Modeling and analysis of the novel dual open-end stator windings wound rotor synchronous machine with dampers Abdelmonoem NAYLI1,3,*, Sami GUIZANI2,3, Faouzi BEN AMMAR3 (1) University of Tunis, ENSIT, Tunisia. (2) University of El Manar, IPEIEM, Tunisia. (3) University of Carthage, MMA Laboratory, INSAT, Tunisia. *Correspondence: Abstract: This work presents a novel wound rotor synchronous machine with dampers with dual three-phase open-end stator windings. The aim of proposed machine is to improve the power segmentation and the availability of drive system. The mathematical model of this machine is presented in the Park reference frame. This machine is supplied by four 2-level inverters, where each inverter is dimensioned for quarterpower of machine. For comparison purposes, we use the double star synchronous machine which is fed by two 2-level inverters. Comparative simulation analysis using the THD voltage, THD stator current and the torque undulation is shown the significant advantages for the proposed machine. Keywords: Dual open-end stator windings synchronous machine, double star synchronous machine, power segmentation, availability. 1. Introduction The synchronous machines are widely used in industry, particularly the permanent magnet synchronous machines. These machines are essentially present for low and medium power. For the high powers, the wound rotor synchronous machines are mainly used in field of production of electrical energy [1]. Obviously, the association of the converters with these machines remains a problem because of the cutting frequency limitation. Several searches were carried out at levels of the converter in order to remedy this problem using the multilevel inverters with topology NPC, flying-capacitor and cascaded H-bridge inverter [2-6]. Other research has been presented the solutions at the levels of the stator windings structures such as multiphase machines and the multistar machines [7-15]. In recent years, the open-end winding machine which is proposed by Stemmler and Geggenbach [16] is presented in [17-20]. Next, the multiphase openend winding machine structure where five-phase open-end winding configuration is presented in [21]. Furthermore, the new publications have presented the novel machine structure which is three-phase dual open-end winding induction machine fed by four voltage source inverters [22-23]. This machine offers the power segmentation and improves the reliability and the availability of drive system. Especially, it increases the liberty degrees in degraded mode. Then, the authors present the novel structure of dual open-end stator windings synchronous machine «DOEWSM» with salient-pole wound rotor with damper windings. Such a stator windings structure is shown by figure 1. In the first part, the modelling of the dual three-phase open-end stator windings synchronous machine with damper windings is presented in Park (d, q) reference frame. The simulation model of the machine for voltage supply is implemented in Matlab Simulink environment. In the second part, the feeding of the machine by four three-phase 2-level inverters based on PWM control strategy is presented. The different obtained results of the THD voltage, THD stator current and the torque undulation are compared with the double star synchronous machine «DSSM». Finally, the influence of damper windings for «DOEWSM» is shown by the simulation results of speed and torque. 