................................37 4.3.1 Recreation .....................................................................................................................37 5. Policy Issues ..............................................................................................................................39 5.1 USA ......................................................................................................................................39 5.2 Canada .................................................................................................................................40 5.3 Finland..................................................................................................................................41 5.4 Sweden.................................................................................................................................42 6. Management planning for after use ...........................................................................................43 6.1 What information is required?..............................................................................................43 6.2 Which after use is suitable? .................................................................................................44 7. Conclusions................................................................................................................................45 8. Literature Cited...........................................................................................................................46 9. Annotated Citations....................................................................................................................54 4 2. Introduction "Peat bogs are an integral part of the world's ecological heritage. It is our responsibility to exploit them wisely. It is also our duty to work towards protecting and regenerating them ensuring the diversity of fauna and flora, which live and reproduce therein. Furthermore, we have a mission to rebuild living and dynamic ecosystems which will evolve naturally into new peat bogs." (Farrell and Doyle, 1998) Wetlands cover about 5 to 8% of the world’s land surface, and over 50% of the world's wetlands are peatlands. That calculates to between 386 and 409 million ha. Peatlands are found on five continents, but not in Antarctica. The development of peatlands depends on five main state factors: climate, relief, parent material, biota, and time. However, the main factor determining whether or not peat develops is the water supply. If conditions are such that water supply is maintained close to the surface of the substrate and anoxic conditions are present a high percentage of the time, peatlands will develop. The majority of the peatlands develop in boreal and northern temperate climates. This may suggest that cool temperature is the main factor for peatland development; however, temperature does not always assume the main role. Peatlands can also occur in warm temperate and tropical areas such as the southern USA, Jamaica, Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia. In these warmer areas, one or more of the other state factors overweigh the temperature in importance. For instance, a combination of high precipitation and level topography, or flat floodplains and frequent flooding by large river systems, can outweigh the high temperatures. Sometimes one sees the ratio P/ET (precipitation/evapotranspiration) used as an indicator; it should be greater than 1 for peatlands to develop. In some literature the most important stated factor is landform, that is, relatively flat relief and poor drainage, and this may indeed be true within a region if there is enough humidity for the region. However, even the general rule of flat or weakly sloping relief is not necessary where, in rugged hills or mountains, water supply from above can maintain wet conditions on quite distinct slopes. So in the end we must return to the difficult-to-define, but most fundamental requirement – water supply. If the combined influences of precipitation, evapotranspiration, temperature, and topography are such that water is maintained above or close to the surface of the substrate, peat will accumulate. Whether or not to utilize peatlands for human benefit has two opposing viewpoints. From a nature conservation perspective, peatlands and wetlands are preserved or rehabilitated for their distinct biodiversity and carbon storage functions. Peatlands may also be actively utilized for the benefit of the human society. This report approaches a balanced and clear-eyed viewpoint that a part of the world’s wetlands should be put to use while other wetlands should be set aside for nature conservation. 5 2.1 How much peat in the world? National estimates of peatland areas are given in table 2.1. The magnitude of the estimates depends on the criteria used to define peatland. For example the depth of peat used to define peatland may vary from 30 cm to 1 m. As well, the quality and reliability of inventory methods vary greatly. In more developed countries with high population densities, there is usually a high degree of exploitation of natural resources. Indeed, some industrial countries have almost completely exhausted their natural peatlands. This situation is acute in countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Poland. In addition, several countries in Europe, for examples, Scotland and Ireland, have very few undisturbed lowland raised bogs remaining. Table 2.1 Peatland estimates throughout the world, taken from IPCC web site – http://www.ipcc.ie/ Country 1 Finland 2 Canada 3 Republic of Ireland 4 Sweden 6 Northern Ireland 7 Scotland 8 Iceland 9 Norway 10 Wales 12 USSR 13 The Netherlands 14 Germany 15 Poland 17 USA 18 England 19 Austria 20 Denmark 21 Switzerland 22 Hungary Peatland area (ha) Peatland area (% of land area) 10, 000, 000 129, 500, 000 1, 178, 798 1, 500, 000 166, 860 821, 381 1, 000, 000 3, 000, 000 158, 770 71, 500, 000 250, 000 1, 618, 000 1, 500, 000 7, 510, 000 361, 690 22, 000 60, 000 55, 000 100, 000 33.5 18.4 17.2 17.1 12.4 10.4 9.7 9.4 7.7 6.7 6.0 4.6 4.4 3.3 2.8 2.8 2.8 1.3 1.1 Peatlands have had a great deal of degradation and damage, being drained for forestry, agriculture, and peat harvesting. The situation of peatlands in Sweden, Finland and Estonia is given in table 2.2. The remaining pristine mires as a percentage of the total mires are 47%, 40%, and 32% for Sweden, Finland, and Estonia, respectively. Most European countries have much lower percentages of remaining pristine mires. 6 Table 2.2 The total areas and areas of mire drained for agriculture, forestry, and peat harvesting from Sweden, Finland, and Estonia. (After Vasander et al., 2003) Sweden Finland Estonia 450. 0 323. 0 47. 2 10. 4 10. 4 1. 0 23. 1 32. 1 22. 5 1. 0 0. 7 0. 3 1. 5 5. 7 0. 3 15. 0 57. 0 18. 0 0. 3 3. 0 15. 0 5. 0 40. 0 18. 0 4. 9 4. 2 0. 3 2 Land area, 1, 000 km Mire area, ha Mire area, % Mires drained for agriculture, Mha Mires drained for forestry, Mha Mire in peat harvesting, 1, 000 ha Current abandoned cutaways, 1, 000 ha Future (2010) expected cutaways, 1, 000 ha Pristine mire, Mha In Sweden, a peat layer of varying thickness covers about 10 million ha that is equivalent to onequarter of the total land surface area. Half of this area is productive forestland, and 6.4 million ha of this area have a peat layer thicker than 30-40 cm. About 1.7 million ha of this area consist of peatlands larger than 50 ha (of interest for commercial peat extraction) and that amounts to 9, 200 sites spread over Sweden. In the year 2000, about 10, 000 ha were used for peat production (on 150 separate sites). Usually, the production lasts for 20-25 years. Since most of the industrial peat extraction was started in the 1980s, there are consequently many areas available for after use now and even more in the near future (Larsson, 2001). 2.2 Objectives The objectives of this report are: • • • • to review and describe the different after use options existing and applied to cutover and cutaway peatlands today based on a literature review, to assess the suitability of the presented after use options for the different types of cutaways in the world and Sweden, to review the planning process and what information is required in order to successfully implement the most appropriate after use alternatives, and to review peat cutting and wetland policies from several of the main peat utilizing countries and compare them with what is presently implemented in Sweden. 7 3. Definitions and varieties of peatlands Cutaway peatland: Land area that is left after the major portion of the original peat deposit has been removed by industrial means. There is no economically useful peat left. The peat layer that is left can be of varying depths, from 1 m or more to nothing left over mineral subsoil (IPCC, 1996). Some countries set standards for minimum depths of peat to be left overlying the subsoil, such as 50 cm. Cutover peatland: Land area where there is still economically useful peat left because it was cut by hand or by a variety of machines. The peat layer left is usually 1.5 m or more thick (IPCC, 1996). Mire: Mire is a term for wet terrain dominated by peat-forming plants (e.g Sjörs 1948). In recent years the concept has been broadened to mean sites where peat is currently being formed and is accumulating (e.g., Joosten and Clarke 2002). Mire is narrower than wetland concept, because all wetlands may not have peat-forming plants or conditions that allow peat to accumulate. In one sense mire is a little broader concept than peatland because peat-forming plants and peat accumulation can occur on sites that do not have the required depth of peat to qualify as peatland. In another sense peatland is broader than mire; a site being used for peat harvesting is still a peatland, but it has lost its peat-forming vegetation and is no longer a mire. Some authors use peatlands and mires as more or less synonymous (e.g. Finland, Paavilainen and Päivänen 1995), treating all peat-forming habitats, regardless of peat depth, as both mires and peatlands. In Finland, a virgin or undisturbed peatland or mire is defined by the presence of peat-forming plants, and is sometimes defined as having 75% or greater coverage of Sphagnum moss. Peat: Peat is the remains of plant and animal constituents accumulating under more or less water-saturated conditions through incomplete decomposition. It is the result of anoxic conditions, low temperatures, and other complex causes. Peat is organic material that has formed in place, that is, as sedentary material in contrast with aquatic sedimentary deposits (e.g., Joosten and Clarke 2002). Terms related to peat are turf and organic soil (Engl), torf (Ger), torv (Sw, Nor), and tourbières (Fr). Peatland: Peatland is a term used to encompass all peat-covered terrain. There are various depths that have been used, for example, 30 cm in Finland and Sweden, 40 cm in Canada, 45 cm in Ireland, and 1 m in some Geological Surveys. Reclamation: A planned series of activities designed to create another ecosystem different from the ecosystem existing before disturbance (e.g., Dunster and Dunster 1996). See also Restoration. Restoration: A process of returning ecosystems or habitats to their original structure and species composition. Restoration requires a detailed knowledge of the (original) species, ecosystem functions, and interacting processes involved (e.g., Dunster and Dunster 1996; Lode 2001). See also Reclamation. Wetland: Land saturated with water, comprised of types such as marsh, swamp, fen, or bog. A wetland is defined as land that is saturated with water long enough to promote wetland or aquatic processes as indicated by poorly drained soils, hydrophytic vegetation, and various kinds of biological activity which are adapted to a wet environment (National Wetlands Working Group 1997). 8 Marsh: Grassy, wet area periodically inundated with standing or slowly moving water. The substratum usually consists of mineral or organic soils with high mineral content, but there is little peat accumulation (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995). Fen: Fens are predominantly minerotrophic peatlands, and receive mineral soil influenced water flowing from surrounding land as surface run-off or seepage through soil or rocks. They can be found by springs and seepages, on river flood plains, in flat basins and glacial lake beds, in sloping water tracks and unconfined gently sloping interfluves between river systems in areas of rising coastlines. Fens vary widely in base and nutrient status from poor to extremely rich according to their position and the local geology. They therefore support a wide range of ecosystems with distinctive conservation needs (Patterson and Anderson, 2000). Bog: Bogs are peat-forming mires that are supplied with water and nutrients only from rain, snow, mist, and dust. The term ombrotrophic is used to signify this. They are therefore naturally acidic and nutrient-poor systems (Patterson and Anderson, 2000). Swamp forest: Well-wooded or forested, minerotrophic wetlands or mires, where the peat layer thickness varies from rather deep to totally absent (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995). Peat accumulates under specific physical and chemical conditions when the primary production of peat-forming species and their deposition is higher than the rate of decay. Thus, peat accumulation rates vary depending on the climatic and topographic conditions. The composition of peat depends solely on the plant associations occurring in the peatland at the time of peat formation. There are three main classes of peat, Sphagnum, sedge and woody peat. Bog peat consists mainly of Sphagnum-remains, while fen peat consists of various mixtures of Sphagnum peat, sedge peat, or woody peat (Lode, 2001). Mires or peatlands can develop in a succession from aquatic towards terrestrial systems. Open water bodies fill up and become drier owing to sediment build up, evapotranspiration, or drainage. This process is called terrestrialization. When upland mineral soils become waterlogged and develop wet peat-forming plants, which is frequently observed in the northern hemisphere, the process of mire development is called paludification. This phenomenon is usually based on a raise in the groundwater table. Primary peat formation occurs where mire vegetation occupies the surface directly after the retreat of water or glacial ice, without any or little development of a sedimentary deposit occurring (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995). This process is common in coastline areas that are rising up out of the sea owing to isostatic rebound. 9 4. After use options Peatlands “are important ecosystems for a wide range of wildlife habitats supporting important biological diversity and species at risk, freshwater quality and hydrological integrity, carbon storage and sequestration, and geochemical and palaeo-archives. In addition they are inextricably linked to social, economic and cultural values important to human communities worldwide. Their carbon pool exceeds that of the world’s forests and equals that of the atmosphere” (Joosten and Clark, 2002). Appropriate after use options for Sweden are described and explained in this chapter. 4.1 Reclamation options This section will review the after use options which alter the on-site land use compared to what it was before and during peat production. Usually it involves active maintenance of drainage of the site and cultivation of some form. 4.1.1 Forestry Forests on abandoned cutaway peatlands can be established to produce quality timber, pulp and fibre biomass as a substitute for fossil fuels, and for carbon storage (Hall and House, 1993). There has been much research about forestry on peatlands and peat soils, especially in Sweden, Finland, Russia, and in the British Isles, but less is known about afforestation of abandoned peat production areas. However, already in the early 1900s, forest plantations on cutaway peatlands were regarded as having commercial potential in Ireland, and currently largescale planting experiments and projects are being carried out. Peatlands have been drained for production forestry for many centuries. The observation that tree growth improves when peatlands have been drained dates back to at least the17th Century but the first active drainage specifically for tree growth improvement happened only in the mid19th Century in the Baltic countries, Finland, Germany, Russia, and Sweden (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995). The period of most intensive drainage activity was during the economic depression in the 1920s and 1930s (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995). At that time the private forest owners were subsidized by the state to carry out forest drainage. According to Hånell (1991) the peak of forest drainage in Sweden was reached in 1933 when almost10, 000 km of ditches were dug and an area of about 50, 000 ha of drained land was created A second peak occurred at the end of the 1980s when around 15% of all of Sweden’s peatlands had been drained for forestry. Almost 17% of the annual increment in Swedish forests came from peatland forests in 1995. Drainage of peatlands has not been subsidized by the Swedish government since the late 1980s and early 1990s (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995; Hånell, 1991). In Finland, maintenance ditching (ditch cleaning and improvement ditching) of previously drained areas is presently supported by government funds. However, the only permitted form of forest drainage in Sweden today is remedial ditching. This means that ditches are dug after clear-felling of a site in order to prevent the groundwater table from rising in basins and poorly drained flats (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995). 10 The rather long tradition of forestry on drained peatlands in countries such as Sweden, Finland, and Russia has led to a considerable amount of knowledge and information on forestry on organic soils. Further information originates from the Baltic States, the British Isles, Germany, and North America. Owing to a shorter tradition of converting cutaway peatlands into timber production areas, there are somewhat less information and study results available on afforestation of cutaway peatlands. Experiences from afforestation of cutaway peatlands date back to the first peat excavation for fuel by hand. However, these sites are usually small in size and have different features than peat production areas coming out of production during recent years. Research and studies on afforestation of cutaway peatlands have been carried out ever since peat was excavated in larger scale. In Scandinavia, the first areas were released from industrial production in the 1970s. In Ireland forest plantations were already established on cutover and cutaway peatlands in the early 1900s. Forestry on peatlands is still regarded as having commercial potential, and currently large-scale planting experiments and projects on cutaway peatlands are being carried out. Much more information will become available in the near future. Experience and knowledge that has been gained from peatland forestry can be applied when it comes to afforestation of former peat cutting areas. Adjustments will have to be made owing to the rather special features and characteristics of cutaway peatlands. The fact that large areas are to be released from peat production now and in the near future makes it even more urgent to conduct research into appropriate afforestation techniques as well as other after uses. During the production period, the different peat layers that have developed during the Holocene are removed. The top layers that are less decomposed and consist mostly of poorly humified Sphagnum-peat are removed first. These layers are mainly excavated for horticultural use and are usually not used for energy production owing to their low energy values. The underlying peat layers (depending on the development of the particular site) often consist of fen peat. In comparison with the top layer of peat, fen peat is darker in colour, more decomposed, and more compact owing to the overlying weight of the surface peat layers. In the peat harvesting process, these peat layers are usually removed more or less completely. The underlying mineral soil usually varies in elevation, as well as in physical and chemical properties. The production can be forced to stop earlier, before the entire peat has been removed from the site, by irregular surfaces, numerous stones, a layer of wood consisting of tree trunks and stumps, drainage problems, or chemical contents of the peat, for example, undesirable amounts of sulphur. Thus, cutaway peatlands are characterized by great contrasts and variation in the type and depth of remaining peat, and in the mineral material beneath. Tree growth depends on the fertility of the site, peat depth and peat type, drainage intensity, tree species and tree age (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995). Cutaway peatlands differ greatly from common peatland forest sites regarding their soil properties and suitability for forestry. The great variation in peat thickness and depth to water table create much heterogeneity in soil conditions. There is further variation in the underlying subsoil, which can vary from coarse sand to heavy clays to aquatic sediments such as gyttja and marl (Kaunisto, 1997). Finally, abandoned peatlands are characterized by low nutrient status, low pH and calcium, low available nitrogen (despite high total concentrations), low phosphorus, and low potassium concentrations (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995; Kaunisto and Aro, 1996; Kaunisto, 1997; Jones et al., 1998; Hytönen and Kaunisto, 1999). These conditions altogether have many negative impacts on tree survival, growth, and form, which may lead to non-uniform, poor-quality timber production or energy fuel wood production (Aro, 2000b). 