Engine Management Concept

Engine Management Concept
The flexible, tailor-made service solution
MAN PrimeServ’s Engine Management Concept (EMC) is the company's most innovative, customer-support service solution ever. In essence, the company has created a flexible framework agreement that adds more value to customers' business.
Engine Management Concept
Engine Management Concept
Comprehensive customer support by MAN Diesel & Turbo
Your expert business knowledge combined with our technical expert knowledge creates a very powerful business logic
The EMC is an innovative concept whose terms are
MAN Diesel & Turbo supplies any spare parts required,
highly flexible and based on a framework agreement
ensuring that your engines operate optimally. Priority
defined by PrimeServ and the customer.
access to technical-support experts and a worldwide
network of service centres is also guaranteed – 24
Such an agreement could cover, for example, all the
hours a day, all year round.
engines aboard a particular ship but could also be
expanded to MAN PrimeServ managing an entire
The Engine Management Concept supplies predicta-
maintenance schedule using the latest monitoring, di-
ble capacity, meaning that MAN Diesel & Turbo equip-
agnostic and maintenance tools available. There is no
ment performs with optimal effectiveness and reliabil-
standard duration for an EMC agreement – the length
ity, and that your capacity is always available when
is as agreed between the partners – but payments are
required to meet schedule and quality commitments.
generally made monthly for an agreement's length.
Engine Management Concept
Engine Management Concept
24 hours a day, 365 days a year
MAN PrimeServ
MAN PrimeServ
Spare Parts
MAN PrimeServ
Upgrades &
Special Projects
Unique Technical
MAN Diesel & Turbo serves as a single point of contact for all aspects of the Engine Management Concept
The EMC optimises plant operations and ensures the
Contract durations are not standard but are as agreed
reliable operation of all MAN Diesel & Turbo products.
between PrimeServ and the customer, for example
It especially focuses on main and auxiliary engines, as
for an engine’s lifetime, for a set number of months
well as turbochargers.
or years, or even open-ended. MAN PrimeServ then
manages the entire maintenance schedule using the
Newbuildings and plants in service can all take ad-
latest monitoring, diagnostic and maintenance tools
vantage of the many benefits this innovative business
concept offers.
Engine Management Concept
Maintenance Costs
Cost index
Typical maintenance costs, unevenly distributed
EMC, steady monthly outlay, always within budgetary limits
EMC benefits
Added value from MAN Diesel & Turbo
ƒƒ One point of contact
ƒƒ Spare parts delivered on time
ƒƒ Increased engine reliability
ƒƒ The EMC is an investment in your vessel’s value
ƒƒ Fixed maintenance costs
ƒƒ Staff training provided
ƒƒ Optimised engine operation
ƒƒ Optimised maintenance
ƒƒ Vulnerable, immobile periods minimised
ƒƒ Regular inspections, even outside of planned jobs
ƒƒ MAN Diesel & Turbo quality assurance
ƒƒ Management of environmental regulations
ƒƒ Guaranteed, original spare-parts
ƒƒ Reduced classification costs/documentation handling
ƒƒ Regular data reporting and analysis
ƒƒ Maximum reliability and minimum downtime
ƒƒ The peace of mind from delegating maintenance
ƒƒ Customer involvement in maintenance programme
Engine Management Concept
Engine Management Concept
Machinery optimisation
Improving engine performance is a never-ending quest
tion concept takes advantage of the company's large
and one that today is of paramount importance. Ma-
pool of experienced superintendent engineers to opti-
chinery optimisation is a key part of the EMC where
mise the running of customers' machinery. These en-
ideal engine performance is realised through the op-
gineers address issues such as reliability, availability,
timisation of lifetime running-costs, reliability and the
safety and environmental issues, as well as economi-
fostering of technical initiatives, while maintaining the
cally-optimised maintenance and performance.
parallel aims of cutting emission levels and enhancing
engine efficiency.
Machinery optimisation supports and improves the
high quality and safety standards that characterise the
The successful operation of a diesel engine depends
marine business. Typically, the customer and MAN
upon a complex number of factors, and it can be dif-
PrimeServ work closely together and share informa-
ficult to transform the overwhelming amount of data
tion before evaluating and solving any technical issues
available into information that can form the basis for
that may arise.
making the right decisions.
Machinery optimisation does not require extensive in-
The accurate evaluation of an engine's performance
vestment and can be started up with very short lead-
depends in great part on the correct interpretation of
times. Potential benefits can therefore be reaped very
the available data. PrimeServ's Machinery optimisa-
quickly, contributing positively to the bottom line.
