LaTeX Math Mode (I) LaTeX Math Mode (II) AMS: American Mathematical Society Math Mode Display Styles: AMS-LaTeX is part of all recent LaTeX distributions Text Style: Inline (within a paragraph) AMS-LaTeX is divided into two parts: amscls: AMS "document class" files → give a LaTeX document the general structure and appearance of an AMS article or book. amsmath: extension package for LaTeX → provides various features to facilitate writing math formulas and to improve the typographical quality of their output. Enhancements for the LaTeX Math Mode Display Style: Typeset separately (in its own line) Inline: Enter and Leave Math Mode with '$': text mode $ math mode $ text mode Display Style: equation environment: text mode \begin{equation} math mode \end{equation} text mode \usepackage{amsmath} Publishing / LaTeX Math Mode Font size is adapted to the height of the current line and the height of the current line is adapted to the size of the mathematical expression! Use only for small expressions. Slide 1 Publishing / LaTeX Math Mode LaTeX Math Mode (III) LaTeX Math Mode (IV) Subscripts and Superscripts are set with '_' and '^' : x_i x^k x_i^k x^k_i xi xk x ki x ki x_{i^j} xi i x xi x^{i^j} x x_{i_j} x^{i_j} Pre-Defined Function Names: \arccos \arcsin \cot \arg \sinh \sec j j j ij Order is important, group objects with curly brackets. \cos \cosh \det \coth \sup \sin \csc \deg \hom \dim \tan \max \exp \ln \lim \inf \tanh ... \limsup \arctan \log \liminf \min The names of these functions are typeset upright (not italics) Common Mistakes: Subscripts are placed directly under the name instead of right of its base point: x_i_i x^j^j Error Message: Double subscript $x_i_ Publishing / LaTeX Math Mode Slide 3 LaTeX Math Mode (V) \max_i max max_i maxi i Publishing / LaTeX Math Mode Slide 4 LaTeX Math Mode – Equations (I) Text in Math Mode: \text{} Equation Environment: $\forall for all \text{for all}$ Typeset a separated equation ∀ for all for all Math Mode is activated automatically Greek Letters: Equation can be numbered and labeled $\alpha, \beta, \ldots$ , , $\ldots, \Psi, \Omega$ , , Formulas are typeset in 'DisplayStyle' Text \begin{equation} v = \frac{v_0}{\sqrt{ 1 - \gamma^2 }} \end{equation} Text Fractions: size depends on context $\frac{z}{n} \dfrac{z}{n}$ Text \begin{equation} \frac{z}{n} \tfrac{z}{n} \end{equation} Text Publishing / LaTeX Math Mode Slide 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Slide 5 Publishing / LaTeX Math Mode Slide 6 LaTeX Math Mode – Equations (II) LaTeX Math Mode – Equations (III) Equation over multiple lines: 'eqnarray' AMS Multiple Equations: There are several environments for equations defined in AMSMath: align, flalign, split, multiple, ... Two alignment points, set with '&' Terms are aligned right in the first part, centered in the middle, and aligned to the left on the last part Newline command: '\\' \begin{align} x_{k+1} & = x_k + \Phi(t_k, x_k) \nonumber \\ & = x_k + h \cdot f(t_k, x_k) \\ & = x_k + h \cdot \lambda \cdot e^{x_k} \end{align} \begin{eqnarray} x_{k+1} & = & x_k + \Phi(t_k, x_k) \nonumber \\ ~ & = & x_k + h \cdot f(t_k, x_k) \\ ~ & = & x_k + h \cdot \lambda \cdot e^{x_k} \end{eqnarray} Publishing / LaTeX Math Mode Slide 7 Publishing / LaTeX Math Mode LaTeX Math Mode – Arrays (I) Slide 8 LaTeX Math Mode – Arrays (II) Arrays Matrices Rectangular environments with individual cells, like tables Matrices can be built from Arrays by adding parentheses Cell-divisor: '&' Parentheses on the left side are introduced with '\left', on the right side with '\right': Row/Line-divisor: '\\' Horizontal alignment in each column: r(ight), c(enter), l(eft) Alignment specifier determines number of columns! The number must not be exceeded! \begin{equation} \begin{array}{lcr} a & = & 1 \\ b+c & = & 2 \\ d & = & a + b \end{array} \end{equation} Publishing / LaTeX Math Mode \left) \right[ Slide 9 LaTeX Math Mode – Arrays (III) Publishing / LaTeX Math Mode Slide 10 LaTeX Math Mode – Arrays (IV) AMS Matrices: \begin{equation} \left( \begin{array}{ccc} a_{1,1} & a_{1,2} & \ldots \\ a_{2,1} & a_{2,2} & \ldots \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots \end{array} \right) \end{equation} The AMSMath Package defines several matrix types, e.g.: matrix → no delimiters pmatrix → round parentheses bmatrix → brackets Vmatrix → double vertical lines \begin{equation} |x| := \left\{ \begin{array}{rl} -x & \text{if } x < 0 \\ x & \text{if } x \geq 0 \end{array} \right. \end{equation} Publishing / LaTeX Math Mode Normal parentheses: \left( \right) Curly parentheses (must be escaped!): \left\{ \right\} Brackets (must not be escaped!): \left[ \right] Invisible: \left. \right. Of course, closing