BLOOD FLOW IN THE CIRCLE OF WILLIS: MODELING AND CALIBRATION ∗ KRISTEN DEVAULT† , PIERRE A. GREMAUD‡ , VERA NOVAK§ , METTE S. OLUFSEN¶, GUILLAUME VERNIÈRESk , AND PENG ZHAO§ Abstract. Modeling of blood flow in arterial networks is considered. The study concentrates on the Circle of Willis, a vital subnetwork of the cerebral vasculature. The main goal is to obtain efficient and reliable numerical tools with predictive capabilities. The flow is assumed to obey the Navier-Stokes equations while the mechanical reactions of the arterial walls follow a viscoelastic model. Like many previous studies, a dimension reduction is performed through averaging. Unlike most previous work, the resulting model is both calibrated and validated against in vivo digital transcranial Doppler data using ensemble Kalman filtering techniques. The results demonstrate the viability of the proposed approach. Key words. Blood flow, viscoelastic arteries, fluid-structure interaction, Kalman filtering 1. Introduction. The brain is one of the vital organs in the body and stable perfusion is essential to maintain its function. Cerebral circulation receives 15-20% of the cardiac output and is closely regulated to maintain perfusion in response to metabolic and physiological demands. The main cerebral distribution center for blood flow is the Circle of Willis [14, 33], a ring-like network of collateral vessels, see Figure 1.1, left1 . Blood is delivered to the brain through the two internal carotid arteries that contribute 80% of the blood supply, and the two vertebral arteries that join intracranially to form the basilar artery. Each of the internal carotid arteries branches to form the middle and anterior cerebral arteries, which supply blood to the front and the sides of the brain (the frontal, temporal, and parietal regions of the brain). The basilar artery bifurcates into the right and left posterior cerebral arteries, which perfuse the back of the brain (the occipital lobe, cerebellum and the brain stem). The ring is completed by communicating arteries that connect the posterior and anterior cerebral arteries (via posterior communicating arteries) and the two anterior cerebral arteries (via the anterior communicating artery). ∗ This project was initiated at and supported by the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI), Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-4006, USA. † Department of Mathematics and Center for Research in Scientific Computation, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8205, USA ( Partially supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through grant DMS-0410561. ‡ Department of Mathematics and Center for Research in Scientific Computation, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8205, USA ( Partially supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through grants DMS-0410561 and DMS-0616597. § Division of Gerontology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA ( and Partially supported by the American Diabetes Association through grant 1-06-CR-25 to V. Novak, by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through grants NIH-NINDS R01 NS45745-01A2, 1R41NS053128-01A2 and NIHNIA-P60 AG8812-11A1 RRCB and by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through grants DMS0616597. ¶ Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8205, USA ( Partially supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through grant DMS-0616597. k Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI), Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-4006 ( 1 Throughout the text, the standard abbreviated names for the vessels are used; ACA: anterior cerebral artery, MCA: middle cerebral artery, PCA: posterior cerebral artery, ACoA: anterior communicating artery, PCoA: posterior communicating artery, see also Figure 3.1 and Table 3.1. 