Product Description Full Voltage Starting Electric Fire Pump

Product Description
Full Voltage Starting Electric
Fire Pump Controllers
• FTA1000
„ Built-in Start and Stop push-buttons to bypass
automatic start circuits
„ Door mounted display/interface panel featuring
a 40 Character Vacuum Fluorescent Display,
Membrane Type User Control Push-buttons and
easy to read LED Indicators
„ Single handle Isolating Disconnect Switch/Circuit
Description—Firetrol® FTA1000 Full Voltage Fire
Pump Controllers are intended for use with electric
motor driven fire pumps where the capacity of the
power source permits full voltage starting. Full voltage is applied to the motor as soon as the controller
is actuated. The controller monitors, displays and
records fire pump system information.
Full voltage starting is simple and low cost and is
preferred whenever the utility or emergency generator set will permit this type of starting.
Approvals—Firetrol fire pump controllers are listed
by Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc., in accordance
with UL218, Standard for Fire Pump Controllers,
CSA, Standard for Industrial Control Equipment,
and approved by Factory Mutual. They are built to
meet or exceed the requirements of the approving
authorities as well as NEMA and the latest editions
of NFPA 20, Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps,
and NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.
Standard Features—The following are included as
standard with each controller:
„ Voltage surge protector
„ Main Disconnect Switch sized for connected motor horsepower and voltage
„ Fire pump Circuit Breaker
„ Motor contactor
„ Emergency Manual Run Mechanism to mechanically close motor contactor contacts in an emergency condition
Breaker mechanism
ordered with Automatic Power Transfer Switch)
ordered with Automatic Power Transfer Switch)
(If unit ordered with Automatic Power Transfer
Minimum Run Timer / Off Delay Timer
Daylight Savings Time Option
Weekly Test Timer
Elapsed Time Meter
Digital Pressure Display
USB Host Controller and Port
Solid State Pressure Transducer
Data Log
Event Log (3000 Events)
True RMS Metering with simultaneous 3 phase
display of amps and volts
Disk Error message
Disk Near Full message
Pressure Error message
Motor Over 320% message
Local Start message
Remote Start message
Emergency Start message
Fail To Start message
Undervoltage message
Overvoltage message
High Speed Open Serial Communications Port
NEMA Type 2 enclosure
Suitable for use as Service Equipment
Product Description
Power Transfer Switches for
Electric Fire Pump Controllers
Description—Firetrol® Power Transfer Switches are
available completely assembled with Firetrol Electric Fire Pump Controllers; full or reduced voltage
types. The power transfer switches are built in two
FTA900 — For use when the normal power source
is a utility and the emergency power source is a generator set.
FTA950 — For use when both the normal and emergency power sources are utilities.
The entire package of power transfer switch and
controller is completely factory assembled, wired,
tested and shipped as a complete unit for easy field
connection to the power sources and the fire pump
Approvals—Firetrol power transfer switches are
listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., in accordance with UL218, Standard for Fire Pump Controllers; UL1008, Automatic Transfer Switches; UL508,
Industrial Control Equipment, CSA, Standard for Industrial Control Equipment; and approved by Factory Mutual. They are built to meet or exceed the
requirements of the approving authorities as well as
NEMA and the latest editions of NFPA 20, Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps, and NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.