parentheses can be used an the left and opening parentheses on the right side: Columns Alignments can be omitted. \begin{equation} \begin{pmatrix} 4 & -1 & 0 \\ -1 & 4 & -1 \\ 0 & -1 & 4 \end{pmatrix} \end{equation} Slide 11 Publishing / LaTeX Math Mode Slide 12 German Umlaute Example: dinbrief (I) \usepackage[german]{babel} \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{dinbrief} \usepackage{ngerman} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} „deutsche Anführungszeichen” \begin{document} Umlaute: \”a , \”A , \”o , \”O , \”u , \”U %%% \subject{Betreff-Vermerk des Briefes} \backaddress{Die Rücksendeadresse oben im Anschriftfenster} \signature{die gedruckte Unterschrift, über der man i.d.R. per Hand unterzeichnet} \Datum{ \today } \address{Name des Absenders \\ Straße \\ Postleitzahl und Ort des Absenders} %%% Scharfes-S: \ss \usepackage{german} \usepackage{ngerman} %%% Dies ist übrigens ein Befehl: \begin{letter}{Adresse} \begin{letter} {Anschriftfeld: Name \\ Straße \par PLZ-Ort} \opening{Anrede: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,} hier kommt der Text! \closing{Grußformel: Mit freundlichen Grüßen} \encl{Die Anlage} \end{letter} %%% Umlaute: ”a , ”A , ”o , ”O , ”u , ”U Scharfes-S: ”s \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} ä,Ä,ö,Ö,ü,Ü,ß \end{document} Publishing / LaTeX Slide 13 Publishing / LaTeX LaTeX Beamer Class (I) Slide 14 LaTeX Beamer Class (II) LaTeX Beamer Class Package to create presentations to be held using a projector. Was developed for a PhD presentation (2003). Document: Sections and sub-sections (of pages) Frames ( ~ Slides ) Aspect ratio 4:3 Components of a frame: Is now the dominant latex package for presentations. Advantages: Headline and Footline Left and right sidebar Navigation bar/symbols Themes: change the whole appearance of your presentation with a single parameter. Logo Characteristics determined by theme Frame title Easily usable overlays and dynamic effects. Background Highly configurable. Content Usually included in the LaTeX distribution. LaTeX / Beamer Slide 15 LaTeX / Beamer LaTeX Beamer Class (III) Slide 16 LaTeX Beamer Class (IV) Themes: Our own style (corporate identity): Most are named after cities, usually because a conference was held there. \usetheme[footline=infoline,headline=secheader]{UPB} Colors (“color theme”) can be changed independently. Some examples: Madrid Copenhagen AnnArbor LaTeX / Beamer Slide 17 LaTeX / Beamer Slide 18 LaTeX Beamer Class (V) LaTeX Beamer Class (VI) Useful global setting Mathematical environments: Disable navigational symbols: \beamertemplatenavigationsymbolsempty definition, lemma, theorem, proof \begin{theorem}[Pythagoras] $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$ \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Trivial. \end{proof} Sectioning: \section[short]{long} \subsection[short]{long} Multiple columns: (vertical subdividing) \begin{columns} \column{.55\textwidth} \pgfimage[width=\textwidth]{image} \column{.45\textwidth} \begin{enumerate} \item First item \item Last item \end{enumerate} \end{columns} LaTeX / Beamer Slide 19 LaTeX / Beamer LaTeX Beamer Class (VII) Slide 20 LaTeX Beamer Class (VIII) Blocks Meta-Information A block of text with a heading. \title[short title]{long title} \subtitle[short subtitle]{long subtitle} \begin{block}{title} text \end{block} \author[J. Smith]{James Smith} \institute[short]{Institute\\ University} \begin{exampleblock}{title} text \end{exampleblock} \date[26.05.06]{26. Mai 2006} \titlegraphic{\includegraphics[width=2cm,height=2cm] {logo}} Needs file logo.eps/ps/pdf or have to \DeclareGraphicsExtension{...} \begin{alertblock}{title} text \end{alertblock} \begin{document} \begin{frame}[t] \maketitle \end{frame} LaTeX / Beamer Slide 21 LaTeX / Beamer LaTeX Beamer Class (IX) Frames Slide 22 LaTeX Beamer Class (X) Guidelines for designing frames: optional \begin{frame}[Overlay-Actions][Options]{Title}{Subtitle} Content \end{frame} Start with a subtitle for your slide. Topics on frames should be self-consistent. Avoid long sentences Overlay-Actions Successively build up a frame on several slides: <+-> Options Use bullet points and numbered lists! Choose large text sizes. Guideline: ~ 10 lines per frame. Audience in the last row must read it, too. Avoid too many colors and different fonts and sizes. Frame alignment: b(ottom), c(enter), t(op) plain: Don't show headline, footer, sidebar squeeze: Shrink left and right borders To support, not to distract. Don't use italics, use bold face or color to highlight. label=name: Set a name for later reference Use pictures to express complex concepts. LaTeX / Beamer Slide 23 LaTeX / Beamer Slide 24