11 The peatland type and the peat that it has laid down influences the nutrient supply for the afforested trees on cutaway peatlands in the following ways. Bog peats which are Sphagnum dominated are characterized by generally lower pH, alkalinity, corrected conductivity; lower cations (Ca, Mg, Na, K, Al, Fe); lower total N and P; and higher C/N ratios than are fen peats. Fen peats, having mixtures of Sphagnum, Carex, and woody peat, show increasing levels of all the above-mentioned attributes (except for C/N which decreases) across the sequence, poor, moderately rich, and extremely rich fen. Often a peatland develops with sequences of aquatic sedimentary deposits, fen peat, and bog peat. Hence, the peats from top to bottom will show increasing values for the above-mentioned attributes. If the peatland in its development changed early to bog, the bog peat or poor fen peat will dominate the deposit. If the fen dominated for a considerable time, the fen peat will comprise a higher proportion of the peatland deposit. If the fen was wooded fen, or if the peatland has developed by paludification of a previous upland or swamp forest, than woody peat will be important in bottom layers. This influences peat chemistry because Ca, K and P contents are higher in woody peats. Depending on the rate of conversion of fen to bog, and the relative richness of the bottom fen layers, there is an increase in pH, Ca and most of the other electrochemical attributes mentioned above. However, this can be modified by the degree of leaching of the lower layers of peat, which can reduce the relative base richness of the bottom layers over time. The nutrient status of the peat relative to N and P is difficult to generalize, because much N and P is locked-up in organic form. It is the available forms of N (NO3–, NH4+), and P, that are relevant to richness. Measures of these forms in peat pore water are probably a good indicator of nutrient availability. Vitt et al. (1995) presented very detailed information about water chemistry. In general, the nutrients N (NO3– and NH4+), P (soluble reactive and total dissolved), and K, were not related to the bog – rich fen gradient, or showed slight decreases along it (Vitt et al. 1995). However, NH4+ and P showed increasing concentrations at depths of 1.0 and 1.5 m in a forested moderately rich fen, and increasing P in a poor fen, in the study in west-central Alberta (ibid.). K showed similar trends with depth, but these were extremely weak. Peat cutaway areas are suitable for commercial timber production if drainage and nutrition status are taken care of (Aro, 2000b). The success of any commercial production on these sites very much depends on appropriate soil preparations, fertilization and silvicultural practices. The following issues have to be considered and addressed when applying afforestation as an after use option. Drainage – water level The most important feature and the first to be addressed is the water level on site. During the peat production period, the drainage ditch network may have reflooded or in other cases the ditches may have been dug deeper than would be appropriate for forestry on peatlands. Cutaway peatlands are usually located lower in the surrounding landscape and thus flooding can occur where the drainage network is inadequate. As mentioned earlier existing drainage may not be effective for quality timber production (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995; Kaunisto and Aro, 1996; Kaunisto, 1997). In this case ditch cleaning and complementary ditching will be necessary. In peatland forestry in Sweden and Finland, the normal ditch depth is 90 to 100 cm, and the collector ditches are deeper, 1.2 m up to 2.0 m (Paavilainen and Päivänen 1995). Operational ditch spacing is normally 35 to 40 m. Hånell et al. (Unpubl. ms. 2003) recommended drainage intensities of 20-, 30- and 40-m ditch spacings for forests on peatlands. This spacing is related to 12 the depth and the moisture content of the peat. Kaunisto and Aro (1996) recommended 14-18 m spacing of the ditches, and Aro (2000b) recommended 40-m ditch spacing on coarse-textured soils for adequate drainage on cutaway peatlands. The distance between ditches, in combination with the type and hydraulic conductivity of the peat, influences the depth to groundwater in the strip centres between the ditches. Rothwell (1991) pointed out that optimum tree growth is achieved with narrower spacing, ‘biologically optimum spacing’, compared to wider ‘economically optimum spacing’. More research is required to give certain and safe recommendations for newly established forests on cutaway peatlands. Paavilainen and Päivänen (1995) gave a generalized synthesis which suggested arranging the water table to a depth lower than 35-55 cm below the soil surface depending on the nutrient status and peat characteristics of the site (lower water table for minerotrophic than for ombrotrophic sites). These given figures can be viewed as guidelines but have to be followed with caution on cutaway peatlands. At the other extreme, and more frequently, the drainage ditches in cutaway peatlands can be too deep. This leads to insufficient water supply for tree growth and consequently to undesired quality losses in timber. Depending on the amount of water available, ditch blocking will be necessary in order to raise the water table and supply the tree plantation with enough water. The actions to be carried out in each specific case will depend on a) the topography and disposition of the cutaway site, b) the type of residual peat, and c) the climatic conditions (Lode, 2001). If the water table has been lowered extensively, pumping of water into the tree plantation or irrigation (at least during summer months) might be necessary. The amount of water needed also depends on the underlying subsoil, the climatic conditions (local and regional), and the tree species chosen. It is most important to establish the water content of the soil to a level, which ensures sufficient aeration for economic tree growth (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995). To bring the water table as low as possible, while still guaranteeing sufficient water supply for tree growth, can also be desirable for deeper rooting that will make deeper-lying substrates and nutrients available and will prevent wind throw (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995). However, the choice of tree species is also a determining factor concerning the adjustment of the groundwater table. Paavilainen and Päivänen (1995) stated that there has never been found prove for the risk of overdrainage in the case of forest drainage. But it has to be remembered that cutaway peatlands have been drained more excessively than forested peatlands so that the situation is different (deeper drainage ditches and consequently a lower water table). Drainage depth, that is the mean distance between the soil surface and the water table, is dependent on such factors as climate, topography and hydraulic conductivity (= indicates the flux of water per unit gradient of hydraulic potential, usually expressed as cm s-1) and vegetation (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995). To the present, there have been many different recommendations and definitions of drainage norms and the optimum water table depth given. Scientists have still not found a consensus, which is probably owing to the problem that every former peat cutting area is different in its features and thus needs different adjustments. Ditch cleaning can decrease magnesium, manganese and zinc amounts in the surface peat (Lauhanen and Kaunisto, 1999). Nitrogen concentrations in the peat can be increased by increasing the intensity of drainage maintenance (Lauhanen and Kaunisto, 1999). Drainage maintenance aims at keeping the growth of a stand at a level achieved after the first drainage and in studies from Finland it was indicated that better tree nutrition occurred in sites with drainage maintenance periods of 10-14 years (Lauhanen and Kaunisto, 1999). The more intense 13 the drainage is, the more the groundwater table will be lowered, which enhances microbial activity and nutrient mineralization (Lauhanen and Kaunisto, 1999). That serves for better tree growth conditions on site. Mineralization and consequently nitrogen availability for trees is highly influenced by the climatic conditions and the average temperature sum (Lauhanen and Kaunisto, 1999). Therefore, it is essential to consider the climatic conditions and nutrient status before planting and before any work on the drainage network is carried out (Lauhanen and Kaunisto, 1999). Soil preparation and recommended peat depth The peat layer that is left usually varies greatly in cutaway peatlands from zero where the mineral soil meets the surface, up to several metres depending on the stoniness of the subsoil and its topography, the drainage conditions, and peat harvesting techniques (Aro, 2000b). Because of newly developed techniques it is possible to utilize the complete peat layer, in contrast to recommendations made by Aro (2000b) to leave a peat layer of at least 15 cm that should serve as a nitrogen and nutrient source for the future tree plantations. Other sources from Finland recommended leaving as little peat layer as possible to enable the roots to penetrate through the peat layer and reach the mineral subsoil where they can take up nutrients (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995). Root penetration is in general deeper on cutaway peatlands than compared with other peatland forests. Root penetration within cutaway peatlands does not show great variations and according to trials from Finland does not depend on growth density, fertilization, or peat depth (Aro and Kaunisto, 2003). As the concentrations of potassium, phosphorus and boron in conifer needles decrease with increasing peat depth there is a negative relationship between tree productivity (volume, basal area, mean height) and peat thickness (Hartman and Kaunisto, 1998). Most negative effects on tree stand volume were found in peat layers between 10-50 cm (Hartman and Kaunisto, 1998). Contrary recommendations come from Ireland where coniferous trees species have been planted on former peat cutting areas to a greater extent than in Scandinavia. Tree species very often chosen are tamarack (Larix laricina K.Koch), black spruce (Picea mariana Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.), Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.), and lodge pole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.) (Jones and Farrell, 2000). The peat layer for coniferous tree species should be at least 60 cm thick so that the calcareous underlying tills or marls which are frequently present will not have negative impacts on the survival and well-being of the trees (Jones and Farrell, 2000). It is further recommended to leave the site with a minimum peat layer of 60 cm. The implementation of this advice in practice is hindered by the undulation of the underlying mineral soil (O’Riordan, 2000). For successful establishment of tree plantations, it should be considered to fertilize the site before planting (broadcast or spot fertilization) (Kaunisto and Aro, 1996) to counteract insufficient nutrient supply and the heterogeneity in the peat layer. Fertilization Further problems on peat cutaway sites derive from insufficient tree nutrition owing to variation in peat thickness and dissimilarities in the underlying subsoil, which will hinder tree growth (Aro, 2000b). The imbalance of nutrients or their occurrence in unfavourable ratios can have a negative impact on the timber quality (Kaunisto and Aro, 1996; Kaunisto, 1997; Jones et al., 1998). 14 The underlying subsoil varies much in soil texture and the proportion of fine particles, thus the nutrient contents in the peat layer and their availability for the trees will be influenced. The concentrations of easily soluble phosphorus and potassium are lower in cutaway peatlands on sandy subsoils than on mineral soils (Aro and Kaunisto, 1998; Aro, 2000b). The amount of mineral nutrients in peat soils is in general low (Renou et al., 2000). Seedling quality and height development of trees established on unfertilized and unprepared sites declines and will lead to the death of the trees (Aro and Kaunisto, 1998; Aro, 2000b). Improvement can be achieved by fertilization, by application of wood or peat ash, by spreading mineral soil (possibly spoil material from the drainage ditches), or by mixing the overlying peat with the underlying soil (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995) in places where there is a rather thin peat layer left. As mentioned earlier the remaining peat layer is high in total nitrogen but low in potassium. Studies on cutaway peatlands in Finland gave nutrient analysis of nitrogen with 2, 390-4, 027 kg/ha and potassium of 10-50 kg/ha in a 10 cm thick layer (Aro, 2000b). These are very low potassium contents considering the fact that a 45-year-old Scots pine stand can bind potassium 60-96 kg/ha to a stand stem volume of 75-149 m3/ha on mineral soils (Aro, 2000b). Phosphorus with a content of 95-310 kg/ha in the top layer (0-20 cm) of the residual peat is high or higher than in pristine or drained peatlands. More limiting in this case is the N/P ratio, which is low with 100/2-4. Trees can bind in ratios of 100/10-13, thus there is a shortage of available phosphorus in the upper peat layer in comparison to nitrogen. With increasing depth in the peat layer, the phosphorus content increases after about 15 cm, while potassium concentrations increase at 510 cm above the mineral subsoil (Aro, 2000b). Soil preparation and fertilization with PKB-fertilizers (P 2.7 and K 5.1 g per planting spot) are recommended by Aro (2000b), and Paavilainen and Päivänen (1995) report satisfactory results with NPK-fertilization on peatlands in Finland. Fertilization with NPK has a positive effect on diameter and height growth as found in experiments carried out by Hånell et al. (Unpubl. ms. 2003). Rather interesting is that NPK-fertilization increased the yield but not the nutrient concentration in the biomass in a study from Finland, which means that fertilization of birch does not increase the amount of nutrients, which could be removed per unit biomass removed during silvicultural actions (Hytönen and Kaunisto, 1999). In comparison to artificial fertilizers with NPK and boron (B), wood ash is a waste product of the forest industry and heating power plants. The nutrient content in wood ash positively influences the biological/microbial activity and nitrogen mineralization in the peat (probably owing to a rise in pH) and consequently has a positive effect on the nutrients available for tree growth (Hytönen and Kaunisto, 1999). There is very good response to wood ash application in pine stands and the response lasts longer compared to PK-fertilization (Hytönen and Kaunisto, 1999). Some trials have shown that the effects of wood ash fertilization can last for up to 30-40 years (Hytönen and Kaunisto, 1999). Wood ash application on young birch and willow stands shows increased yield increment, but not on mature stands of the same tree species (Hytönen and Kaunisto, 1999). Peat ash can be applied as a fertilizer before the forest plantation is established Peat ash usually does not include other nutrients than were available on site before, but increases contents of the existing nutrients and seems to have positive effect on microbial activity and mineralization processes, similar to wood ash. However, peat ash application on peatlands in studies from Finland resulted in positive response in height development and radial growth (especially in thinning-aged Scots pine stands) (Silfverberg and Issakainen, 1987). In the same study there were not found the same responses to peat ash application on mineral sites, thus the conclusion was that peat ash is a good fertilizer on peatlands of medium fertility (Silfverberg 15 and Issakainen, 1987). The application should be carried out during wintertime with an amount of 40m3/ha. Best results are achieved on shallow peat layers (Silfverberg and Issakainen, 1987). Nitrogen is the most important element for growth response in peatland forests (Hånell, 2004). N is usually abundant in organic soils but mostly tied up in organic compounds and available in only small amounts of NH4+ and NO3– for plants. The other main elements for good tree growth on organic and peat soils are P and K as mentioned earlier. These are found in adequate amounts in peat ash, which is similar to organic and peat soils low in N. Therefore, there were found good results from experiments on tree growth response to peat ash application in Sweden. Hånell (2004) suggests P requirements of 40-50 kg/ha for peatland forests and from these values calculates a peat ash fertilization doze of 3-5 tonnes/ha. During long-term afforestation experiments on cutaway peatlands in Sweden (described more in detail later on) pre-planting fertilization with peat ash resulted in good tree survival as well as good growth response after five vegetation periods (Svensson et al., 1998). The peat ash applied in this experiment contained estimated amounts of 80 kg P and 104 kg K per hectare. In other experiments on afforestation of cutaway peatlands in Sweden, seedlings were planted extra deep into the peat with the idea that deeper planted seedlings will find positive influence form the minerals in the underlying subsoil and can probably reach down into it and be supplied with nutrients. There are benefits also of having the root systems deeper in moist cutover peats, to avoid desiccation during initial establishment of new seedlings. In any case, deeper planting resulted in superior effects on height growth compared to seedlings planted at normal depth (Hånell et al., Unpubl. ms. 2003). In the same experiment seedling survival on unfertilized plots was better than on fertilized plots, while in contrast there was a clear positive tree growth response to fertilization (Hånell et al., Unpubl. ms. 2003). Fertilization of cutaway peatlands can be carried out as broadcast, strip, or spot fertilization. When applying spot fertilization it is more important than with other fertilization methods that the right amounts of nutrients are applied, because trees can suffer from too high nutrient concentrations. Physical and chemical damages can occur where one or more nutrients are applied in too high concentrations in one spot. With strip fertilization it is crucial to apply considerably smaller amounts than applied with broadcast fertilization; applying as broadcast will reduce the amount of nutrients (especially N) leaching from the planted area. Estimation of fertilization requirements In peatland forestry the instructions for estimating the required amount of fertilizer are usually based on site type classification and on results of fertilization experiments (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995). These recommendations are, however, average values and will need to be adjusted for every site. Nutritional diagnoses of peatland forests should be carried out by employing supplementary methods, for example, foliar analysis (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995). Usually, there is no vegetation left on cutover peatlands directly after peat production ceases. Obviously one cannot use foliar analyses in this case and it is recommended to analyze the soil and the residual peat layer. 16 Re-fertilization In order to keep the nutrient contents at a sufficient level for tree growth during the entire timber production period, the application of fertilizers or ash will have to be repeated For re-fertilization, PKB-fertilizer with phosphorus in the form of apatite can be used (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995; Kaunisto and Aro, 1996; Aro and Kaunisto, 2003). It seems that nutrient cycling in tree stands on cutaway peatlands is improved by growing trees at higher densities (Aro and Kaunisto, 2003), which leads to lower amounts of fertilizers needed during re-fertilization or a longer time span until re-fertilization needs to occur for satisfactory tree growth. It can be expected that there will be adequate, good, or even over-optimum N nutrition, while P concentrations can be expected to be too low; thus trees will suffer from a severe imbalance between N and P (Aro and Kaunisto, 2003). Fertilizer amounts of N in well established and high yielding stands is small (about 30 kg/ha/year owing to efficient recycling of N from litter as reported for forests on peatlands by Ericsson (1993). Experiments from Finland have shown that re-fertilization will be required earlier on thicker residual peat layers (Aro and Kaunisto, 2003). This is probably owing to the fact that the roots will not be able to reach down into the underlying mineral soil. K fertilization is recommended to be repeated about 15 years after planting, when broadcast fertilization was applied at time of establishment (Aro and Kaunisto, 2003). Re-fertilization is expected to increase DBH (diameter at breast height), basal area, height, stem volume, and total yield as results from Scots pine plantation trials in Finland showed (Aro and Kaunisto, 2003). The same trials showed that varying growth densities can also have an influence on the above mentioned tree measures. Silfverberg and Hartman (1998) concluded that K seems to be the most urgently deficient nutrient for re-fertilization in peatlands. They further state that there usually is a strong correlation of the total amount of P and the total amount of N in the peat, which leads to the conclusion that the risk for P-deficiency can be diminished by choosing nitrogen-rich sites, which cutaway peatlands usually become once the microbial activity is activated On the poorer peats, the activation of N may require an initial NPK-fertilization, whereas on medium to rich sites N may activate with only PK-fertilizer. For estimating the re-fertilization needed, the ground vegetation, which will have established itself by that time, and the planted trees can be used to indicate the site class and the soil’s nutritional status. However, one should also use other more reliable methods such as soil or foliar analysis (Paavilainen and Päivänen, 1995). Since these sites have been created artificially, ground vegetation, and tree growth, might not have the same indicator value as under natural conditions. Estimating how much fertilizer, and especially actual nutrient requirements, will further help to reduce leaching of nutrients from the site into watercourses. In Sweden, there is a debate on the impact of forest fertilization on other ecosystems. The amount of fertilizer applied should be balanced between optimum crop nutrition, weed vegetation growth (which is enhanced through high fertility of the soil) and the risk of negative environmental impacts to other ecosystems. The duration of appropriate nutrient availability is decreased on sites with thicker peat layers and coarse underlying material. In general the duration seems to be shorter on cutaway peatlands with about 15 years in comparison to drained peatlands with 25-30 years (Aro and Kaunisto, 17 2003). Therefore, re-fertilization is recommended after 4-5 years for spot fertilized and after 1015 years for broadcast fertilized sites (Aro, 2000b). According to preliminary results of studies from Finland re-fertilization should be carried out as a broadcast application with P 45 and K 80 kg/ha (Aro, 2000b). Mixing peat with underlying subsoil Mixing the residual peat with the underlying mineral soil will help to provide the trees with nutrients (Aro, 2000b) and higher pH, and possibly also better soil aeration. The proportion of fine mineral particles less than 0.06 mm in diameter should be aimed at 15-20%. It seems appropriate to choose sites with a peat layer of less than 30 cm thickness (Aro, 2000b). In this case one can avoid fertilization, but to be sure a soil analysis should be carried out to check for nutrient shortage. Mixing the peat layer with the underlying subsoil showed good results in studies from Finland in sites where the peat layer was 15-30 cm in depth (Aro, 2000a). Similar evidence was found in studies from Sweden where mixing the residual peat with the underlying soil had similar positive effects on seedling survival and on tree growth as fertilizer application (Svensson et al., 1998). Tree species selection Downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) and more seldom silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) are suitable species. Medium to rich natural treed peatlands are usually dominated by Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and/or downy birch, and on cutaway peatland silver birch can also regenerate naturally (Svensson et al., 1998). Natural seeding can be abundant, especially on shallow-peated or fertilized cutaway sites (Hytönen and Aro, 2004). Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce, willow (Salix spp.), and aspen (Populus tremula) are other species native to Sweden that can be established on organic soils. Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.), black spruce (Picea mariana Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.), tamarack (Larix laricina K.Koch), and lodge pole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.) are exotic species that have been planted with relative success in Finland, Ireland and Sweden. Willow and birch find good utilization as short rotation cultivation coppice stands in Finland (Hytönen and Kaunisto, 1999) and other countries. Birch and pine can tolerate rather low pH values, while willow requires higher pH, more N (Hytönen and Kaunisto, 1999), and in general more nutrients. Thus establishment and maintenance of willow, especially with fertilization, will be more expensive (Kaunisto and Aro, 1996). Norway spruce does not find great application for afforestation on cutaway peatlands in Scandinavia because of its frost sensitivity, and also its somewhat higher nutrient (especially P) requirements compared to Scots pine and other species as mentioned earlier. Because Norway spruce is more shade tolerant than pine species, it can be regarded as a tree species that will follow in a later stage of forest succession following after pioneer species such as birch (Päivänen, 1998). This can be of interest regarding the development of multilayered stand structure of forest plantations. However, Norway spruce is a preferred species for afforestation and reclamation on cutaway peatlands in Ireland where the species shows good growth (Jones and Farrell, 2000). Sitka spruce and lodge pole pine are North American species that also find more utilization in Ireland and the UK than in Scandinavia. In Ireland and Scotland, the aforementioned North American species have been planted on heath lands and bogs where good results have been achieved 18 Hence, they may be suitable species for afforestation of cutaway peatlands in these countries, but thus far they have been little used in Sweden. Establishment of forest plantations Planting is a reliable method for afforestation and there has also been good tree establishment achieved from sowing. In many cases afforestation will be easily achieved through natural regeneration from seeds dispersed from adjacent uplands (Svensson et al., 1998). This is especially successful for birch (better for downy than for silver birch) species and Scots pine on peat ash treated or fertilized (N 0: P 40: K 80) sites where these tree species are found in nearby the cutaway peatland (Svensson et al., 1998). Hilli et al. (2003) investigated the effect of nurse crop density and fertilization on the height growth of Norway spruce seedlings on a drained peatland. Even the thinned nurse crop slowed down the growth of the understorey. Height growth was the best on the plots on which the nurse crop was removed and the plots fertilized. Despite the better growth in the open, there is still the advantage of protection of the young spruce seedlings from late spring frost. The quality of the timber is influenced by the stocking rate or density at planting as mentioned earlier. Kaunisto and Aro (1996) recommended the establishment of pine forests at a density of at least 2, 500-3, 000 plants per ha, the same as recommended for mineral soils. High amounts of nitrogen (as present in cutaway peatlands) will cause pine trees to grow thick branches, giving rise to knot-rich lumber, which can be avoided by planting at higher densities of 6, 000-7, 000 plants per ha. Potential problems Mycorrhizae Most plant species live and thrive better in symbiotic partnership with mycorrhizal fungi. These fungi extract mineral elements from soil for their host plant, and live off the plant's sugars. Trees growing with mycorrhizal unions are better able to survive and thrive better in stressful (often man-made) environments. For the best tree growth, seedlings should be infested with mycorrhizae. In Finland and Sweden, this is not found to be a problem, because there are usually large adjacent forested areas which seem effectual for spreading of spores of the mycorrhizal fungi. Non-mycorrhizal seedlings have been found to be infected within two years after planting (Kaunisto, Comments to University College Dublin after an Excursion to Ireland in 2000). The infection occurs via air-spread spores from surrounding forests. Therefore, in wellforested countries such as Finland and Sweden, there does not seem to be as urgent need for promoting the mycorrhizal infestation of newly established trees on cutaway peatlands as there may be in countries like Ireland. Frost As mentioned earlier cutaway peat areas are usually situated lower than their surroundings, and they can be frost pockets where cold air collects and stagnates. Surprisingly, studies on late spring frost impact on Norway and Sitka spruce in Ireland showed that additional vegetation in the tree plantation would not only result in more competition for light, space, and nutrients, but may also create better conditions for more severe frosts (Smith, 2000). It seems that bare peat surfaces, especially when wet, store more heat during the day and release more heat during the 19 night than vegetation-covered surfaces. Species such as Norway and Sitka spruce are very susceptible to frost owing to their early dates of budburst (Smith, 2000). Even though the frost might not kill the trees, it damages them and thus reduces the growth increment (Smith, 2000). Competition Competition from weeds and other ground vegetation can hinder establishment and growth of seedlings. In Ireland, the competition from weeds was not found to be a problem in sites where all other factors such as temperature, water, and nutrient supply were optimum (Smith, 2000). Plants that could be competitive to tree seedlings were soft rush (Juncus effusus L.) and rosebay willowherb (Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.)Scop.). In the Irish studies, competition occurred more commonly in Sitka spruce stands than in Norway spruce stands, probably owing to differences in light demands by the crop and its canopy development (Smith, 2000). It was expected that vegetation competition was most likely to occur where forest plantations were established after other vegetation had already invaded the area. This was the case when there was a longer period between the end of peat production and the reclamation of the cutaway site (Smith, 2000). It was suggested that spraying herbicides to control weedy vegetation can only be used to a limited degree. The machinery used for herbicide application would be too heavy to be used on cutaway peatlands, which have a rather low bearing capacity. Since cutaway peatlands are usually situated in larger water catchment areas, the use of pesticides and herbicides could have a major negative impact on other watercourses and ecosystems. Peat cracking Cracking is a rather poorly understood phenomenon that mostly occurs in Phragmites-peat (Boyle, 2000) and in gyttja soils (Berglund, 1996). The causes are unclear, but one suggestion could be that it is enhanced by the slits made during the planting of seedlings. Another possibility is the occurrence of extreme shrinking and swelling caused by drying and wetting of the surface peat. As afforestation trials in Ireland have shown, once the cracks occur they do not fill, not even in mature tree stands where abundant tree litter develops over the ground surface (Boyle, 2000). However, up to the present there have been no severe occurrences or problems from cracking reported in Sweden. This may be owing to the fact that Phragmites-peat is not very abundant in Sweden. Leaching of nutrients Leaching can occur with suspended solids (SPS), total organic carbon (TOC), N, P, K, and P is perhaps the most important nutrient to be addressed in this context. It can leach from sites, especially sites with high organic content, and is the element most commonly deficient for plantation growth (Paavilainen and Paivainen1995; Kaunisto, Comments to University College Dublin after an Excursion to Ireland in 2000). The leaching of P is probably owing to the low P adsorption capacity of organic soils. These soils tend also to be deficient in iron (Fe) and aluminium (Al) (Nieminen, 1998). P leaching is of great importance because it can cause eutrophication and other kinds of damage to lakes (especially small and shallow lakes) and other aquatic ecosystems. How severe this problem can become depends on the location of the former peat cutting area in relation to the surroundings, and the water catchment area in which it occurs. 20 Increased leaching can occur after drainage maintenance. The drainage maintenance also increases concentrations of NH4+, Na, K, Ca, Mg, and Al, and less clearly Fe and S (Ahti et al., 1998). Forest management Owing to the low ground-bearing capacity of cutaway peatlands, harvesting with heavy machinery can only be carried out during wintertime (Sirén, 2004). Ditches on site will set limitations to thinning and harvesting operations, which means that thinning and maintenance of the ditch network must be integrated. Transportation problems can occur owing to long distances for movement of equipment. That may make timber production on cutaway peatlands unprofitable, especially when the tree growth rate is low. In addition, if the quantity removed during thinning operations is small (30-40 m3/ha) then it is even less profitable (Sirén, 2004). This means that the main problems of harvesting on peatland forests are not technical but economical. When medium-sized single-grip harvesters with a mass of 13-15 tonnes, and forwarders with 11-13 tonnes are used during thinning operations, it is possible to use appropriate thinning methods. Strip cutting is a reliable and reasonable method concerning the rather narrow spacing between the ditches (Sirén, 2004). However, when it comes to the final harvesting operations there is more concern owing to the larger and heavier machinery involved According to Sirén (2004), there exist solutions for the problems with harvesting on peatlands, but they depend on co-operation amongst forest owners, forest management associations, the forest industry, and forest machinery contractors. Appropriate timing and choice of methods for thinning operations will enable periodic returns on large investments done in peatland forestry (Sirén, 2004). The same is expected for afforested cutaway peatlands where spacing of drainage ditches, distance to access roads, and low bearing capacity are similar to forested peatlands, and set the limits for technically and economically viable harvesting operations. Further problems that can occur after thinning and final harvest are that the water table can rise and thus growing conditions for the continuous tree cover or the planted forest will become too wet (Päivänen, 1998). When afforested cutaway peatlands are clear-cut, the establishment of new forests will face problems owing to high groundwater tables, frosts, and possibly competition from field and bush vegetation (Lundin, 1998). Solutions to address these problems will be to maintain the drainage network and apply other soil treatments such as mounding. Mounding is conducted by digging shallow ditches at 12-15 m spacing, and placing the spoil from the ditches in mounds along the ditches on which trees are planted (Nieminen, 1998). 4.1.2 Agriculture After forestry, agriculture has been the most common rehabilitation option for cutaway peatlands. “In Europe, the agricultural use of organic soils takes 14% of total peatland area. Climatic factors limiting agricultural production on organic soils, a food production surplus and a serious environmental crisis led to a European Union Directive . . . intended to exclude large areas of peatlands from agricultural production.” (Ilnicki, 2003) Many countries like Sweden and Finland have sufficient arable land already on mineral soils, so the after use of cutaways for conventional cultivation of grain might only occasionally and in small-scale find application (Selin, 1996). There have actually been decreasing demands for agricultural products, owing to imports from outside Scandinavia (Vasander et al., 2003). These are probably the main reasons why not much research has been done on agriculture on cutaway peatlands. Nonetheless, knowledge about agriculture on peat soils comes from Russia, Germany, Belarus, and Poland, as well as other countries, and this can be applied to cutaway peatlands. 21 Crops favourable for agricultural after use are winter rye, oats, timothy, vetch, foxtail, lupine, potatoes and turnips (Kreshtapova, 2003). Okruszko (1996) lists carrots, onions, celery, and lettuce. Virkajärvi and Huhta (1996) state further that cutaway peatlands are suitable for grass production. Cutaway peatlands, usually being large in size and with rather even topographies, have some advantages for agricultural after use, such as the existence of drainage networks and road networks. Often but not always cutaway peatlands are relatively free from stones. Shortly after the peat field comes out of production, it is free of any vegetation and soil-borne diseases or pests and therefore the cultivation and establishment of crops will be relatively trouble free. A disadvantage is that peatlands are usually infertile and often located in rather remote locations (far away from the farms) (Virkajärvi and Huhta, 1996). Also, a common problem is that peat soils have low bearing capacity for vehicles (Berglund, 1996). The costs for establishment of agricultural crops can be high, depending on how much work needs to be done to level the site’s soil surface. To prepare the site can require more work where open drains remain and the surface is very uneven. Usually the fields are higher on the sides than in the middle, and also they are domed between the parallel drains (Virkajärvi and Huhta, 1996). Costs during cultivation can be calculated for the maintenance of the drainage system, further liming, and fertilizer applications. Liming is especially needed when bogs or rather acidic sites are converted into agricultural fields (Virkajärvi and Huhta, 1996). Organic soils vary greatly in their suitability for agricultural use. Hence, the characteristics of the remaining peat play an important role in determining which crop to choose. Woody peat areas where snags and wooden logs remain should not be considered because the removal can be very expensive, but even though they require more labour, they usually have more highly decomposed and more nutrient-containing peats and are more productive (Dachnowski-Stokes, 1926). Gyttja soils, which represent a transition from organic to mineral soils, are often found underlying peat soils (Berglund, 1996). Usually, the drainage of peat soils causes them to subside, and the subsequent reduction of macroporosity and increased bulk density reduces permeability by air and water. The same characteristics are usually better on gyttja soils (Berglund, 1996), but this is not always true. The suitability of gyttja soil depends very much on its sulphur and carbonate content and also on pH, K, N and organic matter content (Berglund, 1996). The main problem with agricultural use of gyttja soils is owing to acid subsoils with high contents of soluble Al, and soil water repellency in topsoils mixed with peat (Berglund, 1996). Kreshtapova and Krupnov (1998) consider impermeable sub-soils (clays and loams) to be unsuitable for agricultural after use because they have weak soil improvement characteristics. The pH is usually less than 4, and thus the content of mobile Fe and Al is high. Organic soils connected to aquifers are not recommended for agricultural after use (Kreshtapova et al., 2003). More suitable cutaway areas for agricultural after use are those on more permeable parent materials (sands and coarse loamy sands) usually found on ancient floodplains. They have a high base saturation, optimal acidity, and low content of mobile Al and are higher in humic acids and nitrogen. Other peatlands will require fertilization with micronutrients (Kreshtapova and Krupnov, 1998). Cutaway peatlands overlying limnic materials lack a contact horizon. For peat soil improvement, sapropel (10-30% organic matter) should be introduced. That will increase the content in exchangeable Ca, K and mineral N and increase the nutrients, ash content, and bulk density (Kreshtapova et al., 2003). 22 Areas that have been out of production for a longer time will have to be cleared of undesired vegetation (grass and bushes) that may spread in from the ditches. For cutaway peatlands that will be used for agricultural crops, the drainage network has to be reconstructed, all woody material removed, the surface levelled, and depressions filled Factors that influence the quantity and quality of the crop yield are as follows: • abrupt transitions from waterlogged to water deficit soils; • sharp temperature and moisture fluctuations during the growing period; • varying thickness of the residual peat; • spatial and temporal variations in the quality and yield of the crops; • excessive contents of mobile forms of Al, Fe, and molybdenum (Mo); • the imbalance of other macro- and micronutrients (Kreshtapova et al., 2003); • fertilization with mineral N, P, and K (Kreshtapova and Krupnov, 1998). The variation in the thickness of the peat layer can cause variations in soil conditions, fertility, and carrying capacity that can have a negative impact on the harvest of agriculture crops (Virkajärvi and Huhta, 1996). Homogeneity in crop yield is an important factor for economically efficient harvesting and for obtaining high yields. In general, the pH range is low in cutaway peatlands, between 4.0 and 5.4. Consequently, Virkajärvi and Huhta (1996) recommended liming of the site with 8-15 tonnes/ha (amounts exceeding 10 tonnes will have to be applied in two applications). Liming can also improve the rooting depth of the cultivated crops (Berglund, 1996). In Germany, the Netherlands, and Belarus it has been a practice for a long time to mix the underlying substratum with the residual peat. This creates a completely new soil profile with rather even conditions that is characterized by little depth of peat, which is waterlogged in the spring and dry during the summer (Okruszko, 1996). In general, mixing the peat with the underlying substratum will reduce wind erosion hazards and increase ash content, bulk density, and amounts of available K and P (Ilnicki, 2003). The water table depth for agricultural fields on peatlands is recommended to be 1.0-1.2 m (Ilnicki, 2003). Macroclimatic factors that Ilnicki (2003) lists as limiting agricultural production on organic soils are as follows: • too short vegetation period; • too low mean annual temperature; • too large differences between mean temperature in July and January; • too large temperature differences between day and night; • frequent frost and not enough accumulated degree-days during the vegetation period. Since organic soils are usually located in topographical depressions characterized by higher temperature amplitude, higher frequency of frost, and higher relative air humidity, the microclimate is more severe than in the surrounding mineral soils (Ilnicki, 2003). Organic soils are cooler than mineral soils during the summer months and warmer during the winter (Ilnicki, 2003). Criteria for soils being suitable for agricultural after use, developed from research in Russia by Kreshtapova et al. (2003), are: • thickness of the arable peat layer (<15 cm to 30-40 cm) • degree of peat decomposition (<20% to >50%) • C/N ratio (10-14 to >25) 23 • • • • ash content (<0.10 to > 0.40 kg/kg) bulk density (<0.20 to > 0.40 g/cm3) pH (< 4.5 to >6.0) base saturation of the cation exchange capacity (< 20% to > 60%) Based on these criteria, Kreshtapova et al. (2003) provided indicators to monitor the organic soil quality of cutaway peatlands, such as thickness of the residual peat layer, degree of decomposition, ash content, bulk density, pH, base saturation, content of NH4+–N, and C/N ratio of the peat. An important recommendation is that the peat layer should not be less than 30-40 cm. This is because organic soils tend to subside at a rate of 1-1.5 cm/year (Kreshtapova et al., 2003). Furthermore, the best yields are obtained from sites with a peat layer of 50-100 cm (ibid.). Virkajärvi and Huhta (1996) recommend a residual peat layer thickness of 20-40 cm, and to mix the peat with the underlying subsoil to improve the soil structure and nutrient holding capacity. It has to be mentioned that subsidence is not spatially uniform and neither is the level of the underlying subsoil (Virkajärvi and Huhta, 1996; Ilnicki, 2003). Peat subsidence is enhanced by peat fires, and wind and water erosion. The thicker the peat layer, the lower the bulk density, and the deeper the drainage ditches, the higher the rate of peat subsidence (Ilnicki, 2003). The after use of agricultural production areas can be successful when carried out properly. Usually, agricultural fields are monocultures and do not provide habitats for many species. From a nature conservation point of view, and with worldwide wetland concerns and policies in mind, restoration and other rehabilitation options should be considered for cutaway areas. Usually the layer of peat left after peat production is shallow. Agricultural crop production has to be carried out on aerated soil conditions, which at the same time enhances biological processes (humification and decomposition); thus the peat subsides and shrinks away (Okruszko, 1996). Because of mineralization of organic soils, and decreasing depths of residual peat, the area of peatlands used in agriculture has been steadily decreasing worldwide (Berglund, 1996; Okruszko, 1996; Vasander et al., 2003). As a result, the restoration of wetlands and even more so mires, owing to their natural functions of peat accumulation, carbon-storing and uptake of greenhouse gases should be given highest priority. 