Examples of High-Dimensional Data Genevera I. Allen Statistical Learning: High-Dimensional Data January 10, 2011 (Stat 699) High-Dimensional Data January 10, 2011 1 / 16 1 Large p, Small n: Biological Data 2 Random Fields Data 3 Collaborative Filtering Data (Stat 699) High-Dimensional Data January 10, 2011 2 / 16 Example: Microarrays arrays Measure gene expression. Only tens of hundreds of samples. (Stat 699) High-Dimensional Data genes Often tens of thousands of genes (features). January 10, 2011 3 / 16 Review: Microarrays (Stears, R. L. et. al, 2003) (Stat 699) High-Dimensional Data January 10, 2011 4 / 16 Statistical Questions: Microarrays arrays Data pre-processing: I I Normalization. Missing data imputation. I Which genes are significant? Clustering: I genes Inference: Groups of genes, groups of samples. Model Building: I Small n, large p. (Stat 699) High-Dimensional Data January 10, 2011 5 / 16 Other Types of Biological Data Genetics: Deep Sequencing - Counts. Micro RNA Expression - Continuous. CGH (Copy Number Variation) - Continuous / Categorical. SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) - Binary / Categorical. Methalaytion - Continuous. (Stat 699) High-Dimensional Data January 10, 2011 6 / 16 Other Types of Biological Data Proteomics / Metabolomics (Chemometrics): (H-NMR) Measures the chemical shift associated with various metabolites. (Stat 699) High-Dimensional Data January 10, 2011 6 / 16 1 Large p, Small n: Biological Data 2 Random Fields Data 3 Collaborative Filtering Data (Stat 699) High-Dimensional Data January 10, 2011 7 / 16 Example: Functional MRIs (fMRI) Rows: Voxels. Columns: Subjects (And/or replicates and times). Measurement: Hemodynamic response (change in blood flow). Slice 15 (Stat 699) Slice 16 High-Dimensional Data Slice 17 January 10, 2011 8 / 16 Review: fMRIs (Heeger & Ress, 2002) (Stat 699) High-Dimensional Data January 10, 2011 9 / 16 Statistical Questions: fMRIs Inference: I I Which voxels are significant? Which groups of voxels ( regions of interest) are significant? Clustering: I Groups of voxels that behave similarly - finding regions of interest. Networks (Functional Connectivity): I I How are voxels or groups of voxels related to each other? How are voxels or groups of voxels related through time? (Stat 699) High-Dimensional Data January 10, 2011 10 / 16 Others Finance. I Time Series Data. Climate Data. I I Spatial Data. Spatio-temporal Data. Neuroimaging. I I I DTI - Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Calcium-Florescence Imaging. EEG & MEG. (Stat 699) High-Dimensional Data January 10, 2011 11 / 16 1 Large p, Small n: Biological Data 2 Random Fields Data 3 Collaborative Filtering Data (Stat 699) High-Dimensional Data January 10, 2011 12 / 16 Example: Netflix Movie Rating Data Rows: Movies. Columns: Customers. Measurement: Movie ratings (scale of 1 - 5). Star Wars Harry Potter Pretty Woman Titanic Lord of the Rings .. . (Stat 699) Anne 2 3 4 5 ? .. . Ben 5 4 ? ? 5 .. . Charlie 4 5 2 2 5 .. . High-Dimensional Data Doug 4 3 ? 1 4 .. . Eve 3 ? 5 3 4 .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . January 10, 2011 13 / 16 Netflix Prize Challenge: Predict un-rated movies with 10% improvement over Cinematch. Training Set: 480,000 customer ratings on 18,000 movies. Around 98.7% missing ratings! $1,000,000 prize! Contest: October 2006 - August 2009. Winners: Team led by Robert Bell and Yehuda Koren. Methods: Variations on the SVD and k-nearest neighbors (Bell & Koren, 2008). Fields: Recommender systems & Collaborative filtering. (Stat 699) High-Dimensional Data January 10, 2011 14 / 16 Visualizing Netflix Data Zipf (Justin S. Dyer & Art B. Owen, 2010) (Stat 699) High-Dimensional Data January 10, 2011 15 / 16 Visualizing Netflix Data Copulas (Justin S. Dyer & Art B. Owen, 2010) (Stat 699) High-Dimensional Data January 10, 2011 15 / 16 Other Examples Amazon Facebook Yahoo! Twitter (Stat 699) High-Dimensional Data January 10, 2011 16 / 16