Prof. Swagata Sen Department of Commerce Calcutta University 1


Curriculum vitae

Prof. Swagata Sen

Department of Commerce

Calcutta University

1. Name: Swagata Sen

2. Address: A-3/ 4 Labony Estate, Salt Lake Kolkata

– 700064

3. Telephone No. (033) 2321-9489, Mobile No. 09830398068

4. E-mail ID.

5. Date of birth : 05.09.1961

6. Present position held : Professor, Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta

& Dean Commerce, Social Welfare & Business Management, Calcutta University

7. Area of Specilisation: Accounting, Finance & Control

8. Academic qualification:



Calcutta University

(Goenka College of Commerce)




. Class

M.Com Calcutta University

Ph.D. on


Reporting in


Calcutta University





class with 1



9. Experience: a) Academic: i) Joined as Lecturer in the Department of Commerce, Calcutta University in 1986. ii) Selected in the open post as Reader in the Department of Commerce, Calcutta

University in 1994. iii) Selected as professor of Commerce in 2004 and acting as Professor of Commerce,

University of Calcutta since 2004. b) Administrative: i. ii.

Served as Head of the Department of Commerce 2001-2003

M. Phil. co-ordinator 2003-2007 iii. Co-ordinator MBA in Finance 2006-08 iv. Co-ordinator of Centre for Advanced Studies ( CAS ) 2009 -10 v. Dean of the Faculty of commerce and Management, Calcutta University since August, 2013 vi. Convener Ph. D. Committee in Commerce since 2014 vii. Serving as an Officiating Dean in the Faculty of Law viii. Taken over the charge of Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs) in August


10. Professional qualification: CMA (Formerly called ICWA)

11. Some Notable Publications: i) Articles:

(a) Income Statement under value-added concept: An Overview, Edited volume on

‘Issues in Value –added Accounting’ The Department of Commerce, University of

Rajasthan, Jaipur. 1987

(b) Economic Significance of Internal Financing, The Management Accountant , July,


(c) Trend of Retained Earnings in Indian Corporate Sector – A Study, Indian Journal of

Commerce, 1992

(d) Financial Reporting of Leases in the Financial Statements, Business Studies,

December, 1995.

( e) Application of Life Cycle Costing in the Field of Strategic Cost Management - An

Overview; DSA in Commerce, Calcutta University, 2001.

(f) Segmental Reporting: An Overview; DSA in Commerce, Calcutta University, 2001.

(g) Corporate Financial Reporting in the New Economy: Issues and Challenges; DSA in

Commerce, Calcutta University, 2002.

(h) Segment Reporting

– A Global Scenario; in Indian Accounting Review, December,


(i) Segment Reporting Practices in India, in Management Accountant, October, 2004.

(j) Social and Environmental Accounting – Some Conceptual Issues, in Business

Studies, 2005.

(g) Social Reporting by Indian Companies, Accounting World, July 2006

(k) Convergence of Accounting Standards

– Indian Efforts,

Asia Pacific Journal of

Research on Business and management, 2007

(l) Performance of State Cooperative Bank in India: An Overview in Srusti Management

Review, July, 2010

(m) Corporate Governance and Corporate Reporting Practices - An Overview of the

Conceptual Landscape in The edited Volume of Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance, published by Indian Accounting Association, Kolkata Branch. 2011

(n) Dimension of Voluntary Disclosures

– A Snapshot of Infosys Technologies Ltd.

, Srusti Management Review, January, 2012.

(o) Value Based Performance Indicators versus Accounting Earnings based Performane

Indicators – A Case Study With Reference to ONGC, Indian Research bulletin

December, 2014.

(p) Significance of Open Interest-Based and Trading Volume-Based Predictors- An

Empirical Study of the Option Market in India, Business Studies 2015 ii) Book :

Segment Reporting in India , Jyotsna Publishing House, Kolkata, 2004.

12. (A) No of students successfully guided for Ph. D : 10

A) Details of Ph.D. Guided Successfully


Name of the


1. Debajyoti Dasgupta

Title of the Thesis

Profitability and Growth of Public Sector Banks in the

Light of Liberalisation of Indian Economy: An Empirical


2. Monomita Nandy

3. Abhik


The Impact of the Macro Economic Environment upon the Capital structure of Indian Companies

– A Study

Evaluation of Capital Structure of Selected Indian

Companies Applying Effective Outflow Rate (EOR)


