NOTES AND NEWS 985 The authors would like to acknowledgethe many valuable suggestions made by Carl W. Beck, Professorof Mineralogy at Indiana University. RrrrnrNcrs Car.l.a.cuau, E. (1948), Endellite deposits in Gardner Mine Ridge, Lawrence County, I n d i a n a : I n d , i a n aD i . t . G e o L B d l . l r 4 7 p . Ca.rorcouur, L. (1952), Sur les phosphates alumineux de la r6gion de Thibs (Sdn6gal): Compt. Rend. Aca.d..Sci. Paris,235,187-189. (19.53), Etude mineralogique des gites de phosphates alumineux de la rigion de Thids (Sdn6ga1),XIX Congr. G1oL Internat. Alger 1952, fasc. XI, 103117. ---AND Pur,ou, R. (1954), Sur la radioactiviti des phosphates de la rdgion de Thibs (Sdn6gal): Compt. Rend..Acad. Sci. Pari;,239,288-290. GonooN, S (1954), The mineralogl' of the tin mines of Cerro de Llallagua, Rolivia: Proc. P lila. A cad. Sei., 96, 279-359. KosueNn (1869), Der Apatit von Ofiheim und der Kaikwavelit von Dehrn und Ahlbach: Zeit. deutschegeol.Ges ,21,795-806. Lansr'N. E. S., aNn SHaNNoN,E. V. (1930), The minerals of the phosphate nodules from near Fairfield, Utah: Am. ll[ineral , 15, 307-337. Launrt.r.Nx, H. (1922), Die Phosphat-Mineralien und Edelerden des Arnberg-Auerbacher Erzkcirpers : Geogn. f alu es, 35, 2O2-2O3. Lcrucur.rN, G. F , ano Scnar.lnn, W. T. (1917), Crandallite, a new mineral: Am. f our. Sci.43 (r93), 69-74. McCoNNnr.r., D.6942), X-ral' d21u on several phosphate minerals: Am. Jour.]ci,240, 649-657. Mtinnocr, J. (1955), Phosphate minerals of the Borborema pegmatites: 1-Patrimonio: Am. Mineral., 40, 50-63. Par-acnn, C , Benrax, H., nno FnoNlr:r,, C. (1949), Dana's system of mineralogy, V. II: John Wilei' and Sons, Inc . 1124 p. Ross, C. S., aNn Krnn, P. F. (1934), Hallol,site and allophane: U. S.Geol. Sunt. ProJ. Paper, 185,135 148. Vrssn, L. D. (1952), Pseudowavellite et millisite dans les minerais phosphatds dits lat6roides blancs de la rigion de Thibs (S6n6ga1):Compt. Rend. Acod.. Sci. Paris, 234, t377-r378. W u r r n , W . A . ( 1 9 5 3 ) ,A l l o p h a n e s f r o m L a w r e n c eC o u n t y , f n d i a n a : A m . I f i n e r a l . , 3 8 , 6 3 4 642. THU AMERICAN MINERALOGIST, VOL. 43, SEPTEMBER_OCTOBER, 1958 I{ELATION OF IONIC RADIUS TO STI{UCTURES OF RARE-I'AI{TH PHOSPHATES, ARSENATES, AND VANADATES* l{. K. C-Lnnow,Xleny E. X,{nosn,ANDK. J. lIunrr.L, U. S. Geological Survey, Washinglon25, D.C. Severalinvestigatorshave reported data on the crystal structures of r a r e - e a r t h p h o s p h a t e s( C a r r o n a n d o t h e r s , 1 9 5 8 ) , a r s e n a t e s( S t r a d a * Publication authorized by the Director, U. S. Geological Survey. NOTES AND NEWS and Schwendimann, 1934; Durif and Forrat, 1957), and vanadates (Milligan, Watt, and Rachford, 1949; Durif, 1956). For each of these groups of compounds, the boundary between the xenotime structure (zircon type, tetragonal) and other structural types is at a difierent element of the rare-earth group. Most of the investigatorsfailed to note that the rare-earthelementswhich formed compoundsother than of the xenotime type invariably produced compoundsisostructural with monazite (monoclinic). The purpose of this work is to assemblethe available data and to correlate crystal structures of the rare-earth compoundswith the ionic radii of the trivalent elementsand the anions. By wet chemical methods, we have produced rare-earth phosphates, arsenates,and vanadates that were found by x-ray powder diffraction patterns to be isostructural either with monazite or xenotime. In the arsenatesystem,we confirmedthe study by Durif and