Merits and Demerits - School City of Hobart

Band Awards – Merit and Demerit System
Merit Awards
Merit awards are given upon completion of the required total merits and officially
presented at the following concert band performance. If a student wishes to purchase a
band jacket, a parent can sew these patches on.
9th Grade
10-12th Grades
10-12th Grades
Freshman Patch
Graduation # Patch
Band Varsity Patch
50 merits
75 merits
150 merits
Concert Band, per performance – 3
MB competition, performance – 3
FB or BB game, per performance – 2
Fourth of July Parade – 5
Homecoming Parade – 5
Solo at Solo & Ensemble Auditions – 10
Ensemble at Solo & Ensemble Auditions – 5
Accompanist at Solo & Ensemble (each event) – 5
Attending Concerts (college or professional; turn in program) – 2
Private Lessons (per semester) – 10
Musical performer (pit orchestra) – 3
Fall Fundraiser (per $100 sales) – 2
Usher for concerts (each time) – 2
Student Aid (per quarter) – 5
Concessions help (per game) – 2
IBA All-Region, All-District, and/or All-State – 10
Jazz Band – 10
People serving on committees will receive merits in relationship to the amount of work
done. Merits are accumulated from one year to the next.
Merits for Band Council
President (elected) – 20
Vice President (elected) – 15
Secretary/Treasurer (elected) – 15
Drum Major (appointed) – 15
Social Chair (elected) – 10
Head Librarian (appointed) – 10
Library Committee – 5 per member
Equipment Manager (appointed) – 10
Merits are issued by the Band Director.
Demerit System
Demerits are issued by the Band Director. Students will be notified of demerits as
they receive them. They should be worked off by the following week. Coming in and
doing one hour of work approved by the Band Director can remove one demerit. Any
demerit not worked off in a marking period will lower a student’s grade one-third of a
mark (A to A-, or B+ to B). If a student has six or more demerits not worked off by the
end of a quarter, he/she will receive a failing grade for the quarter. A student who
receives a demerit during the last week of a grading period will have one week to
eliminate them.
1 – Tardiness at an extra rehearsal
2 – Absence from an extra rehearsal without an excuse
3 – Tardiness at a performance
6 – Absence at a performance for reasons other than illness or death in the family.
1 – Chewing gum or eating candy during a rehearsal (double at a performance).
1 – Improper Behavior at a rehearsal (double at a performance).
1 – Failure to bring instrument and supplies to a rehearsal.
1 – Losing music
1 – Improper care of marching band uniform.
1 – Incomplete uniform in public view.
1 – Improper care of school owned instrument.
The use of any form of intoxicants or drugs at any band functions is a very serious
offense, which will result in 12 demerits. It will immediately be reported to the
appropriate school administrator for action deemed by the HHS student handbook.