1 2 (A) (C) ACoA L ACA R ACA L MCA R MCA L ICA R ICA L PCoA R PCoA R PCA L PCA BA (B) Fig. 1.1. (A) Structure of the Circle of Willis basilar artery (BA); right posterior cerebral artery (R PCA), left posterior cerebral artery (L PCA), right posterior communicating artery (R PCoA), left posterior communicating artery (L PCoA), right internal carotid artery (R ICA), left internal carotid artery (L ICA), right middle cerebral artery (R MCA), left middle cerebral artery (L MCA), right anterior cerebral artery (R ACA), left anterior cerebral artery (L ACA), anterior communicating artery (ACoA); (B): Time of flight (TOF) magnetic resonance angiography of the Circle of Willis; (C) Blood flow velocities measurements obtained by transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD) for the right anterior cerebral artery (R ACA), right middle cerebral artery (R MCA) and right posterior cerebral artery (R PCA).. Under normal conditions, blood flow in the communicating arteries is negligible. However, if a subject has an atypical Circle of Willis, e.g., missing one of the main arteries or communicating arteries or under pathological conditions such as complete or partial occlusion of one of the cerebral or carotid vessels, the flow can be redirected to perfuse deprived areas [22, 23]. The borderzones are then perfused through the network of communicating arterioles. The ring-like structure of the Circle of Willis is often incomplete or not fully developed. It has been found that in more than 50% of healthy brains [2, 42, 43] and in more than 80% of dysfunctional brains [51], the Circle of Willis contains at least one artery that is absent or underdeveloped. The most common topological variations include missing communicating vessels, fused vessels, string-like vessels, and presence of extra vessels [3]. These topological variations may affect the ability to maintain flow through arteriols, which may increase the risk of stroke and transient ischemic attack in patients with atherosclerosis [34]. Limited technology exists to predict perfusion response to acute occlusion due to embolus (i.e. embolic stroke) and to chronic occlusion due to atherosclerosis (i.e. carotid or other 3 large vessel stenosis), in particular for patients with an incomplete Circle of Willis. These clinical scenarios typically occur in older patients, who have a limited ability to compensate to acute changes in blood flow and thus are at greater risk for developing an acute ischemia (stroke) or chronic hypofusion. The significance of these problems cannot be underestimated since stroke ranks third among leading causes of death and is the leading cause of disability in older adults [10]. Therefore patient specific modeling is critically important to plan and predict perfusion needs in patients with significant carotid artery stenosis who need surgical repair. One way to assess the state of the blood flow to the brain is to use a fluid dynamic model combined with subject specific anatomical information. Fluid dynamic models have long been used to predict blood flow dynamics in almost any section of the arterial system, see for instance [6, 8, 49] for classic studies and [11, 12, 25, 26, 56] for more recent work. A number of existing fluid dynamic models have been proposed to predict blood flow in the Circle of Willis. These models include one-dimensional approaches [4, 15, 16, 36, 37, 44, 52, 53, 58], two dimensional approaches [22, 23, 39], and three dimensional approaches [5, 14, 21, 44, 45]. Due to the complexity of the underlying problem, vessels are usually treated as rigid in three dimensional calculations. More complex models have however been considered, see for instance [24], but usually for geometries significantly simpler than the Circle of Willis. On the other hand, one and two dimensional models allow the inclusion of fluid structure effects relatively easily, although at the price of severely simplified fluid dynamics. As noted in [15], most of the above models are qualitative and should be taken some steps further to make possible patient specific studies and thereby provide powerful clinical tools which would greatly benefit neurosurgeons and patients. The goal of this paper is to show that proper one-dimensional models can lead to simple and reliable predictions of blood flow circulation in the Circle of Willis. The present contribution differs from previous work in two essential aspects. First, the vessel walls are taken as viscoelastic as opposed to rigid or elastic as in most previous work, see Section 2. While viscoelasticity of the arterial wall is by itself not new, see, e.g., [11], the model considered here includes both stress and strain relaxation2 . Second, thorough comparison and calibration of the model to experimental results are conducted, see Section 6. The original data used here was obtained using digital Doppler technology, see Figure 1.1, right, MRI imaging, and non-invasive finger blood pressure measurements. Previous studies of cerebral blood flow have used MRI measurements to obtain detailed patient specific geometries (e.g. [14, 