*The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete, depending on your answers. Written comments will not be attributed to individual respondents but will be not be edited or censored if you identify yourself in your comment. The reports and comments generated from this research will be used for improving programs and institutional services. Positive, anonymous comments may be used for promotional purposes. I consent and wish to participate in this survey. *Did you graduate from VIU with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the 2013 calendar year? Yes No Program Review *What were your reasons for choosing VIU? Select up to THREE (3). Program of interest Good reputation Size of school and/or classes Friends that attended VIU Campus location (i.e. in desired town/city) Campus location (close to home) To study in Canada Cost of attending Research opportunities Recreational/outdoor activities To pursue further studies Don’t know/no response Other: *Generally, how satisfied were you with the quality of education you received at VIU? Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Don't know/no response *Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements. Strongly Strongly agree Neutral Disagree Don't know/no 1 I would recommend the program I took at VIU to others The program I took at VIU was up-to-date The instructors were knowledgeable in the areas they taught The training materials (texts, handouts, etc.) used in the program were useful The technology used in the program was appropriate to industry standards at that time I am satisfied with the learning experience at VIU I am satisfied with the living experience at VIU I am happy with the support provided by VIU I felt welcomed at VIU 2 3 4 5 response *Overall, to what extent do you feel the program you completed in 2013… Prepared you for further studies Prepared you for the workforce Provided you with the skills you needed for a particular job Gave you in-depth knowledge of a particular area Gave you a chance to earn a good income Helped you find a path for what you want to do in life Contributed to your growth as a person To a large To a moderate To a small extent extent extent Don't know/no No effect at all response *Looking back at the university education you completed in 2013, and your experience since, to what extent was your university experience… Well worth the Not at all worth the investment investment Don't know/no 1 Worth the financial investment required Worth the personal investment of time required for classes and studies 2 3 4 5 response What is your greatest memory or accomplishment that you can relate to your time at VIU? Transition out of VIU *Did you feel ready for employment or the next step(s) in your life after your VIU graduation? Very ready Somewhat ready Not very ready Not ready at all Don’t know/no response *The following is a list of some services and experiences available to students to help with career planning and development. Did you take advantage of any of these services? No, I was not No, I was not aware of it but aware of it and would have been would not have I was aware, but interested in using been interested in Yes Advising Centre and program advisors Counselling Co-operative education and internship programs Education abroad International Student Services Campus Career Centre Research opportunities Work-opportunities (work op) program not interested it using it Don't know/no No response What services were not offered at VIU that you would have found helpful? *Do you still stay connected with instructors and/or VIU staff that you met during your time at VIU? Yes No Don't know/no response *Do you still stay connected with peers that you met during your time at VIU? Yes No Don't know/no response *Thinking back, what were your reasons for pursuing post-secondary education upon enrolment to VIU? Select up to THREE (3). To earn an academic credential Get a good job Fulfill my desire for knowledge Prepare for graduate or professional school Train for a specific career Learn new ways of looking at the world and understanding issues in my life Satisfy my family’s expectations Experience life away from home Meet new friends and have a good time Learn to be a useful, community-engaged global citizen Build my professional network Prepare for life in a rapidly changing and challenging world To begin process of immigration to Canada Don’t know/no response Other: *How successful do you feel VIU was in helping you fulfill these reasons? Very successful Somewhat successful Not very successful Not at all successful Don’t know/no response You said @@076117. What could VIU have done better to help you fulfill your reasons for attending? Current lives *Where are you currently living? Vancouver Island Elsewhere in BC In another Canadian province or territory United States Internationally (not US) Don’t know/no response Specifics: City/town Province/state Country *If you are no longer in the VIU region, what was your primary reason for moving? For employment To move closer to home/family I was only in the VIU region for school, I never intended to stay Not applicable (I never lived in the VIU region) Not applicable (I still live in the VIU region) Don’t know/no response Other: *What is your primary reason for staying in the VIU region? Employment Further education Family/spouse or friends Lifestyle choice; I enjoy living here Don't know/no response Other: *Have you taken any subsequent formal post-secondary education or training after graduating from VIU? Yes No Don't know/no response *What type of education have you pursued since graduating from VIU? Undergraduate or professional degree (including doctor MD, dentistry DMD, Law, Education/Teacher undergrad, and other undergraduate degrees) Master’s Degree Applied program or technical certification Professional Association Certification Don’t know/no response Other: What school did you attend following VIU? What program did you pursue following VIU? *How well did your program at VIU academically prepare you for the program you took since/are currently taking? Very well Well Not very well Not at all well Don’t know/no response *What was your primary reason for undertaking further studies? Requirement for job Develop a broader or more specialist range of skills or knowledge To change or improve my career options I was interested in the content of the course I enjoyed my first course and wanted to continue studying I wanted to go on being a student/wanted to postpone job hunting I had been unable to find a suitable job Don’t know/no response Other: *Was your connection to VIU and its faculty important for your employment opportunities and/or subsequent schooling? For example: in providing references, assisting with decision-making, helping in the application process, etc. Very important Important Not that