Presentation Programme Abstracts

Presentation Programme Abstracts
106 Presentations have been selected by the Exchange Board
Business & Projects
15 Presentations have been selected for the Business & Projects Track
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Business & Projects
Page 2 of 115
ID 2199
Industry Oil & Gas
Business & Projects
MAC partnership coordinates C&I system improvements on 5 platforms to ensure
Michael Will Metering TA
Apache North Sea UK
(End User)
Gary Ingram Sales Manager Fiscal Flow Products
Emerson UK
The control & instrumentation system of any process plant is like a cross between a human’s central nervous
system & a car dashboard. When the C&I systems are in ‘peak physical fitness’ the plant can be run well
ensuring profitability. But when they are not in peak condition the operators cannot drive the plant effectively
& profitability suffers.
Apache selected Emerson as a MAC partner to bring the C&I systems on 5 offshore platforms into peak
condition. During the 10 year programme a combination of coordinated upgrades to BPCS & SIS, smart
instrumentation & export metering has given Apache assets which can be ‘driven’ profitably
In 2003, with Brent crude oil price around $35 per barrel, Apache acquired 5 ageing assets from BP (Forties
Field) which were seen as being at end of useful life and non profitable to operate.These assets were facing
depleted production wells and obsolescence issues with inefficient C&I infrastructure and processes.
Apache selected Emerson as MAC partner.Over the next 10 years Apache replaced legacy third part
systems with Delta V on 5 assets.Field devices upgraded to Rosemount/MMI.Last piece of the jigsaw
installation of a Danpac metering system which fully integrates the oil export system with Delta V,leveraging
efficiencies from shared resources.
Results Benefits
Production from the Forties field peaked in 1979,when assets were sold to apache in 2003 production was
averaging 45000 bpd.In 2015 production from the Forties field was 60000 bpd.Apache extended the lifeby 20
years and enjoy one of the lowest lifting costs in the North Sea due to improved efficiencies.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Business & Projects
Page 3 of 115
ID 2252
Industry Engineering
Business & Projects
Virtual Project Delivery for today's challenging project environment
Luke Rubens Chief Control Systems Engineer
Bechtel UK
(EPC Contractor)
Recent economic uncertainty has accelerated the evolution of project delivery in the process industries
Projects are larger and the number of stakeholders has increased - work is much more complex and
customer expectations are changing.
These dynamics have the potential to drive up costs and increase project delivery risk. To address these
challenges, Bechtel Corporation is moving towards a “Virtual Project Delivery” structure, which embraces
standardization, modularity, supply chain partnering, cloud-based information sharing and LEAN work
The presentation will outline Bechtel’s cost-effective project delivery paradigm using some recent examples
to demonstrate how it positively affects schedule, cost, and risk on projects of any size.
Projects are larger and the number of stakeholders has increased - work is much more complex and
customer expectations are changing
Virtual Project Delivery” structure, which embraces standardization, modularity, supply chain partnering,
cloud-based information sharing and LEAN work processes
Results Benefits
Virtual Project Delivery positively affects schedule, cost, and risk on projects of any size.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Business & Projects
Page 4 of 115
ID 2255
Industry Chemical
Business & Projects
Close relationship between automation partner & end user assures success on mid-size
Julian Annison Principle Industry Consultant
Emerson UK
(End User)
Steve Currie
Valspar UK
Valspar have become closer & closer to a single automation vendor by working together on the solution of a
range of plant problems ranging from valve selection through to operator interface on mobile devices
The presentation shares experience on how to succeed in leveraging the strengths of both organisations
Realising the benefits of modern C&I / Process Automation systems from field to operator is not easy;
especially for mid-seize players
Working with one vendor to solve problems from the pipe flange up to operator interface on mobile devices
Results Benefits
Planned, Integrated approach to technology adoption drives continouous improvement in capability to
operate, maintain & develop the plant
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Business & Projects
Page 5 of 115
ID 1641
Industry General
Business & Projects
Look in the mirror - You are in sales!
David Kraft Vice President
Emerson UAE
Whether you are promoting an idea at work, or trying to ask that special someone to spend the rest of their
life with you, you are selling and don't even know it. We all have great ideas, many of which we've been
sitting on for quite some time, but how do we get them approved?
This session will explore how to get your idea or proposal ahead of your peers and the approval of
management to proceed. It may even get you a partner for life!
We all have programs or projects that we want to get funded. New technology that we want to try. But
getting funding, especially in this environment, is a challenge. Justifying the expense above other ideas or
programs is key to getting your idea launched.
This session will explore the concepts of presenting ideas to management and using real math, and
personal, (and humorous) examples of how I was able to sell my, as well as customer ideas, funded.
Results Benefits
Projects were funded, and I've been married for 20 years.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Business & Projects
Page 6 of 115
ID 1822
Industry Engineering
Business & Projects
Developing a Business Case for Modular Project Execution
William Meyer Module Execution Manager
Fluor UK
(EPC Contractor)
Project overruns (cost and time) are increasing and as sites become more 4D (dull, distant, dangerous and
dirty) so modularization project economics become more compelling. Moving site hours to fabrication yards
has been used for decades in offshore O&G, but is now becoming viable for other industries.
This paper looks at drivers for and against modularization and introduces an economic analysis framework,
tools and processes to help decision making and module design optimization. It will also show how
Emerson’s technology and project tools complement a modular construction approach.
Economically deciding to move a proportion of site man-hours into a module fabrication yard is complex.
Engineers tend to focus on minimizing material quantities. Not a reasonable surrogate for economic
efficiency on a modular project. A decision support system to effectively exploit the benefits of modularization
is needed.
A developed decision support system enables analysis of project drivers (opportunities and challenges faced
by projects challenged by remote location, scarcity of labor, environmentally sensitive surroundings and other
challenges) to determine the optimum proportion of man-hours to aggregate into modules and construct in
cost effective yards for installation on site.
Results Benefits
The decision support system proved successful in defining optimum man-hours to move offsite and maximize
realizable benefits to the project - considering additional costs for fabrication and assembly of module
content, transport, install, hook-up and test modules at site. This optimum ranged from 10% - 60% of
construction direct hours.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Business & Projects
Page 7 of 115
ID 2067
Industry Life Sciences
Business & Projects
Organisational readiness for a multi-facility MES introduction
Colin Chapman Manufacturing Control & Automation
GSK Ireland
(End User)
Owen Bonner
Emerson Ireland
GSK produce material for clinical supplies at nine locations around the world. To meet forecast demand GSK
chose the Syncade MES platform to enable the streamlining of work processes across the company.
Organisational readiness, including quality process impacts and user training is a key factor in the success of
the project.
The interface between the worlds of Automation and IT are particularly significant and can impact on the
success of a MES project.
This workshop describes the actions taken to prepare for a project with significant potential business impact
Introducing a MES system into a company means affecting existing procedures and processes in many parts
of the business. These range from IT to quality to work procedures on the factory floor.Significant challenges
exist in planning and anticipating these business needs and their impact on the project during implementation
GSK addressed these challenges by involving the Emersonteam early in the project implementation in order
to mitigate anticipated risks using a combination of technology and human factor solutions. Key to success is
strong sponsorship from both organisations and a structure providing organisational and project learning
during deployment of the solution.
Results Benefits
Adoption of this structure enabled GSK to successfully implement the project despite a major realignment of
the R&D manufacturing network mid-way through project implementation
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Business & Projects
Page 8 of 115
ID 2190
Industry Chemical
Business & Projects
Shrinking Orgs. Evergrowing Responsibilities. Ways to Cope.
Phil Webb Automation Systems Manager
Inovyn UK
(End User)
Jim Cahill Chief Blogger / Social Marketing Manager
Emerson USA
Many industries have experienced a loss of expertise due to retirements and organizational “right-sizing”.
The results of these trends are broadening responsibilities and less expertise to solve the challenges the
business faces.
We will share ways to cope with these trends through the innovative use of freely available technologies,
applications and social networks. In addition, as the importance of mobile communications continues to
increase, we’ll share ways to take advantage of these tools in a smart phone or tablet environment.
Our goal is for you to take away a least one fresh idea to bring back and apply in your organization.
As expertise in organizations shrinks over time and the complexity of the operation grows, novel technologies
and workflows have been created to compensate and cope with these issues.
By using collaborative, non-traditional applications and technologies such as mobile messaging, cloud-based
file storage and mobile-based search answers to issues are provided much faster than what was previously
Results Benefits
Applying these innovative solutions mean: •More efficient time use—during work and afterhours •Access to
wider knowledge within team •Use of pictures to reduce troubleshooting time •Support less familiar
equipment without deep expertise by tapping into other’s knowledge •Data access whenever and wherever
needed without need for physical proximity.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Business & Projects
Page 9 of 115
ID 2070
Industry Life Sciences
Business & Projects
Remote virtual approach to DCS migration project supports customer continuous
improvement effort
Mary Peterson Principal Automation Engineer
Novartis Switzerland
(End User)
Thomas Steiner
Emerson Switzerland
The combination of a remote virtual project approach together with distributed DCS (DeltaV) architecture
address increases in project complexity, leverages appropriate skills independent of personnel location (both
in vendor & customer), enables testing without travel, allows later testing & hardware order placement.
The impact of new features can also be explored & the project database made available for early training.
Global standards are also more easily adhered to
Execute Projects on Time, within Budget, and overcome Lifecycle Support Challenges. In a world facing
increasing challenges coming from Late Project Changes, People and Company Culture Changes, as well as
Increasing Complexity of Automation Projects.
Novartis together with Emerson identified that utilizing Emerson’s global Remote Virtual Office (RVO2)
Services in combination with Emerson’s Distributed DeltaV (DDV) solution has tremendous potential helping
to overcome many of todays’ challenges end-users face in projects, as well as over the lifecycle of an
installed automation solution.
Results Benefits
Cost avoidance seen in a recent SIEMENS PCS7 migration project in Switzerland using RVO2 for SFAT and
recipes development. By utilizing Emerson’s Distributed DeltaV (DDV) the test team saw additional benefits
by being able to incorporate existing legacy IO subsystems into the SFAT.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Business & Projects
Page 10 of 115
ID 1621
Industry Petrochemical
Business & Projects
Upgrade When Your System is a “Black Box”: Way Out in 3 Weeks with I/O on-Demand
Ilya Tolmachev Project Office Manager
NPP Neftekhimia Russian Federation
(End User)
Alexey Tekin Chief Metrologist
NPP Neftekhimia (GazpromNeft and
Sibur) Russian Federation
Large unit under old DCS control with operation life over 15 years was in need to upgrade. The total lack of
documentation in electronic form and very poor documentation on paper made task extremely difficult. Also
was made many undocumented changes. Actually, unit control system without documentation is a "black
box" in operation. Additional problem, young management team of the unit with no experience in startup of
Main challenge was the need to start-up object in 3 weeks, time of downturn. During this time old control
system should be replaced, new one installed including SIS. One day of missed deadlines start is threaten
with huge fines.
Application of Electronic Marshalling technology made possible quick upgrade of entire DCS of the unit:
installation and performed commissioning of DeltaV DCS based on CHARacterization Modules and DeltaV
SIS (SLS) systems. During implementation Emerson experts implemented a number of special technological
know-how of as additional benefit for a customer.
Results Benefits
With technology I/O on Demand even newbies in automation can start up complex unit in a short time.
“Turnkey” solution delivered less than in 3 weeks. Benefits of cutting-edge technology use and brilliant
project execution now drives customer for the expansion of DCS with no doubts.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Business & Projects
Page 11 of 115
ID 2198
Industry Engineering
Business & Projects
How Implementating Smart Automation Techniques can save cost ,time & Schedule for
Pradeep Virmani HOD Instrumentation
Petrofac UAE
(EPC Contractor)
Anil Ajith EPC Business Development Leader
Emerson UAE
Petrofac is a Global EPC and Leader in Middle East Market with over a $22B backlog of active EPC Projects
In today’s highly competitive market executing a project within a tight budget & schedule is a key measure of
performance for I&C Division of Petrofac. Petrofac deals with clients like Aramco, ADNOC, KOC being
NOC's and major upstream companies that contribute significant amount of revenue to their respective
countries/economies. Petrofac is viewed as a strategic engineering contractor to these NOC's who
understand their pains and necessities.
Delivering the project on time, on schedule and on budget to the NOC Companies is a key commitment and
imperative by the PMT team. The I&C BU is responsible for the execution, engineering & delivery of
Automation on projects. Applying modern technology for DCS, measurement etc. are ways where the I&C
BU was able to improve TICC & improve schedule on some projects.
When you look at an overall Project the I&C Lead on the projects will encounter many areas of
Instrumentation & control where problem & challenges emerge on a project. Control Space, I/O capacity &
spare sizing on brownfield upgrades projects & tie ins.
Some of the Emerson solutions 1) Implementation of Charms/Electronic Marshaling 2) Implementation of
Shelter Free Analyzers 3) Electro Hydraulic Actuators on Shutdown Valves 4) Smart Meter verification &
multivariable instrument on Well head applications 5) Remote diagnostics with DVC's 6) Implementing
Wireless Technolgy reduces engineering efforts & site activity
Results Benefits
Providing state of the art solution to the client which enables them to own & operate the plant with latest
technology that eliminates complexities like wiring, footprint and provides advanced diagnostics. - Reduction
of engineering hours, site activity thereby improving project schedule & total installed costs
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Business & Projects
Page 12 of 115
ID 2122
Industry Petrochemical
Business & Projects
Managing us, managing them – putting the Strategic into the Supplier Relationship
Neil King Reliability and Integrity Manager
Petroineos UK
(End User)
Julian Annison Principle Industry Consultant
Emerson UK
A shift in product balance, prices, demand and operating on a 90 year old site, required a business strategy
to move from Solomon 3rd to 1st Quartile performance.
Petroineos had to rethink how they worked with their core suppliers to maximize their impact on the business.
Emerson was the first supplier that they chose to collaborate with more strategically, and developed a novel
approach to strategy development and subsequent improvement initiatives that have been pioneered
Petroineos a joint venture between PetroChina and Ineos has operated the Grangemouth refinery in
Scotland since 2011
Automation strategies are usually developed bottom-up, focusing on known production issues and wellestablished technologies; but modern automation technologies offer much more than any of us can
realistically manage. By thinking top-down you start by developing the key business drivers and opportunities
that maximizes the business impact.
A collaborative process was developed which was based around a workshop for senior site Managers and
Engineers working alongside Emerson Consultants. The process reviewed what had shaped the current
status and through looking at where the refinery could be, identified where strategic opportunities could best
be supported by automation technologies
Results Benefits
Through this process an Automation Projects & Services Road-Map was created that aligned with the
business opportunities and 5 prioritised initiatives started. These have then been developed and championed
jointly by initiative leaders from both companies and cover key areas of reliability, energy / cost management,
business systems and competency.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Business & Projects
Page 13 of 115
ID 1540
Business & Projects
Industry General
How to reduce instrumentation & control system detailed engineering cost &
commissioning time (When Several Package Units need to be Integrated)
Julián Sáez Mateo Control & Instrumentation Engineer
Positive Engineering Spain
(EPC Contractor)
Tips to reduce Instrumentation and Control System Detailed Engineering cost and commissioning time in
projects where several package units need to be integrated.
Main challenge in the development of Detailed Engineering for Instrumentations and Control Systems is the
integration of the controls of different package units. Typically package unit vendors only look at the controls
inside of their battery limit and don’t take care or sometimes overlook important details of the integration of
their package units with other package units and with the rest of the client plant. Also quite often they don’t
take enough care of the client specifications.
This leads to a lot of misunderstandings and endless hours for clarifications during the detailed engineering
phase. And typically not all aspects are considered during the detailed engineering phase, so they only
appear during commissioning, when different package units and the rest of the plant need to work together
- Typical few signals to integrate several package units that are overlooked during the engineering phase and
cause big troubles during commissioning. - Unnecessary engineering hours during Detailed Engineering for
clarifications around control systems integration. - Commissioning delay when unforeseen hardwired signals
needed be exchanged between package units appear
- A “Best Practices” document was generated (with the experience gained during 15 years working in this
type of projects). - Functional Design Specification for Control System Software was developed integrating
the Control and Interlocks narratives of the different package unit vendors and the client.
Results Benefits
- Many engineering hours during Detailed Engineering phase of the project for Control and Instrumentation
disciplines saved. - Commissioning and start-up time shortened.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Business & Projects
Page 14 of 115
ID 2135
Industry Petrochemical
Business & Projects
Application of CHARMS for the Redeployment of a Mothballed Methanol Plant
Joffre Bourgeois Senior Engineering Manager Process / E&I
PROMAN Gesellschaft für
Projektmanagement Germany
(EPC Contractor)
Bernd Dahmen Senior Sales Engineer
Emerson Germany
The reconstruction and commissioning of a mothballed methanol process unit at a new site comes with many
challenges including the development of completely new instrumentation systems in a very short time
window. Equipment from the mothballed process plant had to be combined with several pieces of new
equipment to form a functional unit. The control logic from the original process unit needed to be adapted
and integrated with the requirements for the new equipment to allow the unit to function as a whole. This
together with the accelerated time schedule therefore required a high degree of flexibility in the systems that
needed to be deployed. It was also a requirement that the main systems (DCS, SIS and F&G) be ordered as
early as possible in the project cycle before the completion of the detailed engineering.
The application of CHARMS to this project enabled the maximum flexibility to be achieved.
The need to order the main instrument systems early in the project cycle before the completion of the
detailed engineering could not be achieved with a conventional system topology – including the tight
integration of the DCS, SIS and F&G systems.
The CHARM electronic marshalling systems were deployed at strategic locations throughout the facility to
minimize the installation complexity and to maximize flexibility in cases of additions and changes.
Results Benefits
The many changes that needed to be implemented after the detailed engineering were completed efficiently
at the plant site due to the nature of the CHARM electronic marshalling. During plant commissioning several
last minute changes were implemented in a very timely fashion reducing the overall commissioning time for
the plant.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Business & Projects
Page 15 of 115
ID 2026
Industry Engineering
Business & Projects
Lean Concept for Gas Well Hook Up Great Enabler for Small Gas Field Exploitation. A
struggle to survive!
Maarten Kuipers Lead Instrumentation Engineer
Tebodin Netherlands Netherlands
(EPC Contractor)
Gas extraction on small Dutch fields is only profitable, when investment and operational cost become
substantially lower. A project team has investigated and designed a standard unmanned lean gas well hookup, without any substitute to safety.
A skid mounted hook-up already proved to be a cost effective solution to hook-up and provides the base for
design. Looking at the potential scope of many, every euro saved with a leaner design can be multiplied.
The concept covers steel work, piping, field instruments, control and safety systems and also extensive
standardization of how to install these skids on site once built in shop.
The entire concept is engineered and built with standard functionality and allows local operational tuning. The
CAPEX savings go up to 65%. Hence the viability to exploit this concept at smaller gas fields.
NAM, the Dutch supplier for natural gas, faces a make or buy decision. Gas extraction on smaller fields is
only profitable if skids can be built at a quarter of previous cost and savings should be made on
commissioning and start up. If not, there is no business case.
Ultimate standardization leads to a lean, integrated, safe to operate skid concept. Skids are constructed and
fully tested in shop. On site a skid is easily added by adjusting settings and allocating a skid to a location.
This concept enables extreme savings that allows exploitation of smaller gas fields.
Results Benefits
Once well and piping at site are ready, site specific commissioning and startup of skids to deliver gas is just
one week. Thanks to the high degree of standardization only site specific parameters have to be tested. The
skids are placed at unmanned locations and remotely operated reducing operational costs.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Business & Projects
Page 16 of 115
ID 2021
Industry Engineering
Business & Projects
Technip-Emerson Work Process Integration to size down Project cost and risk.