45]). However, patient specific information was not used to obtain the remaining model parameters. This is done here through Ensemble Kalman filtering techniques, see Section 5, which are used to calibrate various computational boundary conditions, see Section 3. To the authors’ knowledge, combining fluid dynamic simulations for arterial networks with parameter identification methodology is fairly new. As such, it provides one more step toward patient specific predictive models as set forth by Charbel et al. [15]. The rest of the proposed approach is relatively standard and is based on conservation of mass and momentum, see Section 2. In each vessel, a system of balance laws has to be solved. When compared to elastic models, see e.g. [4], the present system has an additional equation per vessel. The computational domain is linked to the rest 2 In a previous study [57], we showed that for most of the larger arteries, including the carotid artery, it is not possible to accurately predict pressure as a function of area without accounting for both of those factors. 4 of the vascular system through boundary conditions as described in Section 3 where the conditions at vessel bifurcations are also discussed. Discretization techniques are introduced in Section 4. 2. Derivation of the model. The following assumptions are semi-standard in one-dimensional hemodynamics and are adopted here • the blood density is constant, • the blood flow is axisymmetric and no has no swirl, • the vessels are tethered in their longitudinal direction, • the equations are expressed in terms of variables averaged on cross-sections. Further, the flow is assumed to obey to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations ρ(∂t u + u · ∇u) − ∇ · σ = ρg, ∇ · u = 0, (2.1) (2.2) where ρ is the density, u is the velocity, σ is the stress tensor, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The stress tensor is σ = −pI + 2µ where p is the pressure, = 1 T 2 (∇u + ∇u ) is the strain rate tensor, and µ is the dynamic viscosity. Although not done here, the possible non-newtonian behavior of blood can be accounted for by letting µ depend on , see Conclusions. Each vessel is assumed to be axisymmetric with a variable variable diameter. In each individual vessel, cylindrical coordinates (r, θ, x) are used with x being the distance on the longitudinal axis. Further, the shape of each axisymmetric vessel is described by a function R such that R(x, t) is the actual radius of the vessel at the point x on the x-axis, at time t. Using those coordinates and the above assumptions, the velocity is u =< ur , 0, ux > and the strain rate tensor becomes ∂r ur 0 21 (∂r ux + ∂x ur ) ur . 0 0 = r 1 (∂ u + ∂ u ) 0 ∂ u r x x r x x 2 The Navier-Stokes equations (2.1,2.2) can then be rewritten as u r ρ(∂t ur + ur ∂r ur + ux ∂x ur ) = −∂r p + ∂r (µ∂r ur ) + µ∂r + ∂x (µ∂x ur ) r (2.3) + ∂r µ ∂r ur + ∂x µ ∂r ux + ρgr , µ ρ(∂t ux + ur ∂r ux + ux ∂x ux ) = −∂x p + ∂r (µ∂r ux ) + ∂r ux + ∂x (µ∂x ux ) r + ∂r µ ∂x ur + ∂x µ ∂x ux + ρgx , (2.4) 1 ∂r (rur ) + ∂x ux = 0, (2.5) r where (2.3) and (2.4) express respectively the radial and axial conservation of momentum and (2.5) corresponds to the continuity equation (2.2); further, gr and gx are respectively the radial and axial components of g. The Kelvin model postulates (see [27]) p − p0 + τσ ∂t p = where s = 1 − q A0 A Eh (s + τ ∂t s), r0 (see [57]), A = πR2 , and τσ and τ are relaxation times. (2.6) 5 We introduce the following characteristic quantities flow: q0 , radius: r0 , radial velocity: v0 . From these, additional characteristic quantities follow surface area: A0 = πr02 , time: t0 = r0 x0 = , v0 u0 axial velocity: u0 = pressure: p0 = ρu20 , q0 , A0 length: x0 = r0 u 0 , v0 dynamic viscosity: µ0 . Nondimensional quantities are then introduced in a standard way. In terms of the nondimensional variables, the Navier-Stokes equations (2.3, 2.4) and the viscoelastic constitutive equation (2.6) take the form 2 v0 ∂r p = (−∂t ur − ur ∂r ur − ux ∂x ur ) u0 u v0 µ0 r 2 ∂rr ur + ∂r + ∂xr ux + u0 ρ r0 u0 r 3 v0 µ0 r0 g (2.7) + ∂xx ur − 2 er · k, u0 ρ r0 u0 u0 µ0 1 ∂t ux + ur ∂r ux + ux ∂x ux = −∂x p + ∂rr ux + ∂r ux ρ r0 v0 r v0 µ0 g + (2 ∂xx ux + ∂rx ur ) − ex · k, (2.8) u0 ρ r0 u0 u0 v0 1 τ Eh −3/2 t0 t0 Eh ∂t p − (2.9) A ∂t A = (1 − p) + (1 − A−1/2 ), 2 τ σ r 0 p0 τσ τσ r 0 p 0 where er and ex are the unit vectors associated with the coordinate directions r and x respectively while k is the unit vertical vector. The continuity equation (2.5) is