RUNWAY TO PARALLEL TAXIWAY CENTERLINE FAA EASTERN REGION MODIFICATION OF AIRPORT DESIGN STANDARDS Date: July 10, 2007 Page 1 of 2 BACKGROUND 1. AIRPORT: 2. John F. Kennedy International Airport 4. LOCATION(CITY,STATE): 3. New York, New York EFFECTED RUNWAY/TAXIWAY: Runways - 4L-22R, 13L-31R, 13R-31L See Figure 1 5. APPROACH (EACH RUNWAY): _4R, 4L, 13L, 22R, 22L, 31R, 31L PIR ___ NPI _13R__ VISUAL LOC ID: JFK 6. AIRPORT REF. CODE (ARC): D-V 7. DESIGN AIRCRAFT (EACH RUNWAY/TAXIWAY): B747-8 MODIFICATION OF STANDARDS 8. TITLE OF STANDARD BEING MODIFIED (CITE REFERENCE DOCUMENT): Group VI Runway to Parallel Taxiway Separation, AC 150/5300-13, AIRPORT DESIGN, Table 2-2 9. STANDARD/REQUIREMENT: 500 feet, in accordance with Table 2-2, Group VI 10. PROPOSED: 400 feet for Taxiways B, C, P and U/Runways 4L-22R, 13L-31R, 13R-31L 450 feet for Taxiway K/Runway 4L-22R 11. EXPLAIN WHY STANDARD CANNOT BE MET (FAA ORDER 5300.1E): Relocation of Runways 13R/31L, 13L/31R and 4L/22R and adjacent taxiways would be required for compliance with full Group VI separation standards. Relocation of 13R/31L and 4L/22R would encroach on Gateway Park and face daunting environmental and political opposition. Relocation of 13L/31R would significantly impact the airport cargo handling capability. In addition, even assuming that the necessary environmental approvals could be obtained, the cost of moving runways and taxiways as necessary to conform to Group VI Separation standards would require the investment of billions of dollars. 12. DISCUSS VIABLE ALTERNATIVES (FAA ORDER 5300.1E): No other viable alternatives. 13. STATE WHY MODIFICATION WOULD PROVIDE ACCEPTABLE LEVEL OF SAFETY (FAA ORDER 5300.1E): SEE ATTACHED ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NECESSARY – INCLUDE SKETCH/PLAN FAA EASTERN REGION MODIFICATION OF AIRPORT DESIGN STANDARDS Date: July 10, 2007 Page 2 of 2 MODIFICATION: LOCATION: Runway to Parallel Taxiway Separation JFK International Airport 14. SIGNATURE OF ORIGINATOR: Scott Marsh – PANYNJ – Aeronautical and Technical Services 15. ORIGINATOR’S ORGANIZATION: 16. TELEPHONE: The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 212–435-3898 17. DATE OF LATEST FAA SIGNED ALP: December 3, 2004, with pen/ink changes 18. ADO RECOMMENDATION: 19. SIGNATURE: 20. DATE: 21. FAA DIVISIONAL REVIEW (AT, AF, FS): ROUTING SYMBOL SIGNATURE DATE CONCUR NON-CONCUR COMMENTS: 22. AIRPORTS’ DIVISION FINAL ACTION: [ ] UNCONDITIONAL APPROVAL DATE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: SIGNATURE: [ ] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL TITLE: [ ] DISAPPROVAL SUPPLEMENT TO FAA EASTERN REGION MODIFICATION OF AIRPORT DESIGN STANDARDS Proposed modification of runway to parallel taxiway separation standards. 13. State why modification would provide an acceptable level of safety. Three runways have parallel taxiways at JFK: 4L/22R, 13R/31L and 13L/31R. The distance between these runways and the parallel taxiways varies depending upon the taxiway. Taxiway B, which is adjacent to all three runways, is separated from adjacent runways by 400 feet. Taxiways C and U are separated from Runway 13L/31R by 400 feet. Taxiway K is separated from Runway 4R/22L by 450 feet and Taxiway P is separated from 13R/31L by 550, which exceeds Group VI separation criteria (500 feet), except for the section between Taxiway MB and Taxiway N, which is 400 feet (See Figure 1). The majority of Taxiway P exceeds the Group VI separation requirement of 500 feet. The Runway Obstacle Free Zone (ROFZ) was calculated for various JFK Runways (as outlined within FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13, Change 11, Para 306) to screen for conditions that may require more detailed analysis using FAA’s Collision Risk Model. The results of these calculations were as follows: • The ROFZ calculation required for CAT I approaches was performed for the taxiways located 400 feet away from adjacent runways (Taxiways B, C, U and a small portion of P). Calculations of the ROFZ for this runway/parallel taxiway combination with an A380 on approach indicate no penetration of the ROFZ for the 747-8 on the adjacent taxiway (See figure 2). • The ROFZ calculation required for CAT I approaches was performed for Taxiway K which is separated from the southern portion of Runway 4L by 450 feet. Calculations of the ROFZ for this runway/parallel taxiway combination with an A380 on approach indicate no penetration of the ROFZ for a 747-8 on the adjacent taxiway (See figure 3). • The only runway end, of the runways at issue, with a CAT II instrument approach is Runway 13L. The parallel taxiways adjacent to Runway 13L are Taxiways B, C, and U. Calculations of the ROFZ for this runway/parallel taxiway combination with an A380 on approach indicate a penetration of the 747-8 tail of approximately 5 feet. (See figure 4). Modifications of Group VI Runway to Taxiway separation standards for all Cat I, or less, approaches at JFK would provide an acceptable level of safety as calculations indicate no penetration of the ROFZ by a 747-8 on an adjacent taxiway. Evaluation of the Runway 13L Cat II approach indicates an ROFZ penetration by the tail of the 747-8. However, more detailed collision risk model analyses completed by the FAA for the JFK A380 Operational Plan indicated that an acceptable level of safety existed for conditions where an A380 was on a CAT II approach and a 747-400 was located on a parallel taxiway separated 400 feet away from the runway. As the tail height of the 747-400 and 747-8 are essentially identical the results of the collision risk model analyses already completed for the 747-400 are referenced to support the conclusion that a 400 foot runway/taxiway separation is acceptable for CAT II operations by an A380 when a 747-8 is on a parallel taxiway 400 feet away.