4.1.3 Biomass cultivation “The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.” (Sir William Bragg cited by Finell, 2003) Pulp production from grasses, straw, agricultural by-products and other non-woody sources are more and more being used in a worldwide context. Technologies and methods are developing rapidly. By 2010, Western European countries are predicted to increase their pulp production from non-woody materials by 300%. Today, up to 30% of the hardwood fibres in printing paper and cartons could be obtained from non-woody material without loss of quality and without major difficulties during the production process (Finell, 2003). Suitable plants for fibre production for bio-fuel are reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea), meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis), cocksfoot (Phleum pratense), and brome grass (Bromus inermis) (Pahkala et al., 1996; Finell, 2003). In this section, the cultivation of reed canary grass on cutaway peatlands and its suitability as a biomass crop for the production of energy and pulp 24 will be reviewed. Furthermore, this section covers biomass energy production from fast-growing tree species, and lastly other plant species that are interesting from a bio-fuel perspective. Reed canary grass cultivation Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea) is a perennial robust coarse grass that can grow up to 2 m high. It is distributed widely across the temperate regions of Europe, Asia, and North America, and is mostly found in wet places, along rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds. The plant has excellent frost and drought tolerance (NRCS, 2002). It thrives on most soil types but shows best annual biomass production on light organic-rich soils (Finell, 2003) with intermediate to rich nutrient content and a pH around 6. The plant reproduces prolifically by both rhizomes and seeds, and seeding has shown good results for the establishment of reed canary grass cultivations. In Sweden, the annual yields can be up to 8-10 tonnes per hectare when harvested during summer and 6-8 tonnes per hectare when harvested with the delayed harvest method (to be explained later on) in the following spring (Finell, 2003). In Finland, trials have shown drymatter yields of reed canary grass of 6-10 tonnes per hectare (Selin, 1996). Leinonen et al. (1998) report 8-10 tonnes dry matter per hectare, which according to them is equal to harvests on mineral soils. As mentioned above, satisfactory yields can be achieved the second year after planting and can last for up to 10-15 years (Leinonen et al., 1998; Finell, 2003). Reed canary grass can be used both for the production of bio-energy fuel powder and for high quality chemical pulp. It can be used to replace birch as a raw material in the pulp industry (Selin, 1996; Finell, 2003). Finell (2003) shows that reed canary grass can produce double the amount of pulp per year compared to birch and that the quantity of production is independent of latitude, at least in Sweden and Finland. Selin (1996), in tests in Finland, reported yields of 4 tonnes/ha of short-fibred pulp. Reed canary grass can only be used as a supplementary fuel to wood chips, wood waste, or sod or milled peat because of its low energy content (Leinonen et al., 1998). During recent years, annual biomass production seems to increase with the development of new breeding lines. Trials are still ongoing (Leinonen et al., 1998; Finell, 2003). Aside from these economical benefits of reed canary grass for reclaiming former peat production areas, this grass species can also be used for environmental protection such as evaporation and in filtration of runoff waters from peat production areas. Water from peat production sites can be diverted through reed canary grass fields where nutrients in the water will be absorbed, thus reducing the impact on watercourses. During experiments in Finland it was found that reed canary grass absorbed nutrients such as N, P, and K (Leinonen et al., 1998). In the USA, reed canary grass fields are used for filtration of water from food processing industries, livestock operations, and sewage treatment plants (NRCS, 2002). Reed canary grass provides excellent erosion control. Additionally, it provides excellent nesting and escape cover for many bird species which also readily eat the shattered seeds (NRCS, 2002). This can be of high interest for areas where restored wetland and waterfowl habitats are chosen as alternatives for after use. It should be noted that reed canary grass may become weedy or invasive in some regions or habitats and may displace desirable vegetation if not properly managed (NRCS, 2002). Reed canary grass can be harvested in large quantities once a year. Cutaway peatlands and areas where the production has only partly ceased are therefore suitable for the cultivation of reed canary grass because they are usually large in size and at least to some extent already equipped with infrastructure. Large-scale machinery can be used on these fields and there is usually space for storage of the machinery on site (Leinonen et al., 1998). 25 Some of the problems associated with the use of reed canary grass are on-site storage, transport, and processing of the harvested crop. Reed canary grass always needs to be covered with plastic sheets while stored and can be stored either pure or as a mixture with milled or sod peat. Stored by itself, there will be no quality loss of the fibre if the moisture content is about 2024%. However, when stored as a mixture with milled or sod peat, which normally have average moisture contents of 48% and 29%, respectively, reed canary grass absorbs moisture which reduces its quality for burning (Leinonen et al., 1998). Transport of reed canary grass tends to become unprofitable owing to long distances between the fields and the handling locations. Also, reed canary grass is packed in bales, and these are not as easy to transport as wood chips (Finell, 2003). Major disadvantages are variations in yield per year and the fact that the crop can only be harvested once a year. Pulp mills and burners require a steady supply, all year round. The problem of variations can be counteracted by choosing suitable varieties of reed canary grass for the particular site (adapted to the regional climate), by fertilization, proper storage, and by mixing reed canary grass with other kinds of fibre materials. During recent years, much experimental work on reed canary grass has come from Finland where VTT Energy and Vapo Oy, two of the largest peat producers in Finland, have carried out research on their production sites. Every year 1, 000-2, 000 ha are removed from production from a total of 50, 000 ha of peat production in Finland (Leinonen et al., 1998). Peat cutting areas have good features for the establishment of reed canary grass plantations because they are weed free and usually flat. For successful establishment the seedbed needs to be moist and firm, which in most cases can be arranged at the particular sites by blocking drainage ditches, or in fewer cases by pumping and irrigation (NRCS, 2002; Finell, 2003). According to the US Natural Resources Conservation Service, seeding should be done during late fall or early spring with a rate of 5.6-7.8 kg/ha. After about two years the crop will be available for a first harvest. It should be noted that in order to maintain the crop vigour and to promote rapid regrowth, about 15 cm should be left after mowing (NRCS, 2002). In Finnish trials, Leinonen et al. (1998) reported three possible times of harvest of reed canary grass during one growing season: August to September (after plant growth stopped), late autumn (just before snow), and spring (when snow had melted). Spring harvesting is also called ‘delayed harvest system’ and is carried out as follows: “The delayed harvest system for reed canary grass was developed at the Swedish University of Agriculture Sciences in Umeå in the mid-1980s. The aim of the method was to delay the harvest to a period when dry biomass could be harvested in the field. For northern Sweden, where the fields in wintertime are covered with snow, the harvest (once a year) is delayed until early spring when the snow has melted and just before the new growth starts. Translocation of nutrients from the leaves and stem to the root system will occur during autumn and winter, which enables good quality for bio-fuel and fibre and lowers the need of fertilization. The crop is left in the field during the winter and harvested as wilted material the following spring when the soil is dry enough to make harvest possible. It is then possible to harvest under favourable weather conditions and to obtain storable dry material directly from the field, which reduces production costs” (Finell, 2003). The delayed harvest system has the advantage that the moisture content of the yield then is between 10-20% and thus does not need more drying for storing. Furthermore, most nutrients have moved from the plant into the roots, which is favourable for maintenance of nutrients in the crop and soil (Leinonen et al., 1998). 26 Leinonen et al. (1998) divides the production costs into five factors: foundation of the growth, annual fertilization, harvesting and storage, long-distance haulage to users, and productive value of the field. Respectively, these factors account for 10%, 19%, 26%, 15%, and 31% of total production costs. The costs usually cover the investment in machinery and the work carried out. Those costs are reduced when some of the machinery used in agriculture is the same as used in the peat harvesting operation. Regarding pests and diseases of reed canary grass, most information available comes from the USA. In Sweden and Finland, the crop is still only cultivated on a limited basis (Finell, 2003). Infestations that could possibly occur may be caused by the gall midge (Epicalamus phalaridis) whose larvae feed on the leaf sheaths of the grass. This predation reduces the dry matter yield by about 50% and weakens the crop so that weeds can invade the plantations. So far, outbreaks of the gall midge have only been a local phenomenon in Sweden (Finell, 2003) but gall midge could become a serious pest with increasing use of the canary grass. In the US, canary grass is also affected by the leaf disease Helmihosporium giganteum and the tawny blotch disease (Stagonospora foliicola) (NRCS, 2002). Before undertaking large scale production of reed canary grass or other energy plants, it is necessary to find out how suitable different kinds of cutaway areas are for cultivation of the various species. The use of non-woody material in general can reduce deforestation in some countries and reduce the amount of other fuels used for energy production. To mix the fibres of reed canary grass with peat or other fuel can lead to additional reductions in deforestation. Since peatlands are wetlands and these are the natural habitats for reed canary grass, using cutaway peatlands for bio-fuel production is deemed by the author to be a very good after use option. Reed canary grass together with bamboo makes up 18% for the world’s pulp capacity. But in Sweden it is still only cultivated on the small scale (< 500 ha) (Finell, 2003). During the next decades ever increasing areas will be removed from peat production and become available for other land uses. The cultivation of reed canary grass combines particularly well with peat cutting, creation of waterfowl habitats, and the restoration of wetlands. Further technological developments in the processing and burning of bio-fuels will lead to an even larger demand for alternative fuels in the near future. Reed canary grass, therefore, seems to be a most promising crop. Energy forests “Biomass production for energy purposes through cultivating rapidly growing deciduous trees can be ecologically interesting and economically sound.” (Christersson, 1998) Research on energy forests has been conducted since the 1970s. By planting cuttings close together (18, 000 ha), energy forest plantations utilize carefully chosen species (example birch and willow) and clones with high growth potential (Christersson, 1998). During harvesting, preferably done in wintertime when the ground is frozen, stumps are left from which new shoots sprout the following year. Plantations are harvested every 3-5 years (Hörnsten, 1992) and some plantations will provide up to six harvests during a period of about 25 years (Christersson, 1998). These plantations can produce up to 10-12 tonnes of dry matter per hectare per year, equivalent to the energy content of 4-5 m3 of oil. For every unit of energy input, 15-18 units of energy output are produced (Christersson, 1998). 27 Energy forests can be established with tree species that are fast growing, and that are capable of regenerating from coppicing or cuttings. The plant material of clones from willow coppices (Salix viminalis and Salix dasyclados) is most suitable for short rotation energy-production forests (Nilsson, 1988). However, alder (Alnus spp.) and poplar (Populus spp.) can also be used (Hörnsten, 1992). Grey alder (Alnus incana), a species with a high production of woody biomass, is more or less self-sufficient for nitrogen (N-fixing) and is well adapted to Fennoscandian conditions (Rytter, 1996). Birch can be cultivated for the production of short fibres but since birch is very sensitive to competition from neighbouring trees, it should be planted at lower densities (Elowson, 1995). Birch, in comparison with clones from willow and poplar, is not as highly productive even though it shows high juvenile growth rates (Elowson, 1995). Birch is a pioneer species, but so are willow and poplar. Willows require soils with a pH of at least 4.5 otherwise root-development will be hindered. Conversely, birch and alder are able to form roots in soils with a pH lower than 4.5 (Ericsson et al., 1983). Before planting, the cutaway peat site must be prepared in the same way as timber plantations and fertilized as recommended with 100 kg P, 160 kg K and 60 kg N (Hörnsten, 1992). Once the plantation is established, it is recommended to fertilize annually according to nutrient analysis (Ericsson et al., 1983). Fertilizing only with those nutrients which are lacking and according to the requirement of each tree species will help to reduce nutrient leakage from plantations. Energy forest plantations will have to be fertilized in order to achieve high biomass production. Therefore, it is not crucial for the roots to reach down into the mineral soil as would be required in timber production. As a consequence, the underlying mineral soil plays a less critical role and the thickness of the residual peat layer could increase, or at least the variation in thickness of the residual peat would play a smaller role (Hörnsten, 1992). Owing to the high wood increment in these plantations, the evapotranspiration rates will be very high. During very warm summers it might be necessary to irrigate to avoid increment stagnation and possible economical losses. It is furthermore essential to keep the drainage system working as suggested by Hörnsten (1992); in addition, Hörnsten recommends the water table to be established at a depth of 30-40 cm below the soil surface. In energy forest plantations, the most important factor influencing plant growth is the climate. The above-mentioned tree species are all very susceptible to frost and do not thrive in harsh climates. Since peat production areas are usually frost pockets they might not be the most suitable areas for this form of cultivation, especially for frost susceptible species (Ericsson et al., 1983). On the other hand, trials and experiments from Sweden, Finland, and Estonia seem promising in finding clones that are able to cope with the prevailing climatic conditions and late spring frosts. Insects and diseases are other important factors concerning plantations. These are usually more severe in monocultures, but there is very little available information on this topic. Other plant species for biomass production Turnip rape (Brassica rapa ssp. oleifeira DC) can be cultivated on cutaway peatlands for the production of fuel (Virkajärvi and Huhta, 1996). Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) has, however, shown discouraging performance in trials. 