Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings

Calderdale MBC
Fire Safety
Standards in
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
This fire standard is based on the fire safety guidance published by the Local Authority
Coordinators of Regulatory Services (LACoRS) and is approved as providing an acceptable
level of fire safety in dwellings. LACORS Fire Safety Guidance
This document covers the general principles about fire safety and shows the standards for
Licensed HMO’s, HMO’s and Shared houses as well as single family dwellings.
The documents covers houses both with and without direct means of escape (direct means
of escape means, being able to leave the property by way of staircase and hallways and
corridors without passage through a room of any sort). There are other floor layouts of
course and further guidance, should you require it, is available by contacting Environmental
General Principles
Our overall aim is to improve the standard of private rented properties in Calderdale which
includes making sure they are safe for the occupiers and that they have excellent standards
of fire protection.
Research highlights that the risk of a fatality or serious injury as a result of a fire is
substantially greater in 3 or more storey properties.
Local Authorities have the power to require adequate means of escape from fire and other
fire precautions further to undertaking an assessment under the Health and Safety Rating
System, in accordance with The Housing Act 2004.
The required measures are based on the principle that occupants of any dwelling will be able
to leave the premises safely in the event of a fire, which often will only be achieved by a
combination of measures.
If you require any further information please contact:
Enforcement Team
Housing, Environment and Renewal Services
Northgate House
Northgate Halifax
Tel 01422 392379
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014
This fire safety guide applies to all buildings constructed or converted for use as domestic
dwellings and includes single and shared households, bedsit HMO’s, purpose built flats and
buildings converted into self-contained flats to a standard that does not comply with the
Building Regulations 1991, sheltered accommodation where no personal care is provided
and small hostels where the HM Government Sleeping Accommodation Guide* does not
apply. Where self contained flats did meet the 1991 Building Regulations standards but
they are now in a poor condition due to a lack of maintenance, damage or alteration, or
where they are occupied in a manner other than intended (i.e. in multiple occupation) then
appropriate additional measures from this guide can be applied.
The guide does not apply to a range of other residential uses, including guest houses and
hotels used by visitors, large hostels, refuges, residential training and conference centres
and health and beauty spa centres, student halls of residence, boarding schools, residential
care homes and workplaces where employees sleep on the premises as a business
requirement e.g. a hotel, but not including tied accommodation and accommodation above
pubs. For these premises the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (“RRO”) applies
and guidance is contained in the HM Government Sleeping Accommodation Guide*.
The RRO introduced duties on the responsible person, (ie. the person in control of
premises) in relation to fire safety in the common parts of HMO’s, flats, maisonettes, bedsits
and sheltered accommodation where no personal care is provided. The duty is to carry out
a fire risk assessment and to take specific action to minimise the risk of fire in common
parts. Whilst the assessment is of common parts only, in practice it will take into account
the whole of the premises including all units of accommodation. It is important to note that
the RRO does not apply to HMO’s that are occupied as shared houses. The RRO is
enforced by the fire and rescue authorities. There is a small section in this guide that covers
the key aspects of undertaking a fire risk assessment in smaller residential premises.
Specialist advice should be sought for larger, complex premises or premises with mixed
In addition to the RRO, fire safety in residential accommodation is also covered by the
Housing Act 2004, by way of the housing, health and safety rating system (“HHSRS”), the
licensing provisions for HMO’s and the management regulations for HMO’s. This legislation
is enforced by local authorities.
As there is a dual enforcement role for fire safety, the general protocol in Calderdale is that
the council will lead on single households, shared houses (Category B HMO’s), bedsits
(Category A HMO’s) and self-contained flats, whilst WYFRA will lead on mixed use
premises, sheltered housing, large hostels, hotels and bed and breakfast accommodation
and all multiply occupied property managed and owned by the local authority. In dual
enforcement situations Calderdale City Council may take action in consultation with
* HM Government Fire Risk Assessment: Sleeping Accommodation Guide published by
Communities and Local Government in May 2006
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014
Identifying Fire Hazards in Premises
Factors that Increase the Risk of Harm from Fire
Fire Safety Measures
The Basic Principles of Undertaking a Fire Risk Assessment
Converted Buildings Comprising of Self-Contained Flats
Three or Four Storey Buildings
Two Storey Buildings
Category A HMO’s (HMO’s Occupied as Bedsits and Non-Self
Contained Flats)
Three to Four Storey Buildings
Two Storey Buildings
Category B HMO’s (Shared Houses)
Large Shared (Higher Risk) HMO’s - Three to Four Storeys
Medium Sized (Lower Risk)Shared HMO’s - Three to Four Storeys.
Small Shared HMO - Up to two Storey
Single Household Properties
Three to Four Storey Buildings
Up to Two Storey Buildings
Back-to-Back Houses (Singly and Multiply Occupied)
Two to Three Storey Back-to-Back With Up to 6 Occupiers
Back to Back Single Household
Basements and Cellars
Habitable Basements
Unoccupied Basement/Cellars
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014
The Principles of Risk Assessment for Fire Safety
A fire risk assessment is a methodical inspection of premises, examining the activities
undertaken there, the likelihood of a fire starting and the risk of harm occurring to occupiers
and people around the premises. The aim of the assessment is to identify fire hazards,
reduce the risks of hazards causing harm to as low as reasonably practicable, and to
decide what physical fire precautions and management arrangements are necessary to
ensure the safety of people within the building if a fire does occur.
1.1 Identifying Fire Hazards in Premises
A hazard is anything that has the potential to cause harm. In terms of a fire safety risk
assessment the following hazards should be considered The vulnerability of occupiers – People at risk must be considered. This may include the
elderly and the young; people with personal challenges such as drug abuse or alcohol
dependency; people with disabilities that would affect them using the means of escape
without assistance (i.e. impaired mobility, hearing or vision) and people with difficulty
understanding English.