Salvatore Sauza Commodity Family Manager
Technip Italy
(EPC Contractor)
Jean-Luc MOTHES Global Key Account Director Technip
Emerson France
Control Valves discipline leads this partnership Technip KPI initiative
•Knowhow and clear understanding of our respective Internal Organization,
•Alignment and Agreement of what the key Engineering phases shall focus on: Smart sizing and selection;
specification review process; deviations & alternatives
•Importance and high criticality of Our Project Management: in Organization, processes, standards and
Management of Changes
•Awareness of Perfect Execution will be tightly linked to: Potential Emerson support during Technip
estimation and Bid process; Different project phases, gates, processes; Mutual expectations and related
actions; Delivery integrity and lead time; Document control; Inspection and Test Plan
•Future product development and direction of International standards
•Material Supply Chain: Supplier selection process, QA/QC system
•Optimizing documentation package (set of various document to provide and Technip review/approval cycle)
•Clear definition and understanding of our respective project execution constraints. (gates) •Mutual
acceptance and commitment to embed in internal work process the most critical Emerson and Technip
constraints (gates)
•Issue common and shared pursuit procedure to be officially cascade down to Project Team this work
process integration procedure.
Results Benefits
•Mutualize our sales approach •Develop Sales Key Differentiator’s, •Secure project Perfect Execution,
•Proven Cost Saving (sourcing, technology, engineering hours,…)
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Business & Projects
Page 17 of 115
Control System Applications & Migrations
12 Presentations have been selected for the Control System Applications &
Migrations Track
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Control System
Applications & Migrations
Page 18 of 115
ID 2062
Control System Applications & Migrations
Industry Chemical
What are the benefits of a migration plan?
Patrick Roussel IEA manager
(End User)
The time has come to change the legacy BPCS and SIS that already provide more than 25 years of service
and production. Difficulties to migrate a global plant are to justify the amount of investment to produce the
same as it is.
ADISSEO approach was to identify potential gains; One of the main objectives for a company is to work on
operational excellence that could be explained by the way to increase efficiency at multiple level of the plant.
ADISSEO and Emerson have worked for a global approach with CHARMs technology and also how we could
provide potential gain by using technology and software suite?
First challenge was to migrate the old systems with the new feature provided by the DeltaV solution, work
closely for startup succeeds and increase efficiency with the contribution of technology.
All Legacy Provox and Triconex system were obsolete on site. ADISSEO needs to migrate with 10 years
commitment. Challenging were to provide switching old system to new one using existing technical room with
no place to add new cabinet, using existing field wiring and removing old IS barrier.
ADISSEO chose to migration all the plant & execute the project with Emerson team in France using
CHARMs technology for DCS and SIS including all Charms functionalities as integrated relay for DeltaV,
integrated SIL3 relay for DeltaV SIS and Intrinsically Safe barrier for DeltaV and DeltaV SIS.
Results Benefits
CHARMs technology solution for DCS and SIS, integrated software suite from Emerson brought a new
approach to reduce cabinet footprint more than 50%, give flexibility and integrated barrier for project
execution, and provide solution as AlarmHelp, DeltaV insight, … to increase efficiency for a long term
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Control System
Applications & Migrations
Page 19 of 115
ID 2088
Control System Applications & Migrations
Industry Life Sciences
Four different multi products batch system four different software logics and one common
standardized solution.
István Veszteg Process Automation Engineer
Chinoin Hungary
(End User)
Tibor Nagy Lead Engineer
Chinoin Ltd. group Sanofi Hungary
We have four multi products Emerson DeltaV batch system. These systems have different solutions of
software logics but in the end we will standardized this system with Emerson configurastion tool set PCSD.
The actual problems: The technology is not so flexible one phase handle everything inside in the unit. Hard
to move the operators for one plant to another because of different handling systems. The phases not
containing report parameters, so we can’t create electronic batch records on the future
Rewriting the whole software logics using with Emerson PCSD. But it must ensure that existing capacity is
not exceeded controllers with new software. So before the installation of the real system we have to check
the controller capacity in Emerson RVO system
Results Benefits
Standardized user interface of the four batch systems
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Control System
Applications & Migrations
Page 20 of 115
ID 2136
Control System Applications & Migrations
Industry Power
Extremely Hot Cutover in a 3 Day Outage
Stuart Wilcox Business Manager - Speciliast Services
Cofely Energy Services UK
(End User)
James Fraser sales and marketing director
Emerson UK
In 2012 Cofely Energy Services took over responsibility for operating and maintaining a CHP plant in
Barry,UK. The plant is critical to the operation of the main production site, providing Steam, Energy and
Utilities full time.
Cofely engaged Emerson as their partner in solving a number of site based challenges. Primarily driven by
obsolescence a project was created to migrate a number of disparate control and safety system platforms,
including both the Emerson RS3 control system and a number of non-Emerson systems (HIMA Safety and
Burner Management, Silvertech Fire and Gas plus some bespoke 3rd party PLC based applications); to a
single integrated control platform.
The additional level of complexity to add into this project was the fact that the production plant had only a 3day steam outage window in which the 2000 I/O control and safety system cutover could be performed.
A rationalisation of the safety functions and identification of some additional measurements required to
enhance process safety; adoption of some advanced boiler control techniques to maximise energy efficiency;
enhanced steam output stability and new BMS software to allow for clean and efficient operation at low
Using the Ovation Control System as the basis for the solution. A series of collaborative consultant led
engagements were used to identify the most efficient and risk averse cut over strategy; whilst also taking the
opportunity to identify a series of process automation enhancements which could be implemented.
Results Benefits
This presentation will explain how the project was defined and how the successful implementation was
completed during the 3-day outage window; and the performance improvements gained as a result.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Control System
Applications & Migrations
Page 21 of 115
ID 2114
Control System Applications & Migrations
Industry Power
Virtualization of real production control system – lifecycle management benefits
Rob Petie Senior Technical Specialist E, I&C
Engie Netherlands
(End User)
Christian Lopez Marketing Manager Europe (PWS)
Emerson Spain
Some say world is changing more and more rapidly each decade. Use of IT solutions and infrastructure in
industrial systems is changing and evolving even faster.
How to keep pace with workstation obsolescence?
How to address software compatibility and support?
Is there any solution available on the market that would be protecting initial investment without jeopardizing
flexibility and expandability of the control system?
Well established solution, being widely used in IT environment, is virtualization. There were always some
fears and uncertainties if the same what is good for IT would be equally good for control system real
production environment. In over decade of use virtualization has proven its reliability and stability e.g. in
banking systems. Cluster servers provides more computation power, redundancy and data safety than any
system build of regular workstations and servers. It is high time for process control industry to go for
Develop solution for workstation hardware obsolescence and Windows operating system compatibility issue
to serve for long term support of lifecycle of the control system and the plant. Reduce cost of Ovation DCS
maintenance and improve expandability flexibility.
Implementation of virtual environment Ovation DCS based on high reliability server cluster. Upgrade of
Ovation DCS to the newest release.
Results Benefits
Implementation of virtualization in real production environment provides midterm and long term savings in
maintenance cost, improves I&C team efficiency, extends system lifecycle and secures higher availability and
accessibility. Improves security through faster and easier backup and restore functions.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Control System
Applications & Migrations
Page 22 of 115
ID 2022
Control System Applications & Migrations
Industry Chemical
Migration DCS system from a different perspective – Operators back in charge
Jasper Rutten Process Engineering Team Leader
Huntsman Netherlands
(End User)
After an unplanned shutdown difficulties during start up caused a significant production loss. Analysis
showed that operators lacked experience in dealing with abnormal situations, were hindered by alarm floods
& could not see sequence status.
A new DCS was installed with:
1. Redesigned sequences allowing operator intervention.
2. Improved alarm management by suppression and reducing alarms, adjusting logics to events and tuning
limits set.
3. Human Centered Design, intuitive graphics help operators focus on process deviations.
4. An Operator Training Simulator to train operators on abnormal situations.
The project was completed in 14 months due to close co-operation between Huntsman, Tebodin & Emerson.
Using the new system the plant started up and went into production as planned. The project benefitted from
DeltaV’s characteristic flexible I/O with electronic marshalling and Emerson’s ability to expand their team
utilizing its centralized back offices flexible workforce.
In case of unforeseen shutdown events operators lacked experience to respond in time and were limited in
their options to intervene. The DCS in place gave them insufficient insight in the progression of the
sequences. They were flooded with an unmanageable amount of alarms.
1.Redesigned sequences allow operator intervention. 2.Improved alarm management by suppression and
reducing alarms, adjusting logics to events and tuning limits set. 3.Human Centered Design, intuitive
graphical displays help operators focus on process deviations. 4.Operators trained to deal with abnormal
situations using the Operator Training Simulator
Results Benefits
The migration to DeltaV has enabled a smooth startup with the plant running on spec quickly. As the
operators now have better operational control and information on the sequences. Operators were trained to
start up the plant and react on anomalies using the new control system.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Control System
Applications & Migrations
Page 23 of 115
ID 2124
Control System Applications & Migrations
Industry Oil & Gas
Remote Monitoring of LNG Facilities
Dipak Sagar Emerson Sales Manager at IVC
Industrial Video & Control USA
Emerson is the Main Automation Contractor for Santos' GLNG project. Technologies and expertise provided
by Emerson help Santos gather and integrate real-time data from wells and compressor stations in
Queensland, Australia. Remote data and video from the field is transmitted 500 km to an Operations Center
in Brisbane.
This workshop presents the architecture of monitoring and control systems provided by Emerson with a focus
on video subsystems provided by IVC. Topics will include technologies implemented along with
methodologies used to integrate remote data at the Brisbane Operations Center (BOC).
Santos was challenged with finding an efficient way to operate its plants, monitor and control gas fields, and
integrate real-time data from wells and facilities located in Queensland, Australia – from a remote control
center in Brisbane (a distance of approximately 600 km).
DeltaV, in concert with IVC video systems, provides visual verification via live and recorded video from
remote sites to local operators and the Brisbane operations center. Santos engineers and planners can use
real-time video and information from the fields to anticipate issues, improve decisions and maximize key
performance indicators.
Results Benefits
1) Comprehensive remote monitoring at BOC allows for reduced personnel requirements at each hub. 2)
Confluence of data from well heads and hubs, coupled with video, improve situation awareness for operators
and management -- resulting in well-informed, timely decisions. 3) Technologies combine to drive down
operational costs and maximize productivity
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Control System
Applications & Migrations
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ID 2092
Control System Applications & Migrations
Industry Life Sciences
Full potential control system virtualization unleashed in life sciences manufacturing
resulting in high availability, flexibility and reduced TcO
David Cools Sr. Manager Execution Systems
Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) Belgium
(End User)
Johan Holierhoek Sr. Engineer Execution Systems
Janssen (Johnson & Johnson)
The Janssen sites from Leiden (Netherlands) and Geel (Belgium), both part of Johnson & Johnson, are
faced with some barriers that need to be resolved to enable their global induced Lab-to-Patient Vision, to
reduce their total cost of ownership and to increase the availability of their manufacturing control systems.
The control system landscape within a Janssen site typically consists of a variety of separate automation
pockets, each having its own lifecycle, own set of rules and governance, own upgrade path, training path and
support contracts. As some of those control systems became obsolete, optimizing the migration paths poses
another challenge. Janssen has therefore standardized globally on DeltaV System Architecture,
Infrastructure and Content (Module Libraries), in which the deployment of a virtualized DeltaV site
infrastructure plays a key role.
This session describes how this standardization is being implemented globally and also depicts how
Emerson is acting to support such a global approach.
Reduction of Total-Cost-of-Ownership for the control system landscape and its availability increased.
Moreover standardizing the automation layer enables an optimized integration into the IT layer which enables
the use of standard IT services and interfaces to support enabling services such as patch management, antivirus, active directory, backup & restore, etc.
Global Standardization of: -The DeltaV Site Infrastructure based on a redundant virtualized server & network
architecture -The secure gateway to standard IT systems (MES/PI) & services -The DeltaV module libraries
managed by a Global Governance / Technical Authority
Results Benefits
Expected reduced cost-of-ownership and improved scalability due to standardization. Expected High
availability / less downtime of the redundant virtualized system set-up. Blueprint for virtual architecture
including all required template documents that can be used to be deployed in other production sites within
the J&J network.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Control System
Applications & Migrations
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ID 2109
Control System Applications & Migrations
Industry Chemical
Using multi-variate batch models for process monitoring and optimization.
Manuel Martín Process Improvement Specialist
Lubrizol Spain
(End User)
Francesc Luque Sales Engineer
Emerson Spain
Traditionally, the “golden batch” approach has been used to improve consistency. However, in addition to
other issues, this approach doesn’t really provide the engineer with information on which variables influence
variability on the end results of the batch.
Multivariate statistics allow the engineers to build mathematical batch models that provide detailed insight on
the process, identify which variables (and their interactions) do really influence process variability, and
indicate how should they be acted upon to reduce it and improve the final output. Moreover, the generated
model can be used to continuously monitor the process as it runs, enabling on-line prediction of the end of
batch conditions in advance, and warning the operators when any of the influential variables or interactions
start to deviate before they become potentially a cause for a process upset or an out of spec batch.
Engineers optimizing complex batch processes are often faced with limited information on which variables
really drive their processes. Also, running batches monitoring strategies don’t usually take interactions
between variables into account, even though sometimes they may have an even higher influence than the
variables themselves.
Multivariate statistics batch modeling allows engineers to build batch models that provide detailed
understanding on the influential variables and interactions driving the process variability. Then through
Emerson’s Batch Analytics tool they can take a step further and deploy models into DeltaV to allow online
monitoring and improve plant operations.
Results Benefits
Multivariate models provide very detailed process knowledge, allowing engineers to focus on the really
influential variables. Batch processes can be continuously monitored vs the model, generating
continuous predictions of the end of batch conditions and proactively warning operators of deviations before
they impact the process.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Control System
Applications & Migrations
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ID 2060
Control System Applications & Migrations
Industry Oil & Gas
Qatargas’ $1B Jetty Boil Off Gas Recovery Project: Automating the World’s Largest Gas
Recovery Project
Michael Koo Project Manager
QatarGas Qatar
(End User)
Hamid Mukhtar Account Manager -QP
Emerson Qatar
This presentation discusses the engineering and automation behind Qatargas' largest environmental
investment, which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1.6 million tonnes annually. Now at full capacity,
the Jetty Boil Off Gas Recovery facility recovers the gas flared during liquefied natural gas (LNG) loading at
six LNG berths in Ras Laffan Port in Qatar. The recovered gas is compressed and then sent to Qatargas’
LNG production facilities for use as fuel or as LNG.
It will focus on the implementation of the DeltaV system, marshalling, power distribution, and third-party
interfaces; the development of dynamic simulation models for operator training; and ongoing process
Due to boil off gas phenomenon, almost 600,000 tonnes of LNG are wasted or an equivalent loss of 0.6
million tonnes of flared gas per year. This translates to 1.6million tonnes of CO2 per year in the atmosphere.
Qatargas worked with Emerson as the MICC (Main Instrumentation and Control contractor) to provide
distributed control systems to monitor operations, and automation solutions including control valves,
measurement instruments, and flowmeters. along with automation engineering, startup, training,
commissioning support. and other services.
Results Benefits
The project is expected to recover more than 600,000 tonnes of liquefied natural gas per year – equivalent to
the energy supply for more than 300,000 homes.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Control System
Applications & Migrations
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ID 2167
Control System Applications & Migrations
Industry Life Sciences
Flexible assembly of manufacturing recipes using Syncade in a biotech multi-purpose GMP
facility for the production of drug substance
Christoph Nagel Process Assistent Fermentation
Roche Diagnostics Germany
(End User)
Albert Landman MES Consultant
Emerson Germany
For production of clinical trial material individual recipes have to be generated describing the respective
production process for each new product. In order to be able to build such recipes in short time reusable
recipe building blocks (BBs) have been defined.
We start with a description of our process for analyzing and specifying the required BBs.
Next, we detail the testing and implementation of these BBs.
Finally, we will highlight our concepts for validation and change management and describe the recipe
assembly process.
The main challenge is to maintain a high degree of flexibility that is comparable to our current paper-based
process. In addition, we aim to enable the easy integration of improvements and quality requirements into
our BBs, in order to meet future compliance challenges.
In order to maintain flexibility, we created a library of reusable building blocks for rapid recipe deployment.
Results Benefits
Benefits are the advantages of an electronic system, e.g. four-eye principle that improve compliance and
help us meet our high standard of quality requirements.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Control System
Applications & Migrations
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ID 2211
Control System Applications & Migrations
Industry Oil & Gas
“Electronic Marshalling with CHARMs - Broad I/O Coverage Increases Conformance with
Project Requirements and Reduces Installation Costs”
Chuck Campbell Projects and Technology - Automation
Shell USA
(End User)
Mike Alsup Business Development
Emerson USA
Software configurable IO is becoming more widespread, with various solutions available from multiple
process control vendors. Past workshops have documented how this technology can shorten project
schedules, eliminate project tasks, simplify late changes, and reduce footprint and required spares; resulting
in lower project execution costs.
This workshop will perform a different analysis and focus on how Electronic Marshaling with CHARMs can
better conform to project requirements:
• How support for a greater number of IO types and wiring solutions results in increased flexibility and cost
• Illustrate how to quantify these financial benefits
How can users justify the purchase price of Electronic Marshaling with CHARMs versus traditional IO?
Electronic Marshaling with CHARMs’ increased IO and wiring coverage allows enhanced conformance to
project requirements and provides quantifiable benefits over other software configurable IO offerings.
Results Benefits
Project analysis will be provided to document Electronic Marshaling with CHARMs’ financial impact • Superior
conformance to project needs via greater coverage of IO types and wiring applications • Greater IO and
wiring coverage facilitates standardized cabinets • The IO Cloud lowers both CAPEX and OPEX costs.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Control System
Applications & Migrations
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ID 2130
Control System Applications & Migrations
Industry Chemical
Introducing DeltaV SIS™ with Electronic Marshalling on Solvay Tavaux
Nicolas Hayme Technical IT Manager
Solvay Tavaux France
(End User)
During this project, the objectives are: - Renovate old systems that have become obselete (Provox and
Foxboro) - Tight schedule requiring the ability to anticipate the work - Standardization and practicality of
driving a single supervison - Introduction of a new technology on the part SIS - Reduces installed cost of
system. - Simplified safety lifecycle management. - Flexibility with Plug and Play I/O - Easy for the diagnostic
and maintenance.
Challenges has resolve were: - Facilitate engineering and on-site assembly - Lack of space in the technical
area - Installation of a lot of IS signals - Compliance with good practices (engagement of the Solvay group)
and standards. - Have the flexibility to add or easily change a signal
EM with DeltaV SIS allowed to reveal these challenges: - not use cross-wiring. (Reduces installed cost of
system) -Engineering optimized by setting up a simple and direct signal -I/O unit for adding or easily remove
signals -Ability to take into account the SI and avoiding adding intermediate barriers.
Results Benefits
EM with SIS CHARM, and conventional CHARM allowed us to optimize the implementation on-site and
connecting a part of the signals before to the shutdown of unit. This solution can optimized process reliability
and plant avaibility The tests are facilitated by Plug and Play I/O.The diagnosis is simple.
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Control System
Applications & Migrations
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Final Control Valve Applications
6 Presentations have been selected for the Final Control Valve Applications
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Final Control Valve
Page 31 of 115
ID 1880
Industry Oil & Gas
Final Control Valve Applications
Multiport Flow Selector Manifold for Well Testing
Batool Abu Arshid Instrument Engineer
(End User)
Hisham Teggaz
Regular monitoring and testing of constituent flows are crucial parts of the production process specifically in
oil and gas industry.
