The Comparative Analysis on FACTS Devices of SVC, STATCOM and SSSC Poonam pandey * Siraparapu Satyanarayana M.Tech (Power System), Electrical Engineering ITM University Raipur Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering ITM University Raipur Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India Abstract—The present power system network is very complex and it is difficult to maintain the power system stability. The modern FACTS appliances are based on the conception of the VSC (voltage source converter) to interpose a controllable AC waveform at fundamental frequency into the system to change the power flow at buses or transmission line. FACTS devices are used to solve the various power system steady stat problems. This paper gives competitive analysis of the three FACTS devices, which are: the static var compensator (SVC), the static synchronous compensator (STATCOM), the static synchronous series compensator (SSSC).the voltage destruction occurs when a system is loaded over its maximum loaded capacity. It also gives the application of the SVC, STATCOM and SSSC. Keywords— reactive power, power flow control, loads flow. Abbreviations/acronyms-FACTS (Flexible alternative current transmission system), GTO (Gate turnoff (thyristor)), SSSC (Static synchronous series compensator) STATCOM (Static synchronous compensator), SVC (Static var compensator) TCR (Thyristor controlled reactor), TSC (Thyristor switched capacitor), VSC (voltage source convertor). 1 INTRODUCTION T he power systems components are mainly comprise generators, transmission lines, transformer, passive and active compensators, switches and loads. The networks of power system are very complex that are nonstationary, nonlinear, and open to disturbances and faults. Now in the year, the electrical power system continually expanding in size and increasing complexity all over the world. The industry of electricity has undergone some changes due to privatization of all over world which has affected power system management and energy markets[1]. The power system which are heavily loaded, faulted and having shortage of reactive power are the most important reasons for voltage fall. The voltage fall problem is related to reactive power planning and also including the contingency analysis, as these should be considered for the secure and efficient operation of the power system. Under the outage condition of few critical lines, the generators are able of supplying limited amount of reactive power even sometimes the reactive power, which is supplied, cannot be used to achieve the requirement of the power system network because the location is far away from the generator point. Further, the real or active power of the generators is decreases to supply the reactive power requirement of the system. That is why, the reactive power compensators are used to * Corresponding Author maintain the voltage profile and thereby improving the performances of the system [2]. The process of power generation and transmission is complex. To maximize the output of the power system we requiring the working of so many component. The reactive power of the system is one of the important components. The voltage disruption studies are importance for the operation and design of power system. The voltage stability is a most important consideration, when the size and location of new var origin need to be determined during the time of var planning. Many methodologies have been proposed and used for the study of the problem. Flexible AC transmission system is an evolving technology to help electric utilities [3], [4]. To improve the quality of supply in the networks of electrical power systems through the applications of development in semiconductor power instruments that means utilization of static power converters in networks of electrical energy. The technological advances that react more like an idea switch totally controllable, admitting high frequencies on commutation to major levels of tension and power [4]. For improving the overall performance of the power system, Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) devices are being very popular. These devices are the solid stat converters. They have capability of improving voltage profile, transmission capacity, security and enhancing power system stability. In modern days the fact controllers are use in power system, which is recent development of power electronics. FACTS controllers are able to controlling the network condition with very fast response and this feature of FACTS can be absorbed to increase the voltage stability, and transient stabilities and steady stat stabilities of a complex power system. It increased utilization of existing electrical network closer to its thermal loading capability, and avoiding the need to construct new transmission lines. The realization of power electronic based FACTS controllers has two generation they are: First generation have thyristor switched reactor and capacitor and quadrature tap changing transformer. Second generation have GTO (gate turn -off), VSC (voltage source convertor). By use of FACT controller’s line, impedance and one can control the variable such as phase angle and voltage at chosen bus. There are five popular FACTS devices utilized by the requirement of this purpose. This FACTS devices are (SVC) static var compensator, (STATCOM) static synchronous compensator, (TCS) thyristor controlled series capacitor, (SSSC) static synchronous series compensator and (UPFC) unified power flow controller .they have their own characteristics and limitations. Static var compensator st controller is a 1 generation facts device. svc control voltage at a required bus thus improving the voltage profile of the system. The svc’s primary task is to maintain the voltage at a defined bus by means of reactive power compensation. SVCs have been used for high performance steady state and transient voltage control compared with classical shunt compensation SVCs are also used to dampen power swing, improve transient stability, and reduce system losses by optimized reactive power [5],[6]. continuous voltage by a condenser and for the compensate the losses of VSC. The SSSC is able to exchange reactive and active power with the transmission system. 