Agency Program Directory - United Way of Dane County

East Madison Headstart
United Way
Agency Program Directory
United Way of Dane County • 2059 Atwood Avenue • PO Box 7548 • Madison, WI 53707-7548
Ph: (608) 246-4350 •
Ensuring Results:
Your Contributions At Work
Your unrestricted gifts, volunteer support
and other resources are strategically invested
in effective, research-based programs and
initiatives right here in Dane County.
These Agenda for Change investments
reduce and eliminate the underlying causes
of problems in the three priority areas
of Education, Safety and Health so that
people’s lives are changed.
• Students succeed academically
and graduate from high school,
regardless of race.
• Children are cared for and have
fun as they become prepared
for school.
• There is a decrease in family
• There is a reduction in violence
toward individuals and families.
• People’s health issues are
identified and treated early.
• Seniors and people with
disabilities are able to stay in
their homes.
United Way engages
our community,
mobilizes volunteers
and strengthens
local nonprofits to
achieve measurable
results and change
United Way of Dane County • 2059 Atwood Avenue • PO Box 7548 • Madison, WI 53707-7548
(608) 246-4350 •
United Way
Since 1995, United Way, in collaboration with other community
partners, has focused on improving the academic achievement of
students of color and narrowing the gap between African American,
Hispanic, Asian and Native American students and their white
peers. The collaboration includes a significant tutoring effort to help
elementary students learn to read at grade level by third grade.
Contact: Kathy Hubbard, (608) 246-4373,
At United Way of Dane County, our objective is results. We invest
the community’s charitable contributions to yield meaningful,
sustainable change in the quality of lives and communities. United
Way of Dane County is actively developing new partnerships in the
areas of decreasing homelessness, developing our youth and adults
as leaders in the community and ensuring accessible services
for our seniors and persons with disabilities. The initiatives listed
are those in place at the time this publication was created.
In partnership with Oscar Mayer/Kraft Foods, the Dane County
Youth Commission and the City of Madison, a committee
of Dane County high school students meets each year from
October through April. These students develop guidelines and
priorities for programs they wish to fund, compose a request
for proposals, review written proposals from a variety of youth
groups, and make funding recommendations for youth initiatives.
Contact: Lauren Martin, (608) 246-5488,
Beginning in 2008, United Way of Dane County launched the Born
Learning initiative with a focus on increasing the percentage
of children entering kindergarten with the skills needed to be
successful in school. This will be accomplished through screenings
at critical stages of their development, identifying and providing
interventions for developmental delays at an early stage, as
well as providing caregivers with information and support about
appropriate development (birth to 5) and what they can do to
encourage that development. Our Mobile Play and Learn is one
of the strategies being used to reach family, friend and neighbor
caregivers with support and critical information on how to help their
children develop the appropriate skills to be ready to start school.
Contact: Kathy Hubbard, (608) 246-4373,
The Housing in Action Leadership Team (HALT), led by United Way,
is focused on decreasing homelessness and increasing affordable
housing. With representatives from government, banking, real
estate, education and the non-profit sector, this diverse group is
combining their knowledge, skills and resources to tackle these
important issues. Their mobilization plan is instituting strategies
focused on landlord and tenant connections, financial counseling,
food access and direct access to permanent housing. Through
these efforts and others we can reduce the number of homeless
families with minor children in Dane County by 50% in five years.
Contact: Martha Cranley, (608) 246-4353,
In 2008, United Way of Dane County launched the Achievement
Connections initiative with a focus on reducing the truancy
rate in Dane County schools and increasing the high school
graduation rate. Our pilot communities, Oregon and Middleton/
Cross Plains, began the 2008-2009 school year implementing
strategies that screen and treat middle school students for
mental health issues, support parents in their struggles to help
their children and bring volunteer tutors/graduation mentors to
the children who need that support starting in the sixth grade.
We added the Madison Metropolitan School District in 2010.
Contact: Angela Jones, (608) 246-4376,
In 2013, in response to the MMSD data on chronic absenteeism the
HERE! Advisory Council was established in partnership with MMSD
to research the issue of chronic absenteeism and develop strategies
to improve attendance, particularly at the kindergarten level.
Contact: Angela Jones, (608) 246-4376,
This initiative, which began in 2005, strives to prevent prisoners
who have completed their sentences and are coming home to Dane
County from reoffending and returning to prison. Through the REST
strategies —residency, employment, support and treatment—
this effort has significantly reduced the recidivism percentages
for those prisoners that stay involved with the program. Contact:
Angela Jones, (608) 246-4376
This initiative aims to keep seniors safe, healthy, and independent
by reducing the rate of adverse drug events (ADEs) and falls by
15% by 2015. Falls and adverse drug events are found to be the two
triggers of functional decline of aging adults. The Safe and Healthy
Aging initiative is comprised of four strategies, with identification
and assessment of ADEs being the key strategy, that bring
together health care providers, community-based pharmacists,
social service providers, caregivers, media, and United Way 211.
Contact: Toya Johnson, (608) 246-5499
New collaboration that aims to increase the number of
people with a GED/HSED and find employment. HIRE
involves nine different agencies that help individuals
ages 18+ find and maintain employment.
Contact: Angela Jones, (608) 246-4376
United Way 2-1-1 is a 24-hour, 365-day, free and confidential
telephone information and referral service for people in
Dane County who are in need of help or who want to give
help. More than 2,400 social-service agencies, food pantries
and other organizations are part of the 2-1-1 database.
The Nonprofit Leadership and Organizational Excellence Assessment
Tool helps agencies identify their areas of strength and those
areas that need attention/development. Once the assessment is
completed, United Way partner agencies may request a volunteer
consultant through Madison Area Business Consultants to help with
identified organizational needs. The purpose of this service is to
help agencies strengthen staff, volunteers and internal systems.
Contact: Burlie Williams, (608) 246-4390,
Contact: Kathy Martinson, (608) 246-4356,
Through the United Way Volunteer Center, community needs are
addressed by matching adults, youth, families, employee teams
and groups with hundreds of registered volunteer opportunities.
These opportunities are also available online through United Way
of Dane County’s website, Once
you are on the website, use the left-side menu to click on Get
Involved, and then VolunteerYourTime to be taken to this interactive
site. The Volunteer Center also works with agencies to ensure
there are appropriate and meaningful volunteer opportunities.
Organized Labor and United Way of Dane County have a more than
50-year partnership through the AFL-CIO Community Services
Liaison program. Working closely with the South Central Federation
of Labor, traditional outreach is done in areas of volunteerism,
the annual campaign, information/ referral, education/training
opportunities, and building coalitions with the greater community.
Contact: Burlie Williams, (608) 246-4390,
Contact: Ann McNeary, (608) 246-4355,
Reach Out and Read
ROR is based on a national program that promotes early
literacy and school readiness during a well child exam by
physicians giving new books to young children and advice to
parents about the importance of reading aloud thus providing
an opportunity to help promote children’s developmental skills,
helping them to develop a love of reading at a young age.
Access to Independence, Inc.
3810 Milwaukee St • Madison, WI 53714
(608) 242-8484 (Voice)
$42,148 Health
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Service Coordination
Provides service coordination, skills training, peer support,
and advocacy for deaf or hard of hearing individuals.
Access Community Health Centers
2901 W Beltline Hwy Ste 120 • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 443-5500 (Voice)
Allocated Amount: $331,289
Health and Education
Independent Living Services
A wide array of services for people with physical disabilities that
enable them to live independently in their homes and become
fully-functioning members of our community. Services provided
include housing location, peer support, referral to other community
services and resources, access to volunteer opportunities,
assistive technology, advocacy and living skills training.
Access to Dental Care
Provides comprehensive dental services to uninsured and
low-income individuals and families in Dane County.
Agrace HospiceCare, Inc.
Access to Primary Health Care
Provides comprehensive birth-to-death primary health
care services to uninsured and low-income individuals
and families in Dane County towards the goal of improving
health outcomes of patients served by ACHC.
5395 E Cheryl Pkwy • Madison, WI 53711
(608) 276-4660 (Voice)
$172,062 Health
Celebrate Smiles
Focuses on providing training, support, education, and community
referral(s) to caregivers who are caring for individuals at the end
of their lives. Caregiving is extremely stressful and emotionally/
physically challenging. Providing care for someone who is
terminally ill or has an advance illness can be a very profound
experience and an opportunity for growth, meaning and purpose.
Caregiver Training
Provides preventative oral health services to children in the Madison
Metropolitan School District and other Dane County school districts.
Front Line Mental Health Care
Integrated Mental Health Services is a problem-focused treatment
model to improve access to mental health care for the thousands
of low-income patients served annually by the center.
Children’s Bereavement
Provides grief support to children and teens throughout Dane
County. The goal of the program is for children and teens to find
healthy ways to cope with their grief and sucessfully integrate
back into normal activities of their daily lives at home, school
and in the community.
Give Kids a Smile
1202 Northport Drive • Madison, WI 53704
(608) 242-6508(Voice)
Provides comprehensive oral health care to low income
children who receive school-based screening and appropriate
referral to follow-up care provided by volunteer dentists.
AIDS Network, Inc.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dane County
600 Williamson St Ste H • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 252-6540 (Voice)
$26,044 Health
2059 Atwood Ave #2 • Madison, WI 53704
(608) 661-5437 (Voice)
$242,010 Education
AIDS Dental Program
Community Mentoring
Matches children who may be at risk with long-term adult
volunteers. A successful match enhances the child’s
school performance, self-esteem, peer relationships
and ability to deal with social/cultural pressures.
Designed to improve the quality of life for and health of
HIV+ individuals. The clinic will provide services that are:
Accessible, acceptable, accountable, comprehensive,
coordinated, continuous, and affordable. Comprehensive
dental services will be integrated with targeted case/care
management service, in collaboration with the University of
Wisconsin Hospitols and Clinics HIV Clinic and Dean Clinic.