Standard Features—The following are included as
standard with each transfer switch:
n Emergency power source disconnect switch sized
for connected motor horsepower and voltage
n (FTA950 only) Fire pump circuit breaker
• FTA900
n (FTA950 only) Mark II monitors for overcurrent tripping (non-thermal) of circuit breaker and alarm indicator for phase failure/phase reversal
n 3-pole, double throw transfer switch mechanism,
electrically operated, mechanically held
n Control module providing for the following:
Differential voltage sensing on all phases of the
normal power source
Voltage sensing of the emergency power source
Frequency sensing of the emergency power
Transfer time delay to compensate for momentary power outages of the normal source
Retransfer from emergency to normal source is
automatically delayed unless the emergency
source fails
Cool-down timer for unloaded running of the generator set after retransfer to the normal power
Instantaneous retransfer to normal if the emergency source fails and the normal source is available
3 second transfer restart delay to reduce current
surges when transferring to or from the emergency source
NO and NC engine control contacts to start the
generator set when the normal power source fails
n Transfer Switch Normal LED
n Transfer Switch Emergency LED
n Emergency Isolating Switch Open LED
n Test Selector Switch
n Transfer By-pass Switch
n Silence Alarm Pushbutton
n Emergency Isolating Switch Open and Transfer
Switch in Emergency Audible Alarms
n Output contacts (NO and NC) for Generator Start,
Emergency Isolating Switch Open and Transfer
Switch position indicators
n Standard Withstand Rating, emergency side only
FTA900 (Generator set equipped with molded
case circuit breaker)
100-150A, 22,000A RMS Sym., 200-480V;
10,000A RMS Sym., 550-600V
260-400A, 35,000A RMS Sym ., 200-480 V;
10,000A RMS Sym., 550-600 V
600-800A, 50,000A RMS Sym., 200-480V;
10,000A RMS Sym., 550-600V
(See Options for higher ratings)
FTA950—See Options
n NEMA Type 2 enclosure (IEC IP11)
Electric Fire Pump Controllers
Main Fire Pump Controller
The main fire pump controller shall be a factory
assembled, wired and tested unit and shall conform
to all the requirements of the latest edition of NFPA
20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps
for Fire Protection and NFPA 70, National Electrical
The controller shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., in accordance with UL218, Standard for
Fire Pump Controllers, CSA, and Canadian Standards
Association CSA-C22.2, Standard for Industrial Control Equipment (cULus), approved by Factory Mutual
and approved by the City of New York for fire pump
Starting Method
The controller shall be of the combined manual
and automatic type designed for:
Full Voltage Starting
Solid State Soft Starting
Wye (Star)-Delta Open Transition Starting
Wye (Star)-Delta Closed Transition Starting
Part Winding Starting
Primary Resistance Reduced Voltage Starting
Autotransformer Reduced Voltage Starting
of the fire pump motor having the horsepower, voltage, phase and frequency rating shown on the plans
and drawings. The controller components shall be
housed in a NEMA Type 2 (IEC IP11) drip-proof, wall
mounted enclosure.
Withstand Ratings (Short Circuit Current Ratings)
All controller components shall be front mounted,
wired and front accessible for maintenance. The minimum withstand rating of the controllers shall not be
less than 100,000 Amps RMS Symmetrical at 200600 Volts*. If the available system fault current exceeds these ratings, the controllers shall be supplied
with a withstand rating of 150,000 or 200,000 Amps
RMS Symmetrical, as required.
*Note: 100,000 Amp withstand rating not available in
some larger horsepowers. Consult factory for
Isolation Switch and Circuit Breaker
The controller shall include a motor rated combination isolating disconnect switch/circuit breaker,
mechanically interlocked and operated with a single,
externally mounted handle. When moving the handle
from OFF to ON, the interlocking mechanism shall
sequence the isolating disconnect switch ON first, and
then the circuit breaker. When the handle is moved
from ON to OFF, the interlocking mechanism shall
sequence the circuit breaker OFF first, and then the
isolating disconnect switch.
The isolating disconnect switch/circuit breaker
shall be mechanically interlocked so that the enclosure door cannot be opened with the handle in the
ON position except by a hidden tool operated defeater
mechanism. The isolating disconnect switch/circuit
breaker shall be capable of being padlocked in the
OFF position for installation and maintenance safety,
and shall also be capable of being locked in the ON
position without affecting the tripping characteristics
of the circuit breaker. The controller door shall have
a locking type handle and three point cam and roller
vault type hardware. The circuit breaker trip curve
adjustment shall be factory set, tested and sealed for
the full load amps of the connected motor. The circuit
breaker shall be capable of being field tested to verify
actual pick up, locked rotor, and instantaneous trip
points after field installation without disturbing incoming line and load conductors.
Operator Interface
The fire pump controller shall feature an operator
interface with user keypad. The interface shall monitor and display motor operating conditions, including
all alarms, events, and pressure conditions. All alarms,
events, and pressure conditions shall be displayed
with a time and date stamp. The display shall be a 2line, 20-character, vacuum fluorescent, dot matrix type
designed to allow easy viewing from all angles and in
all light conditions. The display and interface shall be
NEMA rated for Type 2, 3R, 4, 4X, and 12 protection
and shall be fully accessible without opening the controller door. The display and user interface shall utilize multiple levels of password protection for system
security. A minimum of 3 password levels shall be
provided. The display shall be capable of being programmed for any language.
The fire pump controller operator interface shall
be capable of displaying true RMS digital motor
voltage and current measurements for all three
phases simultaneously. Displays requiring pushbutton and selector switches to toggle between
phases or current and voltage shall not be accepted.