2. Modelling of the dual open-end windings wound rotor synchronous machine with dampers in Park reference frame Park transformation allows to reproduce the magnetic state created by the three-phase system at means of an equivalent two-phase system. Indeed, three phase stator magnitudes shifted of 120 ° (S11, S12, S13) and (S21, S22, S23) as shown by figure 2 are brought to the two-phase magnitudes in the reference frame of Park (d, q) rotating at the speed ωr which allows to remove the no-linearity. The winding rotor is not transformed. Figure 3 represents the model of the wound rotor synchronous machine with damper windings in the (d, q) reference frame. The developed model is based on the following assumptions: - The stator windings m.m.f is in sinusoidal space distribution. - The saturation of the magnetic circuit, the hysteresis and the eddy currents are neglected. - The skin effect that increases resistances and decreases inductances is neglected. The flux equations in matrix form on the axis (d, q): ψ LI (1) The voltage equations in the reference frame (d, q) are: V R I d ψ ψ dt (2) With: V Vsd11 Vsd12 I isd1 ψ ψsd1 isd2 ψsd2 Vsd21 Vsd22 isq1 isq2 ψsq1 Vsq11 Vsq12 T if i kd i kq ψsq2 ψf ψkd ψkq T Vsq21 Vsq22 Vf 0 0T L d Md 0 L 0 M fd M kd 0 Md Ld 0 0 0 Lq 0 0 Mq M fd M fd 0 M kd M kd 0 0 0 M kq 0 Mq Ld 0 0 M kq M fd M kd 0 0 0 M kq 0 0 M kq Lf Mf kd 0 M fkd L kd 0 R s 0 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 Rs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rs 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rf 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R kd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R kq 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (3) 0 0 L kq (4) (5) Where Rs is the resistance of the stator, Rf is the resistances of the excitation winding of rotor, Rkd, Rkq are the resistance of damper winding, and d- and q- axis respectively. Ld, Lq are the inductance of the stator, and d- and q- axis respectively. Lf is the inductance of the excitation winding of rotor. Md, Mq are the mutual inductance of the stator, and dand q- axis respectively. Mfd is the mutual inductance between stator d1,2-axis and excitation winding of rotor. Mfkd is the mutual inductance between damper winding and excitation winding of rotor. Mkd is the mutual inductance between stator d1,2-axis and dampers winding of rotor. Mkq is the mutual inductance between stator q1,2-axis and dampers winding of rotor. Mq is the mutual inductance between stator q1-axis and stator q2-axis. 3. Simulation model of the «DOEWSM» If the «DOEWSM» is supplied by four voltage sources, the mathematical current model is written in (d, q) reference frame (ωr= ωdq), and described by the following state equation representation: dX ( t ) A(, X( t ) [B].U( t ) dq dt Y( t ) C X( t ) (6) With: X(t) i i sd1 sd2 i sq1 i sq2 i i f i kd T : State vector kq U(t) Vsd11 Vsd12 Vsd21 Vsd22 Vsq11 Vsq12 Y(t) ψ ψ sd2 sd1 ψ ψ sq1 ψ sq2 f ψ kd ψ Vsq21 Vsq22 kq T Vf 0 0 T : Control vector : Output vector The functional diagram is given in Figure 4. The state matrix A is: d dt I A . I BV (7) With: A (R . L1 ω) (8) The matrix B is: B L1 (9) The matrix C is: C L With: (10) R sK1 R sK 2 r [A] 0 R f K3 R K kd 4 0 K1 K 2 0 1 [ L] 0 K 3 K 4 0 RK 0 0 s 1 r R (L L M2 ) R (M2 L M ) M s kq q kq s kq kq q kq 0 0 0 X (L M ) X (L M ) X 2 q q 2 q q 2 R (M2 L M ) R (L L M2 ) M s kq kq q s kq q kq kq 0 0 r X (L M ) X (L M ) X 2 q q 2 q q 2 R (2M M L ( L M )) R (M (L M ) 2M M )) f fd kd kd d d f fkd d d fd kd R K 0 0 0 f 3 X X 1 1 R ((L M ) M 2M 2 ) R (2M 2 L (L M )) kd d d fkd fd kd fd f d d R K 0 0 0 kd 4 X X 1 1 R M R M R (L M ) kq kq kq kq kq q q 0 0 0 X X X 2 2 2 RK s 2 r 0 R (L M M M ) s kd fd fkd kd X 1 R (L M M M ) s kd fd fkd kd X 1 R (L M M M ) s f kd fd fkd X 1 R (L M M M ) s f kd fd fkd X 1 0 K 0 0 0 1 (L L M 2 ) (M 2 L M ) M kq q kq kq kq q kq 0 0 0 X (L M ) X (L M ) X 2 q q 2 q q 2 (M 2 L M ) (L L M 2 ) M kq kq q kq q kq kq 0 0 0 X (L M ) X (L M ) X 2 q q 2 q q 2 2M M L ( L M ) M ( L M ) 2M M ) fd kd kd d d fkd d d fd kd K 0 0 0 3 X X 1 1 2 2 ( L M ) M 2M 2M L ( L M ) d d fkd fd fd f d d K 0 0 0 4 X X 1 1 M M (L M ) kq kq q q 0 0 0 X X X 2 2 2 K 2 0 0 L M M M kd fd fkd kd X 1 L M M M kd fd fkd kd X 1 L M M M f kd fd fkd X 1 L M M M f kd fd fkd X 1 2 2 X1 2Mfd (Lkd Mfkd ) Mfkd (Ld Md ) 2Mfd M kd (Lf Mfkd ) Lf (Lkd Md Ld Lkd ) X 2 2M 2kq L kq (L q M q ) K1 2 Ld (Lf L kd M fkd ) M fd ((M fkd L kd )M fd (M fkd Lf )M kd ) X1.