School Friends
In partnership with the Madison Metropolitan School District
and the Sun Prairie Area School District provides a schoolbased program in which caring mentors meet with individually
matched students at school for an hour a week (same time
and location every week) throughout the academic year. Focus
is on improving academics and self-esteem/confidence.
American Heart Association, Inc.
2850 Dairy Dr Ste 300 • Madison, WI 53718
(608) 221-8866 (Voice)
Boys & Girls Club of Dane County, Inc.
2001 Taft St • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 257-2606 (Voice)
$178,211 Education
American Red Cross, Badger Chapter
4860 Sheboygan Ave • Madison, WI 53705
(608) 233-9300 (Voice)
$221,995 Safety
Elementary After School
Offers children K-5 afterschool programs in recreation, arts
education, tutoring, music education and drop-in activities.
Disaster Response
Helps Dane County residents avoid, prepare for and cope with
natural disasters. The program provides immediate disaster relief
consisting of shelter, food, clothing, counseling services, first
aid, medical services and other basic human services for survival
and comfort.
Middle/High School After School (Taft and Allied)
Offers recreational, educational, social, and cultural programs
to youth in the 6th-12th grades (SMART Moves, Act SMART and
Sports Leagues). Includes career exploration program services to
give teens an educational experience and exposure to professional
mentors (Broader Horizons, One With One, and Goals for Growth.
ARC Community Services, Inc.
Teens of Promise
AVID/TOPS is an integrated, research-based, academically rigorous
in-school and out-of-classroom partnership. It incorporates two
successful programs that produce 100% high school graduation
rates, increased academic achievement among low income and
students of color, and high rates of post-secondary enrollment.
2001 W Beltline Hwy Ste 102 • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 278-2300 (Voice)
$50,735 Education, Safety
ARC Center for Women and Children
This program helps mothers and their children redefine and develop
new relationships while the mother changes her lifestyle to one
without alcohol and drugs. United Way supports staff working
with children while their mothers make these adjustments.
Provides evidence based AODA and Behavioral/Mental Health
services primarily to residents in the Allied Drive area.
Cambridge Area Youth Center
Catholic Charities, Inc., Diocese of
211 South St • Cambridge, WI 53523
(608) 423-8045 (Voice)
$9,470 Education
702 S High Point Rd • Madison, WI 53719
(608) 821-3100 (Voice)
$647,658 Health
Youth Center
Adult Services
P.O. Box 54 • Cambridge, WI 53523
(608) 423-8045 (Voice)
A drop-in activity and resource center for middle school youth
grades six through eight in the Cambridge School District. The
center offers afterschool and summer activities at no cost to
participants and is designed to provide a positive, safe harbor
for youth at an age when they are particularly vulnerable to
the dangers of drugs, alcohol and other negative influences.
2917 International Lane • Madison, WI 53704
(608) 240-0020 (Voice)
Supports day services and therapeutic activity for frail and disabled
elderly persons in downtown Madison, West side and rural areas.
The program’s supportive services enable participants to maximize
their strengths, assist and support caregivers, relieve social
isolation and prevent costly institutionalization (nursing home care).
An adult day program and support for elderly persons diagnosed
as having Alzheimer’s disease is also provided. A monthly support
group meeting for caregivers is an integral part of the program.
Canopy Center, Inc.
Caregiver Training
1457 E Washington Ave Ste 102 • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 241-4888 (Voice)
$130,461 Health, Safety
426 S Yellowstone Drive Ste 100 • Madison, WI 53719
(608) 833-4800 (Voice)
Teaches essential day-to-day caregiving skills that include
infection control, moving/lifting/transferring techniques, skin
care, minimizing falls and incontinence care. Participants also
receive helpful information about community supportive services.
Families United Network
Offers a support and parenting skill-building program for parents
at-risk of committing child abuse. The program consists of support
groups for parents, structured child care, a program for children
who are at-risk or have been abused and a children’s support group.
Companion Care
426 S Yellowstone Drive Ste 100 • Madison, WI 53719
(608) 833-4800 (Voice)
Provides in-home companionship for person 55+
living alone or with family. Provides transportation
and light housekeeping services and exercise.
OASIS - Family Sexual Abuse Treatment Program
A Treatment and prevention program for children and teens who
have been sexually abused by a family member or other trusted
person. Groups are also available for non-offending parents and
caregivers. The program seeds to help individuals and families
heal from abuse and learn effective protective strategies.
Elder Mentor
426 S Yellowstone Drive Ste 100 • Madison, WI 53719
(608) 833-4800 (Voice)
A collaborative effort with Lutheran Social Services and
area church congregation networks to provide information,
advice and emotional support to older adults who are
making major life transition decisions. The older person in
crisis is linked with a volunteer expert who provides support
and access to a wide array of community resources.
Stressline, Outreach, Prevention Education
Provides a 24-hour telephone line for parents under stress
and at-risk of abusing their children. Outreach and education
promotes prevention and early intervention of child abuse
in the community through workshops and seminars about
the dynamics of family violence, treatment techniques
and dissemination of available community resources.
Respite/Crisis Child Care and Parent Support Services
30 S Franklin St • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 256-2358 (Voice)
The Five+ Agency Collaborative Effort-Kids (FACE-Kids)
is a collaboration between Catholic Charities, Children’s
Service Society, Family Service, Lutheran Social Services,
Mental Health Center of Dane County and The Rainbow
Project that provides school/community-based treatment
and prevention group services to Dane County children
and youth with a wide range of mental health needs.
This program provides emergency respite, childcare, shortterm counseling and information and referral to families. This
preventative service strengthens families, relieves stress
experienced by parents in crisis and helps families avoid outof-home placement (foster care, etc.) of their children.
Welcome Baby
This program targets new mothers or pregnant women
who are considered high-risk for child abuse or neglect.
Paid paraprofessional staff work closely with the
new mother and child from birth to help the mother
learn appropriate health and parenting skills.
Project FACE - Kids Connections
Works through schools to link children and families to
community mental health services by removing barriers that
would otherwise keep them from receiving services.
Centro Hispano of Dane County
Respite Care - Catholic Charities
Provides in-home respite care to caregivers of frail, older
adults through the use of community volunteers.
810 W Badger Rd • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 255-3018 (Voice)
$476,442 Education, Safety
Trauma Focused Interventions
The primary focus is healing trauma for both adults and children,
particularly trauma that negatively impacts family relationships.
Trauma is defined as both immediate and situational, including
life stressors such as crime, violence, natural disaster, medical
crisis, divorce, etc., and secondly, chronic, enduring trauma
caused by emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse. The goal is
to improve overall family function by increasing participant’s
ability to function, cope and/or care for their children.
This targeted alcohol and drug abuse prevention program
works with Hispanic youth at East, West, Memorial and Verona
High Schools. The program focuses on parental involvement
in program activities and stresses the importance of
education for employment and positive life experiences.
Caminos Program
The Caminos Program will support participants through
a foundation skills curriculum to gain the soft skills that
will prepare them overall for GED/HSED completion,
employment, postsecondary education and other skill
training programs while working toward their GED/HSED.
Center for Families, Inc.
2120 Fordem Ave • Madison, WI 53704
(608) 241-5150 (Voice)
$942,834 Education
Provides academic support for low-income, at-risk Middle
School Hispanic youth in collaboration with United Way’s
Schools of Hope and Urban League of Greater Madison.
The Parent-Child Home Program
The Parent-Child Home program bridges this preparation gap by
helping families challenged by poverty, limited education, language
and literacy barriers, and other obstacles to school success prepare
their children to enter school ready to be in the classroom.
New Routes Adolescent
Works to reduce detention rates, stays at detention centers,
recidivism, contact with police of adolescents participating in
the program and to guide young men and women to healthier
life styles, drug free and successful academic performance,
with a strong collaboration with school officials.
Play and Learn
Helps parents of young children acquire knowledge about
parenting, information about their child’s ages and stages of
development and support their role as their child’s first teacher.
Colonial Club, Inc.
Schools of Hope
In partnership with United Way, Madison Metropolitan School
District, Sun Prairie Area School District and Middleton/Cross
Plains School Districts, provides coordination, supervision and
training for volunteers who serve as trained tutors focused
on reading readiness 4K through elementary grades.
301 Blankenheim Ln • Sun Prairie, WI 53590
(608) 837-4611 (Voice)
$81,079 Health
Adult Day Center
Improves the quality of life for elderly persons who are in
need of support, supervision, assistance and social contact
in order to maintain independent living. The program delays
or prevents the need for costly nursing home care.
Children’s Service Society of Wisconsin
1716 Fordem Ave • Madison, WI 53704
(608) 221-3511 (Voice)
Education, Health
Case Management Outreach
Offers outreach and support services to help elderly persons
living in rural areas cope with everyday needs and stresses.
Outreach workers provide information and referral, coordinate
needed services and help reduce isolation for elderly persons.
Child and Family Counseling
Provides counseling and support for at-risk families
under stress. Many low-income families with few or
no resources may require in-home counseling.
Supportive Home Care
Offers assistance for elderly persons living in their homes
who need help with personal care activities, home chore
services and escort to medical appointments.
FAST from a Trauma Perspective
The program will build protective factors against school failure,
racial-driven violence, delinquency and substance abuse. We will
work with parents as the primary personal drivers of prevention
and intervention that keep children on a safe course as they grow
(addressing issues of anger and anxiety in parents and youth).
This project works with students entering the ninth grade.
Community Action Coalition for
South Central Wisconsin
1717 N Stoughton Rd • Madison, WI 53704
(608) 246-4730 (Voice)
$284,183 Safety
This program is a community-based, multi-faceted,
early-intervention strategy that provides support and
education to families with children ages 0-5. We educate
parents on their child’s needs, improve parent-child
interactions, and help ensure that children are entering
kindergarten with the skills necessary to succeed.
