EECS 443:Digital Systems Design Lab Introduction Instructors: Neiza Fatima Torrico Pando, Akshatha Rao, EECS 443 Introduction 1 Modeling Digital Systems • We use VHDL to implement system models • For this class you will use simulations to test the correctness of models, then synthesize and implement in the FPGA. • The design process will be: – Modeling – Stating the design requirements. – Simulation – Executing the code and analyzing the response of the design with different inputs. – Synthesis – Mapping VHDL design to the FPGA. EECS 443 Introduction 2 LAB Tools 1) Xilinx ISE: Model and synthesize the Design. 2) Impact: Board programming tool 3) ModelSim: Simulate the design. 4) ChipScope Pro: Capture output and pass input data directly to the FPGA. EECS 443 Introduction 3 Schedule: WEEK PROJECT Week 1-3 Introduction and Project 0 Week 4-7 Project 1 Week 8 &9 Project 2 Week 10&11 Project 3 Week 12&13 Project 4 EECS 443 Introduction 4 VHDL Any program will have two building blocks: • ENTITY: It gives the name of the entity, ports of the entity and information related to the ports. • ARCHITECTURE: It describes the functionality of the entity and contains the statements that model the behavior of the entity. There can be many architectures related to one entity and there are different architectures namely behavioral, structural, data flow and mixed. EECS 443 Introduction 5 Entity Declaration Say we want to design a 4-bit register, with enable and clock. We could do this 2 different ways: EECS 443 Introduction 6 Design 1: entity reg4 is port(d0,d1,d2,d3,en,clk: in std_logic; q0,q1,q2,q3 : out std_logic); end entity reg4; Design 2: entity reg4 is port(d : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); en, clk : in std_logic; q : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end entity reg4; EECS 443 Introduction 7 Behavioral Architecture for Design 1 architecture beh of reg4 is begin update: process (d0,d1,d2,d3,en,clk) is begin -- if register is enabled, and rising-edge clock, update outputs if en=‘1’ and clk=‘1’ and clk’event then q0<=d0; q1<=d1; q2<=d2; q3<=d3; end if; end process update; end architecture beh; EECS 443 Introduction 8 Notes on Behavioral Architectures • Signals – wires; concurrent assignment q0<=d0; -- these happen at the same time q1<=d1; -(<= is also relational operator) • Variables – State; sequential assignment var1:=d0; -- these happen sequentially var2:=var1 or ‘1’; -- there is state (memory) associated with -- the variables • Internal signals are declared at top of architecture • Internal variables are declared at top of process EECS 443 Introduction 9 Structural Architectures • Think of this as building an architecture using existing building-blocks, and connecting the signals. We could make our 4-bit register out of 4 flip-flops: EECS 443 Introduction 10 Structural Architecture implementation Say we have already implemented the entity d_latch with architecture beh (with input bits d,clk; output bit q) d_latch entity declaration: entity d_latch is port (d,clk : in std_logic; q : out std_logic); end entity d_latch; We also have the entitiy and2 (an and gate), with architecture beh. We will “and” the clock with enable to send to the clk input of each gate (note: it is not an ideal design to send your clock through logic gates). EECS 443 Introduction 11 architecture struct of reg4 is signal internal_clk : std_logic; -- Note: no direction(in/out) for internal signals begin bit0: entity work.d_latch(beh) port map(d0,int_clk,q0); bit1: entity work.d_latch(beh)) port map(d1,int_clk,q1) bit2: entity work.d_latch(beh)) port map(d2,int_clk,q2) bit3: entity work.d_latch(beh)) port map(d3,int_clk,q3) clock: entity work.and2 port map(clk,en,int_clk); end struct; EECS 443 Introduction 12 Notes on Structural Architectures • There should be NO processes • The port maps tell you what signals in your structural architecture gets mapped to the signals in the entities. You may be mapping port signals or internal signals. Make sure you place them in the correct order. Let’s look at the latch entity compared to the first instantiations of a latch in the architecture: entity d_latch is port (d,clk : in std_logic; q : out std_logic); end entity d_latch; • d_latch instantiation: bit0: entity work.d_latch(beh) port map(d0,int_clk,q0); So, here we are saying d0 goes to the input d, int_clk goes to the input clk, and q0 goes to the ouput q. EECS 443 Introduction 13 Data Flow and Mixed • Data flow is a set of concurrent assignment statements. • As the statements are concurrent, the order of statements assignment does not affect the design. • Delay can introduces in Data Flow modeling. • A mixed will use a combination of all the three architectures. EECS 443 Introduction 14 Test Benches • Test benches help determine the correctness of a design. • The steps of a testbench are: • Instantiate the component(s) to be tested • Drive the components’ signals • Wait • Look at the waveforms generated by the testbench to determine if the design is correct (note: some problems might be with the testbench, and not the original design) EECS 443 Introduction 15 Example Testbench entity tb is -- Note: there are no signal ports end entity tb; architecture test_reg4 of tb is -- all port signals from component under test are now internal signals signal d0,d1,d2,d3,en,clk,q0,q1,q2,q3: std_logic; begin -- instantiate component(s) under test -- (dut stands for device under test - name doesn’t matter) dut: entity work.reg4(beh) -- this means pick the beh architecture to test port map(d0,d1,d2,d3,en,clk,q0,q1,q2,q3); drive: process is begin d0<='1'; d1<='1'; d2<='1'; d3<='1'; wait for 20 ns; -- nothing changes, because en!=‘1’ en <= '1'; d0<='0'; d1<='1'; d2<='0'; d3<='1'; wait for 20 ns; -- output should change now d0<='1'; d1<='0'; d2<='1'; d3<='0'; wait for 20 ns; wait; -- This wait is very important. This is what will stop your simulation. -- It should be at the end of every testbench process end process drive; clock: process is begin for i in 0 to 10 loop clk <= '0'; wait for 5 ns; clk <= '1'; wait for 5 ns; end loop; wait; end process clock; end test_reg4; EECS 443 Introduction 16 Simulation of the Testbench EECS 443 Introduction 17 EECS 443 Introduction 18 Chip Scope Pro System • This system allows for easy verification and debugging of the circuit designed. • It divides the problem into basic parts, it enables a very fast iterative process of prediction and verification. • There are certain Chip scope cores which help in debugging and these cores have to be added to your design. EECS 443 Introduction 19 EECS 443 Introduction 20 Chip Scope Cores • ICON (Integrated Controller): It provides communication between the host PC and chipscope modules in the design. • VIO (Virtual Input/Output): It can monitor and drive signals in your design in real time. • ILA (Integrated Logic Analyzer): It allows you to view and trigger on signals in your design. EECS 443 Introduction 21 Simulation vs Chipscope • Running a simulation in Modelsim involves compiling your verilog modules and running the testbench. All of this takes place on your PC – there is no actual hardware created in the process. • Chipscope modules are extremely useful because they allow you to view and manipulate signals directly from hardware during run-time. EECS 443 Introduction 22