Engine Management Concept
Engine Management Concept
Flexibility is the overriding principle
The Engine Management Concept is a unique con-
Individual EMC agreements are defined by PrimeServ
cept in that it is not a precisely defined, legally-binding
and the customer after preliminary discussion and this
contract, but more a fully flexible agreement between
partnership and spirit of cooperation are characteris-
MAN PrimeServ and its customers. PrimeServ un-
tic of any such agreement. Based on this preliminary
derstands the marine industry and realises that any
discussion and its innate understanding of the marine
maintenance arrangements invariably throw up ques-
business, PrimeServ analyses the customer's busi-
tion marks and grey areas that cannot be covered by
ness and adds value to it through a mutually-agreed
a standard, legal contract.
maintenance plan.
The EMC covers these grey areas by creating an ul-
MAN PrimeServ understands that simply providing
tra-flexible framework that facilitates the setting-up of
spare parts and after-sales service doesn't automati-
tailored maintenance arrangements of any size: from
cally add value. Rather, value comes from creating a
individual engines to entire fleets. In this way, any grey
forum where a full, open dialogue is possible, where
areas that by their nature could not explicity be cov-
requests can be accommodated, and where unex-
ered by a contract are instead dealt with on an ad-hoc
pected situations can be responded to quickly. Typi-
basis by the flexibility of an EMC agreement.
cally, PrimeServ nominates one of its staff members as
a single point of contact for each customer – experience
has taught that this greatly simplifies communication.
Your expert business knowledge combined with our technical expert knowledge creates a very powerful business logic
Engine Management Concept
Engine Management Concept
Environmental regulations are best met through well– maintained equipment. The
EMC accomplishes this and, simultaneously, gives high priority to maintaining optimal engine performance.
Shipping is responsible for the transportation of 90% of world trade, a figure that
has doubled over the last 25 years. Today, annual emissions from shipping account
for 6-800 million tons of carbon dioxide, corresponding to circa 5% of global CO2
emissions. EMC forms a key part of MAN Diesel & Turbo’s innovative programme for
reducing the impact of greenhouse gas emissions caused by maritime transportation, and reducing fuel consumption.
Engine Management Concept
Engine Management Concept
It's all about expertise, excellence and the end-result
MAN Diesel & Turbo’s entire product range backs up the Engine Management Concept. From technical know-how and service to original spare parts manufacture
and supply, the EMC delivers MAN Diesel & Turbo expertise directly to you.
Holistic care
Benefit from cutting-edge technology
The EMC is a comprehensive service and mainte-
Constant research and development enable us to
nance program that gives you the reliability you need
enhance your engines’ reliablility and efficiency. MAN
to meet your business plan, and at a predictable cost
Diesel & Turbo is a leader in the design and applica-
that allows you to focus on your core business.
tion of diesel-engine components and systems.
Priority worldwide response
Environmental opportunities
Our global service organisation gives you priority when
Environmental regulations are best met through well–
you need it. Swift access to spare parts and technical
maintained equipment. The EMC accomplishes this
service is a guaranteed part of the EMC package.
and, simultaneously, gives high priority to maintaining
optimal engine performance.
Time is of the essence
Comprehensive service plans mean fewer stops – op-
IMO, classification societies and other authorities
timal planning and jobs carried out as planned opti-
MAN Diesel & Turbo’s close cooperation with regu-
mise your resources and minimise downtime.
lative authorities ensures that your engines meet all
mandatory requirements. The EMC even handles all
Original spare parts
necessary engine documentation.
Only original spare-parts deliver the necessary guarantee of quality. MAN Diesel & Turbo original spare-
Added value
parts are the only ones that meet all the criteria re-
A tailor-made maintenance plan, based on the opera-
quired for correct operation.
tion profile, is the perfect starting point for drafting a
specific EMC agreement that makes perfect business
Placing you first
sense and provides the best return on an owner's in-
We have highly skilled personnel on stand-by across
vestment. PrimeServ understands the marine business
the world – day and night – to keep your business
and doesn't merely provide spare parts and mainte-
moving. Every MAN Diesel & Turbo employee focuses
nance. It puts itself in the customer's shoes and takes
their knowledge and experience on making your op-
a rounded view to deliver a maintenance plan that will
eration successful.
keep a customer's engines running optimally.
10 Engine Management Concept
If you would like to know more about the Engine Management Concept, contact
MAN PrimeServ at + 45 3385 1100, or mail to PrimeServ-cph@mandieselturbo.com
Engine Management Concept 11
All data provided in this document is non-binding. This data serves informational purposes only and is especially not guaranteed in any way. Depending on the subsequent specific individual
projects, the relevant data may be subject to changes and will be assessed and determined individually for each project. This will depend on the particular characteristics of each individual
project, especially specific site and operational conditions · Copyright © MAN Diesel & Turbo · 1510-0163-00ppr March 2011 Printed in Denmark
MAN Diesel & Turbo
MAN PrimeServ – a service brand of MAN Diesel & Turbo