Sources of ignition – Potential sources of heat that could get hot enough to ignite
materials around them should be considered. These may include:
 Cookers, toasters and other kitchen equipment (especially when shared);
 Radiant and portable space heaters;
 Smokers materials such as cigarettes, matches and lighters (if people smoke within
the premises);
 Faulty or misused electrical appliances;
 Electrical wiring in poor condition;
 The gas installation;
 An inadequate number of electrical power points causing overloading, and
 Naked flames such as candles and night lights.
Sources of fuel - Anything that burns is fuel for a fire. Therefore a risk assessment should
identify things that burn reasonably easily and that are in large enough quantity to provide
fuel for a fire or cause it to spread to other fuel sources. Sources of fuel include:
 Non-fire retardant fabrics and furnishings;
 Textiles, bedding, clothing, curtains and laundry;
 Accumulations of unwanted mail, paper, cardboard, books, etc;
 Flammable liquid-based products such as varnish, paint, thinners, etc;
 Plastics and rubber such as video tapes, and
 Wall, floor and ceiling coverings and surface finishes.
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014
1.2 Factors that Increase the Risk of Harm from Fire
The main building characteristics that increase the risk of death or injury from a fire include
the following:
 The number of occupiers;
 The number of storeys;
 The travel distance to evacuate the building;
 The complexity of the escape route;
 The presence of final exit doors requiring the use of a key for opening;
 The location of the kitchen;
 Flammable materials within the escape route, including wall coverings, furniture and
 The size of rooms;
 The presence of key operated security grilles fixed to escape windows and external
doors, and
 Rooms where the means of escape is through another high fire risk room, i.e.
through a kitchen and/or living room.
1.3 Fire Safety Measures
The following fire safety measures will reduce the risk of death or injury from fire:
 The provision of a 30 or 60 minute fire protected route of escape;
 Fire separation between units of accommodation, including walls & ceilings;
 The provision of fire doors with intumescent strips (and cold smoke seals as
necessary) and self closing devices;
 Automatic and manual fire detection systems;
 Emergency lighting;
 Whole stair lighting;
 Escape windows;
 Sprinkler and mist systems, and
 Fire extinguishers and fire blankets.
1.4 The Basic Principles of Undertaking a Fire Risk Assessment
When carrying out a risk assessment the responsible person should consider the hazards
and factors outlined in paragraphs 1.1-1.3 to enable them to determine the following:
 The likelihood that a fire may cause death or injury;
 The building characteristics that could increase the risk of harm, and
 What fire safety measures are needed to reduce the fire risk to a reasonably
acceptable level or to minimise the likelihood of harm should a fire start. This could
include for example, raising the occupiers awareness of fire safety; removing
potential sources of ignition and providing fire safety measures as outlined in
paragraph 1.3 above.
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014
2.0 Design Principles for Fire Safety Schemes
The fire safety schemes detailed in this guide are based on properties which present a
normal risk, i.e. there are no factors that increase the level of risk in the property and the
occupiers are not from high risk groups. Where such factors exist, or if a property deviates
from the types listed below, then the risk can be deemed higher and accordingly a higher
level of fire protection may be appropriate.
Please note the LACORS Fire Safety Guidance also proposes the possibility of some
properties being classified as to be of lower risk.
Figure 1 - illustrates some general principles which underpin fire safety in a residential
context (see LACORS Fire Safety Guidance page 11 - Figure C1)
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014
2.1 Converted Buildings Comprising of Self-Contained Flats
These are houses or buildings that have been converted into self-contained flats and where
the conversion did not and does not meet the building standards under the Building
Regulations 1991. Buildings that were converted in accordance with the 1991 Building
Regulations should not require any further fire safety measures unless they are occupied
in a manner other than intended under the original conversion scheme e.g. occupation of a
flat as an HMO, or where an additional risk has been introduced post-conversion.
Self-contained flats comprise single or multi-room lets with exclusive amenities and behind
the flat’s exclusive entrance door.
Three or Four storey Buildings Converted into Self-Contained Flats
Where one or more floor level exceeds 4.5 metres above the ground level:
A 30 minute protected route of escape in the building with FD30S doors (with self
closing devices fitted) to entrances of flats where they open onto the route of escape.
There is generally no requirement for a 30 minute protected route within the flats but
sound, well constructed and close fitting conventional doors are required. Also 30
minutes fire resistance between the flats throughout is the ideal. For multiply
occupied flats, the route of escape must not pass through a risk room and where
there are poor construction standards, long travel distances or high risk factors, a 30
minute protected route will be required within the flat and/or an LD2 AFD system
within the flat;
A mixed grade AFD is required comprising an LD2 Grade A AFD to the common
areas of the building and an interlinked heat detector in each flat located in the
room/lobby opening onto the route of escape plus:
- for a flat occupied by a single household, a non-interlinked LD3 Grade D smoke
alarm in each individual flat, located in the room/lobby opening onto the escape
route. This is to protect the sleeping occupants of the flat, or
- for a one storey flat in multiple occupation, an interlinked LD3 Grade D smoke alarm
in each flat, located in the internal hall and a heat detector in the communal kitchen,
- for a two storey flat in multiple occupation, an interlinked LD3 Grade D smoke alarm
each flat, located in the escape route at each level, communal lounge and a heat
detector in the communal kitchen.
Where a risk assessment identifies a higher than normal risk, rooms within flats requiring
automatic fire detection may include living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms, in which a Grade
D system should be used to prevent whole house false alarms:
A dedicated lighting circuit should be installed so that the use of any one
switch/control anywhere along the route will illuminate the entire escape route;
A manual fire alarm;
Final exit and signage along the escape route if the escape is complex;
Fire blankets are recommended in the kitchens of flats occupied by single
households and are required in the kitchens of multiply occupied flats;
Emergency lighting is only required in the escape route for the building containing the
flats and in flats that are in multiple occupation, where the escape route is long and
complex or where there is no effective borrowed light, and
If there is a basement see section 2.6 of this guide.