Building Bridges
Provides targeted financial counseling and credit repair
to residents of city-owned property in the Allied Drive
neighborhood to assure their readiness to become residents
in the City of Madison’s new development of affordable
public housing in this troubled neighborhood.
United Way Mobile Play and Learn
An innovative program that brings quality early childhood
programming to communities on a truck that has been retrofitted
to include a gross motor skill development area. Materials
are taken from the truck to establish a play center at an
indoor location and once a week, family, friend and neighbor
caregivers come together to learn how to help their children,
birth to 5 develop through play and reduce their own isolation.
Family Support
Provides intensive case management for families and/or individuals
who are at risk of becoming homeless, at risk of eviction, those
living in doubled-up circumstances or those families that are not
receiving shelter or case management from another source.
Cornucopia, Inc.
Food Resources
A collaborative effort to increase and enhance the amount
and quality of food and personal/infant care item donations
available for Dane County food pantries, free meal sites,
mass distribution sites and homeless shelters. The 30+ food
pantries in Dane County are a safety net for the working poor
as well as low-income elderly and single parent families.
1917 Winnebago St • Madison, WI 53704
(608) 249-7477 (Voice)
$28,572 Health
Activities Program
Focuses on the arts as a means to build self-confidence,
express feelings and ideas, tell stories, develop skills, educate
and enhance lives. Activities range from computer and internet
training and office management to art and writing workshops,
field trips, drawing classes, reading, crafts, newsletter
production, board training, self-help groups and much more.
Serves all Dane County adults with psychiatric disabilities (95%
of membership) and their allies (family/friends, etc. 5%).
Predolin Food
Increase and enhance the amount and quality of
nutritious food available for children in Dane County
through access and transportation of food to rural food
pantries in the Dane County Food Pantry Network.
Community Coordinated Child Care, Inc.
5 Odana Ct • Madison, WI 53719
(608) 271-9181 (Voice)
$17,862 Education
Dane County CASA, Inc.
210 Martin Luther King Blvd # 356 • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 266-9102 (Voice)
$20,311 Safety
Latino Project
Provides specialized training and support to Latino child
care providers, helps with licensing, materials, etc.
Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)
To act in the best interest of children in need of protection
and services (CHIPS) by providing trained volunteers to act as
advocates for these children and to assist guardian ad litem
attorneys and social workers in presenting information to the court.
CASA volunteers remain on a case with the child(ren) until the
court order expires or the children are placed in a foster home.
Launching Into Literacy
Provides specialized training for childcare providers
in the area of bringing literacy and math into their
curriculum to prepare children for kindergarten.
Community Partnerships, Inc.
1334 Dewey Ct • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 250-6634 (Voice)
$19,120 Health
Deerfield Community Center, Inc.
3 W Deerfield St • Deerfield, WI 53531
(608) 764-5935 (Voice)
$14,134 Education
Engagement Project
Addresses the needs of teens with significant mental
health concerns. The goal of the project is to keep students
engaged in school and graduating. Using collaboration
between school and community agencies, the project makes
early positive connections with students, monitors student
functioning and responds early, encourages school and
community activities, builds mentor relationships, reaches
out to parents/caregivers as partners, educates staff and
develops wrap-around services for the neediest students.
Youth Resource Center
Offers a range of opportunities for youth of middle and high school
age through which they build upon their individual strengths
and experiences, learn to nurture healthy relationships with
their peers, develop a sense of responsibility as members of
the greater community and prepare for their roles as adults.
DeForest Area Community and Senior Center
East Madison Community Center, Inc.
505 N Main Street • DeForest, WI 53532
(608) 846-9469 (Voice)
$35,100 Health
8 Straubel Ct • Madison, WI 53704
(608) 249-0861 (Voice)
$61,901 Education, Health
Alternatives to Violence
A nutrition program for elderly persons in the rural
DeForest area. The five-day-per-week program includes
delivering hot meals to group meal sites.
Help children identify triggers that stimulate their anger, find
positive means for conflict resolution, develop appropriate
and lasting communication skills, utilize emergency tactics
to deal with erupting anger, and develop ways to stay healthy
through involvement in exercise and wellness activities.
Outreach/Case Management
Assesses individual needs of senior citizens to enhance
their quality of life and help them remain independent
and healthy. Identifies a match for services, benefits and
entitlements in the local community and Dane County.
Girl’s Development Group
This program strives to increase vocational/educational
skills, deter teen pregnancy, enhance self-esteem,
build leadership capacity, promote healthy lifestyles
and increase girl’s involvement in community service
projects to help them feel valued by the community.
Peer Support
Expansion of mental health outreach to older people throughout
Dane County through the use of specially trained community
volunteers (Elderfriends). The use of community volunteers
improves the older person’s ability to remain independent and
ensures that they receive necessary services and support.
Positive Options
Friday night program (a prime time for crime) from 5:00-9:00
pm to address the concerns of unsupervised kids with spare time
but no resources for constructive activities. POP’s Goal is to have
all area kids with drug-free behavior. POP will promote wellness
and healthy lifestyles and give the kids the self-confidence
and tools to deal with peer pressure and make good choices.
Domestic Abuse Intervention Services
P.O. Box 1761 • Madison, WI 53701
(608) 251-1237 (Voice)
$244,527 Safety
Summer Development Services
Offers safe, structured summer programs for children and
youth that promote leadership, build skills, enhance cultural
awareness and prepare for successful adulthood. Two fourweek day camps at no cost are available to parents.
Children’s Program - DAIS
The DAIS Children’s Program serves children ages 0-17, residing
in the DAIS emergency shelter, or children whose parent is
attending a DAIS support group or meeting individually with a
Crisis Response or Legal Advocate. Activities vary and include:
group and one-on-one activities, free play, structured play,
theme-based activities, and parent-child bonding activities.
The SUCCESS Project
The SUCCESS Project focuses its efforts toward increasing
academic achievement for children of color and developing new
assets: 1) Commitment to Learning (school engagement, reading
for pleasure, achievement and motivation). 2) Positive Identity
(self-esteem, sense of purpose, positive attitude). Expanding these
assets increases academic skills.
Crisis Intervention
Crisis Intervention efforts are implemented through the Crisis
Line and Crisis Response programs. The crisis line provides the
information or support needed by the caller. The Crisis Response
program offers face-to-face support to clients at partnership
sites throughout Dane County. This program gives clients tools to
plan for their safety and to have information about resources.
Shelter and Support
Provides confidential emergency shelter, crisis intervention
and support for battered women and their children.
East Madison/Monona Coalition of Aging
Trauma Informed Family Programming
Provides outpatient mental health services to children and
families with mental health and behavioral disorders most often
the result of trauma. Client experiences include childhood abuse
and neglect, family separations, and domestic violence resulting
in depression, anxiety, attachment issues, difficulty forming and
maintaining relationships, difficulty with developmental transitions,
self-injurious behaviors, and poor academic performance. Trauma
informed therapy helps children and parents learn effective
coping skills which lead to improved functioning at home,
in school and in the community. The impact is that children
will prepared for school and can form healthy relationships
and that parents are educated on parenting strategies, child
development including appropriate expectations and discipline
and will provide a healthy environment for their family.
4142 Monona Dr • Madison, WI 53716
(608) 223-3100 (Voice)
$12,817 Health
Adult Day Services
Through the Adult Day Center over 30,000 hours of
respite care is available for caregivers. This service
will provide a respite opportunity for family caregivers
to run errands, shop, medical appointments, etc.
Epilepsy Foundation
1302 Mendota St Ste 100 • Madison, WI 53714
(608) 442-5555 ( Voice)
$37,332 Health
Financial Education Center
2300 S Park St Lower Level Ste 005 • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 261-5077 (Voice)
$21,796 Safety
Support Services
1302 Mendota Street, Ste 100 • Madison, WI 53714
(608) 442-5555 ( Voice)
Offers long-term support, counseling, referral, advocacy
and training for individuals who have epilepsy and their
families. The program also provides education and
information to the greater community about epilepsy.
Financial Coaching
Our objective is to increase the financial literacy skills of residents
in Madison and Dane County thereby empowering them to achieve
financial security. Individual appointments are available for anyone
who has questions about basic money management issues.
Family Service Madison, Inc.
Goodman Community Center
128 E Olin Ave Ste 100 • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 252-1320 (Voice)
$128,207 Health
149 Waubesa St • Madison, WI 53704
(608) 241-1574 (Voice)
$75,914 Education, Health
Alternatives to Aggression: Adult
Offers counseling for men and women involved in family violence.
The goal of the program is to prevent the occurrence of
domestic abuse and to support victims as they overcome
the trauma of abuse.
Chidren and Youth
A State licensed program for up to 40 children living in the
greater Schenk-Atwood and Worthington Park communities.
Lussier Teen Center
Location for teen dances and activities. This is the home of
middle school programming for Atwood youth and will be
available for other youth groups to schedule activities.
Middle School Achievement
Designed and governed by the Atwood Girl’s Council. The
comprehensive Atwood Middle School program combined three
programs (Girl Neighborhood Power, Title V Middle School
Prevention and the evening middle school Empowerment Program).
Movin’ On Up 8th Grade Transition
Meals on Wheels
The transition from 8th grade to 9th grade is significant and a point
of vulnerability for all youth, particularly children who are marginally
connected and struggling in school, CGG staff will actively
engage 8th graders in a transitional program increasing positive
opportunities and connections to their middle school and actively
engaging these youth in social and academic connections to East
High School. The result will be a successful transition to high school
with systems of support in place to help that teen graduate.
Provides hot, nutritious noon meals by volunteers to
individuals who are homebound, alone and unable
to shop for or prepare food in their homes.
Safe at Home
Offers free in-home assessments and medication review to
seniors to help them prevent the risk of falls and adverse
drug events. They recruit and train volunteers to implement
in-home assessments under the medical staff’s supervision,
and connect seniors to available resources for homemodifications or other follow-up service, if needed.