ADMA-OPCO is one of the ADNOC group of oil and gas companies in Abu Dhabi, UAE, which has been
using the Emerson BETTIS Multiport Flow Selector (MPFS) manifold for the purpose of continuously testing
its offshore produced well fluids. A Multiport Flow Selector typically has eight inlet and two outlet
connections. Out of eight inlets, seven are connected to the wells; the eighth port is generally used as a
parking location for the selector plug when the manifold is in full production. The flow selector along with its
rotating plug allows the selecting and diverting of individual flow-line out of the seven to a test outlet for
testing or sampling while combining the flow of the other flow-lines into a separate group outlet carrying flows
to the production header.
One problem faced during the operation of the MPFS was due to human error. One operator left the MPFS
electrical enclosure open. As a result, the electronic cards and internal components got oxidized due to water
ingress inside the electrical enclosure of the MPFS actuator.
Vendor will replace the damaged electrical components without shutting down the production. One possible
solution to avoid such problem is to have a system interlock in the design of the MPFS that will initiate an
alarm and will not allow starting the MPFS while the actuator enclosure is open.
Results Benefits
The main advantage of using a MPFS is to improve production management and well optimization by the
reliable design of the MPFS which uses reduced number of isolation valves,control points and pipings. Its
compact design reduces skid weight and size. MPFS are inexpensive in initial purchase and ownership costs.
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Final Control Valve
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ID 2183
Final Control Valve Applications
Industry General
Going beyond the I/O with Advanced Process Control...
Richard Grace Fisher Instrument Business Manager, Europe
Emerson UK
In today’s world of virtual reality it’s important to remember that practical things matter too, especially when it
comes to Advanced Process Control whose principles are holistic and need to reach far beyond the controller
I/O if a return on investment is to be realised.
In this presentation we’ll take a look beyond the controller I/O to a practical world where the ‘fuzzy logic’
demands of APC meet the harsh reality of control valves. The basic principles of high-performance control
valve selection will be discussed, giving the audience valuable insight as to what criteria they should consider
when specifying and selecting the right valve and instrumentation for an application to support APC
If you’ve ever wondered...
- Why all valves are not the same?
- What’s important when selecting high-performance control valves?
- How to make them more reliable?’re likely to find some of the answers here.
Avoid limiting the potential Return on Investment benefits of APC through careful consideration of the correct
hardware for the application (control valves and associated instrumentation specifically).
Use Good Practice for optimum control performance when selecting control valves.
Results Benefits
Users will understand how to maximize their Return on Investment with APC through careful consideration
and selection of control valves and associated instrumentation.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
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Final Control Valve
Page 33 of 115
ID 1983
Industry Chemical
Final Control Valve Applications
Safety and Reliability Improved with Wireless Valve Diagnostics
David van der Werf Technical Manager
OXEA Chemicals Netherlands
(End User)
OXEA, a world leader in oxo chemicals, produces derivates at its Amsterdam plant in a batch related
process. Greasy acids react with ethyl-alcohol.
The plant had an old, often overhauled on/off valve on top of the reactor. As raw materials got sticky, fouling
built up. Valve failures caused deteriorating quality and unplanned shutdowns. The side product water is
separated from end product by creating a vacuum in the reactor. Valve leakage can cause air flowing in and
contact the alcohol vapors. A hazardous situation to be prevented at all times. Also major quality issues
Commissioning a Fisher 12” vee-ball valve, wireless valve diagnostics and Asset Management Suite allows
OXEA to schedule valve maintenance (cleaning) in time. Additionally the above flapper gate (currently
controlling the bulk feed) can be removed as the on/off valve is replaced by the control valve to further
optimize production and reduce maintenance costs.
An old and often overhauled on/off valve caused reliability and quality issues due to fouling building up. Valve
failures created quality issues and unplanned shutdowns.
OXEA invested in a 12”vee-ball valve including diagnostics. The valve diagnostics allows OXEA to detect
fouling. The diagnostics capabilities completed with the Asset Management System trigger an alarm for
maintenance. Maintenance, cleaning the valve, can now be scheduled between batches.
Results Benefits
The valve cleaning can be planned between batches, which is a much safer operation! Future valve failures
and unplanned shutdowns for cleaning can be prevented. Reliability of the plant has increased. Furthermore,
production can be optimized by using the valve to control the granulate bulk feed into the reactor.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Final Control Valve
Page 34 of 115
ID 1580
Industry Oil & Gas
Final Control Valve Applications
Is Control Valve Travel Feedback linkage a pain? – Consider it Solved – End User Feedback
Kamel Eddine Bougazi SME (Subject Matter Expert)
Ras Gas Qatar
(End User)
riyaz Ali Director - Instruments
Emerson UAE
It has been process industries dream to get away with physical connections between Digital Valve Controller
and Valve stem / Shaft. Mechanical linkages potentially start wearing away over time, causing concern for
availability of control loop. Harsh climatically environment added with impacts of throttling energy created by
control valve, makes linkages for positioner as weak link. Also it has been noted that linkages with sliding
stem valves converts from rotary to linear. For precise diagnostics, it is required to have true actuator stem
travel rather than converted motion.
Contactless linkageless with no mechanical connection solves long standing mechanical wear, tear and
markings on the linkages. Solves issues with high cycle applications where breakage of linkages are
constant headache. Metallic linkages thermal fatigue is common cause for high temp applications involving
positioners mounted on valves.
Robust feedback Eliminates slot / pin, linkages, Resists corrosion, Infinite feedback cycle life (PSA skids),
Superior closed loop control for high vibration / high temp applications, Reduced inventory / “single” platform,
Actual valve stem travel, Elimination of linear crossover adjustment, Faster installation & commissioning with
improved Diagnostics.
Results Benefits
Loosening up of mechanical linkages and making grooves by pin causing loss of performance and degraded
control completely eliminated. Stuck or broken linkages may sometimes causing plant trip loss of huge
$$budget. Solves permanently Linkage failures caused with high vibrations high cycle applications and
environmental corrosion on mechanical parts.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Final Control Valve
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ID 2089
Industry Engineering
Final Control Valve Applications
Smart use of digital positioners meets Offshore challenge to gain 20% efficiency
Abdelghani ET-TAÏBI Deputy Lead ICS&T / Lead Field
Technip France France
(EPC Contractor)
Martin Linge is an oil and gas field located in a water depth of 100 to 120 meters in the northern part of the
Norwegian North Sea, about 150 kilometers west of Kollsnes. It’s an old discovery but for TOTAL E&P (the
Operator with Statoil) it is an innovative and challenging operating philosophy.
One of the challenges is a low offshore manning operation by using an onshore operating center. Technip
(EPC) and Total looked after technologies enabling diagnostic of field equipment in real time. The
FIELDVUE DVC6200 had already been supplied on several On/Off valves manufacturers in Europe. Why not
extend the same solution to the whole project and other projects. In the end the decision was to select and
standardize the FIELDVUE technology on all Control Valves (Fisher) as well as On/Off valves (for SIS).
Reduce human exposure (17 persons compare to 78 in standard offshore operation): • In case of site
incidents • During helicopter transports • Administrative work moved onshore Find a reliable solution for
condition-based and predictive maintenance in 2-week campaigns every 4 weeks period.
Use a FieldVue digital valve controller analyzing continuously valve and actuator data while the valve remains
in service.
Results Benefits
Improved safety and reduced cost: • 50% reduction in offshore exposure Improved efficiency • >20%
Improved production
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Final Control Valve
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ID 2159
Final Control Valve Applications
Industry Power
Overcoming extreme conditions on Geothermal Well head to achieve reliable flow control
Olcay Ceylan
H. Murat Güler
Zorlu Energy, Doğal Kızıldere
Geothermal Power Plant Turkey
(End User)
Wellhead equipment has to withstand high pressures, temperatures, vibration, corrosion and other extreme
load cases it is vital that the wellhead design is analyzed properly before construction begins.
At the design stage we estimated the highest probable temperature and pressure at the top of the well, then
chose equipment accordingly, using standards and simple design models to assist in the design process.
CV500 with HD was selected.
Geothermal wellhead equipment must withstand high temperature, high pressure, corrosive chemicals & fast
flows. Scaling also requires attention. Once a well has been flowing and is subsequently shut in, a large
amount of scale to builds up in stagnant crevasses.
Zorlu Energy worked with Emerson and an engineering consultant on wellhead valves. Together we chose a
solution for avoiding scale buildup, erosion, and corrosion.
Results Benefits
This helped to avoid equipment failures and maintenance difficulties caused by scale buildup, erosion, and
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Final Control Valve
Page 37 of 115
Industrial Energy Management
9 Presentations have been selected for the Industrial Energy Management
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Industrial Energy
Page 38 of 115
ID 2142
Industry Oil & Gas
Industrial Energy Management
Steam System Optimization at a Large Gas Processing Complex – GASCO Habshan Case
Mohammed Al Amri
Abu Dhabi Gas Industries UAE
(End User)
Pekka Immonen Senior Industrial Energy Consultant
Emerson USA
As a part of the company’s long term commitment to sustainability and to the ISO 50001 Energy
Management Standard, The Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Limited (GASCO) conducted a comprehensive Steam
System Optimization Study at the Habshan-Bab Gas Processing Complex, jointly with Emerson.
Based on the detailed assessment, significant improvement opportunities were identified, achievable through
instrumentation, control, optimization, and energy information system enhancements. Rigorous simulations
were used to verify the potential and functionality of the solutions.
The implementation of the study recommendations is under way, and once completed GASCO expects to
reduce the facility’s fuel consumption over 10% of its current level. Other benefits include higher reliability
through better handling of process upsets, and improved energy awareness. The presentation describes the
systematic approach taken, and the tools and methods used.
Examples are provided of the immediate and near-term opportunities uncovered, along with descriptions of
the main solutions and underlying technologies
The overall design of the utilities is very complex, and difficult to monitor, operate, control, and optimize due
to significant interactions between its various parts, insufficient instrumentation, and lack of energy focused
information systems. Because of the high reliability requirements, the facilities are also operated
conservatively, with many manual operations.
The immediate improvements included better operating practices, instrumentation repair/calibration, and
base control enhancements. The solutions currently being implemented include new instrumentation, realtime closed-loop optimization (RTO/APC) for coordinated control of all boilers, turbines, and other steam
system components. A comprehensive energy management information system is planned for the next
Results Benefits
While the improvement projects are under way, rigorous steady-state and dynamic simulations were used to
validate the savings opportunities and verify the functionality of the solutions. Based on the simulations, the
expected annual savings in fuel consumption are over 3 Million GJ, representing almost 200,000 ton
reduction in CO2 contribution.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Industrial Energy
Page 39 of 115
ID 1500
Industry Metals & Mining
Industrial Energy Management
Increase your combustion control and reduce your energy consumption.
Bruno Symoens Glas Melting & Refractories Project Leader
AGC Glass Belgium
(End User)
Siegfried Van Cauwenberge Sr Sales Engineer
Emerson Belgium
Variations in the properties of natural gas feedstock results in temperature variations inside the furnace. This
impacts the product quality and energy efficiency of the process. A 370XA gas analyser giving rich
information (Calorific Value, Wobbe Index and compositional data) about the gas feedstock meant that AGC
Glass were able to control the power and the air excess to their furnaces enabling them to maintain product
quality and minimize energy use
This presentation looks at what is often considered a costly and complex instrument to utilize on your plant
and how through intuitive software and functionality eliminates those perceptions.
• How often is the instrument selection based on an individual’s perception or historic reference?
• Has the latest product developments changed the dated perceptions?
AGC Glass, a leader in float glass production required an “easy to use” instrument to provide Calorific Value,
Wobbe Index and compositional data to control the air/fuel ratio to their furnaces ensuring product quality is
maintained and energy use in minimized
Traditional instruments like Wobbe Index analysers provide only the Wobbe number. Due to changes in the
natural gas sources greater information on the gas being used is required. The 370XA provides the solution
in a simple package allowing ease of use on site.
Results Benefits
Low CAPEX cost with simple start up guides and intuitive software, enabling the site technicians to install
and start up the product without external assistance. Greater process control with through detailed
information of the fuel gas Enable remote support through MON2020 maintenance software eliminating the
requirement for onsite support.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Industrial Energy
Page 40 of 115
ID 1720
Industry Power
Industrial Energy Management
Master variability of fuel. The waste gasification example.
Jérôme Claverie Manager I&C
(End User)
Pure syngas produced from industrial wood waste via gasification using a plasma torch is used to produce
energy. Flexible and accurate controls are required to cope with the variable characteristics of the biomass
CHO-Power, part of the Europlasma Group, is using Emerson technology (Ovation, Rosemount, Fisher,
wireless) to control a new waste and biomass-fed power station at Morcenx in France. The new Morcenx
gasification facility generates 12 MW of power from 150 metric tons per day of industrial and wood waste,
making it the most powerful plant of its type worldwide.
The station is the first of its type to use an innovative and highly efficient gasification principle, based on
patented plasma torch, at a 1200°C temperature. The syngas is used to drive the turbine and generate
electricity. In addition, 18MWth of hot water from the cooling system is used to heat a vegetable greenhouse
and a wood drier.
The project difficulty resides in variation of fuel (hydrometric, temperature) to optimize the combustion with
low CO2 emissions. The innovative gasification process demands flexible and accurate control. The waste
and biomass fuel helps the plant support European energy guidelines. Cho_Power is first unit using
gasification technology from industrial wood waste.
Emerson delivers Control system by using Ovation DCS, Ovation SIS and a broad range of instrumentation
and valves. Emerson develops a specific engineering effort to develop gasified boiler control. Wireless
technology permits to get access to specific measurement. AMS Suite enables maintenance personnel to
better maintain and protect the machinery.
Results Benefits
Ovation™ system provides to CHO_Power the levels of flexibility and control needed to cope with the varying
characteristics of biomass fuels (temperature, combustion) on this innovative and challenging power plant.
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Industrial Energy
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ID 1761
Industry General
Industrial Energy Management
Implementing combined optimisation and control solutions
George Buchanan APC Consultant
Emerson UK
A recent installation at Tata Steel’s Port Talbot Works was used to optimize gas holder fuel allocation and
control the enrichment of the indigenous low energy fuel (Blast Furnace Gas) to the boilers. The application
maintained the calorific value (CV) of the enriched fuel and optimized the blend by minimizing the use of
natural gas and maximizing the use of the higher energy fuels (Coke Oven Gas and Basic Oxygen Steel
Making Gas)
The MPC application is configured using embedded functionality in the installed DeltaV system. Emerson
provided experienced consulting, project management, implementation expertise and resources to design,
implement, and commission the necessary control schemes.
This paper discusses the practical and theoretical aspects of the solution and shows that these principals
could be applied to other similar applications.
BOS allocation requirement resulted in many phone calls between control centers with associated operator
intervention. No automated enrichment control system. Large proportion of operator’s time was manually
adjusting enrichment fuels. The operator could not consistently maintain steady CV, nor optimize fuel blend.
Change in CV introduced disturbance to the boilers.
Emerson’s embedded MPC software was key to achieving the operational and economic goals. The MPC
maintained the enriched fuel CV whilst optimizing the enrichment fuels, minimizing NG and maximizing the
use of available BOS and COG.
Results Benefits
BOS use was optimized allocating first to the blast furnaces, then the boilers with integrated steam turbines
and finally to remaining boilers The MPC application resulted in a constant enriched CV, decreasing boiler
disturbances, and optimizing the fuel blend. The application freed up a large percentage of an operator’s
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Industrial Energy
Page 42 of 115
ID 1680
Industry General
Industrial Energy Management
Learn how to comply with EU Energy legislation AND improve your process plant energy
Steve Offer Energy Efficiency Consultant
Emerson UK
Paul Cockman Energy BDM
Emerson UK
Using historic reports to monitor energy utilisation & efficiency does not account for apparent large swings in
energy usage. Making real-time usage available to people on plant who can influence energy performance
allows them to identify opportunities to save energy & to act on those opportunities. This is the key to
sustainable energy efficiency leading to savings which can be maintained over time. Recent EU legislation,
i.e. Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) & Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) force industry to focus on energy
management and efficiency
This presentation reviews the legislation, provides an update on its application & proposes a real-time energy
monitoring and reporting system as the vehicle to achieving both compliance & long term savings. Ways to
justify the investment in both the system & required additional measurement points are discussed.
All Energy management systems (ISO50001 or otherwise) require visibility of energy usage, preferably
against ideal energy targets. The traditional methodology is to run historic reports to assess energy efficiency
and utilization. However, industry reports historical analysis in this way cannot easily account for apparent
large swings in energy usage.
A real-time energy monitoring and reporting system, accessible by all on a plant, who can influence energy
performance is possibly the ideal solution. Whilst this makes perfect sense, justifying a system and the
additional metering that maybe required can be the main sticking point.
Results Benefits
We take a look at ways energy monitoring and reporting can be justified from a return on investment view,
along with energy improvement projects. Also an update on changing legislation
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Industrial Energy
Page 43 of 115
ID 1760
Industry Power
Industrial Energy Management
Energy Efficiency improved through optimized mill operation
Jean-Marc Hettinger Manager I&C - EH6
EON Power France SAS France
(End User)
E.ON's largest coal fired power station in France, the 1,460-megawatt (MW) Emile Huchet plant is located in
the Lorraine Region near the German border. Thanks to its geographical strategic location, Emile Huchet
coal-fired 600 MW unit is used to respond to peak demand for the French and German power markets. Emile
Huchet began commercial operation in 1981.
In 2011, Emerson awarded for DCS retrofit using Ovation system (DCS, SIS, Smart process). After, the
success of this critical revamping operation E.ON decided to improve Fuel consumption by oil-saving mils
This presentation will describe how Emerson work closely with EON to reduce significantly fuel consumption
and the benefits that resulted.
E.ON is the third largest electricity producer in France, supplying the local electricity market with four coalfired power plants
High oil consumption = high operating costs Oil fire is needed for the shutdown and start-up of the coal
burners in order to ensure an ignition and stabilization of the flame. The aim was to investigate whether any
reduction or even abandonment of oil fire is possible.
The project was developed by a synergy engineering team E.ON/EMERSON and is using Ovation DCS.
Emerson suggests new the logic to implement for startup and shutdowns the oil burners, and manage
numbers of the burners in a function of load set point. The combustion is tune to succeed this improvement.
Results Benefits
Emile Huchet is a 35 year-old peaking plant (50 start-up/year) and faced lots of improvements issues. The
modification brought the below results: - Fuel consumption reduction - Firing improvement - Optimized
combustion efficiency - Burners ease of operation - Reduce unpredictable stop
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Industrial Energy
Page 44 of 115
ID 1800
Industry Oil & Gas
Industrial Energy Management
EQUATE Petrochemicals monitors Steam Trap in the Polypropylene plant using Rosemount
Acoustic Transmitters
Christy Thomas Instrument Engineer
EQUATE Petrochemicals Kuwait
(End User)
Eman Wagdy Account Manager
Emerson Kuwait
EQUATE has so many steam traps in their facilities, and like all mechanical devices, steam traps eventually
fail. Failures in an open position allows costly steam losses to add up quickly. Failure in a closed position not
only reduces steam system efficiency but also allows acidic condensate to attack steam system components.
EQUATE understood the need for effective steam trap monitoring and accordingly contacted Emerson to
conduct a pilot project as this will eventually ensure no loses in energy and in a tough business scenario,
profit margins do not shrink further.