2 SVC (STATIC VAR COMPENSETOR) SVCs are the set of electrical device. It is first generation facts controller. It is used for producing fast acting reactive power at high voltage electrical transmission networks. It is an automatic impedance matching device, where the back to back connected, SVCs is connected in parallel with the transmission line. SVC act as a generator or as a load, the output of this is adjusted to exchange inductive or capacitive current to control or maintain specific power system variables. SVC systems are applied by utilities in transmission application for some purposes. The first purpose is for rapid control of voltage at weak point of network. Installation may be at the line ends or at the midpoint of transmission interconnections. SVC is just like asynchronous condenser but it has no rotating part, is used To supply or absorb reactive power. in Fig. 1 the basic structure is shown. The svc is connected to the coupling transformer that is connected directly to the ac bus whose voltage is to be regulated .from Fig.1; SVC is composed of controllable shunt reactor and shunt capacitor. Total susceptance of SVC can be controlled by controlling the firing angle of thyristors. However, the SVC acts as like fixed inductor or fixed capacitor at the minimum and maximum limit [7,8]. This is designed to bring the system closer or ideally equal to the unity power factor. SVC devices are used in two main places. For regulating the transmission voltage, it is connected to the power system (transmission SVC) To improve power quality, it is connected near large industrial loads (industrial SVC). Shunt compensation device is STATCOM, from the family of FACTS. It is a solid stat voltage source convertor and it is tied to a transmission line. A STATCOM injects current that is almost sinusoidal current, of a variable magnitude, at point of connection. The STATCOMs injected current is almost in quadrature whit the line voltage, thus emulating a capacitive or an inductive reactance at a point of connection with line of transmission. SSSC is a synchronous series compensator. It is work the same way as a STATCOM. SSSC has a voltage source converter that is serially connected to a transmission line via a transformer. The energy source is necessary to provide a Fig.1: Basic Structure of SVC The thyristor-controlled devices employs reactor and capacitor banks with fast using solid-state switches in conventional series and shunt arrangement. The thyristor controlled switches control the OFF and ON periods of the fixed reactor bank and capacitor banks and thus release a variable reactive impedance. Besides for losses, thyristor controlled devices cannot exchange real or active power with the system. SVC enables the fast control of reactive power in the range of control. It has no inertia as compared to synchronous condensers. The SVC has one, more bank of switched capacitors or reactors or fixed shunt capacitors or reactors, of which thyristors is switched by at least one bank. To make an SVC name of the element are: Thyristor switched capacitor (TSC), Thyristor controlled reactor (TCR), mechanically switched reactors or capacitors (switched by a circuit breaker), harmonics filters(S), where the reactors may be ironcored or air cored. In Fig .3, the one line diagram of a typical SVC controller’s configuration is shown. The Fig.2: Schematic Circuit Diagram of SVC Fig.3: Line Diagram of Typical SVC Configuration 3 STATCOM (STATIC SYNCHRONOUS COMPENSETOR) The STATCOM static synchronous compensator is shunt connected GTO based Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System device. It is a second-generation facts controller device. STATCOM is also called advanced SVC and then after Static Condenser. The STATCOM controls the voltage to the reference voltage level at the connected bus by adjusting angle and voltage of internal voltage source. The GTO is a selfcommuted power semiconductor device that is used by VSCs. The other self-commuted power semiconductor device used for the VSCs are IGCT, MCT, IGBT (with higher cost).the STATCOM device has the equivalent circuit similar to synchronous condenser (SC). IT has some advantage over to the synchronous condenser like it’s symmetric lead-lag capacity and other advantages. The STATCOM is a VSI (voltage source inverter)/VSC (voltage source converter), which converts a given dc input voltage into ac output voltage to compensate the reactive and active power needed by the system. It is a static synchronous generator, which is operated as a static VAR compensator, injects leading or lagging var into the system. STATCOM use selfcommutated power semiconductor device and SVC use thyristor devices that are variable type that is why the STATCOM gives many technical advantages over the SVC. STATCOM have some advantages that are: It has no rotating part. Very fast in response. Bulky passive components are eliminated because it requires less space. No problem as loss of synchronism and less maintenance. Fig.4: Shunt Connected STATCOMS STATCOMs simple diagram is shown in Fig.4. STATCOM shows constant current characteristics when voltage is low/high, under/over the limit. Because of this reason, STATCOM delivers constant reactive power as compared to SVC. From the family of FACTS the regulating devices, STATCOM can be used to regulate the reactive power flow independently in the system of the other parameters. It has no longterm energy support on the side of DC and with the ac, system it cannot exchange