SHARON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL “LEAD TO SUCCEED” 880 Shar 2015-16 on Sharon Elementary School Scho Parent Involvement Policy ol Our goal is for each child to have a successful learning experience. For this to happen, it is Roa important that the school staff, the community and families work together. In order to build a strong partnership between home and school, we will provide thedfollowing: State An annual Open House where parents will meet teachers and be svill given opportunities to become involved in their child’s education. e, An annual kindergarten orientation and screening in which parents are made aware of what their childNC knows and what must be mastered by the end of kindergarten. 2862 Additional meetings throughout the year provide assistance to parents in understanding 5 the State’s academic assessments, state curriculum (Common Core) and strategies for learning. Meetings will also Pho focus on how parents and teachers can work together to monitor the child’s progress in order to improve ne: timely meetings. student achievement. Particular topics and needs from parents will be addressed through (704) Materials and specific training to help parents work with their 872children. 3401the day to better Meetings scheduled at different times during accommodate parents’ schedules. Fax: At least two scheduled parent conferences where the progress of (704) the student will be discussed and explained, as well as the expectations for the grade level, school curriculum, academic 924assessment, state’s academic content and achievement standards, 9963 and any other concerns that the teacher or parent may have. Stev the parents of Automated voice messaging and notes informing activities and programs along with the outside en P. school sign providing advanced notice of upcoming events. Shee A School-Parent Accountability Compact to outline how parents, school staff and students share the responsibility ts - for improvement in learning. Prin Meetings during the school year where parents will have an opportunity to help review, plan for and cipal make suggestions to improve the Title 1 program (done through PTO board).. Curriculum Nights led by classroom teachers detailing curriculum expectations, as well as ideas and information on what can be done at home to help students. Parents and community leaders are always welcome at Sharon Elementary School. Every effort will be made to communicate with parents in an understandable format and language.