(Ld M d ) K2 - 2 2 (L kd M fd M fkd (M fd M d M fkd M fd M kd ) Lf (L kd M d M fd M kd )) X1.( Ld M d ) K3 Mfd (L kd Mfkd ) ; X1 K4 Mfd (Lf Mfkd ) ; X1 0 The mechanical equation is given by the following relationship: d T T j f em r dt (11) And the general expression of the electromagnetic torque is: 3 p((L - L )(i i i i ) (M - M )(i i i i ) em 2 d q sd1 sq1 sd2 sq2 d q sd2 sq1 sd1 sq2 T (12) (i i )(M i M i ) - M i (i i )) sq1 sq2 fd f kd kd kq kq sd1 sd2 4. Supply of the machine by three-phase 2-level inverters The simulation model of the proposed machine is validated in Matlab Simulink environment. Each entry of stator winding is supplied by three-phase 2-level inverter, as shown by figure 5. We used carrier PWM for control inverters. The strategy PWM involves the use of six reference voltages of frequency fs = 50Hz, the three reference voltages (Vs11, Vs12 and Vs13) are shifted by 120° between them, also three other (Vs21, Vs22 and Vs23) are shifted by 120 ° between them, but the last three are shifted from to the first reference voltages by an angle 180°. These reference voltages are compared with carrier frequency fp for control the switching of devices in each inverter, as shown by figure 6. The reference voltage signals with carrier triangular for control inverters to supply the machine is shown by figure 7. Figure 8 shows the voltage (Vs11-Vs12), (Vs21-Vs22) and phase-to-phase voltage (UA) of stator windings A which is 3 levels to supply with two three-level inverters; same simulation results for the voltages of stator winding B. We used carrier PWM for control inverters with carrier frequency fp = 5000 Hz. With: VsA11, VsA12 and VsA13: simple voltage of inverter A1 VsA21, VsA22 and VsA23: simple voltage of inverter A2 VsB11, VsB12 and VsB13: simple voltage of inverter B1 VsB21, VsB22 and VsB23: simple voltage of inverter B2 (VsA11 - VsA12): pole voltage of inverter A1 (VsA21-VsA22): pole voltage of inverter A2 (VsB11 - VsB12): pole voltage of inverter B1 (VsB21 - VsB22): pole voltage of inverter B2 UA = (VsA11 - VsA12) - (VsA21 - VsA22): phase-to-phase voltage of stator winding A UB = (VsB11 - VsB12) - (VsB21 - VsB22): phase-to-phase of stator winding B We have also modeled and simulated the double star synchronous machine « DSSM » with damper winding to compare with the proposed machine. The evolution of the currents, speed and the torque Tem for the two machines for the power P = 40kW, are shown by figure 9. The following of operation, at t = 0s to t = 1s, the system has a starting cycle which the machine is working in no-load condition. At time t = 1s, the impact of torque Tr = 150Nm is applied. At time t = 2s, the no-load torque is applied. Figure 10 shows the waveformand the harmonic content of the phase-to-phase machine voltage with THD voltage = 70.06% of the machine «DSSM» and THD voltage = 44.05% of the machine «DOEWSM». We notice that the machine « DOEWSM » offers an extends the band-width, increase the level of voltage and better THD voltage. In order to analyze the torque undulations, we defined ΔTem by the expression: Tem TMax - Tmoy Tmoy 100 (13) Figure 11 shows the enlarging effect of the torque during the permanent mode for a load torque Tr = 150 Nm. The calculation of the undulation torque in a