left unchanged by non-dimensionalization since vr00 = ux00 . The axial velocity u0 being assumed much larger than the radial velocity v0 , i.e., v0 << u0 , the above equations (2.7, 2.8) simplify to r0 g er · k, u20 ∂t ux + ur ∂r ux + ux ∂x ux = µ0 1 g − ∂x p + ∂rr ux + ∂r ux − ex · k. ρ r0 v0 r u0 v0 ∂r p = − (2.10) (2.11) Following, among others, [47], the final equations are obtained through averaging on cross sections. At the wall, the fluid is assumed to move with the vessel. More precisely, if (r(t), x(t)) are the coordinates of one particle on the wall of the vessel, then r(t) = R(x(t), t). Taking the time derivative of the previous relation yields ṙ = R0 ẋ + Ṙ ⇔ ur (R(x, t), t) = R0 (x, t)ux (R(x, t), t) + Ṙ(x, t). (2.12) 6 Integration by parts of the continuity equation (2.5) over a cross-section together with the boundary condition (2.12) gives ! Z R 2πRṘ + ∂x 2π ux r dr = 0, 0 or, equivalently ∂t A + ∂x Q = 0, (2.13) RR where Q = 2π 0 ux r dr is the dimensionless flux. Integrating the r-momentum equation (2.10) over a cross-section leads to Z R Z 1 R ∂r p r dr = 0 ⇔ p(R, x, t) = p(r, x, t)dr ≡ P (x, t). R 0 0 The pressure p is additionally assumed to be independent3 of r, i.e., p = P . The x-momentum equation (2.11) is now integrated, yielding, together with (2.12) ! Z R 1 ex · k 2 ∂t Q + ∂x 2π ux r dr + A ∂x P = R ∂r ux (R, x, t) − A, (2.14) R F 0 where the following nondimensional parameters have been introduced ρr0 v0 , 2πµ0 u0 v0 Froude number F = . gr0 Reynolds number R = To close the model, an additional assumption is needed to relate ux to the averaged quantities A, Q and P in terms of which the entire problem will be expressed. Let U = Q/A be the average axial velocity. The axial velocity ux is sought with the following profile γ r γ+2 U (x, t) 1 − (2.15) ux (r, x, t) = , γ R(x, t) In (2.15), γ determines the profile (for instance, γ = 2 corresponds to the classical Poiseuille profile), see Figure 2.1, while the factor γ+2 γ ensures that the average of ux is indeed U . The parameter γ is taken as constant = 2 in each vessel in the present study. The x-momentum equation (2.14) can now be re-expressed in terms of the averaged variables 2 γ+2 Q γ + 2 Q ex · k ∂x + A ∂x P = − µ − A. (2.16) ∂t Q + γ+1 A R A F The system is closed by averaging the Kelvin relation (2.9), which just amounts to replacing p by P . Using the continuity equation (2.13), one finds ∂t P + 3 This τ 1 −3/2 1 2 A ∂x Q = (1 − P ) + (1 − A−1/2 ), τσ M2 W WM2 is automatically satisfied if g = 0 and/or if er · ez = 0, i.e., for a vertical vessel. (2.17) 7 % 2 !2<2% !2<2' !2<!" !#( 05,0126.1*7,892:3*;,1. !#' !#& !#% ! "#( "#' "#& "#% "2 !! !"#$ " )*)+,-.)/,*)01230+,4/ "#$ ! Fig. 2.1. Velocity profiles corresponding to (2.15): γ = 2 (Poiseuille), γ = 6 and γ = 10. where the following nondimensional parameters have been introduced τσ v0 , r0 u0 Mach number M = , c0 Weissenberg number W = q Eh is the Moens-Korteweg speed. and c0 = 2ρr 0 In summary, the model can be written as A (∂t + B ∂x ) Q = G, P where 0 2 B = − γ+2 γ+1 0 Q A 1 Q 2 γ+2 γ+1 A τ 1 −3/2 τσ M2 A 0 A and G = 0 (2.18) 0 Q ex ·k . − γ+2 R A − F A 2 1 −1/2 ) W (1 − P ) + WM2 (1 − A The eigenvalues of B are found to be s 2 γ+2 γ+2 Q Q τ /τσ λ1,3 = + , ∓ (γ + 1)2 A γ+1 A M2 A1/2 λ2 = 0. (2.19) Assuming A > 0, the three eigenvalues are real, ensuring the hyperbolicity of (2.18). However, without further assumptions, the sign of λ1,3 , the strict hyperbolicity of the system, and the genuine nonlinearity of the first and third fields can not be established. 3. Boundary and junction conditions. The topology of the Circle of Willis, i.e. its network structure and its geometry, are described in Figure 3.1 and Table 3.1. Boundary conditions link the Circle of Willis to the cerebral network of smaller arteries and represent the net impedance imposed by the microcirculation. As can be seen from Figure 3.1, such conditions have to be imposed at the “end” of 9 vessels. All attempted simulations with realistic parameters have led to two observations 8 15 16 14 12 10 13 8 7 6 4 11 9 2 3 5 1 Fig. 3.1. Topology of the Circle of Willis and boundary conditions and numbering convention, see also Table 3.1. • λ1 < 0, λ3 > 0, • the solutions are smooth. As a result of the first observation, the resolution of the equations in each vessel requires that one scalar condition has to be enforced at each end of that vessel to ensure well-posedness. The second observation is used below to significantly simplify