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014
2.1.2 Two Storey Buildings Converted into Self-Contained Flats
Figure 2 - illustrates some general principles which underpin fire safety in a building of self
contained flats (see LACORS Fire Safety Guidance page 47 - Figure D10)
Where no floor level exceeds 4.5 metres above the ground level:
A 30 minute protected route of escape with FD30S doors (with self closing devices
fitted) to entrances of flats where they open onto the route of escape. There is no
requirement for fire doors within flats but sound, well constructed and close fitting
conventional doors are required. For flats occupied by single households, a lower
standard of protection in the protected route may be acceptable where there are
suitable escape windows from bedrooms and living rooms (see the Glossary for
escape window requirements);
For flats in multiple occupation, the route of escape must not pass through a risk
room. Where there are poor construction standards, long travel distances or high
risk factors, a 30 minute protected route will be required within the flat and/or an
LD2 AFD within the flat.
A mixed grade AFD comprising an LD2 Grade D AFD to the common areas of the
building and an interlinked heat detector in each flat, in the room/lobby opening onto
the route of escape, plus:
- for a flat occupied by a single household, a non-interlinked LD3 Grade D smoke alarm
in each individual flat, located in the room/lobby opening onto the escape route. This
is to protect the sleeping occupants of the flat, or
- for a one storey flat in multiple occupation, an interlinked LD3 Grade D smoke alarm in
each flat, located in the internal hallway and a heat alarm in the communal kitchen,
- for a two storey flat in multiple occupation, an interlinked LD3 Grade D AFD in each
flat, located in the escape route at each level with an interlinked smoke alarm in the
communal lounge and an interlinked heat alarm in the communal kitchen.
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014
Where a risk assessment identifies a higher than normal risk, rooms within flats requiring
automatic fire detection may include living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms, in which a Grade
D system should be used to prevent false alarms:
 A dedicated lighting circuit should be installed so that the use of any one
switch/control anywhere along the route will illuminate the entire escape route;
 Fire blankets are recommended in the kitchens of flats occupied by single
households and are required in the kitchens of multiply occupied flats;
 Emergency lighting is only required in the escape route for the building containing the
flats and in flats that are in multiple occupation, where the escape route is long and
complex or where there is no effective borrowed light;
 If there is a basement see section 2.6 of this guide.
2.2 Category A HMO’s (HMO’s Occupied as Bedsits and Non Self-Contained Flats)
These are houses which are occupied as individual rooms, bedsits and flatlets where there
is some exclusive occupation (usually bedroom/living room) and some sharing of amenities
(bathroom and/or toilet and/or kitchen).
Each occupant lives otherwise independently of others. In such a house each occupancy
(room, bedsit etc) would be separately.
These HMOs tend to not have a communal living room and the occupiers tend not to have
the characteristics of a single household - they tend to live independently with little or no
communal living.
2.2.1 Category A HMO - Three to Four Storey Buildings
Where one or more floor level exceeds 4.5 metres above the ground level:
 A 30 minute protected route of escape with FD30S doors with self closing devices to
all risk rooms that open onto the route of escape. Travel distance must not be
 A mixed grade AFD is required, comprising an LD2 Grade A AFD and including
smoke detectors located throughout the route of escape plus:
- where cooking facilities are located within the bedsits, there should be an
interlinked Grade A heat detector in each bedsit and a non-interlinked Grade
D smoke alarm in each bedsit.
- where there are communal cooking facilities, not being within the bedsits,
there should be an interlinked Grade A smoke detector in each bedsit and
Grade A heat detectors in each communal kitchen;
 A dedicated lighting circuit should be installed so that the use of any one
switch/control anywhere along the route will illuminate the entire escape route;
 Final exit and signage along the escape route if the escape is complex;
 A fire blanket is required in each bedsit with cooking facilities and in any shared
 Emergency lighting is only required in the escape route where the escape route is
long and complex or where there is no effective borrowed light;
 If there is a basement see section 2.6 of this guide.
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014
Figure 3 - illustrates some general principles which underpin fire safety in bedsit type
accommodation 3 – 4 stories (see LACORS Fire Safety Guidance page 45 - Figure D8)
2.2.2 Category A HMO - Two Storey Buildings
Where no floor level exceeds 4.5 metres above the ground level:
 A 30 minute protected route of escape with FD30S doors with self closing devices to
all risk rooms opening onto the route of escape. Travel distance must not be
excessive. Note that a full 30 minute protected route is the ideal option. However, in
a normal risk 2 storey HMO the provision of suitable escape windows from all bedsit
rooms may be acceptable in lieu of a fully protected route (see the glossary for
escape window requirements);
 A mixed grade AFD system is required comprising an LD2 Grade D AFD with
interlinked smoke detectors located throughout route of escape plus:
 where cooking facilities are located within the bedsits, there should be an
interlinked heat detector in each bedsit and a non-interlinked Grade D smoke
alarm in each bedsit, or
 where there are communal cooking facilities, not being within the bedsits,
there should be interlinked smoke detectors in each bedsit and interlinked
heat alarms in each communal kitchen;
 A dedicated lighting circuit should be installed so that the use of any one
switch/control anywhere along the route will illuminate the entire escape route;
 Signage along the escape route if it is complex;
 A fire blanket is required in each bedsit with cooking facilities and in any shared
 A multi-purpose fire extinguisher at each level in the common parts is recommended
but not required;
 Emergency lighting is only required in the escape route where the escape route is
long and complex or where there is no effective borrowed light;
 If there is a basement see section 2.6 of this guide.