the real power.Fig.5 shows the connection of STATCOM to the bus bar. 4 SSSC (STATIC SHYNCRONOUS SERIES COMPENSETOR) Now days, SSSC is one of the most important and popular facts controller which is used for series compensation of power. SSSC controllers are the third generation FACTS controller devices. It is a solid state VSI (voltage source inverter)/VSC (voltage source convertor), which is inject sinusoidal voltage of variable magnitude and in series with the transmission line. The line current is in quadrature with the injected voltage. The basic SSSC diagram is shown in fig.6. In series compensation the capacitor, which is connected in series, compensates the inductive reactance of the transmission line. The line current and SSSC output voltage is in quadrature. The voltage across series capacitor is –jXcI (where Xc is the capacitive reactance of the series capacitor) and voltage drop across line inductance (XL) is +jXLI cancel each other thus reducing the effect of line inductance. Due to this, power transfer capability is Increased [9]. The basic representation of SSSC using voltage source converter is shown in Fig.7 the SSSC operates as a series inductor and controllable series capacitor. The basic difference is that SSSCs injected voltage is not related to the line intensity and it can be managed independently. For this feature, the SSSC works satisfactorily with lower load as well as high loads. The SSSC has several advantages over the SVC and STATCOM that are flows [10]. Fig.6: Series Connected SSSC Fig.5: Connection of STATCOM to a Busbar It has improved technical characteristics. Symmetrical capability in both capacitive and inductive operating mode. Possibility of connecting an energy source on the DC side to exchange real power with the AC network. Fig.7: Schematic Diagram of SSSC The SSSC has three basic components which are: VSC (voltage source converter). That is main component. Table.1 - Cost Comparison of FACTS Devices Energy source. Compensate for device losses and providing voltage across the dc capacitor. 5 COST COMPARITION OF VARIOUS FACTS DEVICES We know that the fact devise is used mainly for reactive power compensation. The Table .1, [11].gives the various facts devise. If the devices are costly then it provides smooth and fast response for securing the power system network burring the steady and normal state operation, it is the main advantage of the costly and expensive FACTS devise. Flexible ac transmission system controllers may be based on power devices with gate turn off or thyristor devices with no gate turn off capability. The FACTS controllers are used for the dynamic voltages control, phase angle and impedance of high voltage ac transmission. The facts instruments can save or secure the system from potential risk of system collapse, which can have much serious consequences on the other economic sector as well. If the technology is better than the cost is higher and it can avoid the blackout conditions. hence the cost of the facts devices controllers is considerate. The cost /var go down as the capacity of FACTS controller increases. The total cost is depending on the size of controlled and fixed portion of the FACTS devices. The cost of the FACTS devices shows the half cost of the total cost of fact project. Cost (Rs/var) Shunt capacitor Series capacitor 1 Transformer. Coupling transmission line and SSSC. Facts devices 2 432 1080 3 SVC 2160 (controlled portion) 4 STATCOM 2700 The Table 2 gives the FACTS devices main function and there controlled element. From the Table 2, we can see that the controlling element of the svc is thyristor which is first generation FACTS device and the STATCOM and SSSCs controlled element is GTO which are the second generation FACTS devices that gives better performance as compared to the SVC, hence the cost of the SSSC and STATCOM is higher than the SVC. Table 2 –The main function of FACTS devices SVC, STATCOM and SSSC S. no. Name Type Main function Contr oller 1 SVC Shunt Voltage control Thyris tor 2 STATCO M Shunt 3 SSSC Series Voltage and reactive power Power flow control GTO GTO 6 DEVICE CAPABILITY The Table 3 gives different types of FACTS devices capability differences. Here we can compare SVC, STATCOM and SSSC capabilities. From the Table 3, it is investigated that the SSSC is the effective device for power flow control, transient stability, voltage stability, for power oscillation damping and high transmission capacity. However, the cost of the SSSC is higher than the SVC and STATCOM devices. Table 3- FACTS Devices SVC, STATCOM and SSSC Capabilities S. N o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Device Capabilities Transmission capacity Power flow control Transient stability Voltage stability Power oscillation damping Of wind farmer active power o/p Investment Cost SVC STATCOM Small Small Small Small Small Medium Strong Strong Medium Medium 7.2 Congestion management application In present deregulated electricity market, the congestion management is a serious trouble for independent system operator (ISO) as it can illogically increase the prices. The FACTS devices like SSSC can help to reduce the congestion, smoothen location marginal prices (LMP) and to increase social welfare by redirecting power from congested interface to underutilized lines. 7.3 ATC (Available improvement) transfer capability Some of the deregulated market the power transaction between seller and buyer is based on ATC calculation. Low ATC shows that the network is unable to adjust further transaction and that is why they do not promote free competition. The FACTS controllers like STATCOM and SSSC improve ATC by allowing more power transaction. 7.4 Reactive power and voltage control We know that the shunt controlled FACTS devices like SVC and STATCOM is used for reactive power and voltage control and SSSC used for the reactive power, active power and the voltage control that is SSSC is better than the SVC and STATCOM. 