6.6 - Ecologically Sustainable Development It is considered that ESD is covered sufficiently within the EP&A Act, consequently this clause is not required. ESD is also a necessary consideration under s79C of the Act for all development applications. 6.7- Biodiversity Even though this clause currently is the same as the clause gazetted in the Liverpool Comprehensive LEP 2008 , there is currently a new model clause which will be the preferable clause to apply here. The new clause will only apply to areas of high biodiversity value that have been identified through the strategic planning process. Please keep in mind that this is currently a draft clause and may be subject to changes . The identified areas will be mapped on the Natural Resource - Biodiversity map and are to be in accordance with the 'Standard technical requirements for LEP maps'. There will be one polygon class to identify these biodiversity areas - labelled 'biodiversity' and a fill RGB colour of XXX:XXX:XXX. The mapping to this clause should identify areas of high biodiversity significance. The clause in its draft form is below: (1) The objective of this clause is to maintain terrestrial biodiversity, including: (a) protecting native flora and fauna, (b) protecting the ecological processes necessary for their continued existence, and (c) encouraging the recovery of native flora and fauna, and their habitats. (2) This clause applies to land identified on the [Name] Local Environmental Plan [Year] Natural Resource - Biodiversity Map (3) When assessing a development application, the consent authority must consider potential adverse impacts from the proposed development on: (a) the condition and significance of the vegetation on the land and whether it should be substantially retained, (b) the importance of the vegetation in that particular location to native fauna (c) any potential to fragment, disturb or diminish the biodiversity values of the land , and (d) the condition and role of the vegetation as a habitat corridor, and any proposed measures to minimise or mitigate those impacts Sydney Region East Page 10 - - -- . - - - - - - -- - - -- - (4)Before granting consent to development to which this clause applies the consent authority must be satisfied that: (a) the development is sited, designed and managed to avoid potential adverse environmental impacts, or (b) where an impact cannot be avoided, and having taken into consideration feasible alternatives, the proposed design, construction and operational management of the development will mitigate and minimise those impacts to a satisfactory extent. Clause 6.8 - Water sensitive urban design There is no model clause available for water sensitive urban design , however, it is recommended that the draft 'Stormwater' model clause (below) in used instead. Please keep in mind that this is currently a draft clause and may be subject to changes. Land to which the clause applies This provision is intended to apply to land zoned for urban purposes, such as for residential, industrial and business. Matters for consideration It is recommended that this subclause not be amended. Subclause (3) requ ires the consent authority, when determining an application, to consider the potential impacts on and from storm water as well as considerations for better stormwater reuse . Those being: (a) (b) (c) is designed to maximise the use of water permeable surfaces on the site having regard to the soil characteristics affecting on-site infiltration of water, include, where practical, on-site stormwater retention for use as an alternative supply to mains water, groundwater or river water; and avoids, or where an impact cannot be avoided, minimises and mitigates, the disturbance and impacts of stonmwater runoff on adjoining properties, native bushland and receiving waters. Draft Model Local Provision - Stormwater (1) Sydney Region East The objective of this clause is to minimise the impacts of urban stormwater on the land to which the development applies, adjoining properties, native bushland and receiving waters . Page 11 (2) (3) 6.9 - Aquatic Ecosystems This clause applies to all land zoned Residential, Business and Industrial land uses. Before granting consent to development to which this clause applies the consent authority must be satisfied that the development: is designed to maximise the use of water permeable surfaces on the site having (d) regard to the soil characteristics affecting on-site infiltration of water, (e) include, where practical, on-site stormwater retention for use as an alternative supply to mains water, groundwater or river water; and (f) avoids, or where an impact cannot be avoided, minimises and mitigates, the disturbance and impacts of stormwater runoff on adjoining properties, native bushland and receiving waters. The preferred approach to manage aquatic ecosystems is via specific clauses for each specific aquatic ecosystem. There are current draft model clauses for 'Riparian Land & Waterways' and 'Wetlands' (see below). Council may wish to include these clauses, however. it should be noted that these clauses are subject to changes. Riparian Land and Waterways Model Clause Objectives Specific objectives may be added . These may identify particular localities or other geographical features to which the clause applies. Land to which the clause applies This provision applies to all watercourses and land within 40m of a watercourse within aLGA. By using this definition to identify watercourses, it avoids the issues in accurately mapping watercourses. Also, some watercourses systems may tend