Joe Zhou, Caleb Rush May 5, 2006 Chapter 3: Control Design 1 Introduction The project design continues with the final design of the temperature broad being drawn up in eagle. Work also continues on finishing drawing the design for the motor board up in eagle. Meanwhile we have estimated new values for variables in the transfer function of the temperature board and put those in a simulink simulation. We will not actually know these values till the hardware is built. 2 Body 2.1 Controller Redesign 1) Control Gain KI and Kp and Kd calculation: Figure 1.1: Result from SISO tool K e − sτ d which is identical τ bs + 1 to the one of the previous lab, and the plant has parameters: K=1.24, τ b = 195.65 , We expect the transfer function of the TCL board is G = τ d = 3.5 . Because we assumed there is no delay, the new transfer function of the TCL board, which also known as the plant G, becomes G = K . Furthermore, the settling τ bs + 1 time of the system must be greater than τ b . We chose it to be 200 seconds. Of course, the settling time of the actual hardware could be smaller once we confirm the actual value of τ b . Use sisotool in MATLAB to obtain the values of KI and Kp and Kd with settling time of 200 seconds. According to figure 1.1, the transfer function of the close loop system is T = 3.42 * (1 + 77 s + 39 s 2 ) s Because Equation 1.1 is in the form of 188.76. (Equation 1.1) , so Kd =3.42, Kp=263.34, Ki = 2) Simulations: The parameters of the plant K and τ b will change in the new design because we replace the power resistor with a Peltier cooler. The expected K value of the new design will be double of the previous one since the power of the cooler is twice as much as the power resistor; the new τ b value is expected to be half of the previous one since the temperature response is much faster due to the higher power input. However, since the same LM 35 sensors will still be used in the new design, the time delay of the sensor τ d should remain the same. By modifying the plant model with new K and τ b values and tuning the gains, we discovered that when Kd =0.5, Kp=3.9448, Ki = 0.0245, the system had the best performance. Figure 2.1: New design schematics in Simulink Figure 2.2: New design performance in simulation Figure 2.2 suggests that the settling time of the system is around 85 second. As you may see, the desire temperature difference is set to be 0.25. It takes about 85 seconds to reach 0.23 which indicates the signal first time enters the 2% steady state error envelope. Moreover, the system has about 4% overshoot. As we zoom in, the peak of the signal is at 0.2539 which is about 4% overshoot. 3) Sensitivity to parameter changes and performance prediction: * All values of Kp, Kd, and Ki in table 2.1-2.3 must multiplied by a 0.005 backoff gain to obtain the actual Kp, Kd, and Ki values of the controller. Kp 788.96 394.48 197.24 Increase 50% No change Decrease 50% Settling Time (sec) 85 290 415 Table 2.1: Changes in Kp and its corresponding settling time* y = 0.0002x 2 - 0.7478x + 555 R2 = 1 Kp vs Ts 450 400 350 300 Ts 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 200 400 600 800 Kp Figure 2.1: Kp vs Settling Time 1000 According to figure and table 2.1, decreasing Kp will lead to increasing settling time. Based on the obtained equation from figure 2.1, which represents the relationship between Kp and the system settling time, calculate the derivative of the equation will give the sensitivity of Kp to the system settling time. Results are shown in table 2.6. Kd Settling Time (sec) Increase 50% No change Decrease 50% 200 100 50 290 290 300 Table 2.2: Changes in Kd and its corresponding settling time* y = 0.0013x 2 - 0.4x + 316.67 R2 = 1 Kd vs Ts According to figure and table 2.2, by decreasing Kd the settling time slightly increases. Based on the obtained equation from figure 2.1, which represents the relationship between Kd and the system settling time, calculate the derivative of the equation will give the sensitivity of Kd to the system settling time. Results are shown in table 2.6. 