Forrat (1957)who showed SmAsO+ to be of the xenotime structure. They stated that NdAsO+had a different structure which, however,they did not identify. We found NdAsOa to be isostructural with monazite. In the vanadate system we also confirmed the work of Milligan, Watt, and Rachford (1949)who producedtheir compoundsbyigniting equimolecularmixtures of the rare-earth oxides and ammonium metavanadate and reported the vanadates of praseodymium through lutetium to be of the xenotime structure. Durif (1956) reported that CeVOa,prepared by oxidation of "CeVO3", had the xenotime structure. We also prepared CeVOr by adding a solution of ammonium metavanadate to a solution of cerouschloride and digestingthe soiution overnight on a steambath. The compound, dried at 100oC., was found to be isostructuralwithxenotime. Neither of the investigators cited above noted that only LaVOa has the monazite structure. Carron and others (1958) have shown that in the phosphate system TbPO4 (Tb3+:0.93 A) has the x-enotimestructure whereasits precedingneighbor GdPO4 (Gd3+:0.97 A) has the monazite structure. Among the actinides,PuPOa(Put+:1.08 A) has been shown to have the monazite structure (Bjorklund, 1957). With regard to scandium, we found that ScPOa,preparedin a bomb at. 300oC. from solutionsof ScCla and dilute phosphoricacid, and ScVOa,prepared by igniting ScsOaand VzOs at 1000" C., has the xenotime structure. We also prepared a hydrated scandium arsenatefrom solutionsof ScCIsand dilute arsenicacid which was isostructural with the metavariscite group of minerals. On ignition this compoundassumedthe xenotime structure. Table 1 is a compilation of all of the anhydrousrare-earthphosphates' arsenates,and vanadates, showing the limiting elements for the monazite and xenotime structures in each system. It shows that the xenotime NOTES AND NEWS 987 NtA7l x,tx XXX ts XXX z o z XXX 14 F z XXX ts XXX ts XXX E z XXX Fr O a ,4 t X ts a X .9. E H O X EH z X ts x |j 9.t JN E9e F F . EE +lX O FOX E tl .<,; .9 ; fl- <'! N EE> :d 0i< I 988 NOTDS AND NEWS structure can accommodateincreasinglylarger cations as the size of the anion increases.There is a quantitative relationship between the radius of the largest xenotime-formingrare-earth element and the size of the anion, in the following manner (formal sixfold coordination radii from Ahrens, 7952): ' P-O As-O V-O A:Oxygen-central atomdistance, A 1.7S 1.86 B:Radius oI thelargestrare-earth element formingthexenotime structure, A .Olitt r*; 1.00(Smr+; 1.07(Cga+; A/B 1.88 1.86 1.86 The A/B ratio of 1.86 seemsto specify the size limits of both the cation and anion at the xenotime-monazitestructural boundary. This ratio would lead to the prediction that among orthosilicatecompounds(formal Si-O distanceof 1.82A; tne largestcation radius permissiblefor the xenotime structure would be 0.98 A. this predictedradius is very closeto that of quadrivalent uranium (0.97 A), and USiOa,coffinite, with the xenotime structure has beensynthesizedrecently (Hoekstra and Fuchs, 1956). Quadrivalent thorium (1.02 A) which is only 0.04 A la.get than the predicted size forms an orthosilicatewith either the monazite or xenotime structure. fsomorphous substitution of the anions among the rare-earth phosphate, silicate, arsenate,and vanadate systems seems to be possible. However, analysesof xenotime and monazite reported in the literature (Palache and others, 1951) indicate possiblereplacement of only SiOa for POa.Although there are no known rare-earth arsenateor vanadate minerals,it might be well in future