Steam traps are known to fail and in most cases are not detected until a lot of steam is wasted and a good
amount fuel been utilized, which means monetary loses. EQUATE has no means of monitoring steam traps
and have Environmental KPIs to meet:steam trap monitoring is one top.
Emerson will be using Rosemount 708 Wireless Acoustic Transmitter. Every Steam trap, in operation,
generates a noise level. The Rosemount 708 Wireless Acoustic Transmitter detects the presence of the
acoustic noise along with sensor temperature. Then converts the acoustic and temperature measurements
into output data and alerts
Results Benefits
Up to 40% savings in steam leaks which means you save significantly on input costs.Operator time freed up
for higher value activities.Improved availability of various plant operations by reducing unplanned equipment
failure.Wireless systems provide reliable real-time data,eliminating unnecessary field visits to give higher
ease of operability and increased personnel safety
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Industrial Energy
Page 45 of 115
ID 1843
Industry Refining
Industrial Energy Management
Reduce Your Energy Consumption with Help of Measurement Systems at Refinery Columns
Alexander Shapov Head of Operating Facility #3
Kirishinefteorgsintez Russian
(End User)
Andrey Fedorov Pressure product manager CIS
Emerson Russian Federation
Since up to 60% of the refinery costs can be spent to cover electricity bill, many refineries currently struggle
to reduce their energy consumption. And task to save energy spending is one of the most important in the
current economic environment. Production can have thousands of processes, and efficiency improve is
individual way for each plant. But in order to achieve significant results not always need a major upgrade of
the enterprise
Good example of one of the five major refineries in Russia - going through modernization of level
measurement systems for deep conversion complex (DCC) columns set the objective to reduce energy use
by the plant units.
In order to control product parameters columns are equipped with heating systems designed to heat
measurement systems impulse piping due to seasonal subzero temperatures. Need a new method of
measurement that eliminates heating costs, saving 250 thousands of rub/year.
Proposed solution based on Electronic Remote Sensors system to measure product parameters in the
columns eliminated the need for the impulse piping and, as follows, in their heating. Optimally designed
control and measurement systems allow KINEF to provide reliable continuous level measurements that does
not depend on the ambient temperature.
Results Benefits
Solution helps to improve energy efficiency of DCC units and reduce instrumentation power consumption on
vacuum columns in 10 times due to upgrade of measurement systems for product level control at refinery
units. Since no need for impulse piping and heating cable allowed to save over 60000 USD as well.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Industrial Energy
Page 46 of 115
ID 2156
Industry Refining
Industrial Energy Management
Energy efficiency improvement through Advanced Process Control in the Gas Oil
Hydrotreater unit of MOL Plc. Hungary
Ferenc Tandari Senior Automation Expert
MOL Hungary
(End User)
Gyorgy Jablonkai Unit manager
MOL Hungary
The environmental legislative requirements in greenhouse gas emission and the change of the business
climate also force refiners to look for efficiency improvement opportunities. Due to that the energy use
accounts about half of the refining cost it is inevitable that the energy field is the most important source of
cost efficiency improvement ideas.
MOL decided that on one of its most critical and newest technology, the Gas Oil Hydrotreater Unit-3 (GHT-3),
with the utilization of an Advanced Process Control (APC) application, energy efficiency improvement can be
made through the reduction of the quality giveaways and through the advanced control of reactor parameters
in the summer and winter operation modes.
This paper describes the techniques of the developed solution and the justified results of it
Frequent variations of feed stock parameters affected the operation of the Dewaxing- and Desulphurization
reactors, having variations in the product qualities (information on Cloud point and Sulphur content has 2.5
hours delay).Prediction of qualities by inferential values enables the early compensation of quality
modifications,resulting a stabilised final product quality.
Feasibility study was carried out to verify the suitable predictions of quality parameters and on furnace
dynamics. This determined the correlations among the key process parameters and qualities. It verified that
the prediction is inside the expected deviation range. Based on that, the inferential calculations and APC
project were implemented.
Results Benefits
Process operation was improved by tuning the control system. APC of the Dewaxing reactor was
implemented on the winter operational period and APC on the Desulphurization reactor was implemented
after catalyst replacement. The reliability of product qualities was greatly improved and the specific energy
usage has been decreased significantly.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Industrial Energy
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Instrumentation Applications
16 Presentations have been selected for the Instrumentation Applications Track
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Page 48 of 115
ID 1820
Industry Food & Beverage
Instrumentation Applications
Finding the best level measurement solution can be easy – if you know where to look and
what to look for. AAK will show how high sensitivity radars i
Fredrik Brorsson Instrument Engineer
AarhusKarlshamn Sweden
(End User)
Ingemar Serneby Senior Application Specialist
Emerson Sweden
This workshop will show how AarhusKarlshamn (AAK) used high sensitive and easy-to-use radars in various
applications where no other tested technology worked at a vegetable oil plant.
We will show how this decreased installation and maintenance cost and increased performance and safety.
We will also discuss how knowledge transfer with the vendor helped to find the best solutions.
AAK used different methods to measure level in their vessels, but often faced problems. Final product
depend on the exact recipe being followed, accuracy and reliability are key. AAK found process radars to be
a perfect fit, as well as easy to install and maintain.
The radar technology has the reliability and accuracy needed to control the levels in the batch reactors and
storage vessels. In addition, the capabilities of advanced diagnostics to predict possible maintenance, has
reduced maintenance costs as well as downtime. Working closely together with the vendor ensured the
optimal solution.
Results Benefits
Valuable information about instruments and process are visible in the asset management / legacy system.
Actions can be taken before the measurement migh fail, additionally problem areas can be identified earlier
and additional parameters can be monitored. This resulted in increased uptime and throughput, reduced
operating cost and higher safety.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Page 49 of 115
ID 1960
Industry Chemical
Instrumentation Applications
Wireless Tank Gauging
Cenk Turkay Managing Partner
Ak-tas Dıs Ticaret Turkey
(End User)
Ak-tas is a supplier of bulk and packaged chemicals of the largest and pioneering producers in the world and
stores various chemicals in two different locations in Turkey.
In Kocaeli Terminal, 38 Rosemount Pro Gauges are in operation more than 15 years. Beside all these
satisfaction and experience, Aktas decided to go with Rosemount Tank Gauging system in “new” Adana
terminal as well.
In new tank farm, there was no gauging system, communication cable infrastructures and overfill prevention
For the automatic tank gauging side, wireless tank gauging was the perfect match and overfill prevention
side solution is 2120 fork level switches and Delta-V ESD according to the API 2350 recommendations.
Results Benefits
Increasing safety - Completing government regulations at tank farm. - Protecting environment. Reduce
installation costs - Less Excavation work, minimum installation time and no installation of new
communication cables. - Minimum engineering and commissioning time.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Page 50 of 115
ID 1681
Industry General
Instrumentation Applications
Can multiphase flow accurately be measured with current flow measurement
Johan Dom Technology Developer
Atlas Copco Belgium
Kristof Heyndrickx Sales and Marketing Manager
Emerson Belgium
Can current flow technology correctly measure multiphase flow?
Can it be used to adequately predict the gas content in a gas/liquid mixture?
By using a combination of volume flow and mass flow, the density can be calculated and the gas void fraction
can be determined. Measuring multiphase flow correctly will help in determining the exact quantity in
custody transfer in oil and gas applications, but it will also help to determine the correct mass-flow of high
viscosity chemicals with entrained air or in food and beverage applications. Not every mass flow meter will
perform similar in a multiphase mixture.
This session will explain why Micro Motion Coriolis mass flow meters are the best choice to accurately
measure mixtures of gas and liquid.
The Atlas Copco air compressors are using a mixture of oil and air to function properly. The challenge is to
determine the maximum of air allowed in the oil/air mixture before decreased cooling efficiency starts to
affect the performance of the compressor.
By measuring a volume flow and a mass flow, the density can be calculated and the gas void fraction can be
determined. Being able to determine the GVF means that a reliable 2-phase flow measurement becomes
Results Benefits
The Atlas Copco R&D team was capable to find the tipping point where the mixture oil/air wasn’t capable of
cooling the compressor anymore By using the Micro Motion Coriolis meter, the team could accurately define
this tipping point and determine when the compressor was working out of specifications.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Page 51 of 115
ID 2090
Industry Chemical
Instrumentation Applications
Perstorp Speciality Chemicals AB and COWI solves challenging level application with
Emerson instrumentation
Mathias Reman Instrument Engineer
COWI Sweden
(End User)
Ludvig Bengtsson Marketing Engineer
Emerson Sweden
Perstorp has chosen Emerson as their main provider of process instrumentation for project Valerox thanks to
the great solution support and reliable products. Together with COWI, Perstorp has solved two very
challenging applications.
The first application is a special separator tank with differential pressure and radar measurement. Application
two is an interface measurement with difficult media properties that required a very sensitive guided wave
radar from Emerson to work.
Getting level and interface measurement in separators where no single technology could work. Guided wave
radar could not be used due to the large amount of obstacles that would have required very expensive
rework of the separator.
A radar together with a differential pressure transmitter solved the application challenge were the differential
pressure transmitter measures interface and level up to the demister and the radar measures accurately at
the top part of the separator.
Results Benefits
Perstorp can now optimize the separator usage in the top thanks to the high accuracy radar while the
differential pressure unit measures interface and level in the lower part. The operators can now monitor the
interface level and Perstorp has increased the batch volume and decreased the batch time.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Page 52 of 115
ID 1401
Industry Oil & Gas
Instrumentation Applications
Increased revenue due to implementation of 3rd party certified bunker measurement
Deniz Eraydin Director/ Owner
CYE Turkey
(End User)
Kaan Cuce Sales Leader, Micro Motion and Rosemount
Emerson Turkey
CYE was already a reliable and trustworthy supplier in the port of Istanbul, but with implementing the CBMS,
they are also able to prove this to the market and attract more ship owners to come and bunker with CYE.
The result is a growth in number of customers and a growth in revenue as customers are willing to pay more
for a delivery that is accurate and the guarantee that they get what they pay for. Not only CYE benefits from
this, but also the port of Istanbul will be seen as a reliable port where customers can get a trustworthy, high
quality bunker before entering the Black Sea.
In the world of bunkering, there are many uncertainties and challenges in the fuel supply chain. Partly this is
caused by the difficult process conditions of bunkering, but also the politics and the parties involved in the
loading/ unloading and fuelling of vessels make it a complex operation.
CYE implemented Emersons CBMS (Certified Bunker Measurement Solution) without any involvement or
mandate from the government or customers and this is unique for the current marine industry.
Results Benefits
CYE increased their business with more than 30% within 6 months after installation and they gained more
customers and increased their reliability image in the market
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Page 53 of 115
ID 2149
Industry General
Instrumentation Applications
2-in-1 Smart Ultrasonic Metering Family Improves Accuracy in Fiscal Metering and Sales
Henk Riezebos Sr. Principal Consultant
DNV GL Netherlands
(End User)
Jacob Freeke Director Marketing Ultrasonic
Emerson Netherlands
The financial risk for large volume fiscal and sales allocation metering can be quite high. Thus smart
ultrasonic solutions with a proven reduction of these uncertainties are of key value to any party involved in
gas trading. A new innovative approach through a series of ultrasonic 2-in-1 meters with smart path layouts
(4+1, 4+2, 4+4 and 8-path), addressing various measurement concerns in a systematic manner.
DNV GL has performed a technology qualification of these solutions to verify whether the technology can
meet the industry requirements set for fiscal and sales allocation applications of various size. This
assessment is based on comparison with best industry practice and a classification model which reflects the
metering risk in an operational uncertainty for various annual throughputs. The assessment also reflects
typical real world field issues that do occur in fiscal and sales allocation applications.
Current qualification schemes as OIML and ISO do not fully address the typical field issues like fouling or
dust. Therefore due to lack of verification options the metering risks can be very high. On the other hand
OPEX and CAPEX can be high in relation to the metering risk.
DNV GL provides a scheme reflecting practical metering qualification approach. The ultrasonic flow meter
family is a cost effective solution as it combines direct and reflective path arrangements in a smart way
addressing typical field issues with early warnings. In this way operational uncertainty and maintenance can
be reduced.
Results Benefits
The tests performed take into account the industrial need that a meter performs Fit for Purpose.
Measurement uncertainties are reduced. Maintenance costs lowered. Custody and fiscal correct transfer
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Page 54 of 115
ID 2134
Industry Chemical
Instrumentation Applications
Evaluation of small size Coriolis mass flow meters by WIB Users group.
Kees Kaijser Sr engineering manager
DOW Netherlands
(End User)
Bert Roos Business Development Manager Flow Density
Emerson Netherlands
As the use of small Coriolis mass flow meters expanded from pilot plants and research environment to world
scale plants, they directly influence product quality and plant availability. WIB (Dutch Users Group) evaluated
the performance by testing the latest generation mini-Coriolis meters and an earlier model. The project team
agreed to test new Micro Motion models CMFS010 and CMFS015 and the CMF010 meter as it has become
the industry standard for low flow dosing in the chemical/petro-chemical industry.
This session explains the testing methods used, the influences of viscosity, air, product temperatures and
ambient temperatures and also depicts the test results and recommendations. Tests showed that meters still
have a very good performance at 5% of their maximum range.
Amongst the Members of the WIB users group are big oil and gas companies, chemical producers and
Namur members.
Small Coriolis meters must perform at the low end of the meter capacity as the optimum in the chemical
industry is most of the time a tube size big enough to overcome plugging because of product properties still
being able to measure very low flow rates.
Based on these testing results the new generation Micro Motion Coriolis meters will be the preferred solution
for low flow applications for a lot of users.
Results Benefits
Accuracy under reference conditions were within suppliers specifications. Results under influenced
conditions were outstanding, minor shift at low flow, still very repeatable. The CMFS015 with maximum flow
range of 300 kg/hr , still has an excellent performance at 3 kg/hr under influenced conditions.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Page 55 of 115
ID 1845
Industry General
Instrumentation Applications
Fast Measurement of Calorific Values and Density of Natural Gas for Turbine Control
Marko Bartusch Projektingenieur
EEE Anlagenbau Germany
(EPC Contractor)
Andreas Jung Product Manager
Emerson Germany
Natural gas shows strong variations in its composition depending on the location of the gas field. While
natural gas from Russia or Europe typically contains CO2 in the range of a few percent, in Asia it shows CO2
concentrations up to 20%. These large variations are challenging when using natural gas from several
resources in gas turbines. Changes in composition lead to changes in calorific values, which result in
changes in combustion properties. This can lead to a reduction of the combustion efficiency and might even
cause damage of the burning chamber. Finally, gas composition can also influences the pollutant emissions
like NOx.
To guarantee optimum turbine performance a fast real time gas analysis including properties like heating
value, Wobbe index, gas density has become necessary. Gas chromatographs are commonly used for
natural gas analysis, but their response time of several minutes is too long.
The long response time was reduced with acceptable accuracy allowing better control of the gas turbine.
Non-disperse infrared photometry allows the detection of most fuel gas components within seconds. Heating
value measurements can be provided by common measurements of CH4 and C2+. For the calculation of
density and Wobbe index, a CO2 channel can also be integrated.
Results Benefits
The power company gets better energy efficiency, lower emissions and protects its investment in the
expensive gas turbine.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Page 56 of 115
ID 2170
Industry Oil & Gas
Instrumentation Applications
Using Multiphase Meters for Accurate Measurements and Improved Oil & Gas Recovery in
a High Sulphur Environment
Kelda Dinsdale Strategic Business Development
Emerson Norway
John Clarke Petroleum Engineer
Chevron Kazakhstan
One of the biggest challenges for multiphase meters is operating in high sulphur (H2S) fields where high,
fluctuating H2S concentrations make it difficult to measure oil, water and gas flow rates in the well stream.
Such information is vital to detect production threats (water) and optimize well performance. With TCO
struggling to source this information, this presentation illustrates how the Roxar multiphase meter met these
measurement challenges in Kazakhstan’s Tengiz field – a field that produced up to 18% hydrogen sulfide
(H2S) in 2014 and which had limited water treatment facilities.
The presentation looks at lessons learned due to the collaboration between operator and vendor that was
key to the project’s success. The measurement principle behind the meter proved to be highly robust against
H2S concentrations delivering accurate oil, water and gas measurements. The result for TCO was project
certainty, effective well testing and continued production from the field.
The Tengiz field has limited water treatment capacity. Therefore, accurate water and flow rates measurement
is essential to pre-empt production threats. Yet, 18% of production is H2S making it difficult to measure flow
rates accurately. The field also experienced reducing pressures, increasing volume flow – another flow
measurement challenge.
TCO deployed three Roxar third generation multiphase meters that generate accurate Gas Oil Ratios
(GORs), water cuts and other flow measurements. This is due to the meter’s robust material, a new
measurement principle, that includes electrical impedance measurements and a single high- energy gamma,
and strong service support.
Results Benefits
The meters helped TCO identify water cut and GOR changes, tackle problem wells, and ensure continued
production - in TCO’s words “world-class multiphase flow measurement”. Emerson also directly addressed
ambient temperature fluctuation and mixed density measurement challenges, giving TCO complete
confidence in the meter’s mechanical integrity and measurements.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Page 57 of 115
ID 1627
Industry Metals & Mining
Instrumentation Applications
Reliable Analysis of Blast Gases Helps Iron and Steel Works to Meet the Requirements for
Environmental Protection
Alexander Moev Analytical Sales Director, CIS
Emerson Russian Federation
(End User)
Nafisa Ishmatova Automation Project Manager
Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works
Russian Federation
The largest metallurgy plant in Russia has 10 blast furnaces each of them has four hot stoves (cowpers). In
connection with environmental protection directive there is necessary to measure composition of the
incoming gases that go to the air at each Cowper.
Iron and Steel Works had to implement solution to control gaseous emissions from stoves of one blast
furnace. Incoming gases formed by combustion mixture of natural, blast furnace and coke oven gases. This
mixture has a large number of different mechanical impurities and has corrosive properties because of high
sulfur content.
Built analysis solution based on reliable sample system to be able to cope with aggressive gas. High humidity
of the sample gas complicates analysis as well. Besides that stoves work in variable modes in which the
pressure of analyzed gas changing from vacuum to excess that makes analysis very difficult.
Solution included implementation of four systems for each cowper based on gas analyzer. Each system
simultaneously measures four components for CO, CO2 and O2 determination with reliable probe sampling
system mounted in a "turnkey" weatherproof heated cabinet. Optimally designed analytical systems ensure
plant with reliable sustainable/online analysis of exhaust gases.
Results Benefits
Four systems were successfully commissioned in 2014, and despite severe conditions of use, operates
normally. Solution allowed customer to control emissions and to save fuel, along with meeting the
compliance for Environmental Protection and performing of additional control of technological regime.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Page 58 of 115
ID 1624
Industry Chemical
Instrumentation Applications
Solvay improves Quality and Throughput of PVC Rotary Dryers with Emerson’s Wireless
Temperature Monitoring
Luc Body Head of Automation
INOVYN (ex Solvay) Belgium
(End User)
Christophe Corbier Account Manager
Emerson Belgium
Solvay's PVC plant in Jemeppe-sur-Sambre, Belgium was facing regular problems of temperature stability on
rotary dryers. They could only measure the outlet temperature of the dryers because they could not find a
reliable temperature solution for rotating equipment. Drying is a critical part of the PVC production process,
with the goal being to reach specific quality metrics such as moisture content. Since it is a continuous
process, the temperature must be high enough to drive off moisture at the proper rate as determined by the
flow, or throughput. If the temperature is too high, however, the polymer can begin to degrade and discolor.