7.5 Loading margin improvement Yes Yes Small medium 7 APPLICATIONS In the last two decades, researchers developed new algorithms for solving the optimal flow problem incorporating various FACTS devices [12]. Table 4 shows the application of SVC, STATCOM and SSSC. The thyristor-controlled FACTS like those that SVC is modeled as controllable impedance. However, VSC based FACTS devices like SSSC and shunt devices like STATCOM are complex and usually modeled as Controllable sources that is more complex. Now a day the SSSC is used for many application as compared than the SVC and STATCOM. 7.1 Steady state application FACTS controller for various steady state applications includes post-contingency voltage control, voltage control (high and low) loop flow control, and increase of thermal loading, short circuit level reduction and control of power flow. The SVC and STATCOM is used for voltage control and SSSC is used for power flow control and loop flow control. In many part of the world the several blackouts occurs mainly due to voltage collapse at the maximum load ability point. The shunt compensation devices like SVC and STATCOM and series compensation devices like SSSC are generally used to increase the maximum transfer capabilities of power networks. 7.6 Power flow balance and control The FACTS controllers like SSSC enable the load flow on different voltage levels and the parallel circuits to be controlled and optimized, with minimum of power control. Hence the best utilization of the lines and a reduction of overall system losses at the same time. 7.7 Dynamic application FACTS controllers’ dynamic application includes dynamic stability (oscillation damping), transient stability improvement and voltage stability enhancement. The very important property of the facts devices is to reduce the primary disturbance. The impact reduction for contingencies can be achieved by STACOM and SSSC. 7.8 Transient stability enhancement The large disturbances are the causes of transient instability. The large disturbances are from tripping of a generator or a transmission line. We can see the problem from the first swing of the angle. The facts devices like SVC, STATCOM, and SSSC can resolve this problem by providing rapid and fast response during first swing to control voltage and power flow in the system. 7.11 Power system interconnection In all over the world the power exchange between one country to other countries as well as regions within the countries the large interconnected system is used. There are many examples of interconnection of remotely separated regions within one country. Those are found in north countries like Brazil and Argentina. After the invention off the STATCOM and the SSSC potential as well as the flexibility is added to ac power system. 7.9 Oscillation damping All over the world the electromechanical oscillations have been observed and may cause partial power interruption if it is not controlled. Hence for the oscillation damping in the power system we use power system stabilizer (PSS). This property can be achieved by proper placement and setting of SVC, STAATCOM, and SSSC. The SSSC is more effective then the SVC and STATCOM. 7.12 Application in deregulated environment Apart from the facts tradition application for power flow control, voltage control, enhancing steady stat and dynamic limits they are finding new application in the today’s deregulated environment. One application is loop flow or parallel flow. Parallel flow results in reduction in Trans mission capacity but it has some utilities. The series compensated device like SSSC have loop flow feature. 7.10 Dynamic voltage control The facts shun controller like SVC and STATCOM can be used for the dynamic control of voltage at the time of contingency and save the system from blackout and voltage collapse. Table 4 – Application of FACTS Device SVC, STATCOM and SSSC Subject Problem Corrective action FACTS 1 Voltage limits Low voltage at heavy load Supply reactive power SVC, STATCOM 2 Voltage limits high voltage at low load Absorb reactive power SVC, STATCOM 3 Voltage limits high voltage following on outage Absorb reactive power, prevent overload SVC, STATCOM 4 Voltage limits low voltage following on outage Supply reactive power, prevent overload SVC, STATCOM 5 Thermal limits Transmission circuit overload Increase transmission capacity SSSC 6 Load flow Load flow reversal Adjust phase angle SSSC 7 Load flow Power distribution on parallel lines Adjust line reactance and phase angle SSSC 8 Stability Limited transmission power Decrease the line reactance SSSC The facts another application is to use facts to relive the confection in the network system. FACTS devices are strategically placed such that curtailment is decreased, price volatility due to congestion is minimized and cost is reduced. 8 CONCLUSIONS In this paper we compared the SVC, STATCOM and SSSC on the basis of cost, dynamic stability, steady state stability, load flow, loop flow, power flow control, reactive power control, active power control and voltage control and we get that the SSSC is gives the better response as compared to the other two FACTS devices namely SVC and STATCOM. Here we also see that the SSSC is costly than the SVC and STATCOM but it is beneficial than the SVC and STATCOM. SVC is only control the reactive power ,STATCOM control the reactive power and voltage where as the SSSC is control the active power, reactive power and the voltage control. Instead of using bulky devices like SVC and STATCOM, only SSSC is beneficial for the smooth operation of Power Quality Improvement and regulation purpose. REFERENCES [1] CA Canizares. 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Currently working as a Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering Department at ITM University Raipur.