Senior Fall Prevention
Addresses seniors’ needs for life-long learning, companionship
and independence. Physical and mental well being is monitored
through health screenings, exercise classes, phone check-ins,
field trips, home visits, nutritious meals and socialization.
Hope Haven-Rebos United, Inc.
Habitat for Humanity of Dane County
425 W Johnson St • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 251-8881 (Voice)
$23,454 Safety
1014 Fiedler Ln Ste 29 • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 255-1549 (Voice)
$111,263 Safety
Hope Haven
A 22-bed AODA certified intensive residential treatment program
for homeless, unemployed adult men and women, including
those with criminal records. Programming addresses AODA
issues and provides food and shelter. It focuses on counseling
and training to help clients find jobs and permanent housing.
Volunteers Providing Affordable Home Ownership
To increase the stock of affordable housing using volunteers
to construct homes with families in need. Up to 12 homes
will be designed and built that meet the housing needs of
participant families. Families selected for home ownership
must meet certain income guidelines and are participants
in the process through sweat equity, family support, and
training in the responsibilities and skills of home ownership.
Independent Living, Inc.
2970 Chapel Valley Rd Ste 203 • Madison, WI 53711
(608) 274-7900 (Voice)
$151,341 Health
Hancock Center for Dance/Movement
Caregiver Respite Services
16 N Hancock St • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 251-0908 (Voice)
$28,803 Health
Provides short-term respite care for families and caregivers
of persons with Alzheimer’s disease through the use of
home health aides and companions. This neighborhoodbased service targets minority and rural populations
In-School Prevention and Therapy
Dance/movement therapy for abused children and youth
who have witnessed domestic violence or are otherwise
at-risk. Children learn communication, self-protection
skills and self-esteem, while teachers learn to manage
and reduce aggressive behavior in these children.
Meals on Wheels
Maintains/improves the overall nutritional health of persons
who lack the ability to prepare their own meals by providing
volunteer-delivered, low cost/no cost, nutritious hot meals
to lower income individuals under the age of 60.
Supportive Homecare for the Disabled
Home Health United Xtra Care
Provides physically and developmentally disabled adults
with personal care, and full-time caregivers with respite
services to enhance the quality of life for both populations.
4639 Hammersley Road • Madison, WI 53711
(608) 242-1516 (Voice)
Kajsiab House
815 Forward Dr • Madison, WI 53711
(608) 274-7900 (Voice)
This program utilizes the capacity of Independent Living’s
handicap accessible vehicles to accommodate frail, older
and disabled adults living in senior housing to complement
our existing rural transportation routes. Working closely
with the Resident Managers in these senior facilities, the ILI
Transportation Coordinator and Volunteers arrange, schedule
and evaluate transportation services to assist residents. ILI
offers trips to the doctor, grocery and other shopping, and to
social activities for older and disabled residents for whom other
modes of transportation are difficult or impossible to access.
Serves Southeast Asian seniors including seniors with Hmong,
Cambodian, Laotian, and Vietnamese backgrounds to reduce
isolation, and gain access to community resources through case
management by staff with Hmong, Cambodian, Laotian, and
Vietnamese backgrounds. Transportation service is offered.
Kennedy Heights Neighborhood
199 Kennedy Heights Rd • Madison, WI 53704
(608) 244-0767 (Voice)
$41,569 Education
Children’s Program
Jewish Social Services of Madison, Inc.
Offers recreational, educational, social and advocacy programming
for at-risk, low-income and minority children living in the Kennedy
Heights town houses on the Northeast side of Madison.
6434 Enterprise Ln • Madison, WI 53719
(608) 278-1808 (Voice)
$92,071 Health
Early Childhood Program
Provides preschool child development services for lowincome, at-risk families so that their children can function
at a level with their peers when they reach school age.
Elder Family Support
Helps elderly persons maximize their independence
through varied programming and case management.
Services include intergenerational family counseling,
advocacy, outreach, transportation and support
for elderly persons living in nursing homes.
Teen Program
Supports recreational, educational, social and advocacy
programming for at-risk, low-income and minority youth living in
the Kennedy Heights town houses on the Northeast side of Madison.
Individuals and Families Under Stress
Maintains assessment, case management, counseling
and advocacy for individuals and families from a variety
of cultures who are experiencing mental health and/or
other types of stress. The program is currently focusing on
resettlement services for emigrates from the Soviet Union.
Literacy Network
1118 S Park St • Madison, WI 53715
(608)244-3911 (Voice)
$255,482 Education, Safety
Journey Mental Health Center, Inc.
English in the Schools
625 W Washington Ave • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 280-2700 (Voice)
$167,401 Health
EIS provides the information, incentive, and opportunity
necessary for English Language Learner parents to
become successful advocates for their children’s
education throughout their school years.
Family Literacy
CBITS (Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in
Schools) is a screening and intervention model that provides
screening for exposure to violence, Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder, and depression to sixth-graders. Children who meet
criteria are offered CBITS group, a school-based intervention
co-facilitated by school staff and FACE Kids therapist.
Family Literacy brings families together to practice
English communication skills and foster an appreciation
for literacy as an essential tool for success. When
parents become their children’s first teachers, literacy
skills are improved in this generation and the next.
HIRE Education Employment
Madison School & Community Recreation
New collaboration that aims to increase the number of
people with a GED/HSED and find employment. HIRE
involves nine different agencies that help individuals
ages 18+ find and maintain employment.
3802 Regent St • Madison, WI 53705
(608) 204-3000 (Voice)
$16,053 Education
Lussier Community Education
Cherokee Youth Resource Center
Provides academic, enrichment and recreational
programs from school release time until 5:30 pm for
up to 50 students at Cherokee Middle School.
55 S Gammon Rd • Madison, WI 53717
(608) 833-4979 (Voice)
MSCR Afterschool Academic Support
Elementary After School Drop In and Summer Camp
Provides a safe, structured, supervised afterschool dropin and summer program for elementary age children
residing in the Wexford Ridge neighborhood.
Offers a comprehensive afterschool program for children
in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Provides structured,
supervised recreational activities, homework time and
assistance, field trips and conflict resolution activities.
Jefferson Youth Resource Center
Madison-area Urban Ministry (MUM)
Offers a safe, structured, supervised after school drop-in and
summer program for youth ages 12 to 15 in the neighborhood.
It addresses the specific developmental needs of preadolescence
youth, is multicultural in scope and focuses on Academic
Enrichment, Community Service, Social and Life Skills,
Health and Fitness, and Recreation and Exploration.
2300 S Park St Ste 2022 • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 256-0906 (Voice)
$192,719 Safety
Restorative Justice
Program restores right relations by fostering a safe and caring
community, increasing understanding, and reducing fear,
isolation and discrimination. Volunteers partner with former
prisoners to improve re-entry and civic participation.
Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin
6314 Odana Rd • Madison, WI 53719
(608) 277-0610 (Voice)
The Journey Home
A program that links returning ex-offenders to services
in residence, employment, support and treatment while
providing resource specialists for more intensive services.
Off the Square Club
4 N Hancock • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 277-0610 (Voice)
A support and resource center located in downtown
Madison for adults with severe mental illness.
McFarland Youth Resource Center
5120 Farwell St • Mcfarland, WI 53558
(608) 838-3839 (Voice)
$16,786 Education
Madison Apprenticeship Program
Youth Resource Center
4518 Verona Road • Madison, WI 53711
(608) 274-9410 (Voice)
$16,548 Safety
MAP is a 12-week Life-Skills training program for low-income or
disadvantaged adults. The mission of MAP is to provide a high
quality, ongoing program that helps people realize their potential
while investing in themselves. The program’s goals are to provide
comprehensive skill development and socialization elements. These
elements direct and guide the adult learner toward self-worth,
continuing education and financial independence.
Provides vital academic, enrichment and recreational
programs from school release time until 5:30 pm for middle
school students in McFarland.
Middleton Outreach Ministry, Inc.
Senior Activities
This program offers senior center services to the Northside
of Madison. Services provided include social and educational
activities, information and referral services, and case/service
management to Northside seniors 55 years and older. Older adults
from other parts of Dane County are also invited to participate.
3502 Parmenter St • Middleton, WI 53562
(608) 836-7338 (Voice)
$90,860 Health, Safety
Housing Assistance
7432 Hubbard Avenue • Middleton, WI 53562
(608) 836-7338 (Voice)
Provides assistance to prevent eviction or help with first months
rent/security deposits for new renters to keep 24 families out of
the homeless cycle.
Northwest Dane Senior Services, Inc.
Senior Program
Age Well in Community
Matches community volunteers with older persons in need of
services such as light housekeeping, transportation, home
chore services, friendly visitation, respite care and Alzheimer
support. Provision of supportive services enables these older
adults to remain in their homes as long as possible.
The goal of the AgeWell in Community Program is to reduce
the incidence of and risk for falls through prevention screening
for environmental hazards and adverse drug events and
improve strength, flexibility and balance in persons age
65+ residing in 9 rural communities of Northwest Dane
County, as afforded by participation in Tai Chi, Seated Tai
Chi and the Stepping On falls prevention program.
1940 Blue Mounds St Ste 2 • Black Earth, WI 53515
(608) 767-3757 (Voice)
$40,784 Health
NAMI Dane County, Inc.
Age Safe in Community
2059 Atwood Ave • Madison, WI 53704
(608) 249-7188 (Voice)
$46,347 Health
Services are provided to older adults (60 and over) to support their
own ability to remain living independently in their homes, and in
their own rural community. These services may include advocacy,
assessment, intervention, information and referral to appropriate
services or programs, and developing and monitoring a selfdirected plan of care.
Support and Education for People
Recovering from Mental Illness
Special outreach and support services for families
with a member who has a mental illness, severe
emotional disturbance or behavioral problems.
Age Well at Home
Works in cooperation with Waunakee Senior Center and Southwest
Dane Outreach. This program provides home care and home
chore assistance, respite care and supervised in-home care. It
serves the villages and surrounding townships of Black Earth,
Cross Plains, Mazomanie, Mount Horeb and Waunakee.