302 300 298 Ts 296 294 292 290 288 286 0 50 100 150 200 250 Kd Figure 2.2: Kd vs Settling Time Ki 9.7866 4.8933 2.4467 Increase 50% No change Decrease 50% Settling Time (sec) 240 290 170 Table 2.3: Changes in Ki and its corresponding settling time* Ki vs Ts y = -8.0745x 2 + 108.31x - 46.676 R2 = 1 350 According to figure and table 2.3, by decreasing Ki the settling time increases then decreases. Based on the obtained equation from figure 2.1, which represents the relationship between Ki and the system settling time, calculate the derivative of the equation will give the sensitivity of Ki to the system settling time. Results are shown in table 2.6. 300 250 Ts 200 150 100 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Ki Figure 2.3: Ki vs Settling Time Increase 50% No change Decrease 50% K 2.48 1.24 0.62 Settling Time (sec) % Overshoot 31 85 170 0.8 4 1.24 Table 2.4: Changes in K, its corresponding settling time and % overshoot K vs Ts y = 50.295x2 - 230.65x + 293.67 K vs % Over Shoot 5 160 4.5 140 4 120 3.5 % Over Shoot Ts (sec) R2 = 1 180 100 80 60 y = -3.7808x 2 + 11.484x - 4.4267 R2 = 1 3 2.5 2 1.5 40 1 20 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 3 0 K (DC gain) 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 K (DC gain) Figure 2.4: Change in K vs corresponding Settling Time Figure 2.5: Change in K vs corresponding % overshoot According to table 2.4, figure 2.4 and 2.5, by decreasing K, the settling time will increase, and the % overshoot of the system will increase then decrease. Based on the obtained equation from figure 2.4 and 2.5, which represents the relationship between K and the system settling time, and the relationship between K and the system % overshoot respectively, calculate the two derivatives of the equation will give the sensitivity of K to the system settling time and % overshoot respectively. Results are shown in table 2.7 and 2.8. Increase 50% No change Decrease 50% Tao b 391.3 195.65 97.83 Settling Time (sec) % Overshoot 125 85 33 9.4 4 0 Table 2.5: Changes in τ b , its corresponding settling time and % overshoot Tao B vs Ts y = -0.0011x 2 + 0.8587x - 40.342 Tao B vs % Over Shoot y = -5E-05x2 + 0.0542x - 4.8673 R2 = 1 R2 = 1 140 10 9 120 8 7 % Over Shoot Ts (sec) 100 80 60 6 5 4 3 40 2 20 1 0 0 0 100 200 300 Tao B (Time Constant) Figure 2.6: Change in τ b vs corresponding Settling Time 400 500 0 100 200 300 Tao B (Time Constant) Figure 2.7: Changes in τ b vs corresponding % overshoot 400 500 According to table 2.5, figure 2.6 and 2.7, by decreasing τ b , the settling time will decrease, and the % overshoot of the system will decrease as well. Based on the obtained equation from figure 2.6 and 2.7, which represents the relationship between τ b and the system settling time, and the relationship between τ b and the system % overshoot respectively, calculate the two derivatives of the equation will give the sensitivity of τ b to the system settling time and % overshoot respectively. Results are shown in table 2.7 and 2.8. Tao d Increase 50% No change Decrease 50% Setting Time (sec) 7 3.5 1.75 % Over Shoot 85 85 87 0.52 4 1.44 Table 2.5: Changes in τ d , its corresponding settling time and % overshoot y = 0.2177x2 - 2.2857x + 90.333 R2 = 1 Tao d vs Ts Tao d vs Ts y = -0.468x 2 + 3.92x - 3.9867 R2 = 1 4.5 87.5 4 87 3.5 3 Ts (sec) Ts (sec) 86.5 86 85.5 2.5 2 1.5 85 1 0.5 84.5 0 84 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tao d (Time Delay) Figure 2.8: Change in τ d vs corresponding Settling Time 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tao d (Time Delay) Figure 2.9: Changes in τ d vs corresponding % overshoot According to table 2.5, figure 2.8 and 2.9, by decreasing τ d , the settling time will slightly increase, and the % overshoot of the system will increase then decrease. Based on the obtained equation from figure 2.8 and 2.9, which represents the relationship between τ d and the system settling time, and the relationship between τ d and the system % overshoot respectively, calculate the two derivatives of the equation will give the sensitivity of τ d to the system settling time and % overshoot respectively. Results are shown in table 2.7 and 2.8. Ts Kp Kd Ki 0.0004 0.0026 -16.149 Table 2.6: Sensitivity of parameters of the controller to the settling time According to table 2.6, Ki is the most sensitive parameter to the