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014
Figure 4 illustrates some general principles which underpin fire safety in bedsit type
accommodation – 2 storeys (see LACORS Fire Safety Guidance page 44 - Figure D7)
2.3 Category B HMO’s (Shared Houses)
These are houses rented to a group of mainly unrelated people, commonly students, young
professional adults, work colleagues and friends. Occupiers share personal washing, WC
and kitchen/dining facilities and usually have a communal living room. The occupiers of the
HMO tend to have some of the characteristics of a single household. The HMO is usually
but not always let on a single joint contract.
Figure 5 illustrates some general principles which underpin fire safety in a shared house of 3
– 4 stories (see LACORS Fire Safety Guidance page 42 - Figure D5)
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014
2.3.1 Large Shared (Higher Risk) HMO - Three to Four Storey Building.
A 30 minute protected route of escape with FD30 doors (without smoke seals) with
self closing devices to all risk rooms opening onto the route of escape. Travel
distance must not be excessive;
Where exit from the property is possible in more than one direction at ground floor
level via risk rooms (ie either the front or rear rooms) then FD30S doors between
these ground floor rooms and the staircase will be required.
AFD, Grade D, LD3 system interlinked mains wired smoke alarms with integral
battery back-up located in the escape route at each floor level; additional interlinked
heat alarm with integral battery back-up located in the kitchen; additional interlinked
smoke alarms with integral battery back up in the lounge and cellar.
A dedicated lighting circuit should be installed so that the use of any one
switch/control anywhere along the route will illuminate the entire escape route.
Signage along the escape route if it is complex;
A fire blanket in each shared kitchen is required;
A multi-purpose fire extinguisher at each landing is recommended;
Emergency lighting is only required in the escape route where the escape route is
long and complex or where there is no effective borrowed light;
If there is a basement see section 2.6 of this guide.
2.3.2 Medium Sized Shared (Lower Risk) HMO - Three to Four Storey Buildings.
In order for a property to be classified as ‘lower risk’ the following features must be present:
Three storeys or less above ground level;
An occupancy of 6 or less people, who are able bodied and capable of using the means of
escape without assistance; the occupiers do not present a higher risk due to factors such as
limited mobility or alcohol/drug dependency; And
Either a secondary alternative means of escape, for example a dedicated escape window at
first floor in addition to the normal route of escape having sound, conventional construction
(which for the purpose of ‘low risk’ cannot pass through a risk room) or an enhanced fire
detection system at the property - an LD2 Grade D AFD, And
There is a minimal chance of a fire occurring and few, if any, highly combustible or
flammable materials or other fuel for a fire present.
In ‘lower risk’ properties, meeting the above, the standard for a protected route may be
relaxed. In such cases, the property must meet the following criteria:
Doors opening onto the escape route should be sound, solid construction, closefitting, conventional doors (lightweight doors and doors with very thin panels should
be avoided) and self closing;
an appropriate system of fire detection and warning is in place (LD3 Plus Grade D
AFD as a minimum);
the stairs must lead directly to the final exit without passing through a risk room;
the staircase enclosure must be of sound, conventional construction throughout the
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014
In addition:
A fire blanket in each shared kitchen is required;
A simple multi-purpose fire extinguisher at each landing is recommended;
Emergency lighting is only required in the escape route where the escape route is
long and complex or where there is no effective borrowed light;
If there is a basement see section 2.6 of this guide.
2.3.3 Small Shared HMO - Up To Two Storey Buildings.
There is no requirement for a full 30 minute protected route of escape, but the
escape route should have traditional construction and not pass through risk rooms.
There is no requirement for fire doors but sound, well constructed and close fitting
conventional doors are required. Alternatively suitable escape windows can be
provided from bedrooms and living rooms. Note that where construction standards
are poor in the route of escape, travel distances are long or other high risk factors are
present a 30 minute protected route of escape may be required;
 AFD, Grade D, LD3 Plus system interlinked mains wired smoke alarms with integral
battery back-up located in the escape route at each floor level; additional interlinked
heat alarm with integral battery back-up located in the kitchen; additional interlinked
smoke alarms with integral battery back up in the lounge and cellar.
 A fire blanket in each shared kitchen is required;
 A multi-purpose fire extinguisher in the hallway is recommended, and
If there is a basement see section 2.6 of this guide.
Figure 5 illustrates some general principles which underpin fire safety in a shared house of 3
– 4 stories (see LACORS Fire Safety Guidance page 42 - Figure D5)
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014
2.4 Single Household Occupancy Properties
These are houses, flats and maisonettes occupied by persons living as a single household
(please see the Glossary for the definition of household).
2.4.1 Three to Four Storey Buildings
There is no requirement for a full 30 minute protected route of escape but the escape
route should have sound conventional construction not passing through risk rooms
and travel distance should not be excessive.
There is no requirement for fire doors but sound, well constructed and close fitting
conventional doors are required. Note that where construction standards are poor in
the route of escape, travel distances are long or other high risk factors are present a
30 minute protected route of escape may be required;
LD3 Grade D AFD; is recommended
A fire blanket in each kitchen is recommended, and
If there is a basement see section 2.6 of this guide.
2.4.2 Up to Two Storey Buildings
There is no requirement for a full 30 minute protected route of escape but the escape
route should have sound conventional construction, not passing through risk rooms
and travel distance should not be excessive. There is no requirement for fire doors
but sound well constructed and close fitting conventional doors are required.
Alternatively suitable escape windows can be provided from bedrooms and living
rooms. Note that where construction standards are poor in the route of escape, travel
distances are long or other high risk factors are present a 30 minute route of escape
may be required;
LD3 Grade D AFD; is recommended
A fire blanket in each kitchen is recommended, and
If there is a basement see section 2.6 of this guide.