4. Raj Gopal Sen Evaluation of Profitability and Growth of Life Insurance

Business in India – A Comparative Study between Public

Sector unit and Private Sector Units

5. Swapna Motilal Voluntary Disclosures in the Annual Report of the

InformationTechnology Companies in India

– A Study

6. Somnath De

7. Tarasankar Das

8. Avijit Sikdar

9. Swapan Sarkar

10 Pintu Sarkar

A Study of Profitability and Growth of New Generation

Private Sector Banks in india

Performance of The West Bengal State Co-operative

Bank Ltd. And Its Subsidiaries – An Analytical study

Value Based Performance Indicators versus Accounting

Earnings Based Performance Indicators and Their

Relationship with Market Value of Shares

– An Empirical Analysis of Indian Companies

Information Efficiency In The Stock Markets In India - A

Comparative Study Between Bombay Stock Exchange

And National Stock Exchange

Corporate Disclosure Practices in India- A Study

13. No of students pursuing Ph.D. under my guidance at present : 5

No. Name of the Candidate

Details of Ph. D. Thesis in progress

Title of the Thesis

1. Anirban Ghosal Analysis of Financial Performance and Growth of

Health Insurance and Motor Insurance Sector in India

– A Comparative Study between Public Sector Units and Private Sector Units



Raju Mondal Determinants of Capital Structure of Non-banking and

Non-financial Public limited Companies in India

(Public seminar given)

Pijush Kumar Basu Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting (CSRR)

Practices Of Indian Companies – A Study.

4. Sankar Paul Internal Financing In Indian Corporate Sector - A


5. Priyanka Saha Corporate Social Responsibility Practices of Indian

Multinational Companies - Emerging Trends

14. Number of M. Phil Dissertation successfully guided : 16

15. Examiner of Ph. D. thesis in the following Universities:

(a) University of Madras

(b) Madurai kamraj University

(c) Mother Ter esa Women’s University

(d) Utkal University

(e) Banaras Hindu University

(f) University of Allahabad

(g) Aligarh Muslim University

(h) Pondicherry University

(i) University of Pune

(j) Panjab University

(k) Kanpur University

(l) Burdwan University

16. Members of Academic Bodies in other Universities: i. Member in the Post Graduate Board of Studies of Commerce in Netaji Subhash

Open University ii. Member of Board of Research Studies in Commerce in Burdwan University iii. Member in the post Graduate board of Studies in Commerce in Banaras Hindu

University iv. Member in the post Graduate board of Studies in Commerce in Allahabad

University v. EC member of Gourbanga University vi. Member of Finance Committee in Burdwan University vii Member of the Court in Sidho Kanho Birshra University, Asansol

17. Members of Academic Bodies: i.

Life Member of Indian Accounting Research Foundation ii. Life Member of Indian Accounting Association

18. Member of Editorial Board of national research Journal: i) Business Studies published from Dept of Commerce, Calcutta University

19. Member of Editorial Board of International Research Journal: i) Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting published by International

Institute for Science, Technology and Education, Indonesia

20. Sessions chaired at International Conferences: Thrice.

21. Served as a member of the Expert Team in the UGC for evaluation of Major

Research Project

22. Served as an expert in the selection Committee for selection of faculty in the following University: i) Banaras Hindu university ii) Allahabad University iii) Tripura University iv) Madras University v) Burdwan University vi) Gourbanga University vii) Netaji Subhash Open University vii) Madurai Kamraj University

23. Other Activities in Calcutta University: i) Member of Senate & Syndicate ii) Successfully and peacefully conducted the Students’ Union Election as the

Presiding Officer in 2014 and 2015. iii) Chairman of the Admission Committee for all post graduate studies in the year 2014 & 2015. iv) Represented the Faculty of Commerce & Business Management during the visit of the UGC Expert Team for assessment of University of Potential

Excellence (UPE) Phase II v) Member of Teacher-Student Committee since 2000 vi) Executive Committee Member Calcutta Uni versity Students’ Alumni

Association vii) Served as a member in different committees such as Disciplinary Committee in the under-graduate studies in Commerce, Transfer Committee for

Employees, etc. viii) Served as a member of different Inspection Teams for Academic and

Administrative matters of different colleges of the University

ix) Servied as Govt. / University Nominee in the Governing Body of Colleges such as Surendranath College for Women, Jogesh Chandra Law College and Netaji


Women’s College x) Serving as a member of Advisory Committee for PG Studies in Commerce in

Goenka College of Commerce & Business Administration, Naba

Ballygunge Colleg & Fakir Chand College xi) Acted as Vice Chancel lor’s Nominee at the College Service Commission xii) Served as Chairperson in different Enquiry / Fact Finding Committee constituted by the University
