BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS 1600 WEST 12TH AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO 80204 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATION Application for Contractor Qualification for HVAC Modifications at Marston Treatment Plant and Recycling Plant D General Contractor D Plumbing Subcontractor D HVAC Sheet Metal Subcontractor D Electrical Subcontractor Contractor's Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Business Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Phone No.: _ _ _ __ E-Mail Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Fax No.: _ _ _ __ Request is hereby made for qualification to perform the stated contract work for the Board of the Water Commissioners By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: - - - - - - - - - - - - - l2244A INSTRUCTION FOR FILING APPLICATION STATEMENT OF EXPERIENCE, FINANCIAL CONDITION, AND EOUIPMENT I. The qualification form must be completely filled out and returned to the Denver Water Department, 1600 West 12th Avenue, Denver, CO 80204, Attn: Terrie Steele, by October 15,2009. Those firms prequalified to bid will be notified within one (I) week of receipt of application by the Board. 2. A financial statement - is required which must be prepared by a certified public accountant as of a date no earlier than fifteen (15) months prior to bid opening. The Board may require that the certified financial statement be updated at any time prior to bid opening. 3. Questions concerning the qualification form should be referred to Terrie Steele, telephone (303) 628-6604. 2 MECHANICAL SHEET METAL CONTRACTOR Prequalification Requirements Prequalification of Mechanical Sheet Metal Contractors will be required. Mechanical Sheet Metal Contractors who wish to work on the HVAC Modifications at Marston Treatment Plant and the Recycling Plant proj ect shall submit a prequalification request and required information. ENGINEER reserves the right to accept or reject the prequalification request based on OWNERestablished criteria including, but not limited to: Be in good standings with previous work performed for Denver Water. Mechanical Sheet Metal Contractor: Minimum of 5 years experience working on industrial or utility grade projects in the Rocky Mountain Region of a similar scope and size as this Project. Mechanical Sheet Metal Contractor's Site Representative: Minimum of 5 years' experience working on industrial or utility proj ects of a similar scope and size as this Proj ect. Mechanical Sheet Metal Contractor(s) Required Evidence of Qualifications: Statement of Experience: List of at least five projects comparable to the HV AC Modifications at Marston Treatment Plant and the Recycling Plant project which have been completed by the prospective Mechanical Sheet Metal Contractor. Provide Owner's name, address, telephone number and contact name. Organization Chart: Showing organization structure for the Company and this Project. Identify key personnel who will be assigned to do this Pro; ect. Qualification of Personnel: Provide resumes giving management and technical qualifications of project manager, superintendent, project foreman and all other key personnel shown on organization chart. Project mechanical HV AC work shall be performed or supervised by a foreman who is a Colorado Licensed HVAC Technician. The foreman on the project shall not be replaced except under extraordinary circumstances with written notice to the ENGINEER. Submit current copies of the Colorado HVAC Licenses, including Heating and Ventilating Class A Licenses, and registration information/license, for all others that are proposed to work on the HVAC Modifications at Marston Treatment Plant and the Recycling Plant project. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Prequalification Requirements Prequalification of Plumbing Contractors will be required. Plumbing Contractors who wish to work on the HVAC Modifications at Marston Treatment Plant and the Recycling Plant project shall submit a prequalification request and required information. ENGINEER reserves the right to accept or reject the prequalification request based on OWNER-established criteria including. but not limited to: Be in good standings with previous work performed for Denver Water. Plumbing Contractor: Minimum of 5 years experience working on industrial or utility grade projects in the Rocky Mountain Region of a similar scope and size as this Project. Plumbing Contractor's Site Representative: Minimum of 5 years' experience working on industrial or utility proj ects of a similar scope and size as this Proj ect. Plumbing Contractor(s) Required Evidence of Qualifications: Statement of Experience: List of at least five projects comparable to the HVAC Modifications at Marston Treatment Plant and the Recycling Plant project which have been completed by the prospective Plumbing Contractor. Provide Owner's name, address, telephone number and contact name. Organization Chart: Showing orgauization structure for the Company and this Project. Identify key personnel who will be assigned to do this Project. Qualification of Personnel: Provide resumes giving management and technical qualifications of project manager, superintendent, proj ect foreman and all other key personnel shown on organization chart. Project plumbing work shall be performed or supervised by a foreman who is a Colorado Licensed Master Plumber. The foreman on the proj ect shall not be replaced except under extraordinary circumstances with written notice to the ENGINEER. Submit current copies of the Colorado Master Plumbing License, along with Jourueyman or Apprentice registration information/license, for all others that are proposed to work on this Project. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PREQUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS A. Prequalification of Electrical Contractors will be required. Electrical Contractors who wish to work on the HVAC Modifications at Marston Treatment Plant and The Recycling Plant projects shall submit a prequalification request and required information. ENGINEER reserves the right to accept or rej ect the prequalification request based on OWNER-established criteria including, but not limited to: 1. Be in good standing with previous work performed 2. Electrical for Denver Water. Contractor: Minimum of 5 years experience in projects of a similar scope and size 3. as the HVAC Modifications at Marston Treatment Plant and Recycling Plant projects. Electrical Contractor's Site Representative: Minimum of 4. 