analysesof rare-earthphosphatesand silicatesto test for the possiblepresenceof small amounts of arsenicand vanadium. The authors wish to expressthanks to Harry Rose,Jr., for numerous helpful commentsand discussions. RerrnnNcBs AunnNs, L H. (1952), The use of ionization potentials. Part 1. Ionic radii of the elements: Cosmochim.Acta,2, 155-169. B;onxr.uNo, C. W. (1957), The preparation of PurPzOzand PuPOr: Am. Chetn. Soc.Jour., 79, 6347-6350. ClnnoN, M. K , N,msnn, C. R., Rosn, H. J., Jn., er-'n HrlonnllNo, F. A (1958), l'ractional precipitation of rare earths n'ith phosphoric acid: L/. S. GeoI. Surt:ey Bull. 1036-N, 253 .275. D u n r r , A . ( 1 9 5 6 ) ,S t r u c t u r e e t v a l e n c e sd e V C e O r : A c t a C r y t s t . , 9 ,p , 4 7 1 . Dunrr', A., axn Fonnar, F. (1957), Sur quelques ars6niates des terres rares i, structure zircon: Acad. Sci. Paris Comptes Rendus,245, 1636-1638. Honxsrne, H. R., eNt Fucrs, L. H. (1956), Synthesis of coffinite-USiOe:,Science, 123, 105. NOTES AND 989 NEWS I{tr.r.rcer+, W. G., Werr, L. M., lr,l Racruono, H. J., Jn. (1949). X-ray diffraction studies on heavy metal orthovanadates: f our. Plrys. and.Colloid,Chem.-,53,No. 2, 227-234., C , Benuax, H-, antl Fnomonr., C. (19.51),Dana's System of Nlineralogy, 7th ed.,2, 690,694, Neu' York, John Wiley and Sons,Inc. Srnana, M., .rNo ScHwnNorlrlnN, G. (1934), 'Ihe crystalline structure of some phosphates and arsenatesof trivalent rnetals. II. Yttrium arsenate and yttrium phosphate: Gazz. cld.m.itoli.ana,64, 662474 (in Italian) TFIE AMERICAN MIN]'RALOGIST,VOL. 43, SEPTEMBER_OCTOBER, 19.58 GOETHITE-HEMATITE RELATION-AN N{ICROSCOPE OBSERVATION ORE l,{rurn Kuuen Bosn, Geologi cal L aboral,or y, P r esidencyCollege, Calcutta, I nd.ia. To the south of Chaibasa(22"33':85'28'), Singhbhum,India, near the northern limit of the Kolhan basin, the fracture zonesformed by postKolhan deformation,have beenmineralizedby a metalizingsolution.The mineralizationis more common in the competent sandstonethan in the shale, and also along the sandstone-shaleboundary. The mineralizing solution was ferriferous in the first phase and formed such minerals as limonite, goethite and sp€:cularite, thesebeing followed by a phaseof formation of the manganeseminerals psilomelane,pyrolusite, and its idiomorphic form. The important textural relations are the core and rim replacementof goethite by psilomelane,and an intergrowth relation between fibrous goethite and hematite. The latter texture is describedin this note. Such a specimen of goethite on analysis shows a higher content of FezOs(91.37a),than normal, becauseof the included hematite plates.* The intergrowth has been studied on different polished surfaceswith respect to the fibre axis. Goethite, the host mineral under reflecting microscope is greyish with perceptible differential adsorption in some specimens,being brighter parallel to the fibre axis. Unusual for goethite, the bireflectanceis very weak but with the commoner orange internal reflection.Thesepropertiesare variable sincethey dependon the content of adsorbed water (Ramdohr 1955). The mineral is stained brown by Snclz (1i minute). The reflectancemeasured in green light in air is 19.37aparallelto the fibre axis and 17.5o/o across.Specimenspolishedperpendicular to fibre axis shows no notable variation in reflecting power. Hematite inclusions occur as continuous plates within the host. In * The planes of hematitization are actually micro S-planesproduced by a post-Kolhan rleformation, the pattern of which is being studied in this laboratory.