A NEW EQUATION RELATING INDEX OF REFRACTION AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY* Survey,Claremont,Cal'if. Roennr D. Arr-nn, Ll. S. Geol,ogical, ABSTRACT A new equation relating index of refraction and specific gravity is proposed: aBy/d:k' The terms a|l and fr are referred to as refractive capacity and specific refractive capacity, respectively. The new equation is compared with 3 classical equations by means of 12 groups of polymorphous compounds. Specific refractive capacities are in closer agreement Ior AlzOa, SiOz, CaCOa, AlrSiO5, and NaAISiOT than are the classical constants. AII equations yield satisfactory agreement between modifications of MgSiO3, CaSiOr, ZnS, and NarSOr. Specific refractive capacities for the respective polymorphs of TiOz, As2O3' and SbsOa show gross discrepancies, considerably greater than those found with the older equations. Such discrepancies demonstrate that refraction of light is a constitutive as weli as an additive property and are thought to result from variations in manner of aggregation. Specific refractive capacities for the common oxides are tabulated. Average index of refraction is calculated for 26 compositions by means oI (l)ah /d: k ail (2) (n- I) /tI: k; in the majority of these examples, the former expression yields indices closer to those experimentally measured. INrnooucuoN During the past century, three principai equations relating index of reJraction to specific gravity have been proposed. The existing formulas (Larsenand Berman, 1934)are listed in Table 1. The Lorentz and Lorenz Tasln 1. EQunrroNs Ror-errnc Imlnx Author(s) Gladstone and Dale Lorentz and Lorenz Lichtenecker ol Rnlrucrron Equation n-l alll Spncu'rc Gruvrrv Designation of Constant Specific refractivitY d nz-l 7 n'12 d Specific refraction Iog n d equation is based on the eiectromagnetic theory of light, whereas the others are of empirical origin. Although numerous articles dealing with relationships among chemical * Publication authorized by the Director, U. S. Geoiogical Survey. 24s ROBERT D. ALLEN composition, index of refraction, and density in glass have recently appeared, at present only approximate generalized formulas for wide ranges and accurate expressionsfor limited ranges of composition are possible(Sun, Safiord, and Silverman, 1940). The postulate upon which these relationships are based may be stated as follows: for a definite chemical composition there exists a constant fr, which may be calculated from the index of refraction and density of any one of the composition's physical modifications (solid, liquid, gas; polymorphs). In other words, it is assumedthat refraction of light is an additive property dependent solely on concentration and composition. Despite the limited validity of the postulate, this type of equation is useful for computations within restricted rangeswhere index of refraction is an additive property. Conversely, definite discrepanciesmay supply usefulinformation about the nature of bonding. B.q.srslon Pnoposrn EeuarroN The concept of the indicatrix has been fundamental in redefining refractivity, the capacity of a substance to refract light. The indicatrix (Fletcher, 1892), a geometrical abstraction utilized in optical mineralogy to depict the behavior of light in crystals, may be defined