5 years experience working on proj ects of a similar scope and size as the HVAC Modifications at Marston Treatment Plant and The Recycling Plant projects. Electrical Contractor (s) Required Evidence of Qualifications: Statement of Experience: List of at least five proj ects comparable to the HVAC Modifications at Marston Treatment Plant and The Recycling Plant projects which have been furnished and placed into operation by prospective Electrical Contractor. For each system, provide following information: a. b. Project Engineer c. Owner's name, d. Include a Owner contact and telephone number. Description of electrical system including e. major equipment items. Description of control system including major address, and telephone number. equipment items. f. Contract amount g. S. Dates when Contract was signed, project was completed and was accepted by OWNER. The I&C Contractor is responsible for ECPs, Controls, and Metasys integration and programming. The I&C Contractor shall be a Subcontractor to the Electrical Contractor. The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for selecting and managing an I&C Subcontractor that has the experience and capabilities to meet the requirements of the Contract Documents. 6. An audited or a reviewed financial statement-NOT A COMPILED STATEMENT-is required which must be prepared by a certified public accountant as of a date no earlier than 15 months prior to Bid Opening. The Board may require that the financial statement Opening. 7. 8. be updated Organization Chart: at any time prior to Bid Showing organization structure for the Company and this Project. Identify key personnel who will be assigned to do this Project. Qualification of Personnel: a. Resumes giving management and technical qualifications of project manager, project foreman and all key personnel shown on organization chart. b. Project electrical work shall be performed or supervised by an electrical foreman who is a Colorado Licensed Journeyman or Master Electrician. The ratio of electrical apprentices to Colorado licensed journeymen (or masters) shall be no greater than 2:1. 1) Submit current copies of Colorado Journeyman Electricians License, Master Electricians License or Apprentice registration information/license, for all foreman, electricians and apprentices, which are proposed to work on the HVAC Modifications at Marston Treatment Plant and The Recycling Plant projects. QUALIFICATION INFORMATION OFFICIAL COMPANY NAME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~---- ~A Corporation) ~A Partnership) ~An Individual ) BUSINESSADDRESS: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 1. If a corporation: When incorporated? In what state? President's name? Vice-President's name? Treasurer's name? 2. If a partnership: Date of organization? State whether partnership is general, limited or other association. 3. How many years has your organization been in business as a construction company under your present business name? ___________________________________________ 4. How many years has the construction company been in continuous operation doing this type of work? 5. Has any officer or partner of your organization ever been an officer or partner of some other organization that failed to complete a construction contract? . If so, state name of individual, other organization, and give fun details: 6. Has any officer or partner of your organization ever failed to complete a construction contract handled in his own name? If so, state name of individual, and give fun details: _________________________________ ~--~~~~~~---------- 3 OUALIFICATION INFORMATION (Cont.) 7. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ If so, explain: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 8. What percentage of the work does your firm perform with own employees? 9. What type of work do you normally subcontract? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 10. Have you ever been refused surety, bond, or liability insurance? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ If so, explain: 11. Company bonding capacity information: Attach letter from Bond Company stating company single/aggregate construction project bonding capacity. 12. Company insurance information: Attach Certificate ofInsurance which states insurance limits for: General Liability (Aggregrate) Products/Completed Operations (Aggrcgratc) Automobile Liability ExcesslUmbrella Liability Builder's Risk - All Projects Worker's Compensation 13. In what other business does your company actively participate? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 14. Describe major projects of a similar nature your organization has completed during the last five (5) years. 15. Resumes are required and should include all applicable experiences for all foreman, superintendents, and principals of the company. Also submit a copy of your company's Table of Organization. 16. For which governmental agencies have you performed work? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4 OUALIFICATION INFORMATION (Cont.) 17. Do you maintain a permanent safety program within your company? Ifnot state why. _ _ __ 18. List the major equipment you own: 19. List the major items of equipment, which you normally lease. 5 AFFIDAVIT FOR CORPORATION STATEOF _______________________ ss. Coun~of _________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is ___________________ofthe _____________________ ____________-', the corporation submitting the attached statement of experience and fmancial condition; that he has read the same, and that the same is true and correct. Sworn to before me this _ _ _ _ _ _ _day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 20 ______ Officer must sign here Notary Public Address: AFFIDAVIT FOR PARTNERSHIP STATEOF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ss. Coun~ of ___________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is a general partner of the partnership of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ that said partnership submitted the attached statement of experience and financial condition; that he has read the same, and that the same is (rue and correct. Sworn to before me this _ _ _ _ _ _ _day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 20 _____ General Partner must sign here Notary Public Address: 6 AFFIDAVIT FOR INDIVIDUAL STATEOF ______________________ ss. County of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is the person submitting the attached statement of experience and financial condition; that he read the same, and that the same is trne and correct. Sworn to before me this ____________day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 20 _ _ __ Applicant must sign here Notary Public Address: 7