North/Eastside Senior Coalition, Inc.
1625 Northport Dr Ste 125 • Madison, WI 53704
(608) 243-5252 (Voice)
$59,284 Health
Omega School, Inc.
Cultural Diversity
Increase the participation of minority seniors through diverse
staff and developing culturally-appropriate services.
835 W Badger Rd • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 256-4650 (Voice)
$121,230 Education
Outreach Case Management
Reduce isolation of senior adults on the north/eastside of
Madison by providing case management services. Case
management enables senior adults (age 55 & older) to achieve
or maintain optimum independence in their community through
the assessment of need, coordination, and monitoring of
community-based services from qualified case managers.
Intermediate Reading Program for
Spanish Speaking Students
The Intermediate Reading Program for Spanish Speaking
Students is designed to improve their reading skills (in Spanish)
where a student can pass their first GED examination.
Pre-GED/Basic Skills/GED
Hospitality House
Offers individualized instruction and vocational assistance
for adults deficient in basic academic skills who want to
acquire their GED (high school equivalency diploma). Targets
individualized academic instruction for adults reading at a
pre-GED level in order to prepare them for future education and/
or job training. These persons are unemployed and experiencing
complex personal issues and often require extensive support.
(608) 250-0380 (Voice)
A day center for homeless men (and others such as families and
single women) that provides peer support, job search/training
services, housing counseling, alcohol and other drug abuse/mental
health counseling, transportation, legal and medical services,
telephone access and information about other community resources.
Spanish GED
Offers transitional (two years maximum) housing for homeless
single men and families. Affordable housing and supportive
services enable participants to more successfully acquire
permanent housing, education/employment, healthy living
skills and eventual self-sufficiency in their community.
Housing Operations
The Omega School Spanish GED program provides
individualized instruction and basic skills development
to assist adults to successfully pass the Spanish GED
examination and receive a GED credential.
Single Room Occupancy Supportive Services
Operation Fresh Start, Inc.
The Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Supportive Services integrates
supported low-income housing and client centered social
services for adult single men and women with mental health
and AODA concerns who are at high risk for homelessness.
1925 Winnebago St • Madison, WI 53704
(608) 244-4721 (Voice)
$123,566 Safety
Sun Prairie Housing First
Reduction in Criminal Recidivism
Serves Sun Prairie Homeless families with minor children
by providing them with rent assistance and intensive case
management services in a strong partnership with landlords. It
incorporates a set of interventions to help families avoid shelter
and maintain permanent housing.
Provides 15 young offenders (ages 17 to 24) with an individualized
program that includes assessment, daily supervision and
counseling, a work training site (building affordable homes
for low-income, first-time homebuyers), support services,
linkages to specialized community programs, basic education
(HSED/GED or high school diploma), skills training, income
during participation, mentors, job placement assistance
and/or help in entering further training or education.
Support, Education & Family Therapy
Housing First Families
The program will provide on-site or in-home trauma
informed assessment, treatment and case management
of mental health and alcohol and other drug abuse (AODA)
needs to families and their individual members.
Porchlight, Inc.
306 N Brooks St • Madison, WI 53715
(608) 257-2534 (Voice)
$426,094 Health, Safety
Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern WI
2802 Dairy Drive • Madison, WI 53718
(608) 223-9121 (Voice)
$270,945 Safety
Acquires and distributes food to 225+ partner agencies
who work to end hunger at the neighborhood and
community level in the areas they serve. Second Harvest
also combat hunger through focused programs.
Case Management
Transitional housing program to give homeless men and
women the support and tools they need to make the transition
from homelessness into permanent housing. Provides
an average of six months of follow-up services to guests
who have gone on to live independently, skills assistance
with supervision of medication and doctor appointments,
acting as a landlord liaison and nutritional counseling.
Employment and Life Skills Training
This is an in-house training and meal service program for
residents of the Community Housing and Services SRO
facility that trains low-income residents in the areas of
kitchen operations, food preparation and basic life skills.
Simpson Street Free Press
Sunshine Place
2411 W Broadway • Monona, WI 53716
(608) 223-0489 (Voice)
$24,096 Education
Simpson Street Free Press is a community newspaper written
and published by middle and high school students from South
Madison. Participating in this experience promotes academic
achievement and acquisition of employment skills. Participates
in the Goodman/United Way Youth Leadership Program.
18 Rickel Rd • Sun Prairie, WI 53590
(608) 825-3875 (Voice)
$20,289 Safety
Eviction Prevention
Sunshine Place administers an eviction-prevention and
utility-assistance program called Home Mission Fund that
provides emergency funding, referrals to community resources
and case management for low-income and/or homeless
families and individuals in the Sun Prairie School District.
South Madison Coalition of the Elderly
The Rainbow Project, Inc.
128 E Olin Ave Ste 110 • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 251-8405 (Voice)
$34,460 Health
Neighborhood Senior Center Services
831 E Washington Ave • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 255-7356 (Voice)
$80,403 Education, Health, Safety
Mobile senior program for hard-to-reach and more
isolated older adults in the community.
Children of Violent Homes
Provides both intervention and prevention services and treatment
for young children who have been exposed to domestic violence.
Volunteer Guardianship
Provides qualified adult volunteers to serve as legal
guardians for mentally disabled older adults who have no
family for support. In addition, provides ongoing support
to family caregivers serving as legal guardians, both to
strengthen their performance and to increase their comfort
and confidence in exercising their legal responsibilities.
Early Intervention Children’s Mental Health
The goal of program is to provide similar prevention/early
intervention mental health services onsite consultation/training
for early childhood educators in programs in Dane County outside
Madison, in order to reduce the risk of more serious problems
from occurring in the future. Increasing numbers of children
community-wide reportedly have been discharged from preschool
programs due to behavior problems and social/emotional
development concerns that interfere in their ability to function
in their programs, including 4 year old kindergarten programs.
Stoughton Area Resource Team
248 W Main St • Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 577-5650 (Voice)
$23,720 Safety
Provides long-term case management for Stoughtonarea families with housing-related crises, providing
coaching and support. Support may include employment,
housing, and health referrals and assistance.
Grandparents Raising Young Grandchildren
This program works to build grandparents who are raising
their grandchildren capacity to meet the needs of their
grandchildren and to also meet their own needs.
Mothering Beyond Fear and Sadness
Therapeutic support/education group for moms with mood
disorder, including post partum depression. Purpose is to
strengthen confidence, knowledge, support, resources, parenting
skills and parent-child relationships of mothers with mood
disorders who have young children. Goal is to reduced risks and
generational cycles of mental illness and response to requests
for services to those not involved in the child protection system.
Stoughton Youth Center
567 E Main St • Stoughton, WI 53589
(608) 877-9980 (Voice)
$9,911 Education
A Drop-in activity and resource center for middle school youth
grades six through eight in the Stoughton School District. The center
offers after-school and summer activities at no cost to participants
and is designed to provide a positive safe harbor for youth.
Triangle Community Ministry, Inc.
Spanish Speaking Child and Family Therapist
An innovative approach to solving the short- and longterm efforts to secure a Spanish-speaking therapist. This
organization proactively engages graduate students who
are bilingual and interested in gaining exceptional onthe-job training as a child and family therapist.
755 Braxton Pl Apt B109 • Madison, WI 53715
(608) 257-8517 (Voice) $16,562 Health
Community Based Parish Nurse
Improves the spiritual, physical and emotional quality of life of
Triangle residents (Gay Braxton, Karabis, Parkside and Brittingham
Apartments) through individual health assessment, counseling,
referral and advocacy, health education, health screening and
immunization clinics, home nursing, and hospital visitation.
Increases access to health care for Triangle residents faced
with physical, developmental or mental health challenges.
The Road Home Dane County, Inc.
128 E Olin Ave Ste 202 • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 294-7998 (Voice)
$237,538 Safety
Housing and Hope
The Housing and Hope initiative has 30 units of affordable,
supported-housing for homeless families. Families living
in Housing and Hope apartments will work with a case
manager to retain housing and reach other goals, with the
long-term goal of reaching more independent housing.
Urban League of Greater Madison, Inc.
2222 S Park St Ste 200 • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 729-1200 (Voice)
$453,202 Education, Safety
Customized Workforce Training
Housing Stabilization
Prepares unemployed and economically-disadvantaged individuals
for employment in clerical and administrative support positions with
local hospitals, clinics, and insurance/medical billing companies.
Provides daily case management to families in order to help them
attain permanent housing, stable income and access to other
needed services such as child care, legal services and education.
Job Services Foundation
The Salvation Army of Dane County
630 E Washington Ave • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 256-2321 (Voice)
$254,570 Education, Safety
This program provides employment counseling, job coaching,
referrals to community resources and other employment training
agencies, assistance in accessing scholarships for higher education
and job referral and development services for economically
disadvantaged adults in Dane County’s minority community.
Community Center
Schools of Hope/Achievement Connections
3030 Darbo Dr • Madison, WI 53714
(608) 250-2228 (Voice)
Providing a variety of programs for the residents
of Worthington Park and surrounding areas.
A public school-based program in Madison, Sun Prairie
and Oregon focused on increasing the ability of our youth
to achieve in school, with an emphasis on middle school
math and reading. The goals of the program are to improve
academic performance, increase collaboration among
providers within the school and recruit and train volunteers
to deliver effective tutoring for middle school students.
Removing Barriers to Permanent Housing
Provides support to families in the shelter and persons with
a housing crisis and provides skills and support to obtain/
maintain stable housing. Participants attend groups weekly
that assist them in their goals of being financially independent.
Case management is provided on a one-on-one basis.
Vera Court Neighborhood Center, Inc.
West Madison Senior Coalition, Inc.