28 4.1.4 Other reclamations Berry plantations After ceasing peat production, another option is to use the area for the cultivation of cranberries (Vaccinum oxycoccus [= Oxycoccus microcarpus]; Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.). This crop is commercially grown in the north-eastern and Midwest USA for berry production and as a form of wetland rehabilitation (by re-establishment of Sphagnum cover). Since the late 1960s, many trials with cranberry have been conducted in Estonia, in particular at Nigula State Nature Reserve. The increasing interest in cranberry plantations originates from the conflict between the conversion of ‘useless’ mires to forest and agricultural fields, and the understanding of the importance of mires as beneficial for humans (the basis of food, clean water) and for wildlife habitat. The interest in berry plantations, especially in Estonia, originates from the loss of vast wetlands all over Estonia and with them the unique cranberry habitats. Reasons for their destruction are forestry melioration, peat cutting and extensive oil-shale mining. A preliminary analysis of an inventory of valuable cranberry mires conducted during 1965 and 1972 in Estonia revealed that 40-50% of cranberry habitats have been lost (Nigula Nature Reserve Administration, 2003). Cranberries grow best and are most productive on bog edges and in transitional bogs where there is slight minerotrophy, rather than in the centres of the ombrotrophic bog where they are much reduced in size and productivity. Cranberry plantations are especially promising where afforestation or the conversion of peatland into arable land would not be successful owing to the hydrological conditions of the former peat cutting area. For the successful cultivation of cranberries it is indispensable to reconstruct hydrological conditions as close as possible to the previous natural conditions. This includes eventually closing the drainage system and, if necessary, pumping water onto the fields or even spray irrigation. Because cranberries have good colonizing abilities, abandoned peat production areas will quickly be covered. Eventually, other mire vegetation species such as peat moss or cotton grass will re-colonize, which helps to re-establish a full plant cover. The plant cover will further decrease aerial pollution from peat dust and turn ‘wasteland’ into economically useful wetland. If all goes well, peat will accumulate again under the secondary plant cover. For successful cultivation, areas with relatively high groundwater tables and weakly decomposed (fibric) peat are most suitable for the establishment of cranberry cultures. Berry production areas in North America are flooded to float the berries and facilitate harvesting. This also provides an enrichment of nutrients from the flood water, thereby maintaining high levels of berry production. In the 1970s, a method for establishing cranberry plantations was worked out in Estonia. After the berries are harvested in autumn, the seeds are separated by washing and stored through winter in a moist, cool environment. The following spring, seeds are soaked for about 12 hours in a 10% Na2CO3 solution, washed carefully, and dried for 24 hours. Treated seeds will achieve 8090% germination rates, while only 2-5% of the untreated seeds germinate. Before the seeds are sown onto the levelled and moist peat field, the seeds are mixed with sawdust to disperse the seeds properly. For Estonia, the best time for sowing is late April or early May. For good results the amount of seeds and sawdust applied to the field should be 20 29 kg/ha. After the sowing, the field should be fertilized with 300-400 kg/ha superphosphate and 10 kg/ha CuSO4. Sown cranberry plantations will be ready to harvest after 5-6 years and satisfactory yields can be achieved for about 20 years thereafter. A more time consuming and costly method for propagating cranberries is using cuttings instead of seeds; however, cuttings bear fruits earlier than plants originating from seeds. Cuttings should have 5-6 leaves, and they may either be planted directly into the field, or first grown in greenhouses to produce hardier seedlings for later transplantation. New plantations, even though the plants may be fully frost hardened, are very susceptible to frost heaving in winter time. During spring time, flooding can occur and cause damages. The cultivations should be kept free from weeds and, most importantly, from invading bushes and trees. The highest yields harvested from natural cranberry habitats in Estonia were up to 1000 kg/ha, but a more typical yield is about 250 kg/ha. Cranberry plantations established from cuttings produced 2-3 tonnes/ha, while the output of sown cultivations only reached half of that amount. The crop yield and the development of the plant coverage depends also very much on the cranberry cultivars that are used Cranberry types from North America showed almost no success in Estonia while types from Russia thrived well. Today there can be found an astonishing 760 different varieties of cranberry in Estonia. The success of cranberry farming very much depends on the conditions of the cutaway peatland after harvesting ceases. The following major features have to be addressed: peat depth, physical characteristics of the peat, water supply, water holding capacity of the peat, and proximity to continuing peat production. It is advantageous if the former peat production area is already equipped with infrastructure such as drainage network and roads. Disadvantages include high capital investment requirements (initial or continuous) and lack of long-term returns (Chiasson and Chiasson, 2000). Cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus) production is mentioned as an after use option by Virkajärvi and Huhta (1996). As mentioned above, cutaway peatlands have many characteristics which enable berry production. Similar to cranberry, cloudberry grows best in transitional bogs and on poor fens with slight minerotrophic influence. Some provenance trials have been done in Finland but more research should be done on its ecological requirements as related to its cultivation. Currently, there is demand in Scandinavian for cloudberry jam and for the specialty liquor ‘lakka’. There is also a small demand in Newfoundland, Canada for handpicked ‘bake apples’, the local common name for cloudberries. Demand for these products could grow with active marketing. Highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) is grown commercially on Burns Bog near Vancouver, British Columbia. For this purpose, the living bog surface is removed, and a field is created on which Sphagnum does not necessarily re-establish. There are potentially other species of berry producing shrubs that could be grown on cutaways, for example gooseberries (Ribes oxycanthoides), red and black currents (Ribes rubrum and R. nigrum), shrubby raspberries and blackberries (Rubus spp.), and arctic raspberry - dewberry (Rubus arcticus). Another popular berry crop could be strawberries (Fragaria virginiana, F. vesca). 30 Vegetable and herbs Because peat can provide suitable substrate for growing plants, and because the cutaway peatlands provide open fields of bare peat that could be easily cultivated and regulated for moisture content, there may be potential to use cutaway peat fields for vegetable crops, medicinal or spice plants, and other herbs. Presently, climatic conditions and imports of vegetables from warmer countries discourage the development of vegetable production in Sweden. However, there is a local demand for freshly produced vegetables, particularly organically and non-chemically grown, in markets in cities and towns throughout Scandinavia. This kind of intensive vegetable farming is probably best suited to deep layers of dark minerotrophic peat, moderately acid to circumneutral, which occur at the bottom of peatlands overlying mineral soils. However, even poorer, acidic peats may have potential to be cultivated with appropriate cultivation and choice of crops. Cutaway peat fields may also be used to grow specialty crops of high value. For example sundew (Drosera spp.), which grows naturally in peatlands, is collected regularly in large quantities for pharmaceutical purposes. However, this depletes natural populations, and collection is labour-intensive and hence expensive. Since the Drosera species originate from peatland ecosystems, it may be possible to cultivate these species with controlled growing conditions on cutaway peatlands. Experiments aimed at cultivation of Drosera species have been carried out in Finland, and it has been found that compared with natural conditions, yields up to 50 times higher can be achieved by cultivation. Further research is required to improve, test, and evaluate the economics of larger-scale pilot production systems (Galambosi et al., 2000). 4.2 Restoration options As defined earlier, restoration aims to convert the mire back to a natural, functioning ecosystem, either similar to what it was before, or another functioning wetland that represents an ecosystem that occurs in the region. Usually, this involves blocking the drainage network in order to restore the hydrological features as close to the initial conditions as possible. 31 4.2.1 Restoration of wetlands Restoration of peat-accumulating function “Cut-over peatlands provide surfaces, which are potentially amenable to regeneration to a wetland habitat.” (Wheeler, 1997) Wetland restoration is the process of restoring the ecological functions (the interaction between hydrology, soil, and vegetation) until regeneration of natural peat and peat accumulation is reestablished (Lode, 2001). Indeed, both Money (1995) and Wheeler (1995) highlight the fact that in practice the restoration of wetlands should aim at bringing a site back into its former conditions in as many respects as possible. “In the case of peatlands, the goal of restoration is to re-establish self-regulatory mechanisms that will lead back to functional peat accumulation.” (Quinty and Rochefort, 2002) The restoration process can take years or even centuries. It can be divided into three stages and time frames: 1. rewetting, that is, re-establishment of surface-wet conditions, which could take about 3-5 years; 2. re-naturation, that is, the development of appropriate vegetation, could be up to several decades; 3. regeneration, that is, renewed peat accumulation, could take up to centuries (Money, 1995; Vasander and Roderfeld, 1996; Lode, 1999; Price et al., 2002). Before the first step, the site may have to be cleared of undesired species such as Molinia and Betula spp., which might hinder the establishment process of peat-forming species. Then rewetting is done by blocking the drainage ditches, building peat dams, and creating shallow depressions or drains to retain precipitated water. It may even be necessary to pump or sprinkle water onto the surface to provide moisture for the peat-forming species (Money, 1995). The return of plant cover can either happen by itself in the best cases, or it might require human intervention through transplantation of suitable species. The choice of species will depend on the pH and calcium content of the water flooding the site. Marsh and fen species are preferred for pH levels above 5.0 to 5.5, while wet-loving Sphagnums prefer lower pHs. Regarding water levels, species such as S. cuspidatum and S. riparium are good choices for the wetter depressions or drains, while S. fallax and S. magellanicum are good choices for less wet locations. The last step when re-establishing the peat accumulation function is securing an appropriate water table level suitable for the good growth of the newly established dominant plants. Before peat extraction: Undamaged mires are diplotelmic (dual layered) systems consisting of an upper acrotelm and a lower catotelm layer (Money, 1995). The upper layer embodies the peat accumulating plant material (Sphagnum mosses) and varies in depth from completely lacking in small pools up to 50 cm deep beneath hummocks. The acrotelm has two features, aeration to support the growth of roots and high capillary water content. This abundance is important for the surface vegetation layer not to suffer from desiccation during dry periods (Money, 1995). The underlying catotelm consists of the permanently waterlogged peat below the lowest water table. It is usually more compact and humified (Money, 1995). The upper portion of the catotelm and lower part of the acrotelm is where the large majority of CH4 production occurs through methane-producing bacteria. Some Finnish authors have proposed that a mire may be 32 considered restored to natural mire function when the methane-producing function is reestablished The vegetation on mires occurs in relation to the water table. Sphagnum species show a vertical distribution along a hummock (dry) to hollow (wet) gradient. The genus Sphagnum is divided into sections, which are arranged roughly in order of occurrence from wettest to dry habitats: Section Cuspidata or Subsecunda, Section Palustria, Section Acutifolia (Money, 1995). Another group of Sphagnum is also sometimes recognized, the ‘Eutrophic Sphagna’. This group includes species such as Sphagnum contorta, S. subsecunda, and S. warnstorfii. After peat extraction: The conditions in a terminated peat field are harsh and unfriendly. The peat is dry, black and powder-like. The temperature, as well as the moisture content, can change quickly. This environment usually lacks a seed bank for future vegetation. Recolonization very much depends on what finds its way into the area. All these characteristics result in unfavourable conditions for re-vegetation (Vasander and Roderfeld, 1996). In addition, the more time has passed since drainage was first conducted, the more difficult it will be to fully restore the wetland or peatland to its original function. Often the restoration leads to a ‘new natural state’, which is not the original one but nevertheless recognizable as another peatland or wetland habitat (Vasander et al., 2003). It is not always true that re-wetting reverses the effects of drainage in cutaway areas, because the soil conditions are completely different after peat extraction (Lode, 2001). Factors influencing re-colonization: The desired re-colonization of Sphagnum mosses may be absent even after many decades, and often weedy species, for example, Rumex acetosella, Epilobium angustifolium, Eriophorum spp., Calluna vulgaris, and Betula shrubs, have colonized the site and are not improving the conditions for Sphagnum regrowth (Money, 1995). The water regime seems to have a major influence on re-vegetation and Sphagnum species favour damp or wet peat and shallowly inundated conditions for their re-establishment (Money, 1995). Another factor influencing re-colonization of Sphagnum mosses is the peat depth. However, the peat composition is not uniform with increasing peat depth. The deeper-lying peats in a peatland are commonly of different origin, possibly fen peat, and are often more humidified and compact (Money, 1995; Price et al., 2002). This in turn influences the water regime (Money, 1995). Furthermore, it might be expected that peat surfaces which lie closer to the groundwater table may be easier to re-wet (Money, 1995). Where cutting exposes the deeper lying fen peat, the conditions might be less acidic and more basic. This will allow a different vegetation type to find its way into the area and most likely not the Sphagnum species that favour more acidic conditions (Money, 1995). However, one might predict that the eutrophic Sphagna and brown mosses could perform better in these conditions, along with richer occurring sedges and emergents. Finally, it must be mentioned that the availability of plant propagules also plays a big role in re-colonizing peat fields. Even though all other conditions may be adequate, recolonization might still be limited by the lack of nearby plants for dispersion of propagules (Money, 1995). “Cutover and cutaway peatlands may be classed into three general conditions relative to peat formation and mire restoration: a) areas with still normal or not significantly lowered peat formation rate, that is, peat accumulation is occurring, b) areas with very slow formation of peat, that is, peat accumulation is significantly reduced, and c) areas where formation of peat is interrupted, that is, there is no peat accumulation.” (Lode, 2001) Clearly, the most difficult condition is c). There is much to learn about re-vegetation from abandoned peat excavation sites that have been spontaneously re-colonized (Money, 1995). 33 Stabilization of water tables: It is recommended to raise the water table as close as possible to the surface, since harvested peatlands have lost their natural ability to store water (Money, 1995). The water fluctuations have to be managed to reduce water losses and to provide water for the desired plants (Quinty and Rochefort, 2002). Both flooding and droughts need to be avoided, most commonly by blocking the drainage ditches. This may be done by filling the ditches with peat material in 2-3 m long sections and then compacting. This should be repeated every 100 m, or at an interval that brings the water level sufficiently close to the surface (Quinty and Rochefort, 2002). Sometimes wooden dams have proved effective. In some cases the blockage of drainage ditches might not be enough. Because drainage could have caused peat subsidence, very compact conditions could have been created (Price et al., 2002). If water is then led into the drainage ditches for rewetting purposes, it stays in the ditches instead of penetrating the peat and spreading throughout the area (Vasander et al., 2003). It may be necessary to level the surfaces between the ditches in order to promote re-wetting close to the surface or it may be necessary to pump water from the outside, preferably from an area that is still in production. The desired conditions should not be too dry, rather too wet and regulated according to the vegetation that is being promoted to decrease runoff from inundated peat fields, Lode (2001) advises the use of hydrotechnical facilities, for example, dikes, dams, etc. Furthermore, Lode suggested the development of microtopography, that is, hummocks and ridges, which may increase the permissible mire groundwater level fluctuation by up to 20-25 cm in dry periods (Lode, 2001; Quinty and Rochefort, 2002). Money (1995) recommends ‘ploughing’ a series of longitudinal hummocks and hollows to produce a fine network of open water instead of earlier recommended larger lagoons. The distance between pools should be minimized (Money, 1995). Topography: Water distribution is highly influenced by topography. Under ideal conditions, water would be evenly distributed throughout an area. This helps avoid deep and permanent flooding which might cause the desired plants to be swept away by flowing water. Most excavation sites have irregularly shaped surfaces. Sometimes these are sloping, convex or slightly dome-shaped between parallel ditches. Such variations may need to be re-profiled in order to create gentle gradients for vegetation colonization (Quinty and Rochefort, 2002). Peat characteristics: It is essential to base the planning of restoration on the type of peat and the degree of decomposition. If the remaining peat layer is thin, there may be influences from the underlying mineral soil or enriched groundwater. This would favour marsh emergents and tall sedge species and lead to development of marsh followed by fen types of ecosystems. Marsh emergents and tall sedge fen species are likewise capable of forming peat, and this kind of peat is often at the bottom of peatlands as the first, telmatic peat. This peat usually is more decomposed and has low water storage capacity, and thus could form surfaces that are too dry for re-colonization of Sphagnum species (Quinty and Rochefort, 2002). Regarding wetland and mire restoration, there has not been any absolute depth proposed for the minimum peat thickness, although Quinty and Rochefort (2002) recommended a thickness of 50 cm. It is further stated in the ‘Peatland Restoration Guide’ that “it is better to rely on peat chemistry and botanical composition of the peat (sedge fen vs Sphagnum peat)” to decide what vegetation to favour. Some other difficulties concerning the peat surface are frost heaving (freezing and thawing that loosens the top centimetres of peat) and the phenomenon of crust formation (lichens or algae) that discourages seeding of plants and colonization of Sphagnum and other mosses (Quinty and Rochefort, 2002). 34 Existing vegetation: Where plants have already colonized the entire area, it is probably better to leave them alone. However, on sites where only a few trees or other plants exist, the removal will be necessary for successful restoration. The plant species that are present may indicate the chemical properties of the peat (Quinty and Rochefort, 2002). Inoculation of damaged mire with Sphagnum: In order to establish rapid regrowth of Sphagnum, plant material can be collected from natural sites (often located nearby). Collecting is done with tractors and special buckets and the material is placed into manure spreaders (Rochefort et al., 2002). The plant tops (usually 10 cm) of the living vegetation are collected along with any herbs, sedges, and shrubs on site. In some restoration work, the first material scraped off the surface of the mire prior to peat cutting, called 'bunkerde' in German, was intended to be spread back on the surface to inoculate the cutaway surface with the original moss and vegetation (Wheeler and Shaw 1995). This is not a very effective way to re-establish a Sphagnum surface in comparison to the approach of Rochefort et al. (2002). Site characteristics: According to ‘The Peatland Restoration Guide’, it is advised to restore large areas at a time because it gives better results. Lode (2001) recommends that areas should not be larger than 10 ha in order to keep costs for man-made ecohydrological management low and to promote natural self-restoration capability. In that context, increasing the variety of microhabitats is an important option (Price et al., 2002). Sites in-between areas where production is still underway should be postponed for restoration until the whole area has been harvested The desired hydrological conditions cannot be established as long as the main ditch is still functioning. Spreading of plant material: Rochefort et al. (2002) recommend application of 1m2 (20 cm deep) of collected Sphagnum to 10-15 m2 of area to be restored. This rate was chosen as a compromise between the potential harmful impacts on donor ecosystem and rapid establishment of Sphagnum on the restoration target area. The plant material is evenly spread in a thin layer over the bare peat by using a manure spreader (low costs, easy access, ibid.) or by hand in smaller areas. During experiments Rochefort et al. (2002) found that the different Sphagnum species possess varying abilities to regenerate from fragments according to distance along the stem from the capitula. Protection of plant material: Soon after the plant material has been spread over the site, mulch, perforated polyethylene sheets, or shade screens should be spread (installed) to protect the plant material from desiccation (Price et al., 2002; Rochefort et al., 2002). Best results have been recorded from the coverage of straw mulch cover with 3, 000 kg/ha. Straw mulch is available almost everywhere at low cost (Rochefort et al., 2002). Dikes can also help as windbreaks to prevent mulch and Sphagnum from drying out (Rochefort et al., 2002). Where companion species (e.g. Eriophorum) are used, the spreading of mulch or other sheltering material can be disregarded (Price et al., 2002). Rafting on open water: Research on re-colonization with open water as a starting point comes from the UK (Money, 1995). “Rafting refers to the growth of plants floating in or on supra-surface water and therefore requires inundation. Floating rafts are favourable environments for the development of Sphagnum bog vegetation as they are able to move up and down with the water table guaranteeing permanent water logging of the Sphagnum layer” (Money, 1995). In this way, created pools can serve two functions: 1) water storage and reduction of water table fluctuations and 2) provision of conditions for Sphagnum rafts. 