as a threedimensional geometric figure so constructed that the three principal indices of refraction of light waves in their directions of vibration are equal to its three mutually perpendicular semiaxes.Thus, in isotropic substances,which have but one index of refraction, the indicatrix is a sphere. In uniaxial crystals, which have two indices of refraction, the indicatrix is either a prolate or oblate spheroid of revolution depending on whether the substanceis optically positive or negative, respectively. For biaxial crystals, with three indices, the indicatrix takes the general form of a triaxial ellipsoid. fn essence,then, the indicatrix is a vectorial representation of the refraction of light in three dimensions. The refractivity of a substance is here considered to be proportional to the volume of its indicatrix. The formulas expressingvolume for the three classesof optical indicatrix are as follows: Sphere Spheroid of revolution friaxial ellipsoid 4f3rn3 4f3roze 4/3ra!t In the general case,therefore, refractivity is proportional to the product aBy. The product of the three indices of refraction of a substance-aBy for biaxial crystals, a2eIor uniaxial crystals, andns ior isotropic substances -may be defined as refractive capacity. A new synthetic constant, ft, may be obtained from the formula aBy/d: i, where d is the specificgravity. This value ft may be termed the specificrefractive capacity. INDEX OF REFRACTION AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY 247 T,tsur.ertoN oF CoNSTANTsol SolrB ColruoN Puvsrcel 1VIorrlrcarroNs The four equations are compared by computation of their respective constants for 12 groups of polymorphous or dimorphous compounds. Data for water-ice and for the isomers of chlorotoluene are also given. Tridymite is omitted from the table because of uncertainty in optical data. For uniaxial and biaxial crystals the mean index of refraction, n, equals {a'e ot {"Al; this quantity must be determined for solution of the classicalequations. Specific gravities are calculated (Schlecht, 1944) for crystal modif.cations of SiOz and CaCOs as well as for compounds which show gross lack of agreement between values of ft when experimental specific gravities are employed. Sourcesof experimental data are indicated by numbers in parentheseswhich refer to the bibliography. It should be pointed out that impurities in minerals may afiect the calculations in some cases.For instance, minor amounts of iron, titanium, or chromium may be present in corundum. Columbium, tantalum, and iron have been reported in rutile; iron is usually present in anatase and brookite. It is considered likely, however, that the optical and specific gravity data cited would be essentially correct for the corresponding ideally pure compounds. Dlscussrow Specific refractive capacities are in closer agreement than are the constants calculated by means of the classical equations for polymorphs of the following compositions: Al2O3,SiOz, CaCOa,AlzSiOr, and NaAlSiOa. Each of thesegroups is characterizedby appreciable differencesin specific gravity and indices of refraction. In contrast, for those groups of substanceswhose polymorphs do not have widely different physical properties, such as, MgSiO3, CaSiO3,ZnS, and Na2SO4,all four equations yield comparable