the treatment of junction conditions. For three of the vessels (basilar artery as well as left and right internal carotid arteries), inflow conditions are imposed whereby the velocity is prescribed and corresponds to experimental measurements, see Section 5. In other words, since the velocity is related to the unknowns through U = Q/A, the following conditions will be imposed at the end of the corresponding vessels and at all time Qves = Uves Aves , ves ∈ {Basilar, L. Carotid, R. Carotid}, (3.1) with the obvious naming convention, see again Figure 3.1 and Table 3.1. The velocities Uves in (3.1) are experimentally determined time dependent functions and the surface areas are computed from the average radii from Table 3.1. The remaining conditions are outflow boundary conditions. Those conditions have to mimic the effects of the rest of the vascular system on the Circle of Willis. While the issue is delicate and deserves further research, simple ad hoc conditions can be used. In the present work, two such types of conditions are considered. Pure resistance boundary conditions have the form (see for instance [53]) Pves = Rves Qves , (3.2) ves ∈ {L. PCA 2, R. PCA 2, L. MCA, R. MCA, L. ACA 2, R. ACA 2} . Alternatively, boundary conditions based on the three-parameter Windkessel model can be used; this model includes two resistors and one capacitor, see for instance 9 Vessel # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name BA R. PCA 1 L. PCA 1 R. PCA 2 L. PCA 2 R. PCoA L. PCoA R. ICA L. ICA R. MCA L. MCA R. ACA 1 L. ACA 1 ACoA R. ACA 2 L. ACA 2 Radius (cm) .150 .112? .112? .110 .110 .0986? .0986? .210 .210 .134 .134 .170 .100 .100 .115 .115 Length (cm) .825 .333? .333? .756 .756 1.00? 1.00? 4.81 4.81 2.11 2.11 1.07 1.07 .200 2.30 2.30 Table 3.1 Geometry data used in the calculations, see also Figure 3.1. The ? values were missing from the data and had to be estimated. [4, 47, 48, 50, 52]. This corresponds to s Rves ∂t Q + p s + Rves Rves 1 Q = ∂t P + p P, p Rves Cves Rves Cves (3.3) p s where, for each vessel ves in the same list as in (3.2), Rves and Rves are resistance parameters and Cves is a compliance parameter. Junction conditions link vessels to their neighbors. The mathematical derivation of proper junction conditions for systems of conservation laws is non trivial; it is in fact an active field of research, see for instance [9, 17, 18, 38]. The present system of equations (2.18) is not in conservation form which further complicates the problem. However, as mentioned at the beginning of the section, only smooth solutions are expected (and observed) and thorny questions of selection principles [28, 29, 30] can be avoided. Consider a junction J at which NJ vessels intersect. Continuity of the pressure and conservation of the flow are imposed P1 = P2 = · · · = PNJ , NJ X Qi = 0, (3.4) i=1 where the flux Qi is counted positive if flowing towards J. 4. Numerical analysis. The equations are discretized in space using Chebyshev collocation methods [13]. Such methods deliver high accuracy with a low number of nodes for smooth solutions (which are expected here). Working in the standard 10 [−1, 1] interval to simplify the notation, Chebyshev collocation is considered at the usual Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto nodes πj xj = cos , j = 0, . . . , N − 1, N −1 where N stands for the number of nodes. If v is any of the above unknowns to be determined for x ∈ [−1, 1] and t > 0, we seek an approximation of it of the form vN (x, t) = N −1 X Vi (t)ψi (x), (4.1) i=0 −1 where {ψi }N i=0 are the Lagrange interpolation polynomials at the Chebyshev-GaussLobatto nodes on [−1, 1], i.e., ψi (xj ) = δij , i, j = 0, . . . , N − 1. Interpolation on the above nodes of a function v = v(x, t) simply takes the form IN v(x, t) = N −1 X v(xj , t)ψj (x). j=0 By definition, the Chebyshev collocation derivative of v with respect to x at those nodes is then N −1 N −1 X X ∂ (IN v)(xl , t) = v(xj , t)ψj0 (xl ) = Dlj v(xj , t), ∂x j=0 j=0 with Dlj = ψj0 (xl ). The collocation derivative at the nodes can be obtained through matrix multiplication. We introduce the numerical method on a simple advection equation for ease of exposition ∂t u + a ∂x u = 0, u(−1, t) = g(t), (4.2) (4.3) where a > 0 and g is a given function describing the inflow boundary condition. Spatial semi-discretization using the above principles and notation leads to ∂t uN + a ∂x uN = 0. The latter relation is enforced at the internal nodes and an extra condition