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014
2.5 Back-To-Back Houses (Single and Multiply Occupied Households)
These are houses that back directly onto another at the party wall and have other
properties at either side. This results in there being only one route of escape out of the
property. In a high number of cases this route passes through a risk room, thus creating a
situation where all bedrooms in the property become inner rooms.
In larger double fronted back-to-back properties, the route of escape can come down the
middle of the property to the final exit door. Where this situation arises the fire design
principles for this type of back-to- back can follow the schemes detailed for the appropriate
property type, for example a 2 or 3 storey building, and the mode of occupation (i.e. single
household, flats, Category A HMO or Category B HMO).
2.5.1 Two to Three Storey Back-to-Back (Shared House up to 6 Occupiers and Single
A30 minute protected route of escape at the first and second floor levels, with FD30
doors to risk rooms on those floors;
In all cases the door separating the ground to first floor should at least be FD30S.
AFD, Grade D, LD3 plus system interlinked mains wired smoke alarms with integral
battery back-up located in the escape route at each floor level; additional interlinked
heat alarm with integral battery back-up located in the kitchen; additional interlinked
smoke alarms with integral battery back up in the lounge and cellar.
An escape window at first floor level. Please see the Glossary for the requirements
for escape windows. Note that where this requirement cannot be met, alternative
arrangements may have to be made, by for example:
i. constructing a 30 minute protected route of escape through the house to the final
exit, or
ii. providing 60 minute fire separation between the ground and first floor levels,
along with arrangements for calling the fire and rescue service (such as a fire
alarm linked to the fire brigade or to a monitoring agency), or
iii. installing a domestic water suppression system.
Figure 6 illustrates some general principles which underpin fire safety 3 storey back to back
shared house (see LACORS Fire Safety Guidance page 51 - Figure D15)
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014
In HMO’s (except smaller shared houses) a dedicated lighting circuit should be
installed so that the use of any one switch/control anywhere along the route will
illuminate the entire escape route;
A fire blanket in the kitchen is required;
Emergency lighting is only required in the escape route where the escape route is
long and complex or where there is no effective borrowed light;
If there is a basement see section 2.6 of this guide;
Where an alternative scheme of fire safety measures is proposed, this may be
accepted if it meets the relevant fire safety standards and with prior consent from the
Housing Regulation Team.
2.5.2 Two to Three Storey Back-to-Back Single Household
 the door separating the ground to first floor should at least be FD30S.
 LD3 Plus Grade D AFD;
 An escape window at first floor level. Please see the Glossary for the requirements
for escape windows. Note that where this requirement cannot be met, alternative
arrangements may have to be made, by for example:
 constructing a 30 minute protected route of escape through the house to the final
2.6 Basements and Cellars
Consideration needs to be given to the fire risk presented to the occupiers of any storey
below the main entry/exit level of the house. Such storeys may include true basements or
lower ground floors where the main house entry level is raised above ground and accessed
by steps.
2.6.1 Habitable Basements
Thirty minute fire separation between the basement and ground floor, including the
staircase soffit and spandrel, with a self-closing FD30S door fitted at the head of the
basement stairs. Note for single household or low risk shared houses (both of no
more than two storeys) the existing construction such as lath and plaster or
plasterboard can be accepted provided it is sound and in traditional materials. Also
existing doors to all risk rooms can be accepted where they are solid, in a sound
condition and self–closing. Lightweight doors and doors with very thin panels should
be avoided;
In very large occupied basements, two FD30S doors (one at the top and one at the
bottom of the basement staircase) are required. This is to ensure that occupiers do
not have to escape through a trapped layer of smoke and heat;
The route of escape from a basement habitable room should not pass through a risk
room such as a living room or kitchen. Ideally a separate exit to an ultimate place of
safety is required at basement level. However, where this is not possible escape
windows should be provided to all habitable rooms in the basement (see the glossary
for escape window requirements). If escape windows cannot be provided then a 30
minute protected route is required, and
The AFD and warning system in the house should be extended to cover the
basement. It should be of the same grade and type as that required for the remainder
of the house.
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March 2014
2.6.2 Unoccupied Basements/Cellars
Unoccupied basements and cellars are often used for storage and usually contain gas and
electric meters and electrical wiring. As a result fire can spread quickly and attack the
underside of the ground floor, thus compromising the escape route at ground floor level.
 Thirty minute fire separation between the basement and the ground floor escape
route, including the staircase soffit and spandrel, with a self-closing FD30S door fitted
at the head of the basement stairs. Note for single household or low risk shared
houses (both of no more than two storeys), where the basement is well maintained,
the existing construction such as lath and plaster or plasterboard can be accepted
provided it is sound and conventional. Also an existing door at the head of the
basement stairs can be accepted provided it is solid, in a sound condition and self–
closing. Lightweight doors or those with very thin panels should be avoided, and
 There should be AFD coverage in the basement/cellar areas. It should be of the
same level as that installed in the remainder of the house. Large multi-roomed cellars
may require a number of detectors as appropriate. As a minimum there should be
interlinked hard wired smoke alarms with integral battery backup in the circulation
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March 2014
Automatic Fire Detection (“AFD”)
The presence of a suitable, properly installed and maintained fire detection and warning
system will alert occupiers to the presence of a fire in its early stages and it will enable
them to evacuate the house to a place of safety before escape routes become blocked by
smoke or directly affected by fire. An AFD should therefore be designed to wake people
who are sleeping and to alert the presence of a developing fire in any hidden areas such as
a store room or cellar, before the fire affects the escape route.
Type and Grade of AFD
AFDs are described by type and grade. Type refers to the parts of a property that the AFD
covers and grade to the design of the system.