results. The specific refractive capacities for TiOz, AsrOa, SbzOr, and H2O show gross discrepanciesbetween the respective modifications of each composition. The differencesare considerably greater than those arrived at through use of the older formulas. The immediate explanation lies in the mathematical nature of the various equations. In a series of polymorphous compounds whose indices of relraction are dependent upon variables other than chemical composition and specific gravity, the ratio ofu/d would be subject to greater variations than the corresponding ratios of the previously introduced equations. It is clear that index of refraction is a constitutive property as well as an additive property, that is, the manner of aggregation of chemical elements is a determining factor besidesthe kinds and concentrations of ROBERI' D, ALLEN 248 Tltrl-a 2, ConsraNrs or SoMECouuoN Prvsrc,l;- MoorrtcArtoNs Formula Physical modification; crystal system a, 1 768 e, 1 76O "Third phase"; isometric 3.47 1. 6 9 6 I JJJ 0 104 log n d 0.0620 0.0661 o 0712 0.0711 0.206 0.205 0.0738 0 073s o,2 612 e, 2.899 0 403 0.400 0.160 0.15s 0 102 0.101 414 4.12 (calc ) e,2 583 E, 2.584 'y,2 7OO 0 392 0 394 0 160 0 161 0.101 0 102 390 444 (calc ) a, 2.561 c, 2.488 0 394 0 380 0.165 0 159 0.104 0.100 387 3.88 (calc ) 1. 7 5 5 0 195 0 195 0. 106 0.106 0.0631 0.0630 0.198 0.196 0.0960 0.0950 0.0581 0.0575 a,218 p,2 3s .y,235 0 224 0 1017 0.0625 Rutile; tetragonal 4.23 426 (calc.) Brookite; orthorhombic Senarmontite; pseudoisometric €, 0 192 ! d, 0.123 0 123 2.33 2.342 (calc.) Claudetite; monoclinic a, 1.544 ,r2+2 0.209 0 208 Low cristobalite; tetragonal AsrO, (6) 1 486 (mean, 4.26 (calc ) p, 1.92 a,2 0l 5.50 5.56 (calc ) 2 087 o 225 o 219 Valentini te 5.76 (exp and calc.) Calcite; hexagonal 2 710 2.743 (calc.) o, I 6585 e, 1 4865 0 22r 0 218 0 126 0 125 0 0752 0 0743 2.95 2.944 (calc ) c, I 530 p, r.681 7, 1 685 o 21+ 0 214 O 12r 0.121 0.0721 0.0720 2.645 (calc ) o, 1 550 e, 1 645 0.220 0 126 0.0752 a, 1.650 B, 1.6s3 .y, 1 658 0.206 Vateri te; hexagonal MgSiOr (1 1 ) 2.66 2.664 (calc.) d-l. Indices of refraction 398 (calc ) Low quartz; ( 5 , 1 2 , 1 3 ) hexagonal (7) gravlty Corundum; hexagonal (synthetic) sio, CaCOs Specific Enstatite; orthorhombic INDEX OF REF'RACTION AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY 249 Tanrn 2 (eontinued.) Formula CaSiO, (10 Al,sios (U Physical modification; crystal system Specific gravity CICoH.CHT (3) log n d a, 1.651 8, 1.6s4 t, 1.660 0 205 0.115 0.0686 Wollastonite; monoclinic 2.915 4,1.O1O 0.215 0.121 0 0724 1.47 B, 1.629 t,1.631 Pseudowollastonite; monoclinic a, 1.61O p, r.610 1.654 ", 0 215 0.122 0.0725 Kyanite; tri clinic a, 1 712 8, 1.72O 1,1 728 0 200 0.110 0 0654 Sillinanite; orthorhombic a, 1.659 8,1.660 r,1.680 0 206 a, 1.634 p, 1.639 t, 1,.643 o.203 a,1.509 p, | 514 1,1 514 o 204 a, t -537 e, 1 533 0.205 2.369 0 343 @,2356 e, 2.378 0.343 2.619 Sphalerite; isometric Wurtzite; hexagonal H,O (3, 6) 1 "'_1 . n2+2 d 319 Nephelite; hexagonal Na,SOo (7, I 1) refraction Clinoenstatite; monoclinic NaAlSiO, (11) ZnS (6) Indices of Thenardite; orthorhombic 2.664 NarSO+-III; orthorhombic 2 696 Ice; hexagonal 0 917 o 921 (calc ) Water a, 1.471 p, 1.477 a, 1.484 0.0687 0 120 0 0716 332 0. 0938 0 106 3.32 0 0636 0.0634 1.4825 (mean) o, I .309 e, 1.310 0 337 0.336 0 209 0.208 o.128 o.127 1. 