CT Spring 13 - CHILD`s Trust

CHILD’s Trust
Spring 2013
God can do far more than you could imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams
Ephesians 3:20 from ‘The Message’
House of Hope: Ashra Kunj
THE Houses of Hope are currently very nearly full. There is just one space le1 in each home. House of Hope projects , Ashra Kunj and Vishwa Jyo> do what their name implies; give orphans without any hope a new home and parents. For almost 14 years CHILD’s Trust has been working in India. We have been visi>ng Bangladesh for the past two years and now we are pleased to announce our first two projects: Nizhum House of House of Hope: Vishwa Jyo6
Hope and Baniarchar School Project
Nizhum House of Hope will start taking in orphans in the early weeks of 2013.
House Parents George and Biva are pictured above with their two sons, Joy and Bijoy
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MARK and Julie visited this school in November. To reach the school involved travelling part of the way by boat. CHILD’s Trust helps those in very remote places. INSPIRATIONAL
IT is such an encouragement when those we have helped keep in touch with us. . .
➧➧➧One of the lads from our original project which we started to support in 1999 is now working and has recently started to support a child in one of the Houses of Hope of his own through CHILD’s Trust! ➧➧➧Another encouragement has been through a young lady in the UK whose parents sponsored a child when she was young. When she finished University she decided she would like to sponsor a child herself!
Sharon from Ashra
Kunj House of Hope
SHARON and Rebeca (pictured above) lost both their parents and needed a new family to care for them.
When they arrived into the House of Hope neither could speak as Sharon was profoundly deaf and Rebeca had not heard others talking so mimicked Sharon’s grun>ng sounds; they both needed to be taught a lot of basic things such as how to eat, use given facili>es and even learn to play. Sharon did not thrive and we soon found she had a problem with her heart, that needed immediate correc>ve procedure. This was completed early in 2012 and she is now doing very well by star>ng to put on weight and to grow a li]le taller. When Mark and Julie were in India they met the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) spe-­‐
cialist who told them that if a jumbo jet flew by she would hear it only as a whis-­‐
per. In April 2013 we are planning for her to have a cochlear implant and so need lots of ideas and huge support for fundraising. Implants are very costly and praise God funds have already started to come in. If you’d like to help Sharon please see our website www.childstrust.org.uk Our thanks to you
THANK you once again for ALL your love, support and encouragement. We could not do what we do without it. Jesus said, ‘Let the li@le children come to me’ Ma# 19 v14
➧➧➧A clip from one of those we supported: “I thought when in my childhood I was nothing, but today I can earn and, yes, my family depends upon me and my mom always says thanks to you and God.” GROUP TRIP OCT 2013
WE are star>ng to plan a group trip in October 2013. If you have a heart for mission, a passion for children and would like to see first-­‐hand a li]le of what we do, please contact us ASAP.
For the latest CHILD’s Trust
news visit us at
If you’d like to make a difference and support a child in any of our projects please contact Julie Please pray for us that we will have
wisdom when making decisions about
the future developments of
CHILD’s Trust.
☎01256 324328
PO BOX 6056 Basingstoke RG22 5YS
Registered Charity No 1078151