to shift over time or alter their path, such as creating a billabong, hence their mapping within a statutory instrument may be troublesome and can create legal and administrative issues, especially during assessment of a DA. Alternatively, where only specific watercourses are to be identified, and where mapping is of sufficient accuracy, a map may be used instead. Matters for consideration It is recommended that this subclause not be amended . Sydney Region East Page 12 Subclause (3) requires the consent authority, when determining an application, to consider the potential adverse impacts on the identified water values. Those being: (a) the identification of potential adverse impacts on: (i) water quality within the watercourse, (ii) aquatic and riparian habitats and ecosystems, (iii) stability of the bed, shore and banks of the watercourse, and (iv) free passage of fish and other aquatic organisms within or along the watercourse, (b) the likelihood that the development will increase water extraction from the watercourse. Draft Model Local Provision - Riparian land and Waterways General Information This clause applies to any development that requires consent and requires the consent authority to consider the hydrological and ecological impact of that development on a watercourse and riparian land. Sydney Region East (1) The (a) (b) (c) (d) objective of this clause is to protecl or improve: water quality within waterways, stability of the bed and banks of waterways, aquatic and riparian habitats, and ecological processes within waterways and riparian areas. (2) This clause applies to land that is a watercourse [OR "identified on the [Name] Local Environmental Plan [Year] Natural Resource - Water Map] or situated within 40 metres of the top of the bank of a watercourse . (3) In assessing a development application, the consent authority must take into consideration the following matters; (a) the identification of potential adverse impacts on: (i) water quality within the watercourse, (ii) aquatic and riparian habitats and ecosystems, (iii) stability of the bed, shore and banks of the watercourse, and (iv) free passage of fish and other aquatic organisms within or along the watercourse, (b) the likelihood that the development wi" increase water extraction from the watercourse , and Page 13 (c) (4) any proposed measures to minimise or mitigate those impacts Before granting consent to development to which this clause applies the consent authority must be satisfied that: (a) the development is sited, designed and managed to avoid potential adverse environmental impacts, or (b) where an impact cannot be avoided , and having taken into consideration feasible alternatives, the proposed design, construction and operational management of the development will mitigate and minimise those impacts to a satisfactory extent. Note: The Macquarie Dictionary contains the following definition: bank means "the slope immediately bordering the course of a river along which the water normally runs ". The SI LEP contains the following definition: Watercourse means any river, creek, stream or chain of ponds, whether artificially modified or not, in which water usually flows, either continuously or intermittently, in a defined bed or channel , but does not include a waterbody (artificial). Wetlands Model Clause: • This clause is only to apply to natural wetlands. • The identified areas on the Natural Resource - Wetland map are to be in accordance with the 'Standard technical requirements for LEP maps'. There will be one polygon class to identify these areas - labelled "wetland" and a fill RGB colour of XXX:XXX:XXX . Matters for consideration It is recommended that this subclause not be amended . Subclause (3) requires the consent authority, when determining an application, to consider the potential adverse impacts on the wetland's ecological and hydrological values. Those being: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e\ Sydney Region East the growth and survival of native flora and fauna, the condition and significance of the native flora on the land and whether it should be substantially retained, the provision and quality of habitats for indigenous and migratory species, the surface and groundwater characteristics of the site , including water quality, natural water flows and salinity, and anv wetland in the vicinitv of the proposed development, Page 14 Importantly, the consent authority is also required to consider any proposed measures to minimise or mitigate those impacts. Draft Model Local Provision - Wetlands (1) The objective of this clause is to ensure that natural wetlands are preserved and protected from the impacts of development. Clause 6.11 - Restricted premises and sex services premises (2) This clause applies to land identified on the [Name) Local Environmental Plan [Year) Natural Resource - Wetlands Map (3) When assessing a development application, the consent authority must consider potential adverse impacts from the proposed development on: (a) the growth and survival of native flora and fauna, (b) the condition and significance of the native flora on the land and whether it should be substantially retained, (c) the provision and quality of habitats for indigenous and migratory species, (d) the surface and groundwater characteristics of the site, including water quality, natural water flows and salinity, and (e) any wetland in the vicinity of the proposed development, and any proposed measures to minimise or mitigate those impacts. (4) Before granting consent to development to which this clause