0 0 1. 3 3 5 0.335 0 207 0.125 2.38 O-Chlorotoluene 1 0817 1. 5 2 3 8 0 484 0 283 0.169 3.27 M-Chlorotoluene 1.0722 1 5214 0.486 0 284 0.170 3.28 P-Chlorotoluene 1.0697 1.5199 0.486 0.284 0 170 3.28 250 ROBERT D. ALLEN elements. No formula, therefore, which involves only index of refraction and density as variables can be expected to produce a constant for all phasesand polymorphs of a given chemical composition. The gross differences in specific refractive capacities of TiOr, AszOs, and SbzOsmay be a reflection of variation in bond type from one polymorph to another. Pauling (1948) has pointed out differencesin bonding between the respectivepolymorphs of AszOrand SbzOs.Arsenolite (AsrOr, isometric) and senarmontite (Sb2O3,pseudo-isometric), whose specific refractive capacities are relatively low, consist of small moleculesof the type AaXo.On the other hand, claudetite (AszOa,monoclinic) and valentinite (Sb2OB, orthorhombic), whose specific refractive capacities are relatively high, have infi.nite molecules. A somewhat parallel situation is presented by water with discrete molecules (specific refractive capacity :2.38) and ice with infinite molecules (specific refractive capacity :2.44).It may be noted that anomalous values of molar refraction* (Glasstone, 1946,p.528) have been useful in the determination of bond type in organic compounds. Variations in bond mechanism could account for anomalous values of fr encountered in the modifications of TiOz. It might also be significant that Ti, As, and Sb are all elementscapable of existing in more than one state of positive valence. Spncrrrc RernacrrvB CapacrrrBs oF TrrE OxrpBs Specific refractive capacities of the oxides have been calculated (1) from the oxides themselvesor (2) from compounds containing the oxides. The specificrefractive capacity, ft, of a compound of the type mAX 'nBX, where m is the weight percentage of AX and n is the weight percentage of BX, is given by the equation mktx t nkax 100 : Ktx.nx. If Ktx.ex and either ktx or ksx are known, the equation may be solved for the unknown ft value. Many of the specificrefractive capacities tabuIated below have been calculated in this manner. Of course, this computation presupposesadditivity of fr values. Referencesin Table 3 are indicated in parentheses. CercularroN or AvERAGEINDEX or RBlnecuoN loR MrNonars, Anrrlrcral ColrpouNos, ano Glassns Average index of refraction may be calculated for a compound whose specific refractive capacity and specific gravity are known. (Conversely, * Molar refraction is defined as (nz-l) /(n2*2) 'M /il,where M is the molecular weight. INDEX OF REFRACTION AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY 251 density may be calculated if average index of refraction and specific refractive capacity are known.) Specificrefractive capacity is given by the earlier described equation mktx I --100-- nkax : rrAX'BX' Calculated average indices of refraction for minerals, artificial compounds, and glasses,obtained from (1)aB7/d:k and (2)("-l)/d:k, are tabulated in Table 4. Experimental indices and data used in the calcuIations are included. Values of & for the Gladstoneand Dale equation were taken from Larsen and Berman (1934). Chemical analysesare recalculated to 100 per