Solvay was struggling to operate the rotary dryers properly. Without the right temperature measurements,
they had a significant number of discarded batches
Solvay selected Emerson's Smart Wireless solution, which is based on the IEC62591 (WirelessHART®)
standard, to provide on-line temperature monitoring of the polyvinyl-chloride at multiple points throughout the
dryer. The solution eliminated the need to install a new cable infrastructure and any slip/ring collector
traditionally required for rotary equipment.
Results Benefits
On-line wireless monitoring has enabled operators to prevent excessive temperatures in the rotary dryers,
leading to a 50% reduction in off-spec production, Solvay improved quality with better powder drying, and
have realized a 1-2% increase in production
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Page 59 of 115
ID 1821
Industry Pulp & Paper
Instrumentation Applications
World’s first Innovative solution created Reliability and Cost Saving at one of the largest
P&P Mill in the world.
Peter Hallenberg Project Engineer
Korsnäs bruk Sweden
(End User)
Michael Jägbeck Country Manager, Measure & Analyze
Emerson Sweden
This story is about a unique person who dare and think outside the box. He will risk his own career and his
credibility by trying to find a solution to the problem. This problem has always existed and still exist in all other
P&P Mills (and other industries as well
The problem was (and it still is for every Digester in the world) the complete solution around the Digester
doesn’t work properly. It’s the heart of the Pulp Mill. The wood chips are cooked in huge pressurized
vessels called Digester. The white liquor is added to the pulp in the impregnation zone of the digester where
it is heated and circulated, cooking the pulp.
Reliable flow measurement is critical in accurately controlling the alkali to wood ratio which directly affects
digester performance.
Challenges for the applications: large temperature variations, vacuum, progressive coating. Measuring
problems: lining failure, electrode short circuit, clogging impulse tubes, burned meters.
Billerudkorsnäs solved this flow measurement challenge by choosing a different flow metering technology to
measure white liquor flow in this application “Never used before in the world in white liquor applications” ‘
Results Benefits
The flow availability has increased to 100% The result is more consistent pulp quality at lower cost per ton of
pulp. Further, the mill is able to save on maintenance cost for cleaning the failed flow meter and reduce the
personnel’s exposure related to maintenance and manual operation.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Page 60 of 115
ID 2139
Industry Power
Instrumentation Applications
Improved Reliability of Geothermal Power Production Measurement
Mehmet Şişman General Manager
Maren Enerji Turkey
(End User)
Sedat Cankaya Area Sales Leader
Emerson Turkey
Geothermal fields are characterized by water coming from wellheads at temperatures up to 175°C. Hot water
is driven to separators to meet optimal process conditions in order to maximize production of electricity that is
functional to wellhead flowrate. Changes in process conditions might require adapting the flash process
conditions or even drilling new wellheads in time to satisfy the energy production with the natural variation of
geothermal fields. Ability to predict the geothermal field behavior is essential in increasing the power
production and energy efficiency of the plant.
This presentation will show how to effectively correlate the energy production and plant efficiency with a
proper measurement of brine flowrate. The technology comparison to drive a proper choice in terms of
measurement principle and materials both for greenfields and brownfields implementation. Proper design of
flowmetering allows increasing reliability, reducing at the same time downtime and repair that heavily affect
total energy production.
Maren needed to implement a reliable system to predict geothermal field variations and optimal configuration
of plant variables in order to increase/improve their plant productivity.
Implementing a specially developed system for Brine Measurement and correlate flow variables with
geothermal field dynamics.To achieve critical measurements Rosemount Magmeters has been installed and
meters have been operating without issue since their installation resulting in elimination of frequent flowmeter
maintenance,improved accuracy resulting in greater productivity&reliability in this difficult application.
Results Benefits
In 2014, Maren increased power production by 200 MWh, and reduced the unplanned shutdowns to ZERO.
The energy efficiency of the production plan increased near to 0,5%.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Page 61 of 115
ID 1903
Industry Oil & Gas
Instrumentation Applications
Extending Life of Field with a Little Bit of Data
Mark Browne Senior Production Engineer
Perenco UK UK
(End User)
Produced hydrocarbons at surface are warm. Notable drops in flowing temperatures indicate a halt in
If a well is liquid loaded, there is a clear signature in the pressure build-up curve. Using this curve,
hydrostatic pressures can be extrapolated, and using completion data, it is possible to calculate the volume
of the liquid. Pressure and temperature data are used to optimise production by cycling and foaming.
Cycling the wells based on length of time it takes for a SIWHP to stabilise (i.e. all liquids forced from the
wellbore back into the formation). And Foaming based on the volumes calculated. Alarms alert control room
when flowing temperatures drop.
This prevents the wells from fully liquid loading. Another alarm tells when the shut-in pressures are
achieved, minimising downtime. On platforms where remote foaming facilities are available, treatments can
be performed once the well comes offline.
As reservoir pressures decline, well productivity reduces. Condensed & formation fluids build-up within the
wellbore. The resultant hydrostatic pressure chokes the well & prevents flow. Without the facility to see the
flowing pressure and temperature, it becomes difficult to determine when the wells stop producing.
wireless pressure & temperature monitoring
Results Benefits
Production declines have been arrested, uptimes have been maximised
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
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ID 2230
Industry Refining
Instrumentation Applications
How to avoid a furnace tubes coking and improve reliability of VGO high pressure flow
measurement with catalyst and coke particles.
Dariusz Zygadliński Automation Supervisor
(End User)
Piotr Burgs KAM Refining Poland & Baltics
Emerson Poland
PKN ORLEN is a modern, complex refinery and petrochemical complex in Poland. Our aim is to continuously
improve all possible areas of operational efficiency, safety and reliability. To obtain these results we use all
available and cost effective techniques.
One of the areas we have taken to improve is an impulse lines plugging of typical DP flow measurement. It is
not so easy if you cannot replace a differential pressure flowmeter to other technology like Coriolis or Vortex
due to a process requirements. So, we were looking for the cost effective solution to avoid problematic DP
impulse lines plugging for the liquids with a high temperature, high pressure and heavy particles content like
coke and catalyst. Because of well adopted wireless communication at our plants we decided to deploy
Rosemount DP transmitters with advanced diagnostic feature to detect a plugging with wirelessTHUM
We have increased significantly the reliability of a flow measurement used for APC purposes where accuracy
and reliability of a signal is crucial. Impulse lines plugging have caused in the past big problem with a coking
of a furnace pipes and resulting high fuel gas consumption.
We have started the tests in 2013 at Hydrocracker unit and having very good results now we implement that
technology at VGO Hydrotreater. Obsolete DP transmitters has been replaced with those ones having an
advanced diagnostics which analyze a pressure noise to detect abnormal situations.
Results Benefits
Detection of plugging increasing safety and reliability of a hydrocarbons flow measurement with a heavy
particles content. Less coking inside the furnace pipe coils resulting less fuel consumption and shorter time
needed to clean the pipe coils. Significant time and maintenance cost reduction is another benefit for PKN
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
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ID 1901
Industry Chemical
Instrumentation Applications
Improve inventory control and operational efficiency of your Calcium Carbonate storage
Olivier Prieur B.E / AMRA Technician
Solvay Carbonate France
(End User)
Nicolas ODRU Business Development Manager
Emerson France
Storage silos have uneven surface making difficult to show true representation of the real volume by using
single point measurement. In order to achieve control of the capital tied up in the silo, Solvay needed to find
a way to reliably and accurately measure the volume. Additional concern was caused by the calcium
carbonate frequently sticking on the silo walls meaning stock levels of up to 40% sat in the silo without even
knowing. With no instrumentation, an operator had to climb on the top of the roof to take manual
measurements, created concerns for the employees’ safety.
Due to the wide 14m diameter of the silo, Solvay were thinking of installing 8 radars to get sufficient amount
of readings to calculate the estimated volume. We offered our brand new Rosemount 3D solids scanner with
our visualization software in order to comply with all of their requests.
Improve inventory control and operational efficiency by knowing the real volume of material: production
tracking and accurate forecasting of usage. Get a better understanding of material availability by detecting
build-up and schedule predictive maintenance. Increase safety by preventing regular top of vessel inventory
Install a multi scanner solution to get true volume and use our 3D visualization software for mapping build-up.
This involved installing 4 scanners on the silo working together to compile information and deliver one entire
volume measurement.
Results Benefits
Better control of Calcium Carbonate stock to always deliver on time customer’s orders (no more out of stock).
Increase of safety by scheduling maintenance.
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Maintenance & Reliability
19 Presentations have been selected for the Maintenance & Reliability Track
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Maintenance & Reliability
Page 65 of 115
ID 1984
Maintenance & Reliability
Industry Chemical
Essential Asset Monitoring Saves Money within the Lifecycle of a Plant
Kris Deckers Technical Director
Allied Reliability Group Belgium
For its new sulfa plant a chemical manufacturer in the Netherlands set some preconditions
• Technical availability of 98%
• Turn Around interval of 6 years
• Minimal corrective maintenance
• Focus on predictive maintenance
• Optimal spare parts management The project team looked at the total lifecycle of the plant while justifying
the solution for reliability:
• About 1% of unplanned production losses are related to failures detectable with Condition Monitoring
• Engineering partners assumed that with early detection by condition monitoring the amount of unplanned
production losses can be reduced to 0,5%
• 0,5% unplanned production losses = about 300k€/year It is for DSM key to apply condition based
maintenance with an applicable interval timing per equipment criticality.
Implementation of an online system gives better insights that improves plant reliability as an iterative process.
This greenfield project needed to result in a maintenance -free factory. The business case for predictive
maintenance was built by looking at the total cost of ownership and production time for the lifespan of the
plant instead of the shorter return on investment only.
Not only critical assets (such as turbo machinery) but also essentials assets (like fans and ancillary pumps)
will be monitored online. Assets that have a quick failure mode and need more than an monthly
measurement during rounds such as pumps, separators/dryers, fans, conveyors and cooling towers.
Results Benefits
By means of a solid business case the end user benefits. By continuously monitoring critical and essential
assets total reliability incrementally increases from startup and will be higher than in any other factory. As
maintenance will not be surprised by asset failure uptime increases and less stops are needed.
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Maintenance & Reliability
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ID 2100
Industry Metals & Mining
Maintenance & Reliability
Online Condition Monitoring Solution helps Arabian Cement Company to protect its
critical rotating asset and prevent 70,000-ton production loss. Wow!
Ahmed Orban Mechanical Manager
Arabian Cement Company Egypt
(End User)
Asad Malik Business Development Manager
Emerson UAE
Arabian Cement Company (ACC) has a production capacity of 5 million tons/yr, producing high quality
cement for local and international market. In cement production, rotating assets like crushers & mills are at
great risk. Worn rotating parts lead to internal faults like mechanical imbalance, loose components, and
rubbing parts. Our 185 Ton/Hr cement mill is driven by a 6 MW gearbox that showed a sudden increase in
vibration level. Inspection showed fracture in one of the CARB bearing cages of intermediate shaft. There
was no spare bearing and the lead time for a replacement was more than a month.
Emerson’s Online Condition Monitoring system helped ACC run a critical asset for 17 days continuously with
24/7 monitoring. It prevented $6M in production loss & moved from reactive to predictive maintenance.
CM Gearbox Inspection showed fracture in one of the CARB bearing cages. There was no spare bearing
and lead time for replacement was more than a month. Our challenge was running the mill in a bearing
failed condition until we received the spare and preventing a month of production loss.
Emerson proposed & installed Online Condition Monitoring system to continue operation within acceptable
parameters. It gave us 24/7 visibility to the health of gearbox and allowing 17 days safe production. When
system detected a condition that was outside the set parameters, Emerson advised us to stop Mill for
Results Benefits
Online Solution helped us run system for 17 days continually with 24/7 monitoring. It prevented 70,000 ton
production loss of cement/$6M sales if we had been shut down for full month. Emerson helped us move from
reactive to predictive maintenance, improve spare parts management, outage planning and plant availability.
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Maintenance & Reliability
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ID 1501
Industry Oil & Gas
Maintenance & Reliability
Refinery Turnaround (TAR) preparation time halved by integrating all data needed into
one place accessible by all
Henk van der Meer Team Leader Events
BP Raffinaderij Rotterdam
(End User)
Turnaround (TAR) and maintenance disciplines in petro- chemicals have struggled to take the next step to
combine BIG DATA and make data Smart. Data is available in several systems and every sequence of the
TAR the process of scoping, planning supplying starts from scratch each time. Working together as one
team (owners and contractors) in one data source would be ideal.
In preparation for the 2017 TAR a single IT environmental has been created allowing everyone has access to
the data enabling them to work in an efficient and effective way, so we can better compete globally. The
paper mountain is no longer needed as everyone using tablets or PDA with Wi-Fi can access cloud data
such as real time progress, status reports and findings.
The next TAR can use the history data and in this ideal world, the time needed to complete preparation could
be downsized by 50%.
The plant’s IT landscape took a lot of time to update, requiring manual interfaces and storing data on share
points and drivers. Inflexibility of ERP system led to adding an own-developed database to control TAR data
and process. Scope process lacked rigid control regarding scope freeze and scope revisions.
Evaluation of current ERP functionalities triggers implementation of new IT systems linking with all master
data, allowing all people to collaborate by using new technology and eliminate paperwork and control scope.
Reporting, steering of the progress of planning and execution work is under control and track and traceable.
Results Benefits
Ability to do the job with less people in a uniform and more controllable way. Self-developed systems and
manual maintenance of excel sheets ended. Participants working in one system cuts amount of interfaces
and (overhead) resources in upcoming TAR. Re-use of data will provide major benefits for future
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Maintenance & Reliability
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ID 2094
Maintenance & Reliability
Industry Pulp & Paper
The POWER of Pro-active maintenance
Doug De Bruin Sr. Projects Director
Clearwater Paper USA
(End User)
Utilizing the POWER of the AMS Device Manager, you will learn from case examples how to efficiently and
effectively use this tool for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes. We will demonstrate how a small staff
can tackle a large installed base, and stay ahead of potential downtime causing failures by being Pro-active
using configured alerts and valve scans.
Users will walk away with a specific action plan on how to make this a reality in your facility.
AMS integrated with DeltaV can be a great solution, but improper installation can cause random alerts.
Getting buy-in from an older work force, and trying to add additional work to a small staff seems
overwhelming. Learn how these can be overcome for success.
Building templates for field devices is the initial key for consistency in alerts. Proper wiring techniques will
help you avoid phantom alerts. Showing the staff how Pro-Active maintenance can make their jobs easier,
will begin to win over even the toughest bird. Demonstrate how Valve signatures adds icing on the...
Results Benefits
While bridging gaps between instrumentation, automation, maintenance, and operations we have begun
utilizing intelligent information which has enabled operators to diagnose and resolve instrumentation issues.
This has reduced reactive maintenance by over 50%, and saved over $100,000 in avoided downtime,
manpower, and rework. This translates into POWER!
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ID 2219
Industry Oil & Gas
Maintenance & Reliability
Connecting AMS Device Manager to Siemens process and safety system on 4 O&G
Kristian Frafjord Haarr Facility Engineer, Instrument
ConocoPhillips Norway
(End User)
Rolf Jenssen Product Manager
Emerson Norway
Conocophillips Norway have just started to produce oil from their new production platform Eldfisk S. The
control and safety system (SAS) is Siemens S7.
AMS Device Manager with Valvelink was chosen for valve diagnostic with remote communication from
Onshore Remote Support centre. A new generation of AMS D M interface to Siemens SAS allows
installations on separate serves and network. Also three brownfield platforms on Eldfisk is included in the
same interface, giving access to more than 2000 field devices on close to 50 SAS process nodes.
Establish online communication with especially valves so predictive maintance can be introduced.
Developed online communication through Siemens SAS to field devices, without need for HART muxes or
other hardware. AMS Device Manager V 13 are also installed, to secure different access levels to process
and safety field devices.
Results Benefits
Conocophillips can now start to monitor field devices online and also better plan for condition based
maintenance on valves.
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Maintenance & Reliability
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ID 2105
Industry Oil & Gas
Maintenance & Reliability
Egyptian LNG achieves safe & reliable operation with wireless vib monitoring by avoiding
fans catastrophic failures which were jeopardizing safety.
Sherif Saeed Machinery Engineer
Egyptian LNG Egypt
(End User)
Asad Malik Business Development Manager
Emerson UAE
Egyptian LNG plant is installed in dry region and acceptable cooling water quality is not available. We
consider Ethylene and Methane 72 fans as the most critical fans. Their impact on production is huge since
there is no spare cooling capacity in summer.
Fans present a real challenge when it comes to vibration measurements. Only solution to assess fan’s
bearings condition is to enter fan’s flow path and attach vibration sensors to bearings; however, doing so
involves two severe risks. The more serious is the operation of fan while technician is exposed to moving
parts or air currents that could force him into moving parts. The other is sensor could become dislodged and
damages fan during testing. These fans recorded more than 30 catastrophic failures since 2005 caused by
unmonitored sudden bearing failure. Due to absence of condition monitoring, catastrophic failures have
impacted huge financial losses and human safety hazards.
Fan vibration monitoring at reasonable time intervals, which eliminates the problem of data acquisition.
Improved safety conditions and avoids catastrophic failures.Technicians are no more exposed to moving
parts with wireless Vibration Transmitters installation.
Due to Permanently installed sensors, there is no risk of dislodged and loose sensors during testing.
ELNG installed vibration transmitters and sensors on the fans upper and lower bearings to collect vibration
readings. Vibration data is readily available to Operator/Reliability Engineer for further analysis for early fault
detection which was not possible earlier. Wireless gateways are connected to AMS Machinery Manager
software Server through plant LAN.
Results Benefits
Avoiding fans catastrophic failures which were significantly jeopardizing safety and LNG production.
Maintenance converted from time-based, which costs expensive overhauls, into condition based, which shall
save more than $350,000 from maintenance budget along the 4 years. Saved installation time and cost since
it does not require any cabling.
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Maintenance & Reliability
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ID 2194
Industry General
Maintenance & Reliability
Taking Advantage of Turnarounds - From “Fix It” To “Improve It”
Marcelo Carugo Director, Global Refining Industry
Emerson USA
Jose Alfredo Chavez Ortega Gerente de Refinacion
Pemex Mexico
Traditionally turnarounds have been focused on returning unit equipment to performance close to original
design effectiveness with minimum off line time.
But turnarounds also provide the opportunity to increase the unit’s ongoing mechanical availability and
reduce operating costs through improved operations analysis and control - without increasing the turnaround
Operational improvements were resolved in many plants of refineries, from Crude units to Hydrotreaters.
Some of these problems were monitoring of fouling in Heat Exchangers, Improved operation of Firedheaters, improved performance of separators, cooling tower health monitoring and performance monitoring.
This can be done by installing systems for early detection of potential equipment faults, more detailed
analysis of equipment performance, and better control. These additions also commonly improve the safety
environment by reducing the time the staff has to spend in the more hazardous sections of the plant.
Results Benefits
Case studies from several refineries will be presented. Paybacks range from months to less than a year.
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ID 2235
Industry General
Maintenance & Reliability
An Economic Study in Enterprise Asset Management
Melissa Stiegler Global Product Management
Emerson USA
Complex process plant operations often make it difficult to make timely and informed decisions about plant
management and maintenance strategies. Emerson services are designed to ensure maximum potential
benefit is achieved from automation and monitoring solutions.
This workshop shows where Emerson has implemented solutions to overcome key challenges in reliability,
process, energy and Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE). Examples include heat exchanger,
cooling tower, steam trap, relief valve and pump monitoring. Annual savings range from $450,000 up to $3.6
Information needed to pinpoint issues isn’t always available, making it challenging to prioritize and budget
plant improvement projects. Plants need to pinpoint issues, identify solutions, and develop a project plan.