permanent regime is: For the machine« DSSM »: Tem 157.2 - 150 100 4.8 % 150 For the machine « DOEWSM »: Tem 152.7 - 150 100 1.8 % 150 The machine «DOEWSM» gives a better quality of the torque. The simulation results of stator current of the tow machine structures « DSSM » and « DOEWSM » during the starting and permanent mode is shown by figure 12. The zoom of evolution of stator current of the two machines in the permanent mode is given by figure 13. Figure 14 shows the waveform and the harmonic content of the stator current with THD current = 2.27 % of the machine «DSSM» and THD current = 0.65% of the machine «DOEWSM». The machine « DOEWSM » offers a better THD stator current and an extending the bandwidth. The enlarging of the bandwidth shown in figures 10 and 14 is due to the feeding of the machine by phase opposition voltages more precisely the PWM strategy in phase opposition used for the control of inverters A1 and A2, even for inverters B1 and B2. To view the influence of the proposed machine with damper windings, we also simulate the same machine without damper windings. Then, figure 15 shows the simulation results of speed and torque in starting mode when we note the decreases of the undulation of speed and torque for machine with dampers. The Table 1 summarizes the THD voltages (%), THD stator current (%) and torque undulation (%) for the two machine structures with P = 40kW and load torque Tr = 150 Nm. Also the power inverters for assuring the supply to each machine are shown in the table. The different results for THD voltage, THD stator current and torque undulations show the important advantage which presents the dual open-end windings synchronous machine. Furthermore, the novel dual open-end winding synchronous machine is good solution for the power segmentation because the feeding of this machine by four inverters. Each inverter is dimensioned to a quarter power of the machine. The characteristics of the synchronous machine is shown by the Table 2. 5. Conclusion The modeling is presented which describes the operation of the salient-pole wound rotor dual open-end stator winding synchronous machine with damper windings fed by four 2-level inverters based on PWM control strategy. The simulation results of the dual three-phase open-end winding synchronous machine compared with the double star synchronous machine using the THD voltage, THD stator current and torque undulation allow to: increase the level of machine voltage, give best torque quality, improve THD voltage and THD stator current of the machine as well as extend the bandwidth. This machine structure presents the significant advantage for power segmentation. Indeed, the dimensioning of each inverter is reduced to a quarter power of the machine. This structure requires four transfomers with reduced power (P/4). 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THD voltages (%), undulations of torque (%) and power inverters Nominal power P Speed n Resistance of stator Rs Resistance of wound rotor Resistance of damper Rkd Resistance of damper Rkq Inductance of stator Ld Rf 40 kW 1500 rpm 0.5Ω 0.643Ω. 0.45747Ω 0.41637Ω 29.85mH Inductance of stator Lq 14.87mH Inductance of rotor 30.89mH Lf Inductance of damper Lkd 30.981mH Inductance of damper Lkq 15.882mH Mutual inductance of stator 1 and 2 Md 28.89mH Mutual inductance of stator 1 and 2 Mq 28.89mH Mutual inductance between stator 1, 2 and rotor Mfd 28.89mH Mutual inductance between damper axis d and rotor Mfkd 28.89mH Mutual inductance between stator 1, 2 and dampers axis d Mkd 28.89mH Mutual inductance between stator 1, 2 and dampers axis q Mkq 13.81mH Inertia moment J 0.1 kg m² Viscous force f 0.001N.m.s/rad Table 2. The characteristics of the synchronous