517 N Segoe Rd Ste 309 • Madison, WI 53705
(608) 238-7368 (Voice)
$41,409 Health
614 Vera Ct • Madison, WI 53704
(608) 246-8372 (Voice)
$114,014 Education, Safety, Health
Home Chore Volunteer Program
Bridge Lake Point-Children’s Program
Serves as the lead agency and works with area coalitions for
the elderly to coordinate volunteer home chore services for
elderly persons so that they may remain in their homes.
1917 Lake Point Drive • Madison, WI 53714
(608) 441-6991 (Voice)
Children’s program provides stimulating educational and
recreational programming in a safe, secure and fun environment.
Workers’ Rights Center, Inc.
2300 S Park St Ste 001 • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 255-0376 (Voice)
$9,053 Safety
Bridge Lake Point Los Ninos Primero
Provides educational opportunities for Latino parents
and preschoolers to develop the skills necessary
for successful transition into Kindergarten.
Madison Interpreters’ Collective
Program provides translation/interpretation services
for parents who have children in school allowing for
a greater connection to the schools. Program is being
piloted at Lincoln and Leopold Elementary Schools.
Bridge Lake Point Senior Program
Builds a caring, inclusive, and safe neighborhood where seniors
feel valued, and are engaged in their community through their
participation in community decision-making, volunteerism,
and attending community activities. It helps seniors sustain
their independence and self-determination by participating in
educational and life-long learner opportunities and it will remove
pockets of isolation and provide culturally-competent services.
Youth Services of Southern Wisconsin/
Briarpatch (Includes Project H.U.G.S)
1955 Atwood Ave • Madison, WI 53704
(608) 245-2550 (Voice)
$156,703 Education, Safety
Latino Academy of Workforce Development
Provides “street level” outreach, support
and linkage to the neighborhood.
Community Peer Court
Community Peer Court is an alternative program to the traditional
municipal court and juvenile justice systems. Peer courts are
for first-time juvenile offenders between the ages of 12 and 16
who have plead guilty to an ordinance violation. Participation in
Community Peer Court (CPC) offers eligible youth an opportunity
to receive a meaningful sanction from a jury of their peers.
Youth who successfully complete their peer court sentence will
have the applicable charges expunged from their record.
Developed from community input and parental concern about their
youth’s success in school, this program requires students to enroll,
set personal and academic goals, and sign a contract committing to
attend both the program and school each day. Program works with
teachers, students and families to ensure student success in school.
Vera Court Children
Offers a safe environment for neighborhood youth to access
services six days a week at no cost. Includes positive, enjoyable
experiences that are alternatives to unsupervised activities
in the neighborhood. Maintains a home-like environment
in which they can learn and practice social skills.
Project Hugs Parent Advocacy and Case Coordination
1955 Atwood Ave • Madison, WI 53704
(608) 245-2550 (Voice)
Provides support, intervention, education and empowerment for
families with children abusing drugs and alcohol. The goal is to help
families with chemically dependent children become more sufficient
and in control of their situation by demystifying the service system.
Runaway and Homeless Youth Services
Provides 24-hour counseling and crises intervention to runaway
and homeless youth to ensure their safety. If they cannot remain
in their homes because of violence or other dysfunction, teens are
placed in support and foster homes. Community Peer Court
Community Peer Court is an alternative program to the traditional
municipal court and juvenile justice systems. Peer courts are
for first-time juvenile offenders between the ages of 12 and 16
who have plead guilty to an ordinance violation. Participation in
Community Peer Court (CPC) offers eligible youth an opportunity
to receive a meaningful sanction from a jury of their peers.
Youth who successfully complete their peer court sentence will
have the applicable charges expunged from their record.
In this Housing First model, homeless families are placed in
permanent housing as quickly as possible and are provided
stabilizing support services to prevent a recurrence of
homelessness. The House-ability Program is a collaborative
effort of The Road Home (formerly IHN), the Salvation Army,
and the YWCA Madison. House-ability will provide permanent
housing, with rent subsidies and case management services,
to 23 homeless families with disabled adult. The program will
utilize scattered site apartments in the community. Houseability Program goals will include: 1) move homeless families
quickly out of shelter into affordable permanent housing, 2)
help families to successfully maintain stable housing, 3) assist
families in working toward their personal goals. Provides partial
match funding for the HUD-funded permanent supported housing
and case management for homeless families with a disabled
family member to allow them to establish stable housing.
Youth Groups
Addresses the needs of at-risk youth vulnerable to prostitution,
pornography, battery, teenage pregnancy and other issues
and problems common to adolescents. The program utilizes
support groups, group and individual counseling, adult
mentoring, peer support and group discussions.
Housing Counseling
A counselor assists and advocates for families, primarily
single women with children, who access emergency shelter
services at the YWCA, the Salvation Army and Domestic Abuse
Intervention Services. They also help locate safe, affordable
permanent housing and other community services.
Y.W.C.A. of Madison, Inc.
101 E Mifflin Street, Suite 100 • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 257-1436 (Voice)
$375,438 Education, Safety
Resident Housing First
Provides on-site, short-term, emergency housing for single women
and their families and long-term, affordable housing for low-income
and/or elderly single women. Offers supportive services and
programming to help integrate these individuals into community
life, while easing their transition from dependence to independence.
Alternative Transportation
This program is divided into a Day ride program and a Night ride
program. The day program offers rides to medical appointments for
people with medical assistance and group rides contracted through
various agencies. The Night program will offer rides between 8pm
and 2am daily, to provide safe rides for people who are at risk of
sexual assault, but is available to others in need as well, including
people who need a ride home from work after a night shift.
Second Chance Apartment Project
and Permanent Housing
Matches 15 homeless families with congregations that
will sign leases with landlords and pay rent for up to two
years for the families. Congregations will assign mentors
to families for social support and encouragement.
Construct U
Training program intended to improve employment opportunities
for people traditionally under-represented in the skilled trades,
such as women and people of color. The Construct-U mission
is to help individuals obtain jobs that have a family-supporting
wage, as well as break down barriers and stereotypes.
Third Street
(608) 205-7143 (Voice)
This program provides up to two years of on-site housing
and personalized support services to homeless mothers with
children under three years of age. The goal of this program
is to help these mothers learn healthy parenting skills and
eventually become self-sufficient in their community.
YWCA Restorative Justice Program
(608) 395-2167 (Voice)
As part of an effort to reduce racial disparities and work toward
the elimination of the school-to-prison pipeline, the YWCA
offers a nine-lesson curriculum that teaches students the
principles of Restorative Justice. Students who complete the
curriculum become leaders for a Restorative Justice Initiative in
the school. These students facilitate Restorative Justice Circles
as an alternative to traditional punitive discipline strategies.
YMCA of Dane County, Inc.
8001 Excelsior Dr Ste 200 • Madison, WI 53717
(608) 664-9622 (Voice)
$89,327 Health
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, Inc.
A 24 week afterschool program for children ages 5-12
designed to improve children’s health and reduce childhood
obesity. By involving participants in an hour of physical
activity each day coupled with healthy snacks and nutrition
education, kids have a good start toward incorporating
fitness and healthy behaviors over their lifetimes.
121 S Pinckney St Ste 210 • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 258-9103 (Voice) • Health
ARCW Provides aggressive HIV education and prevention,
comprehensive services for people affected by HIV disease,
clinical research on HIV treatment, and HIV advocacy.
Community Work Services, Inc.
3240 University Ave Ste 5 • Madison, WI 53705
(608) 233-0115 (Voice) • Health
Provides community-based job placement, training, and
ongoing job-retention support to adults with developmental
disabilities, with emphasis on integration in the community.
Dane County Humane Society
5132 Voges Rd • Madison, WI 53718
(608) 838-0413 (Voice) • Safety
The Humane Society shelters lost and homeless
animals, investigates cruelty and neglect, provides
humane education and promotes responsible and
caring relationships between people and animals.
Dane County Parent Council, Inc.
Genesis Social Services Corporation
2096 Red Arrow Trl • Madison, WI 53711-4723
(608) 275-6740 (Voice)
Provides early childhood and family support programming for
more than 1,000 children, ages 0-5, and their families.
313 W Beltline Hwy Ste129 • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 257-6152 (Voice) • Safety
Develops a connection between the incubator employers who
are located in the Genesis Enterprise Center (GEC), 313 W
Beltline Hwy, and the residents of South Madison. This program
establishes a “rapid response” or “just in time” capacity to
assist GEC employers in the identification of suitable applicants
for long-term job openings. GEC will create a ready pool of
applicants and/or sources to substantially increase the likelihood
that South Madison residents are hired for jobs in the Genesis
Enterprise Center.Gilda’s Club Madison Wisconsin, Inc.
Energy Services, Inc.
1225 S Park St • Madison, WI 53715
(608) 267-8601 (Voice)
Provides comprehensive energy assistance to low-income
persons in rural areas of Dane County. Assistance may include
bill payment, weatherization, budget counseling and/or furnace
replacement. The agency also works collaboratively with utility
companies, labor unions and other community organizations
to leverage additional resources and donations to address the
needs of low-income people in need of energy assistance.
Gilda’s Club Madison Wisconsin, Inc.
7907 UW Health Court • Middleton, WI 53562
(608) 828-8880 (Voice)
Gild’s club is a free, non-profit support community for anyone
touched by any kind of cancer as well as their families and
friends. It’s a warm and welcoming, non-residential clubhouse
where men, woman, and children come together to build social
and emotional support as a supplement to medical care.
Family Support & Resource Center
101 Nob Hill Rd Ste 201 • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 237-7630 (Voice)
Enables children and youth with significant disabilities to live
at home with their families by providing information, advocacy,
case management, respite care and financial assistance.
Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Badgerland Council
2710 Ski Ln • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 276-8500 (Voice)
Offers informal education programs to girls of ages
5 to 17, including outreach programs, environmental
education, and work with special populations.
Friends of Wil-Mar, Inc.
953 Jenifer St • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 257-4576 (Voice)
Provides high-quality services and programs to people of all ages
in the Williamson-Marquette and Near East side neighborhood
of Madison through the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center.