cent. As before, referencesare indicated in parentheses. In 15 of 26 compositions the average indices calculated by means of the new equation are substantially nearer to the experimental values than are those obtained from the Gladstone and Dale equation. In nine compositions the two equations yield calculated indices which differ from the experimental by similar increments. In two compositions indices calculated by the Gladstone and Dale equation are significantly nearer to the experimental. It must be pointed out that certain oxides, such as HzO, COz, Fe2O3,TiOz, are not characterizedby constant specific refractive capacities for all compounds (see Table 3), and calculations involving these oxides should be carried out with caution. Suulranv A new equation relating index of refraction and specific gravity is proposed: aBy/d:ft. The term aBy is referred to as refractive capacity and is proportional to the volume of the indicatrix; ft is designated as specific refractive capacity. The new equation is compared with three earlier equations by computation of their respective constants tor 12 groups of polymorphous compounds. Specific refractive capacities for the respective polymorphs of AIrOs, SiOz, CaCO3, AlzSiOs, and NaAISiOa are in closer agreement than the classical constants; each of these groups is characterized by appreciable difierences in specific gravity and indices of refraction. In contrast, every equation yields satisfactory agreementbetween modifications of MgSiOs, CaSiO3,ZnS, and Na2SO4;each of these groups is characterized by small difierencesin specificgravity and indices of refraction. The specificrefractive capacitiesfor TiO2, AszOs,SbzOa,and HzO show Iarge discrepancies,greater than the constants calculated from the older formulas, between the respective modifications of each composition. These anomalies are attributed to variations in the manner of aggregation of atoms. Specific refractive capacities for the common oxides are tabulated. ROBERT D. ALLEN Tesrn 3. Spncrlrc Rnln.lcrrvB C.lpacrrrns or rrm CouuoN OxTDES Oxide Specific refractive capacity Source of data Agro 1.O7 AgNOr (11) Al203 138 Alzor (11) AszO: 1.40 |.74 Arsenolite Claudetite (6) (6)' BzOa 1.60 1. 6 5 1.70 CaBzOa MgaBzOs B2O3glass (11) (11) (3) BaO 0.909 Celsian BeO t.7r Beo BizOr 0.820 Bi2o3 (3) COr 1. 3 1 1.40 Calcite-aragonite Dolomite (7) (7) CaO 1. 6 3 Anorthite (5) CrOr 2.36 KzCrOr (11) Cr:Oa 2.09 3. 0 1 FeCrzOr CrsOa G2) (11) CsrO 0.834 CszSOr (11) CuzO J.JI CusO (11) CuO t.7s CuSO+ (11) FeO r.42 1.54 FeAbOr Fayalite (2) (5) FezOe 2.49 5.80 Andradite Hematite (5) (6) HrO 2.2s 2.38 2.M Gypsum Water Ice (7) (3) (6) Heo t.41 Heo (3) (5) (11) INDEX OF REFRACTION AND SPECIFIC GRAVITV 253 Trw-n 3-(continued.) Oxide Specific refractive capacity Source of data (s) KrO I.JJ Orthoclase Ltzo 2.20 Liro (11) Mgo 146 Mgo ( 11 ) MnO r.44 Tephroite NrOu 1.60 BaNzOo NurO 1.28 AIbite PzOs 1.03 1.26 NarPgOz KHzPOT (3) (11) Pbo 1.08 Pb(NOt, (3) Rbro 0.885 RbzSOr ( 11 ) SOa r.t4 Anhydrite (7) SbzOa 1. 