important Not at all important Don’t know/no response *What is your current primary activity? Choose one. Employed Self-employed Not currently working but looking Not currently working and not looking Student Managing home and/or family Don’t know/no response Other: *Is your employment…? Full-time hours (at least 30 hours of paid work in one week) Part-time (less than 30 hours of paid work in one week) Casual (on call or as needed) Seasonal (fluctuating with seasons, business, or other cycles) Don’t know/no response *Is your position permanent, contract, or temporary? Permanent Contract Temporary Don’t know/no response *How related is your main job to the program you graduated from at VIU? Very related Somewhat related Not very related Not at all related Don’t know/no response *Does your current position require the credential you completed at VIU? Yes No I am not sure Don't know/no response *When you started your main job, how qualified did you feel given your education and training at that time? I felt overqualified I felt underqualified I felt my qualifications and job were equivalent Don’t know/no response *In your main job, are you currently satisfied with the following areas? Don't know/no Yes My level of decision-making My ability to influence change My level of supervision and/or management My opportunities to apply critical thinking and analysis How interesting and challenging my work is Somewhat No response *Using a scale of 0 to 10, 0 meaning “very dissatisfied” and 10 meaning “Very satisfied”, how do you feel about your employment right now? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Don't know/no response *Which of the following applies to your situation: Permanently or temporarily unable to work (illness or disability) Temporary or seasonal layoff Lost or quit job Business conditions (cannot find work/lack of suitable opportunities) Going to school full-time Caring for children full-time Going to school part-time Other personal or family responsibilities Personal preference Retired On a leave of absence from job / maternity leave Lack the skills for the job that I want Just finished school Just returned to Canada (after travelling, working abroad, etc.) Awaiting work visa Currently a volunteer worker I’m not sure why I am unemployed Other: *When did you accept your first job that you consider career-related? Prior to or immediately after graduation Within one year of graduation Between one and two years after graduation Between two and three years after graduation I still have not found a job I consider career-related Don’t know/no response *Using a scale of 0 to 10, 0 meaning “very dissatisfied” and 10 meaning “Very satisfied”, how do you feel about your life as a whole right now? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Don't know/no response International students *When you graduated from VIU, were you an international student? Yes No *Are you currently a permanent resident or citizen of Canada? Yes No Don't know/no response *Are you planning to become a permanent resident or citizen of Canada? Yes No I have not decided Don't know/no response *Select the status that best applies to you. In Canada on a post-graduation work permit In Canada on a study permit In Canada with Canadian Experience Class (CEC) In Canada with the Federal Skilled Worker Program In Canada with the Provincial Nominee Program (Skilled Worker or International Graduate) No longer in Canada but plan/hope to return in the future No longer in Canada and do not plan on returning Don’t know/no response Other: *How did you hear about VIU prior to attending? Select all that apply: From web-searching (i.e. the VIU website) Social media advertisements (i.e. Facebook. Instagram, Twitter, etc.) An agent in my home country A VIU representative/recruiter A family member or friend Don’t know/no response School guidance counsellor Other: *Reflecting on your time at VIU, to what extent do you agree with the following statements. Strongly agree Strongly Neither agree nor disagree disagree Don't know/no 1 My Canadian degree means I can progress more quickly in my chosen career Having a qualification from Canada means I can command a higher salary My Canadian degree provides advantages to immigrating to Canada 2 3 4 5 response *Would you recommend VIU to people from home who are considering studying in Canada? I would actively encourage people to apply If asked, I would encourage people to apply I would neither encourage nor discourage people If asked, I would discourage people from applying I would actively discourage people from applying Don’t know/no response Finance *During your time at VIU, what was your primary source of funding for your education and lifestyle? Personal savings Employment earnings Family contribution Student or bank loans Scholarships and bursaries Sponsorships Don’t know/no response Other: *What was your secondary source of funding for your education and lifestyle, besides @@076165? Personal savings Employment earnings Family contribution Student or bank loans Scholarships and bursaries Sponsorships Don’t know/no response Other: In order to better understand employment outcomes of our graduates, we ask for an estimate of your current yearly income, before deductions, tips, and commissions. Less than $30,000 $30,000 to less than $60,000 $60,000 to less than $90,000 $90,000 or more Don’t know/no response VIU is interested in knowing more about your occupation as this will help us plan programs to better support students. This information is optional- you can "skip" by pressing the "next" button below. Sector/industry: Job title: Company or organization: Do you have any other comments about any of the subjects raised in this survey? Donation selection VIU has pledged to donate $5.00 to the participant’s fund of choice for every completed survey. Please select the fund you wish your contribution to be allocated. If you have any questions regarding the funds, feel free to contact William Litchfield (William.Litchfield@viu.ca), Director of Advancement and Alumni Relations. The Emergency Student Bursary: a fund to support students needing emergency financial support The Inspiration Fund: a fund directed to support the greatest needs at VIU I have no preference Please confirm that you did not graduate from VIU in the calendar year of 2013. If you did graduate from VIU in 2013, please go back and change your previous answer. I did not graduate from VIU in the calendar year of 2013. Thank you for taking the survey! We value your feedback. If you are curious about the many benefits you as a VIU alumni are eligible to receive, check out the VIU Alumni webpage. By completing this survey, you have contributed to helping VIU students achieve their goals. Thank you! We are sorry, but this survey is for students that graduated from VIU in 2013. Thank you for your time.