Hope House Building Corporation
312 Wisconsin Ave • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 241-1723 (Voice) • Safety
Hope House moves mothers and newborns from homelessness
to independent living. The program involves 90-day intensive
skill development and life planning at the Hope House residence.
The residence has space for three families at a time. Mentors
monitor families after this phase for up to three years.
Imagine A Child’s Capacity, Inc.
Mount Horeb Youth Center
2875 Fish Hatchery Rd Unit 1 • Fitchburg, WI 53713
(608) 204-6242 (Voice)
Imagines the capacity of a child with diverse support need when
parents, teachers, peers & the community have a wide array of
tools to support that child reach his or her fullest potential.
105 N Grove St • Mount Horeb, WI 53572-1909
(608) 437-6780 (Voice)
Education, Safety
Community-based organization committed to middle level youth,
families and community by providing a safe recreational and
educational environment. By incorporating adult-supervised, youth
oriented activities, the Mount Horeb Youth Center promotes positive
relationships by building and fostering developmental assets.
IndependenceFirst, Inc.
2554 Advance Rd • Madison, WI 53718
(608) 243-1785 (Voice)
Collects, sanitizes, and refurbishes used wheelchairs, bath
equipment, hospital beds, and other durable medical equipment,
and redistributes them at low cost to Wisconsin individuals in need.
Movin’ Out, Inc.
600 Williamson St Ste J • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 251-4446 (Voice)
Focuses specifically on meeting the housing needs of lowincome adults with physical and developmental disabilities and
low-income families that include children with disabilities.
Madison Area Rehabilitation Centers
901 Post Rd • Madison, WI 53713-3260
(608) 223-9110 (Voice)
Provides center and community-based employment, adult
education and personal services to adults with severe
developmental disabilities. Support services include
personal care, mobility assistance, behavioral support,
supervision, work procurement/development and training.
Nehemiah Community Development
655 W Badger Rd • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 257-2453 (Voice)
Offers prevention and early intervention services for youth
ages 11 to 18. Year-round programming for at-risk youth,
predominantly African-American, includes: tutorial, male and
female rites of passage groups, youth leadership development
and summer enrichment. Academic advancement, holistic
revitalization, recreation, life education, mental and physical
health, social skills and race relations are stressed.
Marshall Area Community and Youth Center
226 Madison St • Madison, WI 53559
(608) 655-4980 (Voice)
Provides vital academic, enrichment and recreational
programs from school release time until 5:30 for
5th through 8th grade students in Marshall.
Neighborhood House Community Center
29 S Mills St • Madison, WI 53715
(608) 255-5337 (Voice)
Provides after-school tutoring, recreation and other children’s
programs including high quality summer camp for youth.
Northside Planning Council
The ARC - Dane County
2702 International Ln Ste 203 • Madison, WI 53704
(608) 661-0060 (Voice)
Grassroots coalition of 17 neighborhood associations,
promoting the general welfare and quality of life for the
residents of Madison’s northeast neighborhoods.
6602 Grand Teton Plaza Ste 170 • Madison, WI 53719
(608) 833-1199 (Voice)
Dedicated to improving the quality of life for persons
with developmental disabilities and their families.
Three Gaits, Therapeutic
Horsemanship Center, Inc.
Oregon Youth Center
110 N Oak Street • Oregon, WI 53575
(608) 835-0822 (Voice)
Education, Safety
Provides after school drop-in recreation and education
programs for middle school students.
(608) 877-9086 (Voice) •
Provides therapeutic services that stress selfesteem building through horsemanship to children and
adults with physical and developmental disabilities
throughout South and West Central Wisconsin.
RSVP of Dane County
517 N Segoe Rd Ste 300 • Madison, WI 53705-3100
(608) 238-7787 (Voice)
Seeks to make a positive impact in the community by recruiting
volunteers 55+ to help deliver priority services to people of all ages.
Wisconsin Academy for Graduate
Service Dogs (WAGS)
1338 Dewey Ct • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 250-9247 (Voice)
Helps people with physical disabilities achieve higher levels
of independence through partnerships with skilled service
dogs. Provides services during the lifetime of dogs.
South Metropolitan Planning Council
2300 S Park St Ste 003 • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 260-8098 (Voice)
Community organizing to inform, engage, support and
challenge Southside residents, business owners, workers
and community organizations so that together we can make
the Southside a better place to live , work and play.
Sun Prairie Youth Center
160 South Street • Sun Prairie, WI 53590
(608) 825-4303 (Voice)
Provides after school drop-in recreation and education
programs for students in Sun Prairie.
ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
3333 N. Mayfair Suite 213 • Wauwatosa, WI 53222
(262) 784-5257 (Voice)
The Chapter’s mission is to provide patient services
and support to persons affected by ALS, to improve
living with ALS and to fund ALS research.
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Alliance of Wisconsin
517 N Segoe Rd Ste 301 • Madison, WI 53705
(608) 232-3400 (Voice)
Helping people statewide with dementia live the highest quality of
life through advocacy, education, individual consultation, research
support and professional training. All dollars stay in Wisconsin.
Alzheimer’s Association, South
Central Wisconsin Chapter
7818 Big Sky Dr Ste 109 • Madison, WI 53719
(608) 203-8500 (Voice)
To eliminate Alzheimer’s through research; provide and
enhance care and support for all affected; and reduce the
risk of dementia through promotion of brain health.
ABCD: After Breast Cancer Diagnosis
5775 N. Glen Park Road Suite 201 • Glendale, WI 53209
(800) 977-4121 (Voice)
After Breast Cancer Diagnosis provides free
personalized information and one-to-one support to
people affected by breast cancer through speciallytrained mentors and breast cancer helpline.
AMC Cancer Research Center
13001 E. 17th Pl MS F-500 • Aurora, CO 80045
(800) 321-1557 (Voice)
Dedicated to raising cancer awareness and funds to support
outstanding programs in prevention, patient care, education,
counseling and research to benefit people across the nation.
AIDS Research Foundation
120 Wall St 13th Fl • New York, NY 10005
(800) 392-6327 (Voice)
Supports innovative AIDS research; educates patients, doctors
and the public about HIV treatment/prevention; advocates
to protect the rights of all people affected by HIV/AIDS.
American Cancer Society
N19W24350 Riverwood Dr • Pewaukee, WI 53072
(262) 523-5574 (Voice)
The American Cancer Society helps people to get
well, stay well, find cures and fight back.
Alliance for a Healthier Generation
7111 Sylvan Ridge Rd • Indianapolis, IN 46240
(317) 284-1704 (Voice)
To reduce the nationwide prevalence of childhood obesity by 2015
and to empower kids nationwide to make healthy lifestyle choices.
American Diabetes Association, Wisconsin
Arthritis Foundation, Wisconsin Chapter
2800 Royal Ave Suite 207 • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 222-7785 (Voice)
American Diabetes Association, (608) 222-7785. The American
Diabetes Association serves people with diabetes, their families
and health professionals through research, education and
programs including children’s camps, call center and website.
2009 W. Beltline Hwy • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 221-9800 (Voice)
Education, exercise, advocacy and research resources
in support of the 1 in 5 adults and 6,000 children living
with arthritis and related disorders in Wisconsin.
Autism Society of South Central
American Hearing Research Foundation
2935 S. Fish Hatchery Rd Suite 101 • Madison, WI 53711
(608) 213-8519 (Voice)
Our aim is to improve the lives of those affected by autism
spectrum disorders. For 50+ years we’ve provided information
and referral, educational outreach and support/social groups.
8 S. Michigan Suite 1205 • Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 726-9670 (Voice)
We support research and education concerned
with causes, prevention, cure of deafness,
impaired hearing and balance disorders.
Badger Childhood Cancer Network
American Liver Foundation, Wisconsin Chapter
517 N Segoe Rd #100 • Madison, WI 53711
(608) 231-8006 (Voice)
Our mission is to educate, support, serve and advocate for
children with cancer, their families, survivors of childhood
cancer and the professionals who care for them.
1845 N. Farwell Suite 312 • Milwaukee, WI 53202
(414) 763-3435 (Voice)
The leading source of liver health and prevention information.
We facilitate, advocate and promote education, support
research for prevention, treatment and cure of liver disease.
Be the Match Foundation
American Lung Association of the Upper
3001 Broadway St NE Ste 601 • Minneapolis, MN 55413
(800) 507-5427 (Voice)
We support the National Marrow Donor Program. Together,
we help patients who require a marrow transplant find
a donor and receive the treatment they need.
13100 W Lisbon Rd Ste 700 • Brookfield, WI 53005
(800) 586-4872 (Voice)
The American Lung Association’s mission is to save lives
by improving lung health and preventing lung disease.
American Parkinson Disease
Association, Wisconsin Chapter
Brain Injury Association of Wisconsin
N63 W23583 Main St. Suite A • Sussex, WI 53089
(800) 882-9282 (Voice)
The Brain Injury Association of Wisconsin’s mission is
the prevention of brain injury and the full participation
in life for individuals with brain injury.
PO Box 7513 • Madison, WI 53707-7513
(608) 229-7628 (Voice)
We provide information and resources to help people better
understand Parkinson’s disease and manage their lives through
referrals, educational materials and support groups.
Breast Cancer Recovery Foundation
Community Health Charities of Wisconsin
2800 Royal Ave Ste 210 • Monona, WI 53713-1518
(608) 661-4178 (Voice)
Infinite Boundaries retreats help women to heal emotionally from
their breast cancer. BCR hosts an annual conference featuring
relevant topics for caregivers and breast cancer survivors.
6516 Monona Dr. Suite 222 • Monona, WI 53716
(608) 520-4182 (Voice)
Partnering with Wisconsin’s most trusted health charities to deliver
credible health information, community-focused volunteer activities
and efficient charitable giving to employees in the workplace.