Voltage and current shall be measured by True
RMS technology to provide the most accurate
measurement for all sine waves, including nonsinusoidal waveforms. Average responding meters
will not be accepted.
Digital Status/Alarm Messages
The digital display shall indicate text messages
for the status and alarm conditions of:
• Motor On
• Sequential Start Time
• Minimum Run Time
• Local Start
/ Off Delay Time
• Remote Start
• Fail to Start
• System Battery Low
• Under Voltage
• Over Voltage
• Locked Rotor Trip
• Over Frequency
• Emergency Start
• Motor Over 320%
• Drive Not Installed
• Motor Overload
• Disk Error
• Printer Error
• Disk Near Full
• Pressure Error
The Sequential Start Timer and Minimum Run Timer/
Off Delay Timer shall be displayed as numeric values
reflecting the value of the remaining time.
LED Visual Indicators
LED indicators, visible with the door closed, shall
• Power On
• Emerg. Isolating Switch Open
• Pump Running • Low System Pressure
• Alarm
• Transfer Switch Normal
• Deluge Open • Transfer Switch Emergency
• Phase Failure • Phase Reversal
• Interlock On
be digitally displayed and adjustable through the user
interface. The pressure transducer shall be mounted
inside the controller to prevent accidental damage.
The pressure transducer shall be directly pipe mounted
to a bulkhead pipe coupling without any other supporting members. Field connections shall be made externally at the controller coupling to prevent distortion of
the pressure switch element and mechanism.
Data Logging
The digital display shall monitor the system and
log the following data:
• Motor Calls/Starts
• Elapsed Motor Run Time
• Last Trip Currents
• Elapsed Power On Time
• Last Breaker Trip
• Maximum Run Currents
• Minimum Voltages • Minimum Run Currents
• Maximum Voltages • Last Motor Run Time
• Last Phase Failure • Last Start Currents
• Last Phase Reversal • Min/Max Frequency
• Min/Max Pressure
A digitally set On Delay (Sequential Start) timer
shall be provided as standard. Upon a call to start, the
user interface shall display a message indicating the
remaining time value of the On Delay timer.
The controller shall be field programmable for
manual stop automatic stop. If set for automatic stopping, the controller shall allow the user to select either
a Minimum Run Timer or an Off Delay Timer. Both
timers shall be programmable through the user interface.
Event Recording
Memory - The controller shall record all operational
and alarm events to system memory. All events shall
be time and date stamped and include an index number. The system memory shall have the capability of
storing 3000 events and allow the user access to the
event log via the user interface. The user shall have
the ability to scroll through the stored messages in
groups of 1, 10, or 100.
USB Host Controller - The controller shall have a
built-in USB Host Controller. A USB port capable of
accepting a USB Flash Memory Disk (aka: flash drive,
thumb drive, memory stick, etc..) shall be provided.
The controller shall save all operational and alarm events
to the flash memory on a daily basis. Each saved
event shall be time and date stamped. The total amount
of historical data saved shall solely depend on the size
of the flash disk utilized. The controller shall have the
capability to save settings and values to the flash disk
via the user interface.
Serial Communications - The controller shall feature a RS485 serial communications port for use with
2 or 4 wire Modbus RTU communications.
Solid State Pressure Transducer
The controller shall be supplied with a solid state
pressure transducer with a range of 0-300 psi (0-20.7
bar) ±1 psi. The solid state pressure switch shall be
used for both display of the system pressure and control of the fire pump controller. Systems using analog
pressure devices or mercury switches for operational
control will not be accepted.
SP1000-20 (05-03-07)
Fire Pump Controller Power Transfer Switches
Main Fire Pump Controller with Transfer Switch
The main fire pump controller shall be factory assembled and wired with a power transfer switch listed by
Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc. for transfer switch and
fire pump service. The power transfer switch shall be
approved by Factory Mutual.
The power transfer switch and fire pump controller
shall be factory assembled, wired and tested as a single
unit and shall conform to all requirements of the latest
edition of NFPA 20, Centrifugal Fire Pumps and NFPA
70, National Electrical Code.
Power Transfer Switch for Generator Set Emergency
Power Source
The power transfer switch shall be housed within the
fire pump controller enclosure or in a NEMA Type 2 (IEC
IP11) drip-proof enclosure attached directly to the fire
pump controller. Where the power transfer switch is provided in an attached enclosure, the enclosures shall be
fitted so that the assembly constitutes a single unit. The
fire pump controller/power transfer switch shall be factory assembled, wired and tested as a unit prior to shipment.
