SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCE SALMONELLA AND OTHER PATHOGENS IN YOUR PLANT 1,2 Amplon™ is a uniquely formulated buffered sulfuric acid that can help reduce pathogens at multiple processing stages. It provides the antimicrobial benefits of a strong acid, while minimizing organoleptic damage and risk to personnel and equipment. The product is brought to you by Zoetis (zo-EH-tis), the global leader in animal health, now providing you with innovative post-harvest food safety solutions. In addition to vaccines, medicines and other animal health products, Zoetis now offers scientifically advanced food safety products to provide farm-to-fork solutions for meat and poultry production. EFFECTIVE AND ECONOMICAL Amplon is approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for use as an antimicrobial, acidifier and processing aid in water used in poultry processing. 3 Product benefits include: »» Made with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) ingredients4 »» Easy handling at low pH »» No off-gassing »» No significant organoleptic damage »» Simple to install, use and maintain »» Can be used at all intervention stages »» Effective against Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Salmonella spp. 3,5 »» More cost-effective than lactic acid »» Minimally impacted by organic load; can be recycled »» May be applied as a spray or dip3 WHEN USED AT EVERY INTERVENTION STAGE, AMPLON™ SIGNIFICANTLY (P < 0.05) REDUCED AEROBIC PLATE COUNT (APC)1 A study 1 was performed at a processing plant to evaluate the effects of Amplon at multiple intervention stages (Figure 1). Carcasses were gathered at post-pick, post-New York rinse (NYR), pre-online reprocessing (OLR), post OLR, post-chill and post-finishing chiller. Carcass rinses were sent to an independent lab for analysis. ANTIMICROBIAL INTERVENTION — FIRST PROCESSING FIGURE 1. Amplon was applied at PAA + CENTROL™ FRESH WATER evisceration, online reprocessing (OLR), chillers and post-chillers. AMPLON The solution from the OLR and AMPLON VIA DIP TANK MIXER post-chiller was recycled to the New York rinse (NYR). MIXER MIXER PICKERS NYR REHANG EVIS IOBW POST CHILL OLR SCALDERS CHILLERS RECYCLE RESULTS At each stage, Amplon was effective at reducing APC, E. coli and Salmonella. APC BIOMAP 6 5 FIGURE 2. From post-pick to DAY 2 post-finishing chiller, Amplon delivered a significant (P < 0.05) 4 LOG DAY 1 2-log APC reduction. 3 2 1 0 POST-PICK POST-NYR PRE-OLR POST-OLR POST-CHILL POST-FINISHING CHILLER KEY POINTS Amplon: »» Can be used as part of a multiple intervention strategy »» Produced a significant (P < 0.05) APC reduction when used at every intervention stage »» Works by modifying pH rather than oxidizing, so can be recycled at other points in the intervention process 2 AMPLON™ SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED SALMONELLA WHEN USED AT OLR2 Another study2 was performed at three different plants to determine the efficacy of Amplon at the online reprocessing stage. Whole bird carcass rinses were collected under normal conditions from visibly contaminated (VF) and not visibly contaminated (VU) carcasses, and tested for APC, E. coli and the presence of Salmonella spp. INTERACTION OF CARCASS CONDITION WITH SAMPLING LOCATION FOR ALL PLANTS APC E. COLI Sampling Location Carcass Condition a,b FIGURE 3. With OLR intervention, Sampling Location Pre-OLR Post-OLR TOTAL Visibly Contaminated (VF) 4.03 3.15 3.59a Not Visibly Contaminated (VU) 3.92 3.15 3.53a TOTAL 3.98a 3.15b Carcass Condition Amplon reduced APC and E. coli Pre-OLR Post-OLR TOTAL Visibly Contaminated (VF) 2.18x 1.43x 1.81 Not Visibly Contaminated (VU) 1. 98y 1.43z 1.70 TOTAL 2.08 1.43 on carcasses. Interaction means with different superscripts differed (P < 0.05). Main effect means within a total column or row with different superscripts differed (P < 0.05). x,y,z RESULTS APC results demonstrate the plants achieved control and total bacterial load did not increase. PERCENT SALMONELLA-POSITIVE PERCENTAGE OF SALMONELLA-POSITIVE CARCASSES PRE- AND POST-OLR AT THREE PROCESSING FACILITIES a,b 25 24.50a 20 Pre-OLR FIGURE 4. When Amplon was used Post-OLR at OLR, there was a significant reduction in carcasses testing 15 positive for Salmonella post-OLR: 14.50b 11.43 10 7.61 Of 1,190 samples, 68 tested a positive pre-OLR and 34 tested a 5.71b 5 2.02a 0 1.51 b 1.02a PLANT 1 positive post-OLR. PLANT 2 PLANT 3 OVERALL Means within the same processing locale with different superscripts differed (P < 0.05). KEY POINTS Amplon: »» Significantly decreased the percentage of carcasses testing positive for Salmonella when used between pre- and post-OLR »» Helps control APC, E. coli and Salmonella regardless of organic load coming into the system 3 MAKE THE CHANGE TO AN EFFECTIVE ANTIMICROBIAL THAT’S EASIER TO HANDLE. TO LEARN HOW ZOETIS CAN HELP, CONTACT YOUR ZOETIS REPRESENTATIVE OR VISIT WWW.ZOETISUS.COM/FOODSAFETY. Data on file. University of Georgia research study, 2012, Zoetis Inc. Data on file. Study Report No. 10 OLR 0514-N-A, Zoetis Inc. U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service. FSIS directive 7120.1, revision 18: Safe and suitable ingredients used in the production of meat, poultry and egg products. Available at: Accessed September 18, 2014. 4 Food and Drug Administration. Agency response letter GRAS notice no. GRN 000408. Available at: ucm300519.htm. Accessed September 18, 2014. 5 Data on file, Study Report No. 06-14-70AQO, Zoetis Inc. 1 2 3 All trademarks are the property of Zoetis Inc., its affiliates and/or its licensors. ©2014 Zoetis Inc. All rights reserved. ZP130491