Bryon Riesch Paralysis Foundation
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
P.O. Box 1388 • Waukesha, WI 53187
(262) 547-2083 (Voice)
Supports research to find a cure for paralysis; charitable
grants to provide individuals with financial assistance; and
scholarships to individuals to continue their education.
2990 Cahill Main Suite 202 • Madison, WI 53711
(608) 298-9902 (Voice)
Supports innovative research to control and cure cystic fibrosis.
Provides specialized medical care through a nationwide network
of centers; offers pharmacy and other patient services.
Caring Bridge
Easter Seals Wisconsin, Inc.
1715 Yankee Doodle Road Suite 301 • Eagan, MN 55122
(651) 452-7940 (Voice)
CaringBridge is a nonprofit offering many ways for people
to care for each other during any type of health event.
101 Nob Hill Rd Ste 301 • Madison, WI 53713-2149
(608) 277-8288 (Voice)
Helping children and adults with disabilities throughout
Wisconsin to gain greater independence through
vocational rehabilitation for farmers, self employment
services, respite care, and Camp Wawbeek.
Cerebral Palsy International
Endometriosis Association
186 Princeton Highstown Rd Bldg 4 2nd Fl
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550 • (609) 452-1200 (Voice)
CPIRF Funds research and educational activities to discover
the cause, cure and evidence based care for those with
cerebral palsy and related developmental disabilities.
8585 N 76th Pl • Milwaukee, WI 53223
(800) 992-3636 (Voice)
Endometriosis is a chronic, painful hormonal/
immune system disease affecting girls and women
from eight through post menopause. We provide
education and support, and conduct research.
City of Hope
Great Lakes Hemophilia Foundation
1055 Wilshire Blvd, 12th Floor • Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 241-7249 (Voice)
Internationally-recognized innovative biomedical research,
treatment and educational institution. Physicians/
scientists dedicated to the prevention of cure of cancer, HIV/
AIDS, diabetes, and other life-threatening diseases.
638 N 18th St Ste 108 • Milwaukee, WI 53233
(800) 797-4543 (Voice)
GLHF advances the quality of life of individuals and
families affected by hemophilia or other blood disorders by
providing resources, education and financial assistance.
Health First Wisconsin
Lupus Foundation of America
321 E Main • Madison, WI 5370
(608) 268-2620 (Voice)
Health First Wisconsin positively impacts the health
of Wisconsin residents by eliminating tobacco use,
reducing alcohol abuse and preventing obesity.
2600 N Mayfair Rd Ste 320 • Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 443-6400 (Voice)
Patient-oriented organization helping people with lupus,
and their families by providing information, education,
advocacy and support for lupus research.
HOPE of Wisconsin (Hospice Organization)
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Wisconsin
3240 University Ave Ste 2 • Madison, WI 53705
(608) 233-7166 (Voice)
Serving the needs of terminally-ill people and
their families throughout Wisconsin.
US Bank Plaza, One South Pinckney • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 252-4321 (Voice)
Make-A Wish Foundation of Wisconsin grants the wishes of
children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich
the human experience with hope, strength and joy.
Huntington’s Disease Society of America
Midwest Athletes Against Childhood
2041 N 107th St • Wauwatosa, WI 53226
(877) 330-2699 (Voice)
HDSA is dedicated to improving the lives of people with
Huntington’s disease and their families through support of
research, providing information and resources and education.
10000 Innovation Dr Ste 135 • Milwaukee, WI 53226
(800) 248-8735 (Voice)
The MACC Fund raises funds for critical pediatric cancer and
blood disorders. Research conducted in Wisconsin impacts
treatment and care for children throughout the country.
In Health Community Wellness Free Clinic
Muscular Dystrophy Association
109 E. Bluff St • Boscobel, WI 53805
(608) 375-4324 (Voice)
InHealth CWC serves 8,500 people with a free clinic,
medications, low cost adult dental, hygienist services for
children, community garden spaces and safe houses.
434 S Yellowstone Dr Ste 201 • Madison, WI 53719-1085
(608) 222-3269 (Voice)
Fighting neuromuscular disease through worldwide research, a
nationwide network of clinics offering comprehensive medical
services, and far-reaching professional and public health education.
JDRF International, Western Wisconsin Chapter
Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America
434 S. Yellowstone, Ste. 202 • Madison, WI 53719-3524
(608) 833-2873 (Voice)
Help us improve lives of children and adults living
with type 1 diabetes (T1D) through funding research
to cure, treat and prevent this disease.
2474 S 96th St • West Allis, WI 53227-2204
(262) 938-9800 (Voice)
Dedicated to assisting patients and families with this
neuromuscular disease through research, support groups, and
education for medical professionals and the community.
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
434 S Yellowstone Dr Ste 205 • Madison, WI 53719
(608) 826-0771 (Voice)
Provides education, support, advocacy to people with
blood cancers until a cure is found. We rely on your support
for fund research and patient services programs.
National Kidney Foundation of Wisconsin
16655 W Bluemound Ste 240 • Brookfiel, WI 53005
(800) 543-6393 (Voice)
Raising awareness of chronic kidney disease by providing free
kidney screenings, education programs, and promoting organ/
tissue donation to improve the health of Wisconsin families.
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
1500 Rosecrans Ave Ste 200 • Manhattan Bch, CA 90266-3721
(877) 272-6226 (Voice)
Nationwide network of people dedicated to working
together to advance research, support patients and
create hope for those afflicted by pancreatic cancer.
National Lung Cancer Partnership
1 Point Place Suite 200 • Madison, WI 53719
(608) 833-8905 (Voice)
The only lung cancer advocacy organization founded
by doctors and researchers, we are working to ensure
every lung patient becomes a lung cancer survivor.
Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, Inc.
111 King St Ste 23 • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 256-7549 (Voice)
The mission of Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin is to empower
all individuals to manage their sexual and reproductive
health through patient services, education and advocacy.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
1120 James Dr Ste A • Hartland, WI 53029-8311
(262) 369-4400 (Voice)
Wisconsin has one of the highest incidence
rates of MS in the nation. MS stops people from
moving. We exist to make sure it doesn’t.
Prevent Blindness Wisconsin
PO Box 955 • Sun Prairie, WI 53590
(608) 825-1557 (Voice)
We prevent blindness and preserve sight in Wisconsin
through free adult and children’s vision screening services
and educational programs on eye health and safety.
National Psoriasis Foundation
6600 SW 92nd Ave Ste 300 • Portland, OR 97223-7195
(800) 723-9166 (Voice)
Our mission is to find a cure for psoriasis and psoriatic
arthritis and to eliminate their devastating effects
through research, advocacy and education.
Research to Prevent Blindness
645 Madison Ave • New York, NY 10022
(800) 621-0026 (Voice)
Mobilizes financial resources to support scientific research
into the causes, cures and prevention of blinding diseases
in its mission to preserve vision and restore sight.
One Heartland
4425 N Port Washington Rd Ste 107 • Milwaukee, WI 53212
(800) 724-4673 (Voice)
One Heartland improves the lives of kids and families facing HIV/
AIDS and socially–isolating circumstances by providing support,
advocacy, campaign experiences and education programs.
Sickle Cell Disease Association
231 E Baltimore St Ste 800 • Baltimore, MD 21202
(800) 421-8453 (Voice)
Dedicated to addressing issues created by this inherited
condition, SCDAA provides public information, professional
education, advocacy, and supports research.
SouthEastern Wisconsin Adaptive Ski
Variety-The Children’s Charity of Wisconsin
10305 Sherman Rd • Cedarburg, WI 53012
(414) 226-8375 (Voice)
Provides adaptive ski and snowboard lessons for persons
with disabilities of all ages and abilities. Professional,
all volunteer ski school with education focus.
PO Box 1997 Suite C120A • Milwaukee, WI 53201
(414) 266-2671 (Voice)
We provide life-enriching assistance to Wisconsin children age
21 and younger who are challenged by physical disabilities.
Wisconsin Association for Perinatal Care
St. Jude’s Research Hospital/ALSAC
211 S. Paterson Suite 250 • Madison, WI 53703
(608) 285-5858 (Voice)
Provides leadership and education to improve
perinatal health outcomes of women, infants
and their families throughout Wisconsin.
4619 Ravenswood Suite 302 • Chicago, IL 60640
(773) 784-6704 (Voice)
Researches and treats pediatric catastrophic diseases –
primarily childhood cancer. St. Jude covers all costs not paid
by insurance. Research findings are shared worldwide.
Wisconsin Dental Association Foundation
Susan G. Komen for the Cure, south
Central Wisconsin Affiliate
6737 W Washington Ste 2360 • Milwaukee, WI 53214
(414) 276-4520 (Voice)
The WDA Foundation works to improve the oral health of
Wisconsin residents by supporting projects and programs
that provide dental care for the disadvantaged.
8030 Excelsior Dr Ste 306 • Madison, WI 53717
(608) 836-1083 (Voice)
Imagine a life without breast cancer. We can make
it a reality by racing for the cures and funding lifesaving research and community health programs.
Wisconsin Parkinson Association
945 N 12 St Suite 4602 • Milwaukee, WI 53233
(414) 219-7060 (Voice)
The Wisconsin Parkinson Association is a state-wide agency
that increases awareness about Parkinson disease, supports
people with the disease, and raises funds fro research.
The Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin
211 S. Lake Dr. Suite 113 • St. Francis, WI 53235
(414) 327-1329 (Voice)
Our mission is simple. We are here to provide support
to families and individuals with Down Syndrome
through education, information and experiences.
Wisconsin Women’s Health Foundation, Inc.
2503 Todd Dr • Madison, WI 53713-2341
(608) 251-1675 (Voice)
WWHF provides programs and connects individuals to
resource that focus on education, prevention and early
detection of disease that affect women the most.
United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Dane County
2801 Coho St Ste 300 • Madison, WI 53713
(608) 273-4434 (Voice)
United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Dane County (UCP)
supports over 1,400 children and adults with disabilities
and delays from birth through adulthood.