The power transfer switch shall include a motor rated
disconnect/isolating switch capable of interrupting the
motor locked rotor current. The disconnect/isolating
switch shall be mechanically interlocked so that the enclosure door cannot be opened with the handle in the ON
position except by a hidden tool operated defeater mechanism. The disconnect/isolating switch shall be capable
of being padlocked in the OFF position with up to three
padlocks for installation and maintenance safety, and
shall also be capable of being locked in the ON position.
The enclosure door shall have a locking type handle and
three point cam and roller type vault hardware.
A auxiliary contract shall be provided on the transfer
switch to prevent starting of the emergency generator
set when the transfer switch or the main fire pump controller are being serviced.
The automatic transfer switch shall consist of an inherently double throw power transfer switch mechanism
and a microprocessor control panel to provide automatic
operation. The transfer switch and control panel shall be
of the same manufacturer. The automatic transfer switch
shall be an ASCO 7000 series with a group 5 control
The transfer switch shall be electrically operated
and mechanically held. The electrical operator shall be
a momentarily energized, single solenoid mechanism.
The switch shall be mechanically interlocked to ensure
only two possible positions, normal or emergency.
Switches having a neutral position shall not be permitted.
The switch shall be positively locked and unaffected
by momentary outages, so that contact pressure is maintained at a constant value and contact temperature rise
is minimized for maximum reliability and operating life.
All main contacts shall be silver composition and inspection of all contacts shall be possible from the front of the
switch without disassembly of operating linkages and
without disconnection of power.
Designs utilizing components of molded case circuit breakers, contactors, or parts thereof, which are not
intended for continuous duty, repetitive switching or transfer between two active power sources are not acceptable.
The transfer switch control panel shall have a 4 line,
20 character LCD display and keypad for viewing all available data and setting desired operational parameters.
Voltage and frequency on both the normal and emergency sources shall be continuously monitored. The
normal source pick up shall be set at 95% of nominal
voltage and the emergency source pick up set at 90% of
nominal voltage and 95% nominal frequency. Source
status screens shall be provided for both normal & emergency to provide digital readout of voltage, frequency and
phase rotation on all 3 phases.
The transfer switch shall have visible pilot light indication for the following conditions:
ISOLATION SWITCH OPEN. Remote alarm contacts
shall be supplied as standard for the following conditions:
audible alarm shall sound if: EMERGENCY ISOLATION
SWITCH OPEN and TRANSFER SWITCH IN EMERGENCY. A SILENCE ALARM push-button shall be supplied . A selector switch shall be supplied to manually
test the transfer to emergency and the retransfer to normal power.
The power transfer switch shall be a Firetrol FTA900
for normal utility power and engine generator set emergency power.
Power Transfer Switch for Second Utility Emergency
Power Source
The power transfer switch shall be housed within the
fire pump controller enclosure or in a NEMA Type 2 (IEC
IP11) drip-proof enclosure attached directly to the fire
pump controller. Where the power transfer switch is provided in an attached enclosure, the enclosures shall be
fitted so that the assembly constitutes a single unit. The
fire pump controller/power transfer switch shall be factory assembled, wired and tested as a unit prior to shipment.
The power transfer switch shall include a motor rated
combination isolating disconnect switch/circuit breaker,
mechanically interlocked and operated with a single,
externally mounted handle. When moving the handle
from OFF to ON, the interlocking mechanism shall sequence the isolating disconnect switch closed first, and
then the circuit breaker. When the handle is moved from
ON to OFF, the interlocking mechanism shall sequence
the circuit breaker open first, and then the isolating disconnect switch.
The isolating disconnect switch/circuit breaker shall
be mechanically interlocked so that the enclosure door
cannot be opened with the handle in the ON position
except by a hidden tool operated defeater mechanism.
The isolating disconnect switch/circuit breaker shall be
capable of being padlocked in the OFF position for installation and maintenance safety, and shall also be capable of being locked in the ON position without affecting
the tripping characteristics of the circuit breaker. The
enclosure door shall have a locking type handle and three
point cam and roller type vault hardware.
The circuit breaker trip curve adjustment shall be
factory set, tested and sealed for the connected full load
amps of the motor.
The fire pump controller/power transfer switch shall
have data logging capability for historical operation recording and to aid in annual test, service and trouble
shooting. The data logging shall be accessible by front
mounted interface panel and also by saving the information to supplied 1.44M floppy disk drive. The floppy disk
file shall be in text (.txt) format and easily readable by
most common text editing or word processing software.