is imposed to ensure the verification of the boundary condition (4.3). Typically, that condition is simply4 uN (xN −1 , t) = g(t). The above method can be applied in a straightforward way to (2.18). Each of the variables A, Q and P is discretized according to (4.1), leading to the new unknowns 4 It has been observed that such a condition may lead to both theoretical and practical stability problems (for instance, the structure of the derivative matrix D is essentially altered [31]). To alleviate those problem, weak implementation of the boundary conditions through a penalty method has been proposed, see [19, 31, 35]. This type of method has been tested here and was not found to be necessary. 11 AN , QN and PN . As said in Section 3, the system (2.18) requires two boundary conditions, one at each end of the vessel. With respect to a given junction, this corresponds to a boundary condition for each vessel involved. For illustration purposes, consider a standard vessel bifurcation with one parent vessel and two daughter vessels. Since there are three vessels related to this junction, we will need three boundary conditions. As stated previously, these take the form of (3.4). Thus, is this case, we will have one flow condition and two pressure conditions. This is consistent with the number of conditions needed based on a study of the characteristics of the system. This results in the following semi-discretized system d d U + B(I3 ⊗ D)U = G + F U, U , dt dt where U = [A(x0 , t), . . . A(xN −1 , t), Q(x0 , t), . . . Q(xN −1 , t), P (x0 , t), . . . P (xN −1 , t)]T , G is the vector obtained in a natural way from GN (discretization of G), I3 is the 3 × 3 identity matrix, and ⊗ is the Kronecker product. Finally, all the contributions from the boundary conditions have been lumped into F and the matrix B is defined as B11,0 B12,0 B13,0 B11,1 B12,1 B13,1 ... ... B11,N −1 B21,0 ... B12,N −1 B22,0 B13,N −1 B23,0 B22,1 B21,1 ... B23,1 ... B21,N −1 B31,0 ... B22,N −1 B32,0 B32,1 B31,1 B23,N −1 B33,0 ... B33,1 ... ... B32,N −1 B31,N −1 , B33,N −1 with Bij,k = BN,ij (xk ), where BN is the matrix corresponding to the discretization of the matrix B in (2.18). Two different methods have been considered for temporal discretization: a third order explicit TVD Runge-Kutta method [32, 54, 55] as well as a simple Backward Euler method. In the first case, the stability of the above numerical approach applied to (4.2,4.3) (with g ≡ 0) was analyzed in [40]. Their stability result (see Theorem 4.2) is “adapted” to an empirical stability condition for the present case. More precisely, the size of the n-th time step ∆tn is adapted during the calculations and taken as ∆tn = C , λ∞ (N − 1)2 where λ∞ is the maximum over all spatial nodes of the spectral radius of the matrix BN at the current time and C is a constant. However, for the problems at hand, it was observed that Backward Euler with a limited number of Newton steps as nonlinear solver was overall faster and lead to results quantitatively comparable to more elaborate TVD solvers. The use of an implicit solver allows us to implement the boundary conditions directly on the primary variables without having to switch to the characteristic variables. Thus, the boundary conditions are implemented by simply removing the appropriate differential equation corresponding to the boundary node and replacing it with an equation for the boundary condition. The results shown below were obtained using Backward Euler. After appropriate numerical convergence study, it was determined that as little as four collocation nodes per vessel can be used. 12 Right Internal Carotid Artery ECG 3 2 1 0 120 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 time [sec] 25 30 35 100 v [cm/sec] p [mmHg] 0 80 60 0 40 20 0 Fig. 5.1. Typical raw data file (here the right Carotid artery). 