35 Monitoring of the restoration work is very important. Progress should be monitored so that actions can be adjusted and new actions can be initiated if required Monitoring should start within two years (Rochefort et al., 2002). WWF and Sveaskog, the largest forest owner in Sweden (state-owned forest) are conducting a unique Swedish pilot project for the restoration of wetlands and to create natural aquatic landscapes. Ditches dug for agriculture and forestry have changed watercourses and millions of hectares of wetlands have become drier. One of the Swedish environmental goals and the EU water directive require forest companies to address these issues. The aim of this project is to find appropriate restoration methods, which can be understood and applied by forest owners. Restoration of wildlife habitat function (artificial lakes) Creation of artificial lakes can go together very well with wetland restoration but may require further considerations and additional actions. Lake creation is frequently accompanied by the development of marsh vegetation and open water habitats which provide food, nesting sites, and protection for fish, waterfowl and wetland animals. Artificial lakes can also serve as refuges for endangered bird species and as resting and feeding sites for migrating birds (Kavanagh, 1998). These areas are much appreciated by bird watchers. Lakes serve as habitats for fish species sought after by fishermen, and at the same time are very attractive for recreational purposes. The best post-harvest features for the establishment of open water bodies are found where the underlying soil is impermeable (heavy loam and clay soils). Clay and silt soils, as well as fine gyttja and marl layers, form impermeable layers underneath lakes (Utter and Lundmark, 2003). The creation of the lake should start by leaving a 30-60 cm layer of peat to support invading aquatic vegetation. It is desirable to create an uneven surface on the bottom of the lake in order to create islands and variations in water depth (Vikberg, 1996). Islands can also be established by leaving mounds and uneven topography (Utter and Lundmark, 2003). The islands should be at least 10 m2 in size and need to be protected against erosion using stones or woody debris or by sowing grass species onto them, for example, Calamagrostis or Agrostis species (Hörnsten, 1992). In natural conditions, depending on the steepness of the shores, the water depth, and the size of open water, vegetation will come in from the shores and fill up the water until the lake disappears. In the long run, the water table has to be regulated in order to keep the water body open and avoid ‘terrestrialization’ (Utter and Lundmark, 2003). Pumping might be needed in sites where there is not enough water available either to create the lake and/or to maintain it during drier periods. The depth of the lake should be adjusted according to the bird species one would like to favour. Mallards (Anas spp.) are able to find food in depths between 30-50 cm while diving ducks (Bucephala clangula, Aythya fuligula) and mergansers (Merganser spp.) are able to seek food at depths of more than 1 m (Vikberg, 1996). Areas that have been abandoned for a longer period of time may have been invaded by birch and willow bushes. These bushes may give shelter and nesting opportunities for birds (Vikberg, 1996). It is recommended to leave 3-4 different uniform bushy islands between 5-15 ha for a 30ha lake (Vikberg, 1996). Channels created in-between islands and bushes will keep away foxes and racoons that prey on young waterfowl. It has to be considered that newly established vegetation could be eaten and destroyed by waterfowl and muskrats during the first years. Therefore, there should be many vegetation patches established right from the beginning. From these patches the vegetation will colonize 36 the area. Where there are small streams or flows associated with the cutaways, one may promote the establishment of beaver colonies by providing plantations of Populus tremula, the preferred food and material for construction of dams and lodges. A supplementary management practice is to construct and place nest boxes for bird species that need them (Bucephala clangula). The boxes should be placed at a height of 1-1.5 m in trees or on posts along the shoreline (5-10/100 ha) (Vikberg, 1996). Ducks Unlimited, a charitable organization in the USA and Canada, has carried out very much research and active work. They are one of the most important groups for wetland restoration in Canada. Their work has been initiated by the desire to promote high populations of waterfowl for hunters, and this in turn requires restoration and creation of suitable habitats for many different bird species. Lakes intended mainly for fishing should be deep. Thus, it is recommended to excavate as much peat as possible. This will expose the underlying calcareous soil and create better water conditions for the growth and productivity of aquatic plants and subsequently better habitats for fish (Caffrey, 1998). Aquatic plants produce directly and indirectly food for algae, macroinvertebrates, fish, and avifauna. Further, they provide shelter, cover, and spawning substrate for many macro-invertebrate and fish species (Caffrey, 1998). The average depth of fish lakes should be 1.5-2 m with some deeper holes in places, possibly under overhanging trees. These can provide cooler places for fish during warm weather (Caffrey, 1998). Shade trees and tall shrubs should be located on the lake margins as groups and patches, but openings should be left on the shoreline to allow fisherman, hunters, and naturalists access to the lake. 4.3 Complementary uses Complementary uses or secondary after use options can be viewed as any land use that complements the applied restoration or reclamation. These subsequent land use options depend on the success of the primary after use alternatives, yet can add even more value to the area. 4.3.1 Recreation Cutaway peatlands could be suitable for recreational purposes. As soon as the wetland restoration or lake creation is functioning satisfactorily, recreation could be considered as a secondary or complementary form of after use. Depending on the size and the location of the cutaway peatland, lakes that have been created can be used for fishing, swimming, and water sports, while restored wetlands are suitable for walking routes, bird and wildlife watching, and educational trails. It is very important to clearly delineate and properly design the area because there are different kinds of requirements for the various types of recreation. For example, fishing lakes will need to be designed so that fishing is possible either from the shore or from platforms. This will also require the creation of suitable paths for the fisherman with their equipment to reach the lake. When planning a network of walking routes, signs with information about the site should complement the paths. The trail could be made to lead along a virgin mire, then continue along a site still in production site, and lastly visit a reclaimed or restored site. In this way, the flora and the fauna of the area can be demonstrated Education about peat harvesting and peatland utilization as a viable land use will increase the public’s knowledge and acceptance for peatland 37 utilization. Additionally, information about peatland ecology, succession, and development could be displayed The success of diverse outdoor pursuits depends on how well conflicts are avoided and which different interests are involved (Kavanagh, 1996). Some of these recreation forms might not work together satisfactorily; for example, walkers and picnickers might disturb bird watchers, and swimmers might disturb fishermen. Hence, it is recommended to plan zones for the different forms of recreation in order to avoid conflicts. Carefully chosen zones can also help to minimize disturbances to wildlife. A positive effect of recreation on cutaway peatlands is that visitors could help to contribute financially to the area. The visitors can either be asked to leave a donation in a box or pay a fee for visiting and receiving information about the site. Furthermore, some visitors might stay overnight in local establishments and/or eat in local restaurants. Infrastructure that has been established during peat production can continue to be used and could easily be complemented with other facilities, like toilets, car parks, benches, etc. Since this sort of recreation requires administration and maintenance, this form of after use would be most suitable for areas that belong to the local government, commune, or county. 38 5. Policy Issues “Efterbehandling och skötsel hänger ihop. – After use and management belong together” (translated quotation of Anki Weibull, Naturvårdsverket, 2003) 5.1 USA On the national level, strong demands to preserve undamaged wetlands and to restore damaged or destroyed wetlands led to a federal ‘no-net-loss’ wetland policy during recent years. This policy demands that damages to wetlands are to be avoided, but if unavoidable, they must be mitigated by replacement or enhancement of wetlands elsewhere. The research and conservation interest comes from the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) while the implementation is the responsibility of the US Army Corps of Engineers (COE) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This includes permitting peat harvesting operations and is carried out by the permit process referred to as ‘404 permit’. It focuses on examining the proposed peatland disturbance or loss in terms of a three-tiered system of avoidance, minimization, and compensation. Since 1990, the EPA has the responsibility for taking legal action against companies that develop peatlands without permit, or that fail the requirements (Malterer et al., 2000; Malterer et al., 2002). This trend in the policies concerning peat was initiated after many large peatlands were considered for peat extraction during the 1970s (at the height of the energy crisis). This resulted in research mainly concentrating on: 1) returning the mined peatlands to a useful purpose and 2) mitigating the continuing environmental impacts associated with peat production. The Mining and Reclamation Regulations cover peatlands harvested for horticultural peat. Peat companies generally have two options 1) to reclaim the site for another end use (forestry, agriculture, or biomass cultivation) or 2) to stabilize the surface with wetland or typical peatland vegetation and meet a 5-year cover standard. Peatlands harvested for energy peat are furthermore covered by the Wetland Conservation Act, which is administered by the Board of Soil and Water Resources (Malterer and Johnson, 1998). For any peatland utilization the regulations claim compensation for wetland losses and usually have a strong preference for peatland restoration (Malterer et al., 2002). In the USA, every state has always had its own regulations for peat harvesting which were acceptable to national regulation requirements (Malterer et al., 2000). Moreover, individual states may require an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in addition to all regular requirements when the proposed site is considered to be more sensitive to the impacts of peat cutting (Malterer et al., 2002). In Minnesota, management policies for peatlands were developed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Parallel regulations to the national wetland policy have been developed Minnesota, a major peat-producing state, had its own Wetlands Conservation Act (WCA) since 1990. It complements the national policy on wetlands except that peat harvesting is not considered by the WCA as a loss of wetlands because drained peatlands are considered to retain wetlands' physical properties. Terminated peat cuttings must at least be returned to wetland status (Malterer et al., 2002). 39 5.2 Canada Canada has about 153 million ha of wetland, of which 90% are classified as peatlands (Rubec and Thibault, 1998). Peatlands have been converted into other land use forms, mostly owing to agriculture (85%), urbanization (5%), hydroelectric development (4%) and ports/harbours (2%) since the earliest human settlement (Rubec and Thibault, 1998). Peat extraction for horticultural uses is taking place on about 16, 000 ha, which is equal to 0.01% of Canada's total wetland area (Rubec and Thibault, 1998). Because the production in many of these areas is going to cease within the next decades, appropriate after use options have to be found. Thus, the research on restoration and reclamation after peat production is becoming more and more important. Furthermore, wetland conservation is becoming of ever increasing importance in the public’s eye. Therefore, in 1991 the Canadian Government adopted the Federal Policy on Wetland Conservation (the first of its kind at that time). It aims to promote the conservation of Canada's wetlands and to sustain their ecological and socio-economic functions, for the present and in the future. In addition, four of Canada's provinces were in 1998 in the process of implementing provincial wetland and peatland conservation and management policies (Rubec and Thibault, 1998). One of the provinces developing such policies is New Brunswick. The province’s two main objectives for its peatland conservation policy are to ensure maximum contribution to the longterm economic development of the province, and to ensure that peat extractions are conducted in a manner that will not jeopardize future utilization or rehabilitation of the land. Of a total of 140, 000 ha of peat-covered land (2% of New Brunswick’s total area of 7.3 million ha), 70, 000 ha of New Brunswick’s peatlands are considered suitable for peat production (Daigle and Lamarche, 1998). In 2002, 16, 000 ha were leased for peat production with about 4, 500 ha actually being in production (Thibault, 2002). Thus, peat mining is an important contribution to the province’s economy. In New Brunswick, peat and the right to extract peat is dealt with under the ‘Quarriable Substance Act’, which is the responsibility of the Department of Natural Resources and Energy (Daigle and Lamarche, 1998; Thibault, 2002). In the past, peat production companies were actively encouraged to establish operations in New Brunswick. Today, the industry has stabilized and matured and the mining policy adheres to the province’s two main objectives as previously mentioned. Additionally, the provincial government in 1999 reviewed its policy concerning the following issues: “(1) allocation of mining rights, (2) promotion of value-added peat products, (3) royalty regime, and (4) site abandonment” (Thibault, 2002). Consequently, in 2001 a new policy was adopted under which the “commercial peat deposits are allocated through a formal bidding process initiated by the Department of Natural Resources and Energy. Proposals are examined according to several criteria, including: financial capability of applicants, the need to replace land coming out of production, and intent to undertake value-added peat activities.”(Thibault, 2002) In case of approval, a licence is issued and is valid for one year with the provision for a single, one-year renewal (Thibault, 2002). For the extraction of peat on public land, there is furthermore required both a lease (the issuance of which depends on the approval of the site development and restoration plan) and the approval of the Department of Environment and Local Government under the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) regulation (Daigle and Lamarche, 1998; Thibault, 2002). Ninety percent of the peat produced is exported from the province and 80% leaves Canada and is mainly imported by the US (40% of the horticulture peat produced in Canada is exported to the US) (Daigle and Lamarche, 1998). Since most of the peat produced in New Brunswick is 40 packaged and shipped, with minimal processing, to professional growers and other consumers located outside the province, the objective of the new policy, as with other natural resources (wood for example), is to encourage the resource industry to add value to the natural resource before shipping it out of the province. In the case of peat, that means customizing growing mixtures by adding perlite, vermiculite, fertilizers, etc. Adding value to the peat, results in more benefits to the province – more and better quality employment, higher wages, new product research, and more economic activity. As a result, the annual peat production may not increase but it will make a longer lasting contribution to the economy of New Brunswick (Email correspondence with J. Thibault). Moreover, under the new peat mining policy, all holders of peat leases are required to have a site restoration and reclamation plan before peat harvesting begins. In most cases, restoring the site to a functioning natural wetland habitat will be the favoured option (Thibault, 2002). As everywhere else in Canada, land ownership in New Brunswick can mainly be divided into private and Crown land. Thus there are two existing policies. While the ‘Crown Peat Resource Management Policy’ only deals with peat on Crown land, there is a management policy applying separately to privately owned land (Daigle and Lamarche, 1998). “However, the regulations from the Department of the Environment apply to all peat operations” (Daigle and Lamarche, 1998). On the national scale, the Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Association (CSPMA), an industry group, adopted the Peatland Preservation and Reclamation Policy in 1990 to encourage its members to: “Reduce the impact of their operations on the environment; undertake ecological studies of sites representative of new development areas to provide benchmarks for reclamation projects; leave areas of significant environmental interest undisturbed; and cooperate with governments and other interested groups to designate protection areas” (Rubec and Thibault, 1998). Ongoing collaboration with groups such as Environment Canada, North American Wetlands Conservation Council, and Ducks Unlimited, as well as with provincial and federal government representatives, will ensure that the policies will continuously be reviewed and adjusted as required 5.3 Finland The peat production area in Finland encompasses 55, 000 ha (Uosukainen, 2000). Usually, production is running for 20-30 years owing to thinner peat layers in Finnish peatlands (average of 1.5 m). If the utilization of peat and its production continues at current level, then 25, 000 ha will come out of production by 2010 in addition to 10, 000 ha that have already been released since the 1970s. The majority of the production land is rented from private owners, the state or communities. Only a small fraction is actually owned by any of the few peat production companies in Finland. The land owner makes the final decision of which after use to apply, thus restoration and reclamation is of rather large importance to the whole of Finnish society. Which after use is chosen depends very much on the landowner’s economic or environmental preference. The rehabilitation option chosen (forestry, biomass production) by peat cutting companies is influenced by economical considerations and market trends. However, on rented land, the rental agreement usually includes a condition that after production ceases, the land should be returned in suitable condition for forestry. The renting companies have the duty to prepare the area to meet the conditions demanded in the rental agreement. The infrastructure that has been built during the 41 time of production remains on site. Infrastructure increases the value of the area and can eventually be used advantageously depending on the future land use form. Peat production areas are usually large in size and there can be several landowners involved in the decision making process. The more stakeholders involved, the longer it takes to find a consensus. In Finland, ‘drying’ permissions are required prior to peat production. Very often problems are caused by authorities during the interpretation of this permit, as well as the termination of the required pre-harvest water quality controls. There are also difficulties when it comes to the question of who has the responsibility for future water quality control. Even though the Finnish timber resources are more sustainable than ever, the Finnish State supports afforestation financially. The private owner can apply for financial aid for ditching, fertilizing, and reforestation. Agricultural after use is not promoted in any way. Although there are already many watercourses and lakes found in Finland, the creation of artificial lakes is viewed as an appropriate after use option and is promoted by authorities. Further after use options that find application in Finland are berry farming (strawberry, cranberry, and bush blueberry), herb farming and biomass cultivation. In some areas of Lapland, the cultivation of reindeer fodder might be interesting. There are unlimited after use possibilities in tourism, recreational and sporting areas, for example, golf courses or light aeroplane fields according to Uosukainen (2000). 5.4 Sweden Peat producing companies are responsible for the implementation of reclamation or restoration options on sites. In order to receive a concession for peat production, no matter if on their own land or land leased from private owners or municipalities, the peat producing company requires a ‘Miljökonsekvens beskrivning’ (MKB) (=Environmental Impact Assessment). This procedure will analyze and evaluate the effects of the peat production on the environment and associated impacts. The company itself can carry out this evaluation but is responsible for doing it in an objective way. This evaluation and the application for peat extraction are handed in together to ‘Länsstyrelsen’, the County Administrative Board, for approval. Normally, the County Administrative Board makes a decision in the first instance, but in more complicated cases and applications for bigger areas, ‘Naturvårdsverket’, the National Environmental Protection Board, and ‘Energiverket’, the County Administrative Board for Energy Consumption, will be called in for decision-making. It can take several (3-5) years before the peat producing company will finally receive their concession. Very often this long time is owing to the problem that there are many players – authorities, private owners (more than just one), municipalities, and the public – involved in the planning process. The peat producing company has to plan and carry out the after use of the peat production area (Hörnsten, 1992), but it is the land owner to whom the land will revert after production ceases who will make the final decision as to which after use should be applied (Östlund, Råsjö Torv, Pers. Comm., 20. Feb. 2004). 