The circuit breaker shall be capable of being field tested
to verify actual pick up, locked rotor, and instantaneous
trip points after field installation without disturbing incoming line and load conductors.
The automatic transfer switch shall consist of an inherently double throw power transfer switch mechanism
and a microprocessor control panel to provide automatic
operation. The transfer switch and control panel shall be
of the same manufacturer. The automatic transfer switch
shall be an ASCO 7000 series with a group 5 control
The transfer switch shall be electrically operated
and mechanically held. The electrical operator shall be
a momentarily energized, single solenoid mechanism.
The switch shall be mechanically interlocked to ensure
only two possible positions, normal or emergency.
Switches having a neutral position shall not be permitted.
The switch shall be positively locked and unaffected
by momentary outages, so that contact pressure is maintained at a constant value and contact temperature rise
is minimized for maximum reliability and operating life.
All main contacts shall be silver composition and inspection of all contacts shall be possible from the front of the
switch without disassembly of operating linkages and
without disconnection of power.
Designs utilizing components of molded case circuit breakers, contactors, or parts thereof, which are not
intended for continuous duty, repetitive switching or transfer between two active power sources are not acceptable.
The transfer switch control panel shall have a 4 line,
20 character LCD display and keypad for viewing all available data and setting desired operational parameters.
Voltage and frequency on both the normal and emergency sources shall be continuously monitored. The
normal source pick up shall be set at 95% of nominal
voltage and the emergency source pick up set at 90% of
nominal voltage and 95% nominal frequency. Source
status screens shall be provided for both normal & emergency to provide digital readout of voltage, frequency and
phase rotation on all 3 phases.
The transfer switch shall have visible pilot light indication for the following conditions:
ISOLATION SWITCH OPEN. Remote alarm contacts
shall be supplied as standard for the following conditions:
audible alarm shall sound if: EMERGENCY ISOLATION
SWITCH OPEN and TRANSFER SWITCH IN EMERGENCY. A SILENCE ALARM push-button shall be supplied . A selector switch shall be supplied to manually
test the transfer to emergency and the retransfer to normal power.
The transfer switch shall be a Firetrol FTA950 for
normal utility power and second utility emergency power.
Note: FTA900 and FTA950 power transfer switches are
designed for use with Firetrol Electric Fire Pump Controllers, models FTA1000, FTA1250, FTA1300, FTA1350,
FTA1500, FTA1800 and FTA1900.
Sequence of Operation
Full Voltage Fire Pump Controllers
The following information is in reference to Wiring
Schematic, Publication WS1000-50.
Note: Firetrol schematics are drawn showing the
equipment in a de-energized state.
Energizing The Controller
1. Close the isolating switch/circuit breaker by moving
the handle to the “ON” position.
Note: The unmarked, red, “Interlock” jumper wire, located
between terminals #1 & #10 on the Relay PC board,
(TB1), will prevent the MarkII unit from starting the electric
motor automatically. This jumper wire should only be
removed after the pressure settings have been input,
and the system pressurized at, or above the Stop set
2. The factory programmed MarkII unit will begin
“initialization”. Upon completion, the display will confirm
system pressure, the time, date, and “Interlock ON”,
which is an alarm condition and will cause the yellow
alarm LED to flash. Any other existing alarm conditions
(low system pressure, phase reversal, phase failure,
deluge open), will also be sequentially and continuously
displayed at this time, until each is rectified.
3. With the “interlock” jumper wire still in place, the
electric motor can only be started by depressing the
START push-button, located on the flange of the controller
enclosure, or by engaging the Emergency Run
Mechanism. After all alarm conditions have been
rectified, and the system pressurized at or above the
Stop pressure setting, then the “interlock” jumper may
be removed for the controller’s automatic operation
(“standby”). With the “interlock” jumper removed, a drop
in system pressure to the MarkII’s set Start point, will
start the electric motor.