5. Data analysis. Data analyzed in this study stem from one subject and include: velocity measurements obtained using digital transcranial Doppler technology5 at locations approved by the Institutional Review Board at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. These correspond to our three inflow locations (nodes in Basilar, Left and Right Carotid arteries) and six outflow locations (nodes in Left and Right ACA, MCA and PCA). Blood pressure measurements obtained using a continuous noninvasive finger arterial blood pressure monitor in supine position6 that reliably tracks intra-arterial blood pressure when controlled for finger position and temperature [46]. Geometric measurements of vessel lengths and areas are derived from a magnetic resonance angiogram7 . Typical velocity and pressure measurements are shown in Figure 5.1. Finally, respiration and CO2 were measured from a mask using an infrared end-tidal volume monitor (Datex, Ohmeda, Madison, WI). Electrocardiogram, cerebral blood flow velocities, and CO2 were continuously recorded at 500 Hz using Labview6.0 NIDQ (National instruments, Austin, TX). The inflow velocity data is used to drive the system while the outflow velocity and the pressure data are only used a posteriori to validate the results. Geometric area data are used to specify the model domain and to determine inflow into the model provided the measured velocity. 5 PMD 150, Terumo Cardiovascular Systems and Spencer Technologies Inc, Ann Arbor, MI and Seattle,VA USA. 6 Ohmeda, Monitoring Systems, Englewood. 7 More precisely, intracranial vessels were visualized using 3D-MR angiography (time of flight, TOF): TE /TR =3.9/38ms, flip angle of 25 degrees, 2mm slice thickness, -1 mm skip, 20cm ×20cm FOV, 384×224 matrix size, pixel size 0.39x0.39 mm at the GE VHI 3 Tesla scanner at the Center for Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. The radius and length of the vessels were measured by the software ”Medical Image Processing, Analysis,and Visualization” (MIPAV), Biomedical Imaging Research Services Section, NIH, USA. The scale for an image can be defined to achieve accurate measurements with resolution up to one pixel size (0.39 mm x0.39 mm). 13 LMCA ! Resistance Outflow velocity (cm/s2) 80 60 40 20 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 1.8 2 time (s) LMCA ! Windkessel Outflow velocity (cm/s2) 70 60 50 40 30 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 time (s) Fig. 5.2. Comparison of model velocity results to velocity data in the LMCA using (top) the resistance outflow boundary condition and (bottom) the windkessel outflow boundary condition; blue line: data, ×: model-original resistance parameters, o: model-EnKF optimized resistance parameters. Kalman filtering is a recursive algorithm that can be used to optimize parameters in a linear model. It uses model results and data values at each time step to adjust the parameters until the optimal parameters have been found. Central to all types of Kalman filtering is the matrix known as the “Kalman gain”. This matrix is chosen to minimize the a posteriori estimate error covariance and is built from the a priori estimate error covariance matrix. When dealing with a nonlinear problem, one can use the Extended Kalman filter, which requires the direct calculation of an error covariance matrix at each timestep, or the Ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), which approximates the error covariance matrix using an ensemble of states. The EnKF has been used in this work to avoid the costly direct calculation of the error covariance matrix. To begin, the initial conditions are perturbed in a statistically consistent way in order to form the ensemble of states. At each timestep, each of the ensemble members is stepped forward in time, using the model, to create the a priori state estimates. The Kalman gain is then used to create the a posteriori state estimates as weighted averages of the a priori state estimates and the discrepancies between the predicted measurements and the actual measurements [59]. Since the EnKF uses estimates based on the ensemble members to create the Kalman gain, the larger the ensemble size the better the results will be [20]. The EnKF has been used to optimize the parameters for both the resistance outflow boundary conditions and the windkessel outflow boundary conditions. In each case, an ensemble size of 100 was used. After processing all the available data, the final parameter values are considered to be the optimal values based on the data. The model is then run using the original initial conditions and the optimized parameters, and the results are compared to the data. Figure 5.2, top, shows a comparison of the experimental data and the model output using the pure resistance boundary condition in the LMCA over 1 cardiac cycle. The results using the parameters obtained from the EnKF clearly provide a better fit to the data. Figure 5.2, bottom, shows a similar comparison, this time with 14 LMCA pressure (mmHg) 200 150 100 50 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 time (s) Fig. 5.3. Comparison of model blood