Outside expertise from a supplier with hardware and software solutions, and domain expertise, is often
needed to perform this analysis.
Emerson uses a five-step structured process to help personnel identify process improvement priorities. This
includes a preliminary assessment and site walk-through to evaluate the current situation; defining solutions
with OPEX priorities in mind; presenting the solutions, obtaining company approval; implementing the
solutions and training personnel; and verifying performance afterward.
Results Benefits
Examples in workshop show how consolidating budgets and using a plant-wide Pervasive Sensing wireless
infrastructure helps plants increase productivity and reduce cost by implementing a comprehensive range of
solutions. Solutions were previously too costly and time consuming to automate, but Emerson’s project
management expertise and Pervasive Sensing made them profitable.
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
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ID 2152
Industry Metals & Mining
Maintenance & Reliability
Wow! Emirates Steel reduces Downtime and Saves more than $I.9M with Emerson’s
Machinery Health Management technologies.
Yahia Zedan Head of Condition Monitoring
Emirates Steel UAE
(End User)
Asad Malik Business Development Manager
Emerson UAE
Established in 1998, Emirates Steel grew from a simple re-roller of imported steel billets to a complex
integrated manufacturing plant, using modern solutions to tackle traditional industrial problems. The CSI
2130 Machinery Health Analyzer gives condition monitoring team the ability to collect and analyze data
rapidly, and AMS Suite Machinery Health Manager software used advanced PeakVue® technology to reveal
vital information of a plant needs to stay at peak performance.
Condition monitoring team’s enhanced diagnostics reveal hidden problems and avoided costly emergency
shutdown in the past few years. Emerson vibration diagnostics and analysis system has been used for
several years as basis for predictive maintenance to protect critical rotating machinery in Emirates Steel.
The company’s investment in vibration monitoring tools has paid off in a big way.
Emergency shutdown of Rolling Mill lasting more than few minutes can be very costl y.At Emirates Steel, one
day stoppage of Rolling Mill results in loss of 2,400tons,worth $1.3M/day.Cost is often much greater if heavy
equipment is involved. If faulty bearing goes undetected,it can seize, causing damage to heavy pinion
Emerson vibration diagnostics/analysis system has been used for several years as basis for predictive
maintenance to protect critical rotating machinery.AMS Machinery Manager and PeakVue technology
enabled the detection of roller bearing and gearbox anomalies. The company’s investment in vibration
monitoring using portable Analyzer CSI2130 has paid off in big way.
Results Benefits
Emirates Steel condition monitoring team detects Electrical and Mechanical faults in the rolling bearing and
prevented unexpected breakdowns through early identification of defective motor bearings and Gearbox
pinion. It saved more than USD1.9M in lost production by avoiding pinion failure and further damage to plant
on Rolling Mill#1.
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Maintenance & Reliability
Page 74 of 115
ID 1986
Industry Chemical
Maintenance & Reliability
Introducing predictive technologies through smart instrument management
Ankit Agarwal Mechanical (Reliability) Engineer
Hexion Netherlands
(End User)
Problems with aging instrumentation and breakdown maintenance strategy are contributes to device failure,
unplanned shutdowns & long turnarounds. The mixture of Emerson & other smart field devices are managed
by different systems. As part of a new work philosophy to close the gap between E&I Maintenance,
Reliability, Operations & Control Automation the existing AMS Device Manager system (part of a 2,500 point
DeltaV & SIS) was extended to cover all HART field devices. The consistent approach to device
management has enabled a transition to predictive maintenance rather than reactive.
This session gives background information of this change management program and what actions were
performed to drive this mind shift which is helping the company to reach its vision to reach Operation
Excellence (Knowledge) and improve the business KPI’s. The focus is to bring cultural change along with
removing technology challenges.
Demand for increased plant reliability, availability and compliancy needs regarding safety, environment and
product quality. •Too many technical challenges and reluctance from end users (maintenance) •Lack of
awareness and planning •Management requires project justification (technical and financial) •Uncertainty on
project owner , roles and responsibilities •Unavailability of work procedures
A DCS modernization program was initiated in which the AMS project plays a key role. Incorporates all
HART devices: Emerson & others •Gap analysis (people, procedure and skills) •Conduct pilot projects,
hands-on workshops •Present business case •Identify project owner/roles •Reporting work process, creating
check lists and propose planning forward
Results Benefits
•Proven results from Hexion US sites show ease in compliancy and improved plant reliability •Management
agreed to devote man hours to fully implement AMS for predictive technologies •TAR2016 identified as
window of opportunity •Agreed to purchase many more smart instruments and plans to extend it to rotating
equipment monitoring
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Maintenance & Reliability
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ID 1628
Industry Refining
Maintenance & Reliability
Reduce your maintenance cost at Refinery crude units up to 20% using critical assets
monitoring solution
Sergey Lipatnikov Chief Metrologist Deputy
LUKOIL Perm refinery Russian
(End User)
Aleksey Zarembo General Manager
LBP ASU Engineering Russian
Unplanned shutdowns of crude unit can cause great economic losses. In current economic situation
petroleum refiners have to deal with tighter targets.
Lukoil headquarters set that overhaul life at their refinery should be increased to three years and
maintenance spending should be reduced. Retirement and replacement of qualified workers and operators
makes this task even more challenging.
LUKOIL Perm refinery is one of the largest in central Russia. It produced over 12 mln tons of refined
products per year.
Perm refinery needed automatic equipment monitoring and decision support system. Potential issue is
absence of qualified specialist who can analyze current condition and estimate residual life of mechanical
equipment. LUKOIL refinery reported that many of potential slowdowns were prevented by only timely
measures of operators and maintenance personnel.
Offered Emerson`s automatic diagnostics based on vibration monitoring and protection system connected to
plant DCS for reliable machinery health monitor. Combination of unique PeakVue technology allows
detection of faults on early stage with trending and automatic analysis of vibration amplitudes at
characteristic frequencies provided by DeltaV control system.
Results Benefits
New automatic diagnostics system helps LUKOIL refinery to avoid unplanned slowdowns. It allows identifying
different types of defects before they cause real problems for the process. Estimated reduction of
maintenance cost of mechanical equipment about 20%.
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Maintenance & Reliability
Page 76 of 115
ID 1823
Industry General
Maintenance & Reliability
The uncertain matter of integrating Metrology into Asset Management
Wim Volmer Senior Product Manager Oil & Gas
NMi Certin Netherlands
(End User)
Metrology, measurement uncertainty, metering equipment, diagnostics and re-calibration are often
considered as a unique field of expertise. However, this does not necessarily mean all metrological
maintenance should be performed by metering experts.
An alternative approach is sketched, where most metering expertise is applied in the early days of a
measuring system’s lifetime, followed by scheduled supervision by Maintenance departments, under their
regular Asset Management System(s). In order to have metrological maintenance, including re-calibration,
performed by Maintenance Engineers, they must be provided with clear instructions and need to know when
to call on experts. This requires all key aspects to be dealt with upfront and translated into clear working
instructions. Relevant aspects include not only metering expertise, but also financial data on the criticality of
individual measuring systems’ accuracy / uncertainty.
This results in a type of maintenance which is risk-based, financially justifiable and integrated into an
By integrating Metrology – the Art of Measurement – into an existing Asset Management system, measuring
equipment and its maintenance can be supervised from a single system. Moreover, the extent of effort (recalibration, diagnostics check, …) can now be tailored to the importance of each measurement.
Accuracy (measurement uncertainty) represents a chance. When multiplied by throughput, this represents a
risk. Knowing the risk, the desired type and frequency of metrological maintenance can be determined. The
last step is to define comprehensive instructions to Maintenance in the Asset Management System. A
pragmatic approach to a complex field.
Results Benefits
By doing the expert activities upfront, the maintenance efforts can be tuned to an acceptable risk. The actual
maintenance can then be run from the same system as other similar activities, and unless exceptional
phenomena occur, be performed by regular maintenance staff. Overall, on longer term, cost savings are
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Maintenance & Reliability
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ID 2165
Industry Chemical
Maintenance & Reliability
Reducing plant risk through proactive maintenance practices
Andy Smith Engineer – Control Engineering, Process
Engineering & Automation Group
(End User)
John Ellis Business Developement Manager
Emerson UK
In this paper impact of change in maintenance philosophy on plant risk will be analyzed through two aspects;
technical and organizational.
Technical aspect details integration of Emerson solution with Customer processes. Maintenance philosophy
change is driven primarily through Customer focus on executing key activities that minimize control system
risks. Emerson solution helps Customer to timely obtain needed information as well as monitor impact of key
activities with regards to control system risks. In addition, Emerson solution is used to automate monitoring
activities what introduces additional risk measures and saves time for automation team that can now focus
on more value added activities to reduce plant risks.
Organizational aspect observes how automation team value is maximized in daily routine. Using Emerson
solution Customer is able to quantify amount of activities performed by automation team as well as value
produced from these activities.
Customer faced challenges from changes in Control System update process (proprietary to open) to
Operations IT getting more complex. Continuing to add tasks and complexity to existing staff increases plant
risk. Emerson Solution helps Customer to effectively address these risks in the face of daily challenges.
Guardian Support is integrated with Customer processes to keep control system up-to-date with DeltaV
hotfixes, Microsoft patches etc., as well as to quantify level of risk associated with control system. System
Health Monitoring is used to automate monitoring activities and measure risk that would otherwise not be
Results Benefits
Following metrics will be detailed in the paper: •Increase in plant availability today vs. 10 years ago (before
Guardian Support. Decrease in number of incidents. •Increase in number of activities (patches, monitoring
checks etc.) •Reduced system risks after automating monitoring activities •Reduced system risks when
performing frequent small updates
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Maintenance & Reliability
Page 78 of 115
ID 2101
Industry Oil & Gas
Maintenance & Reliability
Saudi Aramco’s Best Practices for Using Advanced Diagnostics to Improve Reliability at the
Ras Tanura Refinery
Juan Ustiola Vibration Monitoring Leader
Saudi Aramco Saudi Arabia
(End User)
Asad Malik Business Development Manager
Emerson UAE
One of the biggest challenges of any vibration monitoring program is identifying the real source of
unacceptable vibration levels. Spectral analysis may not be enough to capture certain kind of problems,
therefore, additional information it is required to tune the analysis. Best practices at our refinery require that
we collect time waveform data from all the rotating equipment. This allows us to verify any additional change
in the vibration signature that could be hidden in the spectrum. Special approaches are applied to time
waveform analysis in order to discard the influence of other signals that might interfere with the final
We implemented advanced diagnostics into our vibration monitoring program using time waveform, PeakVue
(Autocorrelation Factor) and Synchronous time averaging technologies that have significantly improved our
ability to detect issues and make maintenance recommendations.
Certain problems such as a high frequency faults cannot be analyzed by just looking only one part of the
vibration signal. Now that we are using time waveform information, we can see the conditions deteriorate at
early stage of failure and catch the issue before it causes an upset.
We implemented advanced diagnostics into our vibration monitoring program using time waveform, PeakVue
(Autocorrelation Factor) and Synchronous time averaging, technologies that are available from CSI 2130 and
AMS Suite: Machinery Health Management Software.
With this practice enhancement, we have significantly improved our ability to detect issues and make
maintenance recommendations.
Results Benefits
We have seen cost savings, improved reliability, and improved safety.
Our program has proven itself in decreasing, in fact eliminating, sudden failures and allowing us to take
proactive approach to maintenance.
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ID 2215
Maintenance & Reliability
Industry Oil & Gas
Pilot installation of Roxar wireless corrosion transmitter on O&G platform
Line Lilleby Bjering Senior Engineer, Materials & Corrosion
Statoil Norway
(End User)
Rolf Jenssen Product Manager
Emerson Norway
Due to changes in process parameters for an existing oil and gas field there was a need to follow-up any
resulting change in corrosivity for the oil export pipeline.
A Roxar ER-probe connected to an offline logger was already installed in topside piping connected to the oil
export pipeline, and there was a need to perform more frequent readings than every third Month to follow-up
the process changes. As there already was installed wireless gateways and AMS Device Manager, plus
established data transfer to PI Data Historian and the control system, it was easy to introduce a new type of
wireless measurement. The pilot transmitter will be purchased for permanent installation.
The ER-probe and the offline logger was installed in a remote location, and offshore personnel had to
perform weekly manual readings from the offline logger and uploading the data to Roxar MultiTrend.
To reduce the man-hours required for performing this task, and to ensure immediate response to increased
corrosivity, a wireless logger was installed, using existing probe. Use of the wireless logger made the
readings available for corrosion engineers at any time, and there was no lag in evaluating the results.
Results Benefits
Measurements are now received every 5 minutes, compared to every 3 rd Month with manual offline logging.
There are no lag in the measurements. Installations cost been low as existing probes are used and no need
to wiring. This is the company's first installation of a wireless corrosion transmitter.
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Page 80 of 115
ID 2020
Industry Oil & Gas
Maintenance & Reliability
Control valve remote monitoring and diagnostics for offshore and remote location O&G
Ragnvald Soldal Leading Advisor Maintenance Automation
Statoil Norway
(End User)
Sander van der Meer Site Team Leader
Emerson Norway
The presentation describes briefly the Statoil operations in Norway and the typical challenges related to
offshore and remote location installations and well as the business drivers. As part of an initiative to improve
operating performance Statoil recognized the possibilities with their installed base of AMS and Fieldvue
technologies. It was identified that these technologies were not being utilized to a maximum extend and a
project was launched to include these technologies in their Integrated Operations.
This was achieved by installing Meridium APM within the central onshore operations senter and connecting
this to 3 different sites as part of a pilot trail project.
The presentation will further describe the solution architecture build on AMS and Fieldvue, as well as the
implementation process including workshops and cooperation with subject matter experts. A success charter
was developed describing the expectations and actions needed to secure results.
Statoil identified control valves to be amongst the most critical equipment impacting operational availability
and cost. A single control valve failure can stop production and remote specialist expertise is often required
to troubleshoot and repair. In the study it was also identified that technologies in place were not utilized.
The solution includes AMS and Fieldvue technologies in place on the various installations. These were
integrated with the Meridium APM AMS analytics software installed in an onshore iOps center. Onshore
based experts are now able to monitor the remote installation and make recommendations to the operations
and maintenance staff.
Results Benefits
The results for Statoil can be measured in less offshore work, avoided critical failures, increased availability
and increased maintenance effectiveness.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Maintenance & Reliability
Page 81 of 115
ID 1982
Industry Chemical
Maintenance & Reliability
Flow Calibration On Site: How to maximize your turnaround.
Christophe Tripenne Maintenance Manager
Tereos France
(End User)
Jerome DESMOULIERES Services Sales Manager
Emerson France
Turnarounds are more and more time limited. But production and quality departments' requests remain for
calibration and certification. TEREOS and NESTLE, in North of France, worked with Emerson to find a
solution. Job was done on their plant, thanks to a Flow Calibration Mobile Bench.
Both companies saved money and time, eliminate risks, get flexibility in turnaround management and deliver
expected certificates on time to their production and quality departments
Many Flowmeters have to be calibrated during a 1 week turnaround. Send them to suppliers factories
benches was very risky in time and flowmeters could have been damaged during transportation. Manage and
coordinate several suppliers was also time consuming.
Emerson proposed to calibrate flowmeters, whatever brands, on TEREOS and NESTLE plants with a Flow
Calibration Mobile Bench, without risks, as Flowmeters remain on customers sites. Large flow range and high
accuracy authorize to target a large scope of work. Coriolis, Magmeters and Vortex could be calibrated.
Results Benefits
More flexibility on calibration management during turnaround. Modular concept for mobile bench make it
easy to install. Very good stability performance associated to Emerson Field Services Expert get results by
delivering on time expected certificates to production and quality managers.
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ID 2140
Maintenance & Reliability
Industry Storage & Terminals
Maintaining Custody Transfer Metering System; Availability & Reliability
Serhat Günaydın Senior Chemical Engineer at Planning &
Customer Department
TPAO Turkey
(End User)
Tunahan Avcı Sales Engineer
Emerson Turkey
TPAO has been operating sole underground gas storage facility located in Silivri-Istanbul since 2007.
Custody Transfer metering of gas at facility is essential in determining precise quantity of gas transferred.
Custody Transfer measurement applies both for injection and withdrawal processes. Injection(gas transferred
from national transmission network to underground reservoirs) is generally carried out when there is less
demand for natural gas in warmer months, whereas withdrawal (gas transferred from underground reservoirs
to national transmission network) is required when greater demand arises due to colder winter climate.
Our annual maintenance contract with Emerson ensures the availability and reliability of the metering system
based on the ISO 5167 Accuracy recommendations. This involves periodic calibrations of field transmitters
and analysers, orifice plate inspection and re-certification/replacement, and flow computer calculation
checks. This ensures that we fully control the financial risk on the metering and we report accurate metering
results for gas quantity transferred to our customers.
Since CustodyTransfer MeteringSystems are considered as CashRegisters,seemingly small measurement
error can have significant impact on operation’s bottom line.If left unchecked,preventable uncertainty in
CustodyTransfer/FiscalFlow measurement can amplify over time,resulting in millions of dollars of financial
exposure.This creates necessity to have certified metering experts to inspect and maintain whole metering
Emerson lifecycle services create detailed and comprehensive maintenance plan to have continuously
optimized performance of metering system.Scheduled maintenance on metering system is essential to
provide confidence on accurate measurement of reported gas volumes&properties (composition of
Methane,Ethane,other hydrocarbon compounds,Sulphur,Nitrogen, CO2,hydrocarbon&water dew point)and to
meet supply requirements for national gas transmission network.
Results Benefits
Accurate&sustainable measurement of gas quantities increases our confidence(operator);our customers’
confidence(owner of gas)that exact transferred gas volume is reported correctly which satisfies supply
requirements for national transmission network.The maintenance services increases our revenue not only
keeping uncertainty of metering system minimum level but also extending life time of metering system
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ID 2300
Industry Oil & Gas
Maintenance & Reliability
Condition Monitoring Services and CSI 2140 Help ZADCO Identify Gas Turbine Faults and
Move From Preventive to Predictive Maintenance
Slahadin Ali K. Ashair Manager Rotating Machinery, ZADCO
(End User)
Jawad Sherwani Regional Sales Engineer
Emerson UAE
Zakum Development Company (ZADCO) was challenged to quickly identify developing faults of their
equipment, so they worked with Emerson on a Condition Monitoring Program covering 95 rotary and 280
non-rotary equipment.
This presentation will discuss how ZADCO was able to improve their plant's reliability with a focus on one of
their regenerative gas turbines, which was tripping frequently. Using the CSI 2140, ZADCO was able to
identify the underlying root cause of the turbine's trips, get recommendations to prevent these trips, and
ultimately reduce equipment downtime.
ZADCO identified a fault condition in one of regenerative gas turbines. The vibrations were trending higher
when the turbine was loading beyond 300-600KW & at 7800 RPM.To avoid downtime of equipment,ZADCO
needed a solution to identify&address faults early not only in this turbinebut in nearly 400 machines across
the facility
Using the CSI 2140,ZADCO was able to conduct a vibration analysis &find out that the vibration source was
a result of a surge condition in the turbine's generator.This allowed them to perform corrective actions,
including compressor waterwash to clean dirt and process deposits;by loading the machine with theminimum
possible increment
Results Benefits
Emerson's ConditonMonitoring Services helped ZADCO to move from preventive maintenance to predictive
maintenance & improve the plant's reliability.The rotary equipment downtime is reduced by 10%.The
Predictive Maintenance to Corrective Maintenance (PM/CM)Ratio improved from 55/45 to 65/35.