4. The deluge valve contacts are only operational if the
factory jumper has been removed and a normally closed
deluge valve contact has been placed between terminals
1 and 8 of the Relay PC board, (TB1). The Remote Start
is only operational if a normally open, momentarily closed
contact is wired to terminals 6 and 7 of the Relay PC
board, (TB1). If engaged, the Emergency Run
Mechanism will cause the pump motor to run as
described in the Emergency Starting and Stopping
Automatic Start and Stop
1). The controller’s pressure transducer initiates the
automatic start circuits for the pump motor. When
pressure falls at, or below the MarkII Start setting, relay
1CR is energized. 1CR normally open contact closes,
allowing voltage to the motor starter circuits (see section
Pump Motor Starting Sequence for more information)
The minimum run time is a part of the MarkII’s Menu,
“Timer Settings” . The minimum run timer’s factory setting
is 10 minutes. In this mode, minimum run time begins
when the pressure falls at or below the “Start” set point,
calling for the pump motor to run. When pressure drops,
this signals the MarkII to output via the Relay PC board,
directly to the 1CR relay coil. The relay’s normally open
contact closes, allowing line voltage to the coil of the
1M contactor. The contactor’s 3 normally open contacts
close, allowing 3 phase line voltage to the electric motor,
and the motor runs. Simultaneously, the minimum run
function of the MarkII is activated, maintaining voltage
on the 1CR relay coil, and keeping the motor running
until the 10 minutes expire. At this time, with pressure
restored at or above the Stop set point, 1CR relay coil
will de-energize, re-opening its normally open contact,
de-energizing the 1M contactor coil. It’s 3 normally open
contacts will reopen, causing the motor to de-energize
and stop.
If pressure is restored at, or above the Stop set point
of the MarkII, and even if minimum run time has not yet
expired, the manual STOP push button located on the
flange of the controller can be depressed to manually
stop the engine. This also resets the minimum run time
function of the MarkII.
Manual Start and Stop
The pump motor may be manually started by using
either the START push-button mounted on the flange of
the enclosure or by using a normally open, momentarily
closed, remote start push-button connected to terminals
6 and 7.
When the START push-button is depressed, or a
remote start signal is seen through terminals 6 & 7, the
MarkII will output through the relay pc board to 1CR relay
coil and the pump motor will be energized and run as
described in section “Automatic Start & Stop”. The
MarkII’s minimum run time feature will not be activated.
The pump motor will continue to run until the STOP
push-button is depressed. When the STOP push-button
is depressed, 1CR relay coil is de-energized, interrupting
the voltage to the 1M contactor coil, which causes the
motor to stop.
Deluge Valve Operation
To operate the controller utilizing a deluge valve, the
wire jumper between terminals 1 and 8 must be removed
and a normally closed, open to run deluge valve contact
wired in its place.
When the deluge valve contact opens, relay 1CR is
energized, closings it’s normally open contact to the
1M contactor coil, and the motor runs.
When the deluge valve contact closes, relay 1CR is
de-energized, re-opening it’s normally open contact, deenergizing the 1M contactor, and the motor stops.
Shutdown Interlock Operation
The shutdown interlock, if used, is a normally open,
closed to interlock contact wired to terminals 1 and 10.
When the interlock contact is closed, relay 1CR
cannot be energized by inputs to the MarkII from the
pressure transducer, or the deluge valve. The controller
may be started manually by depressing the manual
START push button. See the specific starting operation
for more details.
Pump Motor Starting Sequence
Whenever relay 1CR is energized, it’s normally open
contact closes, allowing voltage to the coil of the motor
starting contactor. During full voltage starting the following
sequence occurs.
1CR normally open contact closes, energizing
contactor 1M . 1M connects motor terminals T1, T2,
and T3 to the power source. This starts the motor in the
full voltage configuration, in which the pump motor draws
100% of its normal inrush current and supplies 100% of
its normal starting torque.
Emergency Starting and Stopping
The controller is equipped with an emergency run
mechanism for use in the event of a coil burnout or other
electrical problem which would prevent normal starting
of the pump motor. The mechanism attempts to both
electrically and mechanically start the pump motor.
When the emergency run mechanism is utilized, a
e-run contact is closed, energizing 1M coil. This, in
effect, attempts to electrically start the pump motor.
The emergency run mechanism also manually
closes the 1M contactor, starting the motor. This will
run the motor as long as the main three phase power is
If the pump motor is running via the emergency run
mechanism, DO NOT release the mechanism to stop
the motor. Place the isolating switch/circuit breaker
handle in the off position, then release the emergency
run mechanism. Releasing the mechanism while the
motor is running could result in damage to the motor or
the motor contactor.
Note: The emergency run mechanism is not intended
for, nor should it be used as a testing device. Its sole
purpose is to attempt to start the pump motor in the
event of a failure.
SQ1000-20 (04-12-07)