6 5 209 Senarmontite Valentinite (6) (6) SiOz 139 Quartz (s) SnOz 1.20 Cassiterite (3) SrO 1.04 1.11 Celestite SrAlzSizOe (7) (11) ThOz 1.03 ThOz (3) TiOz 4.18 4.35 4.68 Anatase Brookite Rutile (6) (6) (6) WOe r .u.') CaWOr ( 11 ) ZnO 1.16 r.45 ZnAlzOn Zincite (11) (6) l. Zircon ZrOz /J (s) ( 11 ) (s) (s) ROBERT D. ALLEN 254 Teslr 4. C.lrcurerno Avenncn Iworcns or Rrrnectrow ron Mnvrnals, Axrrlrcter Coueoumos,eNl Gr-assns E values employed Substance Composition oh /d (n-1) I Specific gavity /d A""rug" itd"* oI refraction Calculated otu/d Tridymite (n-r)/d' t.473 1.476 2.144 2.146 (s) Baddeleyite 0.201 5.71 0.200 0.193 0.1950 360 (s) Spinel (s) MgO'Al,Or 28.3470 MsO 71.6670 Alzor Ks 3A1,Or'2SiOr 71.8070 Al'Or 28 2o7o sio, Ky Grossularite (s) Anorthite (s) MnO'SiO' MnO 54.1570 45.8sTo sio, Ka 1.44 1.39 L 4t7 0.191 0.207 0.1983 3MgO' Al'Or' 3SiOr 30.017a MgO 25.29Ta AlrOr 44.7070 sio" Kp 1.46 1. 3 8 |.39 1.409 0.200 0.193 0.207 0.2013 t.70+ r.707 3CaO' AlzOa'3SiOr 37.3570 CaO 22.64170 Al,Or 4O.OlTo SiOz Ke 1.63 1. 3 8 t.39 1.477 0.225 0.193 0.207 0.2106 1.73L 1.743 1.63 1.38 r.39 1.435 0.225 0 2r4 0.207 0.2065 2.765 1.54 0.909 1.39 1.255 0.187 0.127 0.207 0.1776 3.33 43 6470 56.3670 0 181 o.t77 0 -1 7 8 8 2.69 27.r87o 0.310 o .t 7 7 0.2132 2.23 CaO' Al,O'' CaO Al,or sio, K,T 2SiOr 20.1670 36.657a 43.re7a Iron barium silicate (11) FeO'BaO'4SiOz FeO I5.447o 32.957a BaO SiOz 51.6170 K Thenardite NazSOr NazO SOs (s) Kr Li,so, Li"o SOr 72 827a INDEX OF REFRACTION AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY 255 Trr;;n 4-(continuetl) & values employed Substance Composition ofu/d (n-1)/tl Arcanite (7) KISO' K"O SOr K,t 54.0570 45.9570 Sodium nitrate NaNOr NazO NrOr K 36.4670 63.5470 1.28 1.60 1.483 0.181 0.240 0.2185 Cesium nitrate ( 11 ) CsNOr CsrO NrOc K 72,29To 27.7170 0.834 1.60 1.046 0.t24 0.240 0.1561 Rubidium uitrate ( 11 ) RbNOr Rb'O NzOe 63.3870 36.627a 0.885 1.60 1.147 0.129 0.240 0.1697 SiOr B,Or NarO AlzOr 12To 12To llTo 5To L.39 1.70 t.28 1.38 1.415 0.207 0.220 0.181 0.193 0.2050 Ordinary crown glass, Wright's no.1 (11) SiOr AsrOr MnuOr CaO KrO NazO K 74.670 o.37o O.l7o 5.o7o l1.oYa 9.OT 1.39 1.57 1.44 L.63 1.33 r.28 1.386 0.207 0.214 0.300 0.225 0.189 0.181 0.2040 Sodium potassium calcium glass (11) SiOr 61.O27a Na,O 6.3rTa K,o 9.s97a CaO 22.787a AtOr O.3OYa (plus FerOr) 1.39 t.28 1.33 1.63 1.38 0.207 0.181 0.189 0.225 0.193 A Borosilicate crown glass, Wright's no. 12 ( 11 ) ^ siot BOr Al,ot AsrOr BaO K 31.O7o 12.0To 8.0% l.O7o 48.070 MnO' SiOr glass ( 11 ) MnO SiOr K 54.1570 45.8570 Expaimental 1.495 0.2077 Barium crown glass, Wright's no. 45 ( 11 ) Average index of refraction Specific gravity 1.39 r.70 1.38 1,57 0.91 1.198 0.207 0.220 0.193 0.214 0.127 0. 1691 0 .1 9 1 0.207 0 .1 9 8 3 Calculated dtu /d. (n-t) /d 1.497 1.499 1.510 256 ROBERT D, ALLEN Ttrl-a 4-(conti.nued) & values employed Substance Composition otu /d (n-1) /d Average Specific gravi ty sio, Pbo K,O Na'O AsgOr K 59.3To 27.570 8.07o 5.O7o o.2To 1.39 1.08 1.33 1 28 1.57 | 295 0.207 0.137 0.189 0.181 0.214 0.1850 Beryllium glass, Lai and Silverman's no. Br (11) sio, Na,O BeO R 73.4070 18-9670 7.6470 t39 1.28 t.71 1.393 0207 0.181 0 238 0.2044 245 Gahnite Analysis FeO MnO ZnO Al,o, FerOr SiOr Ke 1. 7 1 7 a 0 SOVo 41.317a 53 28%o 2.51Ta O.69Ta 1.42 1.44 1.16 138 2.49 1 39 1 318 0.187 0.191 0 153 0193 0.308 0.207 0.1793 4.57 Ferroan gahnite analysis no. 14 (6) MgO FeO MnO ZnO AlrOr CrrOr Ke 2-3870 8.52To O.10Ta 31 3270 57.597a O.O97o l.+6 1.42 1.44 r.t6 1. 