 Type LD1 systems incorporate mains-wired, interlinked detectors in all areas of a
property and the route of escape;
 Type LD2 systems incorporate mains-wired, interlinked detectors in the route of
escape and all rooms that open directly onto it, including the entrance lobbies of any
self contained flat that may be present. Suitable detection will be required in any
basement or cellar. This type of system is appropriate for higher fire risk properties
as both the route of escape and the high fire risk rooms are protected;
 Type LD3 systems incorporate mains-wired, interlinked detectors along the route of
escape only and any cellar. This type of system is appropriate for lower risk
properties, and
 Type LD3 Plus systems incorporate mains-wired, interlinked detectors along the
route of escape together with an interlinked heat detector in the kitchen and
interlinked smoke alarms to the lounge/living room and any cellar.
Grades - BS 5839:part 6 (2004) details the grades of an AFD. There are 6 in total, grades A
to F. For the purpose of this guidance however, grades will be explained:
 Grade A AFDs (or monitored fire alarm systems) comprise a series of electrically
operated smoke and/or heat detectors which are linked to a control panel that is
normally located in the ground floor hallway of a property. The panel should comply
with BS 5739: part 4 and the wiring, siting and type of detectors and sounders with
BS 5839: part1. BS5839 is the British Standard that covers the design, installation
and maintenance of fire alarm systems and AFDs should be fitted in accordance with
it. Grade A AFDs are appropriate for higher risk HMOs as the control panel
constantly monitors the detectors and sounders to ensure that they are functioning
properly. If a fault occurs then the control panel indicates this;
 Grade D AFDs comprise a system of ceiling-mounted and mains-powered smoke (or
heat) alarms each with an integral sounder and battery standby supply, for example
an automatically rechargeable battery. The detectors are inter-linked so that when
one detector is activated all the alarms sound. Grade D detector/sounder units are
the normal domestic battery operated smoke/heat detectors but are manufactured so
as to be capable of being mains-wired and inter-linked. Grade D systems are less
expensive to purchase and install than Grade A systems. However they are of a
lower specification and therefore not suitable for higher fire risk HMOs, and
Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
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March 2014
Mixed Grade Systems. In some properties, for example student cluster flats where
there are individual occupancies in shared self contained flats in multiple occupation,
a mixed grade system may be appropriate. In these cases the flat is protected by a
local automatic fire alarm system i.e. it is not connected to the main system for the
building. This is so that, when activated it only gives warning to the occupants of the
flat and so reduces the disruptive effect of false alarms elsewhere in the building.
With the exception of some types of properties, a risk assessment should be carried
out to determine whether or not such a system is required.
Smoke/heat detectors should be mains wired and inter-linked so that when one detector is
activated all alarms sound. In addition each detector unit should have an integral sounder
and battery standby supply. As a minimum they should comply with BS 5446. In order to
avoid false alarms heat detectors should be fitted in rooms where cooking facilities are
provided. Smoke detectors are required in all other areas, with the exception of bathrooms
or WCs. However, if there is a risk of a fire starting in a bathroom or WC compartment, (i.e.
if there is a source of ignition such as a wall mounted electric radiant fire) then a heat
detector should be fitted. Note that electrically operated showers are not regarded as a
source of ignition.
With regard to their sounding, the number of detectors fitted in a property and their siting
should be such that, when all doors are closed, a sound level of 75 dB(A) minimum is
achieved at the bed head. In all other accessible parts of the dwelling a sound level of not
less than 65 dB(A) should be achieved.
Testing and Maintenance
Routine testing and maintenance of AFD systems is essential and recommendations set
out in BS 5839: part 1, Section 6 should be followed. It is recommended that all systems
are tested at least once per year by a specialist alarm engineer to ensure that they respond
to smoke. Specific test aerosols should be used and the test should be recorded in a log
book. A periodic inspection report and test certificate should be issued. In addition to this
routine testing and maintenance should be carried out as follows:
Grade A systems:
 At least one detector or call point in each zone should be tested weekly to ensure
correct operation. Any defects and remedial action should be recorded in the log
 A six-monthly service should be undertaken by a competent person, normally an
alarm engineer, to carry out a full test as specified in BS 5839. This should be
recorded in the logbook and a periodic inspection report and test certificate issued.
Grade D systems:
 The button of each alarm should be pressed every month and this action recorded in
a logbook. This can be carried out by tenants where they have been provided with
clear instructions for undertaking the test and recording the results. Faults or false
alarms should be reported to the landlord or agent.
 The system should be cleaned periodically in accordance with the manufacturer’s
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March 2014
Commercial/ Domestic Property
Where commercial accommodation is located in close proximity to residential uses, such as
flats above shops, any fire in the commercial area can quickly spread into the neighbouring
residential use. This is particularly so at night when a fire may not be noticed until it is well
developed. A risk assessment will determine the level of risk but it is considered high risk
where there is accommodation above a pub, hot food take-away or restaurant. Generally
60 minutes fire separation is required between the uses. In lower risk commercial
properties, the fire separation can be reduced to 30 minutes where an AFD is installed in
the commercial unit and it is linked to the residential use. In higher risk premises, 60
minutes fire separation and an AFD will be required. Consultation with WYFRA should take
place on mixed use buildings.
Emergency Lighting
Emergency lighting should automatically illuminate when there is complete failure of the
power supply to the artificial lighting or localised failure within the lighting circuit. It should
illuminate an escape route to enable people to exit to a place of safety. It should also
highlight any hazards such as stairs and changes in direction, and should enable easy
identification of any manual fire alarm call points and fire fighting equipment along the route
of escape. Importantly the system should be designed to comply with BS 5266 Parts 1 and
In most cases the need for emergency lighting is determined by risk assessment. Factors to
consider in the assessment include the size and layout of the property; the length of the
escape route; the presence or absence of natural or borrowed light in the escape route and
the vulnerability of the occupiers of the property.
If fitted, lights should be mounted approximately two metres above floor level (when
measured to the underside of the luminaire) and in the following positions:
 Near any intersections of corridors;
 Above final exit doors;
 Near each change of direction (other than on a stairway);
 Within each stairway so that each flight of stairs receives direct light;
 Near each manual fire alarm call point;
 Outside any secondary escape exit if the street lighting is poor;
 Near each fire alarm call point; and
 Near fire fighting equipment.