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Maintenance & Reliability
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Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
19 Presentations have been selected for the Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Operate Safely, Securely &
Page 85 of 115
ID 2166
Industry Chemical
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
Infected - Handling of malware incidents in the industrial environment
Martin Elsner Engineering Manager
BASF Germany
(End User)
The presentation describes the best practices in case of a malware infection on an automation system. The
content would be:
1.) What do the standards say to the issue of malware removal (short overview)
2.) What are necessary and immediate actions after detection?
3.) General considerations for malware removal? IT vs. Automation Technology? Important boundary
conditions? 4.) Which antivirus software can be used?
5.) Lessons learned after an incident? Review with the affected plant!
In depending on the presentation duration I could additionally go into the Automation Security approach of
DeltaV, the concrete implementations in BASF Ludwigshafen and our experiences so far.
The removal of detected malware on automation systems.
Usage of best practices and Automation Security concept of DeltaV
Results Benefits
Retention of availability of systems in the process automation and prevention of risks for security, safety,
health and environment
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
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ID 2189
Industry Chemical
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
How to develop a proof test concept for SIS instruments?
Udo Menck European SIS Implementation Leader
Dow Chemical Germany
(End User)
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Gabriel SIS SME
Bayer Technology Services Germany
This presentation will give you an idea how to develop a test concept for a instruments used in Safety
Instrumented Systems.
For end users often it's a challenge to develop test procedures for SIS instruments. A lot of things needs to
be considered and there can be a big impact on plant operations at example if a plant shut down is needed to
do a SIS proof test.
With help of some enhanced PFD formulas to calculate random failures and a checklist to cover systematic
failures the end user is able to demonstrate, that the needed SIL portion of a SIS instrument will be reached.
Results Benefits
With the presented methodology you can develop the best proof test strategy to fulfill your business
requirements by doing several partial tests at different times.
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
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ID 2085
Industry Chemical
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
In controller class based simulation made easy.
Koen Verstringe Engineering associate
Eastman Chemicals Belgium
(End User)
Lieven Cortvriendt Project engineer
Colibri Services Belgium
During the execution of several projects, we were looking for an easy way to do code debugging and
graphics checkout. Simulation is ideal to achieve this but building a simulation model can be very labor
intensive and often requires additional skills and/or software packages.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have simulation model that ran fully within DeltaV, in a controller or a standalone
simulation node? Then DeltaV engineers/technician could do the full development cycle, even for minor
In this session we will demonstrate how a dynamic engineering simulation can be generated using the
standard DeltaV tool set. The resulting simulation can modified and operated just as any DeltaV module, but
due to the naming convention used it can be hardly mixed with real control modules. A set of integrated
faceplates is used to interact with the simulation from the workstation, which makes it even suitable for
operator training.
During the execution of several migration and expansion projects, we were looking for a simulation system
which could be easily generated by and configured by DeltaV skilled engineers. Ideally the whole setup
should be usable on DeltaV simulate running on a laptop.
We created an excel macro, using bulk edit files, to generate a medium fidelity simulation model based, on
well-designed DeltaV control classes. The generated model has the basic tie-backing and can be configured
and tweaked from the DelatV explorer or the DeltaV workstation.
Results Benefits
By using the simulation generator junior and senior DeltaV engineers were capable of creating their own
dynamic models which later on were merged and reused into the overall project model. The concurrent
development and reusability of these simulation saved us valuable time during project execution.
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ID 2187
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
Industry Power
Improved start-up/shutdown operation by advanced sequencing
David Snell DCS Technician
EDF Energy West Burton B Power
Station UK
(End User)
EDF Energy wanted to reduce the shutdown time of its gas fired units at West Burton. They wanted to
identify areas for potential improvement to give maximum benefit to plant, efficiency and operating costs.
The Ovation High Fidelity Simulator was used to investigate and confirm improved operating conditions to
allow the successfull implementation of the modifications whilst minimising the risk to the existing operating
The shutdown time of the combined cycle operating units. Training of the operations and engineering teams
to be fully aware of the changes implemented.
The unit shutdown was reduced from 35 minutes to 15 minutes. The Ovation High Fidelity Simulator allowed
process parameter and functional modifications to be implemented, tested, optimised and rolled to the live
plant DCS.
Results Benefits
The improved shutdown process: - saves gas / fuel - time - operating costs and improves plant flexibility,
availability and reliability. This modification alone saves the power station around £700 per unit, per
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Operate Safely, Securely &
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ID 2260
Industry General
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
Human Factors – A Complete Approach for Safe & Efficient Operation
Julian Annison Principle Industry Consultant
Emerson UK
Travis Hesketh VP Marketing
Emerson UK
A process plant is a complex machine designed, operated, maintained & updated in widely varying conditions
by changing teams of people (operations, maintenance & engineering) throughout its lifetime
Human Factors addresses the links between these People, the Plant & the way the Plant is managed (its
Management System)
This presentation provides an outline of the elements of Human Factors by considering the big picture
including comparison with other industries such as aviation & medicine.
Many safety & efficiency issues are due to people behaving in a way that is not appropriate for the conditions
Holistic, big picture, multi-disciplinary, collaborative approach
Results Benefits
Safe & efficient operation
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ID 1180
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
Industry General
A path to Operational Excellence: Multi-Purpose Dynamic Simulation with 3D Immersive
Ronnie Bains Business Manager, Dynamic Simluation &
Process Optimization, Europe
Emerson UK
Dynamic Simulation has evolved over recent years. This has enabled simulation technology and MultiPurpose Dynamic Simulator (MPDS) to be applied widely. The next generation of simulation uses 3D
immersive technology integrated into the core MPDS of the process.
This enables the view of the external operator to be simulated with that of the control room operator, creating
a unique platform to support integrated operations.
This presentation outlines how the MPDS of a process can be used for different activities, integrated with 3D
immersive technology to achieve operational excellence.
The MPDS will assist with process design and support engineering case studies. It will then evolve to assist
in the development of operational procedures, before testing the DeltaV System. Resulting in a faster
commissioning, reducing the overall schedule. The system can then be used for training, assessment and
maintenance support.
The MPDS is developed then integrated with a replica of the DeltaV System.Providing a realistic
representation of the process in a simulated environment.The 3D technology,based upon actual design data
of the facility is then connected into the DeltaV System. All components are integrated using OPC,providing
a robust and versatile MPDS.
Results Benefits
Benefits are quantified into two areas, those related to operations and engineering. They include identifying
operating constraints at the conceptual design phase, commissioning tool. Providing competency & abnormal
situation management tool. Will also provide familiarisation with the plant via 3D technology and integrated
operations with the production asset,supporting operational excellence.
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Operate Safely, Securely &
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ID 2237
Industry General
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
Flare stack monitor
Melissa Stiegler Global Product Management
Emerson USA
At Marathon Petroleum’s refinery in Canton, Ohio, pressure relief valves (PRVs) were causing problems.
Faulty PRVs were releasing too much product to flare stacks for burning, but operators could not easily
identify which of 560 PRVs were releasing product. PRVs are notorious for not seating completely in a dirty
environment, creating a slow leak that is difficult to detect, or “chattering.” It could take weeks or even
months to pinpoint a problem. Marathon installed wireless acoustic sensors on 69 critical PRVs, quickly
identified failed PRVs, and now can find problems as soon as they occur.
The monitoring system paid for itself in five months. This session describes the problem, solution and results.
Faulty PRVs were releasing too much isobutene and propane to flare stacks, costing the refinery millions of
dollars a year in lost product. Manual rounds took too long to identify problems, were expensive, and
exposed workers to hazards. Installing standard wired transmitters on all the PRVs would be prohibitively
In one month, Rosemount 708 Acoustic transmitters were installed on 69 PRVs to monitor releases, and 15
flow transmitters were also installed. The transmitters use acoustics to detect lifts, leaks, releases and
Results Benefits
Marathon recognizes and corrects PRV problems quickly(1hr). The system allows the refinery to use trend
data to run the process closer to limits, increasing throughput without compromising safety. Payback was
achieved in five months with total annual savings estimated at $3 million. Marathon is installing sensors on 80
more PRVs.
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ID 2213
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
Industry General
Appropriately Comparing Failure Rates Used for Functional Safety Analysis: FMEDA
Prediction vs OREDA Estimation
William Goble Principal Partner
exida USA
Failure rates predicted by Failure Modes Effects and Diagnostic Analysis (FMEDA) are compared to failure
rates estimated from the Offshore Reliability Data (OREDA) project for several control and safety input
devices. Because the two methods of data analysis are fundamentally different in nature, it may be
surprising that, when appropriately compared, the results from the two methods are generally quite similar.
The nature of the published data for FMEDA and OREDA is explored.
Guidelines are provided as to how the data from the two methods should be compared and as to when
comparison is not appropriate. The relative merits of each method are discussed.
Failure rates predicted by Failure Modes Effects and Diagnostic Analysis (FMEDA) are compared to failure
rates estimated from the Offshore Reliability Data (OREDA) project for several control and safety input
Because the two methods of data analysis are fundamentally different in nature, it may be surprising that,
when appropriately compared, the results from the two methods are generally quite similar. The nature of
the published data for FMEDA and OREDA is explored.
Results Benefits
Guidelines are provided as to how the data from the two methods should be compared and as to when
comparison is not appropriate.
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ID 2065
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
Industry General
Are you ready to crash your plant?
Arjan Meijer Technical Lead
Hudson Cybertec Netherlands
Marcel Jutte Managing Director
Hudson Cybertec/ISA Netherlands
Many business and process owners unknowingly keep their plant at the ‘exciting’ edge of possible failure.
Absence of awareness and insufficient knowledge about the need for proper security measures, play a big
role in this.
The presenters from Hudson Cybertec will use several practical examples to illustrate how this exciting edge
can be achieved and maintained. Some of the topics that will be addressed are absence of staff security,
missing policies and procedures, and lacking to implement the right technology. The presenters will discuss
which essentials measures in cyber security prevent you from keeping your plant in its current ‘ready to
crash’ state. The presenters will then elaborate on how to avoid the common pitfalls of cyber security.
You will learn how and why the security of your plant can be improved significantly by taking the right
measures in the areas of people, organization and technique.
Incorrectly (or not at all) managing cyber security in the Operational Technology domain of companies, keeps
plants at the edge of possible failure.
Implementing cybersecurity management in a way that fits the special needs of the Operational Technology
domain improves cyber security in a significant way.
Results Benefits
Improving the cyber security of the industrial control systems, by managing the security and adopting the
ISA99/IEC 62443 Industrial Control Systems security standard.
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
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ID 2132
Industry Chemical
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
Why the dynamic Operator Training Simulator proves to be an Indispensable Tool
Jasper Rutten Process Engineering Team Leader
Huntsman Netherlands
(End User)
Huntsman faces a challenge to keep a qualified operator workforce: -Aging experienced operators Increased mobility of younger operators -An imperfect fit in knowledge and skills for process operations.
Huntsman modernized its Distributed Control System from Provox to DeltaV with a completely new
philosophy on control strategy bringing the operator back in the center of operations. As part of the project
an Operator Training Simulator (OTS), a high accuracy, dynamic process simulator, has been developed.
OTS has been used to train and prepare the operators for the new interface & process. Change always
brings some human resistance which OTS helped overcome and run a safe and efficient startup.
Furthermore OTS is used to bring operator skills and knowledge on a higher level. OTS plays a vital role in
the certification of CCR operators Huntsman Corporation is an American multinational manufacturer and
marketer of chemical products for consumers and industrial customers.
Experienced operators are aging and retiring. -The younger workforce shows increased mobility. -In order to
run the operation safe, error free and optimal Huntsman searched for ways to optimize the skill set of their
Before migrating the DCS during the last turnaround, an Operator Training Simulator was installed with an
exact lifelike model of the DCS. Operators were, and will be, trained on abnormal situations and startups.
Results Benefits
The Operator Training Simulator made operators familiar with the new DCS System before startup. This
supported a smooth and safe startup. Huntsman is able to train all new and existing operators. In addition,
the OTS can also be used to optimize the process for a safe and error free operation.
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ID 2061
Industry Life Sciences
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
Dynamic Simulation Modules contribute both to Human Training and Plant Availability in
Life Science Manufacturing
Sien Billen Project Engineer Computerized Processes
Janssen Belgium
(End User)
Pal Kozma OTS Consultant
Emerson Italy
Emerson Process Management’s European Dynamic simulation team has developed and delivered a
multipurpose training and development system to Janssen Geel, Belgium. This offline, virtualized system has
three core use cases.
1st case being the training of operating personnel who will be able to run recipes on a simulated plant and
get realistic feedback.
Secondly, the system will be used for the engineering, development and testing of J&J’s global library of
DeltaV modules in a simulated plant, remotely accessible.
The 3rd case is to maximize the frontloading for migration and upgrade projects. Migration projects will be
loaded into the development system and connected to the simulation enabling upfront testing and user
training before going live on the production control system. This set-up provides J&J with the capability to
perform migrations more smoothly resulting in a minimum required plant shutdown.
Currently the simulation models were custom build and incorporated into the control code. This made it
unpractical for them to be used in a modular global library context. Moreover, after testing it was necessary
to cut out the simulation related parts in case of a migration project.
The simulation set-up is fit-for-use in a global library context, based on the S88 standard. The Equipment
Modules and their counterpart simulation modules are separated to easily transfer them from the
development system to the production system. New modules can be easily build using a standardized library
of simulation objects.
Results Benefits
J&J has obtained a development, testing and training capability compatible with its global library of DeltaV
modules, expandable to incorporate more simulated plants and remotely accessible for other sites worldwide.
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
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ID 1623
Industry Oil & Gas
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
Kuwait Oil Company is replacing their existing wellhead monitoring system with Emerson's
Ali Faras Sr. Engineer
Kuwait Oil Company Kuwait
(End User)
Yasir Al-Ghamdi Business Development Manager
Emerson Kuwait
Oil fields are getting old, and KOC is facing challenges to maintain and show increase in production. The
idea is to have a unified SCADA system that could interface and with any 3rd party RTU & SCADA system
that is implemented previously and in the future. Also to have a reliable & production technology that can be
increased by developing new fields and increasing production from existing fields.
This initiative also needs for SMART field implementation using wireless sensors on all the well head
platforms that reduces downtime during the work over and maintenance
KOC S&EK Asset had an issue in monitoring remote wells and its artificial lift equipment ESP performance 
To monitor the well production on real time basis.  The current existing vMonitor SCADA system had issues
in providing accurate and continuous real-time data.
A solution of ControlWave Micro With Wireless Interface card to hook up wireless field instruments. CW
Micro RTU hooked to OE SCADA system which provides real time interface the users who wants to monitor
production and operate the entire system.
Other BU details:1.two Wireless Pressure&one Temperature Transmitter.2. One HC&H2S gas detector.
Results Benefits
The system installed provides accuracy, repeatability and reliability  Improved Well Integrity  Optimized
Production & monitoring  Efficient optimization resource utility  Access to Scarce Resources by analyzing
the data available over a period of time.  Proven Communication Standards  Minimize Exposure to Health
and Safety Risks
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ID 2066
Industry Storage & Terminals
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
Wireless HydroCarbon Leak Detection-OMV Turkey
Abdullah Yaltırık Electrical Engineer Department Manager
OMV Turkey Turkey
(End User)
In today’s rapidly changing business environment, safety is one of the fundamental challenge that should
always be taken into account by companies particularly in oil & gas industry considering potential harm of
product over environment and people. Furthermore, regulations regarding Health, Safety and Environment
specifically for oil and gas industry has been getting tighter day by day.
Considering all these challenges; Petrol Ofisi (PO), subsidiary of OMV Turkey, operates 35 % of total oil
retail market, commits to sustain and improve its own HSE achievements by implementing various policies.
Oil spill is one of the remarkable threat among all safety challenges which companies never want to be deal
with its results in case of any incident.
Consequently, Petrol Ofisi press ahead with efforts to avoid any incidents as well as mitigate near miss cases
related with oil spills due to leakage on tank farms, pipelines throughout the entire process.
Difficulty of monitoring possible leakage during loading/unloading process up to 8000 mt. long at 6-8’’
pipelines, was the crucial challenge in order to prevent an oil spill incident. Furthermore, due to installation
obstacles in terms of both mechanical and wiring capital cost of the project was incredible high.
As a result of comprehensive site survey, most probable leakage points determined in order to implement
Emerson's solution. Considering all obstacles regarding installation of the system such as cable trays, long
start-up times etc. Emerson wireless solutions were assigned to overcome these challenges via 702 wireless
discrete transmitter.
Results Benefits
Hydrocarbon Leak detection solution, Petrol Ofisi has achieved reliable and accurate safe operation
conditions by reducing capital costs down to 70 % compare with conventional wired solutions. Moreover,
start-up times and complicated proof tests reduced down to one-single day per terminal.
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
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ID 2229
Industry Food & Beverage
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
Distillery improves plant safety and removes operator rounds with wireless level
Pär Björklund
Pernod Ricard Sweden
(End User)
Jonas Åkesson Account Manager, Measure & Analyze
Emerson Sweden
The level of the waste water basin was in need of monitoring. Too high basin levels pose a risk of breaching
side wall structures, and an overspill would result in environmental pollution of a close-by stream.
We will describe the solution and simple procedure operators used to remove the need for frequent operator
rounds to the basin by installing wireless radar.
Frequent operator rounds take up valuable time that could have been spent on other tasks. Also, the
complete lack of available wiring infrastructure made it difficult to find a reliable yet inexpensive solution to
accomplish remote access to live values of the basin level.
Wireless guided wave radar runs on a battery lasting for almost a decade, and requires none to a minimal
amount of maintenance.
Results Benefits
After completion of a quick and easy commissioning, the site started to benefit from immediate time savings
and significant reduction of safety risks.
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ID 1584
Industry Oil & Gas
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
Verification & validation process for final element of safety loop
Kamel Eddine Bougazi SME (Subject Matter Expert)
Ras Gas Qatar
(End User)
Riyaz Ali Director - Instruments
Emerson UAE
Safety shutdown valves or emergency shutdown valves (“Final Element) are critical component of Safety
Instrumented Function (SIF) Loop. Major accidents worldwide have raised awareness in improved plant
safety, especially in the chemical refinery, oil & gas industries.
Growing concerns with Safety Instrumented System and enforcing of governing industry standard is creating
a significant demand for a device that can provide a method for testing safety valve operation without
disturbing the process and providing diagnostics information about the final control element as well meeting
IEC61511 requirements.
The typical failure includes being stuck in last position and not operating when needed. This could result in a
dangerous condition leading to an explosive situation not environment, society, commercial friendly. To
ensure the needed reliability of this safety shut down valves, they need frequent testing during normal plant
Digital Valve Controllers allows partial stroke test of mechanical valve without disturbing the plant. This meets
“Verification” requirements per IEC61508, demonstration of activity of safety life cycle by analysis and/or
tests. Also partial stroke test meets “Validation” criterion per IEC61508, activity to demonstrate safety
instrumented system meets safety requirements.
Results Benefits
Microprocessor based Digital Valve Controller not only provides diagnostics capabilities but can dramatically
hike the reliability of these safety system, and at the same time reduce the risk of spurious trip, unscheduled
maintenance, manual laborious test procedures by peeping into health of mechanical valve - just an X-ray.
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ID 1942
Industry Chemical
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
New Alarm Strategy Built with Out of the Box DeltaV Software Delivers 60% Alarm
Jaap Lageweg Sr Engineer Process Automation
SABIC Netherlands
(End User)
In 2012 Sabic the Netherlands started a project to reduce the huge number of structural alarms. Goal of the
project: enable operators to make correct decisions on relevant alarms in order to better analyze, improve
plant security and availability, prevent incidents and increase process stability.