3 8 2.09 r.317 0.200 0.187 0.191 0.1s3 0.193 0.270 0 1802 438 Augite analysis no.13 (4) SiOr AlzOa Fe:Os FeO MgO CaO Na'O K,O H,O(+) Tioz MnO Rt s0.glVa 2.68Yo 1 867a IO OSVI l2.397o 20 5570 0 4770 0.0270 o 1e7o o.4o7o O 4870 1.39 1.38 2.49 1.42 1 46 1.63 1 28 1 33 225 4.18 1.44 1.483 0.207 0.193 0 308 0 187 0.200 0.225 0.181 1.189 0340 0.397 0 191 0.2100 3.394 Hedenbergite amlysis no. 18 (4) siol AlrOr FerOr FeO MgO CaO Na,O KrO H,O(+) Tio, MnO 48.4270 0 30Va l.sl/a 22.977a l.O6Va 21.33Ta o.147a 0.03Va 0.467a o.o8To 3.7170 1 39 1 38 2.49 1.42 1.46 t.63 1.28 1.33 2.25 4.18 1. 4 4 1.473 0207 0. 193 0.308 0.187 0.200 0.225 0.181 0 189 0.340 0.397 0.191 0.2078 3.535 Wright's no. 53 (11) Ks Experinental 1.5193 L.734 index of refraction Calculated afu/d INDEX OF REFRACTIONAND SPECIFICGRAVITY 257 The constants are calculated (1) from the oxides themselvesor (2) from compounds containing the oxides. Indices of refraction are calculated for 26 compositions (minerals' artificial compounds,and glasses)by means of (l) aBy/d:h and (2)(n -l)/d:ft. In the majority of these examples, the former expression yields indices closer to those experimentally obtained. In some respectsthe new equation is more convenient than the others. It is not necessaryto compute an average index of refraction when an anisotropic substanceis involved. Furthermore, if two indices are known, the third can be calculated readily, provided that k and d ate known. AcrNowr-BoGMENTS Criticisms and suggestionsby H. W. Jafie, of the U. S. Geological Survey, enabled the writer to expand and improve the preliminary manuscript. Contributions were also made by F. M. Byers, G. J. Neuerburg, and G. I. Smith, all of the Survey. Assistance was rendered by George Tunell, of the University of California at Los Angeles. RelcreNcns 1. Fr.rrcnnn,L.(1892),TheOpticalIndicatrixandtheTransmissionofLightinCrystals, London. 2. Gr.essrown, S. (1946), Textbook of Physical Chemistry, 2d ed., p. 528-534' D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. 3. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (1951), 33d ed., Chemical Rubber Publishing Co., Cleveland. 4. Hrss, H. H. (1949), Chemical composition and optical properties of common ciinopyroxenes, P art I : A rn. M iner a1,.,34, 621-666. 5. Lntser, E. S., euo Brnuax, H. (1934), The microscopic determination of ihe nonopaque minerals: [/. S. Geol.Suraey, Bu]L848. 6. Par.ecnr, C., Bonuan, H., aNo Fnoltonr., C. (1944), Dana's System of Mineralogy, 7th ed., v. 1, John Wiley & Sons, New York. 7. Palacnr:, C., Bonuax, H., eNn FnoNnnr-, C. (1951), Dana's System of Mineralogy, 7th ed., v. 2, John Wiley & Sons,New York. 8. Peur,rxc, L. (1948), The Nature of the Chemical Bond, 2d ed', pp. 247-250, CorneII Univ. Press, Ithaca. 9. Scnr,ncrrr, W. G. (1944), Calculation of density from r-ray data,: Am. Mineral.,29, 108-110. 10. Sur, K.-H., Sarrono, H. W., alto Srr.vrnu,lN, A. (1940), Review of the relation of density and refractive index to the composition of glass, II: Am. Ceramic Soc. Jour., 23,343-354. 11. WrxcHor.r,,A. N. (1931),MicroscopicCharactersof Artificial Minerals, 2d ed., John Wiley & Sons,New York. 12. WrNcnnr.r,,A. N. (1951), Elements of Optical Mineralogy, Part II. Descriptionsof Minerals,4thed.,JohnWiley & Sons,New York. 13. Wvcrolr', R. W. G. (1948),Crystal Structures,Sec I, IntersciencePublishers,New York. Manuscript receiteilMarch 25, 1955.