Near is normally considered to be within two metres, measured horizontally. The route
should be reasonably uniformly lit.
As with AFDs, emergency lighting systems should be routinely inspected and tested.
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March 2014
Escape Windows
Escape windows will only be considered satisfactory if they meet the following criteria:
They have an unobstructed openable area that is at least 0.33m ; a minimum height
and width of 450mm, and the bottom of the openable area should not be more than
1100mm above the floor. All windows must comply with the above as they are
building regulation requirements. Where an existing conversion does not comply with
the building regulations, then the Housing Regulation Team should be contacted so
that other options can be considered;
Please note that in situations where any part of an openable window is below 800mm
from floor level, the window must have a quick release opening restrictor suitable for
means of escape windows. Any glazing extending to within 800mm of the floor level
must be safety glass or glazed to meet Building Regulation requirements;
They serve rooms whose floor level is no more than 4.5m from the ground;
For shared and single household properties, entry to the room containing the escape
window can be gained without the use of a key;
The ground below the escape window is level and free from obstructions and other
encumbrances, such as basement light wells and railings;
They are openable from the inside without the use of a removable key, and
They lead to a place of safety, clear of the building;
Occupiers should be able-bodied individuals who can be reasonably expected to exit
via the window unaided.
If these requirements cannot be met, the use of the escape window should not be accepted
and an alternative solution should be adopted.
Fire Fighting Equipment
Fire blankets and simple fire extinguishers can be useful in restricting the development and
spread of small fires in their early stages. However, unless the fire is very small, occupants
should be advised to evacuate the building to a place of safety and call the fire and rescue
Fire Extinguishers
LACORS recommend that simple multi-purpose extinguishers are provided on each floor in
the common parts of HMOs and buildings containing flats. However, the potential for
extinguishers to be discharged through horseplay or malice in certain types of HMO’s may
negate this requirement. Where extinguishers are installed they should comply with BS EN
3-7 and be maintained in accordance with BS 5306-3. Suitable instructions and training
should be given to tenants on their correct use at the start of the tenancy.
Fire Blankets
With the exception of HMO’s, fire blankets are recommended as good practice in kitchens
of all houses, including single household occupation. Where provided they should be
capable of dealing with small fires such as cooking fires or fires involving clothing, and they
should comply with BS 6575 or equivalent. They should be wall mounted (approximately
1.5m high) and situated sufficient distance from a cooking facility(ies) so that the blanket
can be safely removed from its housing in the event of a fire. Note that they should be
closer to the room exit than the cooking facility itself.
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March 2014
House In Multiple Occupation (“HMO”)
An HMO is a property is defined in Section 254 of the Housing Act 2004. A HMO includes a
property occupied by 2 or more unrelated people who make up 2 or more households (see
the definition of “household” below) for the purposes of Part 1 of the Housing Act 2004
(Housing conditions and enforcement of housing standards). For Part 2 of the Act, which
relates to the Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation, a HMO is a property occupied by
3 or more un related people who make up 2 or more households. High risk HMO’s, namely
properties comprised or 3 or more storeys, including any basement/cellar, and occupied by
5 or more mainly unrelated people who share some or all basic amenities(kitchen, toilets
and bathroom facilities) are required to be licensed under the provisions of Part 2 of the
Housing Act 2004.
The term ‘ single household’ is referred to Section 258 of the Housing Act 2004. A single
household means either a single person or members of the same family who are living
together This includes people who are married or living together as a married couple
(including same sex couples). ‘Family’ means specific relatives - parents, grandparents,
children and step-children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces
or cousins. Foster children are treated as part of their parent’s household.
Inner Rooms
An inner room is a room where the only escape route is through another room, termed the
“outer” or “access” room. Inner rooms present a risk to the occupier should a fire start
unnoticed in an outer or access room.
An inner room situation may be accepted where the inner room is a bathroom, kitchen or
WC room. However, where the inner room is a habitable room such as a living room or
bedroom, then the following must be considered in order to remove the high risk factor
associated with this type of arrangement:
 Redesigning the flat/bedsit by providing lobbies and corridors so that a traditional
route of escape is created within the unit, or
 Where the inner room is small, removing where possible the structure between the
inner and outer room, thereby creating one larger room.
Where the above have been considered and the inner room layout is still unavoidable, the
following measures may be acceptable:
 The provision of an alternative exit from the inner room directly onto the route of
escape; OR
 The provision of an escape window from the inner room which will allow for rescue by
the fire and rescue service (see the section on escape windows); and
 The provision of an FD30S door between the inner and outer room, and
 The provision of an adequate AFD in the inner and outer room which should be of the
same grade as that in the remainder of the building or flat.
In addition, the following requirements must be met for the arrangement to be acceptable:
 The outer room must be under the same control as the inner room;
 Nobody should have to pass through more than one outer room to make their
escape, and
 The outer room should not be a risk room. Where this is impracticable, an exit via a
door or escape window may be an acceptable arrangement.
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March 2014
Low Risk
In order for a property to be classified as low risk the following features must be present:
 3 storeys or less above ground;
 An occupancy of 6 or less people, who are able bodied and capable of using the
means of escape without assistance; the occupiers do not present a higher risk due
to factors such as limited mobility or alcohol/drug dependency;
 Either a secondary alternative means of escape, for example a dedicated escape
window at first floor in addition to the normal route of escape having sound,
conventional construction (which for the purpose of ‘low risk’ cannot pass through a
risk room) or an enhanced fire detection system at the property - an LD2 Grade D
AFD; and
 There is a minimal chance of a fire occurring and few, if any, highly combustible or
flammable materials or other fuel for a fire present.