applies the consent authority must be satisfied that: (a) the development is sited, designed and managed to avoid potential adverse environmental impacts, or (b) where an impact cannot be avoided, and having taken into consideration feasible alternatives, the proposed design, construction and operational management of the development will mitigate and minimise those impacts to a satisfactory extent. Under the standard instrument restricted premises and sex service premises are different uses. • • Sydney Region East Sex services requires the use of the model clause Restricted premises are considered to be a retail prem ises and can be adequately considered under section 79C of the EP&A Act and have their social impacts monitored by a plan of management as condition of consent, therefore a local proviSion to deal with restricted premises is not necessary. Further, Council is not allowed to stipulate distances in metres between the premises and should refer to the model clause for sex services. Page 15 It is preferred that the 'Sex Services Premises' model clause be used. However. there is currently a new draft clause under preparation and the Regional Team will provide Council with a copy of the clause when available. Sex services and restricted premises are currently not permissible in any zone within the LUT. They must be permissible in at least 1 zone in the LUT. Council cannot map the areas where sex services are allowed as this creates a subzone . Clause 6.12 - Acid Sulfate Soils This clause is appropriate. however, please ensure that the formatting of this clause is consistent with the model clause (available on the Department's website) e.g . ensure that the documents referenced in subclauses (3). (4) and (7) are in italics. 6.12 - Foreshore building line The clause is consistent with the current model clause . It is noted that Council has not provided a map as its foreshore is less than 500m. This is considered acceptable. 6.13 - Use of existing shop buildings in residential zones This clause is slightly different to that contained in the Rockdale LEP 2000. Further, the Code SEPP only allows a change of use if that use is permissible on the site and according to the LUT shop buildings for commercial purposes are currently not permissible in the R2 and R3 residential zones. Council may wish to list these sites in Schedule 1 as existing permitted uses. 6.14 - Multi dwelling housing in the Low density residential zone It is considered that this clause is difficult to understand/interpret. A better approach would be to apply a different zoning to the site where Council would like multi dwelling housing to occur. As discussed at the meeting, Council should use the R1 zone for to resolve issue and identify where multi dwelling housing is permissible. 6.15 - Residential fiat buildings in the Mixed use zone Council should reconsider the zoning of the Wolli Creek area rather than giving the area a blanket zoning and then making exceptions to the zone. It would be better to reconsider the strategic intentions for Wolli Creek and apply different zones to different areas to ensure a diverse mixed use precinct is achieved . If Council is concerned about the implications that residential flat buildings will have on the area, it may include in the LEP a new active street frontages model clause, which is due be released shortly to address active street frontage issues which are associated with shop top housing and residential flat buildings Sydney Region East Page 16 ~--- -- ._--- Council may also use Schedule 1 and map the areas . 6.16 - Site containing mixed use development Council should reconsider the zoning and strategic intentions for the land zoned B1 B2 and B4 if they want to allow residential flat buildings in these zones while maintaining active street frontages. Currently in the LUT residential flat buildings are prohibited in all these zones. 6.17 - Minimum Lot size for development Council may specify minimum allotment size for specific sites as per subclauses (1) and (2). This clause will need to be reviewed to remove the issues which do not have anything to do with lot size . There is a draft model clause currently being developed to deal with minimum lot size. The Department will forward the draft clause to Council when finalised . 6.18 - Site Coverage in the B 1 Neighbourhood Centre zone The Department advises that it is unaware of similar site coverage clauses in other Comprehensive LEPs. Given that the clause's primary objective is to control built form, it is considered that it would be better contained in a OCP. 6.19 - Resolution of constraints before development The matters set out in this clause are already necessary considerations under s79C of the EP & A Act for any development and not just these two specific sites. Therefore, this clause is considered unnecessary and should be deleted. Division 2 - Discovery Point The Department raises concerns in relation to the level of detail and complexity of the provisions for Discovery Point. It would be better if these provisions were contained in a site specific DCP. It is noted that at the meeting Council indicated that it would review these prOvisions and respond to the Department on this matter. Schedules Schedule 1 - Additional permitted uses Council should ensure that uses are not included that will result in the extinguishment of existing use rights. Consider the underlying zoning of the items to confirm whether the additional permitted use is already authorised by the LUT. For example, Item 8 allows development for the purposes of 'emergency services facilities' . Are emergency services facilities already permitted? Sydney Region East Fix errors in clause 2, item 3 and clause 3, item 3 {e.g. must not exceed a floor space ratio Page 17 of... ). The Infrastructure SEPP already covers 'ed ucational establishments'. Schedule 2 and Schedule 3 - Exempt and Complying Development Exempt development The following items in the exempt development schedule should have their text in black not blue as they are mandatory clauses in the Standard Instrument: • Filming ; • Rain water tanks; • Satellite TV dishes; • Temporary Structure (other than tens and marquees), and temporary alterations or additions to buildings or works, solely for filming purposes; and • Tents or marquees used solely for filming purposes must. 