Analysis on static alarms turned out they could be divided into 4 categories:
1) Actual process disruption
2) Malfunctioning equipment generating unjust alarms
3) Unfinished projects generating unjust alarms
4) Incorrectly programmed alarms
Thousands of alarms were investigated and appropriate action was taken to prevent them from being shown
to operators. The number of alarms has decreased drastically.
This session shows how Sabic used native DeltaV software to build their own comprehensive conditional
alarm modules and implemented an alarm strategy for their chlorine plant and utilities that is transparent and
easy to understand for the operator. Thus improving safety, availability and process insight.
Huge number of alarms for several parts of the factory, and way above industry standard, hindered operators
to make correct decision, obstructed plant availability and process stability and could even cause
environmental risks.
Analyzing all the alarm causes on a daily basis during several months. Reducing irrelevant alarms according
to philosophy that alarm relevancy should be based on action requirements. Out of the box native DeltaV
functionality was used to reduce the number of alarms to industry standard and below.
Results Benefits
Alarm reduction of 40% up to 60% over the last 2 years. Insight and process stability have improved and
operators are now capable of better controlling plant trips.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Operate Safely, Securely &
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ID 1400
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
Industry Oil & Gas
EN certified Foam Fatale Tank Storage Fire Protection System for SAC (Saudi Arabian
Ven Florence Process Engineer
Saudi Arabian Chevron Kuwait
(End User)
Liam Hurley Account Manager
Emerson Kuwait
Installing a new fire protection system for 10nos crude oil storage tanks confirming to EN and Chevron
standards. The system is designed to suit the constraints of existing control room. Also the complete system
is state of the art technology including on/off butterfly valves.
Control Room space is judiciously utilized opting for RIO concept (CHARM) in the new Fire Protection
System. Triple off-set on/off Butterfly Valves used for pressure isolation & Double off-set modulating
Butterfly Valves for non-pressure applications thus reducing the overall project cost without sacrificing the
safety standards of EN and Chevron.
1. DeltaV standalone CSLS with remote IO concept 2. Fisher B/F valves for non-pressure modulating
application 3. Virgo B/F valves for pressure isolation application 4. Rosemount Transmitters for Pressure,
Temperature and Level applications
Results Benefits
Existing control room space utilized. Monitoring the foam quality shall dictate the life of SEF (Self Expanding
Foam). Automation and maintenance activities will also prolong the life expectancy of the Foam Fatale
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Operate Safely, Securely &
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ID 2143
Industry Oil & Gas
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
Standardized solution for SIS applications
Jan Even Hjelmtvedt Leading Advisor Automation - Safety
Instrumented Systems
Statoil Norway
(End User)
Silvia Peretti SIS Lead Engineer
Emerson Norway
This presentation briefly describes the concept developed for high level standardization of Statoil Safety
Instrumented Systems, i.e. Emergency Shutdown system (ESD), Fire and Gas detection and mitigation
systems (F&G) and Process Shutdown system (PSD), whilst maintaining safety and project-specific
individual needs. The solution is based on the NORSOK I-005 standard and includes standardized
comprehensive function blocks with associated HMI intended for different types of field devices, and control
and shutdown structures.
Statoil’s take on safety structures, and methods for specifying and documenting these through Shutdown
Hierarchies (ESD/PSD), Cause & Effects (ESD/PSD), Fire Protection Data Sheets (FPDS) and System
Control Diagrams (SCDs) will also be discussed in the context of the library development.
As part of a framework agreement with Statoil, Emerson has together with the customer, and in parallel with
the first project, developed pre-qualified software library solution incorporating module based control and
safety functionality intended for reuse. The solution assures consistency and facilitates standardization
across installations.
Development of a specific software library as per standard required by Statoil where the basic concept with
functionality has been defined and pre-qualified in cooperation with technical advisors in Statoil.
Results Benefits
Re-use of such pre-qualified solution will increase efficiency while reducing the risk of ambiguity in
functionality for future projects. Such concept will optimize maintenance and mandatory testing for existing
installations when service personnel are familiarized with the concept.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Operate Safely, Securely &
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ID 1582
Industry Chemical
Operate Safely, Securely & Legally
Cyber-Security in Process Control - How to successfully run an improvement program
Thomas Wegner Lead Security Architect, Yara IT
Yara Germany
(End User)
Thomas continues the discussion from Düsseldorf & Stuttgart & brings us up to date wth current best
Results Benefits
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Operate Safely, Securely &
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Process Optimisation
10 Presentations have been selected for the Process Optimisation Track
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Process Optimisation
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ID 2007
Industry Oil & Gas
Process Optimisation
PredictPro makes BP CATS gas plant purr
Jonathan Newberry Control & Automation Engineer
(End User)
Andrew Riley Senior Consultant
Emerson UK
This session will assess the recent project undertaken at CATS (formerly operated by BP) and present the
fiscal, operational and safety benefits realised from its implementation. We have demonstrated through this
work the applicability of this technology to multiple facets of an operational onshore gas terminal. This is the
first such project undertaken and completed with BP, and has developed standardised tools and modules for
future projects.
Through the session we will discuss the design philosophy, implementation and performance monitoring of
the system as well as a number of innovative techniques used to maximise the throughput of the terminal
and present bottom line efficiency savings. We will also cover some of the key challenges encountered
through the delivery of this project, and how this has been managed at both BP and Emerson, and how these
might be applied to future projects.
The production efficiency of the whole fractionation process was maximised through the use of a number of
discrete PredictPro controllers. Regulatory controls that were unable to operate as per LOPA credits, are now
operational. Implementation method standardised and consistently applied, giving robust project delivery
Implement a number of discrete PredictPro controllers within the DeltaV system, pushing the operating
envelope to its design limits to improve capacity and maximise efficiency across the plant. Develop novel
methods of predicting the dynamic response of the process to minimise disturbances, and to dynamically
adjust the operating targets
Results Benefits
Production and utility efficiency has been greatly enhanced, giving bottom line fiscal savings ultimately
resulting in the project being cash positive 6 months from kick off. Operating performance has notably
improved, lending enhanced stability across the whole fractionation train. Novel technological solutions have
been refined and standardised.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Process Optimisation
Page 106 of 115
ID 1626
Industry Refining
Process Optimisation
Run your Distillation Towers with Advanced Process Control of Your DCS Closer to
Specification Limit while Maintaining Product Quality
Viacheslav Kulikov Strategic Services CIS Manager
Emerson Russian Federation
(End User)
Yury Novik Head of Process Automaton Department
GazpromNeft Russian Federation
Many refineries are struggling with stabilization of distillation columns work. To find the way for optimized
control of various processes at several units of Moscow refinery GazpromNeft decided to gain economic
benefits from advanced automation and appealed to Emerson for implementation of solving problem solution.
Solution had to achieve economic benefits from improving control and optimizing setpoint to run the process
closer to specification. Optimization goals involved product yield increase and energy reduction while keeping
quality and technology limits, and varied at different units. Integration of advanced process control with
existing DCS was required.
Embedded Advanced Process Control technology was used to execute model-based control, constraint
control and optimization, and inferential measurements to control product quality. Advanced Process Control
systems was seamlessly integrated into DeltaV DCS and third party DCS and connected to PI System.
Results Benefits
Refinery achieved economic benefits at all units from product yield increase as well as reduction of energy
use, prediction and accurate control of product quality, and reduction of process and quality constrain
violations. Successful implementation of Advanced Process Control proves the strategic customer direction
for advancing the automation level.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Process Optimisation
Page 107 of 115
ID 2248
Industry General
Process Optimisation
This Trend Looks Funny: First Steps in Diagnosing Poor Plant Control
Istvan Nagy Advanced Loop Services/APC Consultant
Emerson Hungary
Westlake Glyn Director Dynamic Simulation & Process
Optimization Operatio
Emerson UK
It can be a long road to move from a poorly controlled plant to one giving maximum economic performance and the first step is often the most difficult. An initial focus on regulatory control can deliver large benefits at
low cost. This approach will often also identify areas needing attention and allow the potential of techniques
such as advanced control to be properly assessed.
This workshop focuses on regulatory control fault analysis and root cause identification, in particular looking
at the characteristic signs of particular types of poor control, illustrated with real-life examples.
Problems have ranged from single,non-interacting, control loops,through to multiple interacting loops across
whole production assets. They have also included issues which cannot be immediately solved, such as
poorly performing valves/instruments and external disturbances, but which can be mitigated.The same types
of problems have been experienced across all process industries.
This workshop shows how a review of historical data can identify many of the symptoms of loop performance
and can diagnose their cause. Once the root causes have been understood work can start on solving them.
This means making the loops work together to improve the control of the unit.
Results Benefits
This is the initial step of control improvement which has been widely applied.In every case investigated the
root cause was either fully resolved or its effect reduced to an acceptable level.Some results are
astonishing,such as:doubling throughput;eliminating control-induced shutdowns;reduction of energy use by
one third and elimination of unexpected flaring.
Emerson Global Users Exchange EMEA 2016
Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Process Optimisation
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ID 2250
Industry Oil & Gas
Process Optimisation
Eliminating Process Trips With Regulatory Control Improvements
David Boyes System Engineer
Enquest UK
(End User)
Gergo Kertesz Process Control Consultant
Emerson Hungary
Enquest identified a cause of process trips on their Thistle platform in the North sea as high variability in the
natural gas pressure supplying the gas turbines.
The system was sensitive to load changes which could result in a Fuel Gas & Gas Import System trip. This
typically resulted in production loss for 2-3 hours.
To address this a systematic Advanced Loop Services approach was used. Initially data analysis was
performed, which confirmed that the performance could be improved. Control modifications were developed
to reduce the variability. These modifications were implemented and remote support provided to further
optimize the performance.
The result is that the pressure control is greatly improved & and the system is able to handle significant (up
to 10MW) step changes in turbine load.
The risk of production losses has now been significantly reduced.
The techniques used are widely applicable for “difficult” processes across all process industries.
The gas turbines are supplied by an external gas pipeline, the gas pressure being reduced in two stages.
When the load was increased or decreased the pressure system started to swing and on occasions caused a
high or low pressure trip.
The problmes were exacerbated because of the relatively small volume of gas between the let-down stages.
A preliminary control study was performed, identifying the approach how to improve the pressure system
control. An Emerson consultant went to the site to implement the findings, tune all the pressure and
temperature controls and address all the controllability problems.
Results Benefits
Gas pressure trips due to normal operational changes were eliminated. The system can now handle large
operational disturbances with very little pressure deviation. In addition, whilst on site the oil export system
was found to be underperforming. The same techniques were applied here to eliminate further causes of
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Process Optimisation
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ID 2154
Industry Life Sciences
Process Optimisation
Learn how a plant, halved its tanks nitrogen usage, reduced nitrogen Emissions & got pay
back in less than 3 months
Mark Kennedy Maintenance Supervisor
Janssen Pharmaceuticals Ireland
(End User)
Following an increase in production, the plant noticed a substantial increase in nitrogen consumption, used
for the blanketing of the liquid storage tanks. The investigation proved that this was less related to the
increase in production than to the existing tank Pad/Depad regulators. These regulators though proving to be
reliable for nearly 20 years, requiring little or no maintenance OPEX were in fact continuously leaking in
closed position.
Consulting them to engage in a revamping plan, Emerson experts helped to identify that another
improvement axis resided in the regulators set point decrease since the lower it is, the lower is the N2 flow
released in the atmosphere. However, low set point usually limits the flow capacity necessary to cope with
sudden tank liquid level change.
See how the use of modern tank blanketing regulators helped to solve Janseen issues while improving the
whole operation reliability, profitability and safety.
The company resolved unnecessary wastage of nitrogen, it also highlighted the need for more metering in
the plant to identify where plant nitrogen was being used.
15 sets of Emerson Y690/Y696 Pad Depad regulators where fitted in the autumn of 2014 and a dedicated
Tank Farm Nitrogen flow meter Installed. These regulators are able to work with very low set points still
keeping a high flow capacity.
Results Benefits
After Monitoring the installation in the spring 2015 the Tank Farm usage was reported to have reduced from
23Nm3/hr to 0.05nm3/hr – and a recorded nitrogen cost reduction of 32000Euro Month more than half the
plants pre-installation usage, leading to a less than 3 months pay back
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Process Optimisation
Page 110 of 115
ID 2178
Industry Chemical
Process Optimisation
Who needs a MES system? Specialty chemical company JSR explains.
Johan Desimpelaere Facilities manager
JSR Micro Belgium
(End User)
With an uncompromising focus on quality, JSR Micro supplies high-performance materials to the world's
leading manufacturers, laboratories and research facilities.
Over the last years, JSR has been implementing the Syncade MES system resulting in one of the most
extensive automated production facilities in the world. This results in a consistent product quality, full
traceability, removal of paper documentation and a serious reduction of operator errors.
JSR will take you on a journey explaining which motives drove them to the purchase of the Syncade system,
how the business case was created to the implementation process, key functions of the system, pitfalls and
initial results.
Too much paper. Quality issues where it was difficult to prove which part of the batch process was
problematic Problems is weighing and dispense induced quality issues.
Syncade Paper on Glass
Results Benefits
Consistent product quality, full traceability, removal of paper documentation and a serious reduction of
operator errors.
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Process Optimisation
Page 111 of 115
ID 2071
Industry Life Sciences
Process Optimisation
Using Batch Analytics to Improve the production of Generic Medicine
Basil Healy Business Development LS EU
Mallinckrodt Ireland
(End User)
In Mallinckrodt’s Dublin Facility manufactures a contrast agent which is used in medical imaging to enhance
the diagnostic capability of body scanning. DeltaV Batch Analytics was installed to support the process
understanding of the operators and engineering teams. It combines established signal processing and
statistical techniques to generate predictions about the final outcome of batches in production before those
batches complete. The offline analytic capability allows operators to compare historical batches and identify
process improvement opportunities.
Mallinckrodt was able to use Batch Analytics in their generics manufacturing facility to increase process
understanding and improve control of the products running through their facility
Batch operations take place in complex, highly correlated and dynamic environments. Process holdups,
access to laboratory data, feedstock variations, unsteady operation, and concurrent batches all contribute to
this complexity. Modeling historical data for process understanding supported Mallinkckrodt to make process
improvements to the batches running through the facility
At Mallinckrodt’s Dublin Facility, Batch Analytics was installed for increased process understanding, fault
indication with potential diagnosis and quality predictions of batch performance.
Results Benefits
Mallinckrodt used the offline modeling capability of batch analytics to increase their understanding of the
process and to target areas of the manufacturing operation that could be improved. A comparison of
historical batches showed process improvement opportunities which were actioned as part of their
continuous improvement programme.
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
Process Optimisation
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ID 2158
Process Optimisation
Industry General
Dynamic simulation of a multi-stage compressor unit - comparison of measured
operations with results of a simulation
Wilfried Blotenberg Consultant
MAN Diesel & Turbo Germany
Summary dynamic simulations are an excellent resource to review complex technical procedures on
interactions with adjacent plant parts already in the concept phase. Various software tools and various
approaches to describe technical systems are available. During the creation of the simulation model,
simplification is to take in order to keep the computational cost justifiable. The art here is to omit insignificant,
but properly depict all significant correlations. A comparison of results from simulations with measured
operating data of dynamic operations at comparable facilities is an effective means to verify model
The author presents several simulation studies of industrial equipment where dynamic processes of which
data were available, were reviewed in a simulation. This could. quality of the modelling approach reviewed,
and where necessary corrected
chemical plant; interactions with parts of the system occurred on failure on the part of a plant causing
shutdown of entire system. Via simulation, the rule concept has been improved so breakdowns can be
avoided. Iair separation plant, power outages led to pump bumps on compressors, causing damage.
Dynamic simulation of a multi-stage compressor unit - comparison of measured operations with results of a
Results Benefits
Verification & calibration of known dynamic operations simulation models, improves quality of simulation.
chemical plant improved after modification in operating errors on lines avoiding interaction with neighbouring
plants. air separation plant how much additional valves to install and which speeds the existing valves to
upgrade are determined in the simulation
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Presentation Programme V1 4-Dec-15
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Page 113 of 115
ID 2102
Industry Oil & Gas
Process Optimisation
DeltaV Simulate Helps Solve Production Problems
Neil Brown Director
Profimation UK
Standalone DeltaV Simulate can be used for more than developing and testing control logic and displays.
This paper presents examples of its use as a troubleshooting, prototyping, testing and training aid – and not
just for installations that have DeltaV.
In one case study, relatively simple simulations demonstrated to a sceptical management how three quite
basic problems with their control set-up were costing production in excess of 50,000 bbl/day, and that the
proposed solutions would allow reliable operation at the full capacity of the field.
In another case, a revised control strategy for a platform’s gas process was prototyped and demonstrated
before being implemented offshore, allowing gas that was previously flared to be used in the generators,
displacing expensive diesel. In these and similar cases, a valuable side-benefit has been improved ability of
on-site staff to recognise and overcome common problems through realistic, hands-on training.
Upstream and offshore process and control problems are surprisingly common, with the same issues
appearing again and again. On-site expertise is usually limited, particularly offshore, and Operations
managers are often reluctant to permit plant trials needed to diagnose problems and logic modifications
needed to solve them.
Many common process and control problems can be readily simulated, and solutions demonstrated. This
builds confidence that proposals will really work, overcoming managers’ natural reluctance to permit plant
testing and control modifications. Standalone DeltaV Simulate is an ideal tool for this – even if the installation
has a different system!
Results Benefits
In one case, production improved from an unstable 170,000 bbl/day to a stable 220,000 (~$5M/day benefit).
Elsewhere, improved gas recovery reduced diesel usage by $20,000/day. Other benefits arise from training
site and offshore staff to diagnose and correct common problems. All this for $2000 on a laptop PC!
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ID 1721
Process Optimisation
Industry Oil & Gas
Lessons Learned from Deployment of DeltaV Embedded Intelligent Controls at Abu Safah
& Qatif Crude Oil Producing Facilities
Othman Taha Engineering Specialist - Advanced Process
Saudi Aramco Saudi Arabia
(End User)
Ariffen Adnan Engineering Specialist, Advanced process
Saudi Aramco Saudi Arabia
The oil industry is facing new challenges, namely falling prices, increased pressure for environmental
regulations, increased energy costs and international competition on oil products. In this environment it is
important to use state of the art technologies to maximize production from existing producing facilities.
This presentation and paper describe the project deployment phases, successes and lessons learned of the
DeltaV Embedded Intelligent Control applications namely Multivariable Predictive Control and Neural
Networks at Saudi Aramco’s Abu Safah & Qatif Crude Oil Producing (AS&QPD) facilities.
The following identified tangible as well as intangible benefits would be realized as a direct result of
implementing Predict Pro and Neural Networks at the AS&QPD site;
• Optimize separation between stabilized crude oil and off gases.
• Consistent quality of stabilized crude.
• Consistent quality of stabilized condensate.
• More stable and reliable plant operation.
• Reduced steam energy and compression power usage.
Falling prices, increased pressure for environmental regulations, increased energy costs and international
competition on oil products. In this environment it is important to use state of the art technologies to
maximize production from existing producing facilities.
Saudi Aramco used DeltaV Embedded Intelligent Control applications namely Multivariable Predictive Control
and Neural Networks. We also used APC and PID controllers control performance monitoring technologies.
Results Benefits
Th team demonstrated that using the DeltaV APC technologies we generated additional revenue through
increased crude oil recovery, steam and power savings while meeting the crude oil product specifications.
Other intangible benefits included improved process stability and safety.
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Process Optimisation
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