Manual Fire Alarms
A manual fire alarm system consists of break glass points that are situated next to final exit
doors (and in larger multiple storey properties, on each landing). It allows the occupier of a
property to raise the alarm in the event of a fire prior to the AFD being activated. In most
cases, with the exception of buildings converted into self-contained flats and Category A
HMOs, the need for a manual fire alarm system is determined by risk assessment.
Protected Route of Escape and Fire Doors
Protected Route
A protected route should remain free from smoke and fire for a time to allow occupiers to
pass safely along it to a place of safety. Ideally the standard of fire resistance enclosing the
protected route is 30 minutes. To achieve this, the walls and ceilings to stairs, including the
structure separating the ground floor and basement level, should be of 30 minute fire
resisting construction. Sound lath and plaster can be regarded as this. However, if the
plaster is un-keyed or perished, then it should be renewed or over-boarded. Surface
coverings to walls and ceilings should be of a nature that will not assist the spread of flame.
Gas or electric meters located in cupboards that are large enough to be capable of storing
potentially flammable materials and which are situated in the staircase enclosure, should be
encased with materials with a 30 minute fire resistance.
Similarly storage cupboards situated within the staircase enclosure should be kept locked
shut and lined with material to provide 30 minute fire resistance. A 30 minute fire door to
the cupboard and a AFD fitted within the room.
In lower risk properties, for example an average single household occupancy, or ‘low risk’
shared houses, the standard for a protected route may be relaxed. In such cases, however
the property must meet the following criteria:
 the stairs must lead directly to the final exit without passing through a risk room;
 the staircase enclosure must be of sound construction throughout the route;
 all risk rooms should be fitted with sound, close-fitting, conventional doors
(lightweight doors and doors with very thin panels should be avoided); and
 an appropriate system of automatic fire detection and warning is in place.
A protected route should be maintained free from any obstructions and/or fire risks.
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March 2014
Fire Doors
Where fire resisting walls are specified, then any doors within the wall must provide fire
resistance to at least the same standard usually for 30 or 60 minutes. Fire doors are
specified by the integrity performance time of the doorset, being an frame and door
manufactured to be fitted together. For example an FD30 is a 30 minute fire door where the
door or frame is fitted with an intumescent strip. A letter ‘S’ after the figure denotes a
requirement for cold smoke seals to be fitted in addition to the intumescent strips e.g.
Doors without smoke seals are fitted where there is an AFD with LD3 coverage. Whereas
doors with smoke seal are fitted where there is an AFD with LD2 coverage.
It is recommended that existing doors and frames are replaced with a new doorset rather
than being upgraded. However, where door frames are square and in sound condition they
may be capable of being upgraded. Doors should not be upgraded unless they are of
special architectural merit such as those used in listed buildings. Professional advice can
be obtained from TRADA or English Heritage for technical advice on upgrading doors that
have subject to fire tests.
All fire doors should be installed and maintained in accordance with BS 8214:1990.
The final exit door(s) from an HMO or a building containing flats must be fitted with a lock
that can be opened from the inside without the use of a key. Similarly doors separating
units of accommodation from the escape route must be capable of being opened from the
inside without the use of a key such as thumb turn locks.
Self-closing devices must be fitted to all entrance doors to flats and bedsit rooms complying
with BS EN 1154: 1997. They must also be fitted to fire doors on risk rooms in shared
houses where the occupancy is seven or more, or where it is deemed appropriate by risk
Risk Assessment
For the purpose of this guidance “risk assessment” relates to a fire risk assessment, an
organised and methodical look at premises. The aim of an assessment is to identify fire
hazards in a house; to reduce the risk of those hazards causing harm to as low as
reasonably practicable and to decide what physical fire precautions and management
arrangements are necessary to ensure the safety of people in the premises if a fire does
start. The assessment should be undertaken by the responsible person i.e. the person who
has control of the premises. The principles of risk assessment for fire safety at Section 1
deals with risk assessment in greater detail.
Risk Room
A risk room is a room with a function, where its use or contents present a risk of a fire
occurring and developing. Typically this would be a kitchen, shared living room or bedsit
room. However on risk assessment it could also include bedrooms due to their location,
vulnerability of the tenant or any other factors which would increase the risk of fire. It
excludes bathrooms and WC’s containing no fire risk
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Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014
Sprinkler & Mist Systems
Water suppression systems detect, give warning, control, contain and often extinguish a
fire. They consist of supply pipes that are permanently filled with water and fire suppression
heads. The suppression heads are fitted with small thermal elements that are activated by
heat. Each unit is independent and in most fires just one suppression head is operated.
Further advice should be sought from Building Control Services, West Yorkshire Fire and
Rescue Service and the Housing Regulation/HMO Team should consideration be given to
installing a water suppression system.
Storeys for fire safety purposes used in this guidance, need to be counted from the final exit
door to the uppermost level, including mezzanines as a storey. Where the final exit is
located on the ground floor, or raised ground floor, any lower ground floor or basement or
cellar should not be counted as a storey. Please note that this definition of storey is
different to that used in HMO Licensing, as in this guidance the travel distance to the final
exit door is the factor in determining fire risk.
Whole Stair Lighting
Such lighting comprises of a dedicated lighting circuit so that the use of any one
switch/control anywhere along the route will illuminate the entire escape route. In the case of
HMOs or flats with habitable basements, then two lighting systems can be installed. The first
illuminates all floors at ground level and above, and the second illuminates the basement
and ground floor levels. Where push button slow release light switches are used, the
duration should be assessed, taking account of the travel distance in the circulation area to
reach the flat or room from the final exit door and the mobility of the occupiers.
Environmental Health
Housing, Environment and Renewal
Directorate of Economy and Environment
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Fire Safety Standards in Dwellings
Calderdale MBC – Revision 0
March 2014