'Shade structures for schools, playground areas of child care centres or parks, and public swimming pools' are already covered by the Infrastructure SEPP. Complying development Insert a note before the 'Part 1 Types of development' heading to read as follows: Note. State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development codes) 2008 specifies complying development and the complying development conditions for the development under that policy. The Policy has State-wide application. Please delete all text under heading 'Part 2 Complying development certificates'. Schedule 4 - Classification and reclassification of public land The land listed here must only contain references to any land that will be classified or reclassified by the making of the SI or interests that will change as a result of the making of the SI. Schedule 5 - Environmental Heritage Insert an 'I' in front of every item number in the schedule and on the map. Please insert spaces between the items as currently it is difficult to separate some items. LEPMaps Land Zoning Maps Sydney Region East SP2 - Infrastructure Council should provide the Department with a list of the sites it seek to zone SP2 Infrastructure (e.g. what the sites are and why_ they need to be SP2). Also, Council will need to provide robust Page 18 • justification as to why these lands are being zoned SP2 and cannot be rezoned the same as the adjoining land use. It is noted that classified roads and railways are being zoned SP2, this is considered appropriate. In addition, on the zoning maps land zoned SP2 should be identified correctly to reflect its land use, for example: • • • SP2 - Classified Road SP2 - Railway SP2 - Road Reservation E2 - Environmental Conservation Council should provide further justification as to the reasons for zoning certain land E2 Environmental Conservation. Land Application Map It is noted that Council has not submitted a Land Application Map, which is a compulsory requirement. Council must prepare a Land Application Map to indicate the land to which the LEP applies. Sydney Region East Page 19 Rockdale 151 days Thu 26/03109 Thu 22110/09 Council Produce LEP Bundle for DoP 45 doys Fri 23110/09 Thu 24/12109 Council Review of preliminary draft LEP by CoP 30 days Mon 11/01 /10 OOOys Man 22102110 Mon 22/02110 CounciVOoP DoP to provide feedback to Council efter pre s64 1800ys Man 22102110 Wed 17103110 DoP Review of draft LEP Incl Mapping 12 doys Thu 18/03110 Fri 02104110 Council 1 day Wed 07104/10 Wed 07104/10 Council MdlYS Thu 08104110 lUI 06/07/10 odays odays Thu 08/04/10 Thu 08104/10 Council Thu 08104/10 Thu 08/04/10 50 days Thu 08104110 RD 7 days Thu 17/06/10 Fri 25106110 Submit to EO 7 days Man 28/06/10 TUB 08107110 Issue 565 Certif.cate o days Tue 06107110 TUB 06/07/10 DoP 14 dlYS Thu 08/07/10 Tue 27/07/10 14 days Thu 08107/10 Tue 27/07/10 Council 28 dlYS Wed 28107/10 odays Wed 28/07/10 Wed 28107/10 Council 28 days Wed 28/07 /10 Fri 03109110 Council Exhibilion completion date odoys Fri 03109/10 Fri 03109/10 Council Phlle 7: Review of Oran LEP 65 dlYS Mon 08/09/10 Frt 03/12110 30 days Moo 06/09/10 Fri 15110110 Council Preparation of preliminary dlllft LEP following -,t tCouncil DoP's comments Formal pre s64 meeling/s Council Meating/Report to Council Pha•• 4: 865 Council submits s64 submission Council request for s65 certificate Review and prep of 565 response incl mapping Sumb~lo Phase 5: P... public exhlbiUon Preparation for ExhibiUon (poss DCP also) Pha.e 6: Public exhibition of LEP Commencement Date Exhibition Review of Submissions \ LEP review Fri 19/02110 DoP I Council i. , Wed 16/06110 DoP .... . Fri 03109110 06/07 • Council • 28107 • ., Council • 03109 _ Council + 15110 o days Frt 15110/10 Fri 15110110 Council 21 days Moo 18/10/10 Mon 15111/10 Council Prep fO( s68 Report 7 days Tue 16/11/10 Wed 24/11 /10 Council Submission of 568 report 7 days Thu 25111110 Fri 03112110 Council Pha.. s: .68 Review & .89 Roport 85 days Mon 06/12110 Frt 01/04111 Review of s68 submission 15 days Man 06112110 Frt 24/12110 Legal Services to Instruct PC 10 days Mon 27112/10 Fri 07101111 PC opinion 60 days Mon 10101 /11 Fri 01 /04/11 CounciVPC Preparation of 569 reportlPC sign off 60 OOys Mon 10/01111 Fri 01 /04 /11 DoP Media contact o days Fri 01104111 Fn 01104/11 DoP ~01/M Subm~ Odoys Fri 01/04/11 Fri 01104111 DoP ~ 7 days Mon 04104111 Tue 12104111 700ys Mon 04/04/11 Tue 12104/11 DoP 2B doys Wid 13104111 Mapping finaliUlion Report to Council on Amendments 569 report to ED Phaso I: .68 ",port Review and sign off by ED Phaao 10: GazOItIIt & Notifoc;otion Project: LEP Temp/ots Tlmollne 4-tl-O Date: Thu 11103110 Task Sp/~ Progress ,tt. " " , .. " " " . , Mfleltone Council • ~00P Frt 20/05111 • \ . . CounclUPC Summary Project Summery , •• • Page 1 External Tasks External Mitostooe • Deedline 01/M