machine I 2 b1 a2 b2 θ a1 Vf c1 c2 I 2 I 2 Vs A13 Vs A12 Vs A11 Vs B11 Vs B12 Vs B13 Entry A1 Vs A23 Entry B1 Vs A22 Vs A21 Entry A2 Vs B21 Vs B22 Vs B23 Entry B2 Figure 1. Voltage supply of the dual three-phase open-end windings synchronous machine «DOEWSM». D S12 VsB12- VsB22 S22 UkD=0 VsA12- VsA22 Uf Q θ UkQ=0 S21 γ VsB11- VsB21 S11 VsA11- VsA21 VsA13- VsA23 VsB13- VsB23 S13 S23 Figure 2. Three-phase system of the dual three-phase open-end windings synchronous machine with damper windings S11 S21 γ d θ Uf Ukd=0 Vsd21–Vd22 Vd11–Vd12 Vq11 –Vq12 Vq21 –Vq22 Ukd=0 q Figure 3. Representation of the machine in the (d, q) reference frame. [UA1 ] [UA2 ] [UB1 ] [UB2 ] + - [UA] + - [UB] [B] + [X] + [Y] [C] [Uf] [A] Figure 4. Functional diagram of the synchronous machine «DOEWSM». Inverter A1 T11 T12 Inverter A2 I 2 T13 I 2 T23 T22 T21 E/2 E/2 b1 T’11 T’12 T’23 T’13 T’22 T’21 b2 a2 θ a1 Vf c1 Inverter B1 T11 T12 T13 I 2 Salient-poles «DOEWSM» with dampers Inverter B2 c2 I 2 T23 T22 T21 E/2 E/2 T’11 T’12 T’13 T’23 T’22 Figure 5. Supply« DOEWSM » by four three-phase 2-level inverters. T’21 Triangular Signal Vref 11 = VMax sin (2 fs t) + Vref 12 + T11 T’11 T12 T’12 For inverters A1 and B1 T13 Vref 13 + T’13 Vref 21 = VMax sin (2 fst) + ) T21 + Vref 22 + T’21 T22 For inverters T’22 A2 and B2 Vref 23 T23 + T’23 Figure 6. Principle of the PWM sine triangle. Vref 11 Vref 12 Vref 13 Vref 21 Vref 22 Vref 23 Time (s) Time (s) Figure 7. Reference voltages with a triangular signal for control inverters Voltage (V) Voltage (V) Voltage (V) Voltage (V) Voltage (V) Voltage (V) Voltage (V) Voltage (V) Voltage (V) Voltage (V) Voltage (V) Voltage (V) VsA11 – VsA12 (V) VsA21 – VsA22 (V) UA (V) VsB11 – VsB12 (V) VsB21 – VsB22 (V) UB (V) Time (s) Figure 8. Pole voltage inverters and phase-to-phase machine voltage Isd1 (A) Current (A) Isd1 (A) Isd2 (A) Isq1 (A) Isq1 (A) Isq2 (A) Isq2 (A) Current (A) Current (A) Current (A) Isd2 (A) If (A) Current (A) If (A) Ikd(A) Current (A) Ikd(A) Speed (rpm) Speed (rpm) Speed (rpm) Tem (Nm) Torque (Nm) Tem (Nm) Time (s) (a) « DSSM » Time (s) (b) « DOEWSM » Figure 9. Evolution of the currents, speed and torque U1 (V) Vs11-Vs12 (V) 500 500 0 0 -500 -500 2.06 2.065 2.07 Time (s) 2.06 2.075 2.075 100 Mag (% of Fundamental) Mag (% of Fundamental) 2.07 Time (s) Fundamental (50Hz) = 453.3 , THD= 44.05% Fundamental (50Hz) = 460.6 , THD= 70.06% 150 100 50 0 2.065 80 60 40 20 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Harmonic order 300 350 400 0 (a) «DSSM» 50 100 150 200 250 Harmonic order 300 350 400 (b) «DOEWSM» Figure 10. Waveform and harmonic ration of machine voltage Tem (Nm) Tem (Nm) (a) «DSSM» Time (s) (b) «DOEWSM» Time (s) Figure 11. Enlarging effect of the waveform torque. (a) «DSSM» Time (s) (b) «DOEWSM» Time (s) Figure 12. Evolution of the stator currents during the starting and permanent mode Time (s) (a) «DSSM» Time (s) (b) «DOEWSM» Figure 13. Evolution of the current during the permanent mode Is11 (A) Is11 (A) 50 50 0 0 -50 1.952 1.954 1.956 1.958 -50 1.952 1.954 1.956 1.958 1.96 1.962 1.964 1.966 1.968 1.97 Time (s) Fundamental (50Hz) = 50.36 , THD= 0.65% Mag (% of Fundamental) Mag (% of Fundamental) Fundamental (50Hz) = 50.17 , THD= 2.27% 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Harmonic order 300 1.96 1.962 1.964 1.966 1.968 1.97 Time (s) 350 400 (a) «DSSM» 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Harmonic order 300 350 400 (b) «DOEWSM» Figure 14. Waveform and harmonic ration of stator current. Speed (rpm) Tem (Nm) Tem (Nm) Torque (Nm) Speed (rpm) Speed (rpm) Time (s) (a) Evolution of speed and torque without damper Time (s) (b) Evolution of speed and torque with damper Figure 15. Influence of the dampers for the « DOEWSM »