42 6. Management planning for after use For the successful restoration or reclamation of a site, it is essential to develop an after use plan even before harvesting begins (Joosten and Clarke, 2002). The production site needs to be investigated for peat depth, peat characteristics, water table depth, subsoil, etc. (DachnowskiStokes, 1926). It seems to be appropriate to put all this information together onto one or more maps. As the area is harvested, the maps should be updated as periodically as deemed necessary for implementing the after use plan. In many cases, the land on which peat production takes place is leased. From the beginning of the planning process, it has to be realized that some of the alternatives might need modification. As harvesting proceeds, the potentials and opportunities for more effective and beneficial after uses will become clearer. Also from the beginning, management should consider who will carry out and have responsibility for all necessary actions. Considering the mire formation processes and mire origins in mind, every cutaway peatland is different owing to its physiographic and hydromorphic settings, the physical and chemical characteristics of the residual peat, and the underlying subsoils. In addition, the physical layout of the drainage ditches and harvesting operations will vary from site to site. Thus every site has different conditions to be dealt with and every restoration and reclamation will be more or less applicable only to the peatland site in question. The characteristics of the peat will determine the kinds of crops (trees, grasses, vegetables, etc.) which are appropriate for cultivation. Richer fen and woody peat indicates that such after use is a better choice, whereas poorer acid peats may indicate that wetland restoration is an appropriate use. The underlying material could call for certain careful measures. For example, the presence of marl or gyttja may offer both problems and opportunities. The problems are related to the potential for site damages and poor growing conditions for crops if one attempts to cultivate the gyttja or the marl. If there are concerns about this, peat should not be harvested too deeply and enough peat should be left over the aquatic sediments to provide a stable substrate for growing corps. On the other hand, one might wish to harvest and use the marl or gyttja, thus obtaining full benefit from the whole deposit. This may provide economic benefit for the company or the private landowner. Of course, after such extractions it would still be necessary to restore or reclaim the site, and this may be more difficult than restoring with some peat left over the aquatic sediments. In many cases, the site will be suitable for more than just one after use option. Sometimes the different options can or will complement each other, sometimes they might work against each other and need to be adjusted to each other. 6.1 What information is required? As mentioned earlier, the management planning for after use should be done as early as possible, preferably at the same time as the harvesting operations are planned Investigations carried out simultaneously will save both money and time. Both in the near future and in the long-term, the success of the restoration or reclamation is dependent on the quality of the planning. The usual measurements required for the harvesting plan are as follows: • depth of the peat layer and aquatic sediment layer(s) if present, • type of peat and its degree of humification, • type of aquatic sediment, • depth of the water table, • hydrological drainage features of the catchment area, 43 • and drainage capabilities. It is clear that these are also important to the after use planning. As the peat harvesting nears completion, it will be possible to obtain as deemed important additional information about the residual peat and aquatic sediments. For instance, if making decisions about various crops to cultivate, information about the decomposition, bulk density, pH, and chemistry will be particularly important. Because every mire and peat production area is different, no two after use plans will be alike. In some areas there is a choice depending on the site characteristics, in other sites there is not and the options will be limited (McNally, 2001). When planning to restore a wetland, it is recommended by the ‘Peatland Restoration Guide’ (Quinty and Rochefort, 2002) to refer to ‘reference ecosystems’. These will serve as models for the conditions to be achieved Comparing the conditions in the site to be restored with a natural mire will provide guidelines for successful reconstruction of peat accumulation functions. Also, when turning the site into wildlife habitat the ‘natural’ features can be good benchmarks to aim for during restoration. 6.2 Which after use is suitable? All of the after use options in this review seem to be more or less suitable for Swedish cutaway peatlands. Since Sweden stretches over 1500 km from south to north, climatic conditions vary greatly. Afforestation might be more successful in southern Sweden, where the climate is somewhat milder, but it is not impossible in other parts of the country. The same applies to energy forest plantations, some agricultural crops and some berry species. Energy forests, just as agricultural fields, are not desirable from an environmental perspective because they are monocultures. However, the areas that might be monocultures on peatlands are quite small in comparison to ordinary production forests. On the other hand, if parts of peatland cutovers are allowed to evolve from open fields to forests naturally, this will create a sequence of secondary communities supporting a diverse range of meadows and mixed age and density forests during the succession development. There is a surplus of agricultural land presently in Sweden. Indeed, a rather big conservation issue at this point in time is how to deal with abandoned peatlands that have been used for agricultural crop production in the past. One should not consider blanketing areas with trees that are not suitable for reforestation. Small wetland areas could be established in locations where drainage is a problem. Initial stages of the wetland could include richer marshes, meadows, and thickets, which are rather limited in area nowadays in some countries, and which would increase the diversity of vegetation, plants, and animals in the landscape. From a timber production point of view cutaway peatlands were low productive sites before peat excavation began, and new managed plantations on the cutaways will undoubtedly be more productive. In this aspect peat production results in a new forested ecosystems that is more productive. However, northern countries like Sweden, Finland, and Canada already have huge forested areas, and here the small increase in production forest on cutaways would not result in much change to the wood producing capacities. 44 Energy forests in this context imply reducing the use of fossil fuels. This applies also for biomass cultivation with grass species such as reed canary grass. However, reed canary grass cultivation on abandoned peat production areas requires knowledge about cultivation methods and the development of an economically viable enterprise that could be interesting to farmers or peat harvesting companies. As well it would require developing planting, harvesting, storage, and transportation methods. Thus reed canary grass cultivation can be deemed risky and may be difficult to ‘sell’ to potential entrepreneurs, especially land owners. Agricultural after use of peat production areas can be of success when carried out properly. Usually, agricultural fields are monocultures and do not provide habitats for many species. From a nature conservation viewpoint and with global concerns in mind, a more desirable after use option should be considered for cutaway areas. Usually the layer of peat left after peat production is shallow. Agricultural crop production has to be carried out in aerobic soil conditions. With this increase in oxygen biological processes (humification and decomposition) are enhanced thus the peat subsides. The area of peatland used in agriculture has steadily decreased worldwide because of mineralization of organic soils. Because of this, the restoration of wetlands and mires, and especially the peat-accumulating function, should be given priority. Other benefits of wetlands and mire restoration are the re-establishment of gas fluxes and greenhouse gas emissions, hydrological regulation, enhancement of natural biodiversity, and recreation and amenity functions. Restoration of the peat accumulating function is an important alternative, certainly in areas where the ditch network has deteriorated Once the restored site is stabilized, different forms of recreation, for example, walking, fishing, or bird watching can be performed This can help to create public awareness of nature conservation. However, as it is today, the landowner plays a major role in the decision-making process but might only have limited knowledge about which after use options to implement. Some of the landowners may only know about afforestation, usually the easiest and most economically attractive solution. Yet that might not always be the best and most suitable solution. Therefore, it is essential that right from the beginning of the planning for peat production, all the various after use options are considered and evaluated for their suitability on the particular site. This will increase successful rehabilitation of cutaway peatlands and contribute to a variety of beneficial alternatives. 7. Conclusions The decision and the final implementation of after use alternatives depend on many factors such as climate, geographical location, site conditions, drainage system, and harvesting operation layout. Related socio-economic aspects are market trends, economic return, personal preferences, and legal requirements. Successful peatland conservation and rehabilitation of cutaway peatlands require a holistic view and sound decision-making. Fundamentally, the success of the restoration and reclamation of a particular site depends on: • the quality of the planning, • how well the particular cutaway features are considered, and • the goodness of the decision(s) concerning the most suitable option(s). 45 8. Literature Cited Ahti, E., Vuollekoski, M., and Joensuu, S., 1998. 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Interet Links Board na Móna Group – http://www.bnm.ie/index.htm Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss Association – http://www.peatmoss.com/ International Peat Society – http://www.peatsociety.fi/ Irish Peatland Conservation Council – http://www.ipcc.ie/ Lough Boora Parklands – http://www.loughbooraparklands.ie/ Naturvårdsverket – http://www.naturvardsverket.se/ Stiftelsen Svensk Torvforskning – http://www.torvforsk.se/ Svenskt Torvproducentförening – http://www.torvproducenterna.se/ Nigula Nature Reserve – http//www.nigula.ee Ducks Unlimited – http://www.ducks.org/index.asp References Bélanger, B. 2003. Restoration of peat bogs and wetland areas: Premier Tech's long-term vision (abstract). pp.771-775 in Rochefort, L. and Daigle, J.-Y. (eds) 2000. Proceedings of the 11th International Peat Congress, Quebec, Canada. International Peat Society, Jyväskylä, Finland Cassidy, A., 2000. Survey of mycorrhiza. pp. 100-104 Jones, S. and Farrell, E.P. (eds), 2000. Research programme to develop a forest resource on industrial cutaway peatland in the Midlands, BOGFOR 3 project, final report. Report No. 52, Forest Ecosystem Research 52 Group, Department of Environmental Resource Management, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Collins, T. 1998. The economic importance of agriculture on the cutaways. pp. 17-20 in Tom Egan (Conf. Coord.), 1998. The future use of cutaway bogs. Lough Boora Parklands. Cutaway Bogs Conference, 1998. Brosna Press Ltd., Ferbane, Co. Offaly, Ireland. Egan, T. 1999. A landscape uncloaked: Lough Boora Parklands the national centre of cutaway boglands rehabilitation in Ireland. The Heritage Council Finér, L. and Kaunisto, S., 1998. The effect of harvesting method and fertilization on the quality of fuel wood and the nutrient status of peatlands. pp. 67-69 in Sopo, R. (ed), 1998. The Spirit of Peatlands – Proceedings of the 11th International Peat Symposium, 1998, Jyväskylä, Finland. International Peat Society, Jyväskylä, Finland. Larsson, L.-E., 1992. Peat in Sweden – Cutaway peatlands to be restored The Swedish Peat Research Foundation, Northern Periphery Program. 5 pp. Lode, E., 2001. Natural mire hydrology in restoration of peatland functions. Ph. D. Thesis, Department of Forest Soils, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae, Silvestria 234. 38 pp. + 4 papers Lode, E. and Lundin, L., 2001. Seasonal climate variation reflected in peatland discharge: A methodological approach to experimental data. In Lode, E., 2001, Doctoral Thesis, Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae, Silvestria 234. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala 2001. 31 pp. McNally, G., 1998. Optimising the return to Bord na Móna. pp. 13-16 in Tom Egan (Conf. Coord.), 1998. The future use of cutaway bogs. Lough Boora Parklands. Cutaway Bogs Conference, 1998. Brosna Press Ltd., Ferbane, Co. Offaly, Ireland. Piirainen, S. and Finér, L., 2000. Leaching from wood ash fertilization drained peatlands. pp 977983 in Rochefort, L. and Daigle, J.-Y. (eds) 2000. Proceedings of the 11th International Peat Congress, Quebec, Canada. International Peat Society, Jyväskylä, Finland. Quinty, F. and Hood, G., 1998. Peatland restoration guide. pp. 79-81 in Malterer, T., Johnson, K. and Stewart, J. (eds). Peatland restoration and reclamation – Techniques and Regulatory Considerations. Proceedings from the 1998 International Peat Symposium, Duluth, Minnesota. International Peat Society, Jyväskylä, Finland. Renou, F., 2000. Fertilizer trials. pp. 87-92 in Jones, S. and Farrell, E.P. (eds), 2000. Research programme to develop a forest resource on industrial cutaway peatland in the Midlands, BOGFOR 3 project, final report. Report No. 52, Forest Ecosystem Research Group, Department of Environmental Resource Management, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Selin, P. and Nyrönen, T. 1998. The Use of Cutaway areas in Finland. pp. 18-22 in Malterer, T., Johnson, K. and Stewart, J. (eds). Peatland restoration and reclamation – Techniques and Regulatory Considerations. Proceedings from the 1998 International Peat Symposium, Duluth, Minnesota. International Peat Society, Jyväskylä, Finland. Veijalainen, H., Reinikainen, A., and Kolari, K., 1984. Nutritional growth disturbances of forest trees. (In Finn, Engl summ). Folia Forestralia 601. 41 pp. Vitt, D.H., Bayley, S.E., and Jin, T.L. 1995. Seasonal variation in water chemistry over a bog-rich fen gradient in continental western Canada. Can. J. Fish. and Aquat. Sci. 52:587-606. 53 9. Annotated Citations 1 Malterer, T.J. and Johnson, K.W. 1998. Perspective on Peatland Restoration and Reclamation in the United States. pp. 9-12 in Malterer, T., Johnson, K. and Stewart, J. (eds). Peatland restoration and reclamation – Techniques and Regulatory Considerations. Proceedings from the 1998 International Peat Symposium, Duluth, Minnesota. International Peat Society, Jyväskylä, Finland. Keywords: Peatlands, restoration, reclamation, public policy. Summary: The main aim of the paper is to discuss and evaluate the restoration and reclamation of cutaway peatlands. The paper reviews the regulatory and legislation conditions at the time at the national, as well as at the state (Minnesota) state level. Peatland reclamation is defined as the management of harvested peatlands to achieve a beneficial end use, often with the potential for economic return. Peatland restoration is defined as the managed restoration of harvested peatlands to their original wetland vegetation and functional wetland status. (Peatlands are included in wetlands). Every site has different conditions, thus every restoration work is different and will only be of success to different extents because there are variable scales of repair, interactions of key environmental factors during the 'healing' process, interaction of the colonizing organisms, hydronomics, etc. Additionally, has to be considered that scientific 'needs' do not always go along with social or economic benefits; therefore, solutions only exist when policy makers, scientists of the various disciplines, and land managers work together. At the national level, strong pressure to preserve undamaged wetlands and to restore damaged and destroyed wetlands led to a federal "no-net-loss" wetland policy which demands that damage to wetlands are to be avoided, but if unavoidable, they must be mitigated by replacement or enhancement of wetlands elsewhere. Research and conservation interest comes from the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). The implementation lies on behalf of the US Army Corps of Engineers (COE) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EAP). At the state level, management policies for Minnesota's peatlands were developed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Peat Programme, after many large areas were considered for peat extraction during the late 1970s (at the height of the energy crisis). This resulted in research being mainly concentrated on 1) return the mined peatlands to a useful purpose and 2) mitigation of the continuing environmental impacts associated with mined peat areas. Mining and Reclamation Regulations cover peatlands harvested for horticultural peat. Peat companies generally have two options 1) to reclaim the site to another end use (forestry, agriculture or biomass cultivation) or 2) to stabilize the surface with wetland or typical peatland vegetation and meet a 5-year cover standard. Furthermore, peatlands harvested for energy peat are covered by the Wetland Conservation Act that is administered by the Board of Soil and Water Resources. 2 Malterer, T.J., Johnson, K.W. and Grubich, D.S. 2002. Wise Use of Peatlands in the USA: Policy and Regulatory Aspects. pp. 309-312 in Schmilewski, G. and Rochefort, L. (eds) Peat in 54 Horticulture. Proceedings on the International Peat Symposium, 2002, Pärnu, Estonia. International Peat Society, Jyväskylä, Finland. Keywords: USA, peatlands, policy, regulations, "no-net-loss". Summary: This paper focuses mainly on industrial utilization of peatlands and after use of those areas and discusses the USA wetland policies and regulations. At present, there are regulatory agencies at the federal as well as at the state level. Their requirements are very similar and usually complement each other. At the federal level, authority and implementation of nation-wide wetland regulations, which include permitting of peat harvesting operations is hold by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) since the 1980s. Implementation of the nation-wide "no-net-loss" of wetlands policy is carried out by the permitting process referred to as "404 permit". It focuses on a decision-making process, which involves examining the proposed peatland disturbance or loss in terms of a three-tiered system of avoidance, minimization, and compensation. Since 1990, the Environments Protection Agency (EPA) has responsibility for enforcement action against companies that develop peatlands without permit or fail the requirements. At the state level, various parallel regulations to the national wetland policy have been developed Minnesota, a major peat producing state, has its own Wetlands Conservation Act (WCA) since 1990, which complements the national policy with the exception that peat harvesting is not considered a loss of wetlands because the WCA considers drained peatlands to retain physical properties of a wetland. Mined peatlands must be returned to wetland status after extraction ceases. Additionally, individual states may require an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on top of all regular requirements when the proposed site is considered to be more susceptible to the impacts. For each case of peatland utilization the regulation claims compensation for wetland losses, and usually there is a strong preference for peatland restoration. 3 Rubec, C. and Thibault, J.J. 1998. Managing Canadian Peatlands: status of the resource and restoration approaches. pp. 13-17 in Malterer, T., Johnson, K. and Stewart, J. (eds). Peatland restoration and reclamation – Techniques and Regulatory Considerations. Proceedings from the 1998 International Peat Symposium, Duluth, Minnesota. International Peat Society, Jyväskylä, Finland. Keywords: Peatlands, Canada, policy, utilization. Conservation. Summary: Conversion of peatlands into other land use forms in Canada since the earliest human settlement has been owing to mostly agriculture (85%), urbanization (5%), hydro development (4%) and ports/harbours (2%). In this context peat extraction taking place on about 16, 000 ha, equal to 0.01% of Canada's wetlands seems to be of minor importance. But since in many of these areas the production is going to cease within the next decades and there have to be found appropriate after uses, the restoration and reclamation issue is becoming more and 55 more important. Furthermore, wetland conservation is steadily becoming more of an issue of public issue. Therefore, in 1991, the Canadian Government adopted the Federal Policy on Wetland Conservation, which aims to promote the conservation of Canada's wetlands and at sustaining their ecological and socio-economic functions, now and in the future. In addition, four of Canada's provinces are in the process of implementing provincial wetland and peatland conservation and management policies. 4 Thibault, J.J. 2002. New Initiatives in Managing peatland Resources in New Brunswick, Canada. pp. 222-227 in Schmilewski, G. and Rochefort, L. (eds) Peat in Horticulture. Proceedings on the International Peat Symposium, 2002, Pärnu, Estonia. International Peat Society, Jyväskylä, Finland. Keywords: Peat, Canada, policy, utilization, conservation. Summary: New Brunswick has a total of 142, 000 ha of peatlands of which 11% are under peat mining lease agreements. About 65% of the peatland area occurs on public land and almost all peat companies operate on public land. In 2001, a new policy on peat mining was adopted and the authority lies with the Department of Natural Resources and Energy who will together with the Department of Environment and Local Government approve applications after and Environmental Impact Assessment. Under the new policy, all holders of peat leases are required to have a site restoration and reclamation plan, before peat harvesting begins. In most cases, site restoration to a functioning natural wetland habitat will be the favoured objective. 