pressures to data before and after running the EnKF; blue line: data, ×: model-original resistance parameters, o: model-EnKF optimized resistance parameters. the model results obtained using the windkessel boundary condition. In this case, the original parameters were chosen in a more intelligent way and therefore the switch to the EnKF optimized parameters provides less of an improvement. It is also important to consider the associated pressure data. Since the blood pressure was measured in the finger and not in the brain, the model results are not expected to match the data, but they should be in roughly the same range. Figure 5.3 shows a comparison of the pressures from the model with the pressures from the data in the LMCA. As expected, the waveforms are not the same, but they are similar. 6. Results. Validation of many blood flow models is limited by the lack of available data, and is therefore usually qualitative in nature. Access to clinical data allows the present approach to be validated in a quantitative manner. RPCA LPCA RMCA LMCA RACA LACA % within (µ − σ, µ + σ) 66 48 16 54 32 40 % within (µ − 2σ, µ + 2σ) 90 100 100 100 98 84 Table 6.1 Percentage of time the model mean is within one or two standard deviations (σ) of the data mean (µ) in each of the six outflow vessels. Since the cardiac cycle varies over time, even in a single subject, a given set of outflow data is not expected to be matched exactly using a given set of inflow data collected at a different time. Instead, all of the available data is processed 15 RACA LACA 120 60 velocity (cm/s2) velocity (cm/s2) 100 80 60 40 50 40 30 20 0 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 20 1 2 1.2 1.4 time (s) RMCA 80 velocity (cm/s2) 80 velocity (cm/s2) 100 60 40 20 1.6 1.8 2 1.6 1.8 2 40 20 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0 1 2 1.2 1.4 time (s) RPCA LPCA 60 60 50 velocity (cm/s2) 70 2 velocity (cm/s ) 2 60 time (s) 50 40 30 20 1 1.8 LMCA 100 0 1 1.6 time (s) 40 30 20 1.2 1.4 1.6 time (s) 1.8 2 10 1 1.2 1.4 time (s) Fig. 6.1. Mean outflow velocities resulting from running the stochastic version of the model over 20 realizations; blue line: µ, green line: µ ± σ, dashed line: µ ± 2σ, ×: mean predicted outflow. and a mean velocity profile is calculated for each inflow and outflow vessel, along with the associated variances. The available number of measurements, i.e., periods, per vessel varies between 20 and 200. The simulation is then run with 20 different stochastically perturbed inflow velocity profiles. The inflow conditions are determined by stochastically perturbing the mean change in velocity at each time step to avoid creating artificial roughness in the wave form; the perturbations are drawn from a normal distribution based on the data. The mean predicted velocity in each outflow vessel is then compared to the corresponding mean velocity profile from the data, see Figure 6.1. The breakdown of how well the model results match the data is shown in Table 6.1. As is evident from both the figures and the table, the model is predicting the velocities at each of the six outflow points consistently. Figure 6.2 shows the results of running the deterministic model (where the inflows are taken from the data, not from perturbations of the means) in the LMCA over a number of cardiac cycles. 7. Conclusions. The proposed model and implementation agree remarkably well with the data in spite of their simplicity. A comparison with results from 1.5D models such as those proposed in [11, 12] would be interesting. The present work is 16 velocity (cm/s2) LMCA ! Velocity 70 60 50 40 30 1 2 3 4 time (s) 5 6 7 6 7 LMCA ! Pressure pressure (mmHg) 140 120 100 80 60 1 2 3 4 time (s) 5 Fig. 6.2. Comparison of model results to data in the LMCA over multiple cardiac cycles; solid line: data, ×: predicted outflow. in the process of being extended in several directions. First, the method will be used to predict flow pattern in abnormal Circles of Willis. Second, while the assumption of Newtonian behavior of the flow is generally considered valid at high shear rates, say over 100s−1 , the observed numerical shear rates are lower here. Non-Newtonian effects can be included through the use of the Cross model, for the viscosity, see for instance [1, 41]8 , see also [7]. Acknowledgment. The authors are indebted to Jordi Alastruey-Arimon and Darren Wilkinson for valuable discussions and comments. REFERENCES [1] F. 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