EMT - Class Written final Study Aid

RTCEMT Class Written Final Exam Study Aid
NOTE: You should keep in mind that the following are just “some” of the topics that “might” be covered
in the final exam. This should not be the only source material in your studying. You should utilize the
textbook & your class notes. You are also encouraged to study and re-submit your past online homework.
EMT training, licensure & education
Protocol types: direct, indirect, offline, online
Consent types: expressed, informed, implied, involuntary, emancipated minors
Elements to determine negligence
Standard of Care; Scope of Practice; Good Samaritan Laws
Refusal (RMA) & DNR
Blood circulation
Topographic anatomy & terms: anterior, posterior, superior, inferior, medial, lateral, proximal, distal,
midaxillary, midclavicular, flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, etc.
Anatomic positions: prone, supine, Fowler’s, Trendelenburg’s, shock, recovery, recumbent
Axial skeleton vs. Appendicular skeleton
Muscle types: smooth, cardiac, skeletal; voluntary vs. involuntary
Anatomy of the respiratory system, and gas exchange at the alveolar level
The main endocrine gland that regulates all other glands…
Various types of Shock
Various types of Soft Tissue injury
Compartment syndrome
Subcutaneous emphysema, flail chest, sucking chest wound
Various types of fracture & splint
Reflex arc
Hypothermia & Hyperthermia treatment
Pediatric: Croup vs. Epiglottitis
Child & elderly abuse
Primary triage goal, patient priority in MCI
Incident Command System
 WMD: blast injury
Medical Module Study Aid (previous handout)
Chapter 7 – Principles of Pharmacology
Indication; Contraindication; Side effects…
Generic Name vs. Trade Name
Medication Routes
Chapter 12 – Medical Overview
Index of Suspicion
Primary vs. Secondary Assessment
Chapter 17 – Endocrine & Hematologic Emergencies
Type I & II Diabetes
Glucose; Insulin
Diabetic Coma vs. Insulin Shock
Chapter 18 – Immunologic Emergencies
Allergic Reaction vs. Anaphylaxis
Urticaria vs. Wheal
Chapter 19 – Toxicology
Chapter 13 – Respiratory Emergencies
Hypoxic Drive
Asthma; Bronchitis;
Emphysema; COPD; Pneumonia
Wheezing; Stridor; Rhonchi; Rales (crackles)
What is PND (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea)?
Chapter 14 – Cardiovascular Emergencies
Blood circulation
Electrical impulse; Defibrillation
Angina Pectoris vs. AMI
Congestive Heart Failure
Why giving AMI patient aspirin & nitroglycerin?
Sympathetic nervous system vs.
Parasympathetic nervous system
Chapter 15 – Neurologic Emergencies
Ischemic Stroke vs. Hemorrhage Stroke
Generalized Seizures; Tonic-Clonic Seizure;
Partial Seizure; Status Epilepticus
Postictal State
Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale
Chapter 16 – Gastrointestinal & Urologic Emergencies
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA)
Addiction; Substance Abuse; Overdose;
Treatment for poisoning through: Inhalation,
Absorption, Ingestion, Injection
Sympathomimetic Drug Overdose
Emesis; Hematemesis; Vomitus
Atropine & Pralidoxime Chloride (2-PAM)?
Chapter 20 – Psychiatric Emergencies
Scene Safety
Chapter 21 – Gynecologic Emergencies
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Vaginal Bleeding
Sexual Assault; Rape
Chapter 31 – Obstetrics & Neonatal Care
Bloody shower
Stages of Labor; Braxton-Hicks contractions
Pre-eclampsia vs. Eclampsia
Supine Hypotensive Syndrome
Abruptio placenta vs. Placenta previa
Spina Bifida; Fetal Demise
Delivery Complication
Study collections