5 Selin, P. and Nyrönen, T. 1998. The Use of Cutaway areas in Finland. pp. 18-22 in Malterer, T., Johnson, K. and Stewart, J. (eds). Peatland restoration and reclamation – Techniques and Regulatory Considerations. Proceedings from the 1998 International Peat Symposium, Duluth, Minnesota. International Peat Society, Jyväskylä, Finland. Keywords: Cutaway area, after use, restoration, peat production. Summary: In this article the current after use forms in Finland are reviewed and described Vapo Oy is a state company and produces 75-80% of Finland's total peat production volume. During the next decade a large area of 45, 000-50, 000 ha of cutaway peatlands will come out of production. Therefore, much research and work is done in order to find the best suitable after use alternatives, as well as new options. Afforestation was in the past and is still at present the best known and most conducted form of after use. Since also Finland has large areas of arable land that are used for food production, agriculture as a form after use is considered not appropriate any longer. Much more interesting, also from an economical point of view, is the cultivation of biomass like reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), which occurs naturally in Finland. Instructions are given for the creation of bird sanctuaries. The advantages and disadvantages of growing berries and herbs on former peat cutting areas are considered. This article emphasizes the need for identification of the underlying substrate and the natural drainage depth prior to any after use activities. Many ideas and research data are available but there is relatively little knowledge about impacts of the various forms of after use. 6 56 Leinonen, A., Lindh, T., Paappanen, T., Kallio, E., Flyktman, M., Hakkarainen, J., Käyhkö, V., Peronius, P., Puuronen, M., and Mikkonen, T., 1998. Cultivation and production of reed canary grass for mixed fuel as a method for reclamation of a peat production area. pp. 120-124 in Malterer, T., Johnson, K. and Stewart, J. (eds). Peatland restoration and reclamation – Techniques and Regulatory Considerations. Proceedings from the 1998 International Peat Symposium, Duluth, Minnesota. International Peat Society, Jyväskylä, Finland. Keywords: Peat production, reed canary grass, biomass crop, harvesting, storage, combustion, bio energy. Summary: Among the alternatives for after use of cutaway peatlands, the cultivation of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea) for bio fuel is promising and carries along several positive side effects during peat production is still going on and after is ceased Vapo Oy and VTT Energy together conducted research on the cultivation and technology and methods of harvesting reed canary grass in Finland. This report gives an overview about where technology stands at the time of writing and reviews the economical and environmental advantages and disadvantages of the cultivation of reed canary grass for bio fuel by itself and as a mixture with wood chips and peat. In Finland up to that time, reed canary grass was not competitive to other alternative fuels but the improvement of the applied technology, use of alternative fertilizers, and plant breeding for higher yields may improve its potential for application. 7 Utter, A. and Lundmark, L., 2003. Efterbehandling av Kauppisennuoma torvtäktsområde –förslag på lämpliga alternativ samt kostnader för detta. Kemiska institutionen/tekniska högskolan, Umeå Universitet. 40 pp. Keywords: Cutaway peatland, after use alternatives, costs, management plan. Summary: Kauppisenvuoma is a former peat cutting area just outside of Kiruna, North Sweden where peat harvesting was carried out between 1983-1996. Four peatland cutover sites, one in Ireland, one in Finland, and three in Sweden, are reviewed for examples of kinds of after use. The main goals for the after use included 1) establishment of forest plantations, 2) creation of lakes and wetlands, which is connected to waterfowl and other aquatic diversity, and 3) restoration to a condition of peat accumulation, as defines functioning mire ecosystems. Examples are given from Sweden, Finland and Ireland. The investigated site of this thesis project is evaluated for the potential for implementation of the existing options and appropriate options are proposed. The site is not conducive to some of the existing reclamation options because of its geographical location (harsh climate, short vegetation period, low temperature sum). Suggestions given are the creation of a lake, restoration of wetland and conversion into forestry use. 8 Farrell, C. and Doyle, G. 2001. Rehabilitation of industrial cutaway Atlantic blanket bog in County Mayo, North-West Ireland. pp. 21-35 in Wetlands Ecology and Management No. 11, 2003. Kluwer Acadamic Publishers, The Netherlands. Keywords: Sphagnum-regrowth, cutaway peatland, colonisation, plant communities, site manipulations, Atlantic blanket bog. 57 Summary: Bellacorick is a milling production site of Bord na Mòna, the Irish Peat Board. Around 1, 200 ha have already come out of production and are now investigated for the changes that have already taken place at the site for the most appropriate after use options to be applied Among the various aspects to be looked at, factors influencing colonization the already happened natural colonization (plant communities with the present habitats) were examined in order to reveal the best management strategies. More monitoring of development is going to be carried out during the next years, mainly on the vegetation establishment and habitat development after site manipulations like the manipulation of hydrology and surface area of the cutaway peatland and planting of birch. 9 Hörnsten, L., 1992. Efterbehandling av torvtäkter utbrutna med djupbrytningsteknik – en literaturstudie – Treatments of peat bogs harvested by deep digging technique. Rapport 1992:36, Vattenfall Research, Värmeteknik. Vällingby, Sweden. 64 pp. Keywords: After use, peat bog, deep digging harvesting technique. Summary: In this paper it is described how cutaway peatlands that have been harvested with deep digging harvesting technique can be treated after production has ceased. The author reviews the various after use options for cutaway peatlands such as afforestation, plantations of energy forests and biomass cultivation, and creation of lakes. The main focus of this literature study, which is based on Swedish literature, maps and oral references available at the time of writing, is on the practicality and suitability for Sweden on the basis of three main locations (Southern Swedish Highlands and the provinces of Dalecarlia and Norrbotten). Further, the costs for each reclamation alternative are given. It is concluded that forest cultivation and establishment of ponds are possible in all locations. Because of the climate neither energy wood nor energy grass seem to be appropriate in any of the mentioned regions. 10 Finell, M. 2003. The use of reed canary-grass (Phalaris arundinacea) as a short fibre raw material for the pulp and paper industry. pp. 7-24. Doctoral diss.. Unit of Biomass Technology and Chemistry, SLU. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae. Agraria vol. 424, Uppsala, Sweden. Keywords: Non-woody, pulp properties, raw material preparation, TCF bleaching, paper properties, multivariate data analysis, PLS. Summary: This thesis describes the use of non-woody material as a source for bio-fuel and to replace wood material as a short fibre raw material in the pulp and paper industry with a focus on reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea). This study examines the following aspects of reed canary-grass: quality, transportation, storage, refining of the raw material by dry fractionation, chemical pulping, bleaching and paper production. Reed canary grass seems to be a promising crop as an alternative to birch and other wood material and as presented in the thesis work the plant seems to be very suitable for biomass cultivation on former peat cutting areas. The proposed management, harvesting and processing of reed canary grass given in this paper are based on the ecology of the crop and seem to be congruent with the conditions and situation in peat cutting areas and their features. 58 11 Vasander, H. et al., 2003. Status and restoration of peatlands in northern Europe. P. 51-63 in Wetlands Ecology and Management No. 11, 2003. Kluwer Acadamic Publishers, The Netherlands. Keywords: Sweden. Cut-away peatlands, Estonia, Finland, forest drainage, mires, monitoring, Summary: The paper review natural environmental conditions for mire formation, different utilization of peatlands, and different and common approaches to the restoration of peatlands in Estonia, Finland and Sweden. The main focus in this paper lies on restoration of drained forested peatlands to promote landscape diversity, restoration of drained peatlands as buffer zones between forests and waterways, and restoration of cut-away peatlands to carbon sequestering systems. Results and theories from experimental sites in Sweden and Finland are pointed out and evaluated for their success and status today. Vegetation recovery on drained peatlands occurs quicker than on cutaway peatlands. Some species seem to need longer than others to colonize a site again, or may never come back. The successful restoration is usually not only depending on biotic factors such as hydrology or colonization capability, but furthermore the question after the ownership and who will be responsible in the future seems to have a rather large impact. 12 Jones, S.M., Boyle, G.M., and Farrell, E.P., 1998. Forestry on milled cutaway peatland. pp.22-26 in Tom Egan (Conf. Coord.), 1998. The future use of cutaway bogs. Lough Boora Parklands. Cutaway Bogs Conference, 1998. Brosna Press Ltd., Ferbane, Co. Offaly, Ireland. Keywords: Milled-peat production, afforestation, weed competition, frost damage, nutrient deficiency, research programme. Summary: The peat production process at Bord na Móna, in Ireland is described Peat is harvested in two different ways, sod and milled peat cutting. Both are very different processes and each of them leads to distinctive site conditions after peat production ceases. The residues left are very different, both chemically and physically. After sod peat cutting a rather thick layer of basal fen peat is left. Milled peat cutting leaves a layer of well-decomposed, basal fen peat of varying thickness, frequently very shallow subsequently in close contact to the mineral soil. Very often, where it is economically sound, milled peat cutting follows, thus many of the available cutaway peatlands have similar conditions. Afforestation seems to be a suitable after use. Therefore, since 1988, 4, 000 ha have been planted with Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.), lodge pole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. Var. contorta), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and oak (Quercus spp.) to test them for their vigour and health. In 1994, the plantations were surveyed for their main causes of tree mortality and/or poor growth. The main causes were frost, competition from weed vegetation and nutrient deficiencies. Even though the results from this survey concerning tree health and vigour were not satisfactory, the individual tree growth and the stand growth seem to be promising. However, afforestation on cutaway peatlands can definitely be satisfactory if the reasons for failure, such as frost, weed competition and nutrient deficiencies, can be eliminated. To improve the plantations and to obtain more knowledge for future actions, a research programme was developed to address these problems. 59 13 Collins, T. 1998. The economic importance of agriculture on the cutaways. pp. 17-20 in Tom Egan (Conf. Coord.), 1998. The future use of cutaway bogs. Lough Boora Parklands. Cutaway Bogs Conference, 1998. Brosna Press Ltd., Ferbane, Co. Offaly, Ireland. Keywords: Peat production, policy, reform, reclamation, agriculture, re-structuring. Summary: The current situation and the economy of farming in County Offaly, Ireland are presented with a focus on future use of reclaimed areas from peat production. To convert former peat cutting areas into agricultural fields seems contradictory to recent developments and trends at present. Since the 1970s, when agricultural policies were production-led to secure the food supply in Europe, the policies have undergone a reform in 1992. The orientation changed towards less intensive and more extensive farming. This paper does not favour the increase of percentage of land used for agriculture, and it points out the need for re-structuring the holdings in County Offaly, where there is found the highest proportion of peat production in relation to other land uses. In these parts of the County, farms are smaller, the systems of production are poorer and the economic size structure is weaker. Therefore, these farmers should be supported through the re-structuring of farm size, and cutaway peatlands should be reclaimed as agricultural fields. 14 McNally, G. 1998. Optimising the return to Bord na Móna. pp. 13-16 in Tom Egan (Conf. Coord.), 1998. The future use of cutaway bogs. Lough Boora Parklands. Cutaway Bogs Conference, 1998. Brosna Press Ltd., Ferbane, Co. Offaly, Ireland. Keywords: Reclamation, value, policy, conflicts. Summary: Ireland’s land area is 17% covered by peat. In County Offaly peat makes up 34% of the land cover. The Irish Government policy promotes the use of mixed fuels with emphasis on indigenous resources. Except for a very small amount of hydro, peat is the only indigenous resource and the value of a properly developed peatland is calculated to be £25 000 per ha per m of peat. There is a great potential for employment and subsequently economic improvement. Bord na Móna’s production policy is to remove as much peat as is economically sound. That does not equate to total peat extraction and moreover, depending on what reclamation is decided upon, the residual peat can have a negative impact on the success of the after use. Also, from the economical perspective, regarding the value of a peatland, from an economical perspective there is no reason to leave these values unused As a result, peat producers have to deal with the following conflicts. Peat production destroys unique ecosystems, which should be preserved, wildlife habitats are destroyed where potential wasteland is created, and lastly, peat burning contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. In the remaining text of this paper it is described how Bord na Móna views these issues and to some extent what they have planned to do to fulfil their requirements for considering the mentioned conflicts adequately. 15 Quinty, F. and Hood, G., 1998. Peatland restoration guide. pp. 79-81 in Malterer, T., Johnson, K. and Stewart, J. (eds). Peatland restoration and reclamation – Techniques and Regulatory 60 Considerations. Proceedings from the 1998 International Peat Symposium, Duluth, Minnesota. International Peat Society, Jyväskylä, Finland. Keywords: Restoration, peatland, top spits, chopping spreading, mulch Summary: Techniques for the restoration of functioning peatlands are given in a step-by-step guide. A restored peatland bears characteristic vegetation inter alia Sphagnum spp.. Before any actions take place the restoration has to be planned well. The remaining peat layer should be at least 50 cm thick. Plant material that will be spread onto the bare peat has to be collected from a undamaged mire. The collection area should be 10% of the area that is to be re-vegetated. The first step during this restoration process is to prepare the surface of the peat field and rewet the site by blocking the drainage ditches. This will help the moss establish more easily, since it does not have roots and it will bring back the hydrological functions. Since Sphagnum mosses have a great potential to regenerate satisfactorily from fragments, the second step will be to collect top spits, at least the first 10 cm. The material will be spread evenly on the prepared field. It has to be mentioned that this layer of plant fragments should not be too thick and not too thin for successful establishment. The last and most important step will be to cover the field with mulch, for example, straw. Mulch will shade the moss fragments and help the moss to keep its moisture. 16 Ericsson, T., Grip, H. Pertty, K., Wiklander, G., 1983. Etablering av engergiskog på Högmosse I Jädraås – Establishment of energy forest on raised peat bog. Teknisk rapport/Projekt Energiskogsodling – ESO. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden.91 pp. Keywords: raised peat bog, energy forest, afforestation, water chemistry, fertilization. Summary: This report is the result of research on the effects of energy forest cultivation on the hydrological chemistry. The requirements on peat bogs afforested with willow concerning water, energy and nutrient budget are given as follows: 1) the water catchment area needs to be cleary defined, 2) uncontrolled groundwater leakage should be negligible, 3) there should be found a suitable reference area nearby, and 4) it should be possible to measure the runoff from the area. During the conducted experiments it was concluded that the performance of willow species was correlated to the soil pH and the moisture content. The growth of grey alder and birch was not affected by the pH. The measurements of runoff waters, lead to the conclusion that fertilization, owing to the low nutrient-holding capacity of the peat, should be carried out in small doses and the amount of nutrients applied should be adjusted to the present uptake capacity of the crop during the growing season. 17 Dachnowski-Stokes, A.P. 1926. Factors and problems in the selection of peatlands for different uses. USDA Dep. Bull. No. 1419. 23pp. Keywords: peatland, utilization, stratigraphy, mire development, economic use Summary: The chief hazards in agriculture and industry were grouped into three classes: 1) differences between peatlands in their distinction structural framework (peat types and stratigraphy), 2) lack of a proper method of controlling the supply of soil moisture, and 3) the 61 accumulation in the root zone of crops of excessive quantities of soluble salts from the mineral subsoil. Understanding of the nature and the effects of these problems will lead to better basis for operations and will avoid economical losses and encourage the conservation of peatlands, which are essential for water-storage, afforestation and reforestation and for wild-life reserves. 18 Sopo, R., Tuomanen, S., Selin, P., Väyrynen, T., Rinttilä, R., Marja-aho, J., Mäkikorttila, P., Peronius, P. And Suutari, E., 2002. Environmetal Impact Assesment of Peat Production – Instructions for evaluating the effects on nature and neighbour relations of peat production. The Association of Finnish Peat Industry, Jyväskyla, Finland. 7 pp. Keywords: environmental impact, peat harvesting, instructions, social impact. Summary: This paper reviews direct and indirect environmental impacts of peat harvesting on 1) the living conditions, health and comfort, 2) nature and natural diversity, 3) the landscape, cultural heritage and communal structure and, 4) the utilization of natural resources. 19 Miller, D.R., Robertson, R.A., Gauld, J., and Malcolm, A., 2000. pp. 29-38 in Åman, P (ed), 2000. Re-use of peat production areas. EU’s Northern Periphery Programme project: Re-use of peatland areas. Proceedings from the 1st international seminar, Oulu, Finland. 55 pp. Keywords: peatland, hand-cutting, mechanized peat extraction, after use, GIS. Summary: On the Ilse of Islay, peat has been harvested traditionally by hand-cutting for domestic fuel supply and commercial purposes (whiskey production) for many centuries. There are competing interests on the use of peatlands for wildlife conservation, afforestation, and peat extraction (mechanized) and on the after use for or re-use. This paper lists the advantages and disadvantages of both hand-cutting and mechanical production on the above-mentioned background. In order to properly plan peat production and the rehabilitation of cutaway peatlands and to make the right decisions, data collection and progression is most important. The collected and analyzed data can then be compiled into a spatial database used by the GIS. This will enable modelling and help as a planning tool in the decision making process. 20 Larsson, L.-E., 2001. Peat in Sweden – Cutaway peatlands to be restored pp. 34-41 in Uoskuainen, H. (ed), 2001. Re-use of peat production areas. EU’s Northern Periphery Programme project: Re-use of peatland areas. Proceedings from the 3rd international seminar, Aberdeen, Scotland. 70 pp. Keywords: after use, cutaway peatland, restoration Summary: This report gives a good overview on the current situation of the peat producing industry in Sweden. It highlights the importance finding appropriate alternatives for rehabilitation of cutaway peatlands regarding that there will be a rather large area being released from production. The main after use options being applied in Sweden at present are: 1) planting of new forest or energy forest, 2) using land for agriculture, pasture, or crop cultivation, 3) 62 constructing a shallow lake, or new wetland, 4) special measure, such as using the area for golf courses, fishing lake, or to filter sewage water. The implementation can lead to conflicts because while many private landowner would prefer the land to be afforested while the public would desire a new wetland. The author points out the importance of getting documentation on the original flora and fauna to analyze the development and learn which parameters interfere and which are important for biodiversity. 63