system since changing Ki will lead to the greatest changing rate in the system settling time. This is indicated in table 2.6. Ki has the largest absolute value among the three parameters in the controller. The negative sign indicates, increasing Ki will lead to a decreasing in settling time. 7 8 Ts K Tao b Tao d 100.59 -0.0022 0.4354 Table 2.7: Sensitivity of parameters of the plant to the settling time K Tao b Tao d % Overshoot -7.5616 -1.00E-04 -0.936 Table 2.8: Sensitivity of parameters of the plant to the % overshoot According to table 2.7, K is the most sensitive parameter to the system since changing K will lead to the greatest change in settling time since changing K leads to the largest absolute value in changing Ts. On the other hand, τ b is the least sensitive parameter because it has the least impact on the settling time of the system. According to table 2.8, K is the most sensitive parameter to the system since changing K will lead to the greatest change in % overshoot. On the other hand, τ b is the least sensitive parameter because it has the least impact on the % overshoot of the system. 3) Performance Prediction and Comparison: Simulation with saturation and delay Tao b / 2 (sec) Zero Steady State Error Equilibrium Temp Difference *100 (C) % Over Shoot Settling Time within 2% steady state error (sec) Previous Design 195.65 0 0.25 0 206 New Design 97.83 0 0.25 4 85 Table 3.1: Performance difference between previous and new design 4) Stability Margins: According to figure 1.1, the locations of the zeros are at -0.025+0.005j and -0.025-0.005j. There is only one pole at the origin. Therefore, the system will always be on the left half plane regardless the change of the gain. In other words, the system will always be stable. 2.2 Hardware Architecture An H-Bridge was determined to be the best design for controlling the Peltier cooler on the temperature board. The final version of the temperature board schematic is shown below. Figure 1 – Temperature Board Schematic The stray pin on the lower left will possibly be connected as another ground lead and 2 pins will be added by the aluminum block for the peltier cooler. After this schematic was completed the printed circuit board layout was completed with all wires traced, which will be shown in appendix. At this point, the rewiring processes of the temperature control board are completed. The design of the paralleled op amp of the motor control board is completed as well; however, wiring processes on the printed circuit board are continued. 2.3 Software Architecture As was done last quarter, a USB I/O card will be used to interface between the boards and the computer where the controller will run in Matlab. Simulink will be used to assist in gain tuning. Up to this point, there is no coding is required. Risk and Hazard 2.4 The major risk is a possibility for burns. The aluminum block will be able to heat up to 80 or 100 degrees Celsius. Other than that, the temperature board should be totally safe. Moreover, we must ensure the H-Bridge is wired correctly or the control circuit of the Peltier cooler in figure 1 will get fired. 2.5 Revised Project Plan The project plan was revised to be more realistic for the current situation. The table and flow chart from the project plan have been updated and shown below. Past 4/8 4/6 Future 2.3 4/15 4.2 4/19 5/19 5/26 4.1 3.1 1.1 2.1 and 2.2 1.1 5/16 5.2 3.3 5.3 and 5.4 3.2 4/7 4/12 4/18 5/20 5/13 4.3 5/22 5.1 Only Tasks Related To Temperature Control Board are in progress Only Tasks Related To Motor Control Board are in progress Both Tasks Related To Temperature Control Board and Motor Control Board are in progress Critical Path Path 3 Technical Obstacles Works on the motor control board are continued even thought they are not mentioned in Mile Stone 3. The rewiring processes of the motor board are much more complicated than expected. Moreover, when it comes to ordering hardware, often time we are unable to select the best parts for the design due to their unavailability. 4 Team Management The group has worked well together. There have been no problems in sharing work, communicating or helping each other. 5/30 Appendix: Figure 2 – Temperature Board Layout